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(LIAZ) for many years has been a leader in the production of buses of an especially large and large class. The line of the enterprise includes more than a dozen models public transport, including trolleybuses. In 2005, the organization became part of the GAZ Group of Companies, which made it possible to re-equip production base and set up the assembly of world-class equipment.

Experienced Wood Chemical

The beginning of the 30s for Soviet Union became a very stressful time. Having recovered from the consequences of the civil war, the USSR with all its might rushed to catch up with the Western countries. The primary tasks were the building up of industrial potential, the development and implementation of advanced technologies.

In 1933, near Moscow (in the village of Likino-Dulyovo), on the site of the future LIAZ plant, it was decided to create an experimental enterprise - the Wood Chemical Plant. At its site, it was planned to develop new technologies for the USSR for the processing and use of wood: fiberboard, chipboard, lignoston bars, insulation boards, etc. However, the construction was delayed. Only by the fall of 1937 were the main buildings built and equipment installed. The first products were wooden rail pads for the Moscow Metro.


Before the plant had time to gain momentum, the Great Patriotic War began. Within a few months, the fascist troops reached Moscow. The question arose about the evacuation of the enterprise. The equipment was dismantled and redeployed to the Chelyabinsk region under the bombing. However, soon the enemy was driven back from the capital, and the trains returned home.

Through heroic efforts, mainly women and adolescents (most of the men fought), the work of the plant was restored. Already in February 1942, the production of wooden products for aircraft, balls for obtaining gunpowder and other products began. For their selfless work, the employees of the team were repeatedly awarded medals, orders and commemorative signs.

From wood to machinery

When most of the USSR was liberated, the government faced no less serious task than the defeat of the enemy - the restoration of the country from the ruins. The first step was to significantly increase the production of building materials, the most accessible of which was wood. And to increase the rate of harvesting, mechanisms and equipment were needed.

In 1944, the Timber Chemical Experimental Plant, taking into account its profile and experience of employees, was reconstructed into the Likinsky Machine-Building Plant (LIMZ). His specialization was the production of machines and units for the logging and woodworking industries: sleeper cutters, mobile power plants, skid winches, motor vehicles, electric saws, spare parts for KT-12 tractors and ZIS vehicles. Also, the enterprise organized the repair of complex diesel engines.

Buses to be

The 50s were marked by the rapid growth of the automotive industry. As cities expanded, the lack of public transport became more acute. This problem was especially urgent for the largest metropolitan area in the country - Moscow. In the late 50s, a decision was made to create a LIAZ bus plant on the basis of LIMZ. The enterprise was located near the capital, and the qualifications of the workers made it possible to organize the production of complex equipment.

In 1958, the reconstruction of the plant for the production of urban passenger buses ZIL-158. The Firstborn rolled off the assembly line on January 10, 1959. This model was produced until 1970 inclusive. For 11 years, 62,290 machines have been manufactured at LIAZ.

From copying to own development

LIAZ developed rapidly. If in 1959 the plant workers produced 213 units of vehicles, then in 1963 5419 buses were assembled. By the end of the 60s, the production capacity was over 7000 vehicles.

However, the team aimed at more - to create their own model, superior in characteristics to the reliable, but outdated ZIL. Having gained some experience, engineers and designers have developed an improved version of the large roomy city bus LIAZ-677. The prototype was released in 1962, and after a series of tests and modifications, the first batch was released in 1967.

The model turned out to be extremely successful. In 1972, at the autumn Leipzig Fair, she was awarded the Gold Medal, becoming an example for other enterprises of the socialist bloc. It was produced in various versions and modifications until the mid-90s: excursion, city, suburban, northern version, with gas equipment, special version (mobile television station). By the end of 1994, 194,356 units had been manufactured.

Thus, LIAZ-677 became one of the most massive models in the country and was widely used both on the territory of the USSR and abroad. For labor achievements, the collective in 1976 received a well-deserved award - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.


Having released an excellent product, the plant workers were not going to rest on their laurels. In the early 80s, it was developed new model- LIAZ-5256. However, for its production it was necessary to carry out technical re-equipment of the LIAZ plant. Reconstruction began in 1985 and lasted until 1991.

