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"Educational program from Gorynych"

Types of fuel dispensers

As we promised in previous posts, today we will talk about the device of the dispensing gun, its features and possible varieties. And also about how exactly this device allows you to accurately dose fuel, automatically measuring the required "dose" without the possibility of any external readjustment.

Dispensing or filling pistol - equipment for dosing / dispensing fuel used at gas stations.


  • easy and safe to use;
  • suitable for use at any temperature and humidity;
  • guarantees a stable supply of petrol / diesel.
  • all elements of the gun, "in contact" with the working medium, are made of materials that are resistant to corrosion and aggressive chemical "attacks".

Fuel dispensing device

At first glance, the device for a refueling pistol may seem simple, almost primitive. However, it is not. Its main function is to supply fuel, but in addition, the possibility of cutting off the supply of gasoline / diesel when the tank is overfilled is provided inside.

How it works? With normal fuel delivery, air enters the gun through a small tube and nozzle. As soon as the fuel reaches the level of the filler pipe and enters the nozzle, the air pressure in the protection system drops sharply, the membrane instantly "reacts" - and the cutoff spring is triggered, stopping the flow of gasoline / diesel. The delivery can be resumed only by pressing the gun lever again.

Fuel dispensing gun design

The fuel dispensing nozzle consists of:

  • hulls;
  • filling pipe;
  • swivel hose connection;
  • handles with a lever;
  • thermal insulation;
  • jet;
  • membranes;
  • ball valve (stops dispensing when dropped, not available everywhere).

Additional regulators:

  • rotating coupling (prevents the hose from twisting);
  • spiral wire (for secure fixation of the branch pipe in the neck of the tank).

Types of refueling nozzles


  • automatic with a cut-off triggered when the tank is full;
  • without cut-off in the form of a dispensing tap;
  • with built-in fuel meter.

The latter are convenient to use together with fuel pump to know the consumption of petroleum products. And the first is the main option for working at a gas station.

When choosing a fuel dispensing valve (gun), please note: it will work together with the pump. Fundamentally: the capacity of the gun must match (or exceed) the capacity of the pump. The throughput of the pistols is also important (on average from 20 to 290 liters / min.) This property of the fuel dispensing valve is influenced by its size.


  • for diesel fuel;
  • for gasoline;
  • for oil.

How pistols connect to fuel hoses

There are two ways to dock:

  • using a fitting (simple and economical, but with low wear resistance);
  • through a fitting, a special "adapter" (more durable connection, optimal for work under conditions of increased pressure and additional loads).

Most fuel dispensing nozzles are divided according to two criteria:

  1. Shutdown method: automatic (with a "cut-off" device) and mechanical (manually shut off).
  2. The presence of a flow meter. The indicator of the total amount cannot be reset, it indicates the exact volume of the last delivery, allowing the most accurate metering of fuel without possible errors.

All network filling stations "Zmey Gorynych" are equipped with fuel dispensing nozzles, which make it possible to dispense fuel as accurately, quickly and efficiently as possible.

No need to snort skeptically. This topic is not for those who have been driving for more than two months. This topic is for the newcomers, who have left on the road for the first time on their own. And it is not at all necessary to tell someone that you have read it carefully.

It always seemed that it was so easy - refuel the car... But now you have discovered for the first time that the fuel gauge is not far from zero. Or, some numbers suddenly blinked on the dashboard, and you guessed that this is the number of kilometers that your car agrees to drive without refueling... And there are fewer and fewer of them ... And suddenly it starts to suck in the stomach somehow badly. Not fear, but some kind of unpleasant anxiety. So calm down. What to do?

How to tell if it's time to refuel

If the fuel level indicator shows that there is less than 10 liters in the tank. The indicator should light up, and the fuel level arrow should go down to the red zone. Do not forget add fuel to the tank to the maximum, if you have to go far and on an unfamiliar road. Better refuel the car at a familiar gas station that you trust, than worry later in search of a good gas station in an unknown area.

How to choose a gas station?

