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Competent choice rims depends on specifications, denoting all parameters, namely width, diameter, overhang, as well as DIA (hub bore diameter) and PCD (drilling parameters).

You also need to know the marking designation. It indicates the standard parameters of any type of wheel products:

Markings are indicated on the inside. Usually, manufacturers duplicate them in the accompanying documents and on the packaging if the product is new.

Disk options

To determine what the marking means, you need to know the width and diameter of the wheel product.

Drilling, or bolt pattern

This is one of the more difficult parameters to study, indicating the diameter of the mounting bolts. Drilling is measured from the center zone of the stud to the opposite zone of the element on the wheel.

Quite often, manufacturers indicate the parameters of the disc bolt pattern through a fraction, depending on the number of holes for fixing.

Suppose the indicators are 6/222.25. The first number indicates the number of holes for fastening bolts, and the second number indicates the number of holes drilled in millimeters.

Disk distance

This indicator is marked with the English letters ET. What is ET in discs and why is it? The indicator indicates the distance from the plane of the wheel product to the middle zone of the rim. The mating surface of the wheel product indicates the pressing plane of the disk to the hub.

Departure options can be:

  • with a zero indicator;
  • with negative;
  • with positive.

Zero offset indicates that the plane of the disk corresponds to its middle zone. Thus, the lower the indicator, the more the wheel product protrudes from the outside of the vehicle. If the overhang is increased, this means that the disc is recessed into the interior of the vehicle.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that, depending on the width of the product, the departure indicators differ. Manufacturers indicate in the accompanying documentation for the vehicle a lower offset value for wheels with a large width.

Diameter and other disk parameters schematically

What is HUMP (H)?

The hump is a protrusion of the ring on the disc rim. This element is used as protection against dismounting of a car tire. Usually 2 humps (H2) are used for the wheel.

In some cases, the hump may not be used, or only one is used, depending on the configuration of the car. Varieties of Humps:

  1. combined (CH);
  2. flat (FH);
  3. asymmetric (AH).

PCD disk parameters

The PCD value indicates the diameter of the circle of the center holes on the rim. That is, this is the diameter of the holes for fastening the bolts.

DIA disk option

The DIA parameter indicates the diameter of the hole located in the center of the disk. Casting manufacturers prefer to create a large diameter center hole DIA. This is done so that the discs are applicable and universal for any type of car.

Although the hub size may vary depending on the model vehicle, the autodisk is installed using an adapter ring, bushing.


As an example, consider the wheel rim marking 9J x20H PCD 5×130 ET60 DIA 71.60:

  1. The number 9 indicates the width measured in inches. To convert inches to centimes, the total is multiplied by 25.4.
  2. The letter J indicates structural elements: the shape of the disk flanges. This parameter does not play an important role in the selection.
  3. The letter X stands for inseparable disk.
  4. The number 20 indicates the diameter of the fit of the wheel product. This indicator corresponds to the fit of a car tire.
  5. The letter H denotes the presence of one hump or protrusion on the rim.
  6. Abbreviation PCD 5×130, where the number 5 indicates the number of holes for fastening nuts or bolts and the number 130 indicates their PCD diameter in millimeters.
  7. The ET60 marking indicates disc offset. In this situation, the indicator is 60 mm.
  8. The DIA value of 71.60 indicates the diameter of the center drill. Usually, DIA corresponds to the fit of the hub and is indicated in millimeters. If the DIA is larger than the hub diameter, then a center fit ring is used to install the disc.

Information is also attached to the label:

ISO, SAE, TUV - these abbreviations indicate the organizations that performed the inspection of the wheel product, similar to the Russian GOST. Standards that correspond to the wheel marking are also indicated.

maxload points permissible load on a car wheel. This indicator is indicated in kilograms and pounds.

What does parameter 700c mean?

This designation is used for large types of wheels for SUVs and Niva. According to the accepted ISO classification, this figure is 29 inches. Typically 700c wheels are used for off-road racing.

By using 29 inch wheels:

  • improved management performance;
  • the braking distance on unpaved surfaces is reduced and aerodynamics are increased;
  • the car's patency on soft soils and sands increases;
  • it becomes possible to install powerful brakes.

In order to select the wheels corresponding to a particular type of car, it is recommended to determine the diameter of the wheel and analyze the markings indicated on the rim. Also, do not forget that this element ultimately depends on safe driving.


Reading time: 4 minutes

Car rims not only improve appearance vehicle, but also increase the smoothness of the ride. Due to its unique properties, modern developments provide the most comfortable and safe ride under any climatic conditions. When purchasing new designs, motorists are repeatedly faced with the problem of how to choose them correctly. This question is relevant for both beginners and experienced drivers. There are many design parameters that need to be determined in advance in order to improve driving performance auto. For example, the main parameter is the width of the disk, which is responsible for the safety of the driver / passenger.

