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This car, produced in 1994, has faithfully served its owner Sergei, a member of the Slava search group. Search engines are known to travel where people often cannot walk. "Loaf" worked at full power of its engine and springs, but even its iron insides began to slowly die over time. And not only the insides: the body iron is also tired of wandering through impassable fields, forests and swamps. And then a joyful event happened: a third daughter was born in Sergei's family. It would seem, what does the UAZ have to do with it? No, no, lovers of life, keep quiet! It's just that now the family needs more minivan than the old "loaf". But a group of friends decided to save the faithful UAZ, and at the same time - to make a truly comfortable car out of it. Desirable - cheap.


The first thing they did was the body that had seen life. All the rotten parts were cut out, some of them were replaced, and some were simply thrown away.

In order not to deny ourselves the pleasure of periodically kneading the mud, the standard 29-inch wheels were replaced with 33-inch wheels. By the way, they were presented by friends. True, when driving off-road, the wheels began to cling to the arches. The question was solved simply: they were slightly enlarged, because the arches were still rotten and they had to be cut off.

The structural elements of the body were made anew from a 10x10 profile, and from the outside they were covered with sheet duralumin. Side skirts, front and rear bumpers and the trunk also had to be created "from scratch", and then cold-rolled seamless pipes went into action. Moreover, I had to tinker with the bumper: remove the templates from the standard one, and then slightly change the design (move the deformation zones to another place, and make the "fangs" for greater rigidity according to the principle of triangular motorcycle frames). The updated and prepared body was handed over to the painters for painting, and the friends were engaged in the technical part of the car.

The bars on the windows are "vandal-proof" functions, and the homemade expeditionary trunk causes the envy of KamAZ body designers. Still: on this "loaf" Sergei was able to transport all conceivable and inconceivable building materials to build his own house.


Of course, the suspension on the standard 16-leaf springs was modified (after all, we remember that the “loaf” was supposed to become a family minivan, while remaining an off-road vehicle). So now there are shock absorbers from GAZ-53 and UAZ disc brakes "in a circle", which is allowed technical regulations Customs Union.

A preloading interwheel lock was added at the front - an indispensable thing when overcoming off-road conditions. There is also a lock at the back (developed for the UAZ "Sprut" with a pneumatic drive). You never know, suddenly somewhere it will turn out to hang the car diagonally? This is where the blocking comes in handy.

The steering was worked especially carefully. To damp shocks, a steering damper was installed, and a more efficient power steering was installed. It was taken from a later version of the UAZ. In order for the car to stand better on a straight line, especially in an asphalt track, it was necessary to change the angle of inclination of the pivots by four degrees. And so that at the same time it was possible to safely move off the asphalt, the steering rods were closed with homemade protection.

The UMZ 4216 motor with the MIKAS control unit from GAZelle Business, which is installed now, was presented by a friend. His car burned down, but the engine miraculously remained intact in the fire. And since, according to Comrade Brezhnev, “the economy must be economical,” they installed HBO in the car (and this is another gift from a comrade). A filled bottle with a volume of 150 liters is enough for about 650-700 kilometers. Well, if you run out of gas, the journey can be continued on gasoline (a full tank will last for another 600 km).

Xenon tank headlights are responsible for lighting here. By the way, they are sold in regular stores as optional equipment for SUVs.

“But what about the winch? Without it, the UAZ is not an UAZ at all, but an incomprehensible piece of iron! " - will notice some fans to sort out this car, sitting up to their ears in a swamp. It turns out that the friends showed enviable wisdom in this matter.

Now let's take a look at the salon, which, of course, has also been redone. In order not to become deaf from the screams of the engine and transmission, noise and vibration isolation was made multi-layer. New wall panels were cut out of plywood, later sheathed with Brandy eco-leather (the so-called “non-erasing”). This is eco-leather on microfiber, which is practically not subject to mechanical stress. Of course, someday it will become unusable, but it will not be soon: the manufacturer's factory warranty is eight years.