It is best to get advice from experienced drivers... If there is no one to ask, or the opinions of the advisers are divided, try to get the opinion of more people - for example, at autoforums.

Never make decisions based solely on the minimum price. Chances are good to fill your car with low-quality or diluted gasoline. Soon enough, this will lead to problems, the solution of which will cost a pretty penny.

What kind of gasoline do you need to refuel the car?

As a rule, information about the brand of gasoline you need is located near the gas cap. Or you will definitely find it in the instructions for your car. As a last resort, check with a car service. Do not listen to the talk and controversy over the replacement of A95 gasoline with the A92 brand. Use gasoline with the octane rating specified by your vehicle manufacturer.

We call in at a gas station

Before go to a gas station, park and make sure you know which side of your car the gas tank is on and how to open the lid. Usually, somewhere in direct reach from the driver's seat (more often on the left under the driver's seat) there is a button with a recognizable picture of a fuel pump. Try this. Get out of the car and close the gas tank.

By the way, few people know that on the dashboard, next to the petrol pump icon, there is an arrow indicating which side you have the fuel filler flap on. Apparently, this was done specifically for the most forgetful car owners.

So, now you need to stop by the gas station. Rebuild in advance to the extreme lane. Usually, you need to drive in from the right side (if you stand facing the gas station), drive out, respectively, on the left - circular one-way traffic, counterclockwise. Or, at the entrance, there should be a traffic diagram for the gas station.

Perhaps there will be signs allowing the turn, if you pass it, do not poke your head into the one that is intended for leaving the parking lot - there should be a "brick" sign. You can "meet" with a car leaving a gas station.

At a gas station

Look carefully at filling dispensers, look for inscriptions with gasoline markings (columns can be universal), remember which side you have a gas tank on.

We quietly drive up this side to the column. We look in the side mirror to stop correctly: the gas tank hatch should be opposite the column so that it is convenient to insert the pistol. Switch off the engine and park the car on parking brake... When leaving, be sure to take the keys and purse (purse) and close the car.

If a refueller approached you, you just need to tell him what kind of gasoline you need and how many liters, and go pay yourself. When you return, make sure that the gas tank cap is closed, and the ordered number of liters is displayed on the display of the filling pump.

If there are no tankers in sight, you should not panic. Do not be afraid of the skeptical views of other drivers. It is not yet known how they felt the first time. Calmly insert the gun into the gas tank, pull the trigger all the way and secure it with the safety latch. Then go pay. You can pay for a certain number of liters (if you are sure that this amount will go into the gas tank), you can ask to fill up a certain amount of gasoline, or, almost always, you can order refueling until the tank is full. After payment, go to the car and check the gasoline fill, hold the gun, if necessary, pressing the fuse (in some old gas stations it often snaps off). You will understand that the refueling is over when the counter on the display stops working and the final amount of liters and the amount to be paid is displayed. If you want to pour over full tank , inform the cashier about it, and return to pay after refueling the car. You can pick up the cashier's check just in case - you never know what ...

Attention! The pistol must be held vertically (nose up) to avoid being doused with gasoline. It is necessary to insert it back "as it was", if difficulties arise, take a look at the next column.

Do not forget to put the refueling nozzle back in place and screw the gas cap back on until it clicks. Everything! We leave carefully, to celebrate, do not forget to turn on the direction indicator and make sure of our safety.

Situations often arise when there are no specially trained people at the gas station to help the driver fill the car's tank. You have to do it yourself. But not every car owner knows how to use a refueling nozzle correctly.

How to use a refueling nozzle?

How to use a refueling nozzle at a gas station: a pistol device

Before starting to operate any equipment, you should familiarize yourself with its device. The structure consists of the following elements:

1. Vacuum channel.

2. Membrane.

3. Valve.

5. Spring loaded valve.

6. Heat insulating layer.

7. Rotating joint.

8. Cut-off spring.

Each nozzle is equipped with a vacuum port in which a ball valve is mounted. When gasoline enters the gun, a pressure difference is created. Trying to compensate for it, the gun sucks in air through the vacuum channel. Once the air is in fuel tank ends, the ball valve closes. Thus, the main fuel supply channel is closed.

