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For motorists, it is no secret that the car consumes significantly more fuel in winter than in summer. Therefore, it is not economically profitable to travel by car in winter, but at the same time it is very convenient, and many people prefer to spend extra money, but at the same time remain warm, comfortable and "on wheels."

Top causes of winter fuel consumption

Among the most obvious reasons for the greater waste of fuel in winter is the fact that in winter, drivers have to warm up their cars for a long time before starting to move, since the used engine oil thickens due to low temperature. Without sufficient warming up, a car equipped with a carburetor engine will stall while driving and constantly “sneeze”, and insufficiently lubricated mechanisms and engine parts will wear out faster.

First of all, the situation with excessive consumption of fuel in the cold season is typical in those cases when the driver warms up the car daily in the morning, before going to work, and in the evening, before going home from work. Due to the regular warming up of the car in winter, fuel consumption increases by about 5-10% on average, although here, of course, all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular car model must be taken into account.

An additional factor that significantly affects the excessive consumption of fuel in winter can also be called the use of a stove. In frosty and cold weather, a rare driver will give up this convenience. At the same time, a stove constantly working while driving is capable of increasing fuel consumption by an average of 4-6%. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the brand and model of the vehicle.

In addition to the reasons listed above for increased fuel consumption in winter, there are several more:

  • overcoming snow drifts and drifts;
  • slipping.

The additional drag on a snowy road is more fuel intensive because it uses more power from the car's engine. The same applies to car slipping - slippery, icy roads and attempts to overcome a snowdrift when stuck in it require the engine to work on high revs, which inevitably leads to increased consumption fuel.

It has been noted that prolonged skidding or attempts to drive out of a snowdrift require approximately the same amount of fuel as would be required for a normal city trip under normal conditions.

Simple solutions

There are several best ways to reduce winter fuel consumption without going overboard or investing large sums of money. So, for example, when slipping, you should not turn the steering wheel hard, trying to get out of the snowdrift - it is better, slowly rotating the steering wheel, to try to "find" a sufficiently suitable area for grip between the surface and the wheels. You can try to put branches, boards or something similar that can be found nearby under the wheels, or sprinkle the road in front of the car with sand.

You can ensure efficient fuel control in winter by installing special "winter tires". It was noted that motorists using special tires for winter roads are less susceptible to slipping and problems with snowdrifts, which significantly affects fuel consumption and financial costs. When choosing winter tires, it is better to consult with specialists and choose those that are best suited for a specific make and model of car.

Surely every motorist realizes that winter is a real test for any car. This is especially true when reducing temperature regime below 10-15 ° C. Low temperatures can not only lead to increased wear power unit during a cold start, but also entail an increase in vehicle fuel consumption, on average up to 15% in comparison with freezing temperatures.

Increased fuel consumption of a car in winter period season, directly depends on some factors:

The increase in fuel consumption in winter begins from the moment the power unit is started, and the lower the ambient temperature, the more gasoline consumption increases. This is due to the fact that at lower temperatures, the engine warm-up time increases and, as a result, an increase in fuel consumption. And, as you know, that the consumption of gasoline on Idling no less than while driving.

How to be in this situation? After all, not warming up the car in winter before the trip will cost more. This is due to the fact that the oil in the power unit thickens strongly in winter and if you start driving without warming up, this will lead to rapid engine wear due to poor-quality lubrication and moving parts. Based on this, no matter how much you want to save on gasoline, you still have to spend time warming up the car, since buying spare parts and repairing the engine itself will cost much more.

Naturally, this can be avoided by saving your iron horse in a heated room or by installing an electrical engine preheating system. This will not only help save fuel, but also extend the service life of the power unit.

The next important factor that affects fuel consumption is driving on snowy roads. The snow cover formed on the surface of the roadway creates an additional barrier, to overcome which the power unit will need more power and, as a result, an increase in gasoline consumption.

The appetite of the iron horse will increase even more if the snow on the road becomes wet, which leads to it sticking to the wheel arches and wedging the wheels. Therefore, when driving on wet snow, it is necessary to stop from time to time and clean the snow from the wheel arches.

However, the maximum fuel consumption occurs when the car gets into a snowdrift. Indeed, to get out of this situation, the motorist may need to skid long enough, trying to get out of the snowdrift, and this can lead to the consumption of not a single additional liter of gasoline.

