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The car owner is left alone with the road, and he will have to solve all the issues and make important decisions on his own without the help of an instructor. If a driver starts driving a new and unknown car, then before learning how to drive a car around the city, it is advisable to try vehicle outside the village.

This behavior will provide confidence while driving and develop the necessary automatism in action. It is very important not only to know which levers and where to move, but also how the car will behave after that.

The driver must have a certain sense of chauffeur, which is developed with experience. This is reflected in the ability to predict the traffic situation based on the current input. In some cases, these actions are performed automatically. For young drivers, it takes a little longer to assess the traffic situation and make a decision, so they are deliberately limited to the speed limit.

After several urban independent trips, the young driver will experience standard situations, which will manifest themselves in most of the further driving time. It is not recommended to do long races at first, but it is worthwhile to limit yourself to car walks at a distance of 30-45 minutes. During this time, the driver will not have time to overwork, but the lesson will not be too short.

Do not take your spouse or loved one as an instructor, this can distract from the focus on driving.

Towards professional driving

It's not enough to drive a car yourself, you also need to not be an obstacle for the rest of the participants road traffic... This is the essence of professional driving. At first, it is necessary to increase the number of races and establish their regularity so that there are no big breaks, because only persistent training can bring effective results.

It is important to psychologically tune in to the trip on your own, which is helped by an excellent knowledge of traffic rules and driving theory. The following rules also contribute to success:

  • daily driving refers to the prerequisites for success, with its help theoretical knowledge on emergency braking, working with the gearshift lever, driving in a confined space, parking, feeling the dimensions of the vehicle, acceleration / braking maneuvers, crossing intersections is consolidated;
  • reaction training on road signs priority or prohibition, attention to road markings, not making rash or abrupt maneuvers, approaching curbs;
  • independent trips in urban conditions, it is advisable to do it in the evening or on weekends when car traffic is unloaded, while the load on the driver on the highway or city road is significantly reduced.

It is necessary to exclude as much as possible the creation of emergency or controversial situations that will create obstacles to other drivers, that is, move in accordance with the rules of the road and not ignore other cars, be mutually polite.

You need to know that while driving on your own it is worth paying close attention to the behavior of fixed-route taxis on the modern road.

It is necessary to get rid of emotionality, and make all decisions quickly and with a "cold" mind, reducing panic to a minimum, while predicting the situation.

Carrying out maneuvers

To quickly learn how to drive a car, you need to correctly maneuver and rebuild according to the rules:

  • an assessment of the situation on the road is carried out (the location of the remaining cars, the presence of motorcyclists or mopeds in the row);
  • the distance to the nearest car in the required lane is estimated (it is most comfortable to train without cars in the lane);
  • the signal of the "turn signal" turns on (if you notice another participant performing such a maneuver, then it is better to skip it);
  • we bring the speed of the car to the general speed of the flow, and only then we make a changeover;
  • at the same time, do not forget to control the situation in front and behind through the rear-view mirrors.

Any maneuvers should preferably be performed at low speed and at low flow rates.

Conditions of education

As an assistant, you can put a more experienced familiar driver on the side passenger seat, who will be able to comment on the road situation at first.

There are two types of quick driving preparation:

  1. independent;
  2. with the help of an instructor.

Both options have their own merits and demerits. In the first case, it is necessary to overcome the psychological barrier, but you can exercise at any time convenient for you. In the second case, it is necessary to adjust to someone else's schedule, but to provide yourself with this greater confidence at first.

Location of the vehicle, its controls and controls

The priority tasks of a young driver are developing an eye gauge, determining the distance to an object while the car is moving. It is also necessary to observe the parallelism of movement on the road, especially at low speeds near concrete fences and city curbs. You can also train on electronic simulators with pedals and steering wheels.

When working with a manual or automatic transmission, work with the pedals must be brought to automaticity. In a manual transmission, you must use your left foot exclusively for clutching, and use your right foot with the brake and gas. The biggest mistake is to lower your eyes on the gear lever. It must be found by touch.

A competent driver is obliged to constantly monitor the situation from behind; for this, several rear-view mirrors are installed in the car. Before starting, they must be configured to suit your overall parameters. It is advisable to minimize the "blind" zones, which do not get the participants in the movement, making a maneuver near your car.


Young drivers should not hesitate to hang out a sign with the letter "U" warning others about the lack of experience of the car owner. This will add informational content on the road. The rest of the drivers will treat you more carefully.

Courses are over, your driver's license is in your hands, and you still don't know how to drive. You were taught to get under way and change gears, accelerate and brake, but inside there is a vague feeling that this is not all. You hesitate to go out on the road during the day when there is a stream of cars. You have no confidence in the safety of your own movement. How to be? Where to study? And what to do next to master the art of driving? How to learn to drive a car?

Driving training: with an instructor or on your own

The best training is with an instructor in a specially equipped machine with double pedals. This is the safest way to learn to drive from scratch. However, this training does not always work productively. Often, driving instructors, worried about their own car, actively use their pedals. By switching them instead of the student, they deprive him of the opportunity to make a mistake and get the necessary experience. It is difficult to learn how to drive a car from such an instructor.

The second training option is with a good instructor without duplicate pedals. Of course, there is some danger in such a lesson. On the other hand, you realize that you are really driving. And think differently. After all, the instructor in the next seat can only give advice or suggest something that you have not noticed. But it cannot press the brake, gearshift or gas pedal instead of you.

