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There is such a pattern: the more often a person goes on diets, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight. The reason lies in their short duration and unbalanced menu. Therefore, the diet of separate nutrition for 90 days has recently become relevant. It differs in that it allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight and improve metabolism.

What you need to know before you start using the 90 day diet

If a person is tired of numerous weight loss and severe food restrictions, has more than 20 kg of excess weight, then this diet is ideal for him.


  1. Getting rid of extra pounds
  2. Normalization of metabolism and its acceleration
  3. Improved overall well-being
  4. Cleansing the body of toxins
  5. Stable weight after graduation

The weight lost on a separate diet will not come back, and this is the main desire of most people who are losing weight. Over time, a person gets used to the system and he no longer wants to eat complex food combinations.


  1. specific taste of food
  2. Initially, there may be a feeling of hunger due to unusual food combinations.
  3. The need to maintain a diet

These shortcomings are of a short-term nature, and after a few weeks a person gets used to a separate diet. There are practically no contraindications to the 90-day diet, but it is still better to consult a doctor. If a person has a desire, willpower and a desire to lose weight, then this system is for him.

Where to start separate meals

You need to start with a clear decision. It is necessary to analyze your capabilities, upcoming events. You should not start this path if you have a vacation trip ahead of you or a series of holidays is coming.

You need to set a goal and tune in only for a positive result.

After the decision is made, you should carefully study the information about the nutrition system, food compatibility and menu options. At the same stage, you can choose the dishes you like, write them out and store them in an accessible place. Be sure to keep a food diary. It is especially useful at first, when there is a desire to eat something forbidden. The thought that the sin will have to be written down stops many. In addition, the diary makes it easier to analyze misses and find errors.

If a person is afraid that he will not be able to get involved in the system, then you can start the diet gradually and spend 2-3 separate days a week. When self-confidence appears and an unusual combination of products becomes more familiar, you can move on to the diet itself.

Before the first day of the diet, you need to prepare food, once again familiarize yourself with the features of the nutrition system. If a person is busy, then in the evening you can cook breakfast and lunch. On the first day, you should weigh yourself in the morning and measure your body parameters with a centimeter tape. Further, weighing should be carried out once a week and record the results in a food diary. There are people who try not to weigh themselves until the end of the system. This approach is not entirely correct: plumb lines will cheer you up and encourage you to move on.

Rules for compiling a menu for a diet of separate nutrition for 90 days

  1. Eat only if you feel hungry.
  2. You should not mix many products at one meal, even combined with each other according to the system.
  3. Do not drink water 10 minutes before a meal and 30 minutes after it.
  4. Give preference to simple products and seasonal vegetables, fruits.
  5. Limit your salt intake. Replace it with spices and herbs as much as possible.
  6. Observe the temperature regime of dishes. They should not be hot or cold.

The diet consists of alternating days. You need to start with a protein day. After 28 days, a water day is made (there will be 3 days in total when you can only drink water). The next cycle starts again with a protein day.

  1. Protein. The diet consists only of protein products. You can supplement them with vegetables that do not contain starch. Lunch may consist of broth with a small piece of dark or bran (grain) bread. This day is the easiest to bear, the products are hearty, a wide variety. In case of intolerance to milk, it is replaced with meat or fish.
  2. Starch. The basis of the menu of such a day is products containing starch: potatoes, cereals, beans and bread. The day is also quite satisfying. Large assortment of cereals and vegetable dishes. For lunch, you can also eat vegetable broths with a small piece of bread or crackers.
  3. carbohydrate. The diet consists of sweet desserts, chocolate, pastries, pasta and vegetables. This day brings great pleasure to the sweet tooth. It is important that proteins, such as eggs, are not present in ready-made dishes. When compiling the menu, you can focus on recipes for dishes intended for fasting.
  4. vitamin. During the day, you can eat any fruits and seeds. Also, meals can be replaced with natural juices. This day is more difficult to bear than the previous ones and there may be a feeling of hunger from time to time. The consolation is that it only happens once every 4 days.

When compiling the menu, it is important not to mix up the products and carefully study the composition of ready-made dishes. As a rule, such dishes contain few ingredients. Exceptions are fruit and vegetable salads. Therefore, despite the fact that you will need to prepare food for yourself separately, it will not take much time.

When choosing a cooking method, you should use frying as little as possible and give preference to boiling (in water or steam) and baking. To diversify vitamin days, fruits can also be steamed, mashed and fruit soups.

Sample menu for every day

The menu can be customized according to your taste preferences. But at first, it’s better to use ready-made templates in order to quickly get into the system and not accidentally confuse anything. Below are the different options for breakfast, lunch and dinner on certain days. Breakfast on all days consists of fruits or juices.

Monday: Protein Day

  • Breakfast: 2 apples
  • Lunch: a portion of broth and a slice of grain bread, a piece of boiled meat and cucumber salad
  • Dinner: seafood in cream with herbs

Advice: despite the permission of any protein foods, it is better not to eat those that have a high fat content. Extra calories are not good for anyone.

