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The air entering the car interior through the air ducts of the fan must contain the required amount of oxygen. This not only creates a comfortable environment inside the passenger compartment, but also ensures the extension of the service life of important units and components of the vehicle as a whole. And therefore, it is completely in vain that many motorists consider the cabin filter device an insufficiently significant element to pay special attention to it. In this article we will tell you where the cabin filter is located, what filters are equipped with modern cars and how to change it if necessary.

In a dense stream of cars in the direction of any vehicle the mixture is sent exhaust gases from the rest of the participants in the movement with air. It is extremely dangerous to breathe with such a "explosive" mixture, therefore, to trap harmful impurities, an air filter of the cabin is installed in the car.

Installing the cabin filter

The simplest paper filters began to put on cars from the 80th year of the last century. They were an exact replica of the filters used in engines that require mechanical cleaning. After some time, special cartridges with two cleaning layers were presented. The key advantage of this filter was that the first layer trapped relatively large debris, and particles smaller than 50 microns were deposited on the next layer.

Later, filters equipped with carbon elements were created for cars. which absorbed dust particles much better. Today, the most effective and costly filters are those that combine the best qualities of their predecessors. And the most popular devices are still filters with a carbon cartridge, which have an optimal ratio of price and quality.

How the filter works

Air enters the vehicle interior through the air intake holes in the heating system. He can do two things:

  • by gravity;
  • forced blowing with a fan.

Based on its functionality, the filter is installed in the housing of the heating system... Classic filtering devices are made of the finest paper, which is filled with electrostatic charges and impregnated with phenolic liquid.

This technology of the filtering device assumes not only the retention of large granular air impurities by the device, but also the attraction of smaller particles, in addition, the unpleasant odor is neutralized.

Installation of filters is most effective for people who suffer from respiratory diseases (asthma, allergies, etc.), who react to all kinds of odors, dust, pollen and other irritants of the inhaled air.

How the filter works

Types of cabin filter devices

The cabin air filter is a rectangular block with a specific size. Each device is equipped with a special material, which performs filtration and looks like a corrugated plate. The frame is made of plastic, and its main purpose is to protect the plate from jamming and keep it in the socket.

By the type of filter material used, the devices can be divided into several varieties.

Barrier filter

This copy is made from the finest paper or canvas (natural or synthetic). Similar filters are designed to hold the smallest mechanical suspensions in the air... They clean the air flow entering the cabin only from dust (sometimes from small insects).

Carbon filter device

A small layer of coal is applied to the filter material of such a device. Exactly it promotes the absorption of hazardous impurities contained in the air and neutralize unpleasant odors. Such a filter has improved filtering qualities when compared with its barrier counterpart. But it is important to know that from time to time the filtering properties of the key element (coal) are lost, which leads to their transformation into an ordinary filter.

Cabin air filter

Coated carbon element

In this embodiment, an ordinary carbon filter has an additional polyphenol antioxidant coating. Such devices neutralize allergens... In them, a layer of activated carbon is applied to one side of the porous-type material, and a layer of polyphenols, a natural antioxidant, is applied to the other side. This sample has a higher cost and is most in demand during periods of flowering plants and an increase in the activity of allergens.

Electret filter element

A similar device, in addition to the ordinary linen layer, is also equipped with an additional electro-charged thin fiber layer. The first of the layers is assigned the function of mechanical filtration, while the second is attracting microscopic particles of all kinds of impurities air. The manufacturers of such devices claim that this filter delays:

  • 99% of various particles ranging in size from 5 to 100 microns. These impurities include pollen, fungal spores, dust of various origins;
  • over 65% of particles with a diameter of 0.3 to 1 micron (smoke / soot / bacteria);
  • up to 35% of microscopic particles with sizes equal to one hundredth of a micron.

Combined filter

This device combined carbon elements and electret layers... The device has several degrees of cleaning. In addition, multilayer filtering devices are on sale. They have a mechanical cleaning layer combined with an electrostatic, antiseptic and carbon layer.