This type of training turns out to be much more productive.

You can find detailed information on what and what nuances to pay close attention to in the article of our author.

After two or three weeks of such training, a person sits on the steering wheel on his own and moves around the city quite well. Of course, if during this time he really learns, and not only thinks about how difficult or how quickly it is to learn to drive a car through the city streets.

Sometimes you have to finish your studies yourself. Drive a car to vacant lots or supermarket sites, move along the streets in the early morning, when there are few cars. In this case, you should rely only on yourself. And actively use other people's advice, experience, instructions, descriptions.

What tips can a beginner inexperienced driver take on board?

These tips will help those novice drivers who have some training, have learned to drive, but have no experience. They should drive at a reduced speed in the far right lane, avoiding difficult intersections, multi-lane roads and rush hour traffic. It is also worth excluding driving a car in dark time days. At least until you have experience and confidence.

So what tips will help aspiring car enthusiasts get on the road?

  1. The obligatory presence of the sign "Novice driver" on the rear window is information for other drivers about your inexperience. warns them that you cannot get off the side road quickly, that your car may stall in front of traffic lights or roll back too much when starting on a slope. Do not be shy about this letter, and even vice versa - make it large and visible.
  2. For female drivers - the sign "shoe". It is also information for other drivers, especially male “racers”. Psychologists confirm the fact that men and women have different thinking. The male logic does not correspond to the female one. Therefore, it is worth hanging a shoe sign on the car for a more condescending attitude. Note: the worst thing for the "racers" is the combination of the signs "Novice driver" + "shoe". Surrounding drivers will be especially careful with such a car.
  3. Calmness and low speed are the main means of safety in traffic situations. At first, you will have many difficult intersections. Each exit to the main one will seem difficult. Remember - you must always be sure of the safety of traffic. Stop in front of the main road, assess the situation. Skip as many cars as you see fit. And only after - go to the roadway.
  4. If they honk you from behind and demand to leave faster, do not follow the lead. Listen only to your own assessment. If an experienced driver gets to the intersection quickly, then you still cannot assess the situation with lightning speed. So trust your yardstick. Note: if the driver from behind continues to honk loudly, turn on the emergency light and go through the intersection at your own pace. And more - hang on the car one of the catchphrases, like "Don't push the signal, remember how you started yourself." This will help reduce the fervor of the "rider".
  5. Feel free to twist your head. Especially when you give back. When driving reverse it is better to navigate not by mirrors, but to turn half-turn and look in rear glass... When changing lanes and other maneuvers, be sure to look in both mirrors, turning your head quickly. A glance without turning your head, out of the corner of your eye, does not always allow you to fully see the road.
  6. The UDD rule, or “give way to the fool,” on the roadway can be called a golden remedy. Even if you are driving on a main road, evaluate the movement of drivers on secondary adjacent roads. They don't always follow the rules. If the car clearly does not stop on a secondary road, skip it. It's cheaper for yourself.
  7. Issue CASCO and OSAGO. These insurances will protect you from the material costs of car repairs. CASCO - protection for your car. Under this insurance, you will be paid to repair your car, in any case, regardless of the culpability of the accident. OSAGO - protection for the second car, if it turns out that you have violated the rules and are the culprit of an accident. God saves man, who save himself.
  8. Install an internet traffic congestion service and use its messages. Avoid driving on roads showing traffic jams. Traffic in heavy traffic is not for you yet. So is the haste. Your credo is speed and Olympic calmness.

What else to add? At the start of your independent driving, choose 1 - 2 routes around the city. Let these be the most frequent commutes - to work, to school, or to visit your parents. And roll them in. Memorize intersections, intersection signs, holes, rainstorms. And only after having mastered the first routes, start to drive more freely on other streets.

And one more thing: driving a car requires concentration. You need to see everything: pedestrians on roads and roadsides, cars in your and oncoming lane, signs along the roads and traffic lights at intersections. Concentration creates tension, which in turn causes fatigue. After the first independent trips, you often want to sleep. This is the result of mental stress.

To prevent the occurrence of a traffic accident, you need to know while driving.

Over time, you will learn to assess the traffic situation without undue stress. Then you will no longer get tired of driving. There will be ease and pleasure of driving a car. This will become possible after several thousand kilometers.

Attention: girl driver

An experienced driver will drive well regardless of gender or age. After 10 years of driving, women and men are equally at home with the car. But during the period of study, girls have more fears, uncertainties, questions about how to learn how to drive a car.

Among the students of the courses, as a rule, from one third to half of the class are ladies. The following tips will help them learn to drive like men.

  1. In order not to be afraid of the steering wheel, you have to drive. Experience is an invaluable gift that money cannot buy. Therefore, daily business trips, shopping is the key to successful mastering of driving skills.
  2. It is not necessary to understand internal structure car. But be sure to regularly show it at the service station. This will reduce the likelihood of breakdowns on the road.
  3. When driving a car, you have to think about the road. While driving, it is necessary to leave thoughts of family and school, cooking dinner and lunch. Focusing your attention will help you avoid road accidents.
  4. During the first months of driving, do not wear high heels. It is better to drive the car with shoes with a flat platform. And if you really want to leave the house on stiletto heels, change your shoes in the cabin, getting behind the wheel.
  5. In the parking lot - do not hesitate to ask for help. However, one must be sure that the person adequately estimates the size of the parking space and the size of the car. Ideally, if it is a paid parking worker who is responsible for the safety of cars. He is at least responsible and interested in safety.
  6. Think concretely and logically. Less emotion, more analysis of facts and clear action.

