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We recommend refueling exclusively at well-known networked gas stations located near large settlements or along busy highways. There are many options: BP, Shell, LUKOIL, Gazpromneft, Rosneft, Neste, Tatneft. The results of our examinations of these brands of gasoline usually looked decent. And the likelihood of running into bad fuel at such gas stations is much lower than that of one-day companies. The external signs of trustworthy gas stations are clean territory, modern fuel dispensers, bright signs, a shop with a toilet and other attributes of civilization.

Try to avoid duplicate filling stations, painted "for the company" and called almost the same - for example, RV instead of BP or LIKOIL instead of LUKOIL. Not all yellow-green gas stations belong to BP, and yellow-red ones to Shell. And never fill in fuel, which is significantly (by a few rubles) cheaper than at a nearby branded gas station: there is a great risk of buying disgusting gasoline.

Octane number

Gasoline octane requirements can vary from model to model, even among cars of the same make. The manufacturer must indicate this parameter in the owner's manual and often duplicates data on the inside of the fuel filler flap.


Gasoline is a liquid obtained from the distillation of coal, which dissolves fatty and resinous substances.

IN AND. Dahl. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language

If the manual recommends a specific octane number, follow these directions. But more often the manufacturer gives a fork: for example, 92–95. In this case, you can use both gasoline, but the 95th is still preferable, because the 92nd, in fact, often turns out to be the 89th. And the car will go on the 95th a little more fun, and the appetite of the motor will probably be more modest. True, the difference in prices between these grades of fuel will hardly be compensated - refueling the 92nd is cheaper.

As for gasoline with an octane rating of 98, its field of application is highly accelerated, supercharged engines that require fuel with high knock resistance. There is simply no need to fill the 98th in a normal, naturally aspirated engine. First, it's expensive. Secondly, you will not feel any advantages. But the disadvantages are quite possible - for example, fuel consumption may increase. Calls to thoughtlessly fill all the cars with the 98th, "because it is better", we will leave on the conscience of marketers. For those who are interested in the nuances, we advise you to re-read our material "Delicacy for the motor" (ZR, 2015, No. 6).

What if the instructions for a car with a turbo engine specify an interval of 95–98? In this case, you can constantly drive the 95th, and the 98th can only be driven in extreme heat. The fact is that as the ambient temperature rises, the likelihood of detonation increases, so high-octane gasoline will have to go to the yard.

Environmental class

This is another important parameter to consider when choosing gasoline. The rule is simple: the higher the environmental class, the better the gasoline. That is, if the third eco-class is indicated in the PTS, then it is absolutely safe to fill in gasoline of the fourth class. But the reverse replacement is permissible only as a forced measure. True, fuel of a class lower than the third should not be sold today, and gasolines of the fourth and fifth classes differ from each other mainly in the amount of sulfur - 50 ppm versus 10 ppm (ppm is pro-ppm, or one millionth). Its content is limited in order to prolong the life of the converter, and the engine will hardly feel the difference between these gasolines.

If the class is not indicated at all on the fuel dispenser of the gas station, you should not risk it. In extreme cases, if the tank is empty and refueling cannot be avoided, do not be too lazy to ask the operator for a fuel quality certificate - there you will definitely find information about the ecological class of gasoline. And it must be indicated on the check (for example, Cl. 4). If, instead of the ecological class, the Euro or something like that flaunts on the columns, you should know that this is an advertising move that has nothing to do with the real environmental properties of the fuel sold.

If the car is designed for 76th or 80th gasoline, then feel free to fill in 92nd of any environmental class. At the same time, it is desirable to increase the ignition timing: the owners of ancient cars know how to do this.

Ultimate? Ecto? V ‑ Power? G ‑ Drive?

Which gasoline should I prefer - regular or "improved"? The advantage of branded gasolines is their increased washing ability, which helps to remove dirt from the elements of the power system (however, detergents should be present in any high-class gasoline, but you cannot spoil the porridge with oil). The disadvantage is the higher price.

As for the promises of an increase in power, this is an unfounded, unconfirmed advertisement. A positive effect is possible, but we are not talking about increasing power, but about restoring it to the rated values ​​after cleaning a dirty engine.

