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JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" is one of the enterprises of the printing industry. The company has been operating in the field of printing services since 1924, and as an open Joint-Stock Company has been operating since October 1, 2007.

The superior body is the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Moldova. The main activities of JSC "Kovylkinskaya printing house" are: printing of newspapers, brochures, magazines, stitching and binding, production of paper and cardboard packaging, as well as cutting paper into format.

The priority activity of the printing house is the production of newspaper products (table 1).

Table 1

Priority areas of activity of OAO Kovylkino Printing House



amount thousand rubles

amount thousand rubles

amount thousand rubles

  • 10137
  • 13437
  • 13236

In 2009, newspaper printing accounted for 68% of the total production volume, and blanks for 21.9%.

However, the management and directly the director N.A. Serov is constantly in creative search.

Largely due to his initiative, foresight, intuition and analysis of the situation in the consumer market, new opportunities for fruitful, and most importantly, high-quality work constantly appear in the printing house.

Despite the fact that the volume of work of the printing house is impressive, the staff of the enterprise is insignificant and amounts to only 29 people.

However, the most highly qualified specialists work there with full dedication, often performing not only their immediate functional duties, but also demonstrating all their creative abilities to improve the work of the printing house.

It makes sense to consider the organizational structure of OAO Kovylkino Printing House (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Organizational structure of OAO Kovylkino Printing House

Serov N.A. is the General Director of OAO Kovylkino Printing House. which, within the framework of the organization, is entrusted with the following functions:

  • 1. General management of production - economic and financial - economic activities of the enterprise.
  • 2. Organization of interaction of all structural divisions.
  • 3. Ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations assumed by the enterprise, including obligations to budgets of different levels and extra-budgetary funds.
  • 4. Creation of conditions for the introduction of the latest equipment and technologies, progressive forms of management and organization of labor.
  • 5. Taking measures to ensure healthy and safe working conditions at the enterprise.
  • 6. Monitoring compliance with the activities of all services.
  • 7. Protection of the property interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, public authorities, etc.

To perform the functions assigned to him, the general director of the enterprise must:

  • - To manage, in accordance with the current legislation, the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made, the safety and efficient use of the property of the enterprise, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities.
  • - Organize the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, direct their activities towards the development and improvement of production, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, increasing sales volumes, and increasing profits, quality and competitiveness of products, their compliance with international standards in in order to conquer the market and meet the needs for relevant types of products (services).
  • - Take measures to provide the enterprise with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, create safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, and comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.

The general director of the enterprise belongs to the category of managers and is accepted (dismissed) by the decision of the general meeting of founders.

The general director of the enterprise is accountable to the founders of the enterprise represented by the general meeting of founders.

The General Director is responsible for:

  • 1. For non-performance (improper performance) of their official duties; for offenses committed in the course of their employment; for causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 2. For the consequences of decisions taken by him that go beyond his powers established by law, the charter of the enterprise, other regulatory legal acts. The general director of the enterprise is not exempted from liability for actions entailing liability, performed by persons to whom he delegated his rights.
  • 3. For unfair use of the property and funds of the enterprise in their own interests or interests contrary to the interests of the founders.

During the absence of the director of the enterprise, his duties and functions are performed in accordance with the established procedure by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for their high-quality, efficient and timely implementation. JSC "Kovylkinskaya Printing House" Deputy General Director is Artemkin I.S. On production manager Tikhanov N.V. The following functions are assigned:

  • 1. Management of the production activities of the enterprise.
  • 2. Introduction of new technologies, development of measures to improve labor productivity and reduce production costs.
  • 3. Product quality control, etc.

The production manager belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the general director.

The Production Manager reports directly to the CEO. During the absence of the production manager, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for their proper performance.

Production Manager Responsibilities:

  • 1. Implementation of direct operational regulation using computer technology, communications and communications, the progress of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.
  • 2. Implementation of the management of the development of production programs and production schedules for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational - production planning.
  • 3. Organization of operational control over the course of production. For providing production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, etc.