Initially, the 5256th model was assembled in an experimental workshop in small batches. In 1985, 14 machines were manufactured. During this time, the main shortcomings were identified and eliminated before the model went into large-scale production. In March 1991, LIAZ-5256 entered the updated main conveyor, becoming the main model of the enterprise.

Hard times

It is surprising that even during the dramatic years of the Second World War, the enterprise suspended its work for only a few months. But at the end of the 20th century, in an era of technological progress and incredible opportunities, the LIAZ plant found itself on the verge of an abyss. After the collapse of the USSR, relations with suppliers of components and customers of finished products, represented by municipalities, were broken. The new government had no time for buses. The situation was aggravated by a fire at the site for the production of KAMAZ engines, and power units were no longer supplied to Likino. In 1997, LIAZ was declared bankrupt, and external management was introduced.

Fortunately, in 2000 the Ruspromavto auto holding took over the production patronage, and five years later the enterprise became a part of the GAZ group of companies. This made it possible to restore and modernize technological equipment. And at the same time, to start producing modern economical and eco-friendly buses new generation.


Today LiAZ produces 20 leading models and about 60 modifications. In 2012, the first electric bus LIAZ-6274 was produced as an alternative to large-class buses with gasoline, diesel and gas engines. The machine is developed on the basis of the LIAZ-5292 low-floor bus, operates on lithium-ion batteries and is intended for urban transportation. For several years, trolleybuses were produced on the basis of LIAZ. Today the company is ready to manufacture them to order.

2013 was the year of new products:

  • Together with partners, a low-floor bus of the European level LIAZ-529230 was manufactured. By the way, 30 vehicles of this series were used to service the Sochi Olympic Games in 2014.
  • The first suburban low-floor vehicle with a MAN engine is created.
  • For the first time on a low-floor bus LIAZ-529260 installed Russian engine YaMZ.
  • The new design and interior of the bus of the future has been developed. Among the improvements are new front and rear masks, panoramic glazing, LED headlights, aerodynamic mirrors, curved, ergonomic handrails, for the first time in Russia, self-leveling floor technology was applied.

In 2014, a new modification of the large-class bus LIAZ-529260 with a length of 10.5 m was created. A year later, a promising 9.5-meter model of the middle class saw the light of day. The factory workers were proud of the comfortable ultra-modern tourist and intercity buses of the Cruise and Voyage series. According to the corporate policy of the company, in the future new models will be produced under a single GAZ brand, regardless of the place of production, be it in Likino, Pavlov, or Kurgan.

LIAZ plant: reviews

In terms of employee feedback, the company is a desirable place to work. After joining the GAZ Group of Companies and the subsequent modernization, the conditions for employment have improved markedly. Salaries have increased, all employees are provided with a significant social package.

The partners are also satisfied with the activities of the plant: whether they are suppliers of components or customers. LIAZ pays for contracts on time, avoiding debts. And its products meet the highest standards of quality, convenience and economy. By the way, all currently produced buses are equipped with motors of ecological classes Euro-4, Euro-5, and some modifications - the promising Euro-6 standard.

Where is the LIAZ plant located?

The production facilities of the enterprise are located in a large one in the east of the Moscow region. Administratively it belongs to the Orekhovo-Zuevsky municipal district. The plant is a city-forming plant.

The address of the LIAZ plant: 142600, Russian Federation, the city of Likino-Dulyovo, Kalinina street, 1.

Likinsky Bus Plant is a leading manufacturer of passenger buses on the domestic market. The plant is located in the town of Likino-Dulyovo Orekhovo - Zuevsky district of the Moscow region on an area of ​​630,000 square meters, 172,000 of which is production. Currently, the enterprise is a high-tech complex based on advanced technologies and automation systems. The plant uses both domestic and imported equipment. An example is such companies as the Italian "Jako", the Japanese "Nakata", the Austrian "Kaltenbach", the German "Halbron", "Trumabent", "Trumatik", etc. The products manufactured at the enterprise meet all the requirements of European standards.