Tuesday: Starchy Day

  • Breakfast: 2 peaches
  • Lunch: pea puree, a slice of bread and vegetable broth.
  • Dinner: potato pancakes (pancakes)

Advice: at lunch it is better to eat full portions, but dinner is better to limit 200-300g of food. Fresh salads can be seasoned with 5 gr. vegetable oil and lemon juice. Salt should be avoided

Wednesday: Carb Day

  • Breakfast: orange juice
  • Lunch: pasta with tomato sauce
  • Dinner: eggless pancakes with cardamom, 3 dark chocolate cubes

Tip: carbohydrates are very high in calories, so these days it will be useful to arm yourself with a calculator and control the energy value of the menu

Thursday: Vitamin (fruit) day

  • Breakfast: 2 pears
  • Lunch: fruit salad with nuts
  • Dinner: a mix of seeds and dried fruits

Advice: if there is a strong hunger on the fruit day, then you need to consume more warm liquid. Unsweetened compote or tea will do

Friday: Protein day

  • Breakfast: a glass of apple juice
  • Lunch: cheese omelet, fresh cucumber
  • Dinner: salmon baked in foil and tomato salad

Advice: on a protein day, do not mix sour-milk and meat products

Saturday: Starchy day

  • Breakfast: 5 plums
  • Lunch: stewed vegetable stew with herbs
  • Dinner: turmeric rice and fresh herbs

Advice: if you want fried foods, it is better to cook them in a non-stick frying pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil

Sunday: Carb Day

  • Breakfast: a glass of peach juice
  • Lunch: pizza with tomatoes and cheese
  • Dinner: spaghetti with tomato sauce

Advice: season pasta only with tomato sauces

Recipes for every day

Pancakes without eggs with cardamom

  • Flour 1.5 cups
  • Water 2 cups
  • Vegetable oil 30 gr.
  • Salt, sugar to taste
  • Cardamom
  • pinch of soda

Dissolve salt, sugar, soda in water. Gradually add flour, stirring with a whisk so that no lumps form. Add vegetable oil and cardamom. Fry in a pan with a thick bottom. Pancakes are dense, reminiscent of thin pita bread. Pairs well with savory and sweet sauces.

Pizza with tomatoes and cheese


  • Flour 1.5 cups
  • Water 0.5 cup
  • Baking powder 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - spoon
  • Salt to taste


  • Tomatoes 2 pieces
  • Hard cheese 50 gr.
  • Spices, salt

Knead elastic dough from the above products. Flour may need a little more or less, it all depends on its moisture content. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes. At this time, cut the tomatoes into circles, grate the cheese. We roll out the dough into a layer, grease it with vegetable oil on top and spread the tomatoes, sprinkle with spices. And cheese on top. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Seafood in cream with herbs

Rinse the seafood, put it in a saucepan and pour over the cream. Simmer for 8 minutes, then add salt, after 2 minutes add chopped greens, turn off and let it brew.

Baked salmon in foil

Mix the mustard with salt and spices, grate the steaks and let marinate for half an hour. Wrap in foil and bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 25 minutes.

Stewed vegetable stew

Peel vegetables, chop. Fold in a saucepan or cauldron, oiled, add 100 gr. water and simmer until half cooked, then add salt and add tomato paste. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 15 minutes.

Omelet with cheese

Mix eggs with grated cheese and spices, pour into a preheated and oiled pan. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

Fruit salad with nuts

Rinse the fruits, peel and cut into cubes, add yogurt and sprinkle with chopped nuts on top.

Rice with turmeric

Boil rice in salted water and drain. Grease the pan with oil, mix rice with turmeric and fry. Learn more about the properties of turmeric.

Baked apples with cinnamon

Cut the apples in half, cut out the middle and sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Eggplant with garlic and carrots

Grate carrots on a Korean grater, sprinkle with chopped garlic, salt and spices on top. Set aside. Cut the eggplant into strips and quickly fry in a greased pan. Spread hot on top of carrots. Let stand until completely cool and then stir.

The results of women before and after the diet

The results of the diet are impressive; in just 3 months you can change beyond recognition. Often, after 90 days, a person gets used to the combination of products, and the weight continues to decrease. This is the main difference between the system and short-term and harmful diets.

Anna is 27 years old. Lost 19kg. Before: 70 kg, after: 51.

Tatyana is 41 years old. I lost 16 kg in 90 days.

Alina, 31 years old. Lost 14 kg. Before the system, the metabolism was disturbed. On short-term diets, it was not possible to lose even 5 kg. Up to: 67 kg. After: 53.

Maria is 36 years old. Lost 20 kg. Up to: 84 kg. After: 64 kg.

As you can see, the results are impressive. The diet menu is very varied. It contains very tasty and hearty dishes. Here are just a few sample recipes. With the right approach, a 90-day diet will help you get rid of 10-25 kg of excess weight without stress for the body, bad mood and poor diet.

Many people who dream of being get rid of extra pounds want not only to lose weight, but also to maintain their health. For them, it remains important not only the process of losing weight, but also the establishment of the process of digestion and metabolism, in order to not gain weight in the future.

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Unfortunately, most popular diets allow you to lose hated kilograms only during the diet itself. Hold the same weight after stopping the diet few succeed. Therefore, a completely different approach to losing weight was invented, which may seem to many to be too long. However, the authors of the diet claim that it is this approach to losing weight that can make the metabolism work in your favor.

