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An experienced driver knows which gasoline to fill by observing the reaction of his car to different kinds fuel. Correctly selected gasoline plays an important role in maintaining the performance and mechanisms of the Lada Granta car. from hundreds of similar proposals - a real art that the driver will master only over time.

Gasoline selection criteria

When choosing a suitable fuel option, the car owner must take a number of rules as a basis:

  1. In the event that it will be used both in warm and cold seasons, it is recommended to pay attention to the evaporative class of the purchased gasoline. The requirements for this substance vary depending on the area of ​​operation, however, for the most part, suppliers strive to offer a universal product, which should be chosen for the Lada Granta car.
  2. Gasoline must be free of hazardous impurities such as lead, iron or manganese. Such a product is rightfully considered to be of poor quality and can disable the vehicle's fuel system.
  3. Most manufacturers, in an effort to protect the tank from corrosion and destruction, add so-called additives to gasoline. However, adding such a substance yourself to the finished product is not worth it. It would be more expedient to purchase a premium product that will provide maximum protection.

In real life, the choice varies between two brands of gasoline poured into the tank: 92nd and 95th. Domestic drivers use both options with equal success, but it is rather difficult to determine the best one.

The manufacturer of Lada Grant recommends using the 95th gasoline in view of its High Quality... Such gasoline is supplied refined, without impurities. In addition, it has cleansing properties, to which there is a rather ambivalent attitude. On the one hand, such a fuel prevents dust and dirt from entering the gas tank, on the other hand, with constant use, it has a destructive effect on the metal itself.

The 92nd gasoline is rightfully considered to be much more gentle, as it contains nothing but the raw material provided for by the manufacturing technology. In addition, filling this product will be much cheaper than its 95th equivalent.

When choosing the right gasoline, the car owner should pay attention to the recommendations given by the manufacturer and adapt them to his region and the needs of the car.

How to fill up gasoline yourself?

Having decided what gasoline to fill, the motorist can go to a gas station for fuel, where a professional refueller will come to the rescue. However, in some cases, he will have to fill in gasoline on his own.

In order not to be left without fuel at the most unpredictable moment, it is important to constantly check the level of the fuel tank filling.

Refueling may be required en route, so you should always have a canister and a funnel with you.

Refuel when less than half the tank remains. Many inexperienced drivers prefer to drive until a light comes on on the dashboard, indicating that the container is almost empty. This practice is quite risky and can significantly harm the motor system. Gasoline cools the fuel pump, which, overheating, will simply burst. If the tank is filled according to the rules, you can safely go to a gas station.

When driving up to a gas station, it is important to park the car correctly in front of the filling machine on the side with the gas tank cap. It is advisable to place the car in such a way that the gas tank and the gas station are on the same level. After that, you should unscrew the gas tank cap and insert into it refueling nozzle corresponding brand.

After that, you need to make a payment and indicate how many liters of fuel are required. Returning to the car, you need to press the lever on the pistol, then the fuel supply will be made automatically.

At the same time, the motorist must also know how to drain gasoline from the tank in case he comes across a low-quality product. This can be done in three main ways.

Very often, car owners ask themselves what kind of gasoline to fill in Grant: 92 or 95. Sometimes, even before buying a car of domestic production, a motorist asks the question of what brand of gasoline to fill in his future car.

In reality, it is very difficult to know which gasoline will suit a particular car brand. Most often, drivers cannot choose between AI-92 and AI-95. It is absolutely normal that everyone is trying to save money, and even more so on gasoline, on which every month you have to spend a large percentage of your salary.

Based on this, most motorists choose AI-92. If we compare the price for one liter of AI-92 and AI-95, the difference will seem insignificant, but if we multiply the price for one liter by the number of liters of gasoline that is consumed within a month, the difference is significant.

If you visit a car service and ask a question about which gasoline is suitable for Lada Grants, you will receive an answer that it is necessary to refuel the car according to the recommendations of the company that produces this brand of car.

How does the car manual answer this question?

So, in order to answer the question whether it is possible to fill in 92 gasoline in the Grant, which worries many motorists, you should open the instructions on Appendix 1, which says that the recommended gasoline is "Premium 95" or "Premium Euro 5". Why are there such strict restrictions on gasoline in the instructions?

Let's figure it out. The first note states that it is necessary to provide the necessary flammability at low temperatures.