The plant originates from the distant 30s of the twentieth century. So in 1933 the construction of an experimental wood-chemical plant for the improvement of wood, abbreviated as "LOZOD", was started. Its main product range is the production of pressed wood, products based on it, lignoston, insulation boards. By 1945, from the Timber Chemical Plant, it was redesigned into a machine-building plant, and received the name Likinsky Machine-Building Plant under the abbreviation "LiMZ". At that distant time, the main products were: motor vehicles, electric saws, winches, sleepers, mobile power plants. In 1959, on the basis of the plant, the assembly of passenger buses of the ZIL 158 type began, and the name was also changed to the now known LiAZ. The initial annual production was only 213 buses, but by 1969 it had increased to 7045 units. Great attention was paid to new developments and tests, which led to the creation in 1967 of a new model of the city-type bus LiAZ - 677. For more than 25 years, the production of this model and its modifications continued (urban, suburban, northern, sightseeing, mobile television station and gas cylinder) , and over 200,000 units were produced. Due to its characteristics at the international fair in Leipzig, the bus model LiAZ - 677 was awarded the First Degree Diploma and the Gold Medal. The plant was awarded such an award as the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. At the end of the 80s, a new-generation bus model called LiAZ-5256 was created. But the difficult economic situation of the 90s did not pass by this advanced enterprise. Production decline from 1991 to 1996 led to a halt in production, delayed wages to workers and bankruptcy of the enterprise. But already in 1997, management and leadership changed, N.P. came to the position of manager. Adamov. And thanks to the preserved territory and property of the plant, as well as the support of regional authorities, the management managed to restore production.

At present, the main direction of the company's policy is the automation of production and the renewal of the equipment fleet. In the opinion of the management, this should bear fruit. So, for example, the use of modern automated production systems should interest young promising personnel, as well as automate the design process and technological preparation in production. Updating and adjusting the network infrastructure, telephony and development of the company's personal website will help change the marketing structure. According to the management, the restoration of the plant should take place in three stages - the launch of production, the achievement of the level of profitability and "promotion". The first two stages have already been passed. And for the third, there is fertile ground. These are also more attractive prices compared to imported counterparts. A bus made from domestic components, which is suitable for many cities, can be purchased for only 1 million rubles. And excellent quality and service life. And the need to update the bus fleet in the regions, which is about 40,000 buses, indicates the presence of demand for these products.

In 2000, the plant began developing new models of city buses. These are the articulated LiAZ 6212 and the suburban LiAZ - 5256 R. The full range of manufactured models is presented below.

Buses for intercity and suburban routes:

  • GolAZ-LiAZ-5256. Designed for intercity transportation. The bus has soft seats adjustable in different directions and luggage compartments with a volume of 4.5 cubic meters. The total number of seats is 66. Maximum speed 90km / h
  • LiAZ-5256-01. Suburban bus. Has 88 seats, 44 of them are landing. The maximum speed is 75 - 80 km / h.

For urban transport, models are produced:

  • LiAZ-5256. This is a bus for urban transport. It has 110 seats, 23 of which are landing, and an affordable price.
  • LiAZ-5292. The model is equipped with special fasteners for wheelchairs and has an exit / entry ramp.
  • LiAZ-5293. The model has 100 seats, 25 of them are landing.
  • LiAZ-6212. The number of seats on this bus is 178, incl. sedentary 33.
  • LiAZ-6213. The model is indispensable on routes with increased passenger traffic, the number of seats is 153, of which 33 are seated.

Alternative fuel bus models:

  • LiAZ-5256.7. It is the bestseller in its class. Designed for suburban and urban routes. Powered by gas fuel. The main advantage of this model is the ability to embark / disembark passengers of any category.
  • LiAZ-5292.7 - for urban transportation, has a gas engine.
  • LiAZ-5292. The city bus, which is a hybrid model line, runs on alternative fuels (diesel-gas-electricity).
  • LiAZ-6212.7. This model has a gas engine and is intended for urban transport, the number of seats is 178, of which there are 33 seats.

Separately, it should be said about a special modification for school institutions: LiAZ-525626-20 is equipped with 42 seats for children and a special step for the smallest passengers.

The enterprise also produces trolleybuses: models LiAZ-52802, LiAZ-5280, LiAZ-52803. The capacity of such trolleybuses is about 100 passengers.

