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The current cabinet of the American government consists of 15 ministries, the same number of departments in Germany, and how many ministers and ministries are there in Russia? Nine deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation, twenty-one ministries and 22 federal ministers form today the governmental composition of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, the number of departments was planned to be reduced from 21 to 15, but this decision was not implemented.

Ordinary people are very interested in knowing how much ministers in Russia, the people on whose decisions the level and quality of our lives depend, earn. Rosstat published data for 2016 on the level of salaries of all ministers, and we suggest you familiarize yourself with the interesting information.

For 2017, if any calculations were made, they have not yet been published, but there are rumors that additional payments will be provided to full-time employees of government agencies through a special distribution of the salary fund.

Income of top officials in 2016

First of all, let's find out how much the president and prime minister earned. According to officially declared data, the salary of the President of the Russian Federation for the year amounted to about 8.9 million rubles, the Prime Minister - 8.6 million rubles.

Composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. His deputies are I. I. Shuvalov - the first deputy chairman of the Government, seven permanent deputies, as well as one more deputy: the plenipotentiary representative of the head of state in the Far Eastern Federal District.

How many ministers are there in Russia?

Minister Mikhail Anatolyevich Abyzov, responsible for coordinating the work of the Open Government, is the only top-level Russian official who does not have a portfolio. The remaining heads of departments - 21 in total - head the ministries of the same name. Their list with the names of their leaders is publicly available and has not changed for a long time.

The head of government is appointed by the president of the country in agreement with the State Duma. If the Duma has rejected the proposed candidacy three times, the President personally appoints the head of the Government, then dissolves the State Duma with the subsequent formation of a new composition. At the same time, the dissolution of the State Duma is unacceptable during the last six months of the president’s stay in power or during the impeachment procedure, as well as in situations of a military or emergency situation in the country.

The President does not make a unilateral decision about who will work and for how long - ministers in the government of the Russian Federation are appointed by the head of state on the recommendation of the chairman of the government. They can be appointed only from among residents of the Russian Federation who do not have foreign citizenship.

The released data from the Ministry of Finance for 2016 is somewhat discouraging and sobering. It turns out that the salaries of Russian officials are not so low. Are you wondering how much? In Russia, ministers can resign of their own free will at any time, but with such a level of income it is unlikely that a person will leave his post on his own.

Average salary figures for employees in government agencies

The statistics are inexorable. Recently, a figure of 115.7 thousand rubles was officially published - this is the average monthly salary of employees officially working in federal bodies.

If we evaluate the indicators of the bureaucratic apparatus of the Russian government, then 693 thousand rubles is the average level of ministerial salary per month. The data was obtained based on indicators on the salaries of the chairman of the Russian government, as well as his deputies and heads of departments, and included indicators of the levels of official incomes of the chairmen of the State Duma, the Federation Council, the Accounts Chamber, the judiciary of the Russian Federation, and the Central Election Commission.

Ministers' salaries

In first place is the main “financier” Anton Siluanov, as they say, money leads to money. His official income per month was 1.7 million rubles; the head of the Ministry of Construction, Mr. Men, is the lowest paid official, he received only 446 thousand rubles.

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development received 1.27 million rubles per month, the head of the Ministry of Energy, Alexander Novak, earned 1.16 million rubles monthly.

Vladimir Puchkov, as head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, received 954 thousand rubles, Denis Manturov received approximately the same amount (921,000 rubles) as Minister of Industry and Trade.

As for the ministers of foreign affairs, sports and justice, as well as heads of education and health departments, their monthly salaries varied in the range of 497-634 thousand rubles.

Data on salaries of officials of the Ministries of Defense and Internal Affairs, as well as the Federal Security Service, were not published.

Presidential Administration, State Duma, Federation Council, Accounts Chamber

Employees of the Presidential Administration received an average of 219 thousand rubles. Government employees - 228 thousand rubles. The monthly earnings of employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs amounted to 147 thousand rubles, the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 137 thousand rubles.

Rosstat data also concerns the salary level of the head of the Accounts Chamber, as well as deputy Tatyana Golikova and all auditors: 668.8 thousand rubles. In the judiciary, the level is approximately the same: the average salary of the chairman of the Constitutional Court and his employees was 615 thousand rubles per month.

A State Duma deputy received 420 thousand rubles in 2016, and a little less in the Federation Council: 385 thousand rubles. Employees of the Prosecutor General's Office lived more modestly - on 84,000 rubles, and the Investigative Committee - on 58,000 rubles a month.

The lowest incomes, according to official statistics, were recorded for employees of the Federal Agencies for Youth Affairs, Subsoil Use and Nationalities Affairs - from 53,000 to 58,000 rubles.


