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Having tried many nutrition systems, are you already desperate to find one on which you can still lose weight? Try to come up with a diet for yourself. No specialist knows you better than yourself. When developing your own nutrition system, you can take into account all the features, indications, contraindications and food allergies. It is possible to schedule meals in accordance with your life rhythm and habits. How to make a diet yourself, what patterns must be observed so that it really helps to lose weight?

Individual selection of a diet takes into account the peculiarities of losing weight

  • Go to bed after midnight? - You can afford dinner after six in the evening. Conversely, when going to bed early, it is advisable to make the last meal no later than seven o'clock.
  • Love meat, cottage cheese and eggs, and be absolutely calm about pastries and sweets - consider this factor when drawing up your own diet. Preference should be given to low-fat protein products.
  • You cannot live without sweets - this must also be taken into account, otherwise breakdowns are inevitable. Make your own selection of diet desserts and low-calorie cakes. Allow yourself to eat a piece of dark chocolate for breakfast.
  • Are you crazy about pasta? This should also be taken into account when planning a diet. Allow yourself to eat pasta for lunch, but without meat and without fatty sauces. Home-made tomato ketchup, as well as dietary cottage cheese sauce, will be an excellent addition to vermicelli. Treat the choice of pasta more carefully - give your preference to products made from durum wheat.
  • Love pies? - Transform and modify known recipes. Replace white flour with whole grains, and high-calorie filling with dietary ones, you will get delicious ones at the end.
  • The saying "once a day the soup should be in the stomach" - is this about you? Create your own collection of diet soup recipes. Invent, experiment, implement.

The main rules of the diet

And remember, the rules will be as you make them up, the main thing is that everything together works for weight loss. In order for the invented personal diet for weight loss to be effective, it is necessary to take into account some patterns:

  • If you make a very heavy dinner, then breakfast and lunch should be lighter.
  • Do not eat carbohydrate-containing foods with fats (but cakes are still impossible!). You can add a maximum of a teaspoon of oil to porridge and pasta (fried potatoes are also not allowed)
  • If you eat meat or fish, it is advisable to prepare a vegetable salad as a side dish.
  • It's time for sweet lovers to start figuring out sweeteners. Today there is big choice relatively harmless sahzams - stevia, erythritol, isomalt and many others. The use of sugar substitutes gives great scope in the preparation of dietary sweets.

How to schedule a meal

When drawing up your own nutrition schedule, you need to decide on some more parameters:

  • Be sure to write down the time of meals. Ideally, there should be five - three main and two snacks. Most importantly, remember that it should be no earlier than 40 minutes after sleep, and dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. The interval between meals is desirable to do the same.
  • Choose a landmark for yourself. At first, you need to focus on something so as not to overeat (tips, in the article at the link). What it will be, choose for yourself - you can count calories, having previously calculated your daily energy requirement. You can weigh products by determining, for example, the weight of a serving at one time is not more than 350 gr. Another option is to count fists as provided.
  • Learn the basic principles of intuitive eating, and read the link to eat consciously.
  • Get it, at first it will be a very good helper. With the help of his analysis, it will be possible to find and correct errors in the diet,.

As you can see, the development of an individual diet is not an easy task, but an exciting one. At first, you can paint the menu for the week to avoid failures and unplanned snacks. In the future, everything should go smoothly, since the nutrition system takes into account all your characteristics, and it will be easy to get used to the new diet.

Do not forget about the psychological attitude to the diet. You need to start improving yourself with a focus on results. Learn the secrets of how to find motivation and you can find out in the article at the link.

How to make a menu for weight loss - tips

Have you tried different diets, but they did not give the expected effect? Have you realized that "diet pills" will not benefit you, but are only an ephemeral means for short-term weight loss? Do you really want lose weight effectively ?

Then you should start your wonderful weight loss process by drawing up your individual healthy diet , which will reflect exactly your lifestyle and rhythm of life, and exactly your food preferences.

To create an individual for weight loss, you should follow these steps:

1. Set clear goals.

Before you start compiling your diet, the first thing you need to do is understand what your goal is. Do you want to lose fat or build muscle, or both? Do you want to improve your body, eat right and at the same time lose weight? You should answer all these questions at the beginning of compiling a healthy diet for weight loss.