Currently, Likinsky Bus Plant is a modern enterprise specializing in the production of large buses urban type. The use of advanced technologies ensures the production of equipment that meets European standards. To equip the enterprise is used modern equipment famous companies: "Nakata" (Japan), "Jeico" (Italy), "Halbron", "Trumbent" and "Trumatic" (Germany), as well as Swiss, Austrian equipment.

Preparations are underway to launch production of low-floor city buses.

Likinsky bus plant

When in 1933, in the village of Likino-Dulyovo near Moscow, the Timber Chemical Experimental Plant for the Improvement of Timber (LOZOD) was built, few people could have guessed that the foundation of one of the flagships of the future Russian automotive industry was being laid here. However, initially producing insulation boards and pressed wood, the plant began manufacturing electric saws, sleeper cutters and mobile power plants in 1945. The transition to "machine-building rails" finally took shape in 1958, when the first bus, the ZIL-158, was produced at the plant, then called LiMZ (Likinsky machine-building). The following year, the plant was renamed and received the well-known name LiAZ.

In the nineties LiAZ, like most Russian enterprises, has gone through very difficult times. The rupture of traditional economic ties within the USSR, large personnel losses put the LiAZ plant on the brink of disaster. Nevertheless, having gone through enormous difficulties with the production and sale of products, bankruptcy and bankruptcy management, the LiAZ plant nevertheless got on its feet and was able to restart the production of passenger vehicles. This turned out to be not an accident, but a real revival of the enterprise, and at the beginning of the new XXI century LiAZ was able to modernize production equipment and start producing buses capable of competing on equal terms with the products of other enterprises.

Products LiAZ occupies one of the leading positions in the large class bus market. Suffice it to recall the model of the LiAZ-5256 bus, which has already been produced in an amount of more than 20,000 units, and the production is still ongoing. In addition to him, the LiAZ plant produces a number of other bus models. Not all of them have yet become widespread, but there is no reason to doubt that over time, transport organizations will appreciate the new LiAZ.

New buses of the "old" plant

The range of products produced by the plant LiAZ machines are exceptionally wide. Of course, the most famous city buses LiAZ, however, the company constantly develops and prepares for release new models and even new types of transport. For example, not so long ago LiAZ, in addition to the model range of buses, began production of trolleybuses. In addition, the LiAZ plant was the first in Russia to master the production of modern low-floor articulated buses, without which the further development of urban passenger transport is already inconceivable.

Currently LiAZ manufactures many types of transport. It includes:

Of course, this classification is arbitrary. The lineup LiAZ plant products are constantly expanding, and at any time you can expect the appearance of new types of buses and trolleybuses LiAZ... Nevertheless, the above list gives a general idea of ​​the sea of ​​passenger transport, which is produced at LiAZ.

Some of the buses produced at the plant LiAZ, are unique for Russia. Such are, for example, LiAZ articulated buses, produced since 2002. No one in our country, except LiAZ, has yet manufactured low-floor buses of a particularly large class, and the articulated bus LiAZ-62132 has no analogues among domestic transport. LiAZ has no competitors in terms of capacity: even the articulated GoLAZ bus, model AKA-6226, lags behind LiAZ's accordions. Its capacity is 170 passengers, while LiAZ articulated buses are designed to carry 178 people.

High quality of LiAZ products

Not only buses are unique LiAZ- the technologies used by the plant are also unique. Currently, the LiAZ plant has installed equipment from Japan, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Thanks to the modernization of production, LiAZ can now produce world-class products, and LiAZ buses are not inferior in quality to their foreign counterparts.

New technologies on LiAZ are used on the widest scale. At one time, the plant became the first enterprise in Russia to use a full anti-corrosion treatment of bodies using the cataphoresis method. The essence of this method of electrolytic dyeing is that the product, placed in a cataphoresis bath, is exposed to an electric field. As a result, a special water-based paint is deposited on the entire product, not missing even hard-to-reach corners. The adhesion of the epoxy layer to the metal is extremely strong, and the resulting coating is resistant to the most aggressive weather conditions.