For lovely ladies, and not only, it will be useful to know how to do it right. A qualified specialist tells about this.

Despite the fact that men consider women to be illogical, there are many good drivers among the latter. Although the statistics confirm the fact that it is female drivers who are more often involved in road accidents.

After the first 2 - 3 thousand kilometers, the recent beginner develops real stable riding skills. And after 5-6 thousand, confidence appears. Sometimes it develops into self-confidence, a desire to be on a par with experienced drivers. The question is not how to learn to drive, but how to be on a par with everyone. It is dashing to rebuild, cut and drive at exorbitant speeds. This euphoria is dangerous, this condition often leads to traffic accidents.

What advice is it worth remembering for a recent newbie who graduated from a driving school 3-4 months ago and is already confident in his own professionalism? Let's consider them.

  1. The main criterion for professionalism is the ability to stop the car on any road, at different speeds for a limited braking distance. There are usually no overclocking problems behind the wheel. Problems and accidents occur during braking when the driver is unable to keep up with the speed of the vehicle. Therefore, despite the experience gained and the example of other drivers, observe the speed limit. Remember that 86% of accidents involve overspeeding. With a permitted high-speed mode, an accident might not have happened.
  2. Distance is another indicator of driving professionalism. Only the inexperienced or novice will keep close to the vehicle ahead. An experienced driver will always suspect the incompetence of others. And therefore - to be prepared for stupidity on their part.
  3. Remember to look in the mirrors every 10 to 15 seconds. Even if you are not changing lanes or passing an intersection, you are driving along a flat road.
  4. Brake as soon as you see a danger, unexpected obstacle or brake lights in front of the car. Slow down as soon as there are reasons to do so. Even seconds of delay can cost someone their lives.
  5. Make it a rule to inspect tires every month, assess the condition of the treads, show the car to the technician at the service station to assess the brakes and chassis. The cost of malfunctioning your vehicle can be a human life. Do not buy used tires. Only use new tires with good tread on your wheels.
  6. Listen to the sounds of your engine and chassis. When unconventional sounds, new ones that you have not heard before, appear - show the car to the technician. Some mechanism in it began to break down. Likewise, always look at the ground or asphalt under the vehicle after parking. If there are oil stains or other leaks - contact a service station. The serviceability of the car is your safety and the life of the people around you.

And one more thing: the most dangerous thought for an experienced beginner is the thought "how well I can drive a car." It is after her that unpleasant incidents often occur. If only you heard something similar inside yourself, be very careful, slow down, look around, correlate the movement of your car and neighboring cars.

Tips for the Experienced: Rules That Keep You Life

After two years of driving, the driver is no longer a beginner. From this time on, the speed limits (70 km per hour) are removed from it and the letter "U" disappears from the glass of the car. If a person has actually driven a car for two years, he is an experienced driver with 2 years of driving experience. If the car was parked more in the garage, and the trips were rare, then the beginner's experience is not enough, and the level of his driving is “Apprentice”.

Even an experienced driver who drives a car with confidence must be attentive and control the speed. There are a number of tips that GAI inspectors recommend for every driver to take on board. They allow you to prevent accidents.

  1. If you plan to turn left and are standing in the far left lane in front of a traffic light, keep your wheels straight. This will allow you to stay in your lane and not fly into the oncoming lane if someone from behind enters your car.
  2. Never drive through an intersection on yellow light... The worst and most unpleasant collisions occur at yellow traffic lights. When some cars still stop moving. Others are already starting it. These accidents are often fatal. If only you have airbags in your car.
  3. To avoid skidding when cornering, slow down before cornering. On an arc of a turn, move with a small set of speed - this will prevent skidding and hitting the oncoming lane.
  4. If an oncoming car rushes towards you, slow down and turn to the side. In any case, a side impact is better than a frontal impact. And a ditch at the edge of the road is better than an oncoming collision.

And finally, the most important and commonplace - do not exceed the speed. The speed limits on the roads are designed for the general safety of you and the people around you.

Emergency maneuverability training

In addition to the usual driving courses, there are courses for the so-called "advanced training" or "extreme emergency driving courses". They teach experienced drivers how to learn to drive a car safely in all weather conditions.

How to behave in a difficult traffic situation, when a child, an animal runs out into the lane, or a car rushes towards you? Some of these courses can be done with your car. This will require an empty area or a wide deserted road. What to do?

  1. Drive onto an empty area (road), accelerate to 40 km per hour and brake quite sharply. See how the car behaves during emergency braking and how long the braking distance is. Then do the same at speeds of 50, 60, 70, 80 km per hour. Measure the distance required for emergency braking at various speeds. Do the same after the rain, on a wet, empty road. These exercises will teach you how to quickly stop the car, remember visually the distance required to stop completely on a wet road.
  2. Obstacle Avoidance Training - Put down a crumpled plastic bottle, start moving in its direction, accelerate and dodge it sharply. Do this at low speed first. Gradually - increase your speed and learn to avoid unexpected obstacles at 60, 70 and 80 km per hour.
  3. A similar exercise can be done if you have an assistant. He should roll out old tires under your wheels, while you move on the road. In this case, the wheel imitates an unexpected obstacle or a person who appears on the road in the wrong place.
  4. Classes on slippery surfaces - they will require a snow-covered or ice-covered area. It is necessary to accelerate and slow down in order to work out the reaction when skidding to automatism. Automatic reactions are the foundation of your driving safety. In difficult road situations, seconds decide the matter. There is no time to think and weigh. Note: in cases of skidding, the driver's actions are determined by the car's drive. If the driving wheels are front, then you need to turn the steering wheel towards the skid and smoothly accelerate. If the driving wheels are rear, then you need to turn the steering wheel in the direction opposite to the skid and do not put pressure on the gas.
  5. Completely independent training from scratch is possible in rare cases, if a person is a driver from God. This is possible if a person has watched the driver work from childhood. Therefore, children of drivers who have absorbed the skill, if not with mother's milk, then with the words of their father, can learn to drive a car without the help of an instructor. Through frequent observation, they memorized foot and pedal movements, steering wheel movements, wheel and vehicle movements.

