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Has happiness appeared in your home? A tiny miracle needs you like no other, and his little body in your breast milk, especially for the first months of life. In the article we will tell you what you can eat for a nursing mother so as not to harm the baby, and his stomach adapts more easily, as well as how to improve the quality of lactation.

Newborns need to receive nutrients and lactobacilli. Having been born, it is difficult for a baby to immediately get used to a new way of life, including a different diet. The digestive system suffers especially during the first 3-6 months, because the baby's stomach is sterile at birth.

The faster the body receives a sufficient amount of trace elements, the faster the work of the digestive tract will improve. Mom's breast milk can help a newborn during this difficult period.

From the first day, receiving colostrum, the stomach of a little man begins to be enriched with the necessary bacteria.

Breast milk contains a unique composition that is not found in any artificial substitute.

It not only helps to get used to the digestive system, but also has a number of positive properties:

  • improves immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • promotes mental and physical development.

At the same time, a natural product can harm the baby if the mother does not monitor her diet. Therefore, it is very important for breastfeeding women to eat right.

The baby will receive the same food as the mother. In this regard, there are recommendations on the menu for nursing mothers.

By following them, you:

  • reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases of the baby;
  • accelerate the restoration of the intestinal microflora of the newborn;
  • reduce the period of occurrence of colic;
  • improve your health and that of your baby;
  • improve baby's metabolism.

Colic in a newborn is a very common phenomenon. They do not depend on the type of feeding (artificial or natural). However, thanks to breastfeeding, spasms bother the baby much less often and are eliminated faster than those who are fed dry mixtures from birth.

Diet for the first month after childbirth

The first month after childbirth is the most demanding in terms of the diet of nursing mothers. This is due to the fact that the stomach of the newborn has not yet been saturated with the necessary trace elements.

The baby needs to gradually get used to the new product. In the first month, it is better to abandon innovations and stick to a strict menu.(see table 1).

The well-being of a breastfed child directly depends on the diet of the mother.

Foods that should be excluded in the first month of feeding:

  1. Dairy products, including condensed milk. From them the baby will puff. There is a stereotype that this product helps to increase breast milk. In fact, the rush has nothing to do with the use of "milk".
  2. Fatty, salty, smoked food. It will be difficult for a baby’s sterile stomach to digest such food.
  3. Fresh fruits (especially citrus) and vegetables. Fruits during lactation in the first weeks after childbirth provoke fermentation in the body.
  4. Juices. They contain a lot of sugar, which promotes fermentation.
  5. Legumes.
  6. Flour products.
  7. White cabbage in any form.
  8. Puddings, yogurt, cottage cheese and other dairy products.
  9. Berries, honey, nuts. An allergic reaction is possible to the use of these products. It is better to introduce them with caution after two to three months.
  10. Coffee, strong tea.
  11. Chocolate.

You should also refrain from adding spices to food and use foods that can cause allergies with caution. For example, cheese, chicken, etc.

Table 1 Sample menu for a nursing mother

Times of DayDishRecommendations
MorningCereals without milk, tea (preferably herbal, sugar to a minimum)Try to use different cereals without abusing semolina and oatmeal, as they interfere with the absorption of calcium
Lunch 1Soup, croutonsTry to give preference to vegetable broths and turkey meat. Chicken soups are possible if no allergies are found. Eliminate the use of bread, replace it with bread and crackers
Lunch 2Boiled turkey fillet, white fish and chicken (if there is no allergy), buckwheat or rice for garnish, drink (dried fruit compote, tea)Beef and pork should be introduced later, vegetable puree with caution
afternoon teaTea, biscuits, crackers, oatmeal cookiesIn the first month of feeding, take cookies without additives, you can try a baby product.
DinnerSteam cutlets from chicken or turkey and buckwheat (rice). Any permitted drinkYou can try vegetable and fish cutlets, only at least in the second or third week and with caution

Turn the baby on his stomach every day 10 minutes before feeding. This will help him digest food better.

Green tea and coffee affect the nervous system and heart. Keep this in mind in the first month of feeding. For prevention, it is advisable to give the child drops based on simethicone, dill water and regularly massage the tummy.

Nutrition rules by months - table

Starting from the second month, nursing mothers are allowed to slowly introduce new foods into the diet (see table 2). The body of each baby is individual. Someone begins to feel bad even after buckwheat. Consider this. Watch your baby's reaction to each meal.

Table 2 Approximate entry of products by month, starting from the 2nd

2-3 Apples, pears, fresh and boiled vegetables;
Meat broths (beef, pork);
Pasta, greens, eggs;
Bread, cottage cheese, milk porridge
At this stage, fruits and vegetables of red varieties should be excluded. This also applies to fish. For the first six months, it is better to refrain from fatty and red varieties of fish.
4-7 Onions, garlic, spices;
Other fruits;
Baking, sweets;
Yoghurts, kefir, sour cream
Use spicy spices, including garlic, with caution. From sweets, give preference to marshmallows, marshmallows, meringue cakes and halva
8-12 Other foods, excluding junk foodHabitual foods that were consumed before childbirth should be introduced gradually and in moderation

Many mothers are worried, where to get calcium if dairy products are not desirable, especially in the early stages of feeding? In fact, there is much more calcium in other foods. For example, the most calcium-rich food is sesame. It is not prohibited for nursing mothers. You can sprinkle seeds on any dish. It will become both tastier and healthier.

Greens are also high in calcium. Add spinach leaves everywhere, and you will replenish calcium in the body.

A poor diet can cause beriberi, so take care of yourself and get a vitamin complex at the pharmacy. Do not forget about vitamins to stay beautiful and feel good.

Diet restrictions

First of all, limit yourself to those foods to which the baby has an unhealthy reaction. If your body needs such a product or you just really want it, there is a way out. Firstly, you can use everything a little, unless, of course, the baby has a strong allergy, and we are not talking about alcohol. Secondly, milk that has arrived after consuming an unwanted product can be expressed.

If the product is useful, but the baby does not perceive it, use it once a week. For example, cottage cheese strengthens, but it is very useful. Therefore, it can be eaten by a nursing mother periodically and in small portions.

There is a list of foods that should be excluded throughout the feeding:

  • alcohol;
  • soy sauce, mustard (affect the taste of milk);
  • food enriched with harmful components;
  • too oily and spicy food.

Complementary foods are also introduced gradually to the baby. On breastfeeding, they begin to feed the baby with food from 5-6 months.

When should you follow a strict diet?

A strict diet during lactation is necessary in the following cases:

  1. First month after childbirth.
  2. Allergy in a child.
  3. The work of the gastrointestinal tract in the baby, or in the mother herself, is disrupted.

The list of allowed products in such cases is prescribed by a pediatrician.

Drinking regimen during lactation

The more fluids you drink, the more breast milk you will have. It really is. Young mothers are recommended to drink a lot of tea in the hospital. This is no accident, warm plentiful drink increases lactation.

During lactation, you can not drink soda.

The rate of fluid intake during lactation increases by 1-1.5 liters. If before childbirth, the female body needed one or two liters, then after childbirth this figure will already reach 2 - 3.5 liters. The fact is that a nursing mother produces about 1 liter of fluid per day, so she needs to replenish it from somewhere.

In order to feed the child for a long time and correctly, you need to follow the feeding regimen. It is equally important to stimulate lactation and maintain it for as long as possible. The possibility of full breastfeeding is ensured both by the choice of products that the mother will consume, and the frequency of meals, as well as compliance drinking regime. Let's talk about what can and cannot be included in your diet for a nursing mother.