The method of cataphoresis priming is widely used in the automotive industry, but only LiAZ among Russian car factories began to do full cataphoresis treatment of bodies. At the factory LiAZ installed a unique line of anti-corrosion treatment and painting "Dzheiko", which has no analogues in Russia. This line includes a special cataphoresis bath, which allows the entire body to be placed in it and processed, so there is no need to fear that corrosion will begin at the joints. At the moment, this method of applying an electrolytic primer, in addition to LiAZ, is used only at certain enterprises in Western Europe.

In addition to cataphoresis, other methods provide corrosion resistance of LiAZ bodies. If earlier the external parts of LiAZ buses were made of ordinary "black" metal, now all body elements, which under normal conditions rust the fastest, are made of galvanized steel. The introduction of other modern technologies, in particular, assembly on a volumetric slipway and precision welding, made it possible to reduce the costs of manufacturing bodies while improving their quality. Now the plant LiAZ confidently guarantees that the bodies of his buses will last at least 12 years before corrosion penetration.

Despite the fact that the bodies are the subject of the legal pride of the plant LiAZ, the rest of the buses are not inferior to them. In the manufacture of buses, parts are used that are produced only by those manufacturers who have managed to prove the high quality of their products. So, for example, LiAZ power units increasingly include diesel engines CAT manufactured by the American company Caterpillar. This company produces industrial equipment and engines for ships and cars for more than sixty years, and during this time has managed to win the respect of consumers.

However, the plant LiAZ does not refuse to cooperate with domestic enterprises, equipping its buses also with engines produced by YaMZ and KAMAZ. Their quality is still inferior to imported ones, but both manufacturers are making every effort to remedy this situation. The Yaroslavl Motor Plant, which supplies YaMZ engines for LiAZ buses, has been producing engines that meet the international environmental standard Euro-3 since 2007. It does not lag behind YaMZ and KAMAZ, whose engines are still slightly behind in service life from those of Yaroslavl, but they are lighter, more economical and more convenient to maintain.

In addition to diesel, on buses LiAZ gas engines are also installed. As you know, the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel is cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel, but gas engines are more environmentally friendly than other types of engines. internal combustion... The LiAZ plant could not stand aside and developed a number of modifications of buses running on gas. These LiAZ engines use Cummins engines developed by the independent American concern Cummins Inc., which has been the leader in the US engine building industry for eighty years, and the use of its products makes gas LiAZ high-quality and reliable machines.

Besides engines, high quality other details of the buses are also different. There are no complaints about the Raba bridges, which are also equipped with LiAZs. These bridges have been known in our country since the times when the USSR bought Ikarus buses in large quantities, and even then the products of this Hungarian enterprise have established themselves from the very better side... Standing on buses LiAZ Raba bridges have an amazing service life: in the difficult 90s, when domestic auto production practically stopped, bridges from decommissioned buses were often installed on newly manufactured cars - and consumers had no complaints. LiAZ has never had any problems with these bridges either. In addition to Raba, LiAZ buses also use KAAZ bridges, which are not inferior in quality to Hungarian ones.

Passenger transport of the XXI century

No matter how high-quality the "filling" of the bus is, passengers first of all appreciate the convenience of the bus. It should be noted that the products LiAZ there is no problem with that. When modernizing the classic model of the city bus LiAZ-5256 and developing new LiAZs, great attention was paid to convenience and comfort.

This attention is manifested in many ways. Passengers of LiAZ city buses will surely appreciate the convenience and practicality of the new seats. Now there is no need to be afraid that due to wear or an unknown bully sitting place will fall into disrepair: due to the high strength of the seats in the LiAZa cabin, they will last a long time, and hooligans will have to try very hard to damage the special anti-vandal structure. In general, it should be noted that hooligans on buses LiAZ It will surely be boring: high quality workmanship and durable finishing elements do not allow destructive "talents" to roam. At the same time, it is safe to say that ordinary law-abiding citizens will like the comfortable and roomy passenger transport produced by LiAZ.