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There are four GAZelle seats in the back, but those in the front are more fortunate. Here were some more generous friends who pulled the front seats out of the "sideboard" of the Honda CRV.

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To complete the luxury look, a regular GAZel hatch was cut into the roof. And the headliner, like the front console, was made with our own hands from scratch.

The partition was moved in the luggage compartment, so that the UAZ cabin stove had to be removed from its regular place. It became easier to move the chairs, and in order to do this in a warm place, a heater from a DT-75 tractor was installed under the seats of the cabin.

Ownership experience

Taking into account the fact that they worked exclusively in their free time from work and business, the construction of the car took about four months. As for the budget, here, as you understand, it is minimal and equal to 100 thousand rubles. This is the price of modifications without the cost of the car itself and without the cost of work (the car was already long before the start of the project, and everyone worked for free because of friendly feelings and craving for beauty). If you come up with an idea to build something the same, cook at least 500 thousand.

When going out into nature, friends constantly find themselves in various "off-road" situations (in fact, for this they go there).

  • Fortunately, there were no “no escape” provisions. The vehicle successfully completed two full-fledged expeditions across Karelia and the White Sea Canal. You can get in and drown everywhere, but we have an experienced driver, and we ride in pairs on the expedition, so there is another car with winches at hand. We'll always pull each other out, - say friends.

Well, what can I say? This "loaf" perfectly copes with the role of a brutal SUV for hunting, fishing and expeditions, and with the role of a comfortable urban family minivan. And if this is exactly what the friends wanted to achieve, then, probably, everything turned out right for them.

List of improvements


  • Engine GAZ 4216 115 hp
  • Electronics
  • ECU Mikas
  • Standard instruments with redesigned backlighting
  • New controls for light, compressor, pneumatic system for wheel locking and pneumatic signal


  • Front: preload lock
  • Rear: pneumatic lock "Sprut"


  • Modified, on 16-leaf springs
  • Shock absorbers from GAZ-53
  • Pivot angle changed by 4 degrees
  • Steering rod protection
  • Power steering UAZ
  • Steering damper



  • Duralumin panels
  • Reinforced profile
  • Custom bumpers and trunk
  • Tank headlights with xenon
  • 33-inch wheels


  • Moved partition
  • Homemade instrument console
  • Rear seats from GAZelle
  • Front seats from Honda CRV

Audio system

  • 3-component speakers

The editors would like to thank the GreenToad workshop for the car provided.

Do you like the tuning result?

Every year, cars of domestic origin, which at the end of the last millennium were an integral part of every settlement, are becoming less and less. An example can be called - almost a real legend, with high capacity and maneuverability. Many people know this vehicle for use in gas emergency services or ambulances.

Recently, quite often this car began to be used to create your own limousine.

What qualities does the car in question have?

Find a loaf in good technical condition is currently quite difficult. However, if the body vehicle is not badly damaged by corrosion, then it can be used for self tuning... UAZ can be characterized as follows:

  • High cross-country ability. The model under consideration has been used quite often to create a vehicle with high cross-country ability. This is due to the fact that it has four-wheel drive, and the curb weight is low. In addition, do not forget about the sufficiently high ground clearance, which also determines the increased cross-country ability.
  • Large capacity. The vehicle has an almost flat floor, high body height. In this case, the body has a square shape, which is important when carrying out tuning.
  • Also, do not forget that the vehicle is initially poorly equipped. This moment determines a significant simplification of the work of dismantling the finish.

In general, we can say that it is one of the most popular cars among those that are most often used in tuning. That is why we will consider all the features of the work on tuning the salon. The onset of winter cold becomes the reason why it becomes cold and uncomfortable in the Loaf. This is because the degree of vehicle insulation is very inconsequential. Within a short time, the body freezes, and the installed stove does not cope with the tasks set.