Barrier and carbon filtering devices are most in demand among Russian motorists, since they have a minimal price. Anti-allergenic filters are premium devices.

Cabin filter function

When installing a cabin filter device, it is important to know that any filter, regardless of the type and cost of the device, is a disposable element that must be replaced after a certain period of time.

Location and replacement frequency

Place of installation of the filter element

Despite the differences in filter designs different types and different manufacturers, in appearance, filtering devices, often, not too different from each other... Although the installation location of the filter element is different in cars of different brands. The most common options are:

  • under the main panel, behind the "glove compartment", opposite the passenger seat;
  • in the space under the hood of the car from the driver's side;
  • directly at the steering column above the pedals.

Depending on the location of the filter device(this is influenced by the vehicle model), the procedure for its replacement is different. And therefore, when it needs to be replaced, it is better to seek the services of car service masters. Otherwise, there are certain risks of deforming the edge or frame of the filtering device, it is not enough to firmly seat the device in the socket, or damage the seat of the filtering element.

Filter location

During operation and constant work debris accumulates in the corrugated element of the filter, this leads to its incorrect operation and implies the replacement of this device. The timing of filter replacement is specified in the vehicle's operational documentation and, as a rule, coincides with the scheduled service period.

Note that sometimes the replacement air filter required much more often. Let's say when the vehicle is used in conditions of excessive gas / dustiness. Reducing the operating time of the filter element is recommended when:

  • continuous movement by car on a dirt road;
  • constant trips during the flowering period of plants, from which a lot of petals and fluff are dropped;
  • movement in large cities where traffic congestion is common.

In addition, the quality of the device itself also affects the regularity of replacement. So a solid filter element from a trusted manufacturer will last 15-30 thousand km, then a fake device may not work even 50% of the period stated in the regulations.

Replacing the filter

The fact that the time has come to change the filtering device can be determined by some indirect signs:

  1. The air supplied to the passenger compartment has an unpleasant odor.
  2. When the fan is turned on, dust appears.
  3. The strength of the air flow during blowing has decreased, the air conditioner / stove works worse.
  4. The windows in the car interior began to fog up strongly due to the high humidity.

Failure to replace the filter device leads to the accumulation of dirt, which favors the development of fungus, mold and bacteria, which intensively spread through the system ventilation channels. In such conditions, the device transforms from an air-purifying element into a source of the spread of various diseases. You also need to understand that vacuum cleaning, washing or washing does not restore the properties of filter materials.

How to change the cabin filter device

In fact, this element is quite simple to change, it is only necessary correctly determine its location and then get close to him. It is extremely important, when removing the plastic inserts behind which the filter is located, not to damage the locking elements that secure them. It is advisable to read the instructions for the car several times, where it is described in detail how to remove the mount, how to restore it or completely replace the element due to a breakdown.

After dismantling the used filter, do not rush to put it in its place. new item... Experts advise using a vacuum cleaner or in another way clean the place where the filter device stood... After that, you can start installing a new filter. In this case, do not forget to look at the pointers on the device - they will indicate which side to correctly install the filtering device.

Old and new filters

Some companies indicate the installation diagrams of the filter device. Usually, this is an arrow that indicates the direction of the air flows: when the pointer is directed downwards, it means the air flow is coming from above.

In the absence of any signs, you should install, on which side the grooves are more deepened. It is through this side there is air before cleaning it. The logic is that grooves with greater depth suggest a longer collection of large debris and leaves. Let's consider how the filtering device changes on some machine models.

Changing the filter to Toyota

In the Corolla model, the cabin filter is located at the feet of the passenger behind the glove compartment. Nothing is required to change the filter, just a new device.

There are special latches on both sides of the glove compartment. When unfastened, the drawer drops slightly. This will give access to the filter unit. The block is held by 2 latches, which must be squeezed out. Now nothing will prevent the installation of a new filter device.

If, during installation, the box has dropped lower, then you should check the micro-lift drive (small piston), which ensures smoothness when opening the box. Most likely, he simply flew out of the mount.

