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A motorhome on wheels, and even equipped with your own hands, is the dream of many lovers of auto travel and outdoor activities. It provides its owner with amazing freedom when traveling, freeing him from the need to look for and book a hotel, purchase tickets, pack suitcases, etc. In addition, your own motorhome makes it easy to travel even big family, including pets - for this it is necessary to use the appropriate furniture, usually transformable.

When a caravan on wheels first appeared on the road, it is quite difficult to answer. The first such experience was implemented by the Jennings company back in the 38th year of the last century, although self-made models of motorhomes appeared much earlier. All motorhomes on wheels can be equipped with almost all the necessary attributes of a familiar and comfortable life - bathroom, shower, gas stove, full berth, which are present even in the smallest motorhomes, which are often based on the budget gazelle in Russia.

Depending on what type of caravan belongs to, it can be:

  • trailed;
  • van;
  • combined.

A fairly common practice at the present time is the hand-made re-equipment of a suitable vehicle, the same domestic gazelle, into comfortable motorhomes for travel. But before making a motorhome on wheels with your own hands, you need to determine the main purpose of the conversion - long or short-term residence in the motorhome, as well as select or make the appropriate furniture.

RV classes

According to the generally accepted classification, all motorhomes on wheels are divided into three main classes:

Attention! Any class "A" motorhome made on the basis of a bus or truck, according to the transport classification, requires the driver to have a category "C" license.

Speaking about the classification of motorhome trailers, the following concepts should be highlighted:

Trailer tent

A homemade motorhome on wheels does not have to be expensive and difficult to manufacture, especially if it is used relatively rarely and for a small number of people. Some types of motorhomes do not even require furniture and are used as a sleeping place. In order to independently make a caravan trailer, you will need to make some effort and a sufficient amount of time.

The main "power" element of such a motorhome is a frame, which can be purchased ready-made, or assemble it yourself, which will require skill and certain technical knowledge. When self-manufacturing, special attention should be paid to anti-corrosion treatment of all steel elements of the future motorhome.

The frame mounted on the chassis prepared for the motorhome can be either steel or wood. When creating it, the main attention should be paid to the quality of the connection of parts, since when such a motorhome trailer moves, the entire structure will be subjected to serious dynamic and vibration loads. Inside such a motorhome, you can arrange a fairly comfortable sleeping place, and at the time of stops for rest, the design of the motorhome unfolds, and a tent is quickly set up on top. Such a motorhome on wheels, the photo of which is presented below, is optimal for short trips and simple outdoor recreation.

Another option for the device of such a trailer can be seen in the video:

How to make a motorhome on wheels with your own hands

In order to make a motor home on wheels with your own hands, you can use any minibus, truck or even a bus. In order to create it, you will need to make a lot of effort, time, and be ready for a fairly serious material investment, which later will more than pay off with comfort when traveling in your own motorhome.

The process of turning a standard gazelle into a motorhome on wheels will definitely be accompanied by a number of works that are mandatory:

In the event that a mobile home trailer is created for the purpose of long journeys, it is advisable to provide for the presence of a good audio-video system and satellite TV... If financial possibilities permit, it will be good option installation of solar panels, which will extend the life of the generator.

Attention! In most cases, re-equipment of a vehicle into a caravan trailer requires a preliminary legalization of all "alterations" in order to avoid legal problems in the future.

Internal work

Many lovers of travel with comfort are interested in the question of how much a motorhome on wheels in Russia costs, but having learned the cost of the finished version, they prefer to create a motorhome with their own hands. And this makes sense, since making a motorhome on wheels from a gazelle with their own hands is within the power of any person who is ready to put in a certain amount of effort and spend his time on it.

The first thing that needs to be done inside the cabin of the future motorhome on wheels is to dismantle the partition located behind the passenger seats. If it is bolted, there will be no problems; if a welded joint is used, a grinder is required. After dismantling, the interior should be completely freed from the interior decoration. In parallel with this, it is worth checking the metal parts for the presence of foci of corrosion. Take measures to eliminate them, keeping in mind that it will be much more difficult to disassemble a finished motorhome.

Before proceeding with the insulation and interior decoration of the motorhome, you should carefully consider the water and power supply system, since all pipes and electrical cables are best hidden under the casing - this will avoid accidental damage. After that, a motorhome on wheels based on a gazelle requires serious insulation. In addition to special materials with vibration and thermal insulation characteristics, you can use basalt mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam for a motorhome.

An important point in finishing the motorhome on wheels inside and out is the protective treatment of the material used. Thus, additional metal elements outside the motorhome must have a high-quality anti-corrosion treatment. Internal cladding elements are usually made of wood. For their treatment, it is recommended to use a special fire-retardant impregnation, which will prevent the spread of flame, will not allow the formation of fungus, which may simply be impossible to get rid of.

Certain ideas for creating your own project can be "borrowed" from the manufacturers of such houses by watching the following video:

Gas and electrical equipment

Any motorhome on wheels - a Mercedes or a gazelle, requires a special attitude in terms of electricity and gas supply. Do not naively believe that without proper education, you can perform high-quality electrical wiring and install the appropriate equipment in a motorhome. The same applies to gas equipment.

For example, few people know that for a gas cylinder in any motorhome, it is necessary to "allocate" a separate closed area, in the lower part of which there should be openings that communicate with the outside atmosphere. This will allow propane, which is heavier than air, to escape from the RV, if it leaks, and will not cause poisoning or fire in the passenger compartment.