This design does not allow gasoline to overfill the tank, making it safe to use the pistol.

After you have arrived at the desired dispenser at a gas station, you can start the refueling process. To do this, you need to adhere to a certain sequence of actions.

1. Remove the gun from the dispenser and insert it into the tank. Then you can go to the cashier and pay for the amount of gas you need.

2. Go to the tank and press the gun lever. It has a special lock that allows you not to hold the lever with your hand. If you wish, you can use it, then you just have to wait until the gasoline is completely fed into the tank. But you can also keep the lever pressed on your own, so you don't have to worry about the pistol accidentally falling out of the tank.

Refuel at a gas station.

Driving schools do not teach how to behave correctly at gas stations, and often beginners have difficulties and mistakes when refueling a car. The consequences of ignorance can be detrimental to the health and life of people, so you need to follow simple rules safety and listen to experts.

Rules and procedure for refueling a car at a gas station

The order of the process itself, at first glance, is quite easy. But here, you need to carefully follow the instructions. First, you need to determine which side the gas tank itself is on. This is necessary in order to correctly drive to the column. It is very important to remember that to stand towards the gas station only the side where the tank hatch is located! It is more difficult in this situation for the owners of cars who have this hatch on the left side. The fact is that even not all gas stations provide conditions for such machines, since there are quite a few of them. Therefore, many drivers do not want to stand in line or look for the right station, pulling a hose through the entire car, thus violating safety rules.

  • Mute the car
  • Open the gas tank cap, unscrew the protective plug
  • Carefully insert the filling nozzle into the gas tank of the car
  • Specify the type of refueling and the amount of fuel to the petrol station worker (operator)
  • Specify nozzle number
  • Pay for the service
  • Pull the trigger on the gun, and hold it open until the very end of the process (often employees do this)
  • Pull out the pistol, turning the neck up
  • Put the gun back in place
  • Close the lid and tank cap

Safety regulations are also quite simple and easy to remember:

  • Smoking on the territory of the gas station is strictly prohibited!
  • Drop off passengers before refueling
  • Before the procedure, turn off the engine
  • Motorcycles should be stopped and started at a distance of more than 15 meters from the gas station
  • Do not remove the gun while fuel is being supplied, as this may contaminate the machine.
  • If this happens, the part smeared with oil should be washed before starting the engine.
  • The distance between cars must be more than 3 meters
  • Do not hold renovation work on the territory of the gas station
  • Do not use the services of a gas station during a thunderstorm

Even the most experienced drivers do not always follow the safety rules of behavior at the gas station. At every gas station there are always signs that describe what is not allowed and what can be done when using the services of the gas station itself. The main thing is to pay attention to this.

The principle of operation of the filling nozzle

Many motorists have repeatedly wondered how a refueling pistol “understands” that it needs to complete its work. This applies to filling a full tank. When working with drivers who do not fill the entire tank completely, this is the work of the set program, and not the gun itself.

There is nothing magical about the work of the gun itself. The principle is quite simple, and it works without the help of an electrician, therefore it is safe to use:

  • If you look at the device in section, you can see that in addition to the main valve, which is opened with the pressure lever, there is another, very thin additional channel. This valve works in tandem with the so-called. a membrane that reacts to pressing the trigger, and begins to suck air from the gas tank.
  • In other words, "cocking" when you press the lever. And of course, while the air is "sucked out" by a thin valve, it is kept in this state.

  • But only the tip of the pistol's nose descends into the fuel, the air flow naturally stops. Then the membrane changes its position in the opposite direction, thus closing the main valve.
  • Thanks to this thin valve with a ball and a membrane, the pistol does not fire. In the opposite case, if the work of the passage through which air is sucked from the gas tank is disrupted, the pistol itself breaks down, begins to shoot, knock out.
  • At this moment, a certain click is heard, which characterizes the closing of the valve. And the work is done.