2. Calculate your ideal daily calorie intake.

This aspect is the most important, true key to your effective diet. Be sure to consider your level of activity both at work and at home, including exercise. You can use or calculate your daily calorie intake.

Try to adhere to this norm as strictly as possible if you want to achieve good results. Record all calories consumed, do not be lazy, because it is very important for effective weight loss.

3. Find out how much protein you need per day.

That is, once you know your daily calorie intake, you need to know where these calories will come from. Of the 3 major macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), protein is known to be the body's main source of energy and will play a very important role in your healthy diet.

4. Find out your ideal amount of fat in your daily diet.

Fats are next in importance after proteins. Include more in your diet and try to eat as little saturated fat as possible. The amount of fat you need can be calculated using weight loss calculators, or using a formula.

5. Calculate how many carbohydrates you need.

Carbohydrates are a valuable source of energy. At the same time, an excess of carbohydrates in the diet leads to excess weight, and an excessive excess leads to obesity. are now very popular, however, you should wisely approach the choice of carbohydrates for your diet.

Include complex carbohydrates in your menu (cereals, whole grain and wholemeal bread, fruits and vegetables) and give up simple carbohydrates (sugar, premium flour, sweets, cakes, etc.)

6. Choose foods for your healthy diet.

It is very important to clearly consider what foods and dishes from them will be part of your effective diet. First of all, make a list of all, as well as all the necessary products for a healthy diet, find out their calorie content and composition. This is necessary for the preparation of the daily menu.

7. Make a daily menu for your healthy diet.

This requires a little patience and care. Making a menu taking into account the calorie content and composition of products is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In addition, you can use ready-made calculations for products and dishes from them.

More detailed information on each item in the following publications on the site . Stay tuned.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The very first question that those who want to lose weight have to solve is: how to build your diet? As you know, to get rid of excess weight, it is not enough to exercise regularly, you must definitely reconsider your eating habits. We offer you a menu proper nutrition for weight loss, which will help you navigate when planning your diet.

Read more about our other nutritional articles:

10 important rules about proper nutrition for weight loss

Before moving on to detailed description menu of proper nutrition for weight loss, we will remind you the basic rules for losing weight. This is what every weight loss person needs to know.!

  1. They lose weight from a calorie deficit, not proper nutrition as such. When we eat less than the body needs for energy, it begins to use the reserve fund in the form of fat. Thus, the process of losing weight starts. What, when and in what combinations you eat - all this is not decisive. If you eat in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight.
  2. All diets, whatever they are called, are aimed at making a person eat less and create the necessary calorie deficit. Losing weight on proper nutrition is also achieved through food restrictions: you eat less high-calorie foods and get rid of "food waste". This is usually enough to maintain a calorie deficit, even if you don't directly count calories. (although with the right foods you can eat in surplus and get better).
  3. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, there is no need to eat only the right foods: chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, cauliflower dishes, low-fat cottage cheese and fresh vegetable salads. It is not the foods themselves that contribute to weight gain, but the overall calorie surplus.
  4. Fatty, floury and sweet foods very easily create an excess of calories, so such foods have to be limited. But if you manage to fit these products into your calorie intake, then you can use them without harm to weight loss.
  5. However, it is better to stick to the menu of proper nutrition: not for weight loss in the first place, but for your own health. Remember that fast food and sweets do not carry any nutritional value and, moreover, when consumed in large quantities, they have a negative effect on the body.
  6. Directly for weight loss, the time of eating does not play a special role, so you do not need to completely change your diet and routine. Just remember that drawing up a competent correct menu for the day will help you eat balanced, which means minimizing the feeling of hunger, developing healthy eating habits, and improving the functioning of the digestive tract.
  7. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates do not have a significant effect on weight loss, for weight loss the most important thing is the total caloric content of the diet. But these indicators are important to consider for muscle preservation (proteins), sufficient energy (carbohydrates), normal functioning of the hormonal system (fats).
  8. Products can be combined on a plate in any form, this also does not affect the process of losing weight. If you want to stick separate power supply or combine products only in the way you are used to - please.
  9. The recommendations below are just one of the most common menu options for proper nutrition for every day. You can build a menu according to your abilities, it is not necessary to focus on "dietary canons". If you count calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, then your hands are untied: for weight loss, it’s enough just to eat within the framework of KBJU.
  10. The distribution of proteins and carbohydrates throughout the day, proper breakfasts and dinners, certain foods before and after training - these are just additional building blocks in building the body, but far from being the key ones. They are more relevant to final stage polishing the body and bringing it to the ideal shape.