For those who have been driving on regular gasoline for a long time and decided to switch to "washing" fuel, I recommend doing it gradually. First, add gasoline with a detergent additive to a tank that is half full of regular fuel. Then, when the tank is already three-quarters full, refill with improved gasoline. And then refuel only with it. It may be necessary to change the fuel filter if the contamination was severe.

And the last

If in a desperate situation you have to refuel at

Every driver knows how important it is to use high-quality gasoline for his car. By filling the car with bad fuel, you significantly impair its performance and risk reducing its life. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and know where the fuel and lubricants are best, we bring to your attention the rating of filling stations by the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel in 2018-2019.

№10 - Phaeton Aero

Fuel is supplied to the Phaeton Aero filling stations by several popular factories at once. First of all, it is Kirishsky, secondly - Yaroslavsky. The network is one of the oldest and most famous on the territory of Russia, but as an answer to the question "which filling station has the highest quality gasoline" it is rarely used.

It wins over residents of St. Petersburg and the surrounding regions with a rich variety of additional services, from convenience stores to car washes.

No. 9 - MTK

MTK is the only gas station network in Russia that is fully controlled by the Moscow government. Due to this, it can be considered that the stations of this particular company are subjected to the most stringent and thorough checks. MTK products comply with the Euro-4 standard. If we compare the stations of the company with other good gas stations that are on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, then the prices here are the cheapest. Therefore, it is best for thrifty drivers to refuel here.

No. 8 - Tatneft

Oil for the filling station network from the Tatar region is supplied by the Moscow Oil Refinery, so there is no need to doubt the quality of the fuel. However, in spite of this, the drivers speak about Tatneft either too positively, or smash it to smithereens, something average is not given.

It should be admitted that the company's leaders do not hide the fact that there are certain additives in their products, but there are no comments on how they affect the car. TATNEFT is trying to win over consumers by lowering fuel prices, and in this matter it really bypasses most of its competitors. This is complemented by friendly staff and well-equipped recreation areas.

No. 7 - Track

Petrol stations of the "Trassa" company are familiar only to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Perhaps in the future they will appear in the rest of the country, but the company has not yet announced such plans. As for the quality of the fuel, the drivers note that in this regard, the products more than satisfy their needs. The staff of the company's gas stations, as well as the rest areas for drivers, which are well equipped, also found a positive response.

No. 6 - TNK

In terms of the number of operating gas stations, TNK is one of the leaders in Russia. However, in terms of fuel quality, the company is inferior to Lukoil and other competitors. Despite this, the products comply with Euro-5 standards, and the price and quality of fuel are in the right balance.

Many drivers claim that TNK gasoline contains additional additives that have a positive effect on engine operation and make it more economical. It should be noted that the company's filling stations are present not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.

No. 5 - Sibneft

The main difference between the fifth line of our top filling stations with high-quality gasoline from the rest is that Sibneft has relied on the profile side of its stations. The company itself uses extremely powerful technology that allows it to extract raw materials at deeper depths than competitors.

Sibneft does not have associated services, which often arise due to the development of filling stations. The situation is absolutely opposite - the exclusive line of products is one of the oldest in the country and has conquered more than one generation of drivers. The choice of fuel at the company's filling stations is wide, and the prices are quite reasonable.

No. 4 - Rosneft

Rosneft is one of the few companies that has a license to sell fuel to British Petroleum, its creator is the main concern for the extraction and processing of oil around the globe. This advantage is complemented by high quality gasoline.

The fuel provided by Rosneft meets all generally accepted norms and standards, both in our country and in Europe. In-house oil production adds to the company's commitment to maintaining the quality of the material it offers. She has been coping with this task with a bang for many years.

No. 3 - Gazpromneft

The third place in our top filling stations with high-quality gasoline goes to Gazpromneft. The fuel at its stations complies with the Euro-4 world standard. The name of the company is fully justified by the presence of gas stations. The octane numbers indicated at the stations correspond to reality and are not exaggerated at all. All this is complemented by reasonable prices, competent staff and the presence of driver's rest areas.