Ordinary city buses are quite high, and it is not always easy for the elderly, disabled and children to get on them. Taking care of passengers LiAZ has developed and has already started production of several models of low-floor buses. Their floor is only 35 cm from the road level, and therefore passengers do not need to climb these LiAZs by ordinary steps. Low-floor buses are produced in two versions - in the form of a regular large-class city bus and an articulated giant with a capacity of 178 people. It should be noted that low-floor articulated LiAZ is an absolute novelty of the domestic auto industry. Not a single enterprise in Russia, except for the LiAZ plant, has been producing them yet.

In addition to high-floor and low-floor models, LiAZ also manufactures semi-low-floor buses. Many consider this LiAZ model not a very good compromise, but it should be noted that such a bus is still more convenient for passengers than the traditional high-floor LiAZ. In addition, so far low-floor bus models are more expensive in production than high-floor ones, and the semi-low-floor LiAZ makes it possible to combine the interests of bus buyers and their passengers.

As said, not too long ago LiAZ started the production of not only buses, but also trolleybuses. As you know, the Russian trolleybus fleet is significantly worn out, and many of the machines currently being produced were developed back in Soviet times and became obsolete. The idea that it would be good to equip high-quality and modern LiAZ buses with electric motors has been ripening for a long time. For a while, LiAZ even collaborated with other enterprises, releasing first experimental models, and then semi-finished machine kits, on which other factories themselves installed electrical equipment. However, such a "distribution" of production entailed an increase in the cost and a decrease in the quality of cars, and therefore in December 2007 a line for the production of trolley buses was launched at the LiAZ plant. Now LiAZ trolleybuses are no longer a "hybrid" transport, in fact - a converted bus, but a full-fledged city electric transport at the level of all modern requirements.

Acquisition of products from Likinsky Bus Plant

If you decide to buy LiAZ, you need to go to the "Contacts" section of this site - and you can contact our organization by phone, or send an application by e-mail. We sell LiAZ at manufacturer's prices. The competent employees of our company will provide you with all the information you are interested in regarding the features, technical characteristics, complete set, will help determine the choice of model.

Suburban LiAZ models are designed to transport passengers between the city and the nearest settlements. Relatively long routes, a large number of passengers and infrequent stops - these buses are designed for such working conditions. The wide aisles will allow you to transport everyone and avoid the crowds, while the comfortable seats will make the trip pleasant for passengers. Like all LiAZ products, suburban bus models are of high quality and reliability.

Full title: "Likinsky Bus Factory»
Other names: LOZOD, LiMZ
Existence: 1933 - today
Location: (USSR), Russia, Likino-Dulyovo (Moscow region)
Key figures: Kazakov Alexander Mikhailovich - Managing Director
Products: Buses, trolleybuses
The lineup:

Information on models is temporarily unavailable

History of the LiAZ enterprise.

In August 1933, in the small town of Likino-Dulyovo, in the Moscow region, the Forestry Plant for the Improvement of Wood (LOZD) was launched. This event is considered the beginning of the history of the Likinsky Bus Plant (LiAZ).

Already in 1935, the plant produced: pressed wood and products from it, lignoston bars, insulating boards.

In 1945, the plant was reborn and, having received new modern equipment, changed its profile and was renamed, receiving the name "Likinsky Machine-Building Plant" (LiMZ). He produced a wide range of products: mobile power plants, electric saws, railroad cars, sleepers. By 1946, the company employed more than 1,100 employees.

In 1958, a government decision was made to redesign the enterprise again. The plant was given the name "Likinsky Bus Plant" and since then its specialization has become the production of buses.

The assembly of passenger buses began in January 1959. The first model released from this manufacturer was the LiAZ-158. In just ten years, the enterprise produced 50,000 units of this model. At the same time, the designers were developing new models.

In the late fifties and sixties, housing construction developed at giant strides in the Soviet Union. New neighborhoods in cities grew like mushrooms after rain. The population in the cities grew rapidly. These circumstances led to the need to develop large-capacity city buses. This is how the famous LiAZ-667 model appeared, the development of which began in 1962. And in the spring of 1968, buses of this brand were put into mass production. For 25 years of production of this model, about two hundred thousand units saw the light.

Chronology of events in the second half of the 20th century.

In 1975, the production reached its design capacity of 10,000 buses per year, and the staff employed 7,837 people.