Disc width

As a rule, the diameter and placement of holes are far from the most important parameters when choosing components. At the same time, the marking indicated on the back of the product is not clear to all motorists. When choosing designs for your own car, you must definitely determine the possible width for given size tires.

Construction width

Choosing rims, you need to take into account the dimension of the tire. With a diameter, everything is usually clear, for example, a tire with a dimension of R15 should be installed on a wheel with a diameter of 15. Basically, the problem arises from determining the width of the tire and disk.

Table: wheel width, profile height in mm

You can do the calculation yourself. To do this, consider an example for a tire with a width of 215 mm and a diameter of 16.

  • The width of the rubber is indicated in centimeters: 215 mm = 21.5 cm.
  • Next, you need to translate the resulting value into inches: 1 centimeter \u003d 2.54 inches, divided by 21.5 by 2.54, it turns out 8.46. The amount can be rounded up to 8.5.
  • From the value obtained, 25-30% is taken, in this embodiment, 2.38 is obtained.
  • The resulting number can be subtracted from the tire width and rounded up to tenths 8.5 - 2.38 = 6.1.
  • The rim size of the product must be 6.1 inches or 155 mm.
  • Designs that have a diameter of up to 14 inches, their possible error is determined from 0.5 to 1.
  • Products that have a diameter of 15 inches are found with an error of up to 1.5.

Why is it important to correctly determine the width of the car disk

To find out what specifically affects the width rim, each car owner must understand that with any deviation from the requirements of the manufacturer regarding technical parameters structures, suspension failure may occur. This unfavorable factor contributes to the rapid wear of components, as well as chassis parts. Not taking into account every parameter, you may encounter structural failure while driving.

What is the width of wheel castings measured in

Before choosing the appropriate product for a car of any brand, it is necessary to consider an example of design marking: 6.5 14 4 × 100 ET45 D54.1:

  • 6.5 - width is determined;
  • 14 - diameter of the structure;
  • 4×100 - information about the fastening of the structure;
  • ET45 - departure;
  • D54.1 - bore diameter.

Low profile models are durable. Therefore, before measuring the width of the structure on a car of any brand, it is better to check in advance all the information that is indicated on the label. For increase speed characteristics manufacturer's recommendations should be followed.

Disc parameters 7J in centimeters

J is one of the important parameters that indicates the design features of the side flanges of the rim of the wheel product. Usually, the following combinations are most often indicated on the marking: J, JJ, JK, K, B, D, P.

What affects the width of the autodisk

Each cast or forged wheel needs a personalized rubber option that will fit the main parameters of the manufacturing plant. With the wrong choice, you can face a number of problems. It is difficult to miscalculate with the diameter, because setting the wrong size is problematic. But it is quite easy to make a mistake in terms of width. Too narrow or wide designs will adversely affect the design profile of the tire. This will result in performance degradation, such as reduced sidewall stiffness.

What effect does the width of the autodesign have?

Many people often wonder what the width of the rim affects. Experts say that the size of the rim of the product should be 25% less than the width of the rubber profile. For the size 195/65 R15 91 T shown, the construction width can be calculated as follows:

  • First, the width of the profile is calculated.
  • Next, 195 should be divided by 25.4, resulting in 7.68 inches.
  • Subtract 25% from this value, and then round the result.
  • The formula looks like this: 195/25.4-25%=5.76.
  • Further, the number needs to be rounded up and you get a disk 6 inches wide.

It makes no sense to install components with increased width without replacing rubber, the behavior of the machine changes only within the measurement error. If the disc is heavy, then it contributes to the deterioration of the ride and handling of the vehicle.


The rim is one of the most critical parts that connect the car to the road through the tire. When replacing tires or buying new wheels, it often becomes necessary to find out the parameters of the wheel. Deciphering the markings of disks and other designations on them will help you understand all the parameters and characteristics of your wheels.

Most of the characteristics of rims affect ride safety and suspension uptime. When choosing discs, you need to find out which models with what characteristics are allowed to be used on your car. Only if all requirements are met can they be installed on the machine.

Our website already has instructions for decoding tire markings, and now we will explain how to decipher the markings on rims.

You may also find our visual tire calculator useful.

Disc markings

stamped and alloy wheels for passenger cars have the same standard designation (marking). Certification of discs in the territory of the EU countries is carried out according to UN/ECE 124.

As an example, one of the options for marking a rim can be deciphered: 7.5 J x 15 H2 5x100 ET40 d54.1

The decoding of this marking will be as follows:

Rim width
The number 7.5 in the marking example indicates the distance between the inner edges of the rim in inches. This indicator is taken into account when choosing tires, since each tire has a certain range of rim widths. It is best when the rim width is in the middle range of the tire.

Rim edge type (flange)
The Latin letter J in the disc marking indicates the shape of the rim flange. This is where the disk connects to the bus. Among the most common designations for cars are: P, D, B, K, JK, JJ, J. Each letter hides several parameters:

  • radius of curvature
  • profile contour shape,
  • shelf angle,
  • shelf height, etc.

