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To register an entrepreneurship related to cargo transportation in 2020, you will need an OKVED 2 reference book. We will tell you step by step which code to choose for this type of activity. After all, mistakes will lead to the fact that registration may be refused.

OKVED 2 is new directory types of economic activities encrypted in digital codes. Its official name is OK 029–2014. It has been in effect since 2018 and has not expired in 2020. The old OKVED (with codes until 2017) is invalid in 2020.

How to determine which code to choose according to OKVED for cargo transportation, we will now consider.

Transportation of goods by an entrepreneur, why do you need OKVED

An individual entrepreneur has the right to choose any type of cargo transportation, be it air, water, land or pipeline. Depending on what will be the basis of the business. And the basis is the type of entrepreneurship that gives 51% of income or more. The businessman will be set the amount of payment of contributions for injuries and the form of taxation.

OKVED can also be taken into account when determining benefits for a businessman, and affect the receipt of a license.

According to the reference book, the entrepreneur must independently find the code not only for the main business, but also for all related ones, if any. Moreover, there can be only one main type of economic activity.

How to use OKVED cargo transportation in 2020

Despite its large size, the classifier is quite easy to use. The first thing to start with is to find the section you need. They are grouped according to the Latin alphabet.

If your occupation is the transfer of goods, materials, etc., then the section you need is N.


  • Passenger and freight transportation by any means of transport, both along a certain route and without it.
  • Service at train stations and terminals, parking, handling and storage of cargo, etc .;
  • rent Vehicle, their repair and maintenance;
  • overhaul or maintenance of vehicles, except automobile;
  • construction, maintenance and repair highways, railways, ports, airfields;
  • postal service.

To find required code, it is worth remembering its structure. It includes a combination of different numbers. They are subdivided:

XX - class

XX.X - subclass

XX.XX - group

XX.XX.X - subgroup

XX.XX.XX - view.

For cargo transportation, as the main type of income, it is enough to know the first four digits. For additional earnings 5-6 digits.

Having entered the required section of OKVED, in our case it is H, we first find the required class. Knowing the class, we go to the subclass, and then to the group. See which groups exist in Section H.

OKVED cargo transportation 2020 with decoding

It is worth determining the cipher as accurately as possible. For example, look at groups 49.41 and 49.42. In the first case, we are talking about the transportation of goods and the like, in the second case, personal belongings. Such nuances are not uncommon, even within the same group:

  • 49.41.1 - transportation by specialized machines;
  • 49.41.2 - by ordinary trucks.

Therefore, first clearly think over the type of your occupation, and then select the appropriate OKVED for it. How to do this in reality, read the example below.

An example of how to choose OKVED cargo transportation in 2020

Let's show with an example how to choose an OKVED code for yourself, depending on what the entrepreneur wants to do. In our case, the business will be related to cargo transportation.

Example. Suppose a businessman is planning to organize the transportation of various goods from the region to the city. He chose this type of business as the main one. And as an additional income, he also created a parking lot for trucks farmers coming to town.

He enters section N OKVED 2, runs through the classes and reaches 49.

  • Class 49 is land transport activities. Then he goes through the groups of this class;
  • Group 49.41 - all types of carriage of goods by road. We pass to the subgroup;
  • There are three of them:
  • 49.41.1 - transportation of goods by special machines;
  • 49.41.2 - transportation by non-specialized cars;
  • 49.41.3 - transport rental.

Of these three subgroups, 49.41.2 is suitable for our PI. There are no species in this subgroup, so let's stop here. In principle, the subgroup and species could not have been searched for. To fill out the p21001 form, in order to submit data to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, 4 digits of the main activity code are enough. But we also have a side - this is a parking lot.

We repeat the steps, starting with the search for the desired class. In this case, it will be 52 - storage facilities and auxiliary transport activities.

  • Group - 52.21 - auxiliary business related to land vehicles;
  • View - 52.21.24 - parking, parking for cars.

Review of the latest changes in taxes, contributions and salaries

You have to restructure your work due to numerous amendments to the Tax Code. They affected all major taxes, including income tax, VAT and personal income tax.

Firms and individual entrepreneurs whose activities will be related to car rental are obliged to declare the appropriate OKVED codes. Correct selection codes are not an easy task, but if the business owner specifies the wrong identifier during registration, he will have problems with the regulatory authorities in the future.

