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Let's analyze the typical situations in which you may need to perform this action:

  1. Let's start with the moment of purchasing the car. True, in this case, we are not talking about buying a new car, but about buying a car "from hand", ie. used, respectively, on re-registration. This responsibility falls on the shoulders of the new owner of the vehicle. However, there is a small caveat to this rule. If the re-registration did not take place within 10 days, then the obligation to re-register the car is shifted to the seller. By the way, the fact that the buyer should first re-register the car is not a panacea. This is primarily necessary for the previous car owner. Re-registration relieves him of all responsibility for the further fate of the car, including the payment of transport taxes.
  2. The second case concerns the option of the vehicle owner moving to a new place of residence (permanent or temporary for a long time) to a foreign country.
  3. Unknown villains steal your car. Of course, we are talking about the case if your car cannot be found for a long time (and, most likely, it has already, alas and ah, become spare parts, or drives it and does not suspect new owner).
  4. If you decide to take advantage of the federal car recycling program. Moreover, the procedure for passing this procedure can be as complete - that is, the entire car will go to scrap due to unsuitability (all parts of the vehicle that have serial numbers), partial, that is, only some of the elements will be disposed of.

What do you need to deregister a car?

In this section, we will analyze the general procedure for passing this procedure, and a little below we will consider some of the nuances that must be taken into account when passing the appropriate procedure for the above circumstances. Actually - the order of passage:

  1. Step one. We write an application to the traffic police to deregister the car (the standard form is available at the traffic police department, for a fee it will even be filled out for you). Moreover, the application must indicate the reason for the removal of the car from the register.
  2. Step two. We collect and submit the documents necessary for the implementation of this procedure.

These documents include the following:

  • a document proving your identity;
  • a document certifying the fact of ownership of this car vehicle(most often we are talking about a purchase and sale agreement or a donation agreement);
  • power of attorney to represent the interests of the owner, if you and he are different persons;
  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle registration certificate (STS);
  • a license plate or an explanation of why it is missing is also needed.
  1. After submitting the documents, you receive a receipt for payment of the state duty, and of course, make the payment.
  2. After the above steps are completed, take the collected documents and the receipt to the MREO.
  3. If necessary, undergo a technical inspection of your car.
  4. Next, you are given new license plate, if there is a need for this - PTS, and the inspection report.
  5. After all these procedures, the MREO employee will enter all the data into automatic systems accounting. On this, in principle, the procedure can be considered complete.

Can a car be removed from the register in another city or region?

A very urgent question that continues to excite the minds of car owners, who continue to be captivated by the illusion of the omnipotence of such a social institution as "registration". This relic of the Soviet past, fortunately, is starting to fade into the past more and more. Currently, you can safely and without any problems, re-register or remove the car from the register at any department of the traffic police, in any settlement or region of our vast Motherland. And we repeat, there are no legitimate reasons for refusing you in this procedure from the traffic police officers. By the way, this aspect concerns not only the deregistration of the car, but also many other things. And if suddenly any not very educated or well-mannered traffic police officer tries to convince you that this is not so, then you, with unshakable confidence in your voice, suggest that he study the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 of November 24, 2008 "On the procedure for registering vehicles", where in Article 24.5 in the most detailed way, legislatively, confirms your arguments.

Deregistration on various grounds

Well, now, as mentioned above, we will analyze some of the nuances and features that arise when a car is removed from the register in various situations.


When it comes to recycling, there are a number of advantages. The most important thing is that you do not need to undergo a technical inspection. Also, there is no need to submit documents for cars - STS and PTS. It is only necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of the this car: sales contract, donation contract, etc. Also a plus is that disposal can be carried out even without a license plate. Instead, it will be necessary to write an explanation for what reason they (numbers) are missing.


In this case, the only nuance that distinguishes the procedure for removing a stolen car from the standard procedure is that, in addition to all documents, you will need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs that your car is listed in theft. And then the procedure for submitting documents remains the same. If the documents for the car were in the stolen motor vehicle, then, unfortunately, you will have to go through the entire document recovery procedure.


In the event of the sale / purchase of a used car, you will need to undergo an inspection if the deadline is right. Also, if you buy a car and want to change the license plate, you will need to write a separate application about this.

If you sold your car, and the new owner did not register it within ten days, and the documents for the car are with him, then to deregister it, it is enough to contact the MREO with a passport and a purchase / sale agreement.