Most often in modern cars there is a J-shaped flange. All-wheel drive models are usually equipped with disks with the JJ type designation.

The flanges of the rim of the rim affect the mounting of the tire, the mass of the balancing weights, the resistance of tires to displacement in extreme situations. Therefore, despite the external similarity of the JJ and J rims, the rim edge recommended by the automaker should be preferred.

Rim split
The "x" sign indicates that the rim is made in one piece and is a single unit, and the "-" sign indicates that it consists of several components and can be disassembled and assembled. One-piece discs differ from collapsible structures in lightness and greater rigidity.

Wheels with an "x" rim are designed to be used with elastic tires, which is typical for cars and small cars. trucks. In the case of truck tires, which differ in rigidity, split disc designs are required. Otherwise, mount the tire on rim just impossible.

Mounting diameter (rim diameter)
Mounting diameter - this is the size of the landing rim of the rim under the tire.

The mounting diameter is usually indicated in inches (in our example, this is the number 15). In everyday life, motorists also call it the radius of the disk. When selecting a tire, this indicator must necessarily match its mounting size.

The standard values ​​​​of mounting disc diameters for cars and crossovers will be from 13 to 21.

Ring ledges or rolls (hump)
The designation H2 is deciphered as follows. Ring protrusions (humps) are located on 2 sides of the disk. These slides are designed to hold tubeless tire on the rim. They prevent the outflow of air in case of external impact on the tire. Other notations apply:
N - there is a hump on one side only,
FH - the tackle has a flat shape (Flat Hump),
AH - the ledge has an asymmetric shape (Asymmetric Hump), etc.

Mounting Hole Location (Pitch Circle Diameter)
In the 5x100 marking, the first number indicates the number of holes in the rim. The number 100 indicates the diameter of the circle on which the mounting holes are placed.

  • The number of mounting holes for cars usually ranges from 4 to 6 pieces.
  • The standard values ​​for the diameter of the circle will be 98 ÷ 139.7.

It is not always possible to determine by eye the correspondence between the size of the hub and the disk. And installing a disc 98 instead of 100 can lead to wheel misalignment, which will cause beating, as well as spontaneous loosening of the bolts.

Disk offset (ET, Einpress Tief)
The offset of the disk is the distance between the contact plane of the disk with the hub and the plane that passes through the center of the cross section of the wheel disk. The value is expressed in millimeters, and the overhang can be either positive (ET40) or negative (ET-30).

Bore diameter (hub diameter, DIA)
The central (hub) mounting hole of the rim is indicated in millimeters, for example d54.1. The diameter of the landing hole in cars ranges from 50 to 70 mm. It is very important to accurately select the disc in accordance with the landing belt of the vehicle hub.

Even with slight deviations of one of the parameters of the rim from the requirements of the automaker, there is a threat of accelerated wear of the tire, which can lead to its destruction in an extreme situation (high speed, sudden braking, sharp turn).

When the car stops due to the fault of the engine, you can call a tow truck, a foreman, or leave for help on a ride. But when a tire ruptures at high speed or a wheel comes off the hub, this creates a danger to the life of the driver, passengers and other participants. traffic. Therefore, the wheels must always be in good condition and be under the constant control of the driver.

The caliper is not only a graphic symbol of the engineering professions.

It is a convenient and fairly accurate measuring device.. When you take a battered and well-deserved drill with an erased marking out of the box, you can measure its diameter only using this device.

We will tell beginners how to use a caliper correctly, how to measure the internal, external dimensions or depth.

What is a caliper, what does it consist of?

The caliper device is typical for any of its modifications.

  1. Barbell. It is the body of the instrument. On the front sidewall there is a marking (3) with a step of 1 mm. The standard ruler length is 150 mm, but there are models with a longer scale. As a rule, it is made of alloy steels with high corrosion resistance.
  2. Movable measuring frame. It is a complex structure consisting of several functional parts. A flat spring is located inside the case to reduce backlash. Smooth running is regulated by a screw (8). The main element of the frame is the vernier (7), or auxiliary scale.

It has a precision marking of ten thin scratches. The scale division price for most models is 1.9 mm, but this ruler is not used for direct measurements.

How to use a vernier caliper

The scale can be fixed with screws. In this case, the accuracy of the measurement can be adjusted using verification equipment.

Measuring jaws

The surface of the measuring jaws, in direct contact with the measured object in the figure pos. five.

Outside jaws (4) are used to measure internal grooves, diameters, slot widths and other dimensions from inside the part.

The outer jaws (5) with the working surface inside are more versatile. In addition to taking dimensions, they can be used to mark up, for example, to lay parallel lines.

Some calipers do not have rear jaws, usually tools larger than 250mm.

To take the internal size with such a caliper with measuring jaws, it is necessary, taking into account the design feature (there is its own width), when taking the scale readings, it is necessary to subtract 10 mm (this moment should be indicated in the instructions, and applies only to mechanical devices).