The above information determines that additional insulation needs to be done. When carrying out tuning, in which thermal insulation is performed, the comfort of being in the car can be significantly increased. UAZ cannot be classified as an expensive vehicle. That is why invest more funds into it is impractical. That is why we will consider how you can isolate the cabin using improvised means.

Types of material used for interior insulation

Many professional vehicle retrofit service companies often use special materials that can protect the interior from cold and noise. However, the cost of such insulating materials is relatively high, which determines a significant increase in the cost of improving the interior.

When choosing a thermal insulation material, you should pay attention to the following points:

1. The thicker the material used, the less space in the vehicle interior. At the same time, with an increase in the thickness of the material, the work on laying the material becomes much more complicated. An example is the installation of insulation on bends.

2. Also, do not forget that the insulation must withstand a sufficiently high temperature, vibration and other influences.

Work to increase the thermal insulation qualities has been carried out over the past few years. During this time, materials were found that are most suitable for solving the task at hand. Traditional choices for thermal insulation include:

  • Sheet plywood. This material does not have a high cost, it is represented by wood sawdust, which is glued together. Wood is one of the most common thermal insulation materials of natural origin.
  • Foam rubber is an artificial heat-insulating material that is very popular. It is lightweight, inexpensive, and can be processed. However, it should be borne in mind that the material is quite flammable.
  • Special noise and vibration isolation coatings. They are highly efficient and are used in the professional tuning of many cars.
  • Traditional insulating materials such as mineral veil, aluminum foil, bitumen sheets and many other materials.
  • In some cases, the floor is insulated with thick enough aluminum sheets. The metal is laid in the event that there are problems with the integrity of the body due to severe corrosion.

Sidebar: Important: It is worth considering the moment that on final result will affect not only the properties of the selected material, but also the quality of the work carried out. When performing work, the dimensions of the material should be adjusted as accurately as possible to the dimensions of the body, to exclude the possibility of cracks and large gaps. Particular attention is usually paid to the insulation of the door. It is she who, due to the design features, often becomes the cause of the cold in the cabin.

The use of polystyrene

Quite often, polystyrene is used as an insulating material. It has been used to solve the problem under consideration over the past few years.

Its features include:

1. Low cost due to the peculiarities of production.
2. High thermal insulation characteristics. If we consider this material in comparison with others, which can also be used in this case, then in terms of efficiency it is significantly superior to others.
3. Does not react to the effects of high humidity, which can also be called a rather important point.
4. Easy to operate.

1. Flexibility.
2. Integrity of the surface.

If the sheets do not have high flexibility, then they cannot be used to isolate surfaces that are in different planes. As with other materials, thermal insulation is carried out with polystyrene, then all ventilation holes should be left open. In this way, the likelihood of the formation of mold and mildew on the surface of the sheathing can be eliminated, since ventilation is necessary to prevent the greenhouse effect.

However, one should also take into account the presence of a significant drawback. The material is highly flammable, which significantly reduces the safety of movement in a vehicle. It should also be borne in mind that with strong heating of the body there is a likelihood of releasing harmful to the human body. Therefore, in some cases, it is advisable to pay attention to other insulating materials.

Foil insulation

Recently, foil insulation has been quite popular.

It is combined with other insulating materials to increase the efficiency of the work carried out. The features of the use of the considered insulation include the following points:

  • If you carry out high-quality styling, you can achieve the effect of a thermos. Foil canvas copes well with insulating properties, does not allow heat to escape into the environment.
  • In some cases, you can do with only one foil sheet. An example is a material called penofol. It is made of polyethylene foam combined with a foil layer. Penofol comes on sale in various versions, the thickness of the material does not exceed 20 millimeters.

The peculiarities of the use of this material include the fact that the foil surface must necessarily be directed towards the inner side.

This recommendation is due to the fact that the foil surface becomes a kind of reflective screen that retains heat and prevents it from escaping into the environment. Low weight and thickness determine the high efficiency of the material. That is why it is quite often used when insulating a car.