If the car is being exported or has already been exported, the algorithm for deregistering it does not change to a large extent. In addition, it will be necessary to additionally pay the state duty for registration of the transit number. This is if the departure is only planned.

Some features that relate to the inspection of the car in case of its removal from the register

Let's focus on the inspection of the car. Inspection is not needed if you receive duplicate documents, make changes to registration documents due to changes in your personal data (for example, surname), in a situation where its registration has been completed for some time and has already ended. Well, it goes without saying, if recycling takes place. But an inspection is always needed if you plan to make changes to the condition of your car, for example, make external or internal tuning, change the body color.

Removal of the car from the register through the STATE SERVICE portal

The passage of this procedure through the portal of the State Service, on the one hand, is practically no different from the same process, so to speak, in the real world. However, on the other hand, it has some differences with the plus sign.

So, let's take a look at the procedure itself.

  1. The first thing you need to do is, of course, register on this portal, of course, if you have not done so yet. The registration procedure itself, of course, differs in the direction of complication from the registration procedure in the same social networks. To register for the State Services, you must provide scanned copies of all your documents (passport, SNILS, TIN, etc.) to one of the multifunctional centers.
  2. Next, you need to select the specific section that interests you. This algorithm looks like this: Government services - Transport and driving - Vehicle registration - Vehicle deregistration - Deregistration category (hijacking, sale, moving to another state, etc.).
  3. After that, in the form provided, you need to upload scanned copies of all documents that need to be submitted to remove the car from the register.
  4. Then you pay the state duty in any convenient format: even immediately, through a bank card, even through a printed paper receipt, at any bank.
  5. Next, you await instructions on what to do next. Instructions will be sent either to your personal account or in the form of SMS.

Let's dwell on the pros and cons of this method. A definite plus is that you avoid standing in lines. The whole procedure is clearly scheduled, and you will receive the most detailed instructions about the order of passage and the necessary documents. Also, the pluses include the fact that you will come directly to draw up documents for removing the car from the register at a strictly agreed time. Well, and, perhaps, an important positive point is the fact that users of the State Service portal are provided with a 30% discount on payment of fees.

The disadvantages include some complication of the procedure. It lies in the fact that you will need to provide all documents in a scanned form.

We have already touched on this issue in the previous sections. Let's try to summarize the information a little.

In what case may you be missing a car? Here the answer suggests itself - in the case of theft. The algorithm of actions here is simple. In addition to all of the above documents, you need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the theft of the car.

In addition, the car may be absent in case of loss or theft of documents, in the event of a sale of the car. In all these cases, the documents will have to be restored. To do this, you will need to write a statement to the traffic police. There is no need to deregister a car without restoring documents, only if it is being recycled.


The new rules for registering vehicles, despite the extensive explanatory work of the traffic police, left drivers a lot of questions, the answers to which are not so easy to get on their own. In particular, one of the most frequently asked questions is "is it possible to deregister a car without a car?"

The process of removing a vehicle from the register, traditionally, was associated with a rather serious time spent on registration necessary documents, as well as waiting for the inspector to inspect the provided vehicle. The introduction of new rules has greatly simplified the life of car owners, especially those who are going to sell their vehicles, and since the end of 2013, it is no longer required to deregister a car.

More details about the currently existing procedures can be seen in the video:

The legal owner of the vehicle does not always have the physical ability to present it at the traffic police department. The most common situations when it is impossible to drive a car in the traffic police include:

  • inheritance of a car by a person who has no rights and is not going to use the vehicle;
  • the car is not on the move, and the car is removed from the register without the presence of the car itself for the purpose of its subsequent disposal (both full and partial);
  • without the presence of the vehicle itself, it can be removed from the register if there is a sale and purchase agreement, and the new owner does not have any registration actions.

Depending on the ultimate goal, it is possible to deregister a car even in the absence of any documents and license plates - this is possible if the vehicle is intended for recycling. It is worth knowing that in accordance with the updated rules, a vehicle can be removed from the register at any convenient traffic police department, and not only in the one where it was registered, as before.