In 2019, the OKVED codes "Rent of vehicles" must be taken from the OKVED-2 reference book - "OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2)", approved by Order of Rosstandart No. 14-st of 31.01.2014 (revised on 10.07.2018). The old classifier OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1) is no longer valid.

What OKVED code should be used

In 2019 OKVED "Vehicle rent" will be formed as follows:

    looking for the section "N" in the classifier;

    the required codes are located in activity subclass 77.1.

Grouping 77.1 "Rent and leasing of motor vehicles" has a hierarchical structure and consists of two smaller groupings:

    77.11 - applies if a business entity rents out cars and light vans (weight  up to 3.5 tons);

    77.12 - used for leasing trucks, trailers, semitrailers, tractors (weight - from 3.5 tons).

Special attention should be paid to the fact that these codes are used if only the vehicles themselves are rented without drivers. For renting cars with drivers, other OKVED codes are provided, which are actually intended for transportation services (those and other codes are given in the table below).

For the types of activities according to OKVED "Renting a car" located in section "N", the following is typical:

    only the object itself is leased;

    the lessee operates the leased object;

    the tenant pays the rent.

Activities related to financial leasing are not classified under “N” section.

Number of digits in the code

How many digital characters of the code must be indicated in the application forms for state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs? Legislation requires that the OKVED code "Rent a car" must consist of at least 4 characters. For example, 77.11. Consider the structure of this code:

    77 - class;

    77.1 - subclass;

    77.11 - group.

All OKVED codes for leasing vehicles included in the classifier consist of 4 digits. Detailing for narrower types of activities is not provided.

It is necessary to indicate codes, including:

    when applying for registration with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate;

    when developing statutory documentation;

    when applying for a change in the main type of activity.

The use of OKVED codes helps the state keep statistical records in the context of economic directions and monitor the state of affairs in certain industries. This code has an important role in the payment of taxes and deduction of mandatory insurance premiums.

Business entities have the right to indicate in the constituent documents an unlimited number of OKVED codes. If the first code indicates the OKVED code of car rental, this type of activity will be considered the main one and the entrepreneur expects to receive the greatest profit from its conduct.

Who applies OKVED codes?

OKVED code "Rent a car" can be applied by legal and individuals(Individual entrepreneurs) who work under the general or simplified taxation regime, and carry out entrepreneurial activities in the provision of road transport services.

OKVED codes for car rental (grouping 77.1) cannot be used by subjects working on UTII or a patent. This is due to the fact that this activity cannot be equated with the activity of transporting goods and passengers, which can be transferred to UTII and the patent system.

The OKVED code often plays a decisive role in choosing tax regime... Novice businessmen are faced with the fact that tax officials refuse to switch to one or another taxation system precisely because of the chosen type of activity. And regional departments can reduce tax rates for organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in certain types of entrepreneurship. Also, the OKVED code of the main type of activity affects the amount of social insurance contributions for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents.

OKVED code


Rental and leasing of vehicles

Rent and lease passenger cars and light vehicles

This class includes:

Rental of vehicle types such as cars and light vans up to 3.5 t without driver

This class does not include:

Car rental with a driver and light vans with a driver, see 49.32, 49.39

Rental and leasing of trucks

This class includes:

Rental of vehicle types such as trucks, tractors, trailers and semi-trailers (over 3.5t) and residential trailers

This class does not include:

Tractor or truck rental with a driver, see 49.41

Taxi and rental car activities with a driver

Activities of other land passenger transport, not included in other groups

Transportation of passengers by rented buses with a driver

Freight transport activities

Truck rental road transport with a driver

Good day, Andrey!

OKVED depends on what vehicles the individual entrepreneur will lease. If cars are leased, OKVED - 77.11 will do:

Rent and lease of cars and light vehicles
This class includes:
- rental of such types of vehicles as cars and light vans up to 3.5 t without a driver
This class does not include:
- rental of passenger cars with driver and light vans with driver, see 49.32, 49.39

If you plan to lease trucks, you can also add OKVED - 77.12:

Rental and leasing of trucks
This class includes:
- rental of such types of vehicles as trucks, tractors, trailers and semi-trailers (weighing more than 3.5 tons) and trailers for housing
This class does not include:
- rental of tractor units or trucks with driver, see 49.41

As for the taxation system, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system. In accordance with Article 346.11 "General Provisions":