An important point for a motorhome is the correct calculation of the battery capacity. To ensure maximum autonomy, the daily energy consumption of all devices in the motorhome should be summed up. The resulting value in watts will need to be divided by 12 (V), resulting in a value in ampere-hours (Ah) - it is this value that is indicated on the battery and allows you to judge its power. So, when the energy consumption in a motorhome is 50-60 Ah / day, it is optimal to purchase a battery of 120-150 Ah... Such a motorhome on wheels will be able to function autonomously for two days. It is advisable to provide an external socket for recharging the battery of the motorhome in parking lots.


Despite the fact that at present it will not be a problem to buy ready-made furniture for a motorhome, according to reviews, it is not able to satisfy all the needs of car owners, especially those who create a motorhome on wheels according to their own drawings. Therefore, the best option is either her self-production, or an individual order for furniture production.

In most cases, making your own furniture is more optimal for a motorhome. Since for a small motorhome, for example, based on a standard gazelle or UAZ, not so much furniture is required, and it does not differ in particular complexity, you can save money at this stage of work. For the proper level of comfort in a motorhome, as a rule, the following furniture structures are made:

  • dining table, to save space in a small motorhome, it is better to use a folding option;
  • kitchen table with sink and work surface;
  • open shelves or drawers located under the ceiling of the motorhome;
  • if you have a toilet in a motorhome on wheels, you will need to make a partition with a door.

When a KAMAZ or a bus is taken as a base for a motorhome, the amount of furniture listed above increases. When making a motorhome on wheels with your own hands, to facilitate the task of determining the type and quantity of furniture, you can use special computer programs, or draw a detailed plan for the future layout of the motorhome on paper, where you can clearly indicate not only the type of furniture, but also its location.

How the most expensive mobile home can be made out can be seen in the photo - clearly visible how sophisticated and comfortable interior furnishings can be.

When building a house on wheels with your own hands, you should pay attention to the quality of materials. So, for furniture it is advisable to use moisture-resistant materials that are resistant to household chemicals, since cleaning in any type of motorhome - from a bus, a trailer or a gazelle - will have to be done quite often.

Making a camper with your own hands is not too difficult for an experienced craftsman. But the timing of such a construction can be very delayed due to the constant improvement of the design. In order not to get into such a situation, you should think over the interior in advance, abandoning obviously unnecessary elements. This is especially important when equipping small cars, for example, when creating a home on wheels from a GAZelle with your own hands.

A mobile home has undeniable advantages - comfort, coziness and mobility. Moscow is a bustling city from which you sometimes want to leave. Trailer owners do not have to look for a place to sleep, and travel becomes very economical. If earlier it was not possible to use this original housing, you should first familiarize yourself with their classification.

Types of motorhomes and their classification

When choosing the type of future mobile housing, you can be guided by its division by:

  • mind - there are trailed, van or caravans combined with a car;
  • class - there are three comfort classes of motorhomes;
  • trailer type - there are trailer trailers, hybrid trailers and fifth-wheel trailers.

If with trailed view Since everything is clear in a mobile home, the difference between a van and a combined caravan is not immediately visible. In the first embodiment, the living space is located in the van of the car and is separated from the driver's seat.

This option is suitable when traveling together, when no one stays in the "house" during the travels. Thanks to this design, it is possible to fit more functional furniture using a blank front wall.

Motorhomes converted from GAZelles or minibuses are exactly combined.

The comfort class can be called conditional. Thus, class “A” mobile homes include spacious trailers made on the chassis of large trucks. Outwardly, they resemble a bus, they can have folding structures, but inside they do not differ in functionality from a small apartment.

It should be borne in mind that the driver must have a category "C" license to drive this vehicle.

There is much less space in it, but it is still convenient to travel in them. What is important - you can drive such a car with a category B license if the weight of the car or the total weight of the car with a trailer does not exceed 3.5 tons.

Class "C" indicates the simplest motorhomes. It can be a small trailer or a minibus converted into a camper. There is no separate sleeping place - its function is performed by folding sofas or armchairs. But by equipping such a mini camper with a roof rack, a folding canopy and a set of camping furniture, you can get a comfortable stay with a minimum of costs.

Such construction trailers are also called hybrid trailers to distinguish them from simple trailers. Separately, it is necessary to note the Fiveswil trailers, the shape of which is designed for use in conjunction with pickups. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the length of the entire caravan, because part of the trailer hangs over the body of the car.

Mistakes when building mobile homes with your own hands

The prices for mobile homes are noticeably biting. Not surprisingly, the desire of the skilled heads of families to save the budget and do everything yourself. It is important to be wise and learn from other people's mistakes:

  • you should not do everything from scrap materials - you will have to live in the house for at least a week and you want to spend your vacation in comfort;
  • serious revision of the body, heating system, wiring will be required - you cannot do without the skills of an auto mechanic;
  • if you still managed to fit the shower and toilet, do not forget about the drain tank - pouring dirty water onto the asphalt or lawn is extremely unethical;
  • it is better not to forget to make a connector for connecting 220V at camping sites, well, and a converter for 12V from a car battery.

Making a trailer in-house

If difficulties do not frighten, and the desire for action is unstoppable, you can try your hand at building a house. And to remake a GAZelle or build a trailer-trailer from scratch - the choice is strictly individual!