How to change the filter

Changing the filter on the Chevrolet Cruze

Sequence of actions when replacing filter device is as follows:

  1. From the sides, inside the glove box, you need to remove 2 snap-on stops, slightly pushing them back, and then pulling them towards you.
  2. Unfasten travel stop on right edge.
  3. When the glove compartment is lowered, the plastic filter cover is visible. The element can be changed after removing the cover, which is held in place by three latching elements.

Changing the filter to Daewoo

In the Lanos model, the internal filter is installed in the space under the hood. The steps for replacing the filter element are carried out in the following sequence.

Cabin filter, which is equipped with each a car, designed to clean the air that enters the interior of your car through heating system... If your car is equipped with a carbon filter, then it will protect the driver from unpleasant third-party odors. Since this component collects dust and dirt entering the car from the street, replacing the cabin filter is an integral part of the technical work.



Today, most of these components are installed on the inner wall of the glove compartment or under the dashboard on the driver's side - it all depends on the manufacturer. As for cars of domestic assembly and production, the installation of a cabin filter is carried out under the windshield or under the hood in a special cassette. To find out where the cabin filter is located in your car, you need to read the operating instructions for the car.

Filter location

What filters are there?

The first air elements of the purification system began to be installed on cars in the early 90s. Then they were almost identical to standard engine air filters. A little later, the structure was improved and they became two-layer. The first layer was intended to prevent dust from entering the passenger compartment, and the second - to eliminate the consequences of the penetration of harmful microscopic particles into the car's cleaning system. A few more years later, components appeared in the structure of which there is activated carbon.

Conventionally, these components are divided among themselves according to the method of air purification. They may be:

  1. Mechanical. In this case, air passes through a mesh of special fine fibers.
  2. Adsorption. The functionality of such components is based on the ability of activated carbon to absorb various harmful substances and unpleasant odors.

New cabin filter

Component device

Using the example of the most complex in its structure - a multilayer air component - we will consider its device. The upper paper layer of the cleaning system element is designed to trap large harmful particles. There is an electrostatic layer under the backing paper, which is needed in order to trap smaller particles. This is followed by a layer based on activated carbon, which prevents exhaust gases from entering the cabin from the outside. The last, fourth layer of the component is the insurance layer that retains all other remaining harmful particles.

What is the price?

Every motorist wondered "how to replace the cabin filter?" and what's the price?". As for the cost of the elements, it all depends on the brand. If you are the owner of a minibus or SUV, then, firstly, the filter will be larger in size, and secondly, it will cost more. If you decide to buy or replace it from authorized dealer.

Filter location in Audi

If we compare with prices on the market, then from an official supplier they can cost two or even three times more. Note that the purchase of original products in this case is optional, since the service life of both the Chinese and the original air-cleaning product is the same. Components made in China can not only match, but also be better in quality than the originals.

When to change?

The frequency of replacement of such elements differs depending on the manufacturer and the operating conditions of the vehicle. Manufacturers advise changing the component of the purification system at least every 20-25 thousand kilometers. To find out the exact terms, you need to read the recommendations for using the car. If the car is used in urban areas or, for example, in the desert, then the service life of the element will be lower (about 10 thousand km).

Misted glass

How do you know when it's time to change?

The first sign that the time has come to change the cabin filter is a decrease in air flow through the heating system. For example, by setting the maximum ventilation level, the air will be less than it should. Signs by which you can determine whether it needs to be replaced:

  1. An unpleasant odor is the reason that the component needs to be replaced.
  2. If the stove is barely blowing in the car in summer, and the stove blows weakly in winter, then it's time to change the cleaning element.
  3. There is moisture in the cabin and the windows fog up, this is a sign of a component malfunction. Humidity in the cabin appears as a result of the ingress of water on the component, therefore, domestic and Chinese cars are at risk of such a "sore" than foreign cars.

