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CB Range

1. Non-Russian modification:
Most owners of radio stations purchased abroad do not even suspect that they do not work in the Russian frequency grid, because. walkie-talkies made for Poland or coming from abroad along with cars and tuned to other frequencies and listeners receive only side harmonics from your signal. This is why tuning the antenna or using an amplifier gives such a small increase in range that the owners believe that their walkie-talkie is faulty. By adjusting the frequency of reception and transmission in the walkie-talkie itself, you significantly improve the sound quality and communication range.

2. Incorrect installation:
Any station, even the best, powerful, fancy, but installed with violations of the principles of radio communication, will not give all the possibilities inherent in it: you will never get a long range, good sound: Most radio station owners do not suspect that radio station antennas need to be tuned, and most sellers , especially those who are not able to tune the antenna to the car directly upon sale, they tactfully keep silent about this so as not to discourage immediate purchase. By tuning the antenna, you significantly improve the sound quality and the range of reception and transmission.

3. Small antenna (1/4 or 1/8), with which cars equipped with radios come from abroad, reception is much worse than proprietary antennas (5/8 or 7/8) supplied separately. Replacing a well-tuned short antenna with a well-tuned longer antenna gives a significant range gain. Often a short antenna is installed for fear of touching a high-voltage line.

4. Issue price...
Owners of radio stations mainly buy stations with their own money, so they try to save money by installing the radio station and antenna themselves. As a result, there are: radio stations that were not on the stove; antennas recessed between the cab and the body or lying horizontally along the body!; antenna cable rings near the engine; remote speakers behind the driver, combining a magnetic antenna with a radio station ... The presence of at least one of these shortcomings will not allow you to get good sound and a long range under any tricks (increasing power, additional amplifier, antenna tuning).

5. Power output misconceptions:
Selling a radio station differs from selling cell phones in that the seller must know a lot about wave theory and be able to popularly explain to the buyer what he should do after the purchase and what the result will be. Many novice sellers who do not practice installation believe themselves and inspire buyers that the range is determined by the output power of the radio. And at the request to sell the best, they offer 10 W walkie-talkies (or even with an amplifier). We have heard more than once how potential buyers asked for radio stations at a distance of 50 km. To the question: “Why, in fact, do you need such a range?”, none of them could intelligibly answer, because it is important not only to hear you, but also to perceive the answer. A subscriber may not have such power. But this misconception about power is very persistent and, therefore, most radio owners try to solve the problem of short range by installing a 100-300 W amplifier, and not by eliminating antenna installation and tuning errors.

6. It should be remembered that amplifiers

  • P intended for installation mainly on the output of the radio up to 4 watts. Applying more power to the input of the amplifier may lead not to an increase, but, on the contrary, to a decrease in the output power of the "radio station-amplifier" complex. If the amplifier allows you to apply a higher voltage to the input, then this is specifically indicated in the amplifier's passport.
  • The use of an amplifier with an untuned antenna leads to the fact that the output power actually increases, but it does not leave the antenna.
  • The use of an amplifier on an untuned antenna leads to burnout of the output stage as a result of a sharp increase in power returning from the antenna to the output of the radio station and leading to overheating of the radio station.
  • Most buyers don't bother learning how an amplifier works, because most acceptable amplifiers have a switch button for operation in amplitude or frequency transmission. Inconsistent modes do not give an increase in power and lead to strong signal distortion.
  • Amplifiers are effective in urban areas, where due to re-reflected from metal products (garages, roofs, cars ...) they can provide an increased range of up to 5-7 km. When working with base stations, high power is very important and 10 watts at a distance of 20 km is really enough. But on the highway, where there are not so many metal objects, but there is a Russian terrain, your 50-100 W output power will not help you and you will be in the same ranges as a 4-W radio (namely: 5- 10 km).

Amplifiers sold are very unreliable:

  • quickly fail and their repair is expensive;
  • Sellers do not give a guarantee on them !!!;
  • Not coordinated with the radio station, they distort the sound, cause noise.

7. Ignorance of the rules of work:
Many owners do not bother to study the instructions for working with the radio station or do not receive it in Russian or another language when buying.