The production manager is responsible for:

  • - For improper performance or non-performance of their duties stipulated by the job description, - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chief Accountant Sheina I.A., belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the general director of the enterprise.

The chief accountant reports directly to the general director.

The chief accountant of OAO Kovylkino Printing House is entrusted with the following functions:

  • 1. Management of accounting and reporting in the enterprise.
  • 2. Formation of an accounting policy with the development of measures for its implementation.
  • 3. Provision of methodological assistance to employees of departments of the enterprise on accounting, control, reporting and economic analysis.
  • 4. Ensuring the preparation of economically sound reporting cost estimates for products, payroll calculations, charges and transfers of taxes and fees to budgets of different levels, payments to banking institutions.
  • 5. Identification of on-farm reserves, elimination of losses and unproductive costs.
  • 6. Introduction of modern technical means and information technologies.
  • 7. Control over the timely and correct execution of accounting documentation.

To perform the functions of the chief accountant must:

  • - To carry out the organization of accounting of economic and financial activities and control over the economical use of material, labor and financial resources, the safety of the property of the enterprise.
  • - Lead the work on the preparation and adoption of a working chart of accounts, forms of primary accounting documents used to process business transactions for which standard forms are not provided, the development of forms of internal accounting documents, as well as ensuring the procedure for conducting inventories, monitoring business operations, compliance technologies for processing accounting information and workflow procedures.
  • - Participate in conducting an economic analysis of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify intra-economic reserves, eliminate losses and unproductive costs.

The Chief Accountant is responsible for:

  • - For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties, provided for by the job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • - For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Accounting is an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise and reports directly to the general director and chief accountant of the enterprise.

The accounting department is headed by the chief accountant, appointed to the position by order of the general director of OAO Kovylkino Printing House.

Tasks and functions of accounting:

  • 1. Organization of accounting of economic and financial activities.
  • 2. Ensuring the timeliness of settlements under contractual obligations, tax payments, other settlements with creditors and suppliers.
  • 3. Development of forms of internal accounting documents.
  • 4. Ensuring the procedure for conducting inventories.
  • 5. Control over the conduct of business transactions.
  • 6. Ensuring payroll calculations, etc.

Responsibility for improper and timely performance of the functions of the accounting department is borne by the chief accountant.

Equipment repair engineer reports to the Deputy General Director and directly to the General Director of the enterprise.

The following functions are assigned to the equipment repair engineer at OAO Kovylkino Printing House:

To perform his functions, the equipment repair engineer must:

  • - Participate in the development of long-term and current plans and work schedules, Maintenance and repair of equipment, measures to improve its operation and increase the efficiency of the use of electronic equipment.
  • - Take steps to ensure timely and quality work repair work according to approved documentation.
  • - Draw up applications for equipment and spare parts for it, technical documentation for repairs, work reports.

The main production sites at OAO Kovylkino Printing House are:

Computer laboratory, assembly, copying, binding, cutting and printing departments, which are under the authority and responsibility of the production manager and subordinate to the general director.

On the whole, the organizational structure of OAO Kovylkino Printing House is effective. To improve the organizational structure, the management of the organization needs to:

  • - Clarify the functions performed by the performers, determine the actual load of each of them;
  • - Establish the existing division of functions and responsibilities between production sites, groups and individual performers;
  • - Identify functions and tasks that are not assigned to performers through analysis job descriptions available personnel;
  • - Check whether the qualifications of employees correspond to the work they perform.

The organizational structure of the Astrakhan digital printing house is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Organizational structure of the Astrakhan digital printing house

The organizational structure of the Astrakhan digital printing house is a structure of a functional type, which is based on the division of all organizational units according to a functional basis. This type of organizational structure is the most optimal for the company, as it includes a horizontal division according to the functions and objectives of the activity, as well as a vertical division of labor to coordinate management actions.