Depth gauge

It is a retractable bar, directly connected to the movable frame. The tip of the depth gauge is verified at the factory. Just like the surface of sponges, it cannot be treated with abrasives.

Depth gauge (pos.6) is designed to measure the depth of cavities, as well as protrusions on which it is impossible to fix the measuring jaws (for example, gear teeth).

Modifications of calipers, how to measure correctly

According to the method of taking readings, there are the following types of instrument:

Caliper with vernier

Nonius is an additional scale, the movement of which along the main scale increases the measurement accuracy to 0.05 mm (pos. 7).

All measurements are made mechanically. The operator, according to the instructions and the accuracy class, calculates the readings by combining the main scale and the vernier markings.
Example for taking readings with a caliper with an accuracy class of 0.1 mm.

Units of millimeters are determined to the zero mark of the vernier scale. Then we find the alignment of the millimeter mark closest to the beginning of the scale and the risks on the auxiliary scale.

The combined mark corresponds to a tenth of a millimeter after the decimal point. If the ideal combination is not achieved, the next two risks are taken for it.

Example for taking instrument readings with an accuracy class of 0.05 mm.

Units of millimeters are read in the same way as in the previous example. After the decimal point, the distance will be a two-digit number (hundredths of a millimeter with an accuracy of 0.05).

It makes no sense to make calipers with a more accurate scale. How to work with such a device with the help of the eyes is not clear. And the cost increases with increasing accuracy.

For more accurate positioning, the movable measuring frame is often equipped with a trimmer screw. This allows you to smoothly move the jaws to the measured part. This addition is especially relevant when measuring soft objects.

Dial caliper

Just like noninus, it refers to mechanical measuring instruments.

Such a tool makes it easier to read the values, which saves a lot of time. There is no need to combine risks and calculate the true value. Measurement with a dial caliper, available for people with low vision to work with precision instruments.

The value of whole millimeters is still read from the main linear scale. But the tenths (or hundredths) are displayed on the pointer device.

Technically, the tool is not very complicated, which favorably affects its cost. A roller connected to the arrow moves along the bar. The mechanism has the ability to fix the arrow, to save the value after the measurement.

Digital display

The measurement is performed mechanically, but the reading of information is presented in digital form.

Instead of a moving measuring frame, a housing with an electronic module moves along the rod. All movements, with the accuracy specified in the specification, are displayed on the liquid crystal display.

One part is taken as a standard, then the caliper is reset to zero. The second part is measured relative to the standard.

Reading of indications in real time, instant perception. Perhaps the most convenient implementation. More advanced (and therefore expensive) models are equipped with a memory of the last measurement result.

The instrumental error does not depend on the way the information is presented. If a pair of "wheel-bar" have an exact articulation, and are of high quality, you can not worry about accuracy. Cheap Chinese fakes can have a high error. If the product is manufactured at a specialized factory, feel free to use it.

How to use a caliper - general rules

First of all, it must be remembered that this device belongs to the high-precision class. Therefore, all moving parts must be kept clean and lubricated.

Measuring planes affect the measurement accuracy, therefore, a hard mechanical impact is unacceptable. Corrosion or adhering dirt (paint) increase the error tenfold.

Instructions on how to use a caliper

How to measure various workpieces is shown step by step in the illustration.

  1. Outdoor measurements, the properties of the device are especially well used when working with round workpieces;
  2. Internal measurements. Such accuracy as that of a caliper cannot be achieved by any mechanical device;
  3. Depth measurements. Just pull out the depth gauge and take readings from the scale or instrument;
  4. Shoulder measurement. This type of work is generally not available to other measuring instruments, especially with such accuracy.

We have analyzed the main and universal types of calipers. In addition, there are a number of narrow-profile devices. Most of these operations are performed with a universal device, but a specialized device is always more accurate.

Universal caliper with an error level of 0.1 mm. Equipped with a depth gauge. Columbus or Columbus - this is what the masters usually call it among the people, got its nickname from the manufacturer's company "Columbus".

The presence of a fine-tuning device for precise measurements is an important addition to this measuring device.

Higher class of device accuracy. Therefore, a tuning screw has been added to the construct.

Depth gauge. It has wide support lips and a retractable ruler. Longer scale, as well as a different look of the inner jaws.

Stangenheights. A marking device that uses the "side effects" of a caliper.

And for home use - use the station wagon!

To consolidate the material, watch the video on how to use the caliper, detailed instructions.

The caliper is used to determine the outer and inner diameters, linear dimensions, the depths of grooves and holes, as well as the distance between the ledges. Some modifications allow marking on the surface of workpieces. The tool is used to measure workpieces in mechanical and locksmith production areas, to control the development of wear surfaces during equipment repairs, due to its ease of use it is used in home workshops.