A mother's diet and diet are extremely important for her baby's health, as they all affect the quality of her milk. Alcohol, chemicals and medicines can also pass into breast milk and affect the baby, so they should be avoided

Rules for choosing food

The main criteria that should guide the mother of a newborn from the moment he is born to the age of one month:

  • quality;
  • authenticity;
  • freshness;
  • seasonality;
  • diversity.

It is advisable to choose vegetables and fruits that grow in your native region. It is worth including in the diet products of plant origin, which it's time to bear fruit.

If possible, it is better to eat vegetables grown in your own garden or on the plots of farmers who do not use fertilizers. Then you can eat almost any fruit or vegetable - they will not cause allergies in the child.

Herbal Products

Vegetables and fruits, of course, are necessary for the mother's body - they are sources of nutrients, and also contribute to the normal functioning of the intestines, have a positive effect on the state of the immune system, some improve the quality of milk and increase its production. However, it is worthwhile to enrich the table of a mother who is breastfeeding with them, excluding those that can potentially harm the health of the newborn.

In the first months after childbirth, most of the plant gifts of nature should be consumed after heat treatment (steaming, boiling, baking).

During the formation of breastfeeding, vegetables and fruits in the mother's diet must be pre-treated thermally

When choosing products for your table, a nursing mother (especially in the first month after giving birth) should pay attention to the color of the products. Pigmented red fruits and vegetables are more likely to cause allergies than their green counterparts. This applies to apples, pears, apricots, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.

Highly pigmented fruits and vegetables are more likely to cause allergies, even if their ecological purity is not in doubt. It is advisable to choose not imported analogues, but gifts of local nature

Meat products

Official medicine believes that the nutrition of a woman feeding a child is unthinkable without animal proteins. This question is debatable, but for those who are used to eating meat, it is pointless, if not harmful, to refuse it during lactation. It is believed that a suitable protein for a baby is one that is extracted from poultry meat (preferably turkey, because chicken can cause allergies), rabbit or calf.

Since many manufacturers use antibiotics in feed to rid livestock and poultry of infectious diseases, as well as hormones to accelerate livestock growth, it is better (if possible) to use poultry meat grown at home or small farms that do not abuse pharmacological drugs.

In any case, the meat is consumed boiled or stewed. Why not fried while breastfeeding? Proteins and vitamins with this type of cooking are very quickly destroyed, but there are more than enough carcinogens in fried foods - they are harmful not only for the baby, but also for the mother. It is also better for a nursing mother to refuse cooking based on meat broth up to 3-4 months.


Breastfeeding mothers can be recommended low-fat varieties of fish - pollock, pike perch, hake or flounder. It is believed that they can slightly affect the taste of milk, especially flounder or mackerel. However, there is no confirmed data for this. A well-known consultant on breastfeeding, Natalya Razakhatskaya, claims that there is no direct connection between the food consumed and breast milk, because it is formed not from food, but from blood and lymph components.

Seafood and caviar can cause severe allergies, in this sense, squid is considered the safest, but it is also recommended to introduce it into the diet only closer to six months. In addition, seafood is easy to get poisoned - the fish, if eaten, should be the freshest. You can cook it, like meat products, by boiling and stewing.

Fish broths are also best avoided for the same reasons as meat broths. Fish farms use all the same antibiotics and hormonal agents.

Fish and seafood should be consumed with caution as they can greatly alter the taste of milk, cause allergies and breast rejection.


Cereals, especially during the first month, form the basis of the diet of a nursing woman. The most useful for mothers and their children during breastfeeding are buckwheat and oatmeal. Permitted are corn (inhibits the processes of decay in the intestines) and wheat. But rice cereal, beloved by many, removes useful trace elements and is not recommended for constipation. One of the significant advantages of these cereals is their low allergenicity and high safety.

You should not eat cereals with gluten in the composition (semolina, pearl barley, barley, rye) - they are potential allergens.

Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products are a storehouse of easily digestible protein, promote lactation and normalize digestion. Regarding the use of milk in the first month after childbirth, the opinions of experts differ. Some categorically do not recommend whole cow's milk, others still suggest drinking it, adding it to weak tea to increase lactation, but limiting the amount to 200 ml per day.

Cottage cheese, like all fermented milk products, must be fresh, it can be consumed no more than 150 grams per day. You can drink liquid sour milk no more than 800 ml per day (kefir, fermented baked milk, bifilin, yogurt, acidolact, etc.). The fat content of such products should not exceed 2.5%.

It is believed that tea with the addition of milk improves breastfeeding. Since this fact has not been scientifically proven, it is still not worth focusing on the use of dairy products for a nursing mother in the first month.

Foods that are prohibited

  • allergenic;
  • toxic;
  • exciting;
  • gas generating.

The list of these products is quite large, especially in the first month after childbirth. So, potential allergens can be:

  • tropical fruits and citrus fruits;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • caviar, seafood and fatty red fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cocoa beans and coffee;
  • whole cow's milk;
  • peanuts;
  • crayfish and crabs.

What foods are strongly discouraged for breastfeeding mothers? Of course, those that can cause maximum damage to the health of the baby, due to their toxic properties: alcohol, vinegar, all types of fast foods, foods with dyes and preservatives, smoked meats, spicy, salty, fatty and fried foods and spices. It is better for a nursing woman to exclude these “little joys” from her table for the entire period of breastfeeding, they will affect both the body of a newborn and a child 4-6 months old.

Watermelon, despite its ability to stimulate milk production, is better not to eat (we recommend reading:). Firstly, this berry can act as an allergen, and secondly, it accumulates nitrates and urea, which unscrupulous farmers stuff watermelons with.

Despite the well-known female love for sweets, it is better to postpone cocoa bean products for several months. Cocoa is a strong stimulant of the nervous system, so it can adversely affect lactation and the health of the baby. You can replace the sweet table with a small amount of cottage cheese with fruit

Summary table of useful and harmful products

Dr. Komarovsky notes that the nutrition of a pregnant and lactating woman does not differ significantly. Therefore, the main principle of introducing products into the diet is consistency - i.e. new product trial 1 time in 3 days.

We have prepared a table of proper nutrition for mothers, it can be taken as the basis of the daily menu:

MonthIt is forbiddenCarefullyCan
In the first month
  • seafood, red fish, caviar
  • sausage and sausages
  • potentially allergenic fruits and berries (red apples, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries)
  • gas producing vegetables (cabbage, celery)
  • mushrooms
  • pâtés
  • soft cheese
  • citrus
  • coffee and cocoa
  • cream cakes, nuts
  • whole milk
  • chicken eggs
  • pasta
  • cookie
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, curdled milk, kefir, yogurt)
  • cottage cheese and cheese
  • boiled / stewed / baked vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini)
  • boiled / baked turkey, rabbit
  • lean fish (cod, hake, zander, carp)
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal)
  • fruits (green apple, pear, banana)
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes)
  • wholemeal bread, crackers, biscuits
  • vegetable broths
1 to 3 monthsCan add:
  • meat broths
  • bright vegetables in fresh and boiled form (beets, carrots, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, radish)
  • fruits (apricots, peaches, plums, cherries), melon and watermelon
  • homemade jam
Can add:
  • lean beef, chicken
  • corn, millet, rice porridge
From 3 months to six monthsCan add:
  • boiled beets, carrots, pumpkin
  • tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden
  • nuts (except pistachios, peanuts)
From 6 months Can add:
  • lean pork (carbonade)
  • legumes
  • boiled red fish

Another useful table is a balanced diet for a nursing mother:

SquirrelsFatsCarbohydratesVitamins and trace elementsBeverages
sour milk (without additives) - 500 mlbutter - 50 grcoarse bread and pastry - 200 grvegetables (zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, eggplant) - up to 800 grgreen tea - up to 500 ml
milk (in the absence of allergies) - 200 mlsour cream - 75 grcereals - 200 grfruits and berries (not brightly colored - red, orange) - up to 500 grdried fruit compote - up to 500 ml
low-fat cottage cheese - 150 grvegetable oil - 20 gr juice from green apples and pears - up to 200 ml
cheese - 40 gr still water
lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey) - 150-200 gr
fish (perch, cod, hake) - 150 gr

Drinking regime

Immediately after childbirth and when breastfeeding is established, a woman's body loses a large amount of fluid. This loss must be made up. Modern pediatrics recommends drinking a volume of liquid instead of the prescribed 1-1.5 liters, based on its own weight - 40-45 ml. per 1 kg. Before feeding, for half an hour, you can drink 1 glass of warm water to stimulate lactation.