Summarize. The question of getting rid of excess weight always comes down to dietary restrictions, regardless of the diet and menu for every day. That is why counting calories is the best way to lose weight, since you can always plan meals as you wish within your KBJU norm.

Proper nutrition is an additional weight loss tool that will help you change your eating behavior and start eating balanced and healthy.

What is important to remember when compiling a proper nutrition menu for every day:

  • Breakfast should be rich in complex carbohydrates for energy throughout the day.
  • Fast carbohydrates (sweets, desserts, dried fruits) are best consumed in the morning.
  • Dinner is desirable to make mainly protein.
  • Every meal should include fiber (fresh vegetables, bran, whole grains, fruits).
  • Forget about the rule "do not eat after 18.00", but it is better to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Distribute calories per day approximately in the following proportions: 25-30% breakfast, 30-35% lunch, 20-25% dinner, 15-20% snacks.
  • 1-2 hours before training it is better to eat carbohydrates, within 30 minutes after training - carbohydrates + protein.

We emphasize once again that for weight loss the most important thing is to maintain a total calorie deficit per day. But from the point of view balanced nutrition, maintaining health, energy, normal functioning of the body and reducing the risk of breakdowns It's best to follow the rules above.

Sample menu of proper nutrition for the day:

  • Breakfast: Complex carbohydrates
  • Lunch: Simple carbohydrates
  • Dinner: Proteins + Carbohydrates + Fats. Definitely fiber.
  • afternoon tea: Carbohydrates, maybe a little fat
  • Dinner: Protein + preferably fiber

Here are some options for a menu of proper nutrition for weight loss. These are just examples of the most popular and successful breakfast, lunch and dinner options that are most often found among losing weight. You can have your own menu of proper nutrition for every day, taking into account individual needs.


  • Porridge with fruits/dried fruits/nuts/honey and milk (the most common option is oatmeal)
  • Scrambled eggs with whole grain bread
  • Sandwiches with whole grain bread or crispbread
  • Oatmeal pancake (mix eggs and oatmeal and fry in a pan)
  • Cottage cheese smoothie, milk and banana (it is advisable to add complex carbohydrates - bran or oatmeal)
  • Whole grain cereal with milk


  • Cereals / pasta / potatoes + meat / fish
  • Stewed vegetables + meat/fish
  • Salad + meat/fish
  • Vegetables/garnish + legumes

Lunch is the most "democratic" meal, here you can choose almost any combination of products to your taste.


  • Vegetables + lean meat/fish
  • Vegetables + cheese + eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • Kefir with fruits


  • PP baking
  • nuts
  • Fruits
  • Dried fruits
  • Cottage cheese or white yogurt
  • Whole grain bread/crispbread

From the proposed options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, create your own version of the healthy nutrition menu for every day.

Calculate the calorie content of dishes yourself based on your portions and specific products. By the way, with modern gadgets, this is quite easy to do:

Ready-made standardized diets are gradually falling out of fashion. An effective personal menu tailored to personal goals ensures excellent results. An individual diet helps to lose weight, work out muscles and emphasize their relief. How to compose it yourself? Accurate and easy formulas for competent calculations will help you understand the system.

Individual approach

The main plus of an individual diet is the ability to cook dishes from your favorite foods. Chicken, fish or beef? The choice depends on personal taste preferences.

It is more difficult to adjust the diet on your own, but during weight loss you can choose your favorite foods. If everything is done correctly, the total calorie content of the menu will not exceed the norm and will help you lose weight without hunger and stress. A personal menu helps to get rid of extra pounds and achieve harmony.