1.1.3 Description of the subject area

The order from the client is received by the manager and includes the type of product (business card, leaflets, brochures, magazines), product layout requirements: format (size), paper quality, colors (choice from the available color palette, availability of special shades, color printing, black -white print), printing sides (one-sided, two-sided), binding (side, view (spring, glued board)); product content (information), production time (12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 ​​hours), quantity.

The manager creates a work plan for the order. The plan contains the stages of work and a list of specialists performing the order, as well as the complexity of the stage.

Next, the manager forms an order production form, in which the terms and stages of order fulfillment are noted. The form is transferred to the designer who forms the layout. The readiness of the layout is noted by the designer in the order production form and transferred to the layout designer.

The layout designer passes the layout to the proofreader for spelling and punctuation check. A mark of completion is put on the production order form and handed over to the printers.

The printers pass the finished product along with the order production form to the manager.

The manager generates reports on the work of the printing house.

The information processing model is presented in the AS-IS diagram (see Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

The input data are:

Customer data;

Order parameters;

Employee data;

Options for reports.

Output information:

Form of production;

Production plan;

The mechanisms are:






Control information:

Legislation of the Russian Federation;

Legislation of the Astrakhan region;

Charter of the Astrakhan digital printing house.

Reception and storage of information about customer orders and the conclusion of contracts is executed in the information system based on the 1C: Enterprise configuration. The system forms contracts for the production of printed products.

The process of planning and accounting for the production of printed products is not automated and is carried out by means of the Microsoft Office software product line. All information about the fulfillment of customer orders is recorded on production forms, which are stored as a history of customer relationships. Maintaining and storing the history of order fulfillment is a time-consuming operation.

1.2 Determination of the purpose and objectives of the design

The purpose of this project is to increase the efficiency of the Astrakhan digital printing house by developing an IS for planning and accounting for the production of printed products. Development is carried out on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.2.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) to analyze the activities of the Astrakhan digital printing house;

2) build diagrams to describe the company's business process model;

3) develop a database of the information system;

4) develop interfaces;

5) develop report forms.

The developed system should perform the following functions:

1) input of initial data:

Type of printed matter;

Type of paper;

Print sides;

Product format;

Color spectrum;



2) processing of received data:

Order formation;

Planning work on order;

Assignment of production tasks to employees;

Maintaining a register of production tasks;

Order status change.

3) data storage:

Registers of documents.

This is a set of works aimed at ensuring the full readiness of production for the release of a certain type of product.

Preparation of production is carried out in the internal environment of the enterprise outside the framework of the production process and is aimed at providing conditions for the normal functioning of production.

Preparation of production at printing enterprises is complex, which consists in the fact that there is:

    a complex of pre-production facilities;

    a complex of stages of preparation of production;

    a set of tasks for preparing production.

Production is preceded by work on the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology, new products, new forms of labor organization and management based on the achievements of science and best practices. All innovations introduced into production are called innovation or innovation.

According to modern ideas, innovations of a production and technical nature and managerial innovations act as independent objects of production preparation. Industrial and technical innovations include new types of equipment and technologies; modernized equipment and technology; new products. And managerial innovations are new economic, organizational and social structures and mechanisms, as well as other innovations in the field of improving organization, planning and management.

The introduction of innovations of a production and technical nature most often leads to a change in the organizational and technical conditions for the activities of enterprises. A feature of printing production is that the introduction of at least one of these objects necessitates changes in others. So, for example, printing companies that produce traditional publishing products (books, magazines, newspapers, letterheads, etc.), when developing new segments of the printing services market and switching to packaging production, must modernize or purchase new printing and finishing equipment, make changes to the accepted technology. Or the development by a printing company of special types of printing, such as flexo, screen, etc., requires the purchase of special printing equipment and expands the range of printing services of the enterprise. And the acquisition by the enterprise of new types of high-performance automated equipment also requires adjustment of the entire technological process for the manufacture of printing products and creates the prerequisites for increasing the range and range of products.

