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The Internet portal talks about the best Krasnodar boarding schools. Our correspondents went to the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School and saw how its students live, study and relax.


The first cadet corps in our country opened in 1732 on the initiative of Field Marshal Burchard Minich by decree of Anna Ioannovna. Cadet corps existed until the 20s of the twentieth century, then they were forgotten and remembered during the war - in 1943, the Council of People's Commissars decided to re-establish Suvorov cadet military schools.

In 1944, after the liberation of Krasnodar, the artillery and mortar school from the city of Kushka (Turkmenistan) moved to the territory of the current cadet corps and became known as the Krasnodar artillery and mortar school (KAMU). After the war, the headquarters, the medical unit, and the first two divisions of the school itself huddled in the hastily restored buildings.

In the early 1950s, KAMU was disbanded. The 47th Missile Brigade was located on its territory, which in 1981 was transferred from Krasnodar to Maykop. On this territory it was decided to form the Krasnodar Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces. The school was opened on June 1, 1982, and on September 1, 1982, the cadets began their academic year. On August 29, 1998, the school closed, the cadets were transferred to the Rostov Military Institute of Missile Forces, which also closed in 2011.

The territory of the school was divided into several parts. The main part with the main educational building was occupied by the training center of the Krasnodar Higher Military School (Military Institute) named after Army General S.M. Shtemenko. Conscripts were trained here to protect state secrets of the Russian Armed Forces. The rest was occupied by the military commandant's office, the prosecutor's office, the court and several military units.

In 2010, by decree of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the Minister of Defense, cadet schools began to open throughout the country. The first was in Orenburg on the basis of a local anti-aircraft missile school, the second in Stavropol on the basis of a military school, and the third city was Krasnodar. On September 1, 2012, the school admitted students to the fifth, sixth and seventh grades. In 2017 it celebrates its fifth anniversary and the first graduation of 11 classes.

Currently, 400 people work at KPKU - teachers, trainers and their assistants. There are 800 young men studying from grades 5 to 11, with no more than 20 people in each grade. It happens that guys are expelled or they leave on their own when they realize that the life of a cadet is not for them. But these cases are rare.

In total, 27 cadet schools have been opened in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. There are plans to open two more in the next couple of years.

— I live in the city of Krymsk, but in general I’m from Stavropol. In 2012 I entered the sixth grade, this was the first enrollment at the cadet school in Krasnodar. In the summer, my mother asked if I wanted to go to cadet school. I didn’t know about it before and became interested. There was a very serious competition for admission; you had to pass mathematics, Russian and English. I was sure that I would do it.

We have self-government in our courses. Excellent students help those who are not doing well in their studies. I am the class commander - I monitor discipline, order and studies. We have been living together for five years, we all know each other, our relationship is excellent. I like the teachers too. My favorite subject is physics, but the hardest subject is French. Our first foreign language is English, and the second you can choose German, but I preferred French because it is beautiful. I attend sambo as an additional education major.

I went to practice in Moscow, at the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense. We were given a tour and told about the faculties. It was very useful, but I decided that I would enter the Military Medical Academy. Kirov in St. Petersburg. Entrance exams - Unified State Examination in Russian language, mathematics, chemistry and biology.

At school we have a very busy schedule and have little free time. On weekends we go to the city, walk along Red Square, go to Red Square. I have a girlfriend and friends from Krasnodar, they study at school No. 88. We met through my cadet friends. I go home four times a year for vacation and, of course, I miss it.

How to enter school

Presidential cadet schools involve seven years of education from grades 5 to 11. Boys with Russian citizenship can study. Parents begin collecting documents already in February-March in order to have time to submit (send by mail or bring in person) on time - before May 30. After checking the documents, parents receive a notification that the child has been admitted to take the entrance examination. They include exams in Russian, mathematics, foreign languages ​​and physical training: 60 m run, 1 km, pull-ups. In addition, children undergo psychological testing and a medical examination. Psychological tests were developed by specialists and are improved from year to year. They assess personal qualities, in particular the ability to adapt to a boarding school. It is important that the child by nature knows how to join the team, accepts the vertical of power and does not have deviant inclinations.

The physical training exam was introduced two years ago; before that, it was assessed according to current grades at school (of course, everyone got A’s in physical education). The physical standards are strict, but you don't have to play sports to pass them. You need to train three main indicators - speed, endurance and strength.