In 1976, the plant, in accordance with the decree of the Government of the USSR, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

The enterprise successfully continued its activity, and in 1978 the modernized "LiAZ - 667M" was presented.

In 1985, the enterprise carried out a lot of work on the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, which was aimed at mastering a new model of the LiAZ - 5256 bus, which was developed at the factory design bureau in the late 70s and early 80s.

In 1988 - the beginning of continuous production of the LiAZ 5256 model, which became the main one for the enterprise in the nineties.

In August 1994, the production of the famous all over the country buses "LiAZ-677" was discontinued.

In the mid-nineties, very difficult times came for the company, as a result of which production in 1996 was completely stopped. The plant turned out to be a debtor to both its personnel for salaries and to the state (in the form of taxes). As a result, in 1997, the company was officially declared bankrupt and transferred to external management.

Nevertheless, in these difficult times, the enterprise was able to retain its territory, buildings and equipment.

Some time later, after the reorganization, already under the guise of "Likinsky bus", the enterprise resumed its work.

2000 to 2004 it is part of the RusAvtoProm concern.

In 2005, it is already part of automotive group "GAZ".

At this time, the designers of the plant are developing and launching into production such new models as low-floor buses "LiAZ-5293" and "LiAZ-5292", articulated city bus of increased capacity "LiAZ-6212", suburban "LiAZ-5256 R".

In addition, trolleybuses are produced on the basis of previously created buses: "LiAZ-52802", "LiAZ-5280", "LiAZ-52803".

Today "Likinsky bus" is the largest modern enterprise in Russia, which owns advanced highly developed technologies for the creation of large city buses and ensures the production of products that fully comply with all applicable European standards.

In the 30s of the twentieth century in the city of Likino-Dulyovo, a plant was built that produced wood-laminated plastics, from which aircraft were built, bearings for bearings, linings for metro rails, and many others were cut out. pr. At the end of the war, the plant was transformed into a machine-building plant for the repair of diesel engines, the manufacture of mobile power plants, locomotives. In 1958, the plant became a bus plant. The ZIL-158 model was produced, but already in 1962 the first LiAZ-677 appeared, which later became a legend in the automotive industry: about 200 thousand cars were assembled, this is the most massive model of a large-class bus in the world.
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In the difficult 1990s, production stopped, people did not receive salaries, the press already reported that LiAZ was no longer there. The preservation of the main capacities and the revival of the plant is a feat of the labor collective. Now LiAZ is again the flagship of the industry; it, along with 17 other enterprises in Russia and abroad, is part of the GAZ Group, which is the country's largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles and has adopted a development strategy for the period up to 2012, the purpose of which is to provide consumers of complex solutions to transport problems. LiAZ employs 3,200 people, about 3,000 buses roll off the assembly line in a year, it is planned to increase output to 4,300 in the next four years. New models created at the plant, since 2002, are invariably awarded the highest awards of the Moscow International Auto Show.

LiAZ offers consumers all kinds of buses of a large and especially large class: city and suburban, tourist, single and articulated, gas, school, northern, disabled. Low-floor models 5292 and 6213 are in greatest demand. All bodies are chemically treated in eight huge baths, which gives a guarantee against corrosion for 12 years. Only three other companies in Europe have similar technology for buses. At the request of customers, domestic or imported engines Kamsky and Yaroslavl automobile plants, or imported Caterpillar, Cummins, MAN, different gearboxes, and in general the buyer has the right to choose any options, from the main components to the painting of the bus. Even requests for cars that the plant did not make before are being fulfilled - for example, a school bus in the northern version was designed and the batch was produced in less than two months! At the end of 2007, the production of trolleybuses was mastered. In 2008, a sample of a bus with a hybrid power unit(two engines - diesel and electric).

The funds allocated for social support of personnel and for further improvement of sanitary and living conditions are calculated in millions. Employees are awarded according to the results of labor competition, there are payments for anniversaries, for holidays, the enterprise partially covers the costs of transporting employees from their place of residence to the plant and back. Summer vacations for Liaz residents were organized on the Black Sea coast, as well as their children in health camps. This is how the fundamental principle is fulfilled production system Likinsky Bus Plant: "People are the most valuable asset of the enterprise."


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