How to open the gas cap?

The cover performs a number of functions and is a very important part of the whole fuel system... It blocks the ingress of air, the material of which the part is made, does not allow exposure to aggressive vapors.

Car covers are divided into several types:

  1. Covers that perform the function of protection from external factors
  2. Valve caps (this is a more reliable option)
  3. With valves and locks. In some cases, they stick to the roof of the hatch, in others, to the neck of the tank (cork)

Depending on the brand of the car, the lid is opened manually using the button or the lever (in some cars it is under the driver's seat). Locating the gas tank is very easy - just look at dashboard auto. The gas station icon will show you which side of the gas tank you have.

There are some problems with opening the lid, for example, situations such as the freezing of the lock on the lid itself or if the opening is controlled from the interior (button, lever). In this case, you need to pry off the cover with a screwdriver or something thin. If the lock freezes or breaks, you need to try to unfreeze and lubricate it, but still the best solution is to contact the service.

In other situations, problems arise with the plug itself (if any). It happens that it does not get out, and then there are two options either to break or disassemble. In any case, if there are problems with opening the tank, it is worth refueling in advance and going immediately to the garage or car service center.

How to use a refueling nozzle correctly at a gas station - how to insert, turn on, fix, how to hold the nozzle correctly?

Before entering a gas station, you should make sure of the location of the gas tank. The tank hatch should be opposite the column, the side mirror will help with this. After that, the refueling process begins:

  • The first thing a motorist should know is how to handle a pistol. After all, big problems can arise with the use of the subject. The main thing is to properly handle this tool, and not to douse your car, if this happens, you should immediately get rid of this problem.
  • Here, everything is very easy and there is no need to be afraid. Calmly insert the gun into the tank, first open it, pull the trigger, and then the safety catch. The pistol should be held (just in case) and the trigger itself should be held. If you decide to fill a full tank, then you pay for the service after the end of refueling, if it is not full, then the display on the column will tell you how much fuel was spent for what amount.

  • Sometimes drivers have problems with the lever, or rather its failure. No matter how hard they try, no fuel comes in. There is only one solution - contact a petrol station worker as soon as possible! And he will definitely tell you to put the gun back in place and repeat the procedure.
  • At the end, after refueling the car, you need to remove the pistol with the neck to the top, because You can splash drops of gasoline on your car, which will deteriorate the integrity of the paint. And also, according to fire safety rules, this is the only correct option.

What is the reason for knocking out a pistol at a gas station?

In order to understand this reason, you need to find out what exactly is malfunctioning, it is either the gun itself, or the problem in the tank. Initially, you need to try to refuel at several dispensers or gas stations. There are two options, perhaps the pistols of specific gas stations are not suitable for you, the second option is in the tank.

  • There are situations when the tank ventilation is disrupted, in this case, the pressure during refueling has nowhere to go. In an amicable way, you need to remove the tank and all the filler tubes, of course, contact a specialist. The reasons are quite commonplace, just clogging of the part. Another reason may be an empty tank, in which case, it is recommended to refuel while holding the refueling nozzle horizontally.
  • V winter period the vent tube of the adsorber (tank vapor trap) may be damaged, freeze or clog. The part is located right next to the filling filter, you can try to blow it or clean it.
  • Problems with a pistol at a gas station are quite rare. And often, the problem is with the breakdown of the vacuum channel, which sucks air from the tank. If there is such a violation, then the air tries to flow through the main channel, and interferes with the refueling process, pushing the pistol away.
  • A misfire can be caused by contamination of the safety net in the gun throat. Also, it is worth remembering that the pistol must be inserted to the end, and held until the very end of refueling.

What is the correct way to refuel yourself at an automatic gas station, self-service?

Quite recently, an innovative solution has appeared, analogues of a classic gas station - these are automatic container filling stations AKAKZS. Fully automated complex, where there are no employees, and customers serve themselves. This system allows you to save money, and the prices for gasoline are slightly lower than at standard gas stations.