A typical enrollment is 140 people - 7 classes of 20 people each, but for each academic year an order of the Minister of Defense is issued indicating the specific enrollment size for each school.

Children from all over the country study at the cadet school. The geography of students was more extensive in the first intakes, when there were few cadet schools in the country. Now there is no point in moving far from your hometown - there is a high probability that the cadet corps is located nearby.

What is the price?

The Presidential Cadet School is fully supported by the state. Education and six meals a day are free, and the children are also provided with teaching aids, cadet uniforms, sports uniforms, and everything necessary for additional classes (musical instruments, hockey sticks, etc.). Once a year, cadets are taken on vacation.

Everyone receives a stipend of 1 thousand rubles per month, supervised children (orphans) - 2 thousand rubles each.


7:00 — rise
7:00 – 7:30 exercise
7:30 - 8:00 time for getting ready and cleaning the rooms
8:15 – 8:45 breakfast
8:45 – 8:55 morning viewing
9:00 - 14:30 lessons with a break for lunch
14:30 - 15:25 lunch, walk
15:25 - 17:00 seventh lesson and self-study
17:15 – 17:35 afternoon tea
17:35 - 19:30 classes in additional education clubs (sections)
19:30 - 20:00 dinner
20:05 - 20:50 educational, sports and mass work or evening self-preparation. Alternates depending on the course and day of the week
20:50 - 21:20 second dinner
21:20 - 22:00 free time
22:00 - lights out

teacher of Russian language and literature, working at the school since 2012

— Teachers are eternal students; you always want to learn something new. I worked at Krasnodar school No. 43 for a very long time, but at the school I found the unknown not only around me, but also inside myself. It turned out that I can be diligent, I can do several things at the same time. I can find a common language with guys who need a special approach. I understand that these are not only our students, but also our children - their parents are far away. The combination of wisdom and love - without this nothing will work.

In literature lessons we place special emphasis on works with military themes. Last year we published a collection that included vocabulary dictations with a patriotic and military component. During the lessons, children can show creativity - they write wonderful poetry and prose, win regional competitions, for example, the Victory Wreath.

Almost all teachers at the school have extensive experience working in secondary schools. As for the program, there are no differences at all, but the educational process has its own specifics. We are in an autonomous space and communicate with children not only during lessons, but also after. In a comprehensive school, the child goes to the “big world”, where there are parents and friends, but here he remains with us. Therefore, it is not enough to teach educational material; we must educate the individual, including through our own example. Due to the fact that children are in a confined space, their perception is heightened - our students are very attentive, very subtle. This is the only difference, otherwise they are the same guys.


After classes at a comprehensive school, the cadets go to sections - who chose which one. The most popular are football and sambo, but there is also hockey, shooting, robotics, aircraft modeling, a video and photo studio, drawing, arts and crafts, an ensemble of drummers, saxophonists, choral singing and much more. In addition to the clubs, there is a military history museum.

Head of the Military History Museum

— It’s nice to collect, it’s like singing songs. The most interesting thing in our collection is WWII items, because few of them have survived. Veterans donate objects to the museum for storage; part of the museum is my personal collection, this has been my hobby for 50 years. Adrian's helmet, Brezhnev's, Rodionov's, Marshal of Artillery Voronov's, Air Marshal Sergei Rudenko's shoulder straps, Andropov's jacket - such things cannot be kept at home and not shown. Of course, we are not a central or local history museum, but in 2015 our museum was visited by 2,500 people - military units, other cadet schools, schools, veterans.

I collect military honors from all countries of the world, that’s how I got here. All children collect something - stamps, candy wrappers, coins, but I loved badges, shoulder straps, and then uniforms. I was about eight years old, I studied at the House of Pioneers and the House of Young Technicians. And then a delegation of young communists from Cuba arrives and gives badges to us children. We stood with models that we had made ourselves: me with a ship, my neighbor with an airplane. And so everyone is given badges. I took it and put it in my pocket. The next one comes, also gives, I put it in my pocket. And if you put it on your jacket, they won’t give you any more. When they all passed, I pulled out the badges from my pocket - and there was a whole handful, and all of them were different. But I especially remember one - it had Fidel, a machine gun and a dove on it.