Diet is a strict diet. Most often, it is aimed at losing weight or designed for medicinal purposes.

The conditions of different diets are quite different. There are also unusual author's methods that promote a non-standard menu. In general, most diets limit the intake of spicy, smoked, and overly salty foods. Classic pastries and sweets are limited.

A simple classification will help to understand the variety of diets:

  1. fast. Designed for 5-7 days. Propose a strict ban on most products. Help to lose 3-4 kg in a short period of time. Suitable if you urgently need to get into your favorite dress or jeans;
  2. long. Detailed nutrition systems designed for 1-6 months. They mean slow, safe weight loss for the body. Instill healthy eating habits. Lost pounds are gone forever.

According to the composition of the menu, diets are divided as follows:

If a suitable diet was not found, there is only one way out - to create an individual nutrition system.

How to do it

The selection of a personal menu is a creative and interesting process. Difficulties may arise only at the beginning of the journey, but then, when a healthy diet becomes the basis of a lifestyle, you will act “by inertia”. It is important to know a few basic rules that will allow you to develop an effective diet for yourself.

What is the right place to start

First, square your height in meters. For example, if your height is 1.7 m, then the result will be 2.89. Then divide your body weight in kilograms by the resulting value. For example, if your weight is 75 kg, then the BMI will be 26. Check the resulting index with the table:

Important! With obesity, it is better to start losing weight with a trip to the doctor. Behind extra pounds can hide endocrine diseases.

Determine your ideal weight, write down the initial parameters in a notebook and start compiling an individual menu for a beautiful figure.

Calorie calculation

It is from this figure that you need to build on further calculations. Excess calories will certainly be stored in fat reserves. But a strong deficit can lead to exhaustion and stress.

The most accurate calculation is offered by the Mifflin-San Geor formula. It takes into account not only indicators of height and weight, but also features Everyday life modern man - physical activity, consumed food.

For women, the formula is: 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4, 92 * age - 161 = X. Since the male body functions a little differently, for the stronger sex, its own version of the calculation of caloric content has been developed: 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4, 92 * age + 5 = X.

The resulting value (X) must be multiplied by the so-called physical load factor. It shows the ratio of energy expenditure during physical activity to energy expenditure at rest. The coefficient takes into account the habitual type of human activity. To determine your indicator, you need to determine the group of physical activity.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle, office work without the opportunity to stretch = 1.2.
  2. Rare activities with moderate physical activity (exercises, walks around the city) = 1.4.
  3. Intensive loads several times a week (fitness, swimming) = 1.6.
  4. daily loads ( Gym, runs) = 1.7.
  5. Hard daily work plus power sports = 1.9.

The resulting number will be the norm of the daily energy value of food. This indicator is valid in cases where there are no problems with being overweight. For weight loss, a maximum of 500 kcal should be taken away from the individual norm. Reducing the recommended calorie intake activates the body's burning of its own fat and promotes safe and gradual weight loss.

Important! Do not reduce the daily calorie intake above the recommended figure. This will lead to the breakdown of protein cells and loss of muscle mass.

We consider BJU

The diet should be balanced in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Losing weight should focus on the consumption of protein dishes prepared according to dietary recommendations. Both animal and vegetable proteins are allowed. Both types of proteins must be present in the menu, since the amino acids in them are different, and some of them are indispensable to others.

With normal protein intake, the amount of fat should not exceed the norm. That is why it is recommended to give preference to low-fat varieties of meat, cheese, cottage cheese.

The percentage of BJU also depends on the lifestyle (intensity of labor). For example, people who are actively involved in sports need more protein to ensure proper muscle development. You can determine the optimal balance of essential nutrients for yourself using ready-made ratios.

To make a diet yourself, you need to use the table of preferred BJU indicators for adult men:

Labor Intensity Group Age Proteins, total, g Fats, g
1 18-29



72 40 81 350 2450



2 18-29



80 44 93 411 2800



3 18-29



94 52 110 484 3300



4 18-29



108 59 128 566 3250



5 18-29



117 64 154 586 4200



The norms of BJU for women differ due to the peculiarities of physiology, but in order to make up a diet yourself, you need to start by studying these data.