When you need to deregister a vehicle

Despite the fact that, in fact, currently it is not required to deregister a car even when it is sold, there are a number of situations left when it is still required to do this:

Documents that may be required to reissue the vehicle

Depending on the specific situation, the list of documents that will have to be collected before removing the car from the register may contain:

  • application of a certain form;
  • general passport of the vehicle owner;
  • STS and PTS;
  • a receipt for the payment of the state duty in the amount corresponding to the type of operation being carried out;
  • a sales contract will be required, if any;
  • ordering a car on general power of attorney will require to make a notarized copy of it;
  • when re-issuing by an authorized person of the owner, a power of attorney certified by a notary is required.

Writing an application has a number of features, and it must indicate the main reason for the removal of the car from the register. For example, in case of partial utilization of the vehicle, the application says about the utilization of the entire vehicle, but with the possibility of obtaining documents for the unit that is planned to be left. Before removing a car from the register without a car that has already been sold, but not reissued by the new owner, in the application you will need to make a note about the loss of numbers and documents on the vehicle.

Important! In the case when the car is removed from the register and brought to the traffic police, it is required to conduct a series preparatory work, allowing you to go through the inspection procedure by the inspector quickly, without complaints and refusal to inspect.

Before you provide the auto inspector with it, you must thoroughly wash it, not forgetting about the units equipped with their own number. In addition, the vehicle must not have:

  • glasses tinted in excess of the established standards;
  • tinted / painted headlights and other lighting equipment;
  • straight-through muffler;
  • dirty and damaged license plates.

How to deregister a car without license plates

For the most part, in order to quickly and easily remove a vehicle from the register, it is required to prepare the entire package of documents for both the car and the owner in advance. And the state. numbers in this case are one of the rather important conditions. But the law also provides for another scenario, in which this action can be carried out without a standard set of documents.

Such situations include theft and disposal of the vehicle - then you can remove it from the register without even presenting the vehicle itself for inspection. Withdrawal will take place quickly, after which the former owner will no longer be obliged to pay transport tax. In the event that a vehicle deregistered due to theft is returned to its rightful owner, it will need to be registered again. Without numbers and documents, its former owner can also remove a car from the register, if the current owner is in no hurry to re-register.

Attention! When submitting an application to the traffic police department about the need to remove the vehicle from the register due to theft, you should stock up in advance with a certificate from the investigating authorities confirming this fact.

In all other cases, remove the car from the register without having the entire set of documents and state documents on hand. The rooms are not possible. Any actions related to changing the registration data of the car will require preliminary measures aimed at restoring documents and obtaining duplicate state documents. numbers. For this, in addition to material costs, it will take a certain amount of time.

Many car owners try to delay the visit to the traffic police department as much as possible knowing about the endless queues that have already become an integral part of every department of the country. Few motorists know, but in most MREO there is an excellent opportunity to make an appointment by phone. You can find out about this directly at the department, since information about such a possibility is usually not available on information stands.

For drivers who actively use the Internet and are registered on the website of "Gosuslugi", it is now possible to use this resource for pre-registration. After going through a short registration procedure on the site, you can be sure that the acceptance / issue of documents will be carried out at the exact time specified - they are also in no hurry to inform drivers about such an opportunity in the traffic police department.

Earlier, when a car sale and purchase agreement was drawn up, a prerequisite for the transaction was the removal of the car from registration. However, relatively recently, this practice has been abolished for the sake of convenience for the buyer and seller of the vehicle, i.e. the direct transfer of ownership of the car from one person to another began to take place. However, many are still wondering how to remove a car from registration, and in what cases is this procedure mandatory? Let's try to figure out all the questions in this article.

When you need to remove a car from the traffic police register

As mentioned earlier, the purchase and sale of a car is carried out without first removing the car from the register. But there is special cases when this procedure should be performed:

  • Utilization of the vehicle under the state program. This procedure can be of two types: full and partial. In the first case, recycling occurs when the car can no longer function, and absolutely all of its components and parts are recycled. Partial recycling consists in the scrapping of individual machine parts. At the same time, the owner of the car is exempt from vehicle tax.
  • The vehicle was hijacked. If these illegal actions have been committed with your car, then you need to contact the nearest traffic police department with a corresponding statement to remove the car from registration. For obvious reasons, deregistration is carried out without the presence of the vehicle itself. If the car is found later, it can be registered again.
  • In the case of exporting the vehicle outside of Russia. If you are going to leave the country in your car for a long period of time, then it is imperative to unregister the car. Then, having arrived at your new location, you need to register the car with the local inspection office.
  • In case the new owner has not registered the vehicle to himself. According to current legislation, the buyer is obliged to register the purchased car within ten days. If this did not happen, then this procedure must be performed by the seller, otherwise the vehicle will continue to be listed with him. This means that all fines and taxes will still be paid by the old owner, which, of course, is unacceptable and not beneficial to the former owner of the car.