    Self-driving training is the exception rather than the rule. It's still better and safer to study with an instructor. It is necessary to study. And the more competent drivers there are on the roads, the fewer accidents and other unpleasant road accidents will be.

    (12 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

As it was sung in one old song: "Cars literally filled everything ...". Yes, indeed, cars have already filled literally everything. If before the car was a luxury, and only very well-to-do people could afford to buy it, now almost every family has a car. In the modern world, a car is a means of transportation, especially in large cities, where a metropolitan resident needs to cover a distance of several tens of kilometers. If you decide to learn how to drive a car, then in this article we will tell you about the technique of driving a car.

Let's start by looking at some of the organizational aspects of driving a car. Before you start learning to drive, you must not only read, but also learn the Rules of the Road, along with signs and types of road markings. It is imperative to learn the rules, since not only your life depends on it, but also the life of other road users. To study the rules, it is best to use special textbooks that teach the rules of the road, demonstrating it all in illustrations. In addition, on the Internet you can find video tutorials on teaching both the Rules of the road and driving a car itself. The reinforcing stage in the study of the rules is familiarization with the primary source of the Rules of the road. We also recommend purchasing a collection of test tickets for the Rules of the Road, or taking tests online, there are a lot of services that provide them. These tickets will help you both when passing the exam for obtaining a license, and teach you to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice.

So, let's summarize what you need to study the Rules of the Road:

  1. Traffic Laws;

  2. Study guide for studying the Rules of the road (in pictures);

  3. Examination tickets for the Rules of the road.
Practical part

Driving is not only about knowledge of the rules and the physical ability to drive, driving should be considered more deeply. While driving, you must constantly monitor the traffic situation: through the windshield and side windows, as well as through the rear-view mirrors. There are three rear-view mirrors in the car: two side rear-view mirrors, which are located on the front doors of the car and through the central rear-view mirror located on the windshield. It is necessary to monitor the actions of all road users: drivers and especially pedestrians. In a word, you must constantly be in control of the situation on the road, this is necessary: ​​to choose the trajectory of the car, to choose speed mode, as well as for the prevention of an emergency and emergency response in case of its occurrence. This does not mean that you have to constantly be in tension and in the literal sense of the word look out for everything that happens on the road - no, at first it will be very difficult, in the future, monitoring the traffic situation will become an involuntary habit, the main thing is to initially accustom yourself to this ...

How not to be afraid to drive

Before you start your first driving tests, you should not be afraid of the car itself. To a greater extent, this concerns women - for some reason they are panicky afraid " iron horse”And this is the main problem, because until you stop being afraid, you will not be able to learn how to drive a car well, because the main thing is to always remain calm while driving. In order not to be afraid of the car, at first just start it, and occasionally pressing the gas pedal in order to get used to the sound of the engine and the speed it picks up, and to the car itself too.

As for the fear of driving, this is the next thing a novice driver faces. In order not to be afraid to drive a car, you must initially study on a special site or road where there are no other road users. After you have mastered sufficient driving skills, you can try driving on city roads where there is not much heavy traffic.

In order not to be afraid to drive a car in the city, think over your route in advance, even if it is longer - it's okay, the main thing is that the traffic is not intense. Then mentally walk this route. Subsequently, when you already feel more confident behind the wheel, try the opposite - to drive on routes where there is more heavy traffic in order to gain experience driving in different places and under different road conditions. In order to learn how to drive a car at first, it is better to have an experienced driver supervise you, who would help to cope with the mistakes and difficulties faced by novice drivers.

And the last thing to note here is clothing and footwear. Clothes should not hinder your movements, should be comfortable and not tight. Pay special attention to the shoe, its sole should not be thick. The best driving shoes are those with thin but durable soles that will glide well over the pedals. These shoes will help you feel good on the pedals of your car. In order for a woman to learn how to drive a car, we strongly recommend that you never wear shoes with heels and a large platform, if necessary, change your shoes in the car.

Preparing for departure

Every time you start driving, you need to check the car - this is the basis for starting driving. The check consists of the following steps:

  • Visual inspection
Before leaving the garage or parking lot, you need to check the car thoroughly. First, make sure there are no smudges under the car. If any were noticed, try to determine where this fluid came from and fix the problem. Then pay attention to the tires, they should not be flat: either pump them up, or in case of a puncture, replace the wheel. Also check the performance of external lighting devices: rear and front headlights, as well as turn signals.
  • Adjustment
Once in the car, especially if you drive this vehicle with someone else, then adjust the driver's seat: the distance from the steering wheel, the angle of the backrest, and also, if the car device allows it, adjust: the height of the seat and the height of the steering column. Then adjust the center and side mirrors.
  • Safety regulations
Before driving, be sure to fasten your seat belt and check that the rest of your passengers do the same. Check the functionality brake system... Before starting off, make sure that starting your journey will not interfere with other road users. That is, you need to skip all vehicles moving in the same direction.