If a car has been used for a long time with a clogged component (or without it), then get ready to shell out a tidy sum at the service station. Deterioration of the air system as a result of a breakdown of the cleaning element in 98% of cases provokes freezing of the radiator-evaporator. Frozen dirt caught in the frost, as it thaws, will contribute to the formation of a favorable environment for microbes and a disgusting odor.

Old filter

Here it will no longer be possible to solve the problem by replacing the component alone. Dust and dirt, which "missed" the cleaning element, has apparently reached the stove or air conditioner, so you need to dismantle the evaporator and clean it yourself. You can go to the service station, where it will cost more.

Replacing a component

If you do not know how to remove the cabin filter, then you do not have to go to a car service station. Not sure how to change your cabin filter? This can be done easily without using special tools. Whatever the car, and wherever this component is located, you will need a universal set of tools: wrenches and screwdrivers. Correct replacement the cabin filter is possible at home, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the articles on replacing the filter on our website.

Video "Replacing an element of the cleaning system in a Daewoo Lanos car"

On most models modern cars- a routine procedure necessary to ensure the normal operation of the heating and ventilation system.

  • When operating equipment in large cities or industrial centers with an atmosphere saturated with internal emissions.
  • In regions where the air is highly polluted due to natural factors - sandstorms or volcanic activity.
  • In areas with increased humidity, favorable for the formation of pathogenic bacteria.

In all these cases, it is necessary, if not completely to exclude the possibility of contamination entering the passenger compartment, then at least to significantly reduce their amount.

What is the replacement for?

Particles of substances harmful to health, harmful microorganisms and even ordinary dust cause harm not only if they directly enter the respiratory organs. Other factors should be considered:

To avoid these problems, you should regularly replace the inexpensive part.

Replacing the cabin filter. Video:

What are the types of cabin filters and what to look for when choosing?

Car designers have developed and tested various air purification systems, differing in size and principle of operation. Today, the most widespread devices are in the form of disposable replaceable cartridges. They are of two types:

Charcoal filters not only remove particulate matter from the air. They absorb harmful substances and eliminate unpleasant odors. The resource of parts, regardless of their features, is limited. It is necessary to make their timely replacement.

The type of cartridge should be chosen taking into account the conditions in which the car is operated. In regions with high humidity, a high probability of harmful chemical emissions into the atmosphere, it makes sense to give preference to charcoal filters. In other cases, paper replacement elements will suffice.

The characteristics of the cartridge are influenced by the length of the filter petals and the density of the material from which they are made. Longer, denser petals purify the air better and last longer. But the speed of air passing through them decreases, which affects the efficiency of the ventilation system.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the final choice of material and version of the cartridge may be influenced by allergic diseases.

When buying a new part, pay attention to its dimensions, which must exactly match the established ones. Otherwise, the filter simply will not snap into place or it will let dirty air through gaps and leaks.

How do you know when it's time to change?

The terms for replacing the cartridges are stipulated in the vehicle's operating instructions. Usually it is 10-15 thousand km.

However, it is often necessary to install a new filter element earlier. On expensive models of cars, filters dustiness sensors are sometimes installed. Equipment owners will have to be guided by the signs by which it is possible to determine that it is time to spend necessary maintenance... Among these signs:

In some cases, the need to replace the cabin filter arises due to the ingress of moisture on it.

The most common reason is clogging of the ducts designed to drain water from the air intake into the ventilation system.

This can be avoided by regularly cleaning the gutters from the debris that has got into them. Most often these are dry leaves fallen from trees.

Replacing the cabin filter on the Priore without air conditioning. Video:

Where is the cabin filter located?

Of course, I would like to have free access to the location of the cabin filter. However, the developers place the part in a variety of, and not always convenient places. It is good if it is located in the motorcycle compartment. Then, in most cases, you can get to it without any problems.

But sometimes the layout of the heating and ventilation system is such that the filter is placed inside the cabin, under the dashboard. In this case, access to it can be difficult, and for replacement it is necessary to partially disassemble the instrument panel.

It is optimal if the cartridge is located in a place from where air enters into the ventilation ducts. But sometimes developers neglect this rule, sacrificing the efficiency of the cleaning system to solve other problems.

