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Probably, pistachios are the most democratic product that everyone can afford. Unlike peanuts, which have already begun to become boring, pistachios continue to retain their novelty and desire to eat them. Experts decided to come to grips with the issue of studying pistachios and found out one amazing thing - it turns out that if you want to lose weight, you can eat pistachios.

They even developed a special diet, which they called the pistachio diet. It would seem, how can you lose weight if you eat pistachios, because they are nuts, which, as you know, are a very high-calorie product. As a result of research, it was possible to find out that although pistachios contain a lot of fat and calories, they do not affect weight in any way. During the experiments, in the usual human diet, about twenty percent of the food was replaced with pistachios. Instead of sweets, dairy products, corn and potatoes, it was suggested to eat pistachios. The result was amazing - none of the subjects gained weight.

The secret turned out to be simple. The fact is that Californian pistachios are the lowest calorie among nuts, thirty pistachios contain only about a hundred calories, so the pistachio diet does not bring extra pounds. Compared to almonds, hazelnuts, or walnuts, pistachios are much lower in fat, most of which is unsaturated fat.

Pistachios are high in fiber, much more than other types of nuts, so they help lower cholesterol levels, help balance blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk for cancer. Since pistachios contain a lot of fiber, as well as protein, they saturate our body faster than many foods, so you can eat less of them, while completely satisfying your hunger and becoming full.

Pistachios are recommended to be included in the diet, as they are not only low in calories, but also contain about thirty different vitamins, minerals and nutrients of plant origin.

In the Middle East, pistachios have been known for thousands of years. They came to other regions of the world much later. Nevertheless, to date, their benefits and harms to the body have been carefully studied. And now available to anyone interested in the rules of healthy eating.

How do pistachios grow?

This is the fruit of the pistachio tree ( Pistacia vera).

How they grow on a tree is shown in the photo.

motherland Pistacia vera— Asia. Today, wild pistachios grow in countries such as Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and India. They can be found in the region of Southern Europe and North Africa. However, they are not all edible.


One serving of pistachios contains 49 nuts. That is, when you see that something like “the participants in the experiment ate two servings a day” is written, it means that they ate 98 pieces.

Where did such a strange non-circular number come from? Everything is simple. That's how many units fit in one ounce. And since most of the research was done by American scientists, they measure the weight of nuts in their usual units.

The calorie content of one serving of pistachios is 159 kcal.

This volume contains:

  • 7 g carbohydrates;
  • 7 g protein;
  • 9 g fat;
  • 3 g of vegetable fiber;
  • 5 mg of vitamin B6 (25% of the daily requirement);
  • 3 mg thiamine (20%);
  • 4 mg copper (20%);
  • 291 mg potassium (8.3%);
  • 34 mg magnesium (8.5%);
  • 1 mg iron (6.1%);
  • 6 mg zinc (4%).

Pistachios are useful because they are rich in antioxidants - gamma-tocopherol (vitamin E), vitamin K, phytosterions, xanthophylls, etc.

Ideal product for weight loss

If we compare weight loss people who practice pistachio snacks and those who lose weight, but do not eat these nuts, then it can be noted that those who eat nuts have a lower body mass index and a smaller waist circumference.

This happens for several reasons.

  1. When people snack on nuts, they usually refuse other unhealthy snacks - chips, cookies, sweets, etc.
  2. The benefits of pistachios for the body of losing weight men and women are that they perfectly saturate. And they not only delay the time of the subsequent more plentiful meal, but also beat off the appetite so much that the next meal a person eats less than usual.
  3. Nuts are high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary to prevent the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal region.

"The Pistachio Principle"

This phenomenon was discovered by Dr. James Paynter of Eastern Illinois University. And it consists in the following.

  1. The inclusion of nuts in shells in the diet reduces the number of calories consumed during the day by 41%. And all because it is not so easy to open a nut shell. It takes effort and time. They no longer remain for harmful snacks.
  2. If you leave the pistachio shells on the table in front of your eyes, and not throw them away immediately, the number of calories consumed per day can be reduced by 18%. A pile of shells on the table reminds the brain that it has already eaten. And not a few.