This year the school will have its first graduating class of more than 100 cadets. As the deputy head for innovative educational technologies told the portal Andrey Krishtopa, the majority will go to study at military universities and universities of law enforcement agencies (FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations). There are two military educational institutions in Krasnodar: the school named after. CM. Shtemenko - trains information security specialists (cypher school - editor's note)- and the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. Not every city can boast of two military universities at once. But the school does not focus children only on Krasnodar. Upon admission to military universities, you must pass the Unified State Exam—usually subjects in physics, mathematics, or biology and chemistry. The exception is the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which also has humanities specialties.

Head of the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School since July 2013

— The main change that has occurred since the opening is that we have been awarded the banner of the school as an army unit. Although we are not a higher educational institution, and the children are minors, we have acquired a symbol of honor, valor and glory. The cadets were issued a uniform with CPKU shoulder straps. The guys were waiting for this from the first day of admission and greeted the news with thunderous applause.

You know, in the office where we are sitting now, I met with Vasily Lanov. We recalled, among other things, the film “Officers” and the importance of education for motivating guys. This film was shot in 1971, released in 1972, and in 1973 I entered the Suvorov School, and prepared partly based on the film. Every year someone from our village entered the Suvorov Military School. I saw these guys, plus two older brothers in the family were already military personnel - this motivated me. I went to the regional center 20 km away, this was my first trip outside the village. I filled out the documents at the military registration and enlistment office, then left for Minsk. And he did.

They say that children who study in such schools are deprived of their childhood. It is not true. What is childhood and what are the criteria for a child being deprived of it? Does he lose or gain? Everyone has their own views. I believe that my sons - 800 of them who are currently studying - have a happy childhood. I always tell them: guys, don’t miss the lottery ticket, it’s in your hands. They have the opportunity to get a great education. They can learn to be friends, appreciate and understand what family and family honor are. Plus, kids can choose from a variety of free sections and try themselves in different sports, crafts, art, and science.

This is a good start to choose the profession of an officer. Let's take state universities in Krasnodar - which of them is guaranteed to be employed by a graduate? And those who graduate from a Ministry of Defense university receive the keys to a service apartment. According to the presidential decree, after ten years of service, a military man no longer leaves without guaranteed square meters of housing, plus a guaranteed salary and medical care.

We do a lot of outreach work on career guidance. Grades 8, 7 and 10 (grades 9 and 11 take exams) travel around the country - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kostroma, Ryazan, Smolensk - at the expense of the state to military educational institutions for introductory practice. By the 10th grade, a cadet already has a clear idea of ​​what his soul is about, and he consciously chooses a university, which means there is a greater chance that he has entered the profession forever.

I am a Ph.D. and this helps me in my work. You can't be categorical with children. This is a child, he can simply resist, become fixated, and respond according to his mood. An adult needs a key to resolve such a situation and get away from conflict. This is the philosophy of life. I have worked with people all my life, in team positions, and philosophy definitely helps me. Thanks to the country's leadership for the revival of cadets.

"Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School" was created by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1221-r dated July 10, 2012 and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2109 dated July 20, 2012.
On September 1, 2012, the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School opened in the Southern Federal District.
The purpose of creating this educational institution was to educate well-rounded young men who would later be able to form the intellectual, patriotic elite of our country. To achieve this goal, the school has all the conditions. These are well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, sports grounds, a swimming pool, an ice palace, and a planetarium donated by the president.
The federal state government educational institution "Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School" (Krasnodar PKU) is a pre-university educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The Krasnodar PKU was created by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev dated July 10, 2012 No. 1221-r and on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2012 No. 2109 “On the federal state government educational institution “Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School”.
The founder is the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of the founder in relation to the Krasnodar PKU are exercised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The powers of the owner of the school property are exercised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Krasnodar PKU is a legal entity with an independent balance sheet and a personal account with the Federal Treasury; has a seal with its full name and an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, a banner, and an emblem.
The number of students enrolled in educational programs implemented at the expense of federal budget allocations currently amounts to 783 people.
Training is carried out in Russian
Paid educational services are not provided.
Three priority areas have been identified in the activities of the cadet school: linguistic, physico-mathematical and sports. Modern educational technologies are used in training, with particular importance attached to information and communication technologies.
In the conditions of study in such an educational institution, continuous psychological and pedagogical support plays an important role. One of the features of the school is the unity of basic and additional education.
A single interactive information space, which includes the school’s local network and the interactive learning management system “LMS-school,” helps solve the assigned tasks.
Upon graduation, students will have the opportunity to continue their education at the best military and civilian higher educational institutions in Russia.