Driving rules

So, now let's directly touch on the technique of driving a car. To begin with, it's worth telling how to get under way in a car with a manual transmission. Remember: the left foot only works with the clutch pedal - this is the left pedal; the right foot works with the brake pedal - the center pedal and with the gas pedal - the right pedal.

How to start and stop a car

Start the car by turning the ignition key to the ACC position, then turn the key to the ON position, after 10 seconds, turn the ignition key to the START position, as soon as the car starts, release the key, it will automatically move to the ON position. To switch off the vehicle, the ignition key must be turned to the ACC position.

How to get under way by car

  • How to start from a level place by car
After you have performed all the steps that we described in the section on preparing for departure, check that the car is on the hand brake and the gear lever is in neutral. After completing all these steps, you need to start the car.

To drive the car forward, you need to engage first gear. To do this, depress the clutch with your left foot (left pedal all the way), moving the gear lever to the appropriate position, that is, engaging first gear. Place your right foot on the accelerator pedal (right pedal) and slightly apply the gas so that the arrow on the tachometer points to a two (the engine should reach 2,000 rpm). Then, with your right foot, depress the brake (central pedal), release the car from the parking (hand) brake by pressing the lever button and lowering it down. After that, move your foot to the accelerator pedal to maintain the engine's RPM, and release the clutch pedal smoothly, very, very smoothly. When the car starts to move, lightly press the gas pedal and continue to smoothly release the clutch pedal. When not using the clutch pedal, always move your left foot to a resting platform, located on a hill to the left of the clutch pedal. By pressing the gas pedal, adjust the speed of the car: the more you press the gas pedal, the faster the car will go and vice versa.

  • How to drive up the hill
Another very difficult question for novice drivers is the start of driving uphill. We all know that if you do not react correctly and quickly in a given situation, the car can roll back or stall. What do you need to know in order to start on a hill? First of all, you need to completely relax - this is the main thing, believe in yourself. There are 2 ways to go up the hill, the first is for beginners, the second is for experienced drivers.

The first way to take off the hill is using the hand brake, this is the beginner's way. So, you are on the rise and you need to get under way. To do this, put the car on the handbrake, squeeze the clutch and engage the first gear. Along with this pressing the gas pedal, you must bring the engine to 2500-3000 rpm and fix your right foot in this position. Then gently lower the handbrake lever and smoothly release the clutch pedal in parallel. As soon as the car starts moving, smoothly add gas so that the car does not go too far. When you have released the clutch pedal, place your left foot on the resting platform, and with your right foot control the vehicle speed by pressing the accelerator pedal.

The second way to drive the car uphill is the so-called "leg swing". This method is used by most experienced drivers. This way of moving up a hill is as follows: the left foot squeezes the clutch, the right foot presses the brake pedal, to start moving, the clutch pedal is smoothly released and as soon as it is felt that the car is about to start moving, the right foot is thrown from the brake pedal to the pedal gas. In this case, the gas pedal must be pressed in such a way that the engine reaches about 3000 rpm, this will exclude the car from moving backward and help to take an intensive acceleration uphill. Now you know how to properly drive a car when starting off.

How to change gears on a car
  • How to change from first gear to second
So, when you started off and accelerated a little, you must definitely change the gear, this must be done in order to relieve the engine, since 1st gear is the most powerful, and it is designed exclusively to move the car from a place. In order to switch from the first gear to the second, you need to slightly accelerate the car and then squeeze the clutch all the way, then switch the gear lever to the second speed and smoothly start releasing the clutch pedal, while you need to smoothly press the gas pedal. With the clutch pedal up, move your left foot to the resting platform and control the speed of the vehicle with your right foot. Many novice drivers are wondering when to shift into second gear. It is necessary to shift into second gear almost immediately after starting the movement, if you continue to pick up speed.
  • How to go from second to third gear and beyond
The principle of gear shifting is the same and is no different from the actions that we described above. After you have dispersed the car to 35-40 km / h in second gear, you need to switch to third gear. Having reached a speed of 50-60 km / h, go into fourth gear. The fifth gear is included outside the city at a speed of 80 km / h, when you will already feel quite confident behind the wheel. Also, when changing gears, you can focus on the tachometer readings, when its value reaches 2500-3000 rpm - go to the next gear.
  • How to downshift
In order to switch to a lower gear, for example from third to second, you need to squeeze the clutch, engage a lower gear, then slightly press the gas pedal, gaining about 2500 rpm, and smoothly release the clutch pedal, while adding gas.

How to brake correctly on a car

  • How to reduce the speed of a car
In order to reduce the speed, you need to remove your right foot from the gas pedal and gently press the brake pedal, it is possible that in this case you will have to change to a lower gear.
  • How to stop the car
To stop the car completely, you need to depress the clutch pedal and smoothly press the brake pedal with the right naked, gradually stopping the car.

How to back up by car

In order to reverse, the car must be completely stopped. Squeeze the clutch, move the gear lever to reverse (in modern cars, this will require lifting the ring on the gear lever up). Make sure there is no one behind and you can start driving. Reach 2500 rpm by pressing the accelerator pedal and lock your right foot in this position, then slowly begin to release the clutch pedal. As soon as the car starts to move, you can gradually add gas.