Application of sheet plywood

Previously, sheet plywood was used quite often to achieve the task under consideration. Note that this material was quite often used in car tuning, as it has a low cost and a high degree of workability. Its features include:

1. Low weight and thickness of one sheet.
2. The material can be found at the most affordable prices.
3. Changing the shape and size is carried out using the most common tools.
4. Natural origin determines a high degree of ecological purity.

However, there are significant drawbacks due to which sheet plywood has become rarely used when insulating a car interior. An example is the moment that the material is based on wood, which means it is susceptible to the effects of high humidity. Also, do not forget that the flexibility of the material is low - this moment determines the fact that the material can only be used to isolate straight planes.

Quite often, when using plywood to insulate a car, you also have to purchase a special material for waterproofing, since otherwise high humidity, condensation and many other moments will cause the formation of fungus and rot.

Spraying polyurethane

A modern way of insulating the body is the spraying of polyurethane on the inner surface. This method has been very popular lately, as it allows you to achieve a truly effective result.

Note the following features of this method of insulating the vehicle body:

  • To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that the material can be applied to various surfaces, the plane of which is located relative to each other at an angle of 90 degrees or more. At the same time, the size of the vehicle does not affect the efficiency either.
  • Also, do not forget that this method allows you to clog all the cracks in the car body, which may appear in various parts of the car over the long service life of the Loaf.
  • The technology of applying the material itself is quite simple, but requires special equipment. Therefore, it is often impossible to carry out the work on your own. However, we note that the cost of the procedure is relatively low. Special equipment means a spray gun that is capable of applying polyurethane foam, which is in a liquid state, to a surface.
  • The initial drying of the applied material takes place within 20 seconds. Thereafter, the insulating material becomes less susceptible to attack. It takes at least a couple of hours to completely dry. These moments determine that the car will be ready for further work or operation during the day.
  • Unlike some other materials, polyurethane foam is absolutely environmentally friendly, that is, it does not lead to the release of harmful substances into the environment. When the body is heated in a warm couple of years, the insulating material in question does not change its main operational properties.
  • The peculiarities of the considered method of applying an insulating material determine that the applied substance, after complete drying, creates a seamless coating. At the same time, the dimensions of the body and its geometry do not affect the final result. The absence of joints and seams determines the high insulating qualities of the formed layer of material.
  • The material itself has high adhesion and flexibility. These moments determine that it is quite easy to attach another skin to it, and when it is clamped, the sound of crackling and rattling will disappear, since all panels will be rigidly fixed.
  • Polyurethane foam serves for several years, does not require additional maintenance or repair for a long time period.
  • A high indicator of lightness determines that insulation work does not cause a significant increase in the weight of the vehicle structure. It is worth remembering that an increase in the curb weight indicator causes an increase in fuel consumption and a significant deterioration in cross-country ability and controllability. Therefore, the use of heavy insulating materials should be avoided.
  • The use of sheet insulating material causes the formation of gaps, a small space between it and the body. It is this reason that leads to the formation of condensation, as a result of which the process of formation of corrosion on the surface of the body occurs.

In general, we can say that this method of body insulation is one of the most attractive. It should be noted that it is not only heat-insulating, but also sound-suppressing material. Thus, when using it, it is possible to increase the hydro, thermal and sound insulation not only of the UAZ, but also of other vehicles.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool has recently been used to insulate various structures and structures, including a car.

Such high popularity can be attributed to the following key features of the material:

1. It has a relatively low cost.
2. When using mineral wool, it is possible to increase the heat and sound insulation of the car.
3. Low weight means that the curb weight of the vehicle does not increase significantly.
4. The material is workable, the mineral wool sheets can be cut into different parts that are most suitable.
5. Environmental friendliness determines that even during long-term operation, the material does not emit harmful substances into the environment.
6. Easy to use, highly efficient.

Quite often, when looking for an insulating material, mineral wool is chosen, which is produced in the form of rolls with a small thickness. Flexibility with a small thickness determines the possibility of using cotton wool to insulate curved surfaces, which are quite abundant in a car.