Depending on the car model, not one replacement cartridge can be installed, but two or more. Determine exactly where is the cabin filter on your machine, you can by reading the technical documentation for its maintenance.

How to replace the cabin filter?

The easiest way to do this is to visit a service station and entrust the work to professionals. This will avoid unnecessary problems. But if for some reason it is not possible to do this, you can solve the problem yourself.

You will have to stock up in advance with plastic clips that attach many of the body parts. It is not always possible to ensure their safety during disassembly, even by specialists who are well aware of how to change the cabin filter.

It's okay if you damage it by removing the old cartridge. But new part have to be inserted very carefully. With this, due to the limited interior space and inconvenient access to the installation site, difficulties often arise. People who have solid dimensions or are not agile enough may not be able to do such work.

Make no mistakes

Some car owners do not see a special need for air purification and simply remove the cartridge. It is a bad idea. Even if a person does not value his health, he should think about the fact that dirt trapped inside the air ducts will cause damage to the components of the ventilation system, the repair of which can be difficult and expensive.

It is much cheaper and easier to perform the necessary maintenance and enjoy clean air in the cabin of your car. Knowing how to change the cabin filter, It is not so difficult.

In the conditions of modern roads and cities, where the number of cars is growing, and the environmental situation is getting worse, the cabin filter has already become an obligatory attribute of any modern car.

The main manufacturers of cabin air filters for imported cars are BOSCH, Filtron, MAHLE, Mann, UNICO. The task of the air filter is to clean the outside air entering the cabin through the ventilation system.

Exhaust gases, dust, microparticles formed during the washing of car tires penetrate into the car interior. We inhale this mixture, poisoning our body. About 60% of urban air pollution is dirt from the roads lifted into the air by wheels. The cabin filter cleans the air from these impurities, keeping you healthy.

Misted windows make driving difficult and prevent the driver from quickly navigating the road. We are looking for the reason in the poor performance of the stove, instead of replacing the cabin filter. During operation, the filter becomes clogged with dirt, which absorbs moisture from the air. Including the ventilation system, air passes through the filter, begins to dry it, and all the accumulated moisture enters the cabin, settling on cold windows.

When turning on the air conditioner, sometimes an unpleasant rotten smell appears. This is the rotting particles of organic origin (pollen of plants, insects, fungi) that have accumulated in the cabin filter. Change filters at least twice a year.

Today, manufacturers produce dust filters based on synthetic fibers that do not get wet and have antiseptic properties that prevent fungi from multiplying.

Cabin air filters with activated carbon are now available. In charcoal cabin filters, the air is purified in three stages before it enters the passenger compartment. The first layer of the filter is made of polyester-propylene fibers, which trap large particles of dust and soot.

The second layer consists of a thinner polypropylene microfiber, which traps fine dust particles and liquid pollution in the form of vapors. The third layer - coal, purifies the air by 90% of harmful gases entering the car interior.

Where is the cabin filter

Different car manufacturers have different approaches to the positioning of the cabin filter. The easiest way to find it is to look at the instructions for the car, which you can get on the Internet.

Lovers of digging and sorting out everything on their own can try to find a cabin filter on their own. In most vehicles, the cabin filter is located under the dash on the front passenger side.

The filter is accessed either through the glove box (glove compartment) or from the engine compartment. Most often, perhaps, all the same through the glove compartment.

How to change the cabin filter yourself

Cabin filters are made for a specific car model. For each filter sold, there is a replacement instruction.

If you are not sure that you can change the filter yourself, entrust it to specialists. service center... It is recommended to replace the cabin filter every 15,000 km, but at least once, and sometimes twice a year.

Replacing the cabin filter in a timely manner will provide you and your passengers with comfort and clean air in the car.

The filter replacement procedure is very simple and takes less than a minute. As a rule, no special tools are needed for this.

The first step is to fully open the glove box, for this it is necessary to release the stoppers by bending them, shaking them, finding the position that will allow them to be pulled out:

After that, remove the restrictive draft:

Now all that remains is to open the plastic cover, remove the old filter (there may be two, by the way) and put a new one.