DIY GAZelle mobile home

To work you will need a grinder, a welding machine, a hand saw for wood and a lot of patience. The step-by-step modernization of the car looks like this:

  1. The seats are removed from the passenger compartment, the old trim is removed. All metal parts are treated with a special solution to prevent rust. The walls and ceiling are insulated with polyethylene foam, plywood sheets are laid on the floor. All wiring runs under the floor and wall cladding, this should be thought out in advance.
  2. A frame for furniture is welded directly into the body. If it is impossible to set the car straight, you can use a pipe resting its ends against the lower edge of the window openings as a level. After rough welding, the frame is removed and everything is welded, cleaned and brought inside again.
  3. Window openings are pasted over with Carpet. Carpet-pasted ceiling panels are also installed. After finishing the interior trim, you can fix the slats under the mezzanine and mount the furniture frames.
  4. For the front seats, you can make a swivel mechanism. To do this, you will need a front hub, for example, from a VAZ and part of a swivel stand. The circuit is pretty simple.
  5. The final stage is the installation of the furniture on the frame, connecting the lighting, installing the pump for the kitchen sink, lining the mezzanine and making minor improvements to the interior. For cooking, you can put a small gas stove on one burner.
  6. Instead of welding the furniture frame, you can use ready-made headsets, reinforcing them from the inside with corners and additional screws. You also need to fix the kitchen to everything - the floor, sofa, wall. This is to protect furniture from loosening when driving on bumpy roads.

It should not be forgotten that such a modification of the car requires registration with the REO. To do this, you need to write a statement and receive a resolution from the technical department of the traffic police and the protocol of an authorized organization.

Stylish plywood trailer house

If the car has a towbar, it is a sin not to take advantage of the situation and not make a nice "drop" trailer for spending the night outside the city. For this:

  1. The side walls of the future van are cut and attached to the base. All openings for doors and windows, as well as for lightening the frame, must be cut out in advance, so it is better to think over the drawing well.
  2. Shelves are assembled from the furniture board and installed on the base. The same shelves will serve as the front and rear walls of the van.
  3. In the shape of the van, a plywood sheet is bent over the shelves on both sides, and a load-bearing frame made of timber is fixed on top. One side is lifted, giving access to the kitchen.
  4. The top hatch and skylight are cut out. The entire frame is insulated, the wiring is laid.
  5. Everything is glued on top with veneer sheets. When the door and window openings have been cut, you can proceed to the exterior painting and varnishing.
  6. Doors, top hatch and supply and exhaust ventilation are installed. After securing all fittings, side lights and fenders for the wheels, you can safely go on a journey!

And the video shows a detailed assembly of the motorhome with the installation of solar panels:

Experienced travelers know that it is not always possible to sleep comfortably and cheaply. Therefore, at long journeys and having your own car, it is a sin not to buy a towbar and not to pick up a caravan trailer. In fact, this is a house on wheels - such a small number with a kitchen, a toilet ... Well, in general, with all the objects of civilization. In such a "mini-hotel" you can not only comfortably spend the night, but even cook food for several people, and dine there, and most importantly - completely free! And today we will look at how a do-it-yourself trailer is made.

Undercarriage and frame

The main component of any trailer is the frame. It is on it that the entire load falls from the metal body (the frame of the "house"), and from below the bridge, beam and wheels. By the way, you will not have any special difficulties with regard to the chassis, because the design of the trailer does not fundamentally differ from the car system, with the exception of the engine units. Therefore, when you make a trailer-dacha with your own hands, as running system you can completely "pull out" part of the wheels, springs and other suspension parts from any old car. Any car model can be suitable for such a vehicle, be it Volga, Moskvich or Zhiguli.

How to make a caravan trailer with your own hands? Designing rooms

And if the algorithm for designing a trailer-dacha from the usual cargo version practically does not differ at the stages of the structure of the chassis and frame, then difficulties may arise with the body. The fact is that a homemade caravan trailer should really be comfortable and practical, so even on the drawing you need to develop a plan for the design and location of all parts. Indicate where the bedroom, kitchen will be located, and if it is a frame with a length of 5 meters or more, you can additionally install a bathroom. However, remember that each new room entails additional waste, which means that the price of a finished trailer will be significant. Moreover, in order to legally ride in such a coupling, you also need to register this vehicle in the traffic police. And this is at least a few thousand dollars on top. Therefore, do not oversaturate your trailer with unnecessary devices.

Retrofitting option

The most practical option homemade trailer is a structure in which a built-in frame under the awning is located on the side (remember the legendary Soviet "Skif"). When unfolded, it creates a kind of large tent. This significantly reduces the cost of work and the effort spent on it. Such a do-it-yourself cottage trailer is very functional and at the same time convenient to use.

Trailer hitch and illumination

At the final stage, it is worth taking care of how the finished structure will be attached to the car's towbar. Also, a homemade caravan trailer should have a pair of brake lights and turn signals. In the center or on the side, think over the location for the license plate and bring the backlight to it, best of all LED. Such a trailer cottage on wheels will definitely be the best hotel for a traveler.

Do-it-yourself cottage trailer from a light trailer

Trailer for car

Those who like to go out of town by car with an overnight stay know that it is not convenient to sleep in the car, so you need to take a caravan trailer with you. This is a house on wheels, you can spend the night in it, cook food, perfectly protect yourself from rain and snow. There you can put a large bed and have a great time. The dacha trailer itself is very convenient.

There are many manufacturers who produce different mobile homes. But they are quite expensive, sometimes even b. at. caravan trailers also cost a lot of money. Therefore, many craftsmen make a dacha trailer with their own hands, inventing their own design. For each individual case, its own type of trailer-dacha.

The advantages of making a caravan trailer with your own hands

Unlike factory caravan trailers, homemade options has its advantages:

  • When you make a trailer-dacha with your own hands, then the soul of the one who made it is felt in it, therefore it is more comfortable in it.
  • By making a caravan trailer yourself, you can make it as convenient as possible for yourself.
  • The main plus is the low cost of production, and the functionality can be maximized.
  • The design is made taking into account the capabilities of the car.

Inexpensive trailer-cottage option

The simplest and most inexpensive is the tent trailer. When folded, it looks like a simple light trailer, and when folded out, a tent roof appears above the trailer and a little further from it.