How to quickly learn to drive a car

In order to quickly learn to drive a car, you need to practice as much as possible. Do not get stuck on light, unloaded roads as soon as you feel confident - make the conditions more difficult. Try to go around the whole city, both in the daytime and at night - the main thing is attentiveness and caution. As a rule, the first skills in driving a car, both in the city and on the highway, will be helped in a driving school, when your actions and movement will be controlled by a driving instructor.

This video explains and shows you how to get started with your car. Be sure to watch this video, as it is better to see once than read about it several times.

How to properly move up the hill is described in detail in this video. The process of starting a car moving up a hill is somewhat more complicated, and differs from the process of starting a movement on a flat road.

The last difficult stage of driving, gear shifting, is shown in this video, so we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

  1. Car driving rules
  2. How to quickly learn to drive a car

The old song sang: "Cars literally flooded everything ...". Indeed, cars can be seen everywhere. If earlier it was considered a luxury, and only wealthy people could buy it, now almost everyone owns a car. In the modern world, especially in megalopolises, where residents need to travel several tens of kilometers every day, the car has become a means of transportation. If you dream of learning to drive a good car from scratch, then this article on our site will tell you everything about driving techniques.

What you need to know to drive a car

Theoretical part

First, let's look at a couple of organizational aspects of driving a car. Before you start learning to drive, you need to not just read, but learn the traffic rules (traffic rules), along with road markings and signs. The rules must be learned, because your life and the lives of other road users depend on it. To do this, it is worth using special textbooks, in which everything is clearly demonstrated. In addition, on the world wide web, you can find training video lessons, both to driving a car itself and to traffic rules. Also, our site advises to buy a collection of exam tickets for traffic rules, or to pass online tests, there are a lot of services that provide such services. This will teach you how to put your theoretical knowledge into practice and will help you pass the license exam.

Let's summarize what you need to study traffic rules:

  • A textbook for studying traffic rules (with pictures)
  • Examination tickets for traffic rules

Practical part

Driving a car is not only a physical ability to drive a car and knowledge of the rules, driving must be considered deeper. When you eat, you need to constantly monitor the situation on the road: through the side and windshield as well as rear-view mirrors. You must watch out for the actions of pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles. In other words, you need to constantly own traffic situation, it is necessary: ​​to select a speed mode, to select a trajectory of movement, as well as for emergency response to avoid an emergency. True, this does not mean that you need to be constantly tense and look out for all the little things on the road - no, at first it will be difficult, but then you will develop a habit, it is important to accustom yourself to this from the very beginning.

Before driving, you shouldn't be afraid of the car itself. This is more about girls - they are most often afraid and this is the biggest mistake, because until you stop being afraid, you will not be able to learn how to drive a car well from scratch, because you must always be calm while driving. To overcome the fear of the "iron horse", first just start it and press the gas pedal. This will allow you to get used to the engine speeding up, its sound, and, well, to the car itself.

What about the fear of driving itself, then this next stage to deal with. In order not to be afraid to drive, you need to start learning on a special road or playground where you will be yourself. And already, when you master the driving skills, you can try to go to city streets, however, initially to where there is no heavy traffic.

In order not to be afraid that you will turn the wrong way, or that there will be a lot of people or cars on your way, you need to think over the route in advance, if it will be long - this is not scary, it is important that the traffic is not great. Then mentally ride this route. When you feel more confident, take the busier routes on the contrary, so that you have experience in different driving conditions. To make it easier for you to do all this, it is better to have an experienced driver next to you who would help to cope with all the difficulties and mistakes.

And the last thing worth noting at this point is shoes and clothing. Shoes should not have thick soles. The best shoes are those with durable but thin soles that glide well over the pedals. This will help you get a good feel for the car's pedals. For girls to feel normal, you should not wear shoes with a large platform or heels. And clothes should be loose so as not to hinder your movements.

Preparing for departure

Before you start driving, you need to check the car - this is the basis of the basics. The check consists of the following actions:

  • Visual inspection. Before leaving the parking lot or garage, you need to check everything carefully. Make sure there are no smudges under the machine. If you notice something like this, try to determine where the leak was from and fix the problem. Then look at the tires, they should be inflated. If a puncture occurs, replace the wheel. It is also worth checking the operation of external lighting devices: front and rear lights, and turn signals.
  • Adjustment. When you sit in the car, especially if this is not your vehicle or you just sat down after someone, then you need to adjust the driver's seat: the angle of inclination, distance from the steering wheel, and also, if the device of the car allows, adjust: the height of the steering column and the height of the seat ... Then adjust the side and center rearview mirrors.
  • Safety regulations. Before you start, be sure to fasten your seat belt and make sure the rest of your passengers do this too. Check the operation of the braking system. Before driving, make sure that you do not obstruct other motorists or pedestrians. That is, you must skip all people and vehicles that are moving in the same direction.

Car driving rules

Now let's touch directly on the driving technique. To begin with, we will tell you how to properly get under way with a manual transmission. Remember: the right foot works with the gas pedal - this is the right pedal and with the brake pedal - the center pedal, and the left foot with only the clutch pedal is the left pedal.

How to start and stop a car.

To start the car, you need to turn the ignition key to the ACC position, then turn the key to the ON position, after ten seconds turn it to the START position, as soon as the car starts, release the key, it will turn to the ON position on its own. To muffle, turn the key to the ACC position.