And that's all, actually. We close the lid and restore the glovebox to work.

And again you can enjoy clean air. Enjoy your trips and travels.

Cabin filter does not affect the operation of the machine - engine valves or brake system will not work worse due to clogging. But it cleans the air entering the car interior from dust and other harmful pollutants rising from the roadway. This node is especially important if the car owner or his passengers may have allergic reactions to any substances. It will help to make the air in the car interior clean, without hazardous impurities. However, for better result this element needs to be changed regularly.

1 Where is the cabin filter?

The element can have a different arrangement:

  • in most cars, this element is located behind the "glove compartment" - a compartment for gloves, or immediately below or above it - such are Renault (Logan, Duster, Sandero and other models);
  • some machines have a special design dashboard, and they have a cabin filter located directly under it, and deep enough;
  • there are cars in which this part is placed in a special cassette and is located under the hood (vivid examples are Ford Focus 1, Daewoo Nexia, as well as VAZ models - Lada Kalina, Priora, Grant).

Difficulties with self-replacement The cabin filter can only be tested by owners of cars in which it is located very deep under the dashboard. In other cases, changing it with your own hands will not be difficult.

But there is one general rule: The frequency of replacing the cabin filter depends on the intensity and climatic conditions of the machine. If a car "operates" in a southern region with a high content of sand and other similar substances in the street air, its cabin filter will become dirty much faster than in a car operated in latitudes with cleaner air.

Affects the frequency of node change and the ratio of driving time in urban areas and outside the city.

If a car is operated within a city for a significant amount of time, is in a dense stream of cars and stays in multi-kilometer traffic jams for hours, its cabin filter will become dirty much faster than a vehicle that often drives on country roads.

But regardless of the service conditions of the car and the manufacturer's recommendations, the filter must be replaced at least once a year, even if the car has low mileage.

However, you should not succumb to the tricks of unscrupulous workshop or car wash masters. If at maintenance or cleaning the machine you are persuaded that you need to replace the unit, first study it appearance... Perhaps there is no need to change it yet.

An element has become unusable if its plates are very dirty, there is debris between them - leaves, small branches, soot, soot, insects. In this case, a new filter is really needed.

3 Signs of the need to replace an element

There are a few indirect signs, by which you can independently determine the moment when it is time to change the filter in the cabin:

  • on the street the air is clean and fresh, but there is no freshness and cleanliness in the cabin, when the car is moving, the situation worsens, and the air conditioner or fragrances do not help to correct the situation;
  • when the cabin ventilation system is turned on at maximum power, there is no strong blowing of air, but dust appears in a noticeable amount;
  • the interior has an unpleasant "dusty" smell.

You also need to start sounding the alarm if the glass inside the car starts to fog up excessively.

4 Types of cabin filters

When choosing a new element, the main criteria will be its size and compatibility with a particular car brand. And its type according to the main working material is chosen by the car owner himself, based on personal preferences. The choice of the following types:

  • Regular paper, made of porous paper and providing filtration only at the mechanical level.
  • Coal, made from paper material with a special coating that can eliminate unpleasant odors and absorb some toxic gases.
  • Carbon-polyphenolic, ideal for people with manifestations of allergies to various particles in the air. This is also paper on which activated carbon and polyphenol composition are applied.
  • Electret, very expensive, but the most effective, containing in its construction a special layer of thin fibers with an electric charge.

Any type of cabin air filter element is disposable consumable to be replaced when it gets dirty. Attempts to clean them with a vacuum cleaner or other means will not only fail to remove the microparticles already detained by the element, but will also make the unit even more dangerous for the driver and his passengers.

5 How to make a change with your own hands

This operation is very easy and quick to do with your own hands. It is necessary to determine the location of the filter in the car, get to it and carefully remove it, taking care not to damage the fixing latches.

The compartment in which the part was located must be vacuumed or cleaned with a damp cloth. After that, a new filter is installed.


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