What documents are required to deregister a car

Many people are interested in how to deregister a car without a car? First you need to collect everything Required documents, which will resolve this issue in the near future. Here is a complete list:

  • Application written by the vehicle owner in a special form.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation presented by the owner.
  • Vehicle registration certificate, as well as vehicle registration certificate.
  • A receipt for payment of the state fee (the cost of this procedure will depend on the type of registration procedure).
  • If the car is sold, the original must be provided.
  • If, for some reason, the owner is not able to independently submit an application to remove the car from the register, then his representative can do this. Accordingly, he must have a power of attorney certified by a notary.

When writing an application, there are certain nuances that affect its preparation.

State Traffic Safety Inspectorate statement on the removal of the vehicle registration

Depending on why the car is removed from the register, the application will be written in different ways:

  • If the vehicle will be exported outside the Russian Federation, then in the application you need to make an appropriate note - "in connection with the export of the vehicle outside the borders of the Russian Federation."
  • If full disposal is applied to the machine, then you need to write the following - "a certificate for the released units is not required and the numbers are attached in the kit."
  • If partial disposal is applied, then a note is made in the application about the need for a certificate for a certain part (body, engine, etc.).
  • In case the new owner did not register the car within the allotted time, you can submit an application for recycling, indicating that the license plates and documents have been lost.

Now about each case more specifically.

How to deregister a car for recycling

If a complete disposal procedure is performed, then a car without a car can be deregistered. To do this, we need a specific list of documents:

  • Russian passport of the owner.
  • Technical passport and car registration certificate.
  • A form-based statement and numbers.
  • A receipt stating that you have paid the state fee.

In the event that partial disposal takes place, then the car must be provided. The specialist will inspect the vehicle, check the license plates, and then give you an extract. If it is not possible to deliver the car yourself, you can call a specialist to the location of the vehicle.

Removal of registration in case of car theft

Naturally, the first step will be to contact the police, where you need to record this fact. The staff will accept your application, after which a criminal case will be initiated.

To remove a car from the register, you must have the following documents:

  • A statement that you want to remove the vehicle from registration.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Technical passport for the car.
  • Police statement.

Removal of the car from the register upon sale

Previously, the seller was always responsible for unregistering a car. However, now this procedure has been simplified, after which this procedure for deregistering a car upon sale was entrusted to the buyer. However, if for some reason he did not do this within ten days, then the seller must personally carry out this procedure. To do this, he must have the following package of documents:

  • A sample deregistration application.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • The original sales contract.
  • Receipt.

State Service website - car deregistration

Currently, it is possible to deregister a vehicle via the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the State Services website - Deregistering a car online is very convenient, because it significantly saves time, and there are no queues.

We find the corresponding column among the categories, i.e. "Registration of vehicles". Further, we see on the right in the menu the column about deregistration. Here you need to select the reason you have - removal during disposal, during sale, etc. Then, the procedure will be as follows:

  • You need to choose the nearest branch of the institution, which provides this kind of service. You also need to decide on the date and time.
  • By filling in all the data, the system processes the request automatically, after which it sends the application to the appropriate authorities.
  • Employees of the institution providing these services will receive an application and, in case of a positive answer, will contact you by the contact phone number specified when writing an application through the website. If, for some reason, a refusal is made, then information about this will also be communicated to you.

This method of contact is preferable because you avoid the long queues that inevitably await you at the institutions. This practice is widely introduced in order to relieve the departments, making the procedure itself more perfect and civilized. Of course, you still have to visit the department, but you will do it at certain hours, which will significantly save your time and you will not have to stand in line for half a day and run around the offices.

State duty for deregistering a car

  • 350 rubles - amendments and clarifications to the TCP;
  • 500 rubles - registration of a STS for another person;
  • 350 rubles - change of place of registration, entered in the TCP:
  • 200 rubles - state duty for deregistering a car when disposed of at the traffic police,

For the Transit sign:

  • 1 600 rubles - metal;
  • 200 rubles - paper.