  • As a result, poor sound quality is sometimes due to the fact that the user does not know what modulation to work in a given place: in amplitude (AM) or frequency (FM), some do not know the purpose of the AM / FM switch.
  • We often encounter the presence in the channel of DANITA stations and other models operating in frequency modulation on all channels. In addition to them, there are stations made according to the German standard: up to channel 15 in AM, and from channel 16 in FM. When switching to higher channels, so as not to clog the 15th channel, they automatically switch to frequency modulation. It turns out that two subscribers are trying to speak with a different signal encoding method: one in AM, and the other in FM. From here, too, there is a lack of sound and a very small range.
  • Proud owners of 10W PRESIDETN radios, who also basically bought radios without instructions in a used version and have no idea why they have four sound settings per input and output, very often drive with disgusting sound.

8. There are design flaws in the models:

  • Most expensive radios tend to distort the sound towards lower frequencies and therefore the station seems muffled and bassy. At long distances (5-10 km) this is often the reason that you are not heard.
  • Most of the 10 watt walkie-talkies have "raw" circuitry and poor build quality, as if they were designed and assembled in labor lessons in our schools. The acquisition of such a station, except for a long warranty repair, will not bring you any joy.
  • You should not buy an old station, even if it has a 10 watt output. Amortization wear is an important factor. Many stations come from abroad already with used cars. If you look at the passport of the new radio station, it says that its service life is 5-6 years. Stations come to us that have already significantly passed this period. Therefore, their elements no longer withstand the specified parameters. Their adjustment and repairs give little, because. replacement of some element often leads to an overload of existing old parts and the station fails again.

9. Extra service functions:
You should not buy a walkie-talkie because of the presence of additional service functions, namely scanning channels, memory for 5 channels, 400 channels, switching "0/5", which lure an ignorant buyer, because. they are mostly not used, but the price is very reflected. No one has yet had to deal with truckers who, having nothing to do, scan over 400 channels. If you want to hear something, basically turn on the radio. Switching "0/5" is also not a function for which you should take a low quality station. We recommend installing the switch on any existing radio that you already own and are satisfied with in quality.


In the name of the Russian Federation

Abakan City Court of the Republic of Khakassia in the city of Abakan, consisting of:

presiding Solovyov V.N.,

under the secretary Chepurnova T.Yu.,

having considered in open court a civil case on the claim of the Abakan transport prosecutor in the interests of an indefinite circle of persons against the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" on the obligation to perform certain actions,

with the participation of: Abakan Transport Prosecutor - Yue Bezgin,

the representative of the defendant - Samoilova OYu,


The Abakan transport prosecutor, acting in the interests of an indefinite circle of persons, filed a lawsuit against the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" (hereinafter referred to as JSC "RZD") on the obligation to perform certain actions, he motivated the requirements by the fact that during the prosecutor's check it was established that, in violation of the regulatory requirements, out of the 241 radio stations of the RV-1M and RV-1M2 types, with which the locomotives of the Abakan-II operational locomotive depot are equipped, 94 have a time resource of 10 years. So, radio stations of the RV-1M type, intended for the organization of train radio communications on railway transport, with numbers No. were produced in 1997, the technical specifications for these radio stations set the designated service life of 10 years, therefore, the service life of the radio stations expired in 2007. According to the manufacturer's information, further operation of radio stations may be allowed after an expert assessment of the technical condition for compliance with the requirements of the specifications and extension of the assigned resource, however, such an expert assessment has not been carried out. Paragraph 4.10 of GOST 27.002-89 “Reliability in engineering. Basic concepts and definitions, it is established that the designated service life is the calendar duration of operation, upon reaching which the operation of the facility must be terminated, regardless of its technical condition. In connection with the operation of train radio communication facilities in excess of the assigned resource, the chief engineer of the operational locomotive depot Abakan-II was brought to administrative responsibility under Part 6 of Art. RF. The plaintiff believes that the operation of radio stations without an expert assessment of the technical condition for compliance with the requirements of the specifications and the extension of the assigned resource does not meet the safety requirements for the operation of railway transport and creates prerequisites for causing harm to life and health of employees of locomotive crews, persons using the services of railway transport. He asked to prohibit Russian Railways from equipping the locomotives of the Abakan-II operational locomotive depot with radio stations of the RV-1M type with numbers no.

At the hearing, the Abakan transport prosecutor - Bezgin Yue supported the claims on the grounds given in the lawsuit.