How the installation work will take place depends on the characteristics of the selected insulating material. However, in all cases preparatory stage will be about the same.

It consists in performing the following work:

  • First, you should dismantle the entire skin. Note that when performing this work, you should be careful, as some trim elements will be needed in the future, even if the interior is changed.
  • Pay particular attention to wiring. When dismantling the casing, you need to be careful, since insignificant damage to the wires can lead to significant problems: it will not be difficult to replace the wire, but it will be quite difficult to find the place of damage or the faulty wire itself.
  • In order to achieve high efficiency from the insulating material, all surfaces must be coated. Particular attention is paid to the wall that separates the engine from the rest of the vehicle interior.
  • Dismantling must be carried out to the very metal.
  • After the completion of dismantling work, the body should be inspected and its condition determined, if necessary, repair work should be carried out.
  • Before laying any insulating material, the surface is first cleaned of dirt, then degreased.
  • Separately, you should highlight the ventilation ducts, which cannot be sealed with insulating material.

In general, there are no problems with dismantling, since the panels are fastened in the usual way: using screws, bolts, fasteners and other common fastening materials. The vehicle manual can be used to disassemble the front panel.

Maksim. Among all the methods of insulating the car body, I recommend dwelling on the spraying of polyurethane. This method simply cannot be compared with others in terms of the implementation prostate and the achieved result. That is why it is recommended not only by me, but also by other experts in the field in question.

Yuri. I did it, I decided to work on the insulation of high quality. I used foil sheets and mineral wool - I was satisfied with the results. Friends recommended polyurethane, new way application by spraying, but I wanted to do the work myself and save money. Therefore, I stopped at the indicated materials.

Video tuning of the UAZ Bukhanka salon

A car known to Russians as UAZ 452 "loaf", was created as a vehicle for escorting a tank column. The body of the minibus, designed to overcome tank ruts, turned out to be durable, albeit uncomfortable. Well, service in the army is not a vacation in a sanatorium! But in the running relation " loaf»Proved to be flawless: easily withstanding cruising 80-90 km / h on asphalt, at a reduced speed UAZ without hesitation overcame off-road.

True, to connect front wheel drive the driver had to jump out of the cab and bend over with a wrench at the wheel hubs, but after the tightness of the driver's seat, such a warm-up was a joy!

Alas! The most the main problem UAZ 452- user inconvenience. That is why, first of all, we consider actual examples tuning of the UAZ salon.

UAZ "loaf" gains comfort

When designing a cabin UAZ the designers were guided by the anthropometric data of the soldiers of the early 50s. It is not surprising that our tall contemporaries do not fit well into the standards of the middle of the last century. So start tuning UAZ "loaf" with the modernization of the driver's seat - an extremely correct, as Lenin would say, a decision.

Driver's seat in UAZ serial production is offset relative to the steering column axis to the left. The most ingenious tuning designs move the seat close to the engine compartment lid. So that the hood can be lifted without difficulty, the seat is easily removable.

Replacing the bulky stock steering wheel appears to be an urgent need. UAZ last years of release on a compact steering wheel from passenger car... The installation of the power steering facilitates the use of a small diameter steering wheel.

In trends tuning dashboard UAZ two directions are visible. Adherents of ceremonial splendor cover everything that can be reached with corrugated aluminum sheet.

Since 1.5mm aluminum is attached to the metal of the body on top of plastic noise insulation, it becomes noticeably quieter in the car. Cleaning of the salon is made easier and trunk of UAZ... With the proper professionalism of the performers, the aesthetics of the interior increases.

Admirers of ergonomic comfort use injury-safe materials. The complication of forms is beneficial to the initially inexpressive interior. The space for instruments and glove boxes on such a panel is larger than before. Converted UAZ much more convenient than the original version!

Converting the engine compartment lid into a small items tray is an inexpensive and extremely useful redesign.