The amount of the state fee for removing a car from the register depends on many factors and is individual for each car. On average, the cost of removing a car from the register ranges from 850 - 1050 rubles. The maximum cost of the state duty reaches up to 2500 rubles. After payment, you need to provide a receipt to the traffic police department. Payment details must be found in your traffic police department.


Having considered all the methods of removing a car from registration, it can be concluded that without the presence of the vehicle itself, this will be possible in almost all cases described. The only exceptions are deregistration for partial utilization, as well as for the export of a vehicle outside the Russian Federation, to any other country, due to the fact that another country has its own laws and procedures.

How to deregister a car correctly in 2020? This question often arises among people who want to perform manipulations in the traffic police.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve your problem- contact a consultant:


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Performing the action is not difficult, but the car owner who decides to part with the car should know the basic nuances of the procedure. To do this, you need to study the current information on the topic.

What you need to know

Today, there are a number of situations in the occurrence of which it is necessary to perform such a manipulation.

These include:

  • the car was stolen;
  • the car is removed from the register for disposal;
  • the owner leaves the Russian Federation for a long period of time and at the same time takes the car with him;
  • the new owner of the purchased car did not register it in time.

If a vehicle was hijacked, its owner must contact the nearest traffic police department and write the appropriate one.

For obvious reasons, the operation is performed without a car. If the investigation is successful and the vehicle is found, it can be re-registered at a later date.

If a person wants to remove a car from the register due to the fact that he is going to dispose of it, first it is necessary to decide in what form the procedure will be performed.

The owner can dispose of the vehicle in whole or in part. The first type of procedure is used when the machine is completely out of order.

In this situation, all of its parts and components are destroyed. In the second situation, only some of the parts are subject to disposal.

In this case, the car is removed from the register, and the car owner is freed from having to pay.

If a person is going to leave Russia for a long time in a vehicle, he must be removed from the register.

Arriving at a new place of residence, the owner of the car will have to contact the local government agency in charge of registration and re-register the car.

Deregistration may also be required when selling a vehicle.

If you study the current rules, it turns out that the new owner of the car is obliged to register it within 10 days.

If this does not happen, the seller must personally contact the government agency and remove the car from the register.

Otherwise, the sold car will remain with the original owner.

This means that all accrued fines and other applied sanctions will have to be paid to the person who sold the car a long time ago.

Basic concepts

To perform the procedure correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the concepts that appear during its execution.

So, if the vehicle registration is terminated, it means that after a while the vehicle will be registered again.

If a person wants to remove a vehicle from the register, it is understood that the re-registration will not be performed.

Previously, the owner of the vehicle was required to complete the withdrawal every time he made a decision to sell the vehicle.

However, October 15, 2013 entered into force. The regulatory act allowed car owners to sell them along with numbers.

This led to the fact that the need for mandatory removal of the vehicle from the register disappeared.

Why is it needed

Deregistration or de-registration procedures are carried out when the owner of the vehicle is not using it and is unwilling to pay vehicle tax.

The choice of the operation to be carried out on the car depends on the specifics of the event.

So, according to the current legislation, the termination of registration of a car is carried out in the following cases:

  • the vehicle was lost;
  • the car was stolen;
  • registration was completed for a specified period, which has come to an end;
  • the car has been sold;
  • decided to terminate the contract, and the car was registered with the borrower only for a limited period.

There are much fewer situations when it is necessary to deregister a car.

A similar operation is performed if the owner of the car is going to take it outside the Russian Federation or plans to dispose of the car.

More often than other manipulations, the registration of a car is terminated due to the sale.

Having transferred the rights to the car to another owner, a person cannot be sure that he put the car on record within the prescribed period.

For this reason, the former owner of the car decides to deregister it. To perform the manipulation, you must perform the following steps:

If up to this point the new owner of the car has not yet registered it to himself, the registration will end automatically.

Legal framework

Before you deregister a car from the tax office after the sale, you must familiarize yourself with the document that regulates the procedure.

The main normative legal act, the content of which should be known to every person who is going to carry out the registration procedure or remove the car from the register -.

It contains the reasons, the occurrence of which leads to the need to remove the vehicle from the register.

The main nuances of the procedure are also spelled out here. In addition, you will need to familiarize yourself with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 605.