The principle of operation of such a refueling is quite similar to the usual process, but many times faster, thanks to full automation.

The refueling procedure is simple:

  1. Park near the pump on the side of the gas tank
  2. Turn off the engine
  3. Tank lid and cap are open, insert the gun
  4. Go to the terminal, indicate the dispenser number, quantity and type of fuel.
  5. Pay for the service (maybe even with a card)
  6. The trigger of the gun and the safety catch are pressed, while the valve opens, you need to keep it open until the refueling is completed
  7. Remove the gun, put it back
  8. Close the tank

The question arises when filling a full tank. If at ordinary gas stations, in case you pay more, you are simply given change. How does this happen at automatic stations, because the cashier is absent?

Everything is very simple. After refueling, the terminal issues a receipt indicating the amount of fuel and funds spent. If the amount remains (change), it can be used for subsequent refueling services at stations of this type. The program generates a barcode that must be provided next time.

How to refuel properly at a gas station?

Gas filling stations, despite, but the latest equipment are quite dangerous, since the gas is very flammable. Caution and attentiveness above all! Unfortunately, not everyone adheres to the mandatory rules, provided for refueling such a dangerous fuel.

To begin with, it is worth making out what cannot be done at gas stations of this type:

  • It is corny, but still, you should not use an open fire, or smoke. I think, well, explanations are needed, tk. it is logical how the combination of gas and fire ends - an explosion of unprecedented proportions
  • Refuel the machine with the engine running
  • Take care of the serviceability of cylinders, valves, air intake. Check for any leaks
  • You need to start the process only with the permission of the operator of the gas station
  • The gun is also worth checking, especially if it is well worth it.

Of course, refueling on your own is absolutely impossible. At the very least, they can write out a fine. The employee may even be fired. But there are egregious cases in which you are forced to lead the process yourself. The procedure for refueling at a gas station:

  1. Park near the desired speaker and stop the engine
  2. Carefully inspect all the details of LPG equipment for serviceability
  3. Connect the OVC (external filling device), if this is provided for by the design of the car
  4. Put a gun in it
  5. Turn on the gas supply, and remember that more than what is put into the tank will not fit, so you should not try to pour in excess of the norm. Only the space in the cylinder ends, the gas station stops supplying fuel, this can be seen by stopping the numbers. If you need less than a full tank, you can stop the refueling process yourself.
  6. It remains only to disconnect the pistol and the adapter (if any)

That's all.

Video: Correct actions at a gas station

Driving schools do not teach how to behave correctly at gas stations, and often beginners have difficulties and mistakes when refueling a car. The consequences of ignorance can be detrimental to the health and life of people, so you need to follow simple safety rules and listen to specialists.

Rules and procedure for refueling a car at a gas station

The order of the process itself, at first glance, is quite easy. But here, you need to carefully follow the instructions. First, you need to determine which side the gas tank itself is on. This is necessary in order to correctly drive to the column. It is very important to remember that to stand towards the gas station only the side where the tank hatch is located!

It is more difficult in this situation for the owners of cars who have this hatch on the left side. The fact is that even not all gas stations provide conditions for such machines, since there are quite a few of them. Therefore, many drivers do not want to stand in line or look for the right station, pulling a hose through the entire car, thus violating safety rules.

  • Mute the car
  • Open the gas tank cap, unscrew the protective plug
  • Carefully insert the filling nozzle into the gas tank of the car
  • Specify the type of refueling and the amount of fuel to the petrol station worker (operator)
  • Specify nozzle number
  • Pay for the service
  • Pull the trigger on the gun, and hold it open until the very end of the process (often employees do this)
  • Pull out the pistol, turning the neck up
  • Put the gun back in place
  • Close the lid and tank cap

Safety regulations are also quite simple and easy to remember:

  • Smoking on the territory of the gas station is strictly prohibited!
  • Drop off passengers before refueling
  • Before the procedure, turn off the engine
  • Motorcycles should be stopped and started at a distance of more than 15 meters from the gas station
  • Do not remove the gun while fuel is being supplied, as this may contaminate the machine.
  • If this happens, the part smeared with oil should be washed before starting the engine.
  • The distance between cars must be more than 3 meters
  • Do not carry out repair work on the territory of the gas station
  • Do not use the services of a gas station during a thunderstorm

Even the most experienced drivers do not always follow the safety rules of behavior at the gas station. At every gas station there are always signs that describe what is not allowed and what can be done when using the services of the gas station itself. The main thing is to pay attention to this.