Keeping your finger on the pulse of all car systems is the most important task of the driver UAZ 452... Easy-to-read instrument readings are the key to confident control of equipment in the most difficult conditions!

Above the windshield there is a place suitable for placing speakers, radio, stationary radio and other auxiliary electronics. Use it! Options for reforming the upper cabin space " loaves"- a great many!

The console, built symmetrically to the engine compartment, will help place many information screens and control knobs for the heating system - more precisely, heating systems... Complete tuning UAZ "loaf", especially for hunting and fishing, is impossible without installing additional heaters!

Heating tuning UAZ 452

Experienced drivers know: in terms of the thermal regime, an old one UAZ 452- a machine of infernal deceit! In frosty winters, the engine, open from below to all winds, was hypothermic, and therefore the chauffeurs did not allow themselves to aggravate the situation by heating the cab. In the summer, the engine, being hidden from the through blowing, overheated - and in order to drive and not boil, the drivers turned on the stove ...

True, all the hardships and hardships fell to the lot of the front riders. V body « loaves», As a rule, at any time of the year the temperature remained close to the outboard temperature. That's why tuning UAZ 452 always accompanied by the installation of an auxiliary heater for the passenger compartment. True, sometimes the alteration takes extreme forms ...

Potbelly stove behind the driver's back? Such tuning UAZ may seem ridiculous. However, the method can be justified, firstly, by driving along the taiga off-road - after all, there is more firewood in the forest than gasoline. And secondly, a wood-burning stove (though not a stove after all) is quite suitable for heating a caravan.

In all other cases, an autonomous vehicle interior heater that runs on liquid fuel helps.

Problems inherent in thermoregulation of the old 72-strong UAZ engine, disappear with the replacement of the motor with a new 98-horsepower model.

So that it becomes quiet in the cabin

Corrugated aluminum sheet, widely used in off-road tuning (take a look at the interior arrangement of the tuned Niva on the page), helps to reduce the noise level in the cab UAZ 452.

The popular and relatively inexpensive one and a half millimeter sheet of corrugated aluminum is of little use for laying on the floor of a car - due to its natural plasticity and instability to abrasive wear.

Tuning equipment of the UAZ 452 salon

If desired in body of UAZ 452 you can install a wardrobe and a double bed, which in the daytime transforms into other pieces of upholstered furniture.

A kitchen corner with a small refrigerator (in the photo it is blue), a container with drinking water, a microwave oven and an electric stove will harmoniously complement the comfort of those traveling in UAZ 452.

In most cases " loaf»Is used for trips to places where an air mattress is sufficient for sleeping, and a kettle over a fire replaces the kitchen. Fishing and hunting option tuning UAZ 452 today is in demand more than ever!

The wide top hatch is a necessary accessory for the hunting vehicle. Harsh shutter click sounding from the roof UAZ "loaves", able to embarrass both elk and bear, and even a car inspector... In addition, the hatch will serve as a saving exit if the hunt did not go according to the script and the participants in the action confused who should be chasing whom.

Prey hunting, successful fishing - these are trophies! And the trophies need to be put somewhere. Experienced hunters provide a well-closing prey compartment in the car. Often in isolated the trunk of the UAZ there is a trench tool, a spare wheel. Weapons and ammunition can be transported in lockers under the floor of the compartment.

The game, however, has one unpleasant feature ... Many animals (and even fish) have such a pungent smell that there is no way to transport them inside the car.

Trunk and other awnings for UAZ 452

Roof rack for UAZ able to help out in a wide variety of situations. In addition to transporting a considerable load, the outer trunk can become a platform for arranging an ambush. It can be covered with an awning and used as a safe sleeping place in the warm season. Besides, trunk for UAZ protects the roof from damage when crossing dense thickets.

But there is one danger. In user circles, the idea of ​​installing on the trunk of the UAZ 452 electric winches.

Don't make a fatal mistake! Do not install on the trunk of the "loaf" winches! Otherwise, removing from the roof, for example, a spare tire, which is usually dumped - and that's it! - will turn into a long and difficult adventure.