A specific feature of printing production is the physical uniqueness of publications. And therefore, all products manufactured by a printing company are also an object of preparation for production and, with a certain degree of probability, can be attributed to innovations. But unlike new equipment, technology and new types of products, the preparation for production of which can be considered as a one-time act, the preparation of publications for production is carried out every day, in the current activities of the enterprise. Thus, preparation of production in the printing industry is considered in a broader sense than in other industries.

Comprehensive preparation of printing production is due to the need to improve production efficiency. Implementation of the whole complex preparatory work creates the prerequisites for the rapid development of production and organizational innovations, provides access to the optimal parameters of technological processes and leads to the achievement of the planned level of economic efficiency of production. Preparation of production contributes to ensuring the competitiveness of the products of printing enterprises.

The process of preparation of production, as well as the production process, is divided into certain types of work. The path of innovation from its creation to implementation in production is a series of successive stages. Universal pre-production scheme in general view shown in fig. 7.1.

First stage - research. At this stage, the requirements for the object of innovation are formed. Work is underway to study the need for this product, technology, i.e. are held marketing research, the potential market for the innovation is being studied, forecasting and feasibility study production. Then, information support is formed and exploratory and applied research is carried out to develop the innovation.

The second stage - design - includes the implementation of work on the materialization of the results obtained during scientific research in the form of specific projects (technical documentation) of the designs of new products, technology, production organization and management.

Third stage - experimental- includes work on the manufacture and testing of new samples, carries out experimental verification of design, technological and organizational solutions.

At the fourth stage - development (implementation)- a set of works is being carried out to expand the production of new products, the practical development of technical, technological, organizational, economic and social innovations in order to fully implement the solutions laid down at the design stage.

At all stages of pre-production, a whole range of tasks should be solved, namely design and technological, united in a group of technical tasks: economic, organizational, social and environmental. But the content and depth of elaboration of these tasks at various stages of pre-production is different depending on the object of pre-production.

Design tasks resolved during design preparation of production, which at the research stage includes the development of the concept of a new product or technology, determines their parameters. At the design and experimental stages, drawings are made, calculation and text documentation is compiled.

When deciding technological tasks preparation of production, the method of carrying out technological operations, their sequence, equipping workplaces, etc., are being worked out, i.e. carried out technological preparation of production.

Let's calculate the cost of printing services using the linear interpolation rule:

S t \u003d 7 \u003d (0.06 - (0.06 - 0.035) × 2/5) × 7000 \u003d 350 c.u.

S t \u003d 7 \u003d (0.035 + (0.06 - 0.035) × 3/5) × 7000 \u003d 350 c.u.

Calculation of the cost of manufacturing printed products through the cost of one machine hour. This method of determining the planned cost of production, like the previous one, requires a lot of analytical and preparatory work, which in this case is aimed at determining the cost of one machine hour of equipment operation. With this method at the preparatory stage:

    The annual load in machine hours (designed) is calculated for the leading groups of equipment in the production process (F mach-h).

    Determine the total cost per year production program excluding the cost of materials (S p - S m). For this, an estimate of production costs is drawn up.

    The cost of one machine hour (S machine-hour) for the planned year is calculated:

    S mach-h \u003d (S p - S m) / F mach-h.

When determining the cost of a specific order at the stage of preparing the publication for production:

    the cost of printing services for operations is calculated as the product of the cost of one machine hour per load in machine hours of this order:

    S izg \u003d S mach-h ×F mach-h. Zach

    the cost of materials and semi-finished products for a specific order (S m) is calculated;

    the cost of printing services and the cost of materials and semi-finished products are summed up. The total cost of the order is determined by the formula

    S p \u003d S m + S out.

This method of determining the planned cost of printing products is applicable to small enterprises that produce a fairly narrow range of products and have a small number of order flow patterns in production with short technological chains. It is in this case that it is possible to determine the cost of one machine-hour not for individual operations, but for the entire technological chain as a whole and to significantly simplify the calculations for determining the cost of an order at the stage of preparing it for production.