Diet 90 days of separate nutrition. Description

The weight loss system "90 days of separate meals", created by Slovenian authors Mojce Polanšek and Breda Hrobat, offers its followers a wide and varied menu according to certain rules. During the diet slimming metabolism improves, thanks to which he begins to feel better, feels light in the body, and excess weight goes away unnoticed by him.

According to the authors of the program, nutrition should be disciplined, but it is not at all necessary to deny yourself all the delicacies. Diet "90 days of separate nutrition" is divided into 4 options: protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin or, as it is also called, fruit. This diet is convenient in that if you go on a diet, then it is not necessary for the whole family to go on a diet with you. You can continue cooking meals for the whole family, according to your diet phase. These dishes are hearty and tasty; they will please all family members.

This diet does not prohibit the inclusion in the menu of sweets and flour, allows you to add salt and spices to dishes, use bouillon cubes to make broth. Based on the name, it becomes clear that the duration of such a diet is 3 months, while it does not require special expenses for food. Sitting on this diet, you will not spend more money on the purchase of certain products than usual.

Moreover, the authors of the system recommend eating as simple foods as possible, which can be easily cooked or eaten raw. To speed up the process of losing weight, add to your daily schedule physical exercise, even if it's light. It would be helpful to go jogging in the morning, or start going to the pool or gym.

Losing weight in three months lose an average of 15 kg, but this range can vary from 4 to 25 kg, as different organisms react differently to a change in lifestyle and diet. Not recommended go on a diet during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of diseases of the urinary and digestive systems.

Rules for 90-day separate meals

1 diet cycle is equal to 4 days. In this case, the days must go in a strictly established sequence, which we talked about above.

1 The first day involves the use of only protein foods, such as eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, dairy products, broth. On this day, you can diversify the menu with any vegetables, except starchy and also eat whole grain bread.

2 The second day - starchy - allows you to eat foods rich in starch: cereals, legumes, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, vegetable broth, and whole grain bread.

3 On the third day, you are allowed to eat foods that rich in carbohydrates. These include: cereals and cereals, flour dishes, dark chocolate, cake, cookies, yeast-free pastries, which do not include eggs and milk, any vegetables.

4 The fourth day - vitamin or fruit - includes in the menu vegetable and fruit juices, fruit purees and salads, seeds and nuts, steamed dried fruits.

Vitamin day is the end of the mini-cycle, after which the specified cycle is repeated again. Thus, losing weight should eat within 28 days. 29th day should be unloading. During this day it is allowed to drink only mineral water without gas. The next day, the second 28-day phase of the diet begins.

There are a few more rules to keep in mind:

1 In the evening it is allowed to eat no later than 20.00.

2 In the morning the portion is small, for lunch it increases. Dinner should be approximately half of the food eaten at lunch.

3 If you are hungry between meals, you can afford any fruit.

4 Vegetables are allowed stew, cook, or eaten raw.

5 Do not include a large amount of fruit in the diet, and try to completely refuse bread.

6 It is advisable to buy food and prepare meals yourself, trying to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. From the diet you need exclude semi-finished products.

7 Avoid fatty foods. Buy lean fish and meat, and when cooking poultry remove the skin and layers of fat.

Menu 90-day split diet for a week

We invite you to look meal plan for the week. You can make a further diet of your own, based on your own taste preferences.


Day one (protein):

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, lettuce, tea;
  • Lunch: fat-free yogurt;
  • Dinner: broth, baked chicken, a slice of whole grain bread;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit, such as an apple or pear;
  • Dinner: baked fish, non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, onions).

Day two (starchy):

  • Breakfast: fruit salad from your favorite fruits or a glass of berries;
  • Lunch: Orange;
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, tea;
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple;
  • Dinner: green vegetable salad (cucumber, pepper, cabbage, lettuce, green peas), boiled beans or peas.

Day three (carbohydrate):

  • Breakfast: a mixture of fruits;
  • Lunch: a handful of dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins);
  • Dinner: spaghetti with tomato sauce, cabbage salad;
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable juice;
  • Dinner: cake, a piece of dark chocolate, tea.

Day four (vitamin):

  • Breakfast: a few fruits or a glass of berries;
  • Lunch: 2 pears;
  • Dinner: fruit salad;
  • Afternoon snack: Apple;
  • Dinner: a few slices of melon or watermelon.


Day five (protein):

  • Breakfast: squirrel omelet baked with spinach, tea;
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: chicken steak or chop;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 orange or apple;
  • Dinner: seafood, light vegetable salad.

Day six (starchy):

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, tea;
  • Lunch: banana;
  • Dinner: vegetable broth, a slice of whole grain bread, potato casserole with herbs;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of jelly;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew.

Day seven (carbohydrate):

  • Breakfast: salad from any fruit;
  • Lunch: yeast-free baking;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, buckwheat;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit juice;
  • Dinner: ice cream with berries and chocolate chips (or another dessert of your choice).

Exit from the diet "90 days of separate nutrition"

In order to consolidate the achieved result, the creators of the diet offer phased out and gradually return to the usual diet. During the diet, the metabolism is completely rebuilt. The body learns to eat a small amount of food portions are noticeably reduced. At the same time, losing weight began to feel lightness and a surge of energy. Therefore, during the exit from the diet, try not to increase portions. Keep eating small meals.