Water during breastfeeding should be the main liquid for drinking. You can use filtered or buy bottled water (mineral, but without gas).

What can a nursing mother drink in place of water? Compotes based on dried fruits (prunes and dried apricots), apples and pears, rosehip broth, herbal moods or a weak hour with milk are suitable. However, the latter is recommended to be included in the diet after two months. You can also use kissels and fruit drinks (but not more than 1 glass a day).

Breast milk is the main source of nutrition for a newborn. Doctors recommend keeping breastfeeding up to 1.5-2 years, because only mother's milk has a full range of vitamins and elements that are needed for the full development of the child. You can read about the benefits of breastfeeding and the benefits of breast milk for your baby at the link /.

Unfortunately, after the birth of a baby, many women face a lot of problems in breastfeeding, especially if this is the first child. This article contains the most popular questions that are of interest to nursing mothers. The recommendations of doctors and consultants on breastfeeding will help to maintain lactation longer and ensure proper nutrition baby. In addition, expert advice will tell you how to take care of the health of mom and baby.

How to start breastfeeding

1. First application

It is best to apply the baby immediately after birth. Body contact will speed up the flow of milk and teach the baby to suckle faster. The sooner the first application occurs, the better lactation will proceed. If it is not possible to immediately attach the newborn to the breast, ensure constant contact between the baby and mother.

2. Feed your baby on demand, not on schedule.

Give your baby as much milk as he needs. Do not stop feeding until the newborn drops the nipple on its own or falls asleep. Pediatricians recommend feeding your baby every 2 hours during the day and at least 4 times at night. Don't skip the night feed! They are an essential element for maintaining lactation.

3. Don't Force Eat

11. Don't give your baby water

Breast milk is 80-85% water. In addition, foremilk is thin and watery. It is able to quench the thirst of the baby to the fullest. Pediatricians do not recommend giving water to the baby in the first six months of breastfeeding. If the child is hot and sweats a lot, wipe the body with wet wipes, wash with water and bathe more often.

12. Don't use a pacifier often.

The use of a pacifier replaces the breast, resulting in reduced lactation. In addition, mothers often face the fact that it is very difficult to wean the baby from the pacifier in the future.

However, it is not necessary to completely exclude the use of a pacifier. It soothes the baby and satisfies the sucking reflex, distracts from discomfort and eliminates discomfort. A properly selected nipple will form a bite, rubber products will help babies when their first teeth erupt. With a rare and short-term use of a pacifier, it will not harm the baby and lactation.

13. Express milk only when necessary.

You don't need to pump often. Doctors recommend using this procedure only if the breasts are full and discomfort is felt due to a strong rush of milk in the mammary glands. Pumping is necessary when the mother is unable to breastfeed. For example, with prolonged separation from the baby, with mastitis and lactostasis, while taking antibiotics.

14. Store your expressed milk properly

Milk is expressed into a sterile container. For long-term storage, choose freezing and plastic bags made of dense polyethylene. You can leave the milk in the refrigerator if the expressed milk does not require long-term storage. This product should be used within two to five days. How to choose the right container for storing expressed breast milk, read.

15. Ask for help from specialists

If you have any problems and questions during lactation, do not be afraid to contact specialists. If at the moment it is impossible to consult a pediatrician, they will help. Today you can also contact an expert via the Internet. In addition, communicate with other more experienced mothers who will definitely help with advice.

16. Don't go on a strict diet.

After childbirth, a woman loses many vitamins and nutrients, the lack of which must be filled. It is also important that the baby must receive the necessary nutrients for full growth and development. The diet for breastfeeding should be varied and rich. Strict restrictions will lead to problems in the health of the baby and the woman.

17. Don't Overeat

The abuse of certain products will lead to problems in the digestion of the baby. Overeating causes indigestion, constipation and diarrhea, and sometimes poisoning. In addition, excess food increases colic and increases gas formation, which worsens the well-being and causes serious discomfort to the baby.

18. Introduce New Foods Gradually

In the first three months, the baby's body only adapts to new conditions, so adult food should be introduced carefully. Do not try two new products at the same time, take breaks of 3-5 days. After the first test, carefully monitor the reaction of the child. If there are no allergies and problems with the tummy, the product can be eaten further. If you feel worse, postpone the introduction for a month.

19. Follow a hypoallergenic diet for the first month

20. Nutrition for a nursing mother in the first month

  • green apples and bananas in heat treatment;
  • light soups and broths;
  • mashed cauliflower and broccoli, potatoes and zucchini;
  • buckwheat and rice porridge on the water;
  • fermented milk products, except for kefir;
  • low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese, hard cheeses;
  • stewed or boiled beef, rabbit meat or ground turkey.

21. Eat cooked food and watch what you eat.

Eat food stewed, boiled or baked. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be introduced into the diet in the second or third month of lactation. Avoid highly fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods. Do not use seasonings and spices, sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup. For dressing, take sour cream, vegetable oil and lemon juice. Eliminate semi-finished products and seafood, canned foods, and other chemicals from the diet.

22. Stay hydrated

Warm, plentiful drink favorably affects the health of the mother and supports lactation. The daily norm of liquid during breastfeeding is 2-3 liters, while half of the volume falls on ordinary drinking water. Also, a nursing mother can drink green and weak black tea, compotes and natural juices, sour-milk drinks. A nursing mother can drink coffee and cocoa after six months from the birth of the baby.

Drink cow's milk with caution, as it often causes allergies in babies. Many pediatricians do not recommend introducing this drink into the diet when breastfeeding before 4-6 months. And then it is advised to drink in a minimum amount.

23. Forget about alcohol

Alcoholic drinks poison the body of the baby and mother, inhibit the development of the baby and provoke diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and nerve cells. Some believe that a small portion of wine helps to fall asleep quickly. Indeed, the child will fall asleep quickly, but he will sleep restlessly and poorly, he will often wake up. Remember that even a small dose of alcohol can adversely affect the well-being of the baby.

Breast care during lactation

24. Be hygienic, but don't get carried away.

It is enough to wash the breast twice a day. Do not use natural soaps and towels, as they wash off the protective layer, irritate the skin and nipples. Neutral soap and soft cloths are suitable for washing. But hands should be washed with soap after each feeding.

25. Choose the right underwear

Choose a bra that allows you to easily open and close your cups with one hand. Take breathable material, based on cotton or microfiber. The first nursing bra should be free of wires and seams on the inside of the cup, as they can injure the nipples and skin. The cups are loose and do not constrict the chest.

26. Use breast pads

Special pads absorb excess milk, which ensures proper breast hygiene. They will help with cracked nipples and prevent skin irritation. In addition, pads will protect clothes from getting wet, and nipples from chafing underwear. How to choose and use breast pads, read. Don't forget to change your earbuds when they get wet!