Caliper design

Shown in Fig. 1 caliper type ШЦ-1 consists of:

  1. Rods.
  2. Framework.
  3. measuring scale.
  4. upper lips.
  5. Lower lips.
  6. Depth gauge.
  7. Nonius scales.
  8. clamping screw.

The choice of caliper for a specific task is determined by the dimensions, design features of the part and the requirements for dimensional accuracy. Tools differ in the following parameters:

  • Measuring range. The length of the scale on the bar is from 125 to 4000 mm.
  • Accuracy. Common modifications have an error of 0.1, 0.05, 0.02 and 0.01 mm.
  • functionality. There are calipers with and without a depth gauge.
  • The number and shape of measuring surfaces. The jaws of single-sided and double-sided tools are flat, pointed or rounded.
  • Reading device design. It can be vernier, mechanical watch type or electronic.

Calipers are made of wear-resistant tool steels, and their measuring surfaces can be reinforced with carbide tipped. To mark parts, cutters are installed on non-pointed jaws (Fig. 2), equipped with holders and clamping screws.

Measurement order

The tool and the part must be prepared for work: remove dirt, bring the sponges close and make sure that the readings correspond to “0”. To measure the outer diameter or linear dimension, you must:

  • spread the sponges by moving the frame;
  • move to a snug fit to the counter-surfaces;
  • fix the position of the frame with a locking screw;
  • bring out a caliper to evaluate the results.

To measure the internal dimension, the jaws are reduced to "0", and then moved apart until they come into contact with the countersurfaces. If design features details allow you to see the scale, then the readings are read without fixation and removal.

To measure hole depth:

  • by moving the frame, the depth gauge is extended;
  • lower it into the hole to the bottom and press it against the wall;
  • move the bar all the way to the end;
  • fixed with a locking screw and removed.

The accuracy of the results depends on the correct positioning of the jaws relative to the part. For example, when determining the diameter of a cylinder, the rod should intersect or cross with its longitudinal axis at a right angle, and when measuring the length, it should be parallel. In vernier calipers of the ShTs-2 and ShTs-3 types, there is an additional frame, which is movably connected to the main micrometric adjusting screw (Fig. 3). This design simplifies instrument positioning. During measurements, the additional frame is fixed on the rod, and the position of the main frame is adjusted by rotating the micrometer screw.

Reading results

vernier scale

The number of whole millimeters is measured from the zero division on the rail to the zero division of the vernier. If they do not match, then the size contains fractions of a millimeter, corresponding to the accuracy of the tool. To determine them, it is necessary to count on the vernier from zero to a stroke that matches the risk on the bar, and then multiply their number by the division price.

Figure 4 shows the dimensions: a – 0.4 mm, b – 6.9 mm, c – 34.3 mm. Nonius division value 0.1 mm

By clock indicator

The number of whole millimeters is counted on the bar from zero to the last risk not hidden under the frame. The shares are determined by the indicator: the number of the division where the arrow stopped is multiplied by its price.

Figure 5 shows the size 30.25mm. The price of division of the indicator is 0.01 mm.

By digital scoreboard

To determine the internal size taken by a tool with radius measuring surfaces (lower jaws in Fig. 3), their thickness, which is indicated on the fixed jaw, is added to the readings on the scale. To calculate the outer dimension taken with a caliper with cutters (Fig. 2), their thickness is subtracted from the readings on the scale.


A conventional caliper with pointed measuring surfaces copes with basic marking operations. By resting one sponge against the sidewall of the part, with the tip of the second one, you can draw a line on a surface perpendicular to it. The line is obtained equidistant from the end and copies its shape. To draw a hole, you need to punch its center: the recess serves to fix one of the sponges. Similarly, any technique of descriptive geometry can be used.

Carbide tips and cutters leave noticeable scratches on parts made of steels with a hardness above 60 HRC. There are also narrow-profile calipers designed exclusively for marking.

Why measurement errors occur

The most common errors that reduce the accuracy of measurement results with a serviceable tool:

  • Excessive pressure on the frame causes skew relative to the bar. The same effect is obtained if, when measuring with the lower jaws, the caliper is reduced by the upper ones.
  • Installation of jaws on fillets, chamfers and fillets.
  • Distortions in positioning.
  • Violation of instrument calibration.

The first three mistakes most often arise from a lack of experience, and go away with practice. The latter must be prevented at the stage of preparation for measurements. The easiest way is to set "0" on the electronic caliper: for this, a button is provided there (in Fig. 6, the "ZERO" button). The hour indicator is reset by turning the screw located in its lower part. To calibrate the vernier, loosen the screws securing it to the frame, move it to the desired position and fix it again.

Deformation of the elements of the caliper and wear of the measuring surfaces make the tool unusable. To reduce the number of defects in production, calipers are periodically verified in metrological services. To check the accuracy of the tool and to gain skills in the domestic environment, you can measure parts whose dimensions are known in advance: for example, drill shanks or bearing rings.