Also, the fuel consumption, even if not significantly affected by the constantly switched on heating of the passenger compartment, will not work with this. After all, the motorist will not freeze in the car in order to save several liters of gasoline.

Well, another factor that directly affects fuel consumption, both in winter and in summer, is the driving style. To save fuel, a smooth and measured movement without unnecessary jerks and sudden braking is most advisable.

Summer and winter car trips are "two big differences." One of the sides of this difference is the increased fuel consumption of the car in winter conditions... It is worth taking a closer look at the reasons for these additional costs and how to reduce unwanted fuel costs.

Causes of increased fuel consumption in winter

Warming up the engine and lubrication system

In winter, it takes longer for the engine to reach operating temperature. Additional working time on idle leads to increased fuel consumption ... This is especially true for cars with carburetor engines. The desire to save fuel and start moving without waiting for the temperature to rise to operating values ​​leads to the fact that the engine will "sneeze", the car will move jerkily.

V modern cars long engine warm-up is not required ... It is enough for him to idle for no more than one minute - and you can start moving. But you still have to spend a minute, and there will be additional fuel consumption.

If the machine is used in winter from time to time, then the losses on heating will not have a significant effect. But for cars that are used on a daily basis, the extra fuel to warm up the engine twice a day (before going to work and before returning from work) is a fairly solid increase in total costs.

And it is not only the engine that needs to be warmed up. Transmission oil and bearing grease become thicker in freezing temperatures and take time to warm up and reach operating conditions. And during this time, you will have to overcome additional resistance and spend additional fuel on this.

According to various estimates, additional fuel consumption for warming up the engine and all systems can reach 5 - 10%

Of course, these are average values ​​- exact losses depend on weather conditions and car make.

Deteriorating road conditions

Driving on winter roads requires additional effort from the car, which requires additional fuel. Here are the main reasons that worsen car traffic in winter:

  • Tire grip in winter conditions is worse than in summer. Even on packed snow it is more difficult to drive than on asphalt. This is when driving without any particular obstacles. But additional problems are created by slipping on slippery areas, especially when starting off. But you have to ride right after a snowfall, when the snow has not yet been compacted. The increased consumption of gasoline during difficult driving is obvious.
  • Getting into snowdrifts or drifts will cause the engine to run at high revs. And leaving a parked car after a heavy snowfall is a separate story. Just getting out of a parking snowdrift sometimes has to waste fuel like an average trip
  • When driving on winter country roads you have to be careful and drive at a lower (compared to summer conditions) speed ... Therefore, it is not always possible to maintain the most economical driving mode.
  • Traffic jams. They, of course, appear in the summer, and statistics say that there are even more of them in the summer. But in winter they are bigger. Due to drifts after snowfall, many roads can only be driven in one lane in each direction. And any accident often leads not to a restriction, but to an almost termination of movement on this road.

Increased energy consumption

Few people dare to ride in winter without the included stoves ... In decent frosts, the cabin heater has to constantly work at full capacity. In addition to the salon, rear windows and mirrors have to be heated separately... And you can't go anywhere - this is already a security issue. And the energy for the operation of all heaters is provided by the engine, spending extra liters of gasoline on it.

Starting the engine in cold weather is often not as quick and easy as in warm weather. As a result, the battery is discharged more strongly after the winter start-up. And at negative temperatures, even a disconnected battery holds a charge less than in warmth. AND the generator needs to run longer to restore the battery to its nominal charge , which also uses fuel.

Little things

  • Aerodynamic drag ... Cold air increases resistance to vehicle movement. Therefore, in winter, even when driving at optimal speeds, fuel consumption is higher. Under certain conditions, this is not a trifle. In severe frosts (-40 and more), just because of this factor, you can use up 10% more gasoline than in summer +20.
  • Tire pressure ... As the temperature drops, the tire pressure also decreases. The dependence is approximately 0.1 atmospheres for every 10 degrees of temperature. Abnormally low pressure not only causes tire wear, but also increases fuel consumption.
  • V carburetor engines with constant adjustments at low air temperatures the fuel-air mixture changes its characteristics , which affects the operation of the engine and leads to increased fuel consumption.