Try to adhere to the rules of separate nutrition, and do not mix poorly combined products. The product compatibility table can be found here. try save light fruit breakfasts, which help to gently start digestion. Eat according to your schedule, at least three times a day. You can also save fruit as a snack.

90 day diet. Results and reviews of those who have lost weight with a photo

The results of losing weight on this diet are different, and depend on the lifestyle and on the initial weight. People with more weight part with kilograms more easily, while thinner people lose weight more slowly. In any case, the main result is a complete restructuring of the body and metabolic processes in the body, and this already means a lot for your health.

Lilia, 30 years old:

My starting weight was 73 kilos and I wanted to lose 10 kilos ideally. However, the weight came off slowly. In the first two months of the 90-day diet, I lost only 6 kg. For the third month, another 1 kilogram. Fasting days were the hardest, because I constantly wanted to eat, but in the end I got used to them. Now I eat as usual, however, as the diet says, the portions have decreased significantly, and the weight is not returning. My belly is gone, which makes me very happy. My result can be seen in the photo:

Lana, 27 years old:

After giving birth, I became very stout, although before that I was not satisfied with my figure. But after giving birth, she could not look at herself in the mirror at all. I tried various methods of losing weight, for example, a protein diet, but I constantly broke down, because I could not do without vegetables and fruits at all. I drank diet pills, but apart from upsetting the stool, they did not give any effect. Weight loss of 1-2 kilograms was imperceptible and insignificant. Somehow I came across a 90-day separate meal, and decided to try it. I liked the fact that in general you can eat whatever you like, only on certain days. Even cakes and cookies. I lost 21 kg in 3 months! A month has passed, but the weight has not returned, I want to try again in six months. I want to lose at least another 10 kilograms. Good luck to everyone!!!

Alena, 44 years old:

It is difficult to adjust to a separate diet, when all my life I ate as I had to, and ate everything in a row, without thinking about the incompatibility of some products. I became interested in the topic of separate nutrition for a long time, but did not dare to try everything. It seemed to be very difficult. In fact, everything turned out to be a little easier. I liked the abundance of fruits and vegetables in the diet, as well as the separation of different types of foods by day. She made a meal schedule for herself, cooked in advance, ate the same thing for lunch and dinner to save time on cooking. I tried to observe the water regime, did exercises in the morning. As a result, my lifestyle has completely changed, I feel 20 years old again. I don't feel any heaviness or bloating after eating, and I stopped taking enzymes to help digest food. I managed to lose 18 kg without much effort, I saw only benefits for myself. After the end of the diet, I eat according to the basic principles of separate nutrition. I try to make myself light vegetable salads more often. I eat potatoes very rarely, and if I do, I don't mix them with other foods. I liked the weight loss system, I recommend it.

"Dietitian on a Diet" Separate food:

Herbert Shelton, a nutritionist from America, has created a qualitatively new approach to losing weight. The essence of the method: separate types of food should not be consumed in parallel, at the same time.

According to him, all food is conditionally divided into protein, or protein-containing, and starch. The first includes: poultry, meat, milk and dairy products, nuts, legumes, cheese and eggs. To starch - all bakery products, rice and other cereals, potatoes.

Proponents of the opinion believe that the ancestors of modern man were slender, as they did not combine different types of food.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that the benefits of separate nutrition are undeniable when it is balanced. Like any diet, this weight loss method involves a ban on sweets, limiting fast carbohydrates in principle, and increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits.

Herbert Shelton and his books

According to the Shelton method, it is forbidden to eat the following combinations together:

  • Refined sugar along with starchy foods. Unnatural sweets must either be completely removed from the diet, or limited as much as possible.

Shelton menu example

Nuances during weight loss:

  • Milk should be consumed without combining it with other foods. This product is digested in the duodenum, unlike other foods that often do so in the stomach. Dairy fats will only interfere with the proper processing of other foods.
  • Melon and watermelon have poor compatibility with any other type of food. They contain a lot of sucrose, which can cause fermentation in combination with other foods.
  • Restrictions on the parallel intake of starchy foods. Failure to follow this rule may lead to fermentation.

food combination

Despite the fact that Herbert developed his own menu for weight loss, he was a staunch vegetarian and raw foodist. During his hospital practice, he literally experimented on his patients and was himself involved in "improving" his method.

  • you should not drink large amounts of water during this approach to losing weight, but you should use it only if you wish;
  • no special “entrances” to the diet are needed;
  • the use of enemas and is prohibited.

Not to mention the fact that nutritionist Shelton has been repeatedly arrested and even imprisoned due to the damage done to his patients due to his peculiar “dietary” approach.

Modern scientists have long agreed on such an opinion as:

First of all, the stomach suffers, which is manifested by exacerbation of chronic gastritis or the formation of erosions / ulcers

Unlike the menu compiled by Shelton, which can heal the body and help a person lose weight, his method of starvation was not only completely a failure, but also life-threatening.

Diet for 90 days, is built on the principle of separate nutrition, however, the scale of periods for changing products is many times larger.