Men in military uniform always stand out from the general background and are especially respected. Not to mention the favor of the fair half of humanity! And the officers are the color, the pride and, in the literal sense, the face, the mind, the honor of the armed forces. Therefore, as a rule, the most disciplined, internally mature and determined young men become cadets, and subsequently officers. Often their mothers prompt or support their sons’ decision, especially if for some reason the boy is deprived of his father’s upbringing and control. But, one way or another, if it is believed that the army makes a man out of a boy, then the cadet school makes an officer out of a schoolboy. And the first step on this responsible, respectable path is admission to a cadet school.

What is a cadet school? What is the difference between a cadet corps and a military school?
A military school is a specialized educational institution for young people of both sexes of school age. Until recently, only boys were accepted into military schools in our country, but since 2009, gender restrictions have been lifted. As for age, you can enroll in a military school after completing the 9th grade of secondary school. This is where the differences between military and cadet schools begin. You can become a cadet a year earlier - after the 8th grade. Accordingly, the duration of training in military and cadet schools is different. But these are only external, visible at first glance, differences. In fact, the difference between military and cadet schools is much deeper. And it lies, first of all, in the training that students receive.

Both cadets and cadets of military schools continue to study the school curriculum without fail. But in addition to it, military schools prepare for entry into higher command military schools, and cadet schools provide their students with the opportunity to receive early professional training focused on a specific profile of the branch of the Armed Forces. The training lasts three years, after which a graduate of the cadet corps can continue his studies at a military school (for example, Suvorov) or begin working in a mastered specialty. In addition, there are so-called cadet classes, which accept boys after the 4th grade. Training in them lasts longer and has its own characteristics. In particular, many parents of cadets, and they themselves, admit that such an early transition to specialized military training became quite a serious physical and psychological test for a teenager.

Which cadet school should I send my son to?
Although the decision to enter the cadet corps of a military school must be made by the applicant himself - for that reason, he is a man and a future officer - but the opinion of his parents still plays an important role in his choice. Let their voice be deliberative, but confident and convincing enough for the young man to listen to the arguments and make the right choice for the coming years of study and for the rest of his life. Moreover, after admission he will begin a new life, away from his parents and their advice - after all, cadet schools maintain a full boarding regime for students. Today, secondary military education can be obtained in the following cadet schools:

  • Orenburg Presidential Cadet School
  • Stavropol Presidential Cadet School
  • Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School
  • Tyumen Presidential Cadet School
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Corps
  • Aksaysky Danila Efremov Cossack cadet corps.
Very young (1-4 grades) schoolchildren can attend special clubs and sections at DOSAAF educational and sports organizations, clubs such as “Young Sailor”, “Young Paratrooper”, “Young Pilot”, etc., which provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the military profession in advance .