How to get started

How to start from level ground

When you start, you need to move off, in order to do this, turn on the first gear. To do this, squeeze the clutch with your left foot (left pedal all the way), move the gear lever to the first gear position. Now put your right feet on the gas pedal (right pedal) and press lightly so that the arrow on the tachometer points to 2 (the engine should reach 2000 rpm). Then press the brake (central pedal) with your right foot, release the car from the hand (parking) brake, for this press the button and lower it down. Now move your foot to the accelerator pedal to maintain the RPM gain and release the clutch slowly. When you see that the car starts to move, apply a little pressure on the gas and continue to smoothly release the clutch. When not using the clutch with your left foot, try to move to the resting area to the left of the clutch pedal. Adjust the speed of movement with the gas pedal: the less you press on the gas, the slower the car goes and vice versa.

How to move downhill

Another very important point for all novice drivers, this is the start of downhill driving. Everyone knows that if you do not react quickly and correctly at this moment, the car may stall or roll back. First of all, you need to relax - this is important, you need to believe in yourself. There are two ways to go downhill, the first is for experienced drivers and the second is for beginners.

The first method is also called "leg swing". It is used by almost all experienced motorists. This method consists in depressing the clutch with your left foot, pressing the brake with your right foot to start moving, smoothly release the clutch and when you feel that the car is about to start, move your right foot from the brake to the gas. In this case, the engine needs to be accelerated to 3000 rpm, this will help the car start moving forward, not backward.

The second way is to move downhill using the hand brake. You are on a hill and want to start moving. To do this, depress the handbrake, squeeze the clutch and engage first gear. Now bring the engine to 3000 rpm with your right foot and lock your leg in this position. Then slowly start releasing the handbrake, gradually add the gas so that the car does not stretch. When you release the clutch pedal, use your right foot to control the vehicle speed (gas pedal), and move your left foot to the resting platform.

How to change gears

How to change from first gear to second

So, if you managed to get under way, and you accelerated, then you need to now switch to second gear. This is done so that the engine is relieved, since first gear is the most powerful and is only used to drive away. To switch to second gear, you need to accelerate a little, squeeze the clutch all the way, change gear, start smoothly releasing the clutch and at this time press the gas. When the clutch is lifted, move your left foot to the resting area and control the speed with your right foot. Most newbies are wondering when to go into second gear. Here is the answer: you need to switch to the second gear almost immediately after the start of the movement, if you hear that the engine begins to choke in the first gear, then turn on the second.

How to go from second to third and so on

The principle of shifting to a higher gear is the same. After the car in second gear has accelerated to 40 km per hour, you can switch to third. When you reach 60 km per hour, go to the fourth. Fifth gear engages beyond 80 km per hour. Also, when switching, it is worth focusing on the tachometer readings, when the value reaches 3000 rpm, you can switch to an increased gear.

How to downshift

To go, for example, from fourth to third, you need to squeeze the clutch, engage third gear, then lightly press on the gas, gaining 2500 rpm, and smoothly release the clutch, while adding throttle.

How to brake correctly

How to slow down

To slow down - take your right foot off the gas and gently apply the brake, you may need to downshift.

How to stop

To stop smoothly, you need to squeeze the clutch and smoothly press the brake with your right foot, the car gradually stops.

How to back up

To back up, you need to completely stop the car. Then squeeze the clutch, move the lever to reverse gear(sometimes for this you need to lift up the ring, which is located on the gearshift lever). Make sure there is no one behind and start driving. Accelerate the engine to 2500 rpm and lock, then smoothly release the clutch. When the car starts to move, you can add gas.

How to learn to drive well

Learning to drive well takes more practice. Do not get hung up on unloaded light roads, gradually complicate your routes. Drive both day and night - it is important to be careful and attentive. The driving school will help you to acquire the basics of driving, your movements and actions will be controlled by an instructor.

Video lessons

  • Education, Development, Trainings


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In foreign countries, prevail Cars with an automatic transmission, and there the skills of driving cars on manual gearboxes are practically lost. But in Russia, there are still a lot of people who want to learn how to drive a car on a manual transmission, because a car on a mechanic:

In addition, many drivers prefer to drive a mechanic because this transmission allows for a better feel of the car and a faster response to different situations on the road. Also, the driver himself can adjust the fuel consumption. Well, one more important reason to learn how to drive mechanics - only from driving a car on a manual gearbox can you feel a real drive.
In the event of a breakdown, repairing a manual gearbox will cost less than repairing an automation.

What are the features of driving a car with a manual gearbox

The skills to correctly switch gears when using a car with an automatic transmission should be developed to automatism. They will be helped to get professional driving lessons on mechanics for beginners.

Machines with manual gearboxes do not have complex electronics that equalize the speed of rotation of the gears on the shaft, but there is a clutch pedal. It disengages the transmission so that the driver can put the gear lever in the desired position and change the speed.

Most cars have 4-5 speeds and reverse gear. Consider why they are needed.

  1. "Neutralka" This is the position of the switch at which no torque is transmitted to the wheels. In this position, the car cannot start moving even if the accelerator pedal is pressed.
  2. First. It is designed so that the car can move from a place. At this speed, you can accelerate to 20 km per hour. It is included when entering turns, climbing a steep hill, when performing maneuvers in a small space. Fuel consumption at this speed is maximum.
  3. The second is transitional. It is turned on when descending a hill, maneuvering in traffic jams on the road. It is also transitional to other high-speed transmissions.
  4. Third, fourth and fifth gears allow the vehicle to accelerate to the desired speed on the road.
  5. Rear - needed for U-turns and parking. You need to turn it on carefully, because the car with the reverse engaged will accelerate faster than in first gear.