To make such a camper, you need to buy a factory trailer, install fasteners for the base of the tent on it, and also make a folding porch so that you can enter the premises. The main thing here is to make sure that the tent fits to the trailer in size.

In order to equip the intra-tent space, you will need air mattresses and folding table... This is quite enough for fishermen who went fishing with an overnight stay. 2-3 people can easily sleep in such a tent. But it will be cold in winter, so such a caravan trailer is suitable only for the warm season.

Capsule trailer

The base also contains an ordinary light trailer, but the result is a more solid dwelling. These will already be full-fledged walls with a roof. You can even live in such a trailer-dacha for some time. Several windows can be made for convenience. The tent should contain all the necessary household items such as a gas stove, dishes and other accessories.

To make such a capsule, the sides of the trailer must be removed. Make guides from a metal corner and weld them to the trailer. Next, you need to make a frame and fix it.

In order for the capsule to have a rounded shape, it must be cut out of special moisture-resistant plywood. In the upper part, you can make a flooring, put doors on the hinges, windows can be made of polycarbonate or plexiglass.

All parts must be sanded, then painted and varnished. This capsule can easily fit 2 people.

Wooden caravan trailer

If you have a two-axle trailer, you can build a wooden house on its basis. For everything to go smoothly, you need a wooden beam, plywood, metal tiles, a waterproofing film. A frame is first made of a wooden bar. Next is a video where a guy makes a dacha trailer with his own hands:

Then everything needs to be done according to plan:

  • Cover the frame with a waterproofing film and sew it up with plywood.
  • The roof must be made of metal, you can also use corrugated board or ondulin.
  • The walls of the house must be covered with a layer of waterproofing, after which the house is finished with clapboard or plastic siding.
  • Put up the door, cut out the windows and furnish the interior to your liking.

This is already a large caravan trailer, which can easily accommodate several people and even a family. You can live in such a dacha from spring to late autumn. In winter it will still be cold in it.

Auto-dacha from the station wagon body

If there is old car in the back of a station wagon, then it does not have to be handed over for scrap, you can make a trailer-dacha from it. The main thing is that the back of this station wagon is in good condition... It is necessary to cut off the front part of the unnecessary car, and make a trailer from the rear part.

First you need to make measurements of the future trailer so that the length is suitable in order to fit comfortably into it. If everything is done correctly, you will end up with a multifunctional trailer in which you can spend the night.

The front part must be reinforced around the perimeter with a rigid frame made of a steel corner, and the front part must also be sewn up with a sheet of iron, nakranyak, or plywood.

In front, in the lower part, you can install a towing hitch, usually it is made from a channel. The door to enter will be the trunk lid, and the side doors can be used for loading things.

So you can even make a dacha trailer yourself with your own hands, the main thing is that there is imagination and a desire to create something so unusual. A mobile home is very convenient, you can always leave the bustle of the city for nature and live in fairly comfortable conditions.

The only problem is that it is possible that the registration authority will not want to register such a trailer because, as they may think, it will not comply with road safety standards. Therefore, the easiest way is to take a used caravan trailer and remake it, while keeping the documents.

Own mobile cottage-home on wheels

In Western Europe and the United States, life, travel or vacation in the company of mobile homes has long been widespread. The owners of such houses are not chasing large dimensions. The trend is precisely small mobile homes, but multifunctional so much that they are able to independently filter their water, generate electricity and heating using solar panels on the roof and so use every centimeter of space that a two-story van with a base area of ​​14 square meters looks quite complete dwelling.

Who is a supporter of life on wheels in a mobile home

In the west, there is no pronounced preference, however:

  • young people more often use this method not for living, but for travel and recreation, since they traditionally gravitate towards the bustling life of the city and do not need solitude;
  • families in which children are growing up are already more tolerant of such mobile home because he is able to solve some financial problems, especially in the context of the crisis, unemployment and more than high prices for housing maintenance, as well as food;
  • active retirees - they are ideal consumers of mobile home style. Knowing how to drive, they travel with pleasure not only in their own country, but also in accessible foreign countries.

Trailer-cottage on wheels in Russia

The fashion to use mobile homes has recently come to Russia. The direction is developing very slowly. First of all, because of the cost, because if in the West a house on wheels is really affordable housing in relation to real estate prices, then in Russia such vans are more expensive than a good apartment. In addition, more than half of the country's population lives in a harsh winter, and insulated mobile homes often stand as 2 apartments.

Mobile homes are conventionally divided into classes that describe the category of roominess, interior content and comfort:

  • class A - looks like a bus and is closest to the usual housing;
  • class B - this includes a trailer fully equipped inside, the berth is located directly in the trailer itself;
  • class C - small-sized, designed for movement on the basis of an off-road vehicle or passenger car, while the car's cabin is transformed into a sleeping place.

The most budgetary option available today is a trailer tent that can be disassembled at the camping site directly around the trailer.

But, if exactly equipped trailer houses are not available for many, then a self-made cottage on wheels is more than a real option.

See also: The choice of sliding windows for glazing a terrace

DIY transforming house

A folding transforming house on wheels of a passenger car will be a structure of a panel house, from which one of the walls along the side can be folded back or removed. In this case, such a house looks like a large gazebo. Interior amenities include a table, sofas or bed, gas stove and fixed water supply.

Whichever version of the trailer house you choose, your own mobile home on wheels will not only become a source of pride for the owners for their work, but will also give new opportunities to spend the weekend with the family. Indeed, in order to get into nature, it is not necessary to have your own piece of land. It is easy to travel and stay in the most attractive countryside locations.