Reducing the severity of the metabolic syndrome

Excess body weight is always associated with the development of metabolic syndrome, which at any moment runs the risk of developing into more serious diseases.

The beneficial properties of pistachios are manifested in the fact that they make less pronounced 4 main factors of the metabolic syndrome:

  • reduce fat deposits around the internal organs;
  • downgrade arterial pressure(only when needed)
  • reduce the level of fasting sugar in the blood;
  • improve lipid profile.

Other medicinal properties

Help for vision

They contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which penetrate the retina and help maintain vision. Necessary for the prevention of eye diseases leading to blindness, which are associated with natural aging: macular degeneration and cataracts.

Prevention of heart disease

  1. Pistachios are beneficial because they are rich in the amino acid L-arginine, a precursor to nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide has multiple positive effects on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. And it is important for people who already have heart and vascular diseases, as well as for those who are at risk, for example, for diabetics.
  2. Improve lipid profile. They reduce the amount of oxidized low density lipoproteins, which are especially dangerous for blood vessels. Also, when eating nuts, the ratio of triglycerides to high-density lipoproteins improves. This indicator is one of those.
  3. Contribute to the normalization of high blood pressure.

Strengthening potency

Pistachios have special beneficial features for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. They are considered natural. medicine against impotence.

Nitric oxide, formed in the body after a nut meal, improves beds in the genital area. And it helps to make an erection more stable and longer.

Possible harm

Avoid white and discolored nuts

Pistachios are a perishable product. After removal from the tree within 24 hours, they must be cleaned of the outer shell. If this is not done, the tannins present in it will transfer to the nut shell, forming spots on it.

Stained copies cannot be sold. Therefore, manufacturers often hide their sluggishness. They paint nuts with different colors, such as red or green. Or, on the contrary, discolor them.

The real color of the pistachio shell is light beige. However, you can often find white things that sell even better than the right ones, since the white color is associated in people with the concept of freshness. Such nuts are often offered by Chinese companies, calling them "premium".

Discolored pistachios are harmful to the body.

The chemicals used to bleach the shells can pass through to the edible part. And these are inedible compounds.

Bleaching agents destroy the beneficial components that are present in the thin skin that surrounds the nut kernel itself.

The danger of aflatoxin

Usually, these symptoms manifest themselves in those people who rarely eat fructans, for example, do not eat fruit at all. As the body gets used to these compounds, the unpleasant symptoms of their "overdose" disappear.

Those people who find it difficult to digest nuts due to increased gas formation can be advised to take.

How to include in the diet?

  • It is necessary to refuse the use of salted pistachios. Especially those that have been industrially salted. Despite the fact that there is so much industrially prepared salt that it completely eliminates all the benefits of nuts.
  • Do not buy fried ones and do not fry them yourself. During the roasting process, many useful compounds are destroyed.

  • To medicinal properties pistachios for the human body were maximum, you need to eat one serving a day - about 50 pieces. With regular use, half a serving is enough - 25.
  • You can eat during pregnancy. But no more than 15 pieces per day.
  • At breastfeeding You can also eat 15 pieces a day. However, in the event that the family has an allergy to nuts or peanuts, the use should be abandoned.

Should it be soaked?

Like any other nuts, pistachios contain phytic acid, as well as other antinutrients and protease inhibitors. These substances impair the absorption of certain trace elements and impede digestion.

To get rid of them, the nuts must be soaked for 12 hours in cool water.

The soaking procedure is shown for most nuts if you want to get the most out of them. However, pistachios are a little different.

To soak nuts, they must be peeled. The “pistachio principle” was described above, which helps people who have gained excess weight due to overeating to lose weight. If the nuts are peeled, the "principle" cannot work.

Therefore, to soak nuts or not, decide based on your main goal:

  • if the goal is to extract the maximum amount of medicinal compounds from pistachios, it is necessary to soak;
  • if you just want to indulge in nuts or cut down on calories, then peeling ahead of time to soak is not a good idea.