27. Get a massage

Massage stimulates milk production and prevents lactostasis. However, it is important to apply the right movements. Before the procedure, rinse the chest and wash your hands thoroughly, which can be lubricated with olive or castor oil. Massage the chest with light circular movements in a clockwise direction for 2-4 minutes. Do not squeeze the mammary glands and do not press hard on the skin! This massage is especially effective during the shower.

28. Apply compresses

Apply warm compresses before feeding, cool compresses after. A warm compress stimulates the production of breast milk, while a cool compress restores the breast. Cabbage leaves are also used, which relieve pain, swelling and tension in the mammary glands, heal wounds on the nipples, and help with strong inflows of milk.

29. Express milk properly

You need to express at least 20 minutes to get a complete composition, which includes both hind and foremilk. Foremilk is less fat and often looks like water, but don't underestimate it! After all, it is the foremilk that quenches thirst and provides the necessary amount of fluid to the body of the baby.

30. How to express milk easily and painlessly with your hands

Manual pumping is carried out by alternating the mammary glands for five minutes. If milk began to be allocated drop by drop, do not stop the procedure. Wait a few minutes and it will start again. Do not squeeze or stretch the nipples, do not squeeze the skin when pumping!

Breast problems

31. How to recognize lactostasis

Lactostasis (milk stasis) is often found in mothers who breastfeed for a long time. With this disease, chest pain is felt, small bumps and redness form, there is a lack of milk during feeding. Also, a woman may have a slight fever, aches and weakness in the body, headaches. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, consult a doctor immediately!

32. How to drain stagnant milk

  • Feed your baby every hour;
  • Apply the child so that the seal is under the lower jaw;
  • Before feeding, massage with light clapping, and during the time lightly massage the chest with your knuckles;
  • Make special compresses. Apply cool cabbage leaves for 15-20 minutes after feeding. Before going to bed, make a warm compress with camphor oil.

33. How to recognize mastitis

If lactostasis is not noticed in time and treatment is not started, it develops into a more complex disease - mastitis. It is characterized by painful lumps in the chest, high fever and malaise. For the treatment of this disease, be sure to consult a doctor! With mastitis, you can not do warming and alcohol compresses, knead and massage sore spots!

34. Cracks and abrasions on the nipples

Cracks often occur due to too delicate and sensitive skin, flat or underdeveloped nipples, poor hygiene and improper attachment of the baby. As a rule, the pain disappears as soon as breastfeeding and the diet of the baby are established.

35. How to get rid of cracked nipples

With this problem, do not refuse breastfeeding and do not use antibiotic ointments. Also, you can not lubricate the nipples with iodine or brilliant green, alcohol solutions. For nursing mothers, ointments and oil solutions containing vitamin A are well suited. Retinol tightens wounds and restores the skin, eliminates peeling and dryness, and prevents the appearance of new cracks. In addition, ointments containing lanolin effectively help, which heals wounds and softens the skin.

36. Ointments for the treatment of cracked nipples

  • Purelan is a safe and hypoallergenic product that is 100% lanolin. Does not require rinsing before feeding and does not cause an allergic reaction!;
  • Bepanten - an antibacterial agent for the prevention and treatment of cracks, be sure to wash off before feeding! Bepanten is also used to eliminate diaper rash in infants;
  • Sanosan mom does not require rinsing and consists of natural lanolin without additives and impurities;
  • Avent is a moisturizing cream with lanonil and coconut oil with high efficiency in wound healing. Does not require rinsing;
  • Mom comfort is a wound healing cream with a natural composition that nourishes the skin, relieves irritation and flaking. Does not require rinsing;
  • Videstim is a hypoallergenic ointment with a high content of vitamin A, stimulates healing and restores the skin, relieves pain and does not require rinsing.

37. Folk remedies for cracked nipples

  • Compresses from the leaves of white cabbage;
  • Wipe the nipples with a decoction of chamomile or birch leaves. Two tablespoons of the collection are boiled in 0.5 liters of water until half of the water has evaporated;
  • Lubricate the nipples with sea buckthorn, vegetable and butter. Be sure to rinse before feeding!;
  • Compresses from grated beets are replaced after the slurry dries;
  • Lubricate your nipples lightly with breast milk.

38. Don't bandage your chest!

If you have a lot of milk, don't bandage your breasts! Also, do not use this method at the end of lactation. Pulling will worsen the condition of the mammary glands and the health of the woman. This method can lead to lactostasis and even mastitis.

39. Fungal infection

In the absence of care for the nipples and without treatment, cracks can cause a fungal infection (staphylococcus aureus in milk, thrush, etc.). With an infection, pain is felt deep inside the chest, after and during feeding. A rash and redness, itching and burning appear on the skin. Often the temperature rises and one feels malaise, loss of strength. Such infections are dangerous because they are transmitted to babies from mothers. It is important to consult a doctor in time and start treatment!

40. Mastopathy

This disease of the mammary glands implies the presence of neoplasms (benign) in the form of nodules and seals. In addition, with mastopathy, the volume of the breast increases greatly. If you notice nodules and lumps in the chest, bloody, white and colorless discharge from the nipples, consult a doctor immediately!

41. How to wean a child from biting his chest

When a baby bites or pinches her nipples, immediately take the breast and say that this is not allowed. Repeat this until the child stops. Sometimes the baby plays like this. An alternative will help - offer the child finger games or beads.

Often the baby bites the nipples during teething. When teething, give the baby special teethers or a rubber nipple. If the baby has bitten the breast, do not pull or pull on the nipple! Insert your little finger into the baby's mouth and carefully remove the nipple.

42. What to do with delayed lactation

Sometimes a woman is faced with such a problem when the arrival of milk after childbirth. This phenomenon is especially characteristic of primiparas. First of all, it is necessary to establish feeding and attachment to the breast, to teach the baby to properly grasp the nipple. With a delay in lactation, light massage, warm and cool compresses will help. In no case do not start feeding the baby with mixtures if breast milk has not yet come!

43. Is it necessary to increase the fat content of milk

Breast milk should not be too fatty, because it is 80-85% water! Believe me, breast milk fully satisfies the needs of the baby, because the composition changes over time, taking into account the needs of the baby, if the baby is cheerful and active, normally gains weight, there are no problems with the composition of milk! Please note that too fat milk causes severe colic and dysbacteriosis in infants.

44. How to check the fat content of milk

If you think that the milk is too thin and looks like water, you can check the fat content. Express milk 15-20 minutes after feeding into a sterile tube and leave at room temperature for 6 hours. The liquid will be divided into two parts, the upper of which shows the fat content. Measure the indicators with a ruler, where one millimeter corresponds to one percent. The normal fat content of milk is 3.5-5%. If the indicators are lower, the tips from the article “” will help to increase the fat content.

45. How to understand if the baby is getting enough milk

Pay attention to two indicators - weight and number of urination. The daily rate of urination in infants is more than eight times. In this case, urine should be pale, colorless or light yellow. In terms of weight, a healthy baby gains about 120 grams every week, and about 500 grams per month. By six months, the weight of the baby increases by about two times compared to body weight at birth.

46. ​​If there is not enough milk

Often, nursing mothers have a problem with a lack of breast milk. First of all, pay attention to the nutrition and attachment of the baby to the breast. Sometimes doctors recommend drinking special herbal teas and mixtures to maintain lactation. But you can take pills and various medicines only in extreme cases and only after consulting a specialist. Remember that drugs can harm the baby!