Labor Intensity Group Age Proteins, total, g Share of animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, seafood), g Fats, g Carbohydrates (preferably slow), g Daily calorie intake, kcal
1 18-29



61 34 67 289 2000



2 18-29



66 36 73 318 2200



3 18-29



76 42 87 378 2600



4 18-29



87 48 102 462 3050



There is another way to calculate BJU. Each food unit has its own calorie content:

  • 1 g of protein = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g of carbohydrates = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g of fat = 9 kcal.

Knowing the individual daily calorie intake, it is easy to determine the recommended ratio of BJU. Just keep in mind that the figures presented are calculated for a normal physique. Losing weight needs to increase the amount of protein by about 10% by reducing the number of carbohydrates.

Liquid calculation

A prerequisite for an individual diet is the consumption of a sufficient amount clean water per day. It is generally recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day. But for each person this indicator is individual.

Formula for exact calculation: A * 30 + 300, where A is the person's weight. The resulting number is the amount of pure water in ml, which must be consumed daily. Juices, tea, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.

Daily menu example

When compiling an individual menu, the main thing is to choose healthy and natural products. Make a list of allowed and prohibited ingredients, hang it on the refrigerator to always keep in mind. From acceptable ingredients, you can cook your favorite dishes, making them more healthy. At first, the taste may be unusual, but gradually you will love the new variations.

Sample menu for meat eaters:

  1. breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tea;
  2. snack - whole grain bread with cheese;
  3. lunch - chicken soup without bread and potatoes;
  4. afternoon snack - baked cheesecakes in the oven;
  5. dinner - boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad;
  6. snack - a glass of kefir.

For fruit lovers:

  1. breakfast - ripe banana, oatmeal;
  2. snack - apple;
  3. lunch - chicken salad with oranges, wild rice;
  4. snack - grapefruit;
  5. dinner - salmon steak and grilled vegetables;
  6. snack - a glass of kefir.

Fish lovers:

  1. breakfast - whole grain bread sandwich with curd cheese and slightly salted salmon, tea;
  2. snack - banana;
  3. lunch - ear with millet and broccoli;
  4. snack - low-fat cottage cheese with fresh raspberries;
  5. dinner - steamed cod with wild rice;
  6. snack - Greek yogurt.

For an individual diet to help achieve the desired results, simple calculations are not enough. Follow simple recommendations and lose weight properly.

Following an individual diet, it is important to carefully monitor your well-being. Analyze weight loss, combine foods as you see fit, and swap them out from time to time. The ideal individual diet can be compiled solely on the basis of personal experiments.

universal recognition

A competent individual diet takes into account gender and age parameters and the level of physical activity. It allows you not to give up your favorite products and achieve results. You can calculate an individual menu on your own, without seeking help from professionals.

An individual diet is today recognized as an effective and most natural method of losing weight. Join the army of her fans!

Diets do not always work - they are made correctly, but often do not take into account the individual characteristics of a particular person. There is a way out of this situation - you can make a diet for yourself based on your personal preferences and desires, as well as the characteristics of your body. For this, it is not necessary to contact a nutritionist - you can independently develop a suitable diet for yourself. Such an individual diet will be effective for you.

To create a diet for yourself, first try to answer a few questions:

  • how often your lifestyle will allow you to eat;
  • Do you have time to cook, and if so, how much?
  • do you easily tolerate food restrictions, or do you need to treat yourself to delicious food every day;
  • Do you exercise, and if so, how often?
  • how long are you willing to go on a diet;
  • how many pounds would you like to lose.

By answering these questions, you will get a more or less clear picture that will help you make a diet for yourself.