The representative of the defendant, Samoilova OYu (by proxy), did not recognize the claim, in a written response she indicated that the locomotives were equipped with train radio communication facilities, in accordance with clause 24 of Appendix No. 286, during the maintenance of locomotives, the correct operation of the radio communication device is also checked. There are no other requirements for radio stations in the Rules. GOST 27.002.-89, to which the plaintiff refers, does not establish a ban on the operation of technical facilities at the end of their service life, in addition, national standards are applied on a voluntary basis. The need for an expert assessment of the technical condition of radio stations for compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications is indicated only in a letter from JSC Corporation - Novosibirsk Electrosignal Plant, legal norms establishing the need for such an expert assessment are not given. It is also said that the assessment is carried out on a contractual basis, that is, if there is a voluntary expression of the will of the manufacturer and the buyer of the radio stations. The non-compliance of the radio stations with the requirements of the relevant standards, rules and regulations, as well as the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, was not given by the plaintiff. Also, no evidence was presented confirming the presence of malfunctions in radio stations that would pose a threat to traffic safety. These radio stations undergo scheduled preventive maintenance and maintenance in a timely manner and are kept in good condition, which, in the event of its operation, ensures uninterrupted operation, traffic safety and compliance with labor protection requirements. There are no grounds for recognizing the illegal operation of radio stations and prohibiting their operation.

After hearing the parties, examining the case file, evaluating the evidence presented in accordance with Article. , the court comes to the next.

In accordance with clause 2.1.2 of the Regulations on the operational locomotive depot Abakan-II - a structural subdivision of the Krasnoyarsk Traction Directorate - a structural subdivision of the Traction Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways, one of the main tasks of the Abakan-II operational locomotive depot is to ensure the safety of train traffic.

In accordance with par. 12 hours 1 tbsp. 2 of the Federal Law of 10.01.2003 No. 17-FZ "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation" safety of traffic and operation of railway transport - the state of security of the process of movement of railway rolling stock and the railway rolling stock itself, in which there is no unacceptable risk of traffic accidents and their consequences entailing harm to the life or health of citizens, harm to the environment, property of individuals or legal entities.

Article 6 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 17-FZ “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation” establishes that railway rolling stock and special railway rolling stock, their components, containers, specialized equipment and infrastructure elements, elements of the superstructure of a non-common railway of use adjacent to public railway tracks, and structures located on them, special software used to organize the transportation process must comply with the established requirements for traffic safety and operation of railway transport, safety of life and health of citizens, fire safety, safety of transported goods, labor protection, environmental safety, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Mandatory requirements for railway rolling stock and special railway rolling stock, their components, containers, specialized equipment and infrastructure elements, elements of the superstructure of a non-public railway track adjacent to public railway tracks, and structures located on them, special software, used to organize the transportation process, and the forms of confirmation of conformity are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

By virtue of Art. 3 of the said Federal Law No. 17-FZ of January 10, 2003, activities in the field of railway transport are regulated by acts of the President of the Russian Federation, acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as acts of federal executive bodies entrusted with the relevant functions by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Within the powers granted by the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Order No. 286 dated December 21, 2010 approved the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Clause 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules establishes that all sections of railway transport on which trains circulate must be equipped with train radio communications.

Train radio communications must provide stable two-way communication between drivers of train locomotives, multi-unit trains, special self-propelled rolling stock: with a train dispatcher within the entire dispatch area; with those on duty at the railway stations, limiting the stage; with drivers of oncoming and following locomotives, multi-unit trains, special self-propelled rolling stock located on the same stage within the coverage area of ​​locomotive radio stations; with those on duty at railway crossings at a distance not less than the length of the sections of approach to them; with the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train and the assistant driver when he leaves the cab to the distance necessary to protect the train and when he moves away from the axis of the train's route within the range of the portable radio station.

In accordance with paragraph 9 of Appendix No. 5 to the Rules, locomotives and multiple unit railway rolling stock, as well as special self-propelled rolling stock, must be equipped with train radio communication facilities compatible with the train radio communication of the infrastructure along train circulation routes.

Paragraph 21 of Appendix No. 5 to the Rules expressly states: it is prohibited to install on railway rolling stock parts and assemblies whose designated service life has expired (the paragraph was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 30.03.2015 N 57).

Since the installation of train radio communications (radio stations) is mandatory on all locomotives, the court agrees with the arguments of the transport prosecutor that it is prohibited to equip locomotives with expired train radio communications.

The defendant's arguments that the current legal regulation does not provide for a ban on equipping locomotives with components and parts that have expired, the court recognizes as unfounded and evidence of insufficient awareness.