47. Basic methods of increasing lactation

  • Correctly apply the baby to the chest, use comfortable postures for feeding;
  • Attach your baby more often. Frequent sucking is great for stimulating milk production;
  • Use skin-to-skin contact and apply the baby only to the bare chest;
  • Do not supplement and do not supplement the baby, give a pacifier less often;
  • If supplementation is needed, use a spoon or syringe, not a bottle with a pacifier;
  • Every day do a light chest massage, take a shower and do compresses;
  • Watch your diet;
  • Drink more liquid. Drink water and juices, tea and compotes. Soups and broths must be included in the daily diet;
  • Get more rest and be outdoors;
  • Avoid stress and overwork. Nervous tension and frustration, severe fatigue and even bad mood negatively affect lactation.

48. Drugs to increase lactation

Tablets and herbal teas during breastfeeding can be taken only after the permission of the doctor. Remember that some compounds cause allergies in the baby. Below is a list of the most effective and popular means to increase lactation:

  • Laktogon - food supplement, which includes carrot juice and royal jelly, various herbs and ascorbic acid;
  • Apilak - tablets containing royal jelly and vitamins, sometimes disturbs sleep;
  • Mlekoin - granules based on plant substances;
  • Femilak - dry milk mixture containing cow's milk, whey and vegetable oils;
  • Milky Way - a dry mix containing soy protein and herbs, enriches the diet of a nursing mother;
  • Hipp - the most popular herbal tea for nursing with anise, cumin, fennel and nettle;
  • Grandmother's basket - lactogenic, tonic and strengthening tea for nursing.

Keep in mind that the human body is individual. The same remedy will improve lactation in one woman and not help the second at all. The same drug causes an allergy in one baby and does not bring problems at all for another.

49. If there is too much milk

Some breastfeeding mothers face another problem when too much milk is produced. This is hyperlactation, which causes serious problems, including involuntary leakage and regular stagnation of milk, heaviness in the chest and fatigue, sleep disturbance. If hyperlactating, drink less fluid and express foremilk before feeding.

50. When and how to end lactation

Whether a baby is ready for weaning can be determined by several factors. As a rule, this is the age of 1.5-2 years. At this time, most of the milk teeth are already formed, and they are ready to chew food, while breastfeeding occurs up to six times a day, the rest is complementary foods.

After weaning the baby, milk arrives from several weeks to several months. To reduce breast milk production, drink less fluids and exercise more. Infusions and compresses of sage or mint will also help to effectively complete lactation.

51. How to restore lactation

If breast milk is gone or is produced in insufficient quantities, it is necessary to stimulate sucking and apply the baby to the breast more often, gradually reduce supplementary feeding and use safe means to increase lactation (teas, massage, etc.). It is important to monitor nutrition and ensure regular bodily contact with the baby.

52. How to understand that the baby is sick:

  • Fever and fever;
  • A low temperature may occur as a reaction to an infection;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Frequent crying and anxiety, sleep disturbance;
  • Vomit;
  • The number of urination has decreased and is less than five times a day or not at all;
  • A sharp change in the color and consistency of feces, an increase in mucus, the appearance of blood or foam in the stool;
  • Too frequent stools or, conversely, no stools for more than two days.

53. What to do if the baby has a high fever

Undress the child and wipe with water at room temperature. Take the temperature again after 10-15 minutes. If the readings do not decrease, consult a doctor. IN emergency you can give the baby the age dose of the antipyretic, which is indicated in the instructions for the drug. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen is the safest remedy for babies.

54. When and why does the baby cry

Most often, crying indicates that the baby wants to eat. In addition, a child's restless behavior can indicate poor health, the onset of illness, anxiety, and other problems. Pay attention to other signs as well. This will help determine the cause.

55. Colic

This is normal for babies in the first weeks of life. The problem goes away 3-5 months. Therefore, there is no need to worry that something is wrong with the child, because the body of a newborn is only getting used to new conditions and food. With this ailment, the baby often cries and draws his legs towards him. In addition, there may be a violation of the chair.

56. What to do with colic

  • Spread the baby before feeding on the tummy on a hard surface and leave for 2-3 minutes;
  • After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position until he burps;
  • Make sure that the baby swallows as little air as possible when feeding;
  • Do a light massage of the tummy with circular movements in a clockwise direction;
  • Periodically bend and unbend the legs when the baby is lying on his back;
  • Apply a warm, but not hot, diaper to the tummy;
  • Take relaxing baths with chamomile;
  • Monitor the nutrition of a nursing mother;
  • If the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, the cause of colic is often an improperly selected milk formula.

57. Pharmacy remedies for colic

  • Dill water. In 250 ml of boiling water, dilute a teaspoon of dill or fennel seeds. The decoction is insisted for an hour and given to the newborn in a sip before feeding;
  • Warm infusions of lemon balm and chamomile, ginger and immortelle, carrot seeds. do not give your baby more than a quarter cup of decoction per day !;
  • From the first day of life, babies can be given Bifiform baby oil solution and Espumizan baby drops. They eliminate disturbances in the work of digestion and soothe, form the intestinal microflora and prevent dysbacteriosis;
  • From two weeks you can take Plantex powder, which includes fennel. The drug stimulates digestion, removes gases and reduces colic;
  • From one month they give a suspension of Sab Simplex and Bobotik drops, which reduce bloating, relieve pain and colic;
  • Also, the pediatrician can prescribe Linex, Baby Calm, Babinos and other effective drugs for colic to babies.

58. How to recognize an allergy in a baby

Another unpleasant disease that warns a newborn is an allergy. There are many varieties of this disease. It can be a reaction to food, wool and pollen, insect bites, and more. Allergies manifest themselves in three ways:

  • Reaction on the skin: rash and redness, peeling and itching, swelling;
  • Reaction in digestion: violation of the stool, vomiting and profuse regurgitation;
  • Reaction in the respiratory organs: cough and runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion, asthma.

59. How to cure allergies

To cure an allergy, you need to identify the cause and eliminate the irritant. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment! First of all, a nursing mother is advised to exclude allergenic foods from the diet and replace the milk formula if the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding.

60. How to distinguish prickly heat from allergies

Prickly heat, unlike allergies, is not a disease. This ailment can disturb the baby with severe overheating, and when he often sweats. A rash appears on the skin of the child in the form of bubbles. Unlike allergies, the affected areas do not itch or itch.

The rash with prickly heat goes away on its own. It is important to ensure a comfortable temperature in the room, which is 18-22 degrees above zero. Bathe regularly and keep your child hygienic. Powders from prickly heat, almond oil and special ointments are applied to the reddened areas.

Take good care of your baby's skin. If the liquid in the blisters begins to darken, consult a doctor immediately!

61. Regurgitation

This is a normal physiological process that is characteristic of every infant. Dumping of breast milk or formula begins spontaneously 15-30 minutes after feeding. For most babies, regurgitation goes away by 4-7 months.

Abundant regurgitation or regurgitation with a fountain already speaks of violations in the work of digestion. The causes of such an ailment can be overeating, poisoning, and common indigestion. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

62. How to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting

It is important to distinguish between regurgitation and vomiting. Regurgitation is a typical phenomenon for newborns, which goes away on its own. Vomiting, on the other hand, can indicate severe poisoning, serious disorders in the work of digestion, and even pathologies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract.

To distinguish between these processes, pay attention to the frequency and volume of regurgitation. Regurgitation occurs once after feeding in a volume of up to 5 ml at a time and more than five times per day. When regurgitation, the baby's well-being does not worsen, and the food comes out in its original form.

Vomiting occurs in unlimited volume and at any time, not only after feedings. It can be repeated repeatedly, while the child refuses food, sleeps poorly and is naughty. When vomiting, the food is already partially digested and may look like curdled milk and have a sour smell. Remember that only vomiting is a fountain!