We make an individual diet

In order to lose those extra pounds, you need to develop a menu proper diet for myself. When developing an individual diet menu, you need to follow several principles common to all diets:

  • for weight loss, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit - only by consuming less energy than it consumes, the body will use fat reserves as fuel;
  • water is necessary for any diet: it fills the volume of the stomach, allowing you not to overeat, removes toxins from the body, cleansing it, and transports nutrients to cells and improves metabolic processes;
  • there will be no benefit from foods that you eat without pleasure, so you you need to create a diet for yourself based on your favorite foods;
  • Eat 40% of daily calories before 12:00 pm, 35% from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm, and 25% from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (this includes both main meals and snacks) - with this eating pattern, the calories you consume will be spent in the most efficient way;
  • if the body is severely short of calories, it begins to process its own protein cells, which should not be allowed, so you should not cut the calorie content of the diet extremely - the menu of the right diet should be designed in such a way as to create a deficit of 20-30% of daily allowance calories;
  • it is desirable to eat at the same time, at least 3 times a day; breaks between meals should be 2.5-3.5 hours;
  • vegetable fiber contributes to effective weight loss, therefore include vegetables, fruits and grains in the menu of the right diet;
  • watch how your body reacts to a personal diet - maybe healthy dietary rice and buckwheat will not help you, but you will lose weight, for example, from potatoes or honey, these observations will help you make a diet;
  • limit the portion size, eat no more than 300-350 g of food at a time, if you are full and there is something else left on the plate - do not eat it up just to eat it all, do not be afraid to leave food on the plate;
  • study all the suitable diets that have been developed by nutritionists - so you can get the necessary information to help you make a diet for yourself;
  • study the beneficial and harmful properties of foods, their composition, the properties of vitamins and minerals - this will come in handy when you make a suitable diet for yourself.

By following these principles, you can create a diet that will help you lose weight.

Calculation of the caloric content of the diet for the preparation of an individual diet

To make a diet, calculate the calorie content of your daily diet using the most accurate formula to date, the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula.

The calculation according to the formula is as follows:

  • 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age - 161 (for women);
  • 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age - +5 (for men).

Now multiply the resulting number by the coefficient of your physical activity:

  • daily high-intensity workouts - 1,725;
  • hard physical work and intensive loads every day - 1.9.
  • As a result, you will get the calorie intake that you need to consume to maintain weight.

    Scheme for compiling a personal diet

    So, you got the number of calories - now you need to make a diet taking into account the creation of a calorie deficit for the body for fat burning.

    For example, your caloric intake is 2000 kcal per day. Without harm to health, it can be reduced by no more than 500 kcal. You want to lose 6 kg. Of these, 1-2 kg can be safely attributed to the fluid that has stagnated in the body and the contents of the intestine. With limited salt intake (up to 5-7 g per day) and increased fiber intake, you will get rid of these 2 kg in 2 days. If you continue to limit salt in your diet and eat enough fiber, then those pounds will not come back. There are 4 kg left.

    In order to get rid of 1 kg of subcutaneous fat, you will need to burn 7000 kcal. Thus, to burn 6 kg, you need to “undereat” 24,000 kcal. By creating a deficit of 500 kcal per day for the body, you can lose 4 kg in less than 2 months. That is, for weight loss, you need to make a diet for 2 months based on the consumption of 1500 kcal per day from healthy natural products.

    If you want to lose weight faster, get ready for a more severe diet restriction: for example, consuming 1300 kcal per day, you will lose 4 kg in 40 days, but you will also need to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

    There are several ways to speed up the process of losing weight on a personal diet by about a third.:

    • by including natural fat burners in your diet: citrus fruits, ginger, green tea, broccoli, celery and other green and leafy vegetables, eggs, honey and nuts, kefir;
    • by increasing energy losses - for example, by starting to play sports;
    • breaking the daily amount of food into more meals;
    • drinking 30 minutes before meals 1 glass of clean water;
    • refusing completely fried and fatty foods and products such as mayonnaise, alcohol, semi-finished products, bread and flour products (the exception is rye bread), products containing starch, sweets, confectionery, sugar;
    • arranging a fasting day once a week with a diet within 500 kcal (on juices, kefir, vegetables or fruits).

    Thus, consuming 1500 kcal per day, you can achieve your goal on a suitable diet in about 5 weeks. (47 Votes)


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