# 2 - Shell

Shell petrol stations were inferior to Gazpromneft for many years, but according to many drivers, the situation has changed recently. This company is one of the most large manufacturers fuel. Her gas stations are well known not only to the residents of Russia, but also to visitors from Europe who prefer her.

Shell is winning the hearts of its customers all over the world. One of the main directions in the company is work on the environmental friendliness of the fuel produced. Although for Russian drivers, this criterion is still not the main one.

# 1 - Lukoil

The first place in our rating of filling stations in terms of the quality of gasoline is taken by Lukoil. It is this company that is the recognized leader in oil refining in Russia. This is not at all accidental - the quality of gasoline that it provides complies with the Euro-5 standard.

Lukoil has won several prestigious Ecological Sign awards. Gas station customers are familiar with the added bonus of affordable prices and a wide range of fuels. Regardless of what kind of fuel your car uses, you are guaranteed to find it at one of Lukoil's gas stations.

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An experienced driver is always attentive to what "feeds" his car. After all, the quality of fuel can have a variety of effects: it is not a fact that the consequences will please the car owner. In addition, the poor quality of gasoline leads to the fact that the engine deteriorates and breaks down. Various problems can await: problems with spark plugs deteriorate, breakdown of the equipment responsible for the fuel circulation, as well as engine breakdown as a whole. The low quality of diesel fuel leads to the same problem.

What determines the quality of fuel

Checking fuel quality means using a large number of factors. These include the following indicators: octane number, fractional composition indicators, the proportion of harmful impurities contained in gasoline - alkalis, acids, organic compounds, and so on. Many drivers believe that a company promoted in advertising, such as Shell or Rosneft, guarantees high quality fuel at filling stations. Fuel quality control at gas stations can be seen in the use of special certificates that are available at each gas station. However, it is not uncommon for the data in the certificates to be very unreliable.

In general, everyone is well aware that due to the difference in the fractional indicators of the fuel composition, the requirements for gasoline 80 and 95 will be completely different. This is also worth paying attention to.

The quality rating of gasoline is known to many - the 76th is the least popular, the 95th is the highest. However, unscrupulous gas station workers can do wonders for turning unsightly fuel into candy. Special additives allow you to make the 76th any other. And our cars use this dubious mixture in their work. Only the additives that are added to the raw materials for the production of gasoline can cause more damage to the car. However, there may be a situation that is not related to the conscientiousness of the fuel sellers. During long-term storage, gasoline decreases in octane number. At the same time, the amount of resins contained in it grows - this is due to a corresponding increase in hydrocarbons in the fuel.

Video about the quality of gasoline at gas stations:

How to choose quality gasoline

To get a gas station, there are a fair number of ways. First of all, this is the "expert opinion" of your friends and acquaintances. whose knowledge you trust. The highest quality and proven brands in Russia are considered: Lukoil, TNT, Shell and Rosneft. However, when traveling to other districts and regions of the country, this method of choice makes it difficult, since high-quality fuel is not always bottled at gas stations of a popular brand. The solution is simple: analyze the popularity of this gas station among the local population. If the drivers with the "local" are lining up to a certain gas station, then you can trust the quality of the fuel.

It is also worth paying attention to the authenticity of how the filling station is "served"... The easiest way is to look at the station's fuel price list. It should not contain "luxury", "premium" and the like. The brand name should also be clearly visible. This will indicate that the gas station is not trying to pass itself off as a quality and proven brand.

It is worth noting that Shell and TNK unofficially use petrol, which is not of the best sample stored in oil depots. It is easy for the owners of such repositories to deceive popular companies. Therefore, there is a chance to fill your car with diluted fuel at TNK and Shell gas stations.

It is important to be attentive to the passport of gasoline.... It is located in the same place as the consumer's corner. All types of fuel that have certain improvements have their own separate passport. Here they indicate whether it was made according to TU or GOST, the degree of its environmental safety, the refinery where the fuel was manufactured. The date of the passport should not exceed ten days, since after that the characteristics of the fuel are reduced. Buying fuel at gas stations where you cannot see your passport is a very risky and undesirable activity. After all, by violating this mandatory legal obligation, the seller will also easily deceive you.