Why so expensive?

The question of why pistachios are so expensive torments people not only in our country, but also in many other parts of the world. For these nuts are expensive virtually everywhere. And it is not the speculative moods of traders that are to blame for this, but the biological characteristics of the pistachio tree.

  1. Pistacia vera grows only where there is enough Cold winter and long hot summers. Therefore, this tree is grown in a limited number of regions on our planet - in California, Iran, Morocco, Turkey.
  2. Trees begin to bear fruit only 15-20 years after their planting.
  3. The number of nuts on each tree is small. The maximum yield from one tree is 20 kg.
  4. Abundant fruiting in Pistacia vera happens once every two years. In a bad year, there are very few nuts.
  5. The nuts are peeled from the outer skin by hand. And this must be done very quickly - within a day. Of course, manual high-speed work makes the product more expensive.

Benefit and harm to the body. findings

  • Pistachios are rich in beneficial compounds - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.
  • Therefore, they help to lose weight, improve eyesight, help get rid of impotence and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • For nuts to be truly healthy, they must be consumed raw and avoid purchasing specimens whose shells are colored or discolored.

The fruit of the pistachio tree is an oval-shaped seed with a hard shell. The tree itself is called the tree of life, and the fruits are the nuts of happiness. These nuts, as well as others, contain a lot of calories, but at the same time they are very healthy and for weight loss.

It would seem that high calorie content and weight loss are incompatible. However, everything is much more complicated. First of all, pistachios contain a lot of fiber (more than other nuts). Therefore, by consuming a small amount of these nuts, you can satisfy your hunger well and for a long time. It is recommended to eat no more than 15 nucleoli per day. In addition, nuts perfectly regulate appetite, so eating them regularly, you can get rid of the desire to constantly chew something. Pistachios are low glycemic index, which is also important for weight loss, and the carbohydrates contained in nuts are complex. Therefore, they saturate for a long time and do not cause a sharp surge in blood sugar.

In addition, pistachios contain many valuable substances. These are vitamins A, E, group B. There is especially a lot of vitamin B6 in nuts, which is necessary for strong memory, normal functioning of the pancreas. In addition, it is necessary for weight loss. Iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, potassium are also presented in large quantities. Nuts also contain unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, amino acids, valuable vegetable protein, carbohydrates, lutein, zeaxanthin, and polyphenols.

Useful nuts reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, are a preventive measure against the development of oncology, strengthen the body, increase tone, which is very important after operations and serious illnesses. Pistachios strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the bile ducts, rejuvenate cells and protect them from destruction.

Pistachios are used for:

  • anemia;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • infertility;
  • liver diseases;
  • excessive mental and physical stress;
  • burns;
  • stomatitis;
  • colitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • poor eyesight;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • hepatic colic;
  • irritability;
  • depression.

However, one must be careful about this product, since pistachios are a strong allergen. And an allergic reaction can even cause anaphylactic shock. In addition, you can not eat a lot of nuts for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Are there any diets on these nuts?

Are there special diets for pistachios? Yes, there is a long pistachio diet for ten days. But mono-diets on nuts are not recommended.

During the diet period, it is allowed to eat cereals, seafood, fish, kefir, vegetables, chicken, not very sweet fruits. You need to eat five times a day. Snacks are pistachios.

Here is a sample diet menu:

  • in the morning - oatmeal, tomato juice;
  • second breakfast - salad with vegetables and seafood;
  • lunch - fish, rice, salad;
  • afternoon snack - fruits and pistachios;
  • in the evening - kefir, fruit and nuts.

You can follow this diet only once every three months.

There is another option - stick to proper nutrition and add nuts to different dishes. Pistachios can be put in meat dishes, desserts, salads and sauces. There are a lot of recipes with nuts.

And here is the menu option:

  • breakfast - scrambled eggs or porridge, fruit;
  • snack - salad with nuts, juice;
  • lunch - puree soup, meat with pistachio sauce, salad, compote;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - fish, salad, fermented baked milk.
  • You can just snack on nuts, but do not forget about the norm - no more than 15 pieces a day.