  • for every 29 days there is a “unloading” - the use of exclusively pure non-carbonated water;
  • the first and last "energizing" should take place at 9 am and 5-6 pm;
  • you can not drink during meals.
Sample menu for 4 days
protein day
starch day
carb day
fruit and vegetable day
Breakfast Banana, citrus and coffee

4 days make up one cycle, from 5 days you need to start over.

Efficiency is achieved due to the fact that the diet has weight loss catalysts in the form of a variety of vegetables and fruits, drinking plenty of water.

Read more in our article on the Shelton Diet.

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The essence of the method of separate nutrition from Shelton

Herbert Shelton, a nutritionist from America, has created a qualitatively new approach to losing weight. The meaning of his method is that separate types of food should not be consumed in parallel, at the same time. According to him, all food is conditionally divided into protein, or protein-containing, and starch.

Among the first type are poultry, meat, milk and dairy products, nuts, legumes, cheese and eggs. All bakery products, rice and other cereals, potatoes are considered starchy.

Pros and cons of the approach

Those who support the Shelton diet argue that the ancestors of modern man were slender due to the fact that they did not know about the possibility of combining different types of food.

Opponents argue that:

  • there are no products that do not contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates together;
  • for the body there is no difference how and what to digest.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that the benefits of separate nutrition are undeniable when it is balanced. For example, like any diet, this weight loss method involves a ban on sweets, limiting fast carbohydrates in principle, and increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits.

Product combination

Since Herbert Shelton's diet is a combination of only certain foods, it is necessary to know for sure what can be taken in combination.

It is forbidden to eat together the following combinations:

  • Carbohydrates and proteins. You can not combine, for example, milk and oatmeal.
  • Sour and sour-milk products with carbohydrates. The simultaneous use of oranges and the same oatmeal is prohibited.
  • Fats and proteins. Cottage cheese in this case should not be seasoned with sour cream.
  • Proteins and acidic fruits or vegetables. I'll have to forget about the chicken breast with tomato salad.
  • Refined sugar along with starchy foods. It should also be remembered that unnatural sweets must either be completely removed from the diet, or limited as much as possible.

There are also a number of nuances that are implied during such weight loss:

  • Milk should be consumed without combining it with other foods. This product is digested in the duodenum, unlike other foods, which often do so in the stomach. That is, milk fats will only interfere with the proper processing of other foods.
  • Melon and watermelon have poor compatibility with any other type of food. They contain a lot of sucrose, which can cause fermentation in combination with any other food.
  • Restrictions on the parallel intake of starchy foods. As in the previous case, failure to follow this rule can lead to fermentation.

Watch in this video about the principles of separate nutrition according to Shelton:

Starvation from Herbert: is it worth it?

Despite the fact that Herbert developed his own menu for weight loss, he was a staunch vegetarian and raw foodist. During his hospital practice, he literally experimented on his patients and was himself involved in "improving" his method.

Shelton was a proponent of special fasting. He believed that:

Not to mention the fact that nutritionist Shelton has been repeatedly arrested and even imprisoned due to the damage done to his patients due to his peculiar “dietary” approach.

Modern scientists have long agreed on such an opinion as:

  • it is impossible to lose weight by depriving yourself of food;
  • temporary weight loss is fraught with the introduction of the body into a state of mobilization;
  • hunger cannot heal a person;
  • such weight loss will definitely disrupt (if not destroy) the metabolism;
  • the wrong way out of the weekly adherence to the approach can turn into death;
  • deficiency of nutrients coming from food leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Unlike the menu compiled by Shelton, which can heal the body and help a person lose weight, his method of starvation was not only completely a failure, but also life-threatening.

90 day diet for women

The 90-day diet was also developed by Shelton. It is also built on the principle of separate nutrition, but the scale of product change periods is many times larger.

The main rules for losing weight on this diet are the following:

  • product compatibility rules - the basis and main driving force of the method;
  • within 3 months it is necessary to alternate protein, starch, carbohydrate and fruit and vegetable days.
  • for every 29 days there is a “unloading” - the use of exclusively pure non-carbonated water;
  • meals should occur at about the same time;
  • the first and last "energizing" should take place at 9 am and 5-6 pm, respectively;
  • daily you need to drink 2 liters of liquid in the form of clean water;
  • The "warmth" of the food taken should be about the body temperature;
  • you can not drink during meals.
Sample menu for 4 days
protein day
Breakfast A small pack of cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast and coffee
Dinner A small piece of meat or fish and vegetable salad in reasonable quantities
Dinner Boiled chicken sandwich, coleslaw and tomato salad
starch day
Breakfast Any porridge, dried fruits and coffee
Dinner Vegetable stew in the amount of 250 grams
Dinner Portion of fried or stewed rice
carb day
Breakfast 50 grams of any bun, the same amount of chocolate and a cup of coffee with added sugar
Dinner Homemade pizza or pie with olives, cheese and tomato paste within 300 grams
Dinner Spaghetti with basil and tomatoes (about 200 grams)
fruit and vegetable day
Breakfast Banana, citrus and coffee
Dinner 200g serving of fruit salad
Dinner Baked with honey and cinnamon apples and 5 slices of melon before bed

4 days make up one cycle, from 5 days you need to start over.

Do hips really go away, volumes

Efficiency in the form of reducing the hips and body volume in general is achieved not because of this particular approach, but because the diet has weight loss catalysts in the form of many vegetables and fruits and drinking plenty of water.