To take off spare wheel with a winch, you will have to:

Climb up and bring the device into working position;

Hook the wheel;

Lower the wheel to the ground;

Go down to unhook the wheel;

Go upstairs, wind up the rope;

Return the device from the working position to the transport position;

Get off the roof.

However, all this is only physical education that is beneficial to health. The highlight of interaction with any winch, devoid of a mechanical rope handler, is flaking, that is, jamming of a tightly wound cable among semi-free turns. Eliminating sagging is an all-consuming fascination activity, but traumatic for the hands and dangerous for the psyche.

For what UAZ trunk definitely worth using - so this is to install additional headlights. It's up to you to put several scattered light sources or mount a ready-made block. You will find several successful options for tuning "chandeliers" in the article on the page.

It looks like this ...

And this is how LED optics for SUVs shine.

We have touched only a few aspects tuning UAZ... Stay tuned for site updates and you will get a ton of useful recommendations concerning tuning UAZ different models.

Having visited the workshop of the Tuning Center 4x4 on a friendly visit, I found a 2010 UAZ-Loaf, which came for preventive maintenance. It became interesting to see what was done and how it behaves (whether it fell off or not :))

The loaf was built not at once, but gradually improving. Therefore, the total budget of improvements is difficult to calculate, but approximately at the time of 2016 it amounted to 1.6 million rubles.

Now the engine is being finalized (ZMZ 409): the task is to get away from the design with two belts and install a self-tensioning roller

And earlier, the engine was chipped to EURO 1, the catalyst was removed, the second lambda was turned off (somewhere + 25% HP was added)

Installed ceiling auto-air conditioner AirCommand Sparrow.
It's electric. For normal power supply, it was necessary to replace the standard generator with a RIF 150A.
Despite the high consumption of electricity, in extreme heat, the air conditioner does not always cope with the task assigned to it.

To heat the cabin in the cold season, a Webast hair dryer is installed.
And to protect ourselves from energy starvation, we connected a second battery. She took a seat behind the back of the passenger seat, instead of the standard additional stove. The T-MAX controller controls the charge of two batteries.

By the way, about energy consumption: they have been looking for a long time why the battery is "landing" on a long parking lot. The culprit turned out to be trip computer Prestige. It was he who consumed the electricity. The developer has corrected this flaw and with the new firmware there is no energy "stealing".

Instead of a noisy, standard, second stove, a new, compact

She was housed under a folding table in the salon

Due to engine rework air filter carried to the salon. Now he lives under the seat.
The snorkel tube is visible on the right.

The salon is partially covered with aluminum.

The windows are closed with special, car, curtains

The curtains of the same plan are installed on the bulkhead of the passenger compartment in order to quickly warm up / cool the cabin in the absence of passengers.

Windows with vents are replaced with sliding ones, from Off-Road Window Solutions

The cabin has rails for securing cargo

This utility vehicle is characterized by increased reliability, good off-road maneuverability and adaptability to extreme operation. But going out into nature is not the same as fishing or hunting, especially for a few days. For these purposes, the UAZ 452 itself, often referred to as a "loaf", and its interior are not quite suitable, first of all, in terms of practicality, convenience and comfort.

We will figure out how to correctly tune the UAZ 452 "Loafs", what to take into account, change, modernize in its design so that it best suits local conditions and the specifics of its application. And most importantly - what can be done on their own, and if with the involvement of professionals, then only for individual works.

Camouflage body color

Standard tinting options do not differ in variety. To “disguise” the UAZ 452 as much as possible, you only need to have a sprayer and a little paint on hand. Since camouflage is done depending on the season, and it has to be changed regularly, the cheapest composition is sufficient. In this case, the issues of layer reliability, coating durability and similar nuances are irrelevant.