As a “cooling shower,” the President of the Russian Federation back in February 2015 signed a decree on a 10% reduction in wages, and not only for himself. How many ministers in Russia were also subject to salary cuts? The Prime Minister, all heads of ministries, heads of the Prosecutor General's Office, the Investigative Committee, and the Central Election Commission will receive 10% less this year too. The decree also applied to 2016 and 2017, and Vladimir Putin recently signed a document extending this decree for 2018.

The full composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the composition of the Russian government.

“All decrees have been signed. As agreed, everything has been worked out with each candidate,” the head of state said at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Monday, May 21.

“I would like to wish you and all your colleagues good luck, now we will get together with the new cabinet,” Putin added.

The President recalled that the Prime Minister, in accordance with the Constitution, presented candidates for the positions of ministers and deputy prime ministers, as well as his vision of the structure of the government.

New people will come to the new Russian government, it will be renewed by about three-quarters.

“The government is being renewed by about three-quarters. These are new people who have appeared quite recently, or are working in the government for the first time,” Medvedev said at a meeting with the Russian President.

He thanked Putin for his “attentive attitude” to the new composition of the cabinet. “For future members of the government, the attention of the president is very important,” Medvedev said, Interfax writes.

In the composition of the new government of the Russian Federation, significant changes have occurred among the deputy prime ministers. Thus, the deputy prime ministers are no longer Igor Sechin and Viktor Zubkov, who are not in the new cabinet at all. Arkady Dvorkovich moved from presidential aides to deputy prime ministers. The new face in the cabinet was Olga Golodets, who, as Putin explained, “will deal with social issues.”

More significant changes took place in the ministerial body. 15 new heads of departments appeared here. The posts were retained by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko, and Denis Manturov was appointed Minister of Industry and Trade, who in recent months fulfilled these duties after the departure of Viktor Khristenko (he became Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission). However, among the appointees there are many familiar names. For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was headed instead of Rashid Nurgaliev by Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who was the head of the main department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Mikhail Abyzov, who until recently was an adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, received a ministerial portfolio with a fundamentally new “content” - on relations with the Open Government.

The new cabinet of ministers has not three, as there were before, but two ladies. These are Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets and Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova, who was Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development under Tatyana Golikova.

The full composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation is as follows:

CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNMENT - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev;





DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNMENT - Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich;


DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF THE GOVERNMENT, Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary in the North Caucasus Federal District - Khloponin Alexander Gennadievich.


finance - Anton Germanovich Siluanov;

Internal Affairs - Kolokoltsev Vladimir Aleksandrovich;

for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief - Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov;

Foreign Affairs - Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich;

defense - Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov;

Justice - Konovalov Alexander Vladimirovich;

Government body- This is a part of the state apparatus, endowed with its own competence and performing functions for the benefit of society. The main task of executive authorities is to carry out public administration in execution of laws. For this purpose, executive bodies are vested with administrative (authority) powers, i.e. the right to give instructions that are binding on everyone.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation established the independence of all branches of government, including the executive. This means that formally there is no strict dependence of executive authorities on either the representative body (parliament) or the President of the Russian Federation. However, the peculiarity of the Russian Federation is that, formally securing the independence of the executive branch of government, the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides such powers to the President of the Russian Federation that allow him to determine the content and essence of the activities of the executive branch. Moreover, some federal executive authorities are directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation. Therefore, one can speak about the independence of the executive branch only with a large degree of conditionality.

The system of federal executive authorities consists of the Government, ministries, federal agencies and federal services. The President of the Russian Federation is not part of the system of federal executive authorities. The activities of the Government of the Russian Federation were discussed in the previous paragraph.

Ministry of the Russian Federation

When determining the legal status of a ministry, quite recently it was customary to say that its main distinguishing feature is the management of the sector of the national economy or field of activity entrusted to it. Now the country's economy has changed significantly, which required a new structure of executive authorities. Ministries are responsible for the tasks entrusted to them economic spheres, determining state policy regarding them and developing the necessary regulations to streamline them. There are no more than two dozen ministries in total.

The Ministry of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body, pursuing public policy and exercising management in a certain field of activity. The ministry is headed by a member of the Government of the Russian Federation minister(federal minister), who has decisive power in his ministry and is personally responsible for its activities. Ministries of the Russian Federation are single-authority bodies (for example, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation). The guarantee against the arbitrariness of the minister is most often the ministry's board, which, in general, has an advisory role and cannot make binding decisions, but disagreements between the minister and the board are reported to the Government of the Russian Federation.