The Herbert Shelton Diet is one of the most controversial approaches to weight loss in existence. A staunch vegetarian and raw foodist, he has harmed far more than one person from those who have ever been under his influence, but for women who have experienced this approach, the effectiveness of the method is obvious.

Useful video

Watch this video about the advantages and disadvantages of separate power supply:

The 90 days diet was invented by two friends from Slovenia. They understood with all obviousness: many women do not try to lose weight, because they know in advance that on a diet they will not only be hungry, but also ... bored. This is how a new nutrition plan appeared, which you can’t call fast-acting, but you can’t refuse it in variety either. By alternating priority nutritional components in comfort cycles, you can indulge in a huge number of healthy dishes and even have ice cream for dinner. Of course, there are restrictions on the 90-day diet, but against the background of what is allowed, they do not look intimidating at all!

Diet 90 days: the principle of separate nutrition

Duration: 90 days or three months;
Peculiarities: cyclic diet, alternating protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin days with fasting according to a special plan;
Price: comparable to the usual family expenses for food;
Result: from minus 3 to minus 25 kg, depending on the purpose and initial weight;
Recommended frequency: can be used as a permanent meal plan;
Additional effect: adapted for fitness: for best results, it is recommended to supplement the diet with regular physical activity;
Diet 90 days is not suitable: suffering from diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, as well as pregnant and lactating. Before starting a diet, you should consult with your doctor; in case of severe obesity, lose weight only under the full-time supervision of a specialist!

From the heading "Housekeeping" - to popular nutritionists!

The 90-day diet was invented at the beginning of the 2000s by two colleague friends from Ptuzh, the oldest city in Slovenia - Breda Hrobat and Mojcea Polyansek. Their book "The 90 Day Separate Diet" became one of the most popular Slovenian exports in the new century - it was translated into many languages ​​in a short time. At the request of fans from different countries, the co-authors “afterwards” released the work “The Next 90 Days”, which collected many interesting and inventive recipes for those who follow a three-month separate nutrition plan, which, judging by the reviews, allows you to lose weight by 18-25 kg.

By the way, it was from the compilation of healthy recipes that the idea of ​​Breda and Moica, who worked as gastronomic observers in Slovenian magazines, grew up to develop their own nutrition plan that would allow modern women to lose weight noticeably without dooming themselves to starvation or a meager and boring diet. This is how the “90-day diet of separate nutrition” system appeared, which today has already won a huge army of fans and followers.

Now Moica Polyansek continues to write about healthy food for publications in her homeland, and Breda Hrobat moved to Australia, maintaining friendly and partner ties with the co-author and Slovenian culinary magazines. From time to time, friends meet at master classes and performances around the world.

Diet 90 days: simple rules, quick results

The principle of operation of the 90-day diet of separate nutrition is based on the idea that the concentration on one (priority) nutritional component and the periodic rotation of these components speeds up the metabolism so much that it allows you to significantly lose weight without food discomfort. Breda Hrobat and Mojtsa Polyansek offer the following simple scheme:

1 day 90 day diet - protein
Day 2 of the 90 day diet - starchy
3 day 90 day diet - carbohydrate
Day 4 of the 90 day diet - vitamin.

At the end of the four-day cycle, it should be started again, always with the protein phase. The authors of the diet prohibit changing the recommended order of dishes. Every seven four-day cycles (that is, every 29th day of the 90-day diet), it is necessary to carry out an unloading, or aqua-day, during which you can not take any food, just drink plain non-carbonated water.

Thus, the 90-day diet consists of 21 full four-day cycles, three aqua days, and one truncated, three-day cycle (protein, starch, carbohydrate days without a vitamin day). A clear plan for alternating cycles and a meal schedule on a 90-day diet helps you adapt to a new food discipline and improve your “table habits”: thinking in advance about what and when you can eat today, you change the quality of nutrition.

  • 1 If you decide to radically take on the figure, then for all days eat only stewed and boiled vegetables, give up bread and minimize fruit consumption. In case the goal is to lose some weight and switch to a balanced, more varied diet, fried foods and relatively large portions are acceptable. However, the rules for combining products and the meal schedule remain!
  • 2 Other things being equal, always choose unrefined, minimally processed foods - whole grain pasta, "gray" flour, bran bread. For the best benefits, soak grains up to 24 hours before cooking - the fermentation process will release hidden nutrients. And if possible, use less fat - even the highest quality vegetable oil adds extra calories.
  • 3 Experiment more in the kitchen! Cooking your own meals is a great way to enhance the health benefits of the 90 Day Diet, because only then can you be sure of the composition of the food. Moreover, the authors of the three-month nutrition plan are quite calm about the moderate use of salt, herbs, quality spices and natural original sauces such as Tabasco and Worcestershire.

What can you eat and drink on a 90 day diet

The peculiarity of the 90-day diet is not only that its authors indulge those who are losing weight with gourmet recipes for allowed dishes, but also in a rather tolerant attitude towards modern food habits - for example, meat and vegetable broths are allowed to be replaced with a solution from a concentrate or a cube, on protein days you can eat bread , and for dinner, allow yourself cakes and chocolate. True, all cases of using "doubtful" products are specifically specified and the menu for the days should be compiled without violating the recommendations.