3. The application of the simplified taxation system by individual entrepreneurs provides for their exemption from the obligation to pay tax on personal income (in relation to income received from entrepreneurial activity, with the exception of tax paid on income in the form of dividends, as well as on income taxed at tax rates provided for in paragraphs 2 and 5 of Article 224 of this Code), personal property tax(in relation to property used for entrepreneurial activity, with the exception of objects of taxation with the property tax of individuals included in the list determined in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 378.2 of this Code, taking into account the specifics provided for by paragraph two of paragraph 10 of Article 378.2 of this Code). Individual entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system are not recognized as value added tax payers, with the exception of value added tax payable in accordance with this Code when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction (including tax amounts, payable upon completion of the customs procedure of the free customs zone on the territory of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region), as well as value added tax paid in accordance with Articles 161 and 174.1 of this Code.

Given that if the share of expenses is 60% or more of the volume of income, then it is better to choose the object of taxation of the USN "income - expenses", if there are not many expenses, then it is better to choose the USN "income" as the object of taxation.

Best regards, Daria Kuzmina!

In 2019 OKVED "Vehicle rent" will be formed as follows:

    looking for the section "N" in the classifier;

    the required codes are located in activity subclass 77.1.

Grouping 77.1 "Rent and leasing of motor vehicles" has a hierarchical structure and consists of two smaller groupings:

    77.11 - applies if a business entity rents out cars and light vans (weight  up to 3.5 tons);

    77.12 - used for leasing trucks, trailers, semitrailers, tractors (weight - from 3.5 tons).

Special attention should be paid to the fact that these codes are used if only the vehicles themselves are rented without drivers. For renting cars with drivers, other OKVED codes are provided, which are actually intended for transportation services (those and other codes are given in the table below).

For the types of activities according to OKVED "Renting a car" located in section "N", the following is typical:

    only the object itself is leased;

    the lessee operates the leased object;

    the tenant pays the rent.

Activities related to financial leasing are not classified under “N” section.

Number of digits in the code

How many digital characters of the code must be indicated in the application forms for state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs? Legislation requires that the OKVED code "Rent a car" must consist of at least 4 characters. For example, 77.11. Consider the structure of this code:

    77 - class;

    77.1 - subclass;

    77.11 - group.

All OKVED codes for leasing vehicles included in the classifier consist of 4 digits. Detailing for narrower types of activities is not provided.

It is necessary to indicate codes, including:

    when applying for registration with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate;

    when developing statutory documentation;

    when applying for a change in the main type of activity.

The use of OKVED codes helps the state keep statistical records in the context of economic directions and monitor the state of affairs in certain industries. This code has an important role in the payment of taxes and deduction of mandatory insurance premiums.

Business entities have the right to indicate in the constituent documents an unlimited number of OKVED codes. If the first code indicates the OKVED code of car rental, this type of activity will be considered the main one and the entrepreneur expects to receive the greatest profit from its conduct.

See also: How to open an additional OKVED for individual entrepreneurs

Who applies OKVED codes?

The OKVED code "Rent a car" can be applied by legal entities and individuals (IP) who work on a general or simplified tax regime, and carry out entrepreneurial activities in the provision of motor transport services.

OKVED codes for car rental (grouping 77.1) cannot be used by subjects working on UTII or a patent. This is due to the fact that this activity cannot be equated with the activity of transporting goods and passengers, which can be transferred to UTII and the patent system.

The OKVED code often plays a decisive role in choosing a tax regime. Novice businessmen are faced with the fact that tax officials refuse to switch to one or another taxation system precisely because of the chosen type of activity. And regional departments can reduce tax rates for organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in certain types of entrepreneurship. Also, the OKVED code of the main type of activity affects the amount of social insurance contributions for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents.

Read also: List of licensed activities 2019 according to OKVED

OKVED code


Rental and leasing of vehicles

Rent and lease of cars and light vehicles

This class includes:

- rental of such types of vehicles as cars and light vans up to 3.5 t without a driver

This class does not include:

- rental of passenger cars with driver and light vans with driver, see 49.32, 49.39

Rental and leasing of trucks

This class includes:

- rental of such types of vehicles as trucks, tractors, trailers and semi-trailers (weighing more than 3.5 tons) and trailers for housing

This class does not include:

- rental of tractor units or trucks with driver, see 49.41

Activities of light taxis and rental cars with a driver

Activities of other land passenger transport, not included in other groups

Transportation of passengers by rented buses with a driver

Freight transport activities

Rent of a freight vehicle with a driver

Transport services and rental of transport: choosing a code from OKVED

71.1 Car and light car rental services (up to

71.10 Rental services of cars and light vehicles (up to
3.5 t) vans without driver
71.10.1 Car and light car rental services (up to
3.5 t) vans without driver
71.10.10 Rental services of cars and light vehicles (up to
3.5 t) vans without driver Car and light car rental services (up to
3.5 t) vans without driver
This class does not include:
- services for renting cars with a driver
(see 60.22.12)
71.2 Rental services of other vehicles and
71.21 Rental services of other land transport

This class does not include:
- services for renting cars without a driver
(see 71.10.10)
71.21.1 Rental services of other land transport
means and equipment without a driver
71.21.11 Rental services of freight vehicles without
driver Rental services of freight vehicles without
This class includes:
- services related to the rental of motor vehicles
means intended mainly for transportation
goods (trucks, tractors, trailers,
semi-trailers, cargo vans, other cargo
vehicles without a driver)
This class does not include:
- services for the rental of freight vehicles with
by driver (see 60.24.30)
71.21.14 Rental services of motorcycles, camper vans and
trailers Rental services of motorcycles, camper vans and
This class does not include:
- light van rental services (see 71.10.10)
- services for the rental of residential or office mobile
premises for construction work (see
71.21.15 Rental services of other land transport Rental services of other land transport
means and equipment without a driver or operator, not
included in other groupings
This class includes:
- services related to the rental of passenger
public vehicles, for example
buses, without driver
- services related to the lease of other land
vehicles and equipment without a driver or
operator not included in other groupings
This class does not include:
- services for the rental of public passenger vehicles
transport with a driver (see 60.23.11)
- bicycle rental services (see
71.22 Services for renting water vehicles without
71.22.1 Services for renting water vehicles without
71.22.10 Services for renting water vehicles without
crew Services for renting water vehicles without
This class includes:
- services related to the rental of sea, river and other
ships without crew (including aircraft on air
pillow), intended mainly for transportation
passengers or cargo
This class does not include:
- services for the rental of seagoing vessels with a crew (see.
- services for renting other vessels with a crew (except
marine) (see 61.20.31)
- services for the rental of pleasure boats (see.

The OKVED classifier contains several classes, including cargo transportation activities. The specific code is selected depending on the type of transport and type of cargo.

Is it obligatory to indicate the OKVED code when carrying out activities in the field of cargo transportation in 2020

The main reasons why it is imperative to select a code for the type of economic activity are as follows:

  • filling out an application for registration of a legal entity or for registration of an individual entrepreneur without specifying OKVED is unacceptable, since this mandatory requisite is present in the "I" sheet of the application in the form of P11001 for the organization (or sheet "A" of the application in the form of P21001 for the individual entrepreneur);
  • the primary establishment of the rate of insurance premiums against industrial accidents depends precisely on the selected OKVED code;
  • the choice of a special tax regime (for example, imputation or patent) depends on the type of activity.

But there is also another point related to the use of transport tax incentives. Subp. 4 p. 2 art. 358 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation says that those cargo river, sea and aircraft that are owned by organizations or entrepreneurs whose main activity is cargo transportation are exempted from taxation.

In this context, the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of 03.09.2014 No. F05-9356 / 14 in case No. A41-44350 / 2013 is interesting. The court sided with the tax authorities, who refused to apply the transport tax exemption to the organization. One of the arguments of the judges was the absence of the corresponding OKVED code in the company's documents. This was not the only argument, but nevertheless, in order to avoid possible disputes, one should not neglect the inclusion of the code for cargo transportation in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP.

Structure of OKVED codes

Currently, the OKVED 2 reference book is used ("OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2). All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities" (approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st)).

The structure of the codes looks like this in the reference:

  • XX grade
  • XX.X subclass
  • XX.XX group
  • XX.XX.X subgroup
  • XX.XX.XX view

The minimum number of OKVED characters in documents for registration authorities with their subsequent reflection in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP is 4.

This is indicated by the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 25.01.2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected]"On the approval of the forms and requirements for the execution of documents submitted to the registering authority during the state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farmer) enterprises."

Codes in the classifier OKVED 2 for cargo transportation in 2020

The codes of the main type of economic activity should be looked for in section H of the reference book. It is called "Transport and Storage".