Many motorists have repeatedly wondered how a refueling pistol “understands” that it needs to complete its work. This applies to filling a full tank. When working with drivers who do not fill the entire tank completely, this is the work of the set program, and not the gun itself.

There is nothing magical about the work of the gun itself. The principle is quite simple, and it works without the help of an electrician, therefore it is safe to use:

  • If you look at the device in section, you can see that in addition to the main valve, which is opened with the pressure lever, there is another, very thin additional channel. This valve works in tandem with the so-called. a membrane that reacts to pressing the trigger, and begins to suck air from the gas tank.
  • In other words, "cocking" when you press the lever. And of course, while the air is "sucked out" by a thin valve, it is kept in this state.

  • But only the tip of the pistol's nose descends into the fuel, the air flow naturally stops. Then the membrane changes its position in the opposite direction, thus closing the main valve.
  • Thanks to this thin valve with a ball and a membrane, the pistol does not fire. In the opposite case, if the work of the passage through which air is sucked from the gas tank is disrupted, the pistol itself breaks down, begins to shoot, knock out.
  • At this moment, a certain click is heard, which characterizes the closing of the valve. And the work is done.

How to open the gas cap?

The cover has a number of functions and is a very important part of the entire fuel system. It blocks the ingress of air, the material of which the part is made, does not allow exposure to aggressive vapors.

Car covers are divided into several types:

  1. Covers that perform the function of protection from external factors
  2. Valve caps (this is a more reliable option)
  3. With valves and locks. In some cases, they stick to the roof of the hatch, in others, to the neck of the tank (cork)

Depending on the brand of the car, the lid is opened manually using the button or the lever (in some cars it is under the driver's seat). It is very easy to locate the gas tank - just look at the car's dashboard. The gas station icon will show you which side of the gas tank you have.

There are some problems with opening the lid, for example, situations such as the freezing of the lock on the lid itself or if the opening is controlled from the interior (button, lever). In this case, you need to pry off the cover with a screwdriver or something thin. If the lock freezes or breaks, you need to try to unfreeze and lubricate it, but still the best solution is to contact the service.

In other situations, problems arise with the plug itself (if any). It happens that it does not get out, and then there are two options either to break or disassemble. In any case, if there are problems with opening the tank, it is worth refueling in advance and going immediately to the garage or car service center.

How to use a refueling nozzle correctly at a gas station - how to insert, turn on, fix, how to hold the nozzle correctly?

Before entering a gas station, you should make sure of the location of the gas tank. The tank hatch should be opposite the column, the side mirror will help with this. After that, the refueling process begins:

  • The first thing a motorist should know is how to handle a pistol. After all, big problems can arise with the use of the subject. The main thing is to properly handle this tool, and not to douse your car, if this happens, you should immediately get rid of this problem.
  • Here, everything is very easy and there is no need to be afraid. Calmly insert the gun into the tank, first open it, pull the trigger, and then the safety catch. The pistol should be held (just in case) and the trigger itself should be held. If you decide to fill a full tank, then you pay for the service after the end of refueling, if it is not full, then the display on the column will tell you how much fuel was spent for what amount.

  • Sometimes drivers have problems with the lever, or rather its failure. No matter how hard they try, no fuel comes in. There is only one solution - contact a petrol station worker as soon as possible! And he will definitely tell you to put the gun back in place and repeat the procedure.
  • At the end, after refueling the car, you need to remove the pistol with the neck to the top, because You can splash drops of gasoline on your car, which will deteriorate the integrity of the paint. And also, according to fire safety rules, this is the only correct option.