The normative legal act describes in detail the implementation of the procedure and records the actions that must be performed in order to remove the car from the register.

It will be useful to study the provisions. The regulation was designed to simplify the functioning of government bodies and their interaction with each other.

Having studied the provisions of the federal law, the owner of the car will be able to find out what documentation the specialists of the organizations cannot require during the removal of the car from the register.

The basic concepts concerning the conduct of actions to terminate the state registration of a car are contained in Art.


The nuances of the procedure may vary depending on its features.

However, today there is a standard scheme that the car owner must adhere to, who decides to remove the vehicle from the register:

If there are no reasons that prevent the removal of the car from the register, the employees of the state body will perform the manipulation.

After the action is completed, the vehicle will no longer be registered with the former owner.

This means that he will save himself from the need to pay tax for old car and make other payments related to it.

Where to deregister a car (addresses in Moscow)

If a person needs to remove a car from the register in Moscow, this will not cause any difficulties. In the capital, there is a whole list of branches of state bodies that you can contact.

As in other cities, the traffic police perform the manipulation. The car owner will have to visit one of the branches at:

The choice of the branch depends only on the convenience of the client.

Required package of documents

The action is impossible without providing the necessary documentation.

If a person is thinking about how to remove a car from the register for sale under the new rules, he will need to prepare the following papers:

  • owner's passport;
  • an application written in accordance with the established form;
  • car registration certificate;
  • confirming payment of the state fee.

It is not always possible for a person to submit the necessary documentation on his own. If there is no possibility of personal contact with state authorities, the owner of the vehicle may ask a third party to perform the action.

However, in this case, you will have to issue a power of attorney. The document will need to be certified by a notary.

If through State services

To rent a car that no longer exists, it is not necessary to personally visit the branch of the relevant government agency.

Today it is possible to remotely perform manipulations. The action is performed through the website of the State Service.

Online contact can significantly save time. The motorist does not have to stand in a long queue to perform the necessary manipulations.

To remove a car from the register through the State Service website, you must:

Complete the registration procedure or log in to the page If you already have an account
Carefully study the available menu and find the option "Vehicle registration" On the right, there will be a column that allows you to remove the car from the register. Having chosen it, the person will have to indicate the reason, due to the onset of which the person wants to perform the manipulation
The applicant will then be asked to select the address of the nearest institution Which will allow him to fulfill his plans. In addition, the applicant will have to choose the time at which it will be convenient for him to visit the branch of the state body.
Next, you will need to fill out the proposed online form When the action is completed, the system will automatically process the application and send the request to the appropriate government authority
Then you need to wait for the decision of the organization To which the request was sent. Its employees will analyze the data received and, if they agree to perform the manipulation at the specified time, they will contact the applicant by phone. In case of a negative answer, the person will also be notified

Experts advise giving preference to this method. It avoids long queues at offices.

In addition, the use of such a referral system helps to relieve the organizations themselves.

Having chosen the method, a person will not be able to avoid a personal visit to the office of a government agency, but he will be able to significantly save time.

Emerging nuances

The procedure for removing a car from the register can vary significantly depending on a number of nuances. To know how to act in a specific situation, it is necessary to study its features in advance.

How to deregister a car without a car and without documents

In life, there may be different situations... There are times when the owner needs to deregister a car, access to which is no longer available, as well as documents for it.

In this case, the car continues to be registered with the original owner. In this case, the owner of the car can contact the traffic police and write a statement about disposal.

To perform the manipulation, only a passport is required. When a person leaves an application, the car will no longer be registered with him.

Moreover, if the traffic police stop the car on the road, they will pick it up for subsequent scrapping.

According to the current legislation, the car owner can restore documents on the vehicle if they have been lost.

However, you will need a car, because the procedure involves checking the state registration plates with the data in the database. Sometimes it is enough to provide numbers to perform the manipulation.

If she's not on the move (broken)

Current legislation allows you to remove a car from the register if it is not in motion, but has not yet been scrapped.

To do this, a person will need to contact the traffic police and write a corresponding statement. This will protect the owner of an unused vehicle from paying taxes.

If the car breaks down, there are 2 options with which a person can remove it from the register - deliver the car to the traffic police using a tow truck or call an inspector at home.