How to make a mobile home with your own hands

The smallest, simplest and most affordable option is a single-axle trailer design. Taking into account the weight restrictions for light trailers in the Russian Federation up to 750 kg, it is necessary to choose a durable and lightweight material.

Pine is well suited for this purpose:

  • The frame is made of paving stones.
  • The walls are sheathed with plywood, the optimal sheet thickness is recommended at 1 centimeter.
  • Plywood sheets are also used for furniture - tables, beds and shelves.
  • The exterior will be overlapped galvanized steel sheets.

Alternatively, you can use another building material for the front cladding, the main thing is that it has sufficient strength and flexibility.

See also: Facing the facade of the house: which material is better to choose

Between the outer cladding and the frame, a layer of mineral wool, mineral slab or other insulating material should be placed in order to maintain the microclimate inside, especially in hot weather, when, due to the metal cladding, the structure can heat up above 50-60 degrees Celsius inside.

Do-it-yourself trailer-dacha - installation of a mobile house

Installation of the structure is carried out using self-tapping screws, weak spots such as outside corners are reinforced with a metal corner.

Material protection includes:

  • antiseptic strengthening impregnation for wood material;
  • sealing of seams with silicone compound of the outer skin;
  • painting the front side.

The dimensions of the trailer can vary, the optimal one can be called 2.3-2.4 x 1.5-1.6 m.

Building a mobile home

The construction of the auto supply takes place in two ways - on the trailer itself, for this, its sides must be dismantled, or at a special stand, followed by installation on the trailer.

Windows are taken into account at the design stage and can be of different configurations - from sliding to folding.

Ventilation is provided by installing a mosquito net. Additionally, you can consider installing a hatch in the ceiling.

A more basic solution would be a mobile home trailer with a two-axle trailer base. The principle and method of manufacturing such a structure are similar to the construction for a trailer on one axle. Of course, more material will be required, so costs will increase proportionally.

Attention, only TODAY!

Do-it-yourself mini camper trailer-dacha. Detailed plan

Designed for tourists and travelers alike, this project is an extreme weather protection structure, a small affordable self-contained home for the homeless or disaster-affected. The camper can be easily built from structural insulating panels (structural insulating panels) and from commonly available materials. Low cost and super insulated for year round use in extreme weather conditions. It is a mobile home that can be parked anywhere and serve as a disaster relief home. This small mobile home is also designed for people who play outdoor sports or are looking for adventure in extreme conditions. Due to its light weight, super insulation, this camper trailer is ideal for people who have kayaks, mountain bikes and other equipment they want to take with them.

This camper is designed for extreme weather conditions and is so well insulated that it can only be heated with body heat or a small heater designed for indoor use. With a white roof and vents, it will stay cool in the summer when parked under the trees.

Best of all, the camper is built on the basis of a 120x240 cm trailer, and the material costs for a camper do not exceed $ 1000, depending on the materials used.

Full step-by-step plans are available below.

These blueprints require basic building skills and you take full responsibility for any use of these plans.

1: What makes this camper so special?

Storage cabinets above the foot of the bed with space for a small LED TV or tablet, iPad with speakers or radio and DVD / CD player, or this space underneath can be used for drawers. All devices will be powered by a solar panel located on the front of the camper van.

The camper has a 100 cm by 205 cm bed, which is sufficient for two people and very comfortable for one person. Above the headboard, there are open storage shelves and two LED positioning lights for reading. Integrated fold-out table built into the wall by the bed for eating or studying.

The mobile home has a door for easy access and a porthole window, so you can see who is behind the door, but small enough that a person (or bear) cannot break and open the door. There is also a window on the opposite side for light and ventilation and a sloping deflector on the roof.

Typically, the walls of a small van are 5 cm thick with insulation and are not designed for extreme weather all year long. In this camper, the walls and roof are 10 cm thick, with thermal insulation (more than in most houses) and this will allow the person to stay warm cold winter and cool in the hot summer. In most cases, only body heat will provide comfort in the camper, but it can also be heated with a small propane heater. The roof is white to reflect heat, roof ventilation and side window vents for passive cooling. There is room in the outer walls to install a small air conditioner if desired, but if you park your camper in the shade of trees, there is no need for an air conditioner.

The camper has a cooking kitchen in the back, which includes a sink, chopping board, water canister, propane / butane single burner and space cooler. There is plenty of storage space for canned and dry food, pots and dishes.

You've probably seen other small campers and mobile homes, but you've never seen anything like it because it is made from SIP and has super insulation and strength while keeping towing weight to a minimum.

This caravan is designed for towing by small cars or trucks, the base of the trailer is 120 × 240 cm, so it can be parked even in a standard parking space. It has a super sturdy 10 cm thick roof with luggage rack and mounts for kayaks, mountain bikes, skis. The roof rack design is included in the blueprints or you could use commercial racks.

The camper trailer is powered by a 100 watt (or less) solar electric panel that attaches to the front of the camper, tilts for better sunlight access, and can be removed and stored in the camper when you travel. The 100 watt panel and one or two deep cycle batteries and inverter will provide the power you need for your gadgets such as laptop, mobile phone, window fan, LED lights and even your refrigerator and kitchen utensils.

The camper has a pad on the bow of the trailer, which is used to store a propane tank, batteries and a portable toilet or other items that may be needed for long-term camping or permanent residence.

The camper is specifically designed for extreme weather conditions and is designed for long-term year-round housing for people who can live in the camper for months or years.

The most the best thing campere is the ease of crafting from publicly available materials with basic tools and people with basic building skills so you can make one for yourself or they can be quickly crafted for homeless housing or disaster relief.

Now let's build one! Below are detailed plans and drawings from which you can easily create yourself such a camper.