It will not work to achieve the same fuel consumption in summer and winter - the conditions are too different. And in winter, the car will still consume more gasoline. For example, the official website of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation regulates an increase in winter fuel consumption rates by 5 - 20%... Moreover, an increase of 5% is set for the southern regions, but for the northern ones, where the influence of winter is much higher, a 20% mark-up is recommended.

But this difference can be reduced by knowing the reasons for its occurrence and, if possible, reducing their impact.

Ways to reduce fuel consumption in winter


  • Reducing the warm-up time of the engine at idle speed is a great contribution to saving gasoline. It is best to start driving immediately after reaching the minimum temperature that does not interfere with the normal operation of the engine.... When driving in low gears, the engine will warm up faster to operating temperature. And all lube assemblies will also warm up faster on the go. But also you cannot completely refuse to warm up ... It will be possible to achieve fuel savings, but the damage to the engine itself can be such that the savings will go sideways. You need to look for a middle ground. When choosing an idle warm-up time, it is better to focus on the recommendations of the car manufacturer, as well as on your own experience and the feeling of your car.
    The best way out is keep the car in a warm garage. At least the morning departure will take place without a long warm-up.

  • Take care insulation of the engine compartment ... Modern "blankets" allow the engine to cool down to outside temperature for several hours. In some situations, this will allow you to do without idle warm-up at all.

  • Special winter oils are gradually being replaced by all-season ones. Filling in special oil in winter may not be worth it. And here spend before winter season oil change will be useful for the car ... You shouldn't wait for the planned deadline. The new oil will obviously make the engine work easier.


  • Re-shoe tires for winter conditions Is more of a security issue. Savings are secondary here, but they are also present. Yes, tires with winter tread less economical than summer ones. But this is on an equal footing, and when driving on a good road. In winter, the conditions are far from being equal to those in summer, and the quality of the road is often much worse. Right here Winter tires will cover all their "shortcomings" and ultimately help to save a lot of fuel. Driving on freshly fallen snow, reducing slippage, overcoming snowdrifts - this is the advantage winter tires undeniable.
  • It is important to remember about a decrease in tire pressure with a decrease in temperature ... It is impossible to bring the pressure to values ​​outside the normal range. In winter, it is better to control this parameter more often.

Energy consumption

Save on heating the passenger compartment in winter and rear window not worth it ... The work of these energy consumers is a harsh necessity that cannot be avoided. But it is recommended to limit the inclusion of other energy consumers - for example, a sound system. Especially until the motor is fully warmed up and the battery is charged after starting.

Driving behavior

Driving in winter is different from driving in summer. There are many tips on this topic, but now we are only talking about saving fuel.

  • Necessary avoid abrupt start from a place ... The car can simply remain in place, skidding on inopportunely tucked ice.
  • It is advisable to take a more responsible approach to the choice of the route, avoiding traffic jams ... Winter traffic jams are bigger, so it's better not to risk it, hoping that it will dissipate soon.
  • Keep a close eye on the condition of the road, andavoiding areas where the machine may get stuck or skid .
  • Do not park in the first available place. A small snowdrift or patch of ice can make it very difficult to get out.

Little things

  • Fallen out snow must be cleaned not only from the windows of the car, but also from the roof and trunk ... Excess weight is an extra load on the machine.
  • It is worth considering - do you need a roof rack in winter ... During long trips, it "steals" fuel in summer, and in winter this consumption increases.
  • Healthy carry out a trunk audit before the winter season ... If possible, remove heavy and not very necessary items from it. A trifle, but the car will be easier. You don't need to remove the shovel, but on the contrary - put it in the trunk and carry it all winter. Not needed - well, good. But sometimes just a few strokes of the shovel can provide the car with a problem-free exit from the problem area.

Most of the tips for reducing unwanted fuel consumption boil down to one thing: the car is difficult in winter, and any help in its difficult work is welcome. Help your car even in small things - and it will thank you. Including a slight increase in fuel costs.

Summer and winter fuel consumption: difference, reasons, reduction in fuel consumption

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So numerous winter tests vehicles show that at a temperature of -6 degrees, a car's fuel consumption in the city is 12% higher than at an air temperature of +25 degrees. It is noteworthy that if you operate a car in winter, driving no more than 4-6 km every day. per day, then fuel consumption can increase by 22 percent compared to the above-zero temperature. But there are ways to prevent a large increase in fuel consumption in the winter.