Video: is it necessary to remove the car from the register upon sale? How to protect yourself when selling a car

The second option is less expensive. In order for a traffic police officer to visit a person for inspection, it is necessary to apply to a state body with a corresponding statement.

In this case, it is necessary to clarify whether the traffic police officer will be able to get there himself or whether it is necessary to deliver him to the place.

After the inspection is completed, it is necessary to attach the provided act to the package of documents and remove the vehicle from the register.

Without a purchase agreement

If there is no sales contract, you will not be able to deregister the vehicle. The person will have to contact the buyer and complete the transaction in accordance with the established rules.

If there is no connection with him, the car can be declared wanted. When the buyer is found, you need to offer him to complete the deal in accordance with the rules.

If the new owner of the car does not agree to perform the manipulation, the person will have the right to write a statement about disposal.

Car sold by proxy

In the current legislation, the concept of "selling a car by proxy" does not exist. Such an operation is a classic sale and purchase transaction covered by a power of attorney.

In this case, the new owner does not become the full owner of the car.

The car continues to be registered with the person who handed it over. In this case, the old owner will have to continue to pay transport tax.

You can remove a car transferred from the register only by contacting its new owner.

In this case, you will have to issue a standard one and transfer the vehicle in accordance with the established rules.

If there is no opportunity to find a new owner, the former owner of the car can put the vehicle on the wanted list. In addition, a person can write a recycling statement.

However, such a possibility should be resorted to only as a last resort.

No numbers

If the registration plates are missing on the car for any reason, this will not be an obstacle to its removal from the register.

To perform a manipulation, a person will have to write a statement and supplement it with an explanatory statement. In the application, you must indicate the reason for the lack of numbers on the car.

There is no need to try to deceive government officials. If it turns out that a person has decided to remove the car from the register and keep the numbers for himself, the traffic police will oblige him to return them.

If she is under arrest

If the car is under arrest, it will not work to remove it from the register. The fact is that during this period all registration actions from cars are prohibited.

In addition, to perform the manipulation, documents will be required, which may not be available from the owner of the car during the arrest.

To get the right to remove a car from the register, a person must eliminate the reason for which the vehicle was arrested and get all rights to it back.

Termination of vehicle registration is not such a long and complicated procedure. The nuances depend on what is the reason for the removal of the car from the register. And sometimes it doesn't need to be done at all.

Read in this article

Is it possible to remove a car from the register without a car

If there is a need to terminate the registration of the vehicle, it is permissible to do it without a car. Sometimes this method is the only one possible. It is allowed to deregister a car without providing it for inspection in several cases:

  • Complete disposal... Required if the car has become unusable after an accident or due to age, so it can no longer be used. Complete scrapping means that all vehicle parts are scrapped. There is no need to check them, therefore, registration is possible without it.
  • ... If the vehicle is stolen, it is better for the owner to disclaim responsibility for it. In this case, it is unrealistic to provide a vehicle to terminate registration. Therefore, the procedure takes place without examination. If a car is found, you can register again.
  • Export of the vehicle abroad... In this case, a car can be driven there while it is registered in the Russian Federation, that is, it is used under its own numbers. And if the owner stays abroad for a long time, the car must be deregistered and registered where the person will live. And the law does not require for the sake of this to drag her to the Russian Federation from another country for the sake of inspection.
  • Lack of re-registration procedure. It is needed when the car acquires a new owner. And if he has not completed registration within 10 days after the purchase, the previous owner can remove the car from the register. This will have to be done without providing the car, since it has already been transferred to the new owner.

Cases when the procedure is carried out without a car are indicated in subparagraph of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 28 dated January 20, 2011:

The vehicle is not presented ... upon deregistration in connection with its disposal or loss, upon termination of temporary registration on the basis of an application from the owner or at the end of its validity period, as well as exported and left by the previous or new owner outside the territory of the Russian Federation ...

How to carry out the procedure without the owner's documents

You can stop registering a vehicle without a technical passport and COP when:

  • The documents were stolen with or without the car. The owner has to write a statement to the police about the theft. There, the document will be registered, the victim will be interviewed, a criminal case will be opened and a certificate will be issued stating that the TCP and COP have been lost due to crime. With her, you need to go to the registration department of the traffic police, there write a statement about removing the vehicle from the register. You will also need a passport of the owner of the car.
  • The car was sold, but not re-registered 10 days later. Former owner has no documents for her. But he can go to the traffic police with a sales contract and his passport. There, according to his written application for the vehicle, registration is terminated.