The drawings include over 60 step-by-step diagrams and are easy to follow. By donating to the development of the site, you can see the full version.

The camper was originally designed to be easy to assemble, inexpensive, and protected from the extreme weather conditions of the holidaymaker. This camper is light enough to be towed by a regular car or pickup truck and travels in tight spaces.

In contact with

A simple travel trailer. - Community "Trailers" on DRIVE2

The construction is based on an ordinary standard trailer. Body width 1200 mm, length 2400 mm. Task: overnight stay for up to 4 people, plus transportation of goods. Trailer up to 750 kg.

Two roller shutter doors, 30x30 mm bars, galvanizing, plywood for the roof and other details were purchased for the construction.

Full size

The tool for manufacturing is also selected.

Full size

And so we begin the assembly. We install racks 30 by 30 mm, height 1430 mm. and fasten them to the sides.

Then we install the frame.

We install the roller shutter on the side and in the back, lay the plywood on the “second” floor. This will be a place for two people to sleep.

After we have done this, we cover it with an awning for additional protection and then we cover the entire trailer with galvanized coating.

Finally, we install an aluminum profile finish.

The trailer is ready.

In the future, depending on your desires, you can install it on a trailer, window, trunk, you can decorate your trailer with a film and much more.

Full size

Also, for an additional overnight stay for two people, you can install the cover on the roof of the trailer, install an awning and the room is ready. If you will not spend the night there, then you can use this to transport goods.

Full size

Inside the trailer can accommodate two people, on the roof two people, inside you can also place a small pull-out kitchen and a table. There are many options.

Here is such a simple option for a novice traveler, in the future if you understand that the journey is all yours, then you will make yourself a better trailer, and this one can be used, for example, for a workshop.

Well, I'll put the video.

DIY trailer trailer idea

The craving for travel sits in almost all of us. Some implement it by buying a full-fledged mobile home, while others make trailers with their own hands. We invite you to look at the wonderful trailer, which is made from an ordinary car trailer. See how the trailer changed.

Initially, only the frame remained from the trailer. All other parts were removed as unnecessary.

Then a wooden base was installed on the frame.

The installation of the walls has begun.

The doors were cut.

The roof is mounted.

This is what the trailer looked like before painting.

The interior of the trailer.

Trailer in the process of painting.

The door also serves as a basin holder.

There is an oven inside the trailer. So food can be cooked right inside. Yes, and you can be saved from small cold weather.

There is a viewing window in front. Spare wheel and box for technical purposes.

Panoramic view of the insides of the trailer.

Communities ›Do It Yourself› Blog ›Caravan Walls Set (Materials, Technology). DIY off-road tourist trailer - part 7

Hello friends!
Summer was over, I was in a hurry to complete the frame before the rains came, so I didn't post information and videos for a long time. My caravan has already been put on the wheel, and even managed to roll to the Lipetsk region to test it in the field.

I'll get to the story about the tests, but I can only note that the tests went very well! I'm really happy! Fuel consumption for a car on the highway is 9-9.5 liters. coupled with a caravan, without a caravan 8-8.5 liters. depends on how you press the pedal. City with a caravan 13 y. without caravan 10-11 liters. Well, okay, I'm not going to tell everything here, otherwise it won't be interesting later! :)))

Let's go back to the theme of the homemade mobile home. After I finished the floors, I started building the walls. In order for the walls to stand straight, I preliminarily set the back wall and put the side walls against the back wall. When everything came together on a diagonal measurement, I put up the front wall and began to cover the roof so that the walls would not loosen. Then I put a partition between the passenger compartment and the luggage compartment. And then it occurred to me to make one more extra bed, instead of huge lockers, where there will be nothing to put so much.

Off-road mobile home. The back wall is installed.

Off road trailer: the side walls were installed and the future forms of the caravan were determined.

It took me 3 sheets of 15mm plywood for one wall. Each sheet weighs 25kg, which is 75kg in a compartment. This is, in principle, not much, but all the same, excess weight is not needed, and it is better to fill the perforated areas with Polinor sprayed insulation rather than leave 15mm. plywood. The thermal insulation coefficient of Polynor is an order of magnitude higher than that of plywood, therefore, by perforating the walls, I kill two birds with one stone. 1. I make the structure lighter, 2. The mobile home will be warmer. Well, all this is not to the detriment of the rigidity of the frame, since there are two partitions in front (outer wall + partition luggage compartment). In addition to the walls, there will be two additional reinforcements inside, in the middle of the module, I will talk about them a little later. Such a structure will not allow the walls to loosen on strong bumps and even protect the frame from a strong lateral impact, for example, against a tree. Those. having received a good side impact, without such reinforcement, the frame can lead a little in the opposite direction, which in the future will lead to the swinging of the frame, cracks will appear and the caravan will gradually begin to collapse, and so that this does not happen, I have foreseen different types gain. I will tell and show about this later.
After perforating the walls, which I performed with a jigsaw right on the spot, I proceeded to pasting the outer wall with 0.4mm galvanized sheet, gluing it to the SoudaFlex 40 FC polyurethane sealant. When perforating, it is important to understand how the sheets will be laid down so that the joints of the sheets do not fall into the perforation areas and a void does not form there.

Self-made mobile home: work went on to perforate the walls to facilitate construction.

But before pasting the walls with a galvanized sheet, I attached 20x40 aluminum profiles vertically inside. The goal was to give rigidity to the frame, so that the windows and the door sat in a frame made of a profile, so that with further finishing and additional reinforcement of the frame, it would be possible to attach to something. Also, this method helps to fasten together the sheets themselves, the size of which is 152x152. Two of which lay in length + superstructure above them to reach the desired height in the caravan.