The home master has to deal with measuring length, width and height all the time. An angle of 90 ° or 45 ° is also often necessary to maintain. Otherwise, high-quality repair of the apartment or the manufacture of homemade products cannot be performed. Accuracy when performing linear measurements of 1 mm in the vast majority of cases is sufficient, and a tape measure or a simple ruler is suitable for them.

Roulettes often have an additional bubble level, which allows you to set furniture, refrigerator and other items horizontally. But the accuracy of this level is not high due to the small length of the tape measure reference plane. In addition, the cone with an air bubble in tape measures is often not set exactly, which does not ensure horizontality and the work done.

On sale, a wide range of laser measuring instruments is presented for measuring linear dimensions, but, unfortunately, due to the high price, they are not available to non-professionals.

on the use of calipers (Columbus)

Calipers is a linear measuring tool used to measure the external and internal dimensions of parts, including depth, with an accuracy of 0.1 mm.

It is impossible to measure the diameter of a drill, a self-tapping screw and the dimensions of other small parts with sufficient accuracy with a ruler. In such cases, you need to use a caliper, which allows you to measure linear dimensions with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. Using a caliper, you can measure the thickness of sheet material, the inner and outer diameters of the pipe, the diameter of the drilled hole, its depth and other measurements.

Vernier calipers come with a readout of the measured value by a ruler and a vernier, a clock-type dial and a digital indicator. A variety of calipers with a ruler for measuring the depth of holes are also called "Columbus" by professionals.

Affordable, highly reliable is a vernier caliper type ШЦ-1 with a measurement range from 0 to 125 mm, which is quite enough for most cases. Caliper ShTs-1 additionally allows you to measure the diameter of holes and depth.

Digital plastic caliper is now on sale Chinese made for less than $4, the photo of which is presented below.

A plastic caliper, although its jaws are made of carbon, is difficult to call a measuring tool, since it is not certified and therefore the accuracy of 0.1 mm readings declared by the manufacturer is not guaranteed. In addition, with frequent use, the plastic will wear out quickly, and the reading error will increase.

A plastic caliper, if its readings are accurate for home rare measurements, is quite suitable. To check the caliper, you can measure the shank of the drill, which is stamped with the size or diameter of the pin of the electrical plug.

The device and principle of operation of the vernier caliper

The classical caliper is arranged as follows. A movable frame is installed on the measuring rod with the help of grooves. In order for the frame to sit tightly, a flat spring is installed inside and a screw is provided for its rigid fixation. Fixing is necessary when carrying out marking work.

The bar has a metric scale in 1 mm increments and centimeter divisions are indicated by numbers. The frame has an additional scale with 10 divisions, but with a step of 1.9 mm. The scale on the frame is called a vernier in honor of its inventor, the Portuguese mathematician P. Nunis. The stem and frame have measuring jaws for external and internal measurements. A depth gauge ruler is additionally fixed to the frame.

Measurements are made with a clamp between the jaws of the part. After clamping, the frame is fixed with a screw so that it does not move. The number of millimeters is counted on the scale on the bar to the first vernier risk. Tenths of millimeters are counted by vernier. What stroke on the account from left to right on the nonius coincides with any of the scale marks on the bar, so many tenths of a millimeter will be.

As you can see in the photo, the measured size is 3.5 mm, since from the zero mark of the scale on the bar to the first mark of the vernier, 3 full divisions (3 mm) were obtained and on the vernier it coincided with the risk of the scale bar of the risk of the fifth division of the vernier (one division on the vernier corresponds to 0.1 mm measurements).

Measurement examples with calipers

To measure the thickness or diameter of a part, spread the jaws of the caliper, insert the part into them and bring the jaws together until they come into contact with the surface of the part. It must be ensured that the planes of the jaws when closing are parallel to the plane of the measured part. The outer diameter of the pipe is measured in exactly the same way as the size of a flat part, only it is necessary that the jaws touch diametrically opposite sides of the pipe.

In order to measure the internal dimension in a part or the internal diameter of a pipe, the caliper has additional jaws for internal measurements. They are brought into the hole and pushed all the way into the walls of the part. When measuring the inner diameters of the holes, the maximum reading is achieved, and when measuring parallel sides in the hole, the minimum reading is achieved.

In some types of calipers, the jaws do not close to zero and have their own thickness, which is usually stamped on them, for example, the number "10", although the first vernier mark is at zero. In the case of measuring internal holes with such a vernier caliper, 10 mm is added to the readings on the vernier scale.

Using a Columbus-type caliper with a movable depth gauge ruler, you can measure the depth of holes in parts.

To do this, fully extend the depth gauge ruler from the rod, insert it all the way into the hole. Bring the end of the caliper bar to the stop against the surface of the part, while preventing the depth gauge ruler from leaving the hole.

In the photo, for clarity, I demonstrated the measurement of the depth of the hole by attaching the ruler of the caliper depth gauge to the outside of the pipe segment.