However, the main thing to remember here is that the miser pays twice. Therefore, it is worthwhile to beware of gas stations with low prices. Give preference to gasoline made in accordance with GOST, and not TU - the control over the degree of quality in the former is much stricter, which will obviously "play into your hands".

There are also secrets of "place and time"... For example, a greater number of substandard and falsified products are sold in the region, and not within the boundaries of large cities. It has also been noticed for a long time that fuel purchased on weekdays is of a higher quality than fuel purchased on weekends. The same can be said about fuel purchased from holidays- its quality is often poor.

Quality checking

You can also check the quality of fuel by its outward appearance ... Checking the quality of fuel for color almost always gives correct results: low-quality options have poisonous shades. High-quality fuel has a rich reddish-brown hue. This indicates a sufficient content of ethyl particles in its composition. You can also check it by touch. To do this, just drop it on your hand. If it dries out your hands, it could be a sign of the right dressing choice. If there are greasy traces, diesel fuel has been added to the fuel, and it is controversial to talk about its quality. Experienced car owners also say that the obvious unpleasant smell of gasoline should alert the car owner. Very often he accompanies a poor quality product.

Of course not always you can determine the quality of gasoline in the field. You can do this at home, as a preventive measure, so to speak. To do this, you need to pour fuel into a glass beaker. The formation of soot deposits on the bottom of the tank indicates the fuel seller's dishonesty. Aromatic carbon or benzene is added to this fuel. You can also check gasoline with a piece of paper by simply dropping gasoline on it. After evaporation, there should be no greasy and dirty marks on the surface of the sheet. In addition, no one bothers you to check the fuel in special laboratories for oil products.

There is another interesting way to check the quality of fuel manually - by dropping it on the glass.... If the diameter of the formed spot is 5 mm, the concentration of resins in the fuel will be about 9-10 mg per 100 ml of gasoline, in 30 mm - 19-21 mg per 100 ml of gasoline. High-quality fuel has the following resin concentration: 7-15 mg per 100 ml, depending on the brand of gasoline. If you use fuel in which the concentration of resins exceeds the norm by two times, the engine life will decrease by twenty percent.

If, when potassium permanganate is added to the fuel, a red color is formed - there is an excessive water content in it. This suggests that with prolonged use of such gasoline, yours will suffer, and you will also need to clean the fuel equipment.

Of course, there are also household gasoline meters. However, the reliability of the data of their analysis is very controversial and they should not determine the quality of gasoline.... After all, gasoline can contain the required amount of octane particles in the presence of special additives. However, if it is necessary to distinguish between gasoline and diesel fuel, they work great.

When you identify such fuel problems, it’s best to get your vehicle diagnosed as soon as possible. and subsequent repair, due to low-quality fuel, it is necessary to carry out laboratory analysis of the fuel. In the event that the result reveals a violation of the rules, you will be able to claim reimbursement of the cost of repair work from the consumer protection service.

The best brands of Russia

The first place was shared by Gazpromneft and Kirishsky gasoline, since it has never been tested badly. In principle, everything is clear with Gazpromneft: 2 large factories, one of which is located in Moscow, and the second in Yaroslavl, guarantee the quality of their products. In addition, according to the results of the inspection, their fuel is no worse than the European one.

Third place - TNK. Fourth - Rosneft. Fifth - Shell. Sixth - TNK-BP.

The seventh place was taken by the Neste company. At their filling stations, all fuel is domestic, with the exception of the 98th. The rule of place and time is applied to them in the first place, since quite often you can find negative reviews about the quality of gasoline at one or another gas station of this brand. They also say that on Friday nights, the gasoline at their gas stations is also not of the best quality.

The eighth place went to the small company Statoil. Ninth - PTK. A large company that has proven itself quite well, but for some reason the consumers do not like it. There are apparently reasons for this.

Tatneft and Bashneft are mid-quality companies and therefore share the last place in the top ten. Although it should be noted that Tatneft still does not have its own base, unlike the Bashkir brand.

Report on the quality of gasoline at various filling stations:

Thus, purchasing high-quality fuel is a simple matter, it is only important to be attentive to the little things, and then you will save yourself from unnecessary costs and unpleasant emotions about your car.


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