It follows from this that the fuel must be selected in a certain class in terms of volatility. In different regions of the Russian Federation, this requirement is adhered to in different ways, and the classes of fuel volatility differ among themselves, based on location.

The second obstacle to the use of low-octane gasoline is various metal and organic particles, which are antiknock agents and are contained in gasoline. In the particles, you can observe the presence of lead, cadmium, manganese, iron and other metals.

Various additives are introduced into high-octane gasoline, which prevent the appearance of soot, various deposits and corrosion. But these substances can be included in the composition of gasoline only by its manufacturer. Every motorist can do this, but experts do not recommend doing this, since it is possible to introduce substances in the wrong proportion.

What do drivers think about this?

There is a third group of car owners who fill the tank with gasoline of both brands, which is why it turns out not very well good result... Drivers mix two types of gasoline in order to reduce knock and average gasoline consumption, but experts do not recommend mixing different types of gasoline.

Car owners who buy AI-92 do not see a significant difference in car dynamics, engine performance and gas mileage. If you replace the fuel recommended in the instructions for use with AI-92, then the only difference will be the effect on the fuel system.

Can Grant 92 be refueled with gasoline?

Other motorists claim that they do not see any difference between the use of AI-92 and AI-95, and the engine in both cases will work in almost the same way. But everyone knows that the use of 92 gasoline leads to contamination of the engine system and spark plugs.

But, not taking this fact into account, many Russian motorists advise pouring AI-92 Grant into the Lada. Let's see if it is possible to refuel the Lada Grant 92 with gasoline.

Many oil refineries located on the territory of Russia do not have the technologies and equipment that can produce high quality 95-A gasoline.

Therefore, in order to create 95th gasoline, specialized additives are used that gasoline contains. The more such additives are contained in gasoline, the more negatively the effect of the use of such gasoline on the operation of the engine and the entire car system will be.

Well-made pure gasoline 92-A is much more suitable for any car, including Lada Grants. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are still several factories that produce quality gasoline right up to the 98th.

Most motorists advise you to familiarize yourself with the information about the gas stations that are in your city in order to understand which grade of gasoline to buy. You should find out where these gas stations get fuel, as well as who makes this gasoline and what quality it is.

If you read this information in advance, you will be able to avoid problems that may arise with the engine due to the use of poor quality fuel.

So, gasoline 92-A has the following features:

Leads to contamination of the engine system and spark plugs;

Low cost;

Does not negatively affect the dynamics of the car;

Does not affect engine performance.

Can 92-A be used for turbocharged engine systems?

Good gasoline is gasoline from the manufacturer Lukoil. 92-A and 95-A are quality products when compared to other gasoline grades. By using these gasoline grades, the driver consumes less fuel and there is also little effect on the spark plugs.

Many car owners believe that even for turbocharged systems engines will fit both 95-A and 92-A. But experts recommend using 95th gasoline for engines that contain additional devices. Therefore, when deciding whether it is possible to fill Lada Grant with 92 gasoline, if it contains turbocharged engine, it is better to stop at 95-A.

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Often the question arises, what gasoline do you need to fill in Lada Granta? Sometimes it happens that even on the eve of buying this domestic car thoughts about the brand of gasoline come to mind. In fact, it is, you cannot immediately figure out what to fill in the tank. Standard fluctuations occur between AI-92 and AI-95. Naturally, anyone is trying to save money on every little thing, and here it is not a trifle, but, so to speak, the main expense item is fuel.

In this regard, many prefer the AI-92, it seems that the price difference per liter with the AI-95 is insignificant, and with constant refueling, it already starts to save something. If you come to a car service or somewhere else, to a specialist, and ask what you need to pour into the Grants tank, you will be almost 100% answered: you need to pour in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. So, then the answer to this question is hidden in the instruction manual, which is familiar to everyone.

What does the instruction manual say?

What gasoline do you need to fill in Lada Granta? We open the operation manual in Appendix 1. We look at the text: the brand of the recommended gasoline - "Premium 95" or "Premium Euro 5" and two references to GOSTs. Why such a recommendation-limiting fuel proposal?

Let's see some points related to this limitation. The first note is the requirement for the required flammability at low temperatures.

It follows from this that the gasoline must be of the required evaporation class. At the same time, this requirement is taken into account in different regions of the country, and the vaporization classes of gasoline, depending on the location, differ from each other. The second obstacle to using lower octane gasoline is the presence of metal and organic particles in it, which act as antiknock agents. These particles contain lead, cadmium, manganese, iron and other metals.