And if you do not strive to become slimmer, and your figure suits you, just sometimes cook dishes with these nuts. After all, they bring many benefits to the body.

What can be prepared from pistachios? These are not only desserts, the recipes are varied. These are meat dishes, snacks, soups. You can just add them to salads and cereals. It will be both tasty and healthy. And here are a few healthy recipes with pistachios.


Peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes, chop the red onion. Pistachios must be crushed. Mix everything, sprinkle with red pepper, add a little bit of olive oil and let the salad brew for ten minutes.

Terrine of liver and pork

Lay out the form with 12 slices of bacon with an overlap, the edges should hang down. Twist lean pork (800 g) into minced meat, chop three garlic cloves. Mix everything with a tablespoon of cranberries, 50 g pistachios, salt, pepper, one egg, thyme and a few tablespoons of brandy. Knead everything and put half the mass on the bacon, put the chopped on top chicken liver(200 g), cover with the second part of the mass. You can cover with a few slices of bacon on top and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Pumpkin and pistachio soup

Cut a kilogram of pumpkin into cubes, chop 2 cm of ginger root, chop the onion. Lightly fry the onion in a saucepan, add the ginger and ground cumin, mix. Put the pumpkin, pour 1.5 liters of water and cook until soft. Puree the soup, add 200 ml of cream, salt and heat for a couple of minutes. When serving, sprinkle with pistachios and herbs.


Grate 140 hard cheese, mix with 140 g curd cheese and cool. Chop 100 g pistachios. 14 large large grapes should be covered with cheese mass, and then rolled in pistachios. Chill in the refrigerator for an hour.

Panforte - a dessert made from nuts and dried fruits

Line the bottom and sides of the mold with a thin waffle or rice paper. Pre-calcined for five minutes in the oven 100 g of pistachios as much as almonds and hazelnuts. Combine nuts, a little ground cloves, a teaspoon of ginger, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little bit of white pepper, 300 g of chopped figs and 100 g of flour. Melt 70 g of sugar, 80 g of honey, 70 g of brown sugar and a couple of tablespoons of water over low heat. Then bring to a boil and boil to make a syrup. Pour dried fruits and nuts with this syrup, mix quickly and put in the prepared form. Bake 40 minutes. Can be stored for a long time in a dry place.

Recipes for dishes with pistachios are very original and at the same time simple. And losing weight on these nuts is satisfying and healthy.

Do you know that the pistachios familiar to us are nothing more than the fruits of the “tree of life”. This is the name of pistachio trees in eastern countries. If up to this point you have never thought about the benefits of these nuts, then this article is for you.

What are the benefits of pistachios?

The benefits of pistachio fruit for humans are very high. They are a storehouse of easily digestible trace elements significant for the body, such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and iron. Pistachios in terms of the presence of vitamin B6 in their composition are in no way inferior to beef liver. Just a few nuts a day will provide the body of an adult with a daily dose of this vitamin.

In addition, pistachios contain pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, folates and niacin. Pistachios belong to a group of foods that have strong antioxidant properties. Only these nuts in their composition contain a significant amount of lutein and zeaxanthin - substances that improve vision and reduce the risk of blindness in older people.

The regular presence of pistachios in the diet reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases, lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol. Fiber, which is part of the composition, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, improving peristalsis and cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. In addition, the use of pistachios improves and normalizes the functioning of the liver and respiratory system.

Pistachios stimulate the nervous system, so they are advised to be used by those people who suffer from increased fatigue and constant fatigue, as well as people with a high intellectual load.

With constant use, the body increases one of the forms of vitamin E - gamma-tocopherol, a substance that can reduce the risk of cancer.

The high content of zinc, saturated fats and folic acid salts in the pistachio kernel has a beneficial effect on men's health. Folates, acting on the seminal fluid of men, improve its quality, activate male germ cells, making them mobile and tenacious. And zinc, in turn, increases the growth of testosterone, so in the countries of the East and Asia, pistachios are also known as the strongest aphrodisiac.