63. How to recognize dysbacteriosis in infants

This is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which is observed in 90-95% of babies. It is accompanied by severe and frequent colic, bloating, sleep disturbance and brings severe discomfort to the child. In addition, with dysbacteriosis, nausea and vomiting, stool disturbance, decreased or lack of appetite, dry skin and allergic dermatitis are often observed. Treatment of dysbacteriosis can only be carried out by a doctor!

Baby's stool while breastfeeding

64. What should be the chair of the baby

Proper nutrition during breastfeeding is the key to successful lactation, quick recovery of a woman after childbirth, normal development and growth of a newborn. This does not mean that mom should go on a strict diet.

It is only necessary to adhere to a strict regimen for the first three to four weeks after the birth of the baby. Then, new products are gradually introduced into the diet of a nursing mother, but at the same time, one should carefully monitor the well-being and reaction of the baby, follow the recommendations.

Every mother knows that the food she eats passes into breast milk. And then the components of the food, along with milk, enter the body of the baby. In the first months, the baby's digestion is only getting used to and getting used to new conditions. Often, new food leads to severe colic, flatulence, allergies and other troubles.

Proper nutrition of a nursing mother will help to avoid the problem. Keep in mind that diet also affects the production of breast milk. So, some foods and drinks increase lactation. And others, on the contrary, reduce the amount of milk. You can find a list of products to improve lactation at the link /.

Principles of nutrition during breastfeeding

  • The diet of a nursing mother should contain a full range of vitamins and useful elements. Be sure to eat fish and meat, dairy and sour-milk products, fruits and vegetables. You can not sit on a rigid diet for weight loss! Such a diet will lead to problems in the health of the woman and the newborn;
  • The frequency of meals is five times a day. The menu for a nursing mother includes three main meals and two snacks. It is important not to overeat or undereat;
  • Do not abuse! This principle is partly related to the previous one. Overeating causes bloating and severe colic in the baby, indigestion in the mother, and disturbs the stool. Even a safe product in excess leads to a negative reaction. A reasonable approach is the fundamental rule that shapes the nutrition of a woman when breastfeeding;
  • When cooking, give preference to stewing, baking or steaming. Fresh fruits can be eaten with caution even after two to three months after the birth of a child. Heat treatment promotes easy digestion of food, while it preserves beneficial features;
  • In the first month, follow a strict diet, exclude foods containing an allergen and foods that can cause digestive disorders in a newborn from the menu of a nursing mother;
  • From the second month, new foods are introduced into the diet of a nursing mother. For the first time, try a small piece of food and monitor the child's well-being for two days. If there are no negative consequences, food can be eaten without fear. If the baby has an allergy or digestion is disturbed, reduce the dose of use or postpone the introduction for a month;
  • Do not try several new products at the same time! It is important to know what kind of food a newborn has a reaction to;
  • Limit the consumption of fried, too salty, spicy and fatty foods, starchy foods and sweets. Choose sour-milk and dairy products without additives and with low fat content;
  • The menu for a nursing mother should not include semi-finished products, preservatives and other chemicals! Such food will lead to digestive disorders and intoxication;
  • When breastfeeding, forget about alcohol. Alcoholic drinks poison the body of the baby and mother, inhibit the development of the baby and provoke diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nerve cells;
  • With a lack of vitamins, take special complexes for nursing mothers that are compatible with lactation and safe for babies. What vitamin complexes are suitable for breastfeeding mothers, read;
  • Drink more. Warm plentiful drink cleanses the body, helps with viruses and enhances lactation. The minimum daily volume of liquid is two liters, taking into account that half of the volume is drinking water. The diet of a nursing mother should include soups and broths, natural juices and compotes.

Food table for a nursing mother

Can It is forbidden
Apples, bananas and pears; with caution - persimmon, pomegranate Citrus and exotic fruits (except bananas)
Zucchini and pumpkin, potatoes and carrots, cauliflower and broccoli; with caution - tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, beets White cabbage and radish, radish and horseradish, bell pepper, onion and garlic (for 4-6 months)
Porridges on water, after 4-5 months - on milk, semolina and multi-cereal porridges - after 6 months Mushrooms and sauerkraut, pickles and marinades
Sour-milk and dairy products without additives and low fat, cow's milk can only be drunk for 4-5 months Yoghurts with additives, fermented milk products with a high fat content
Fish and lean meats Salo, smoked, fatty and salted fish, meat
Pasta without egg additives Ham, sausages, smoked sausage
Chicken eggs - two pieces a week, quail - no more than eight Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces
Unrefined vegetable and butter Semi-finished products and canned food, fast food
Bitter chocolate, marshmallows and marshmallows, homemade cakes with a minimum amount of sugar, biscuit and oatmeal cookies Flour products with chemical additives and dyes, milk and aerated chocolate
Greenery Hot herbs and spices
Weak green and black tea, herbal tea and decoctions, chicory Coffee and strong tea (possible after six months)
Compotes and fruit drinks, natural juices diluted with water Carbonated drinks and alcohol

Food and drinks

The table presents a short list of products for a nursing mother. Pediatricians and nutritionists give detailed explanations of what, when and how much to use while breastfeeding. Let's take a closer look at what Can to eat for a nursing mother:

  • Lean meat (chicken and turkey, beef and rabbit) boiled or stewed;
  • Low-fat fish (perch, pollock and cod, hake and flounder) boiled or stewed;
  • Dairy and sour-milk products with a low fat content (sour cream and cottage cheese, yogurt without additives, fermented baked milk and yogurt). But whole cow's milk when breastfeeding, use with caution;
  • Cheeses of brine, soft and hard varieties, which did not undergo a long maturation process. Cheese is best consumed in a salad, casserole or sandwich, and not as an independent dish;
  • Stewed vegetables or steamed, less often raw. The safest and healthiest are zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli. Also in the menu of a nursing mother, you can include potatoes, carrots and pumpkin. With caution, you can eat cucumbers, eggplants, beets and tomatoes. By the way, it is better to eat yellow tomatoes;
  • Eat fruits peeled without peel. A nursing mother's diet may include green apples, bananas, and pears. By the way, apples are the safest fruit that you can eat already in the first weeks after childbirth. Use persimmons and pomegranates with caution. Fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. The optimal time for taking is two hours after the main meal;
  • At first, porridge should be eaten on the water. Nutrition during breastfeeding is buckwheat and oatmeal, corn and rice porridge. Semolina and multi-cereal porridge can be included in the diet for 5-6 months. Then start cooking milk porridge;

  • Pasta can be consumed without egg additives in small quantities and only in boiled form;
  • Eggs during breastfeeding sometimes cause allergies in infants. Therefore, follow the norm - eat no more than two eggs a week. In this case, eggs are introduced into the nutrition of a nursing mother from the yolk. If the child has an allergy, replace chicken eggs with quail eggs;
  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, sesame, etc.) are good for mom and baby. In oil, you can cook or add to a ready-made dish. But remember that you can not abuse it!;
  • Sweets and flour. Not every woman can go without sweets for a long time. If the baby does not have allergies, a nursing mother can sometimes eat a small amount of dark chocolate or cookies. From the types of cookies, choose biscuit and oatmeal. In addition, you can eat homemade cakes without additives and a lot of sugar. Apple pie, white marshmallows and meringues, marshmallows will be a suitable delicacy. What else can you sweets when breastfeeding, read the link;
  • Dried fruits are a great substitute for sweets. They are easier to digest and do not harm digestion, do not cause allergies and retain the beneficial properties of fresh fruits. At the same time, they have a sweet taste;
  • Greens are a great addition to dishes on the menu for a nursing mother. Use dill and parsley. These plants will not only add flavor and decorate the dish, but will increase lactation!