High-octane gasoline is characterized by the introduction of various additives. These additives save from carbon deposits, corrosion damage, and various deposits. However, these additives can only be introduced by the fuel manufacturer. Naturally, you can do it yourself, but this is not recommended (the proportion may not be correct).

Drivers opinion

(banner_content) If you look at the reviews of Grants car owners, there is a complete mess here. Some firmly argue that they are pouring AI-92 and rides fine without any problems. However, in this case, additional detonation in the combustion chamber is noted. The latter assure 100% that it is necessary to fill in exactly AI-95, so a slight decrease in fuel consumption is observed.

And a third group has also formed, which pour 50 to 50 AI-92 and AI-95, and get in the tank at all, don't understand what. Such mixing from the point of banal logic seems to be understandable: reduction of detonation and, but still it is not worth mixing.

Drivers who purposefully pour AI-92 do not feel significant differences in the dynamics of the car, engine operation and fuel consumption. The only thing that this replacement of the recommended fuel can clearly affect is.

More options


Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is best to fill in the recommended AI-95 in Lada Granta. Thus, we answered the question: what kind of gasoline should be poured into Lada Granta. It is not worth experimenting and diluting two types of gasoline, firstly it is inconvenient, and secondly, it is not clear what the consequences are.

Asks: Ivanov Peter.
Essence of the question: What gasoline to fill in the Lada Granta liftback?

Hi, tell me, please, what kind of gasoline should I pour into my Lada Granta liftback? I know that everyone has different opinions, so I can't finally decide on this issue, help me figure it out, please !?

Disputes over the choice of the type of gasoline for the liftback

A similar question, about what kind of gasoline to fill Lada Grant cars, motorists ask quite often. Sometimes people start thinking about it long before buying this car, and for good reason, because, on the one hand, money saving depends on this, and on the other hand, the octane number of the fuel directly affects the driving dynamics of the car.

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I own a Renault Megan 2 car, before that there were Citroens and Peugeots. I work in the service area dealership, so I know the device of the car "inside and out". You can always ask me for advice.

It is no secret that the main discussions are between AI-92 and AI-95 fuel. Therefore, many owners give preference to AI-92, complaining that this type of fuel is simply cheaper than fuel, the octane number of which is higher. As a result, the owner tries to save a lot of money a year only on fuel. However, if you try to refer to official dealer with such a question, all employees will unanimously tell you that to look for the truth about what kind of fuel to fill in Lada Granta should only be in the operating instructions.

What does the manual say?

If you open the manual of Lada Grant, then the text clearly says that the brand of recommended gasoline for this model:

AI-95 "Premium" or "Premium" EURO-5, and GOSTs are indicated on them, respectively.

Why did the manufacturer indicate such mandatory recommendations, let's try to figure it out below in our article!

  1. The first requirement that the manufacturer sets is the high requirements for the ignition of a flammable liquid at negative temperatures. Therefore, the higher the octane number of gasoline, the better.
  2. The second requirement is the presence of various additives in such gasoline, which are designed to rescue from soot, destruction and corrosion. In addition, gasoline, which is not recommended by the plant, in their opinion, contains organic and metal particles that adversely affect operational characteristics the motor as a whole.

Information from the official site

Summarizing the above, we can say that the manufacturer's requirements regarding the choice of fuel must be strictly observed so as not to experience problems with the engine and fuel system in the future.

What gasoline do motorists themselves choose?

  • Based on the experience of Grant Organizers from our portal, we came to the conclusion that there is complete chaos among the owners in choosing the right type of fuel. One side directly says that it floods the AI-92 and the car drives without visible changes, but from time to time in the combustion chamber. At the same time, noting that there are no changes in the dynamics and smooth operation of the engine.
  • The second argue that only AI-95 is poured, while noting some kind of fuel economy. And the third category claims that it floods both types of gasoline, thereby trying to come to savings and reduce detonation. However, such an example does not have a very good effect on the behavior of the whole fuel system, and we do not recommend practicing this option for refueling your car.


As you could see for yourself that there are more questions than answers in the question of choosing fuel for Lada Grant, and only you decide how to refuel your car. However, we recommend that you comply with the manufacturer's requirements only, which are written in the instructions, and refuel only at trusted filling stations and at trusted fuel suppliers.


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