Pistachio nuts contain phenolic compounds, which give them anti-aging properties, preventing free radicals from destroying skin cells. Related to this is the fact that pistachio oil is actively used in cosmetology as an excellent nourishing and rejuvenating agent.

Nutritional value of pistachios

The nutritional value of pistachios, compared to other known nuts, is the lowest, only 550-650 kcal, depending on the variety. Therefore, if you are wondering if pistachios make you fat, then you can safely include them in your diet. And in order not to exceed the allowable calorie content, but at the same time saturate the body with useful substances, vitamins and trace elements, nutritionists advise eating no more than 15 nuts a day.

Contraindications and harm from eating pistachios

Unfortunately, pistachios have not only beneficial properties, and the harm that they can cause to the human body can be quite serious. Firstly, pistachios are a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, with special care, it is worth using them for women who are in a position, nursing mothers, as well as small children.

To avoid allergic reactions, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, pistachios should be taken seriously and, if symptoms of malaise appear, immediately seek medical help.

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The article discusses pistachios. You will learn the beneficial properties, calorie content and contraindications to the use of nuts. We will tell you how to use them for weight loss and during pregnancy. Following our tips, you will learn how to peel and roast pistachios.

Pistachios are the fruits of the evergreen pistachio tree of the Sumac family (lat. Anacardiaceae). In America, pistachios are called "magic nut" - a magic nut, for its beneficial properties.

The oval fruit is covered with a hard beige shell, inside there is a green oily nut. The pistachio fruit is not a nut. This is a drupe, inside which is a seed. Fruit length - up to 1.5 cm, width - up to 0.8 cm.

How pistachios grow

Pistachio trees grow singly, sometimes gathering in sparse forests. These are photophilous trees, prefer the soil enriched with calcium. The plant is resistant to drought and frost down to -25 degrees.

In the wild, pistachios grow in Northwest Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean and America. Nuts are cultivated in Syria, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Iran, Crimea.

The tree begins to bear fruit at 7-10 years of age. Pistachios ripen 1 time in 2-3 years. At the age of 20, one pistachio tree produces about 250 kg of nuts. The fruits are harvested from July to September.

The chemical composition of pistachios

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • thiamine;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • xanthophylls;
  • phytosterols.

Pistachio calories

Calorie 100 gr. pistachios - 556 kcal. Nuts are quite nutritious - they are 50% fat.

Useful properties of pistachios

The composition of pistachios is biologically saturated active substances owing to this, they have a lot of useful properties. Nuts restore the body after diseases of the respiratory tract, strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase visual acuity.

Pistachios have a tonic and firming effect. They are used to restore the body after tuberculosis, pneumonia and influenza. Nuts help to cope with a painful cough.

They improve lipid metabolism and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Nuts are used to prevent vascular diseases and to treat existing disorders in the cardiovascular system. Pistachios lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Nuts normalize the digestive system, have an astringent effect and relieve problems with loose stools. Pistachios cleanse the liver, remove toxins.

Carotenoids and lutein, which are part of the nuts, strengthen the muscles of the eyeball and increase visual acuity. Pistachios are especially useful in adulthood for the prevention of eye diseases and vision loss associated with the natural aging of the body. Nuts help with cataracts and glaucoma.

Pistachios have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels in women and men. For women, nuts are useful due to the high content of vitamin E - the vitamin of youth. For men, pistachios help increase erection and sexual desire.

Pistachios benefit and harm

Pistachios have a tonic and tonic effect on the body. They normalize the operation of most systems, but despite this, they can be harmful.

First of all, it depends on the amount of nuts consumed. Overeating pistachios leads to disruption of the digestive system due to the increased load, because these fruits are quite fatty.

White or discolored nuts of the lowest classification can cause harm to the body. Unscrupulous manufacturers color the nut shells to hide the first signs of the unfitness of the fruit - spots. Chemicals used to color or discolor pistachios can penetrate the nut. Remember that natural shells are light beige in color.