Every day on a 90-day diet (except for the aqua day), it is suggested to start the morning with a glass of warm mineral water with 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp of honey, and then eat 1-2 any fruits and a glass of berries (also any) for breakfast. The rest of the diet is built according to the following list as a cheat sheet:

Protein day on the 90 day diet

  • any meat
  • any fish, seafood
  • cheese, cottage cheese, any dairy products without additives (you can’t mix different types of protein foods and eat, say, meat with cheese)
  • obligatory 300 ml of meat broth at lunch (after solid food)
  • all vegetables except starchy ones
  • no more than one slice of whole grain bread (only at lunch!).

Starch day on the 90 day diet

  • any legumes (including lentils and soybeans)
  • any cereals
  • any vegetables, including starchy and potatoes
  • one slice of whole grain bread and 300 ml of vegetable broth for lunch.

Carb day on the 90 day diet

  • flour products: pasta, bread, crackers, vegetable pizza
  • buckwheat and barley groats, millet
  • any vegetables and tomato sauce
  • egg-free yeast-free bread
  • for dinner it is obligatory: 1 strip of dark chocolate (20 gr), you can 1 cake, 3 scoops of ice cream or 3 small cookies.

Vitamin day on the 90 day diet

  • any fruit
  • any dried fruit (not candied)
  • fresh vegetables
  • fruit and vegetable juices
  • seeds and nuts (no more than 25 gr).

It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of plain water on any day. You can also drink tea and coffee, but without sugar (milk can only be added to the drink on a protein day). In addition, dried fruits allowed on a vitamin day can be pre-soaked and drunk infusion. Juices, fresh vegetable, fruit and berry smoothies are considered by the authors of the 90-day diet to be food, not drink, and if you want to please yourself with such dishes, you should use them accordingly - as part of one of the meals on the days when the ingredients for the juice or mixture are allowed . You can’t drink alcohol - Breda and Moytsa tactfully clarify that it interferes with weight loss.

Diet plan for the 90 day diet

Slovenian specialists in slimming recipes suggest that on their 90 days of separate nutrition diet, you will eat three meals a day (one of which is breakfast, the composition of which is fixed once and for all for all three months of the “expedition”).

In cases where hunger between lunch and dinner is unbearable, eat one small piece of fruit.

On protein days, at least four hours should pass between lunch and dinner, on starch and carbohydrate days, the interval is reduced to three, on a vitamin day, it is acceptable that only 2 hours pass between lunch and dinner. However, please note that the last meal should be no later than 20:00.

When determining the portion size, focus on the amount of lunch that is comfortable for you. Represented? Now reduce it by half - this will be the amount of food allowed for dinner on a protein, starch and fruit day. On a carbohydrate day, do not forget that in the evening you will find a belly feast and sweet treats. help you better imagine what dishes you can cook.

Results and the correct way out of the diet 90 days

At the end of the 90-day diet, Breda Hrobat and Mojtsa Polyanshek are advised to continue drinking water with honey and vinegar on an empty stomach, eat fruit for breakfast and, if desired, increase the amount of food consumed per day, while continuing to follow the basic rules of separate nutrition, for example, do not eat protein foods together with carbohydrate, and trying to follow the already familiar meal schedule. They claim that after three months of dieting, eating habits change, you want to eat less and less often, and the body gets used to a balanced menu and learns to distribute energy in such a way as to maintain vigor, good mood, and, most importantly, not get better.

The authors consider their nutrition plan to be a diet with a long-term result and promise the following minus on the scales: those who start losing weight with a slight excess of weight will have to lose 1 to 3 kg every month, and very obese people will be able to get rid of 18-25 kg.

To get rid of the hated kilograms, a diet that includes 90 days of separate meals will finally and irrevocably help. Compared to other methods of losing weight, it is quite long, but it is distinguished by a large number and variety of products on the menu. Thanks to this, the body is not deprived of nutrients, so additional intake of vitamins and minerals is optional. This diet will speed up the metabolism, and excess weight will go away for a long time.


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    Diet Basics

    With a diet of separate nutrition, only one type of food should be consumed in portions every day. This will speed up the metabolism, and losing weight will not be stressful for the body.

    The principle of the 90-day diet of separate nutrition is to consistently repeat a cycle of 4 days. It is forbidden to change their sequence and make changes. All three months you need to eat the following types of products:

    • 1st day - protein (meat, fish);
    • 2nd day - starch (legumes, cereals);
    • 3rd day - carbohydrate (pastries, cereals);
    • 4th day - vitamin (nuts, dried fruits).

    After that, the cycle repeats again. If at some point you have to interrupt the diet, then you need to start from the day on which the stop occurred.

    Rules for separate meals

    General rules of the 90-day diet:

    1. 1. Every 7 cycles (that is, on the 29th day), you need to arrange a fasting day. At this time, only water is allowed to drink, there can be no talk of any food. In total, there are three such days for the course.
    2. 2. It is not recommended to starve and set strict limits in food.
    3. 3. Weight should not go away abruptly. A gradual and smooth result will last for a longer period.
    4. 4. The first meal should be before 12 noon, the last - before 20 pm. Lunch - after 12 noon.
    5. 5. The main part of the diet is for lunch, dinner consists of half the lunch portion.
    6. 6. After the end of the diet, you must take a break for 90 days, then you can again resort to the system of separate nutrition.
    7. 7. For maximum effect, you need to exercise several times a week.