Example 2.

A small printing company specializes in the production of multi-color sheet products. The printing area is equipped with a highly automated four-color offset printing machine with a format of 520×740 mm. The cost of a machine-hour of work is 100 USD. The norm of time for adjusting a set of forms (t pr) 10 min. The coefficient of fulfillment of the norms is equal to 1. The norm of time for printing a thousand sheets of sheets (t oven) is 7.5 minutes. Determine the cost of making a flip calendar (excluding the cost of materials) with a format of 70 × 100/2, color (4 + 0), volume of 7 pp, circulation of 6 thousand copies.

The loading of the printing press in machine hours can be calculated using the formula

where N pr. order - the number of adjustments to order; N dash - running edition of the publication; k vn - the coefficient of compliance with the norms; N order - the number of sheet runs (in thousands) per order.

To make a flip calendar, you will need 14 sets of forms, respectively, the number of attachments:

N pr. order =14,

N order \u003d 14 × 6 \u003d 84 thousand l-prog.

F machine-h \u003d t pr ×N pr. order + t oven ×N order \u003d 10 × 14/60 + 7.5 × 84/60 \u003d 12.8 machine-hour

And the cost of printing services for the production of a poster:

S izg \u003d S mach-h ×F mach-h. zak \u003d 100 × 12.8 \u003d 1280 c.u.

Calculation of the cost of manufacturing printed products by ordering the definition of direct and indirect costs. With this method of calculating the cost of printing products, the total cost can be represented as the sum of direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include costs that are directly related to the production of products and the amount of which is directly proportional to the volume of products produced, this includes the costs of materials and the direct wages of the main production workers. Indirect costs cannot be directly attributed to each specific order, but are distributed in proportion to a certain base, overhead costs are indirectly determined, the amount of which is related to specific orders in proportion to the established distribution base using accounting data. The cost of wages of the main production workers, the cost of fixed production assets of the enterprise unit, the occupied areas, the number of personnel of the unit, etc. can be used as a distribution base.

If the direct salary of the main production workers is chosen as the distribution base, then, in accordance with the above, the total cost of production (S p) can be represented as

S p \u003d S m + L pr + S cos,

S p \u003d S m + L pr × (1 + k cos),

where S m is the cost of materials to order, L pr is the direct salary of the main production workers attributed to this order, S cos is the amount of indirect costs attributable to the order, k cos is the coefficient of indirect costs, showing the ratio of indirect costs to direct wages payment of the main production workers (k kosv \u003d S kosv / L pr).

This method of determining the cost of production, as well as the previous three, requires analytical and preparatory work, which in this case consists in determining the coefficient of indirect costs. These calculations are based on accounting data. But unlike the first method, where it was required to determine four ratios k 1 , k 2 , k 3 and k 4 , here it is necessary to determine only one coefficient k cos. Under conditions of stable loading of the printing company, the coefficient of indirect costs will retain its value. And when the degree of loading of the enterprise changes, this coefficient must be adjusted taking into account the prevailing conditions.

This method of calculating the cost of printing products has found the widest application at printing enterprises at the stage of preparing publications for production, as it allows you to take into account all the features of the manufacturing technology of products and is less laborious than the first of the above.

Example 3.

Calculate the cost of making forms and printing an order (excluding the cost of materials), the parameters of which are given in example 2 under the following additional conditions: the time limit for making a form t pcs = 20 min; coefficient of compliance with the norms k ext = 1.1; hourly rate of a copier for printing forms L h = 30 rubles; the hourly rate of a brigade of printers L h. br = 80 rubles; coefficient of indirect costs k kosv = 20.

The cost of manufacturing an order (excluding the cost of materials) can be calculated using the following formula:

Organizational structure of production preparation management at a printing company

It is necessary to distinguish between two types of production preparation objects at a printing enterprise:

    innovations of industrial and technical nature;

    all orders accepted for production.