But not all codes are suitable for cargo transportation.

Consider in the table a list of designations that you can use in your activities.

The structure of the table is built as follows:

  • codes are grouped by classes (2 characters) and subclasses (3 characters) - these designations cannot be used in applications for registration authorities;
  • the following are line by line codes that can be used in documents for registration authorities (depending on how much you want to detail your type of activity in documents):
    • groups (4 characters) with decoding;
    • subgroups included in them (5 characters) with decoding;
    • the types included in them (6 characters) with decoding.

Land and pipeline transport activities

Includes road transport and railroad tracks as well as transportation through pipelines

Decoding the group


Subgroup decoding

Decoding the type

Railway transport activity: freight transport

(transportation of goods on public and non-public railways)

This does not include storage and warehousing activities, railway infrastructure activities, loading and unloading operations.

Shipping dangerous goods

(transportation of goods that pose a danger to humans and the environment, as well as requiring special conditions during transportation)

Transportation of other cargo

Activities of road freight transport and transportation services

(cargo transportation by land transport, except for railway)

Freight transport activities

(all cargo transportation by road by road: dangerous goods, bulky and / or heavy cargo, cargo in containers and transport packages, perishable cargo, bulk bulk cargo, agricultural cargo, construction industry cargo, industrial cargo, other cargo; rental of trucks with a driver and activities for the carriage of goods by vehicles propelled by people or animals as draft)

Transportation of goods by specialized vehicles

Transportation of goods by non-specialized vehicles

Rent of a freight vehicle with a driver

Provision of transportation services

(transportation services by road, provided when moving)

Pipeline transport activities

(transportation of gases, liquids, water, liquid cement mortars, as well as other types of cargo through pipelines and

operation of pumping, compressor and distribution stations)

Transportation of oil and oil products through pipelines

Oil pipeline transportation

Transportation of oil products through pipelines

Transportation of gas and products of its processing through pipelines

Gas pipeline transportation

Pipeline transportation of gas processing products

Transportation of other types of cargo through pipelines

Water transport activities

Includes water transportation, scheduled or unscheduled, tug vessels and towing and pushing vessels, ferries, etc.

(transport designed to operate in sea or coastal waters)

Activities of sea freight transport

(cargo transportation in sea and coastal waters, carried out on schedule or off schedule, including the carriage of goods on non-self-propelled vessels by towing or pushing, as well as towing large-sized objects (for example, oil platforms); rent of vessels with a crew, intended for operation in sea ​​and coastal waters, for the carriage of goods)

Transportation of goods by sea vessels of foreign navigation

Transportation of frozen or refrigerated cargo by refrigerated vessels of foreign navigation

Transportation of crude oil by sea-going tankers of foreign voyages

Carriage of other liquids or gases by sea-going tankers of foreign voyages

Transportation of containerized cargo by container ships of foreign navigation

Transportation of dry bulk cargo by sea vessels of foreign navigation

Transportation (transportation) of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, radiation sources, parts of nuclear installations, radioactive waste by sea vessels of foreign navigation

Transportation of other goods by sea vessels of foreign navigation

Carriage of goods by coastal vessels

Transportation (transportation) of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, radiation sources, parts of nuclear installations, radioactive waste by coastal ships

Transportation of frozen or refrigerated cargo by refrigerated vessels for coastal navigation

Transportation of crude oil by coastal shipping tankers

Carriage of other liquids or gases by coastal shipping tankers

Transportation of containerized cargo by coastal shipping container ships

Transportation of dry bulk cargo by sea-going ships

Carriage of other goods by coastal vessels

Lease of sea vessels for foreign and coastal navigation for the carriage of goods with a crew

Rent of seagoing vessels for foreign navigation for the carriage of goods with a crew

Lease of coastal sailing ships for the carriage of goods with a crew

Towing and shunting services rendered by vessels of foreign and coastal navigation

Towing by vessels of foreign and coastal navigation

Activities for the provision of shunting services by vessels of foreign and coastal navigation

(transport not intended for sea transport and the carriage of goods along sea routes on ships of mixed (river - sea) navigation)

Inland water transport activities

(transportation by inland waterways, including in the waters of river ports and transportation by sea routes on ships of mixed (river-sea) navigation; transportation (transportation) of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, radiation sources, parts of nuclear installations, radioactive waste through internal waterways; rent of vessels with a crew for the carriage of goods on inland waterways and along sea routes on vessels of mixed (river-sea) navigation)