The verification of compliance with the rules of technical operation on railway transport in the Abakan-2 Locomotive Depot was carried out by the Abakan Transport Prosecutor within his powers.

The audit materials contain a List of locomotives registered at the Abakan depot, equipped with radio stations of the RV-1M and RV-1M2 types with an expired service life. This list was compiled and signed by the chief engineer of the Abakan-II NRV operational locomotive depot. The list includes 92 radio stations with an expired service life, including radio stations manufactured by JSC "Corporation - Novosibirsk Electrosignal Plant":

- No., manufactured in 1999, service life expired in 2009,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007,

- No., manufactured in 1997, service life expired in 2007.

The list contains information about the numbers of locomotives on which radio stations with an expired service life are installed.

Thus, the court recognizes as established the fact of equipping locomotives with radio stations with an expired service life.

From the messages of OJSC "Coproration - Novosibirsk Plant Elektrosignal" dated DD.MM.YYYY, DD.MM.YYYY it follows that the Technical conditions IZH1.101.043 TU for the radio station RV-1M and IZH1.101.043 TU Supplement for the radio station RV-1M2 set the assigned resource operation 10 years. Further operation of the radio stations may be permitted after an expert assessment of the technical condition of the radio stations by the company's specialists for compliance with the requirements of technical specifications on a contractual basis.

DD.MM.YYYY addressed to the head of the operational locomotive depot Abakan-II FGP, the Abakan transport prosecutor submitted a proposal to take measures to eliminate the violations of the law in the operation of railway transport, as well as the causes and conditions that contribute to them, including in connection with the operation of the means train radio with expired service life.

By resolution dated DD.MM.YYYY No. of the senior state inspector of the department of state control and supervision of traffic safety of the Siberian Department of State Railway Supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, the chief engineer of the operational locomotive depot Abakan-II - NRV was found guilty of committing an administrative offense under part 6 tbsp. Russian Federation, he was sentenced to a fine of 1,000 rubles. The reason for bringing the defendant's official to administrative responsibility was, among other things, the equipment of locomotives with radio stations with an expired service life.

By virtue of clause 4.10 of the Interstate Standard: Reliability in engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions. GOST 27.002-89, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 11/15/89 No. 3375 (hereinafter referred to as GOST 27.002-89), the service life is the calendar duration of operation, upon reaching which the operation of the object must be terminated regardless of its technical condition.

In the Appendix to the specified GOST 27.002-89 "Explanations to the terms given in the standard" it is explained that this term is a technical and economic characteristic and does not apply to reliability indicators (durability indicators). When the object reaches the assigned resource (designated service life), depending on the purpose of the object, operation features, technical condition and other factors, the object can be decommissioned, sent for medium or major repairs, transferred for use other than for its intended purpose, re-preserved, or a decision can be made to continued operation.

The defendant did not provide evidence that the used radio stations with numbers No. underwent an average or major repair, an expert assessment of their technical condition was carried out and a decision was made to continue their operation.

The arguments of the plaintiff's representative on checking the serviceability of the operation of radio communication devices during the maintenance of locomotives are not taken into account by the court, since evidence of a decision by authorized persons to extend the service life of radio stations is not presented.

In view of the foregoing, the court concludes that the transport prosecutor proved the circumstance that, in violation of the direct prohibition contained in the Rules for Technical Operation, radio stations with an expired service life were installed on the defendant's locomotives, and the defendant, in turn, did not provide evidence to the court, that these radio stations have a different, longer service life, or evidence of a decision to extend the service life and permission for further operation of radio stations, or evidence of decommissioning and disposal of radio stations with an expired service life.


Satisfy claims.

Prohibit the Russian Railways Open Joint Stock Company from equipping the locomotives of the Abakan-II operating locomotive depot with RV-1M type radios with expired service life numbers.

Collect from the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" state duty to the local budget in the amount of 300 rubles.

The decision can be appealed to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Khakassia through the Abakan City Court within a month from the date of production of a reasoned decision by filing an appeal.

presiding Solovyov V.N.

The reasoned decision of the court was made on 01/30/2017.


Abakan City Court (Republic of Khakassia)


Abakan transport prosecutor in the interests of an indefinite circle of persons

The battery pack 5NKS-0.95 or 5NKGTS-0.94 can be used as a power source for the radio station.

The voltage range from these power supplies is from 4.0 volts to 7.1 volts.