Examples of marking parts with a caliper

The caliper is not intended for drawing marking lines on materials and parts. But if the caliper jaws for external measurements are sharpened on a fine-grained emery wheel, giving them a sharp shape, as shown in the photo, then marking with a caliper will be quite convenient.

It is necessary to remove excess metal from the sponges very carefully and slowly, avoiding the colors of tarnishing of the metal of the sponges from strong heating, otherwise you can ruin them. To speed up the work, to cool the sponges, you can periodically dip them for a short time in a container of cold water.

In order to measure a strip of sheet material with parallel sides, you need to move the caliper jaws apart, focusing on the scale to a given size, guide one sponge along the end of the sheet, and scratch the line with the second. Since the caliper jaws are hardened, they do not wear out. You can mark both soft materials and hard ones (copper, brass, steel). There are clearly visible risks.

With the help of sharply sharpened caliper jaws, you can easily draw a circle line. To do this, a shallow hole with a diameter of about 1 mm is made in the center, resting against one of the sponges, the second draws a circle line.

Thanks to the refinement of the shape of the caliper jaws for external measurements, it became possible to accurately, conveniently and quickly mark parts for their subsequent machining.

How to measure with a micrometer in practice

You can get the size of products with an accuracy of 0.01 mm by measuring with a micrometer. There are many modifications, but the most common is a smooth micrometer of the MK-25 type, which provides a measurement range from 0 to 25 mm with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. With a micrometer it is convenient to measure the diameter of the drill, the thickness of the sheet material, the diameter of the wire.

The micrometer is a bracket, on one side of which there is a support heel, and on the other side there is a stem and a high-precision thread into which the microscrew is screwed. There is a metric scale on the stem, according to which millimeters are counted. The microscrew has a second scale with 50 divisions, according to which hundredths of a mm are counted. The sum of these two values ​​is the measured size.

To make a measurement with a micrometer, place the workpiece between the heel and end of the micrometer screw and rotate the ratchet handle (located on the end of the micrometer screw drum) clockwise until the ratchet makes three clicks.

Two scales with a step of 1 mm are applied on the stem - the main one is digitized every 5 mm and the additional one, shifted relative to the main one by 0.5 mm. The presence of two scales allows you to increase the tonality of measurements.

The readings are taken as follows. First, they read how many whole millimeters, not covered by the drum, turned out according to the digitized, lower scale on the stem. Next, the presence of a risk located to the right of the risk of the lower scale is checked on the upper scale. If the risks are not visible, then proceed to take readings from the scale on the drum. If the risk is visible, then another 0.5 mm is added to the integer number of millimeters received. The readings on the drum are measured relative to a straight line drawn along the stem between the scales.

For example, the size of the measured part is: 13 mm on the lower scale, there is an open mark on the upper scale, there is no open mark on the lower scale to the right, so you don’t need to add 0.5 mm, plus 0.23 mm on the drum scale, as a result of addition we get: 13 mm+0 mm+0.23 mm=13.23 mm.

A micrometer with a digital reading of the measurement results is more convenient to use and allows you to measure with an accuracy of 0.001 mm.

If, for example, the battery is dead, then with a digital micrometer you can take measurements in the same way as with a smooth MK-25, since there is also a reference system in divisions with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. The price of micrometers with a digital reading of the measurement results is high and unbearable for a home master.

How to measure large diameter pipe

The jaws of the caliper with a measuring range of 0 to 125 mm are 40 mm long and can therefore measure pipes with an outside diameter of up to 80 mm. If it is necessary to measure a pipe of a larger diameter or if there is no caliper at hand, you can use the folk method. Wrap the pipe around the circumference with one turn of non-stretching thread or wire, measure the length of this turn with a simple ruler, and then divide the result by the number Π = 3.14.

Online calculator for calculating the diameter of a pipe along its circumference Total winding length, mm: Number of turns:

Despite the simplicity, this method of measuring the pipe diameter allows for an accuracy of 0.5 mm, which is quite enough for a home master. For a more accurate measurement, you need to wind more turns.

How to measure an angle

To obtain a given angle when marking, you can use a protractor, which everyone met at school in geometry lessons. For measuring in everyday life, it is quite enough accuracy.

The photo shows a plastic ruler in the form of a triangle with angles of 45º and 90º, with a built-in protractor. With it, you can mark up and check the accuracy of the resulting angle.

When marking metal parts, a locksmith's metal square is used, which provides higher measurement accuracy.

How to use the stool

To get a straight or 45º angle without marking, it is convenient to use a device called a miter box. With the help of a miter box, it is convenient to cut platbands for doors, moldings, plinths and much more to size at an angle. The cut is obtained with the required angle automatically.

It is enough to measure the length, insert a strip of material between the vertical walls of the miter box and, holding it with your hand, cut it. To obtain a high-quality end face of the board, a saw with fine teeth should be used. A hacksaw works well for metal. It is possible to saw even varnished boards without varnish chips.