Conditions for admission to cadet school
The first and main condition for admission to a cadet school must be met at home, where at the family council a decision is made about the education and, consequently, the future fate of the heir. You can become a good officer only by vocation, so you need to clearly understand who wants to join the cadet corps: a young man dreaming of a military career, or his parents who want to see their son in an officer’s uniform. And, if the goals and vision of the future of representatives of the older and younger generations coincide, then you can safely choose a specific educational institution and submit documents to it. Each cadet school may have its own requirements for applicants, but on average, in order to become a cadet, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Age. At the time of admission, the young person must be at least 15 years old.
  2. Education. Cadet schools are accepted upon completion of primary school, but you can enroll not only in the fifth, but also in the sixth and seventh grades.
  3. Health status The applicant is assessed by the admissions committee on the basis of the certificate of medical examination provided by him. Moreover, the medical examination must be completed no earlier than the year in which admission to the school takes place, and must include the following studies:
    • pediatrician;
    • surgeon;
    • orthopedist;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • cardiologist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • neurologist;
    • dermatologist;
    • psychiatrist;
    • dentist;
    • phthisiatrician (with data on Mantoux);
    • urologist;
    • ECG data;
    • ultrasound data of the heart, thyroid gland, abdominal cavity with kidneys;
    • general blood, urine, stool tests;
    • blood test for HIV and hepatitis B and C markers;
    • blood sugar level analysis.
    All this information and doctors’ opinions must be formalized in a standard form in a medical certificate of form F086/U, certified by the registry of the medical institution.
  4. Exam– oral, in the form of an interview. Most schools test applicants' knowledge of Russian and English languages ​​and mathematics at a level corresponding to the completed grade of a general education school. The grading scale is ten-point. The minimum number of points that must be scored to participate in the competition for a place in the school is 20 for three exams.
  5. Provision of documents. The dates for accepting documents must be clarified at the specific school; as a rule, the admissions committee works from mid-April until the end of spring. Applicants are required to provide a standard package:
    • an application addressed to the head of the school on behalf of the parents (possibly one parent, guardians, etc.);
    • a personal statement of the applicant with his signature addressed to the head of the school;
    • autobiography of the applicant, handwritten by him, in any form;
    • a copy of the birth certificate, certified by a notary, and/or a document confirming the citizenship of the applicant;
    • the applicant's school portfolio;
    • a copy of the applicant’s personal file from a secondary school, with the signatures of the school director, class teacher and seal;
    • an extract from the report card with grades for the year of study after which the candidate for admission transfers to the cadet school, with the signatures of the school director and class teacher;
    • pedagogical characteristics of the applicant on behalf of his class teacher and/or the director of the secondary school;
    • psychological characteristics of the applicant (this can be given by a school psychologist or a specialist from a municipal institution), signed by the school director;
    • statement of physical training (based on passing standards), signed by the school director and physical education teacher;
    • medical certificate form F086/U (read more above);
    • a copy of the medical record from the clinic at the place of residence and an extract from it, certified by the registry;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • a copy of the certificate of registration at the place of residence, certified by the seal of the management company;
    • certificate from the place of work (service) of the applicant’s parents;
    • a copy of all pages of the passports of the candidate’s parents, certified by a notary;
    • a copy of the applicant's medical insurance policy;
    • anthropometric information about the applicant: his height, weight, clothing size and hip and chest measurements, shoe size, headgear size;
    • 4 color photographs 3x4 cm.
    In addition, candidates for preferential admission must provide the relevant documents required by law for such cases.
  6. Privileges upon admission to a cadet school, they are provided to children of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces. In addition to them, orphans and children of military personnel who died in the line of duty, serving in military conflict zones and/or under contract and having a total duration of military service in calendar terms of 20 years or more are excluded from competition (but subject to successful passing of exams). . Excellent students in general education schools receive the right to take only one exam out of three entrance exams to choose from, but with the condition of receiving 9-10 points for it. If the grade is lower, then excellent students are also included in the competition for admission on a general basis.
As you can see, entering a cadet school is quite difficult. But life choices cannot be taken lightly. And graduates of cadet schools admit that they do not regret at all the tests they passed or the years of training. From an early age, students of cadet schools receive strong skills in self-discipline, hygiene, and responsibility for their decisions and actions. And what could be more important for a man and a defender of the country than the ability to self-organize and the ability to be fully responsible for oneself and one’s actions. Therefore, if a boy’s desire to enter a cadet school is really strong and sincere, then he needs to be supported and helped in this.

As President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev noted that since the beginning of the 2000s, once popular cadet schools have been created again in our country. He also expressed confidence that their graduates will become true patriots of their Motherland. are appearing all over the country. Today we invite you to learn about the Presidential Cadet School in Krasnodar.


Barracks were built in Yekaterinodar in 1870, and the 64th battalion was transferred here from the city of Stavropol. At the beginning of August 1874, it was given the name Catherine Local Battalion. In 1883 it was renamed Kubansky. Over the years, various military facilities were created on this territory:

  • Anapa reserve battalion.
  • Samursky regiment.
  • Anti-aircraft artillery school of the Red Army.
  • Krasnodar artillery and mortar school.
  • Higher Command and Military School of Missile Forces.

The latter was liquidated in August 1998. And in 2010, the Minister of Defense decided to build new buildings here for the cadet school in Krasnodar. On September 1, 2012, the opening of the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School took place in the Southern Federal District. The educational institution was given a goal - to educate diversified young people who in the future will be able to form a patriotic, intellectual elite of our country.