The list of ministries is established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, and they operate throughout the country under the direct leadership of the Government of the Russian Federation (except for the Ministries of Defense, Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Justice and some other, as is commonly called, power ministries, which are subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation).

Federal services carry out control and supervisory functions, as well as some special functions(for example, the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science).

Federal agencies are called upon to provide public services and manage state property in various fields (for example, the Federal Archives Agency).

Federal services and agencies are under the jurisdiction of the relevant ministries or are directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

This must be remembered

  • 1. The main task of executive authorities is to carry out public administration in execution of laws.
  • 2. Executive bodies are vested with imperious and administrative powers.
  • 3. The system of federal executive authorities consists of the Government, ministries, federal services and agencies.
  • 4. Ministries of the Russian Federation are executive authorities that implement state policy and carry out management in a certain field of activity.
  • 5. Federal services are executive authorities that carry out special control and supervisory functions.
  • 6. Federal agencies are executive authorities that provide public services and manage state property.

State executive power in the Russian Federation, according to Article 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is exercised by the Russian government. Explaining the essence of this institution of power in our country in simple words, we can say that the government is engaged in “economic affairs,” that is, the development of the federal budget (which is subsequently approved by the Parliament of the Russian Federation), economic activity, owns the state federal budget and has many other functions, which are mentioned you will learn more by reading this article.

Government structure

Members of the Russian government are ministers who head the ministries under their jurisdiction, as well as civil servants who are members of various committees and commissions, federal agencies and departments.

If we consider the Russian government in its hierarchical section, then the first positions here are made up of ministries. The chairman (head) is the Prime Minister of Russia. He directs the entire activity and serves as an intermediary between the executive branch of government and the president of the country. Today the Prime Minister is Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

List of ministries within the government of the Russian Federation

A ministry is a state government with a specific area of ​​activity. In the Russian Federation they are presented as follows:

  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which includes the police. The member of the government heading it is Minister V. A. Kolokoltsev.
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - deals with civil defense matters, liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters, etc.

  • The Russian Foreign Ministry is the body responsible for Russian foreign policy in international relations. Members of the government from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whom every Russian knows, are Maria Zakharova and Sergei Lavrov.
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - is responsible for the military defense of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • The Ministry of Health is the ministry responsible for providing mass healthcare and medicine.
  • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - providing cultural leisure for the population.
  • Ministry of Education and Science - mass education and scientific activity.
  • Ministry of Ecology - implementation of environmental activities.
  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - regulating industrial activity and developing trade.
  • Ministry of Development of Territories of the Far East.
  • Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications - implementation of activities for the development of communications and communications on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry for Caucasian Affairs.
  • The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the development of agriculture in Russia.
  • The Ministry of Sports is the Ministry of Sports Development.

  • The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation is the body dealing with public utilities and construction.
  • Ministry of Labor - labor protection and social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry of Finance - Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation - implementation of economic activities.
  • Ministry of Economic Development - Ministry of Development of Economic Development Programs of the Russian Federation.
  • Migenergo is the ministry of the energy sector of Russian industry.

Agencies, departments, services

The Government of the Russian Federation, as mentioned earlier, includes not only members of the government - ministers, but also other civil servants working in federal agencies and departments. There are more than a dozen of them in Russia. A few of them will be presented below:

  • FADN is a federal agency dealing with the affairs of nationalities (protection of the rights of national minorities, etc.).
  • FAS is an antimonopoly service that coordinates activities to counter the monopolization of existing markets.
  • FANO is an agency that also deals with the accreditation of existing scientific organizations.
  • GUSP is the management of special programs developed by the President of the Russian Federation.

Other structures in the Russian government

In addition, the Russian government has extra-budgetary funds created primarily for social security of the population. For example, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a pension fund that accumulates a pension reserve for Russian citizens. They also exist in certain “exotic” industries. For example, ROSATOM or ROSCOSMOS.

Government in persons

The list of members of the Government of the Russian Federation (deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation), presented below, is not exhaustive; in addition, within the structure of the executive branch itself, job transfers are not uncommon.

However, the current data is as follows:

  • I. I. Shuvalov. He is also a First Class State Councilor.
  • A. G. Khloponin. He is also the president of the North Caucasus District.
  • O. Yu. Golodets. In addition, he oversees higher and postgraduate education.
  • Yu. P. Trutnev. He is also the authorized representative of the president in the Far Eastern District.
  • A. V. Dvorkovich. Head of the automotive industry.
  • D. O. Rogozin. Supervises
  • D. N. Kozak. Supervises budget projects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • S. E. Prikhodko. Supervises state and municipal services provided to the population of the Russian Federation.
  • V. L. Mutko. Supervises the sports sector.


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