As for bread, when breastfeeding, it is not recommended to eat white and black bread. You can eat unleavened pita bread, bread and flour products with bran. Now let's look at the products that can't be consumed when breastfeeding:

  • Mushrooms are food that is difficult to digest, which impairs digestion, disrupts stool and provokes poisoning;
  • Marinades, sauerkraut and pickles, due to the content of vinegar and excess salt, cause intoxication in the baby;
  • White cabbage is also hard to digest by the body and causes bloating in babies and mothers;
  • Radish, radish, horseradish - “aggressive” food that negatively affects the digestion of an infant;
  • Semi-finished products, products with artificial preservatives and dyes;
  • Fatty and smoked meat, lard, eat pork with caution;
  • Fatty varieties of fish;

  • Hot spices. Onions and garlic can be eaten while breastfeeding, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to introduce these vegetables into the diet of a nursing mother no earlier than 4-5 months. The norm during lactation is one clove of garlic twice a week. By the way, contrary to the opinion of many mothers, garlic, when consumed in small quantities, does not change the taste of breast milk. A bad smell parsley will help to kill.
  • Sausages and ham, smoked sausage;
  • Exotic fruits, except for bananas. They often cause allergies in babies. In addition, chemicals are often added to imported products;
  • Sweet chocolate, cakes and sweets with dyes, creams and chemical additives;
  • Sauces and mayonnaise, fast food and other junk food.

We have already said how important it is to drink plenty of fluids while breastfeeding. Let's consider what you can drink nursing mother:

  • Natural juices from apples, pears, carrots. At first, dilute the juice with water 1 to 1. Then gradually reduce the portion of water;
  • Compotes of fresh and dried fruits, from berries. For a nursing mother, apples and pears, prunes and dried apricots, plums and cherries are suitable. This drink stimulates the intestines and strengthens the immune system. How to cook compote, read;
  • Weak black and green tea. Chamomile tea also has a positive effect on the body;
  • Weak coffee is introduced into the diet of a nursing mother after 5-6 months. This is a strong pathogen and allergen that negatively affects the nerve cells and digestion of the newborn. In the first six months of lactation, coffee is replaced with chicory that is safe for babies;
  • Decoctions of fennel, cumin and anise quench thirst and stimulate the production of breast milk. In addition, you can buy a special herbal tea for nursing. How to choose tea for lactation, read.

Carbonated and alcoholic drinks should not be included in the diet of a nursing mother! They cause severe intoxication of the body of the newborn and harm the woman.

Pediatricians make menus for months and even weeks for nursing mothers. Knowing the list of allowed products, you can independently choose the diet that suits you best. Here is a sample menu by month, which can be adjusted.

The first week you need to limit the diet as much as possible and consume only vegetable broth and mashed apples or zucchini. On the tenth day, you can add to the nutrition of a nursing mother:

  • Biscuits (“Anniversary” and “Maria”);
  • Dried fruits;
  • Stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, carrots);
  • Pasta;
  • Dairy products: hard cheeses, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and kefir;
  • boiled fish;
  • Bread with bran.

Thus, for the first month, a nursing mother should eat as follows:

  1. Diet boiled poultry, turkey, rabbit or beef;
  2. Vegetarian soup;
  3. A small amount of creamy meat;
  4. Applesauce or baked apples and bananas;
  5. Olive and sunflower oil;
  6. Kashi on the water (except for semolina);
  7. Non-carbonated drinking water, compote, decoctions and green tea.

The second or third month, in addition to the usual diet, includes raw fruits and vegetables, low-fat borscht. After the third month, gradually introduce potatoes, meat broths, eggs and other permitted foods. After six months, you can diversify your diet as much as possible and start using semolina, soups, coffee and strong tea.

You can return to the usual menu 1-1.5 years after the birth of the baby. However, remember that proper nutrition is necessary not only for the full development and growth of the child, but also for you. This is the key to a beautiful and slender figure, well-being and health.

When and why you need a hypoallergenic diet

A hypoallergenic diet includes foods that do not contain an allergen and do not cause a negative reaction in infants. Such a diet is suitable for the first month after childbirth, when the body of the newborn is still weak and does not always accept new food.

In addition, such a diet is necessary for intestinal diseases in a newborn child, including a pathology of digestion or absorption, an anomaly of development. The baby may be identified individual intolerance to certain components of food.

It is also necessary to follow a diet with hereditary allergies, when repeated facts of food allergies, allergies to wool, insect bites and other types are recorded in the family. Such a diet will reduce the possible risks of an allergic reaction in the baby.

Recipes for nursing mothers

The menu of a nursing mother can include not only cereals and mashed potatoes, but also a delicious variety of nutritious dishes. Here are some healthy and easy recipes to complement your breastfeeding diet.


Borscht during lactation should be mild and without frying. For cooking, steam vegetables or add them fresh. For the broth, take veal or beef without veins.

Do not use tomato paste or tomato juice for cooking. Use fresh peeled tomatoes. But adding zucchini to the soup will soften the effect of “heavy” beets. And instead of white cabbage, take cauliflower. If you are using a traditional type of cabbage, steam the product.

Before cooking, hold the piece of meat in cold water for two hours. This will eliminate harmful substances. And then boil in fresh water for 1.5-2 hours. For cooking, beets and cabbage, potatoes and carrots are taken from vegetables. You can also take zucchini, as mentioned earlier.

Cut the beets into strips, potatoes and zucchini into cubes. Shred the cabbage, and grate the carrots. When the meat is cooked, add vegetables and cook the soup over low heat. Five minutes before readiness, we fall asleep salt. You can add greens and sour cream to the finished dish.

Cottage cheese casserole

A healthy and simple dish that is included in the diet of every nursing mother. Apples, raisins or dried apricots will help diversify the casserole. To prepare, take:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Flour or semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

The casserole is cooked in the oven, microwave or slow cooker, depending on the possibilities and preferences. Consider classic recipe cottage cheese casserole in the oven. Move semolina or flour with cottage cheese, and beat the egg with sugar. Pour the egg with sugar into a plate with cottage cheese and flour. Move the mixture until smooth. You can add fruits, dried fruits or berries.

Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the mixture and soak with sour cream. Cook the casserole for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. By the way, cottage cheese can also be cooked at home! This will not take much time and effort, but you will be confident in the composition and shelf life of the product. How to cook cottage cheese at home, read.

Rice casserole

Rice is used to prepare a lot of dishes. These are salads and cereals, pilaf and risotto, soups and casseroles. To prepare rice casserole, take:

  • Rice - 350 grams;
  • Chicken fillet - 400 grams;
  • Grated cheese - 150 grams;
  • Sour cream - 150 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt and herbs to taste.

Rinse the rice thoroughly, cut the fillet into pieces. Salt and mix the ingredients, pour a glass of water and simmer under a closed lid until the rice is ready. When the rice has cooled, add sour cream and beaten eggs. Stir the mixture, add peeled and chopped tomatoes. Top with grated cheese and herbs. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Baked apples

An optimal and safe dish during lactation. To prepare, take two or three green apples, peel, remove the top and core with seeds. Thus, you will get an apple "cup". Pour one teaspoon of sugar into this “cup” and cover with the top. Apples are cooked in the microwave for five to six minutes.

You will find even more ways to cook soups, main courses, desserts and pastries in the article “”.