The time of continuous operation of the radio station from these power sources with a ratio of the reception / transmission / economizer operation time of 1: 1: 8 is at least 16 hours, and when powered by a power supply unit based on a rechargeable battery 2LBV-316 - 4 hours.

The maximum communication range is determined by a number of factors, primarily the propagation of radio waves.

The stability of radio communications largely depends on the correct choice of the location of the radio station on the ground. To ensure the maximum communication range, you must adhere to the following rules:

Choose places for communication on hills;

When located in the forest, choose a place with a less dense forest and low trees;

Avoid placing the radio station near tall buildings and other high structures;

Avoid placing the radio station near high-voltage power lines;

Consider that the quality and range of communication depend on the mutual orientation of the radio operators relative to each other; when establishing communication, it is necessary to turn to find the position corresponding to the best communication quality;

The radio antenna must be placed perpendicular to the ground;

When working at the maximum communication range, you must turn off the squelch.

When operating the radio, remember that the connection of the antenna, electro-acoustic transducer or microphone headset, power sources should be carried out only when the power of the radio is turned off.

Recording frequencies and keys

Turn the "Volume" switch of the transceiver clockwise from the "0" position. Phones will hear a tone for about 1 second.

To enter radio data into the transceiver, set the “Mode” switch on the transceiver to position “4”. Bring the recording console with the frequencies recorded into it to the window of the photodetector of the transceiver at a distance of up to 1 cm, and direct sunlight should not fall on the window of the photodetector of the transceiver. Press the "VD" button on the recording remote twice.

In case of successful recording of the frequencies and the key in the transceiver, an audible alarm is activated in the form of a continuous signal in telephones or EAP for 1.5 s. After that, switch "MODE" to position "2" or "3".


Maintenance of the R-168-0.1U radio station provides for the following types of work:

ETO - daily maintenance;

Maintenance No. 1 (TO-1) - monthly maintenance;

Maintenance No. 2 (TO-2) - annual maintenance.

The scope of work performed for each type of maintenance must contain a mandatory part of the work performed depending on the actual technical condition of the radio station at the time of maintenance. The decision on the need to perform this part of the work is made based on the results of an assessment of the technical condition of the radio station, which is included in the mandatory part.

Troubleshooting related to the opening of the radio should be done in the workshop.

Data on the timing, types and results of radio station maintenance operations must be taken into account by making entries in the appropriate sections of the radio station log.

Estimated labor costs required for maintenance are:

· for ETO – 0.25 people/hour;

at TO-1 - 0.8 people / hour;

· at TO-2 – 2.0 people/hour.

Conducting ETO

Carry out an external inspection, during the inspection check:

The condition of the hull and the manipulator, are there any scratches, holes, dents on them, damage to the color and coatings, serviceability of the hull locks;

The state of the switches, the clarity of the inscriptions and symbols;

Clarity of fixation of buttons and switches, the state of the connectors of the radio station and EAP or headset;

The condition of the antenna socket and the reliability of fixing the antenna;

Condition of electroplated coatings on parts;

The condition of the battery, slight scratches and marks on the body of the power supply are allowed. It is not allowed to have traces of moisture and traces of electrolyte on the power supply case. As well as the presence of cracks and other damage that violates its tightness. In this case, they are subject to write-off and replacement;

The condition of the rubber seals of the transceiver and manipulator. Glue the lagging rubber seal with glue.

Dust removal, cleaning and maintenance

Clean the outer surface of the products with a rag.

Remove corrosion. Remove indelible dirt and oil stains from the surface with a rag soaked in rectified alcohol, followed by painting paintwork in places of damage and lubricating electroplated coatings with technical vaseline.

With a rag, clean the power source from dust and dirt, clean the places covered with corrosion with a rag moistened with rectified alcohol.

Health check

To check the performance, it is necessary to prepare the radio station for operation in accordance with the instruction manual. Check the operation of the noise suppressor, and, using another radio station, the operation of the radio station in all modes.

Similar information.

Equipment for land mobile radio communication. Requirements for resistance to mechanical and climatic factors and test methods

Compatibility of technical means is electromagnetic. RF bandwidth requirements and out-of-band emissions from radio transmitters. Methods of measurement and control

Compatibility of radio-electronic means electromagnetic Radio-transmitting devices of all categories and purposes of national economic application. Frequency tolerance requirements. Methods of measurement and control

Frequency band, MHz

SCRF decision



160 MHz

146 - 174

330 MHz

336,0 - 344,0

300,0 - 308,0

450 MHz

403 - 470

470 - 486 *

For each type of equipment, a private decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies must be obtained

* - for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Radio control bodies must ensure:

Power on/off with indication;

Smooth adjustment of the volume level of the internal loudspeaker;

Choice of any of the working channels;

Enable/disable noise suppressor;

Monitoring of parameters during operation using internal controls.