The preparation for the production of each type of object corresponds, as noted above, to its own list of tasks and stages of work. Therefore, the apparatus for managing the preparation of production for these two groups of objects is different.

Technical guide preparation of production and technical innovations implementation is carried out by the chief engineer of the printing company. He is responsible for the technical policy of the enterprise, for the timely technical re-equipment of production on the basis of modern achievements in science and technology.

In the conditions of large printing enterprises, technical departments are created, which, in addition to the function of technical preparation of production, are responsible for all technical documentation at the enterprise. At the research stage of preparation of production, the employees of the technical department develop recommendations for the acquisition of innovations of a production and technical nature and evaluate the technical and economic indicators of new types of equipment and technology.

The task of feasibility analysis and substantiation of the use of production and technical innovations at the research stage of production preparation is carried out by the feasibility planning group, which is part of the planning and economic department. Thus, at the research, marketing stage of preparation for the production of objects of the first group, the technical department and the feasibility planning group are involved as performers.

If the printing enterprise has highly qualified engineers, mechanical workers and advanced rationalization work, it becomes possible to modernize the equipment on your own enterprises. In this case, the preparation of production, in addition to the research and implementation stages, the content of the work and the tasks to be solved on which are described above, also includes the design and experimental stages. At the same time, the functions of the technical department are expanding. The employees of the department are entrusted with the development of all design and working documentation for the modernized object.

At the stage of innovation implementation, the technical department coordinates all types of work to ensure the readiness of production for the production of competitive products. At the same time, technologists of the production department and the technological laboratory of the enterprise are busy solving technological problems. The chief technologist of the enterprise or the deputy director for production is responsible for the technological preparation of production.

Technological laboratories are created at large and medium-sized printing enterprises. In the current activities of the enterprise, they conduct control and analytical studies of the quality of materials, semi-finished products and finished products. And when introducing innovations of a production and technical nature, the technological laboratory participates in the technological preparation of production, carrying out scientific research on the creation and implementation of new and improvement of existing technological processes and materials used in the printing industry. The technological laboratory provides a solution to the environmental problems of pre-production.

In the course of preparation for production with the introduction of new equipment and technology, technologists of the production department participate in the development of technological documentation.

When new equipment is introduced, a group is allocated from the mechanical repair shop to provide commissioning. Even if this type of work is carried out by the supplier of the equipment, it is necessary that a competent representative of the printing company participate in the acceptance of the equipment.

The solution to the organizational problem of pre-production, which consists in a reasonable selection, and, if necessary, in the development of new norms for the expenditure of labor and material resources, is provided by the rationing group, which is part of the planning and economic department. On fig. 7.3 shows an approximate organizational structure for managing the preparation of production of innovations of an industrial and technical nature at large and medium-sized printing enterprises.

At small printing enterprises, the production preparation management apparatus for the implementation of innovative measures consists of a director, a production deputy and an enterprise economist, but the list of tasks they solve and the stages of preparing the production of new equipment and technology remains unchanged.

Management preparation of publications for production at a printing company is carried out by the chief technologist or deputy director for production.

The organizational structure for managing the preparation of publications for production depends on the scale of production. So, at small printing enterprises, technological and organizational-planning preparation is carried out by the technologist of the enterprise, and economic planning, as well as at all printing enterprises of a different scale, is carried out by an economist.

At medium-sized printing enterprises, the tasks of technological preparation of publications for production are solved in the production department of the enterprise. At the same time, the technologist works out the technological process for each order and draws up documentation for it for all workshops of the main production in the form of order cards, etc. Clarification of process-by-process order cards is carried out by technologists or foremen of workshops and sections of a printing enterprise, who, together with the heads of workshops, are responsible for technological discipline in their unit.