An angle of 45 0 when sawing with the use of a miter box, is obtained as easily as a straight one. Thanks to the high guides of the walls of the miter box, it is possible to saw boards of different thicknesses.

The miter box can be bought ready-made, but it is not difficult to make it yourself from improvised material. It is enough to take three boards of wood or plywood right size, and screw the other two to the side ends of one of them with self-tapping screws. Make guide cuts at the required angles and the miter box is ready.

Initially it looks like this:

Figure 463.1. a) the existing arc, b) determination of the segment chord length and height.

Thus, when there is an arc, we can connect its ends and get a chord of length L. In the middle of the chord we can draw a line perpendicular to the chord and thus get the height of the segment H. Now, knowing the length of the chord and the height of the segment, we can first determine the central angle α, i.e. the angle between the radii drawn from the beginning and end of the segment (not shown in Figure 463.1), and then the radius of the circle.

The solution of such a problem was considered in sufficient detail in the article "Calculation of an arched lintel", therefore, here I will only give the basic formulas:

tg( a/4) = 2H/L (278.1.2)

but/4 = arctan( 2H/L)

R = H/(1 - cos( a/2)) (278.1.3)

As you can see, from the point of view of mathematics, there are no problems with determining the radius of a circle. This method allows you to determine the value of the radius of the arc with any possible accuracy. This is the main advantage of this method.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages.

The problem of this method is not even that it is required to remember the formulas from the school geometry course, successfully forgotten many years ago - in order to recall the formulas - there is the Internet. And here is a calculator with the function arctg, arcsin, and so on. Not every user has one. And although the Internet also successfully solves this problem, we should not forget that we are solving a rather applied problem. Those. it is far from always necessary to determine the radius of a circle with an accuracy of 0.0001 mm, an accuracy of 1 mm can be quite acceptable.

In addition, in order to find the center of the circle, you need to extend the height of the segment and set aside a distance equal to the radius on this straight line. Since in practice we are dealing with non-ideal measuring instruments, we should add to this the possible error in marking, it turns out that the lower the height of the segment in relation to the length of the chord, the greater the error in determining the center of the arc.

Again, we should not forget that we are not considering an ideal case, i.e. This is how we immediately called the curve an arc. In fact, it can be a curve described by a rather complex mathematical relationship. Therefore, the radius and center of the circle found in this way may not coincide with the actual center.

In this regard, I want to offer another method for determining the radius of a circle, which I myself often use, because this method is much faster and easier to determine the radius of a circle, although the accuracy is much less.

The second method for determining the radius of the arc (method of successive approximations)

So let's continue with the current situation.

Since we still need to find the center of the circle, to begin with, from the points corresponding to the beginning and end of the arc, we draw at least two arcs of arbitrary radius. A straight line will pass through the intersection of these arcs, on which the center of the desired circle is located.

Now you need to connect the intersection of the arcs with the middle of the chord. However, if we draw from the indicated points not along one arc, but two, then this straight line will pass through the intersection of these arcs, and then it is not at all necessary to look for the middle of the chord.

If the distance from the intersection of the arcs to the beginning or end of the considered arc is greater than the distance from the intersection of the arcs to the point corresponding to the height of the segment, then the center of the considered arc is lower on the straight line drawn through the intersection of the arcs and the middle of the chord. If less, then the desired center of the arc is higher on the straight line.

Based on this, the next point is taken on the straight line, presumably corresponding to the center of the arc, and the same measurements are made from it. Then the next point is taken and the measurements are repeated. With each new point, the difference in measurements will be less and less.

That's actually all. Despite such a lengthy and intricate description, it takes 1-2 minutes to determine the radius of the arc in this way with an accuracy of 1 mm.

Theoretically, it looks something like this:

Figure 463.2. Determining the center of the arc by the method of successive approximations.

But in practice, something like this:

Photo 463.1. Marking a workpiece of complex shape with different radii.

I’ll just add here that sometimes you have to find and draw several radii, because there are so many things mixed up in the photo.

How to measure the radius of a circle! ? I forgot how to measure it is necessary to remind someone! and got the best answer

Answer from Loch Silver[guru]
ruler, measure the largest distance of the circle, this will be the diameter, divide in half_this will be the radius
Loch Silvery
I wrote-measure with a ruler the largest distance between the two edges of the circle

Answer from freddy bags[newbie]

Answer from Yaisiya Konovalova[guru]
To determine the radius of a circle, you must first find its center.
To find the center, we draw a chord (a straight line connecting two points located directly on the circle itself). Determine the middle of the chord (divide the segment in half with a ruler). We draw a straight line through the middle, perpendicular to the chord, that is, so that the angle is 90 degrees. Then we draw another chord and repeat with it all the same as with the first.
Determine the point of intersection of the perpendiculars. This point is the center.
. Let's extend any of the perpendiculars to the intersection with the line of the circle. Measure with a ruler the distance from the resulting intersection point to the center of the circle.
This distance will be the radius of this circle.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

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