7.1.2 Electrical Requirements

Parameter value


1 Transmitter carrier power * , W, not more, for radio stations of type ** :

a) Type 1 ***

paragraph 21 of table 2

* The nominal value of the transmitter carrier power is set in the technical specifications at the radio station.

** Type 1 - transmitter carrier power - up to 60 W (stationary)

Type 2 - transmitter carrier power - up to 20 W (stationary, portable)

Type 3 - transmitter carrier power - up to 2 W (stationary, portable)

4 type - transmitter carrier power - up to 0.5 W (wearable, portable)

*** In the frequency band from 146 to 174 MHz, the nominal value of the carrier power of the transmitter of radio stations of the 1st type should not exceed 40 W, of the 2nd type - 10 W.

Parameter value

Designation and paragraph of the normative document


Parameter value

European Telecommunication Standard symbol and clause

Designation and paragraph of the normative document


1 Transmitter carrier power, W

Installed in the technical conditions on the radio station.

ETSI EN 300 086-1 clause 5.1.2

2 Maximum transmitter frequency deviation, kHz, no more

ETSI EN 300 086-1 clause

3 Bandwidth of the transmitter radiation, kHz, not more, (for the audio frequency band 300 - 3000 Hz) at the levels:

a) minus 30 dB


Permissible deviation of the parameter, no more

Designation and paragraph of the normative document


1 Transmitter carrier power, for radio stations of the type:

a) 1 type *

1, minus 3 dB

Parameter value for frequency spacing between adjacent channels

European Telecommunication Standard symbol and clause


12.5 kHz

25 kHz

1 Permissible deviation of transmitter carrier power, dB

ETSI EN 300 086-1 clause 5.1.2

2 Transmitter frequency deviation from the nominal value, kHz, not more than:

ETSI EN 300 086-1 clause 5.1.1

a) in the frequency band from 146 to 300 MHz

IN *



b) in the frequency band from 300 to 500 MHz


±1.5 **

3 Maximum usable receiver sensitivity, μV, no more

ETSI EN 300 086-1 clause 5.2.1

4 Adjacent channel receiver selectivity, dB, not less than

ETSI EN 300 086-1 clause 5.2.5

* B - fixed radio station

M - portable or portable radio station

** - for portable radio stations with built-in power supply, in the operating temperature range from 0 °С to 30 °С.

Under extreme conditions - no more than ± 2.5 kHz.

Note. The use of radio stations in the frequency band from 470 to 500 MHz requires permission from the State Commission on Radio Frequencies

1. Assignment of radio stations

1.1. The radio stations are intended for the organization of non-search, non-tuning, two-way dispatcher radio communication, communication at stationary and mobile objects. The radio communications facilities consist of the following equipment:

  • Transceiver unit (PP).
  • Control panel (PU).
  • Power supply (battery).
  • Antenna-feeder device.

2. Radio station "Mayak"

2.1. PC specifications

Elevated ambient temperature up to plus 55 degrees.

2.2. Operating procedure

Turn on the power of the radio with the " ON”, and the green indicator should light up. Then turn the volume control on the remote control until it clicks to turn on the transceiver. The volume of the radio station is regulated by the handle on the control panel, combined with the power switch of the control panel.

The noise suppressor is turned on and off with the button " PS» on PU.

Click the button PTT” on the handset, and the device will enter the “TRANSMIT” mode (when you hold the handset, speak into the built-in microphone).

To return to the "RECEPTION" mode, release the " PTT».

3. FM radio stations

3.1. PC specifications

The radio station is designed for long-term operation with a ratio of RECEPTION / TRANSMISSION modes of 1: 1, the maximum duration of operation in the TRANSMISSION mode is 15 minutes.

The power of the carrier frequency of the transmitter is 10 watts.

Sensitivity at a signal-to-noise ratio of 12 dB - no more than 0.4 μV.

The power consumed by the radio station from the AC mains with a voltage of 220 V, in the TRANSMIT mode - 150 VA, and from the battery at a voltage of 13.2 V - 36 VA.