School today

The Cadet School is a pre-university educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This educational institution has all the conditions for full-fledged education:

  • classrooms;
  • swimming pools;
  • sports grounds;
  • laboratories;
  • Ice Palace;
  • planetarium (a gift from the president).

The founder of the Presidential Cadet School in Krasnodar is the Russian Federation. The functions and powers of the founder, as well as the owner of the property, are performed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. PKU of Krasnodar is listed as a legal entity, has its own personal account and independent balance sheet in the Federal Treasury. Krasnodar Cadet School is located at the address: Krasnodar, Severnaya Street, 267. The administration is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The school itself operates around the clock. Training is conducted only on a budgetary basis, in three main areas:

  • physics and mathematics;
  • linguistic;
  • sports.

After graduating from the Presidential Cadet School in Krasnodar, graduates have the opportunity to enter the best higher military and civilian educational institutions.

Additional education

At the school, additional education is accompanied by general developmental programs in the following areas:

  1. Military-patriotic orientations: “Junior Commander’s School”, “Bullet shooting”, “Army hand-to-hand combat”, instill patriotism in cadets and promote personal development.
  2. Social and pedagogical: “Young Physicist”, “Workshop in Geometry”, “Literary Lounge”, the school studies foreign languages ​​- French, German, English, Chinese, as well as the basics of journalism.
  3. Scientific and technical: “Aviation modeling”, “Robotics”, “Photo studio”. The main goal of this direction is to acquire modeling and design skills among cadets, develop their technical thinking, and help them demonstrate their creative potential.
  4. Physical education and sports: “Skating”, “Swimming”, “Tennis”, “Sports tourism”, “Sambo”. These sports have their own teams: “Hockey”, “Football”, “Volleyball”, “Swimming”. The purpose of this focus is to improve health and improve performance.
  5. Artistic and aesthetic: “Choral singing”, “Saxophone Ensemble”, “Magic Clay”, “Theater Studio”. The goal is to help develop cadets' creative potential.

Admission rules

First of all, preferential categories of citizens have the right to admission. You can view the list of these categories on the official website of the school. There is also a list of subjects that must be passed upon admission. You must have the results of your medical examination with you.

Actually, there are very few educational systems in the world that would mold children into creative, purposeful individuals with a sense of responsibility, a high level of culture, and most importantly, patriots and statesmen. Among such systems, one of the most perfect is the Russian cadet school.

Translated from French, “cadet” means “junior.” In France, they were called young nobles who were assigned to study for a military or spiritual career.

In Russia, such a system has gone far beyond the scope of military education.

The presidential cadet corps differs from the Suvorov, Nakhimov and Cossack corps in the level of training. Innovative educational programs are used here. Great attention is paid to additional education aimed at comprehensive intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical development. In addition, the emphasis is on teaching languages ​​(at least two foreign ones, and those who have time - even three).

The Presidential School prepares young people for both military and civilian service.

Boys from fifth to eleventh grade come here.

Who can apply as a priority?

The right of non-competitive enrollment upon successful completion of entrance examinations is enjoyed by: children of military personnel in service or retired, children of deceased military personnel, children of heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory, orphans or children left without parental care.

Documents are accepted from April 16 to June 1. Exactly what documents you need to have with you are described in detail on the school’s website. A portfolio will be welcomed, which will contain all the candidate’s achievements: both creative and sports. All documents must be certified by the head of the additional education institution, be it an art or sports school.

The candidate takes the Russian language, mathematics and foreign language in the form of testing. Additionally, psychological testing of readiness to study in a boarding school is carried out.

Physical fitness is tested in three areas: the candidate must do pull-ups on the bar (a fifth-grader at least three times for an “excellent” rating), run a hundred meters and one kilometer.

Enrollment takes place in late August.

Cadets are fully supported by the state. In addition, they receive a monthly stipend of one thousand rubles; orphans and children without parental care - two thousand. Pupils are given a uniform, home clothes and shoes, textbooks, and briefcases. By the way, white shirts are changed every day. There is a laundry room for this purpose, and the boys wash their underwear and socks themselves. They polish their boots themselves every day. They look very neat. Teachers monitor this.