What is the reason for knocking out a pistol at a gas station?

In order to understand this reason, you need to find out what exactly is malfunctioning, it is either the gun itself, or the problem in the tank. Initially, you need to try to refuel at several dispensers or gas stations. There are two options, perhaps the pistols of specific gas stations are not suitable for you, the second option is in the tank.

  • There are situations when the tank ventilation is disrupted, in this case, the pressure during refueling has nowhere to go. In an amicable way, you need to remove the tank and all the filler tubes, of course, contact a specialist. The reasons are quite commonplace, just clogging of the part. Another reason may be an empty tank, in which case, it is recommended to refuel while holding the refueling nozzle horizontally.
  • In winter, the adsorber ventilation tube (vapor trap from the tank) may be damaged, freeze or clog. The part is located right next to the filling filter, you can try to blow it or clean it.
  • Problems with a pistol at a gas station are quite rare. And often, the problem is with the breakdown of the vacuum channel, which sucks air from the tank. If there is such a violation, then the air tries to flow through the main channel, and interferes with the refueling process, pushing the pistol away.
  • A misfire can be caused by contamination of the safety net in the gun throat. Also, it is worth remembering that the pistol must be inserted to the end, and held until the very end of refueling.

What is the correct way to refuel yourself at an automatic gas station, self-service?

Quite recently, an innovative solution has appeared, analogues of a classic gas station - these are automatic container filling stations AKAKZS. Fully automated complex, where there are no employees, and customers serve themselves. This system allows you to save money, and the prices for gasoline are slightly lower than at standard gas stations.

The principle of operation of such a refueling is quite similar to the usual process, but many times faster, thanks to full automation.

The refueling procedure is simple:

  1. Park near the pump on the side of the gas tank
  2. Turn off the engine
  3. Tank lid and cap are open, insert the gun
  4. Go to the terminal, indicate the dispenser number, quantity and type of fuel.
  5. Pay for the service (maybe even with a card)
  6. The trigger of the gun and the safety catch are pressed, while the valve opens, you need to keep it open until the refueling is completed
  7. Remove the gun, put it back
  8. Close the tank

The question arises when filling a full tank. If at ordinary gas stations, in case you pay more, you are simply given change. How does this happen at automatic stations, because the cashier is absent?

Everything is very simple. After refueling, the terminal issues a receipt indicating the amount of fuel and funds spent. If the amount remains (change), it can be used for subsequent refueling services at stations of this type. The program generates a barcode that must be provided next time.

How to refuel properly at a gas station?

Gas filling, despite the latest equipment, is quite dangerous, since the gas is very flammable. Caution and attentiveness above all! Unfortunately, not everyone adheres to the mandatory rules, provided for refueling such a dangerous fuel.

To begin with, it is worth making out what cannot be done at gas stations of this type:

  • It is corny, but still, you should not use an open fire, or smoke. I think, well, explanations are needed, tk. it is logical how the combination of gas and fire ends - an explosion of unprecedented proportions
  • Refuel the machine with the engine running
  • Take care of the serviceability of cylinders, valves, air intake. Check for any leaks
  • You need to start the process only with the permission of the operator of the gas station
  • The gun is also worth checking, especially if it is well worth it.

Of course, refueling on your own is absolutely impossible. At the very least, they can write out a fine. The employee may even be fired. But there are egregious cases in which you are forced to lead the process yourself. The procedure for refueling at a gas station:

  1. Park near the desired speaker and stop the engine
  2. Carefully inspect all the details of LPG equipment for serviceability
  3. Connect the OVC (external filling device), if this is provided for by the design of the car
  4. Put a gun in it
  5. Turn on the gas supply, and remember that more than what is put into the tank will not fit, so you should not try to pour in excess of the norm. Only the space in the cylinder ends, the gas station stops supplying fuel, this can be seen by stopping the numbers. If you need less than a full tank, you can stop the refueling process yourself.
  6. It remains only to disconnect the pistol and the adapter (if any)

That's all.


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