Carriage of goods by inland waterways

Towing and shunting services on inland waterways

Rent of vessels of inland waterway transport for the carriage of goods with a crew

Air and space transport activities

Freight air transport and space transport

Freight air transport activities

(transportation by air on regular routes and in accordance with the schedule and not according to the schedule; rent of an aircraft for the carriage of goods with a crew)

Transportation by air by freight transport obeying the schedule

Transportation by air cargo, not complying with the schedule

Rent of cargo aircraft with crew

Space transport activities

(launching space objects into outer space; delivery of astronauts and payloads to space objects; carrying out work on the exploration and use of outer space)

Transportation of goods by space transport

Warehousing and auxiliary transport activities

Includes warehousing (storage) and ancillary activities during transportation, (activities of transport infrastructure (airports, ports, tunnels, bridges, etc.), as well as the activities of transport agencies and loading and unloading operations.

Transport support activities

(auxiliary activities related to the transportation of goods (management of transport infrastructure or activities related to loading and unloading operations immediately before or after transportation or between segments of the transportation process), as well as the operation and maintenance of all vehicles)

Supporting activities related to land transport

(activities related to the transportation of passengers, animals or goods, including the activities of railway stations and terminals, bus stations and bus stations, reloading stations, etc. As well as activities (operation) of railway infrastructure. ) highways, bridges, tunnels, car parks or garages, bicycle stands, caravan parks in winter. shunting works and train formation. As well as towing and technical assistance on the road. As well as liquefaction of gas for transportation)

Ancillary activities related to railway transport

Provision of rail shunting or towing services

(rail shunting or towing services, e.g. moving wagons between yards, factory sidings, etc.)

Activities of railway passenger stations and cargo terminals

(rail infrastructure management services; other ancillary services for rail transport n.e.c.)

Railway infrastructure activities

Other auxiliary activities related to railway transport

Ancillary activities related to road transport

Vehicle towing activities

Other auxiliary activities related to road transport

Ancillary activities related to pipeline transport

Supporting activities related to water transport

(activities related to the carriage of passengers, animals or cargo by water transport, including the activities of terminal facilities (ports and piers, operation of locks, etc.), navigation support, pilotage of ships and escort of ships to the berth. activities for unloading ships by lighter and rescue of ships, as well as the activities of lighthouses)

Supporting activities related to sea transport

Activities of the infrastructure of seaports, including port hydraulic structures (berths, sea terminals, docks, etc.)

Supporting activities related to inland waterway transport

Activities auxiliary, related to inland water transport, other, not included in other categories

Supporting activities related to air and space transport

(activities related to the carriage of passengers, astronauts, animals or cargo by air and space)

Supporting activities related to air transport

Other auxiliary activities related to air transport

Supporting activities related to space transport

Other auxiliary activities related to space transport

Transport handling of goods

(loading and unloading of goods regardless of the type of transport used for transportation. As well as loading and unloading of dangerous goods on railway transport... As well as stevedoring activities. As well as loading and unloading freight rail cars)

Transport handling of containers

Transport handling of other goods

Other auxiliary activities related to transportation

(sending goods, preparing or organizing the carriage of goods by land, water or air. As well as organizing the dispatch of consignments or piece shipments by land, air or water transport (including the collection and distribution of goods). As well as the preparation of transport documentation and waybills... As well as the provision of customs brokerage services and the activities of sea freight and air freight forwarders. As well as intermediary operations for the freight of a cargo space on a ship or on an airplane. In addition, transport handling of goods, for example, temporary packing in boxes in order to ensure the protection of goods during transport, unloading, sampling and weighing of goods)

What is the threat if you enter the wrong OKVED code in 2020 for cargo transportation?

Both legal entities and entrepreneurs have the right to indicate more than one type of activity in their registration documents.

In addition, there are no legal restrictions on the conduct of activities, the code of which is not reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

But we should not forget about the extra-legal obligation at the legislative level to notify the registering authority of all changes within three days. This follows from paragraph 5 of Art. 5 of the Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ.

For violation of the term, an official is threatened with a warning or administrative penalty in the amount of 5,000 rubles (clause 3 of article 14.25 of the Administrative Code). But for failure to submit an application for changes, the administrative fine is already from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles (clause 4 of article 14.25 of the Administrative Code).


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