The radio station is designed to work with:

Reduced ambient temperature to minus 25 degrees;

Elevated ambient temperature up to plus 50 degrees.

3.2. The order of operation of radio stations FM301/160 And FM10/164

Turn on the power of the radio with the switch " NET» on the remote control, the green indicator should light up.

Select the desired channel with the switch and remove the handset from the holder.

Press the handset button and the device will enter the "TRANSMIT" mode (when you hold the handset, speak into the built-in microphone).

Release the button to return to the RECEPTION mode.

4. Radio stations "Motorola GM 140, GM 340"

4.1. PC specifications

The radio station is designed for long-term operation with a ratio of RECEPTION / TRANSMISSION modes of 1: 1, the maximum duration of operation in the TRANSMISSION mode is 15 minutes.

The power of the carrier frequency of the transmitter is 20 watts.

Sensitivity at a signal-to-noise ratio of 12 dB - no more than 0.3 μV.

The power consumed by the radio station from the AC mains with a voltage of 220 V, in the TRANSMIT mode - 180 VA, and from the battery at a voltage of 13.2 V - 45 VA.

The radio station is designed to work with:

Reduced ambient temperature to minus 25 degrees;

Elevated ambient temperature up to plus 50 degrees

VHF radio station is designed to organize radio communication between subscribers, and has two modes of operation.

The first mode is trunk communication "PHONE".

The second mode is radio mode.

4.2. Operating procedure

Turn on the radio with the button on the volume knob. After about 1-2 seconds, a double high-pitched beep will sound, indicating that the self-test has been successfully completed and the channel indicator will light up. When turning off the radio, press and release this button until it turns off, while the last selected channel is retained.

Set clockwise to the desired volume.

To select a channel, press the " 2 " or " 3 » on the front of the radio.

Press the button on the side of the "MICROPHONE" and the device will go into the "TRANSMIT" mode.

Release the MIC button to return to the RECEPTION mode.

In the "TRANSMIT" mode, the red LED on the front of the radio lights up.

Switching off and on the noise suppressor is carried out by the button "P1". When the squelch is turned off, the middle yellow indicator at the top of the display lights up and noises are heard.

The choice of power is carried out by successive pressing of the button "P2". When the radio is turned on, it will automatically switch to high power. It is better to press this button immediately after switching on. Use increased power only in extreme cases, if there is not enough normal power, and then you need to switch to normal power.

To enter the "PHONE" mode, press the "1" button.

To call:

A) Subscriber-Subscriber.

Each subscriber has his own subscriber number. The subscriber you want to call must also be in the "PHONE" mode, i.e. on the first channel. Dial his subscriber number, the number " 3 " And " * ».

Answer the call with the button * ».

End the conversation with the " # ».

B) Subscriber - system phone.

Dial the system number, the number " 1 " And " * ».

Answer the call with the button * ».

End the conversation with the " # ».

C) System telephone - a subscriber.

The subscriber must also be on channel 1 in the "PHONE" mode.

You dial the trunk base number, hear two tones, and dial the extension number.

5. Radio station« MotorolaGM350"

5.1. To turn on the radio, press the "·" button. A beep sounds to indicate that the self-test has been successfully completed and the channel number will appear. To turn off, hold this button for more than 2 seconds. The volume is adjusted with the " Ù Ú ". The noise suppressor is turned off and on with the button " W". The "■" button is a tone call. It must be pressed and released. The channel is selected by the button under the corresponding number.

5.2. To turn the radio on/off, press the " PWR". The following data will appear on the display: memory cell number, channel name and power level. When the r/st is turned off, the last data is saved. The volume level can be changed using the " VOL". On the PTT switch " LOCK' must be in position ' OFF". The radio automatically remembers the last settings when it is turned off.

5.3. Channel switching is carried out by buttons 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 according to the attached list.

6. Radio station« MotorolaGR 300"

6.1. Set the channel setting knob to the desired channel number. Turn on the R/ST by turning the volume knob clockwise. A short beep will sound, indicating that the self-test has been successfully completed and the radio is turned on. To enter the "Transmit" mode, you need to press the PTT on the side (long button), and the red indicator will light up.


If the red indicator is off or flashing during transmission, and a double beep sounds when the PTT is released, the battery is low. Before you should not put on charge to avoid shortening the battery life. CHARGE THE BATTERY WITHIN 14-15 HOURS!!!


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