For information on how to deregister a car after its sale, see this video:

How to rent without a master

You can perform the procedure without the participation of the owner in two cases:

  • If he recently bought a car or received it as a gift, but did not want to register for himself within the prescribed period. And in the traffic police, the car is registered with the previous owner, although he is no longer such. The previous owner must remove the vehicle from the register without the new owner, having come to the traffic police with a contract of sale or donation and a statement about the termination of registration. He will also have to pay a fee and submit a receipt to the inspection.
  • If the owner has issued a power of attorney to another person to carry out the procedure. The document is drawn up by a notary. The one for whom it is discharged completes the procedure in the traffic police, that is, writes an application for carrying out, provides the available documents for the car.

Is it possible to do without inspection

There is no need to submit the vehicle to the inspection for inspection by an employee in order to deregister it if the car:

In all these cases, you will only need documents for the vehicle (if any), as well as the passport of the person who writes the application for withdrawal. It is also important to provide evidence of the existence of the reason for the termination of registration, that is, a certificate from the police about the theft, a sales contract, etc.

How to issue without recycling

To terminate the registration of a usable car, one of the reasons specified in clauses 60 and 65 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 605 of 08/07/2013 is needed. If there is a reason for deregistration, you need to do the following:

  • prepare documents for the car, if any (COP, PTS), as well as the passport of the person initiating the procedure;
  • get a paper confirming the reason for the deregistration (certificate of theft, sales contract, etc.), if possible;
  • write a statement about the procedure, indicating what made it necessary;
  • drive the car for inspection at the traffic police or provide an act of its implementation (if the vehicle is not stolen, not lost, exported abroad and not sold);
  • pay a fee, if required;
  • submit documents to the traffic police along with a receipt.

Service employees conduct a check, then make changes to the paperwork and electronic database. if available, they are removed. Now, according to the law, it is impossible to use the car until it is re-registered. The exception is moving it abroad, which is regulated by clause 65 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 605 of August 7, 2013:

“For the export of the vehicle outside the Russian Federation, a certificate of registration of the vehicle is issued in the name of the owner. The country of residence is indicated in the “address” column. On the inside of the certificate of registration of the vehicle, a mark is made on the deregistration and issuance of registration plates "TRANSIT", indicating the series, number, date of issue and validity of the marks, a note is made: "Subject to mandatory export outside the Russian Federation", which are certified by the signature employee and the seal of the registration department.

The provisions of sub-clause 32.3 of clause 32 of these Administrative Regulations do not apply to vehicles previously exported outside the Russian Federation; state registration marks "TRANSIT" are not issued. "

Renting a car without license plates - is it real?

You can stop registering a vehicle without transferring the license plate to the traffic police in three cases:

  • loss of a car due to an accident, natural disaster, fire, etc .;
  • hijacking;
  • sale to a person who has not issued a COP for himself.

All reasons for the absence of the mark must be documented. In the first case, you must first notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the loss of the vehicle. In the second, inform the police about the theft. In the latter, 10 days after the sale, submit to the traffic police an application for deregistration in connection with a change of owner and attach an agreement.

Under these circumstances, the person who initiated the procedure cannot have license plates. Therefore, deregistration will be performed without their return. The search, termination and disposal of numbers will become the concern of the traffic police.

If the car is registered in another city

Under the new law, place doesn't matter. And an application for withdrawal can be submitted in the region where its owner, his proxy or former owner lives (upon completion of registration under clause 60.4 of the Order). Actually, it must be accepted at any traffic police office in the country. The procedure for terminating the registration of a vehicle using the electronic inspection base can be performed in this case as well.

  • wash the vehicle so that the numbers and VIN-code, as well as the color of the surface, are clearly visible;
  • get rid of illegal tinting on glass;
  • tidy up the muffler, which should not be straight-through;
  • get rid of paint from lighting fixtures.

Failure to comply with these conditions will result in the inspection not being carried out. And the deregistration procedure will be delayed.

You can terminate registration using the State Services portal. If you make an appointment in advance with the traffic police, fill out an electronic application, the procedure will be faster. And for paperwork or utilization of rooms will decrease by 30%.

Useful video

For the procedure for deregistering a car, see this video:

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