Motherhood is the highest level of happiness. After women become mothers, the period of breastfeeding begins. The feeding period for each mom is different, someone has six months, and someone pampers their treasure up to 2 years. When breastfeeding a baby, what can a mother eat?

What foods are allowed and in what quantities

The female diet during lactation should be balanced and nutritious. It is necessary to eat often (up to 6 times, calorie content - 2650-3200 kcal). Meals consist of mild meat dishes, boiled meat, fish, dairy products, vegetable fats. Time to eat - 30 minutes before feeding the baby, with this schedule, lactation improves.

In the menu of a nursing woman in the first month after childbirth, there should be at least 3000 ml of liquid daily, of which 0.5 liters is milk or another fermented milk product. The diet should consist of:

  • milk, kefir, cheese (30 g), butter (5 g);
  • meat (140 g), fish (40 g);
  • mashed potatoes (300 g), bread (220 g);
  • vegetable fruits (230 g);
  • fruit fruits (230 g);
  • vegetable fat (olive oil, sunflower oil), butter (butter).

After the first month of feeding, other healthy foods can be carefully added to the female diet in small quantities.

You can allow yourself to eat green foods without restrictions. The useful components contained in them are useful for both mothers and babies.

  1. For visual acuity, you should eat parsley, dill.
  2. Strengthen the immune system leaf lettuce, agrus, currant (black).
  3. The rapid development and growth of the baby is facilitated by the use of pumpkin, zucchini, perch, cod.
  4. The use of natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, helps to strengthen bone tissue and teeth. Any dairy product is suitable.
  5. Ryazhenka, kefirs, ayran, oatmeal, broccoli improve digestion.

From fruits it is better to give preference to apples, apricots (you can dried apricots), cherries, bananas. From 3 months of lactation, you can eat persimmon, pomegranate, kiwi. Vegetables can be eaten white or green, for example, cabbage, potatoes. Of the sweets, one wafer is allowed for tea or compote, a bagel, oatmeal cookies, halva or a cracker, a bun with poppy seeds. Candies can only be caramel, without dyes.

Allows you to eat sesame seeds, walnuts (do not get carried away), dates. From the third month of lactation, women are allowed to enter an omelette with milk, ice cream or ice cream, tea with lemon, exotic fruits in small portions, melons, watermelons, grapes.

While feeding a child, meat dishes are steamed or boiled. Meat should be chosen from low-fat varieties (chicken breast, turkey).

Prohibited products for nursing mothers

The list of forbidden foods during lactation includes spicy, spicy foods (any spice, canned food, products with concentrates). What not to do while breastfeeding? You can not use:

  • garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sauce;
  • wild garlic;
  • hot peppers and peppered, pickled foods (shish kebab, pasties, herring);
  • mustard;
  • (strong), it is better to drink a chicory substitute;
  • caviar (allergenic product);
  • marine products;
  • guarana.

From these products, breast milk has a spicy or salty taste, the baby may refuse to breastfeed. In addition, these products can cause problems with the baby's digestive tract.

Common Allergen-Containing Products

Highly allergenic foods include:

  • mushrooms;
  • honey products;
  • egg;
  • nuts (only walnuts can be eaten);
  • chocolate;
  • fruit vegetable fruits and berries of red, orange flowers;
  • smoked products (ham, sausages);
  • soda and kvass;
  • alcohol (even weak wine, beer);

From the third month of lactation, mothers can dilute the diet with new products. This should be done carefully, introducing one product at a time, in a small portion, if the baby does not have a negative reaction, the amount consumed can be increased.

Medium allergenic foods:

  • cream;
  • chicken and beef meat;
  • legumes, rice, soy;
  • prunes;
  • fatty, even thin slice of fat;
  • turnip and (it is better to use boiled, in borscht);
  • apples and apple juice (can be diluted).

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat, jellied meat? Doctors do not forbid mothers to use these products during lactation, the main thing is that they are environmentally friendly and do not harm the health of the child. Aspic or jelly for nursing women is cooked without spices (only broth and meat). Sushi and rolls are best prepared from high quality products. Pork or chicken ham dishes should be cooked by boiling or steaming (it is better to refuse fried and smoked dishes).

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat fruits, vegetables, berries?

Normally, if mothers consume 180 g of fruit daily after childbirth, gradually increasing the rate to 370 g per day. For the first two weeks, apples are allowed (baked, in compotes), fresh fruits are not recommended to be consumed for 2.5-3 months.

Pears strengthen the circulatory system, the heart. Peaches help boost immunity, normalize stools, and relieve puffiness. Plums treat constipation, normalize circulation in the bloodstream, and prevent the development of osteoporosis. Bananas are considered a dietary product, recommended for problematic digestion, insomnia, increase hemoglobin.

The choice of fruits for the diet of a nursing mother is based on observations of the baby. The same product is perceived differently by infants.

What vegetables can be included in the diet while breastfeeding

Of the permitted vegetables, you can eat fruits that are consumed in the daily diet during pregnancy. These vegetables include: potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, blue ones.

What can you eat to improve lactation in a nursing mother?

Lactation is stimulated by frequent attachment of the newborn to the breast. Night feedings contribute to the production of prolactin (a hormone that stimulates the amount of milk retained). Normal lactation is achieved by using:

  • protein dishes (non-fatty meats (220 g);
  • cheese (hard - 35 g);
  • cottage cheese (170 g);
  • fermented milk products (180 ml);
  • fruit and vegetable fruits.

Food and drinks

Lactation is increased by broths and soups, cereals, herbal teas, sour-milk drinks. Soup or broth is cooked from non-fatty meat. From cereals, oatmeal or buckwheat is preferable. If the child is constipated, it is better to refuse rice. From meat, rabbit meat, chicken breast, young veal are suitable.

Drinks while breastfeeding

Lactation is best stimulated by tea with milk. You should drink 1000 ml of this drink per day. Pediatricians recommend that mothers drink dried fruit uzvars (they fortify breast milk), fresh berry juices diluted with water, herbal teas from hawthorn, nettle, lemon balm, anise, sea buckthorn, oregano.

Can dairy products be allowed?

Dairy products are necessary for women during lactation - this is a storehouse of proteins, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus.

Can I have seeds and nuts?

Seeds and allowed to eat with breastfeeding. The sunflower product is considered especially useful. It contains more than 28 vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids. Walnuts help babies gain weight and get rid of loose stools.

Recipes for nursing mothers

Boiled fish goulash

The fish fillet is cut into pieces, placed in a saucepan, filled with water up to half. After boiling, onions, parsley, salt, sour cream (diluted with boiled water) are added. The dish is languishing on a small fire for a quarter of an hour, it will be eaten at the table with mashed potatoes or cereal porridge.

Braised fish with apples

Apples are peeled, cut into pieces, put in a bowl with onions and butter, simmer for 4 minutes. Fish fillet is processed in pieces, added to apples and onions, salted. Products are stewed with a closed lid for a quarter of an hour.

Turkey meat in oatmeal breading

The turkey fillet is washed, cut into strips, beaten off, poured with kefir, salted, and placed in a refrigerator. When the meat becomes soft and tender, it is in the oven, after dipping the pieces in a breading made from oatmeal. Breading is prepared from hercules, crushed with a blender. The fillet is baked in the oven at 220 degrees for 25 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with apples and cinnamon

Apples are peeled from the core, but the caps are left. Sweetened cottage cheese is laid inside the fruit, covered with an apple cap on top. The fruits are laid out on a baking sheet, baked for a quarter of an hour in the oven at 160 degrees, after readiness, cinnamon is sprinkled under the fruit's hat.

From healthy products for moms, you can cook delicious and healthy dishes that will positively affect the composition of breast milk.


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