The general education program of the school is practically no different from the general (complete) education programs of ordinary schools. The teaching methods, material and technical base of the school, and the equipment of the classrooms differ. Each classroom has comfortable student furniture and an interactive whiteboard. Laptops are issued to each student from the seventh grade for preparing presentations and additional information on the subject. Yes, computer games are not welcome here. There is simply no time to deal with them. Besides, there is a great alternative. The chemistry and biology classrooms are real laboratories where you can freely conduct experiments. There is also no shortage of reagents.

Additional education

In addition to the basic school disciplines, a wide range of additional education is available for children. And this is a must. There is not a single cadet who is not involved in two to four clubs or sports sections. Now they have access to more than 40 sections and clubs of various types: sports, scientific and technical, artistic and aesthetic, military-patriotic.

Aviation and ship modeling and robotics are especially popular. For singing cadets there is a choir, VIA "Cadets". In addition, those interested can be taught to play various musical instruments: drum, guitar, saxophone and others. The drummer ensemble "Rhythm" became famous throughout the region. He is a participant in almost all city and regional events. The cadets publish their own newspaper, make films, learn photography in a photography club, write poetry and immediately publish their collections.

The school has a modern sports facility: a swimming pool, a modern gym with exercise equipment and a stadium with a unique surface, with several courts for playing basketball and volleyball. And the pride of the school is the ice skating rink. Cadets practice swimming and hockey according to specially developed programs provided for sports schools.

In addition, there are additional sections for wrestling, volleyball, basketball, athletics, tennis, boxing, karate, sambo, hand-to-hand combat, competitive swimming, and football.

For those who want to study subjects in depth, circles have been formed: “Young Journalist Club”, “Literary Lounge”, “Young Biologist”, “Young Geographer”, “Young Physicist”, “Young Chemist”, “Studying a Second Foreign Language”.

The cadets actively and with pleasure attend military-patriotic classes at the Cadet club, the historical club “Sons of the Fatherland.” All classes provide lessons on the basics of military training and shooting at an electronic shooting range.

Teachers. Strict selection of candidates. In addition to a resume detailing your professional merits and achievements, there is an interview with the deputy for academic affairs, and then personally with the head of the school. Preference is given to bright personalities who use the educational methods they have developed with a focus on a personal approach when working with children. Ten teachers have academic degrees, many have received honorary titles and awards, and some are winners of professional competitions at various levels.

This year the school was reinforced with officers. Military personnel most often occupy the positions of curriculum educators, physical education and labor training teachers.

The salary of teachers in this educational institution, according to the head of the school, starts from 60 thousand rubles.

Who looks after the children?

Three teachers constantly work in one class: the class teacher, the day teacher, and the night teacher. One of them is always with children. Class teachers do not teach subjects, they monitor academic progress, monitor psychological health in the classroom so that the child is comfortable, help with self-preparation, and organize extracurricular activities.

There are video cameras in educational buildings, gyms, and hallways of dormitory buildings. Each building has professional security.

Dormitory building

To enter, you need to go through a special turnstile with security. What struck me was the cleanliness and neatness. The training course lives in one building. Let's say all five fifth grades occupy building No. 1, 5th "A" - the first floor, and so on. The boys live in rooms of two. Beds, tables, cabinets, separate dressing room. The order is perfect. Have you ever seen boys always have things, notebooks, textbooks in their places? In the bathroom, the tube of toothpaste is closed, the brush is in a glass - miracles!

In the hall there is a relaxation room with a huge sofa (the whole class can fit) and a tea room. Nearby is the teacher's room. On the wall, in special signed pockets, are the guys’ gadgets. They can use them at 21.00 to call their parents.


On the territory there is a huge two-story dining room. Meals are five times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner - according to the buffet system: three types of the first, three types of salads and the second with the third. Cadets eat only natural products.

The achievements of children are the best indicator of the work of the entire school staff. And there were many achievements during the two years of operation of the school.

Cadets participate in all Olympiads and competitions at various levels and almost always take prizes.

General impressions of the excursion: it’s not easy to get into here, but it’s interesting to study. And for sure: the real elite of modern Russia is being brought up here.

Inna Mochalova
Especially for VK Press
Photo: Eleonora Marchenko


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