Pasting a motor home with galvanized sheet 0.4mm

Separately, I will also shoot a video outside to show the places where the walls are attached to the frame, so that it is clear how and in what places I reinforced the walls in order to avoid swinging.

The caravan's locker is fitted with a 200Amh battery.

Build floors in a caravan (materials, technology). DIY off-road tourist trailer - part 6
We are erecting the frame of the residential module (materials, technology). Off-road trailer Navahi - part 5
Do-it-yourself Navahi off-road trailer (corrosion protection) - part 4 - RECORD DELETED (you can find it without straining)
Do-it-yourself Navahi off-road trailer (frame refinement, module layout) - part 3
DIY Navahi off-road trailer (Life hack how to turn 300kg alone) - part 2
DIY Navahi off-road trailer (frame, brakes, corrosion protection) - part 1
DIY Navahi Offroad Trailer - Introduction

Expedition trailer. - DRIVE2

So we dangle ...

So, after another trip to Karelia, I caught fire with the construction of an expedition trailer. I got tired of turning over the whole shmurdyak in the car every evening to arrange a berth, and in the morning I put everything out again.
The brief TK looked like this:
In the trailer we sleep, cook and eat. We transport tourist belongings (tents, sleeping bags, awnings, etc.), food, chainsaws, stoves, etc. with maximum protection from moisture. Boat, motor, catch and other smelly luggage - in a separate volume.
We hide under an awning from heat and precipitation. The trailer should not limit the geometric passability. Preparation of the bed and the kitchen should take a minimum time (up to 5 minutes).
And most importantly, do it yourself, from scrap materials in the garage.
I studied the very scant information on the internet, figured out our experience of autotravel.
We built it with a friend, not AnVir, of course, but for ourselves.
Surprisingly, wherever we stop with our trailer, fellow citizens have a huge number of questions, from the primitive "why?" to pleasing ears and pride "how?"
Why-already wrote.

I will add that due to systematic merciless exploitation, the trailer is in the stage of constant modernization.

Actually, here:

Tags: trailer, expedition trailer, uaz patriot, travel


DIY travel trailer Video

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Article about 10 best cars for travel, their features and characteristics. At the end of the article - an interesting video about possible problems in auto travel.

Quite high requirements are imposed on vehicles for travel:

  • roomy comfortable salon;
  • spacious trunk;
  • good technical characteristics;
  • quite soft and comfortable suspension;
  • profitability;
  • safety and reliability;
  • good speed.
If the car meets all these requirements, it will not only take you to the right place, but also set the right mood for the trip.

Rating of the best cars for travel

In this TOP there will be no specialized vehicles (like American mobile homes). Of course, camper vans have everything for a normal life on the road, you can eat and sleep in them, but they are too expensive and not suitable for driving in the city. We will consider mainly universal cars in which on weekdays you can drive to work, and on weekends (or on vacation) - give up with your family or friends on a long journey.

The body of this car is placed on a spar frame, which is able to withstand heavy loads when driving off-road and country roads, and when transporting goods. This is exactly what you need to travel. After all, you often have to move along rural roads and carry a lot of things with you.

An open cargo platform can accommodate a wide variety of luggage (up to one ton). This can be camping equipment, an ATV, or a snowmobile. Just before that, you will have to equip the cargo compartment with a lifting cover, tarpaulin or a shelter so that the load does not get wet.

The interior of the car is spacious, it looks beautiful, the lining is wear-resistant, the plastic is of high quality. In the rear seats, even very tall passengers will feel comfortable. And when driving over bumps, no one will bang their head against the ceiling. There is also plenty of legroom. What else do you need for a comfortable trip?

Behind the reclining backrests there is a mini-trunk for various small things.

L200 is equipped with a 2.5-liter turbodiesel (136 "horses") and an "automatic". The engine is particularly reliable. Fuel system well digests domestic diesel fuel, which is very important. Diesel fuel consumption - 7-8 l / 100km. The maneuverability of the car is also excellent.

The machine is designed for people who value practicality, economy and outdoor activities.

This car has a comfortable spacious salon and a large trunk (492 liters) with additional seats for two passengers, movable and adjustable seats and plenty of pockets.

The KIA Carens chassis is great for long-distance travel, just at a relaxed pace, not a sporty one. Although the car will cope with sharp turns at high speed without problems.

A turbo diesel engine with a volume of 1.7 liters and a capacity of 136 "horses" is enough for normal movement. When driving quietly outside the city, the car consumes only 6 liters of diesel fuel per 100 km. In the city, consumption increases to 8 liters, but we are considering cars for travel, which means that we will have to move mainly along the highway.

Kia has hidden pockets that come in handy on the road if you don't want to take a lot of things with you. These pockets are located behind the front seat backrests in the floor under the carpets.

The Carens cabin is very comfortable and the passengers will not be crowded. Therefore, many family people who love to travel buy this car.

If anyone does not know, then room in English means "room", and the design Skoda car Roomster lives up to its name. This is a small mobile home, which will be convenient for passengers and you can arrange a lot of things for travel.

The Roomster is divided into three peculiar "rooms" - front seats for the driver and his companion, the middle purely passenger "room", and a rear compartment for things.

The rear passenger seats are located slightly higher than the front ones, which will allow passengers to admire the local scenery. The high body allows you to comfortably accommodate not only people of different heights, but also to load large things that will be useful on the journey (bicycle, stroller, and so on). If you need to take a lot of bulky things on a hike, then this will not be a problem for the owner of the Roomster. Special transformation system passenger seats will allow you to compose the interior space for any needs. Thus, the luggage compartment from 530 liters can easily be increased to 1780 liters. In this case, the carrying capacity of the car will be 525 kg.