Nuts contain aflatoxin. It is a strong carcinogen that acts on the body like a poison. Aflatoxin is resistant to heat treatment, so it is extremely important to meet the daily intake of nuts, regardless of whether they are raw or fried.

The use of pistachios

The rich composition and taste qualities allow the use of pistachios in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Whole nuts and pistachio oil are used.

For medicinal purposes, nuts are used to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the gastrointestinal tract and organs of vision. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are made from nuts.

In cosmetology, pistachio oil is used, which is obtained by cold pressing. This product is used as an independent tool or added to creams and masks. The oil has a nourishing, firming and tightening effect. The tool is useful not only for the skin, but also for hair and nails.

In cooking, pistachios are often used to prepare main courses of meat, cereals and desserts.. Nuts make the dish more nutritious and healthy.

Pistachios for weight loss

Pistachios are used in dietetics. They help you control your weight. Nuts are ideal for a healthy snack, saturate the body and help not to feel hungry for a long time. After such a snack, a person eats less food. Nuts get rid of excess fat and promote weight loss.

Pistachios for women

Nuts are rich in vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the female body. Pistachios reduce body fat and help cleanse the intestines, as well as normalize hormonal levels. They improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, which is important for women.

Pistachios for men

Pistachios are good for men's health. In folk medicine, these nuts are considered a natural cure for impotence. They improve blood flow in the genital area, increase erection and improve the quality of seminal fluid. Regular consumption of nuts enhances sexual desire.

Pistachios for children

The optimal age for introducing pistachios into a child's diet is 3 years. At this time, the baby's body is ready to digest nuts and contains the enzymes necessary for this.

Remember that pistachios are an allergenic product, so they should be introduced into the children's diet with extreme caution. Start with ¼ of one nut. Observe the reaction of the body, if there are signs of an allergy, consult a doctor immediately. Daily Value for Children preschool age- 6-7 nuts.

Pistachios during pregnancy

Pistachios have a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother. They strengthen the immune system, promote rejuvenation of the body and prevent cancer. Pistachios eliminate signs of toxicosis and normalize the emotional state of a pregnant woman. The daily norm is no more than 15 nuts.

Pistachios during breastfeeding have a beneficial effect on the baby's body. It should be remembered that the nut causes allergies, so you need to monitor the reaction of the child's body and not eat more than the daily allowance. Future mother you can eat no more than 7-10 nuts per day. Overeating nuts increases stress on digestive system baby.

How to peel pistachios

When pistachios ripen, the shell cracks, but the nuts come across completely closed. To easily peel pistachios, you can use a nutcracker, but if you don't have one, pliers or a garlic crusher will do.

To open nuts in which there is at least a small crack, a shell from an already peeled nut or a coin will help. It is inserted into the slot and turned to the side. The shell opens completely and the pistachio falls out.

How to fry pistachios

Before frying pistachios, they are cleaned. Then the prepared nuts are boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes, removed and dried. Pistachios are laid out on a baking sheet in a thin layer and sent to the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The nuts are taken out, salted, mixed and sent to the oven for another 10 minutes.

Pistachios with honey

Pistachios, like many other nuts, pair perfectly with honey. This tandem enhances the beneficial effect on the body.

Pistachios are combined with almonds and. The result is a powerful antiviral agent, which strengthens the immune system and serves as a prevention against many diseases. But you should not overeat them, otherwise you can get an acute allergic reaction and obesity.

pistachio allergy

Overeating nuts can lead to allergies. Raw pistachios contain high amounts of essential oils, which, if consumed in unlimited quantities, disrupt the digestive system.

Allergy is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • dry cough;
  • skin rashes;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • weakness;
  • puffiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and headaches.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications and restrictions

Pistachios are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. With caution, nuts should be consumed in violations of the digestive system.

The stores mainly sell salted pistachios, excessive salt intake is harmful to the body. Salt retains fluid and causes swelling. Too much of it can lead to the formation of kidney stones.


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