Experienced fishermen and hunters advise to slightly strengthen the body before painting. Driving over rough terrain, in a rut, especially in poor visibility conditions - all this is fraught with numerous impacts on the lower part of the side of stones, tree roots, stumps, and so on. The gradual deformation of the metal will lead to its destruction, including as a result of progressive corrosion. Sheets of aluminum, fixed to the bottom of the "loaf" (about half a meter) will cost much less than repairing it and completely repainting it.

Power bumper

These protective elements of the machine are attached to the front and rear. According to experts, they provide maximum safety when driving off-road. It will take a little - metal (sheet steel, channel or pipes, depending on the design) and polymer paint.

And all this can be done by yourself, without contacting a car service.

Protection on mirrors

The expediency of installing such grids is obvious. Any large branch - and you will have to change the glass or align the holder (and then if you can do it).


You definitely can't do without it. It is hardly worth hoping for someone's help far from settlements and roads. For UAZ 452, winches with a force of 4 tons or more are suitable, not less (taking into account the workload of the machine). A good option is a device from Comeupwinch (DV-9 series). Its reliability has been tested many times, and with proper installation, the mechanism will function reliably for decades.

Pay attention to the winch cable. It is desirable to replace the existing metal with Kevlar (for example, Amsteel Blue by the American company Samson or similar). It is lighter, stronger and safer to use.


When going out into nature, a hunter and a fisherman need a lot. It will not work to load everything into the salon if there are people in it. What to do with tents, sleeping bags and the rest. The optimal solution is to place the UAZ 452 on the roof.


Even if a swivel headlight is included in the factory package, then it will not be enough when going out into the countryside. One of the good solutions for additional lighting is to install a "loaf" on the roof led panel... For example, the "VisionX" modification of the X-Mitter (shown in the photo). It will provide good visibility for at least 250 m.

Or do it like this.

The bracket can be made from pipes, but it is not difficult to fix it.

UAZ 452 salon tuning

Interior decoration

One of the budget options is to attach moisture-resistant plywood over the sheathing. It will slightly insulate the body of the "loaf" and improve the quality of its sound insulation. Other materials can be used at the request of the owner. For example, rolled foamed foam. The choice is great.


It is advisable to install a couple of LED spotlights or one small panel on the ceiling, since the standard lighting will clearly not be enough.


A few examples will be enough to understand how you can improve the interior design of the UAZ 452.

The problem of storing dishes, various utensils, gadgets and other little things, which is indispensable for hunting and fishing, has been completely solved with such tuning. Naturally, it is better to make a folding table, the tabletop of which is attached to the wall during the movement of the "loaf".


Judging by the reviews of many hunters and fishermen, the installation of "Webasto" proved to be quite good. With a power of 4 kW, it is enough to ensure a comfortable temperature in the cabin, even in winter. Although a home-made "potbelly stove" is a good solution to the problem.

It is desirable to zone the salon. In this case, the rear compartment can be used as a small luggage compartment... For example, hunters will be able to store weapons there, fishermen - their tackle.

It should be borne in mind that both fish and game are also smells that penetrate into the cabin. To level them out, the rear compartment can be equipped like this.

It will not hurt in the UAZ 452 cabin and the acoustic system, which is quite simple to mount.

The article discusses only some of the tuning options when preparing a "loaf" for fishing or hunting. It all depends on the capabilities of its owner and imagination. A number of other improvements can also be made.

  • Replace wheel for a smaller one, from a car. But you will definitely have to install a power steering.
  • Move (for convenience) the driver's seat to the right, close to the engine compartment.
  • Finish the cabin and interior with sheet aluminum, placing noise insulation material under it. The issue of aesthetics is a separate topic, but the fact that cleaning will be much easier (and a lot of dust and dirt on fishing or hunting will be applied) is unambiguous.
  • Upgrade the engine compartment hood. For example, like this.

The rework is extremely useful, especially when driving long distances.

There are also more complex options. For example, "raise" the car, at the same time replacing the rubber, thereby increasing the track.

Think, decide, do - and your UAZ 452 will become a real mobile home for a hunter and a fisherman.


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