At large printing enterprises, as well as at medium-sized ones, the technological preparation of publications for production is carried out in the production department of the enterprise, with the only difference being that shop work orders are compiled by technologists in charge of the corresponding shops. Such specialization of technologists allows a deeper analysis of the technological process for a specific edition and more detailed documentation, which further, in the production process, contributes to greater stability and sustainability of the technological process, and hence the improvement of product quality, as well as reducing the time of its manufacture.

Organizational and technical preparation of publications for production is carried out by the production logistics service. On the basis of shop order cards, the heads of shops submit applications and requirements for obtaining materials of the required quantity and quality to the warehouses of the enterprise. When preparing publications for production, the function of warehouses is to timely issue materials to the relevant departments of the enterprise.

On fig. 7.4 shows an approximate organizational structure for managing the preparation of publications for production at a printing company.

The organization of a printing enterprise is the process of developing organizational, technical and planning and economic documentation necessary to ensure the effective functioning of a printing enterprise as an integral production system.

Organizational types of production

Single production takes place in the conditions of a wide range of products, the main part of which is not repeated. It is characterized by a wide specialization of jobs, the use of universal equipment and a high level of qualification of workers. In the conditions of unit production, equipment is often readjusted in connection with the transition from one order to another order; the volume of work in progress is large, manual operations are used, the duration of the production cycle is large. At the same time, a diverse assortment makes a single production highly mobile, adapted to fluctuations in market demand.

Serial production takes place in the conditions of a limited range of variable repetitive products produced in batches. It is characterized by the use of specialized jobs and equipment and the average skill level of workers. In the conditions of serial production, compared with a single one, the number of changeovers is significantly reduced, a higher level of mechanization and automation of production is formed, the volume of work in progress and the duration of the production cycle are reduced. In the conditions of mass production, standard products are manufactured, intended for a wide range of consumers.

Mass production is used in the production of constantly recurring products of a narrow range. This type of production is characterized by the use of highly specialized jobs and equipment (including special equipment) and, as a rule, a relatively low level of qualification of workers. Mass production is characterized by a high level of mechanization and automation of production operations, a small number of changeovers or their complete absence, a minimum amount of work in progress and a short production cycle. In conditions of mass production, products are produced for the mass consumer, which are in steady demand.

Organizational types of production differ significantly in their economic indicators. The most economical is mass production. Compared to other types of production, it provides the lowest labor intensity of products and, therefore, low wage costs; high level of equipment utilization and production areas, and consequently, low level fixed costs. In addition, in the conditions of mass production, there is a real possibility of using the in-line form of production organization, which also provides a reduction in semi-fixed costs. In this regard, mass production is characterized by the lowest production cost.

The organizational type of production determines the range of the most effective methods used in his organization. So, the parallel type of movement of products for operations is most effective - in mass production. The spatial arrangement of equipment and jobs also has certain limits for effective use. So, the linear placement of equipment may be the most appropriate - in serial and mass.

Depending on the degree of manifestation of these properties, two main forms of organization of production are distinguished: in-line and non-in-line.

The flow form of the organization of production is characterized by stability, which is ensured by fixing the spatio-temporal parameters of production relations. This is expressed in the presence of a tact - the frequency of launching, processing, transferring from operation to operation and releasing products. The degree of continuity of the organization process is reflected in the classification of the flow form into continuous and intermittent. The cyclic nature of the organization of production is manifested in the presence of single-subject and multi-subject flow forms. The prerequisites for the in-line form of production organization are formed in mass and large-scale production and are as follows: the availability of specialized equipment (jobs); placement of equipment (workplaces) strictly in accordance with the sequence of technological operations; the use of a parallel or mixed method of combining operations in time; the presence of a beat (rhythm).

Numerous varieties of the non-flow form of organization are used in single and serial production. The general characteristics of these forms is as follows: the equipment used is universal or widely specialized; it is placed predominantly on a group principle; a sequential or mixed type of movement of products according to operations is used; production units are formed according to the technological principle. There is no stability in the organization of production; it is intermittent and characterized by a slight cyclicity.

Printing production is characterized by the release of products of a limited range of established circulations and belongs to the serial type.


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