You can travel on this car with your whole large family, as well as transport a lot of things.

Only the French could create an art object out of a family minibus. According to the manufacturers, this car is intended for young families who love to travel.

With the advent of a child, young people have to give up sports cars... But why change them to something boring? The C4 Picasso combines beautiful design with convenience and comfort. With this car, you can take your children to kindergarten or go on a trip with your family.

The car has a sturdy body and is considered the safest in its class. The comfort of the cabin is also at a high level. All passengers will feel comfortable, and the panoramic glass in the half-roof will allow you to enjoy the ride. The "co-pilot" will be the most convenient, since the front passenger seat is equipped with a footrest and a pneumatic lumbar massager. This is the perfect solution for long distance travel. You can lie back like in a sun lounger and enjoy the surrounding views!

But passengers of the second row will not be deprived either. Separate adjustable chairs can easily accommodate three adults of different sizes. They will be able to take advantage of folding tables with book holders, adjustable ventilation deflectors, power outlets and sun shades.

In short, a trip in this car can be compared to a flight in business class.

True, on last row only children will fit. If you are traveling without children, the third row can be folded down and the luggage compartment can be increased (up to 2,181 liters).

The Grand C4 Picasso is equipped with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine with a capacity of 150 hp. Consumption - up to 7 liters.

This seven-seater car is perfect for traveling with a family or company.

The original interior allows the center seat of the second row to be folded down, thereby opening the passage to the rear row of seats. If the side seats are occupied by child car seats, this is very convenient. Sliding rear doors dramatically complement the silhouette of the Grand C-MAX and allow easy access to the rear of the vehicle.

The tailgate can be opened using a button on the key - this is convenient when your hands are very busy.

If passengers have forgotten to fasten their seat belts, the system will remind them with a sound signal, taking care of their safety.

The turbocharged gasoline engine is economical and environmentally friendly, so travel won't be a burden on your wallet.

This is a compact MPV from the French automaker that is great for travel.

Scenic looks elegant and dynamic. The owner of this car is provided with a comfortable and active ride. When driving off-road, passengers will not shake. Thanks to the successful combination of comfort and suspension stiffness, the car behaves quite predictably on the track, almost without swaying even at high speeds.

Renault Scenic II is an ideal family and corporate car at the same time. In such a car, it will be convenient to go on a trip, meet business partners or transport some kind of cargo. In short, this is a great option for friendly companies and large families.

This station wagon off-road looks courageous and brutal. Ground clearance is 213 mm, so this car is not afraid of snow, mud or sand.

The car is equipped with an innovative horizontally opposed engine (2.5 liters and 175 "horses"), working in conjunction with a continuously variable variator.

On such a car, you can safely go hiking without fear of off-road. Outback is not afraid of the most severe trials.

Convenient roof rails allow you to easily place a boat or other oversized cargo.

In the Outback, the rear seat tilt angle can be changed, which allows you to travel in comfort. There is plenty of legroom and headroom. All seats are heated. If you fold the backs of the rear sofa, you get a flat two-meter platform that will allow you to spend the night in peace.

The trunk is huge (560 liters), but if you fold out the seats, you get even more (1801 liters), which will allow you to take everything you need on a trip.

Fuel consumption is approximately 7 liters.

The three leaders in our rating were the models of the Volkswagen concern. And for good reason! These vehicles are ideal for traveling.

The Touran is a spacious and practical five-door compact van with side hinged doors. The interior of the car is decorated with restraint, German rationality is felt. The finish is high quality and durable. Many different pockets, niches and glove compartments. The backrests of the front seats have comfortable reclining tables.

The functional interior transformation system allows you to solve any problem. The trunk is voluminous (695 liters), and if you fold the backrests, you get 1990 liters. This is enough for the transportation of bulky things.

The Touran can be purchased with a diesel or petrol engine. The diesel version is particularly economical (up to 6 l / 100 km), so travel will not be very expensive.

This is a very popular camper van in Europe. If you attach an additional DoubleBack compartment to it, you get a motorhome on wheels.

From the rear of the car, a special structure is pulled out, powered by electricity. The entire unpacking process takes 45 seconds. This device almost doubles the interior space of the van. Thus, a small kitchen, bed and wardrobe will fit inside your car. The roof of the car rises up, which allows passengers to stand inside. In this case, the front seats can be turned 180 degrees. towards the motorhome.

This car is ideal for travel enthusiasts. The T5 Doubleback costs $ 87,000, which is more expensive than a regular minibus, but cheaper than a small new mobile home.

This is a great vehicle for family travel. It is equipped with sleeping places, cupboards, side table, stove. There is also an outlet (220 V) and a water tank. There is a refrigerator and a washstand near the stove.

The front seats can be folded towards the table for a comfortable meal for the whole family. The back seat folds out into a one and a half bed. A pull-out compartment is located under the rear seats. There is a small table in the side door and two chairs in the back.

To shelter from the rain, you can pull up an awning. The roof can be lifted up, which will allow you to walk freely around the cabin while standing. There is an air conditioner, a built-in telephone, a multimedia system, built-in curtains, you can listen to the radio, watch a video. In fact, this is a mobile home that allows you to travel to different cities and countries without much worries.

At the same time, the car is quite economical. Consumption - 8 l / 100 km. There is on-board computer with a large display, a navigation system that informs about traffic jams.

Multivan California costs about 70 thousand euros. The price is high, but everything in the car is provided for comfortable travel. That is why this car has become the leader of our TOP.

Let's summarize

All vehicles shown above are suitable for travel. When choosing, you should take into account your financial capabilities and wishes. Whichever car you choose, a comfortable long-distance trip is guaranteed to you.

Car travel problems - in the video:


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