    Breakfast every day throughout the entire period consists of the same set of products, namely: a glass of non-carbonated water at room temperature with the addition of one teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar. After 30 minutes, you can eat a few fruits or a glass of berries.

    1. 1. It is necessary to use only the indicated products that are combined with each other.
    2. 2. With an attack of hunger, you can have a snack with an orange or an apple.
    3. 3. It is necessary to drink enough water in the calculation: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Coffee and tea are allowed without sugar. Another liquid (juice, fresh) is food. The only exception is milk. It is allowed on a protein day.
    4. 4. It is desirable to reduce the salt content in dishes.
    5. 5. It is necessary to prefer the following methods of cooking: boiling, stewing, baking.
    6. 6. It is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet.
    7. 7. A maximum of 1500 calories should be consumed per day, especially on a carbohydrate day.
    8. 8. Snack is allowed with any fruit.

    This diet is ideal for people with metabolic disorders or those who are overweight (more than 20 kg) and cannot lose it. Adhering to it is difficult at first, so you should consult a doctor, tune in not only physically, but also psychologically in order to avoid depression.

    90 day split dietinvolves not only weight loss, but also the removal of harmful substances from the body.

    Grocery list

    All allowed products for each day are summarized in a table.

    Protein days

    starch days

    carb days

    vitamin days

    Legumes (soybeans, beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas)

    Flour products (pasta, crackers, bread)

    Fresh fruits

    Cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley)

    Cereals (buckwheat, barley, millet)

    Juices (fruit or vegetable)

    Meat (lean pork, beef, turkey, rabbit)


    Baking without the use of eggs, milk and yeast

    Dried fruits

    Milk products

    Whole wheat bread

    Liver or cake (for dinner)

    Nuts, seeds (25 g)

    Vegetable broth (300 ml)

    Chocolate (3-4 slices)

    Vegetables (except potatoes)

    Whole grain bread

    Meat broth (300 ml)

    All the ingredients of one group can be combined with each other, making new delicious dishes.

    Sample menu for every day with recipes

    To achieve the result, it is important to follow the recommendations for the diet menu for each day.

    First day

    You need to eat foods high in protein. It is forbidden to eat two protein products at one meal. For example, you can’t eat fish and eggs at lunch, the broth must be present. The interval between lunch and dinner is at least four hours.

    Second day

    It is allowed to use foods containing starch. The break between meals is on average three hours.

    The third day

    Carbohydrate day includes the use of cereals, pasta, a small amount of chocolate. The break between meals should also be at least three hours.

    Fourth day

    Any fruits, juices, dried fruits are allowed. The break between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be at least two hours.

    Throughout the day, you need to eat vegetables and fruits. They can be baked or made into salads, mashed potatoes. From drinks, fruit drinks, juices, compotes are suitable. It is better to introduce dried fruits into the diet, which will drown out the feeling of hunger.


    There are several menu options for one 4-day cycle.

    The first option is detailed in the table.

    The second version of the four-day cycle is as follows:


    Simple recipes will help you stick to this diet.

    Hake with green beans (protein day)

    • hake (fillet) - 150 g;
    • green beans (can be frozen) - 60 g;
    • lemon - ½ pc.;
    • seasoning, salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Marinate the fish fillet for half an hour in a mixture of lemon juice, spices and salt.
    2. 2. Then put foil on a baking sheet, hake on it, and beans on the sides. Top with foil.
    3. 3. Put in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 30 minutes.
    4. 4. Decorate the finished dish with herbs.

    Hake with green beans

    Tomato puree soup with rice (starch day)

    For cooking you will need:

    • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • rice - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 3 teeth;
    • vegetable broth - 300 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Finely chop the onion, send to the pan.
    2. 2. When it is a little fried, add chopped tomatoes, close the lid and simmer over low heat.
    3. 3. After the tomatoes soften, put browned carrots, rice, pour broth and salt. Cook until rice is cooked.
    4. 4. Beat with a blender or rub through a sieve until smooth, add garlic, boil, stirring constantly.

    Tomato and Rice Soup

    Spaghetti with vegetables (carbohydrate day)

    For cooking you will need:

    • zucchini - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • spaghetti - 200 g;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking method: kiwi - 1 pc.;

  • nuts - 100 g;
  • yogurt (no additives) - 3 tbsp. l.;

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Cut all fruits into small cubes.
  2. 2. Chop the nuts into small pieces.
  3. 3. Put all the ingredients in a deep plate, mix gently.
  4. 4. Dress salad with yogurt.

Fruit salad


The 90-day split diet is not for everyone. There are a number of contraindications in which this method of losing weight is prohibited:

  • diseases of the heart, liver, urinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • high cholesterol;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • allergy to the products that make up the diet with a diet;
  • professional sports;
  • weak immunity.

To achieve the maximum effect from a separate diet, you should follow all the recommendations and add physical activity. After three months of the diet, you also need to get out of it gradually: first, gradually increase portions, and then introduce a full breakfast.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...


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