How to learn to drive mechanics from scratch. Where to start learning

In order to drive well with a manual gearbox, the location of the speeds must be remembered with your eyes closed. On the road, you will have no time to peep at the gearshift lever. A self-driving car manual will give you good hints, but without hands-on practice it will be difficult to consolidate the skills. We will also show you where to start your practice sessions.


Do not worry if at first you have to mentally imagine the gearbox in order to shift the lever without looking. In a couple of months, the skills will be consolidated, and you will be able to do it automatically.

Another question that interests those who want to learn how to drive a car with a manual gearbox: "When to change one gear to another?"

To know exactly when to put the lever on more low speed, or higher, you need to listen to the engine speed. When you hear rapid revs, shift to high speed. If the revs are low and the car does not accelerate when pressing on the gas, you need to put the lever in a lower gear.

If you have a tachometer on the dashboard, then you can focus on its indicators. It is possible to shift up the gear when the engine rpm becomes 3000 per minute.

When the speed increases by 20 km / h, you need to use new gear... But this rule does not apply to all vehicles. If the car has a powerful engine, then an increase in gear can occur with an increase in speed by 30 km / h.

Riding a mechanic properly is a little difficult at first, but then you can do it easily and freely. We hope you will find our mechanic driving lessons useful. Also, do not forget to learn the rules of the road.

  1. Before turning the key, press the clutch pedal all the way down and move the manual gearbox speed lever to "neutral". Just do not start the engine at the included speed so that the car does not start moving unexpectedly and an accident occurs.
  2. Turn the key and hold the clutch pressed for a couple of minutes. This must be done in order to power unit warmed up.
  3. With the clutch depressed, place the switch in first gear. Release the clutch pedal gently until you hear the engine speed start to decrease. From now on, also gently press the gas pedal to set the car in motion. A manual transmission vehicle can jerk off to start if the clutch is released too quickly. If you do not press the gas pedal in time, the engine will stall.
  4. If you did everything correctly, then the car started moving. When the car accelerates to 15 km / h, depress the clutch and shift into second gear.

Important: So that when gears are engaged, there is no grinding or crunching sound, which means that there is friction of the gears, be sure to squeeze the clutch all the way. Driving always starts with depressed clutch.

Lesson 2. Driving theory - how to brake properly on a car with a manual transmission

In the section "Riding mechanics for dummies" you can find the following advice: if the situation requires an urgent stop, you can press the brake pedal with your right foot, then when the speed drops to 10 km / h and the car starts to shake, you need to depress the clutch pedal and switch to "Neutral". The Beginner's Self-Driving Self-Tutorial states that when your driving skills are automatic, you will apply the brake when the clutch is depressed and the speed is neutral.

There is another way of braking for mechanical box gear, which drivers call "downshift". This method allows the vehicle to stop smoothly.

To do this, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Start slowing down when the vehicle is driving 70 km / h.
  2. Squeeze the clutch and shift the gear lever into third gear.
  3. When the speed drops by 20 km / h, depress the clutch and shift into 2nd gear.
  4. At second speed, stop by gently applying the brake while squeezing the clutch. Do not include the first gear as a downshift.

    By visiting the circuit, you can try both methods in practice.

Lesson 3. At what speed to switch gears correctly when driving - detailed instructions

Each gear is designed for a specific travel speed, given by the engine speed.

Approximate speed limits for each transmission are presented in the table

Broadcast Minimum speed, km / h Maximum, km / h
The first 0 40
The second 10 60
The third 30 90
Fourth 50 swing

To accelerate the car to a certain speed, you need to change gears on the mechanics on an ascending basis.

Let's consider step by step how to accelerate a car to 60 km / h. it is assumed that the car will gain this value in fourth gear.

  1. Start driving in 1st gear and accelerate to 20 km / h.
  2. Shift the lever to 2nd gear and accelerate to 40 km / h.
  3. Switch to third, and gain 60 km / h.
  4. Shift into 4th gear.

This will ensure correct engine operation in each mode. Its revolutions at each stage will be approximately in the same range. Driving properly can save fuel.

Lesson 4. Parking rules for cars with manual transmission. Brief instruction

  1. Stop the engine.
  2. Press the clutch all the way and put the lever in first gear. This will prevent your vehicle from rolling away. Just do not forget to put the lever on "neutral" before turning on the engine.
  3. Turn on parking brake(handbrake).

You can quickly learn to drive a car mechanically if you practice your driving skills every day.

Lesson 5. Rules for using the handbrake in a situation with climbing a hill at the autodrome

On a steep incline in the road, it is difficult for beginners to keep the car from rolling backwards at the start of a journey. In this situation, you need to act like this:

  1. Turn on the handbrake and put the manual gearbox lever in "neutral".
  2. Press the clutch, engage first gear and place your palm on the parking brake lever.
  3. Release the clutch smoothly and when the engine speed starts to decrease, remove the car from the parking brake and press on the gas.


If you release the handbrake ahead of time, the car will roll back. In this situation, remember to gently release the clutch and add throttle. The machine will first stop and move forward.


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