It should be noted that in spite of the super economy of the hybrid, in the winter, the increase in fuel consumption in hybrid vehicles even more significant compared to traditional machines. So, according to studies, at temperatures below -6 degrees, fuel consumption can increase from 31 to 34 percent compared to a plus temperature of more than 20 degrees.

Why is fuel consumption higher in winter?

Cold weather affects your vehicle much more than you think. We offer you a list of reasons why any car starts to consume much more in winter than at positive temperatures outside:

- The load on the engine and gearbox increases in winter due to the strong cooling. Any car needs for normal operation that all fluids are heated after starting a cold engine. For example, or transmission oil thicken in the cold. When starting the power unit in cold weather, it takes time for the oil to warm up. This requires extra energy.

- In winter, any engine takes longer to reach operating temperature. In most cars, much more fuel is consumed before the engine reaches the optimum temperature than after warming up to operating temperature. That is why, if you use the car in winter for a short time (small mileage), then due to engine warming up, your car will consume much more fuel than the warm season.

- Heated seats, windows, the operation of the stove and the operation of the glass washer reservoir pump consumes a lot of energy from the engine, which as a result starts to consume more gasoline or diesel fuel.

- Warming up the engine before moving off reduces your savings to almost zero. ... In this mode, the largest excess fuel consumption.

- More cold air becomes denser, as a result of which the aerodynamic air resistance of your car increases. It is worth noting that the higher the speed in winter, the more your car will overspend on fuel.

- decreases as the temperature drops to negative values. The more frost, the lower the pressure in the wheels becomes. As a result, rolling resistance is increased.

- Winter grades of gasoline or diesel fuel may contain substances that reduce in the engine, in contrast to summer fuels in which there may be more energy. As a result, the car starts to consume a little more fuel than in the warm season.

- Power is wasted much faster in winter, which means that the car's alternator needs more power to charge the battery in order to maintain an optimal charge. The load on the generator increases fuel consumption. Also, cold weather can affect hybrid cars that are equipped with a battery charging system using regenerative braking (when braking, excess energy goes to the battery that powers the electric motor).

In severe winter conditions and in severe frost, fuel consumption can increase even more.

- On icy and snowy roads, the grip of the tires on the road surface decreases. To maintain the right torque for smooth movement, the engine needs extra energy.

- As a rule, on slippery roads the average speed of movement decreases. It is noteworthy that at an average speed below 50-70 km / h, fuel consumption can greatly increase.

- If your car is equipped with four-wheel drive, then in winter you are guaranteed excessive fuel consumption, especially on a snowy or slippery road.

What can I do to improve fuel economy in cold weather?

You cannot make it the same in winter as it is in summer. But, nevertheless, any of you will be able to achieve an effective reduction in fuel consumption in the winter, which will allow you to save money. Here are some tips on how you can achieve lower fuel consumption:

- Leave your car in a warm place. For example, in your warm garage (or remove for the winter warm garage) or in a paid covered warm parking lot. This way, your engine needs much less energy each morning to warm up to the optimum temperature.

- Do not warm up the engine at idle speed for too long. Try to warm up the engine while driving at low revs. In this mode, you will not only save fuel, but also achieve faster engine heating to operating temperature. ... Many automakers these days recommend starting 30 seconds after starting the powertrain.

- Do not use stand-alone heaters and de-icers more than necessary.

- Choose the best routes to avoid traffic jams using satellite navigation

- Regularly check the pressure in

- Remove car accessories that increase air resistance. For example, a trunk that you don't use every day.

- If you are an owner in severe frost, try not to use car chargers phone, navigator and other electronic gadgets. Also, if you eat in a mode that provides for the operation of the electric motor, try not to turn on the heating stove at maximum temperatures.

- If you are driving and the outside temperature is not too cold, use electric seat heating instead of heating the passenger compartment.

- Clean the car from excess snow (especially on the roofs), which significantly increases the weight of the car.

- Use only winter. If the tire tread has a lot of wear or is more than 5 years old, then be sure to buy a new rubber.

- Park your car in a place where the sun's rays daytime heated the car body

If you prefer to fill your car with branded fuel with improved characteristics, then in winter it is better to fill with traditional grades of fuel, since improved gasoline or diesel fuel has many chemical additives, due to which consumption may increase in winter.


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