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The following factors can be identified that affect the cost of driver improvement courses:


  • The experience of teaching precisely courses for improving driving skills is important, very often you can find driving school instructors who declare that they will conduct training in emergency training, having completed only such courses in one of the emergency schools.
  • Experience in professional motorsport: extreme sliding at the speed limit on a wide variety of unstable surfaces is nothing more than a real test of all theoretical knowledge in practice: there is simply no room for error. No one can teach you how to cope with emergency situations better than a teacher who regularly confirms his knowledge and skills in practice.
  • Titles and Titles: In professional motorsport, every medal and trophy costs colossal resources. This is also the well-coordinated work of the entire team: mechanics, suspension tuning specialists and minders. These are sports cars, prepared in accordance with the strictest requirements and equipment that has been tested and protects the rider in the event of an accident. In addition, behind each victory can be dozens of failures, retirements, accidents and injuries. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that experience in motorsport is gained by sweat, blood, scars and the dire consequences of accidents.
Class format:
When choosing a school and training program based on the cost of the product, remember that individual lessons only at first glance are more expensive than group lessons. In absolute terms, during the same time of an individual lesson, you will be in practical work three times more, and in the area of ​​the trainer's close attention. An individual lesson will allow the coach to focus on your motor skills - the main thing that determines the quality and safety of driving.


At the moment, there are two racetracks in Moscow that meet the requirements for conducting training in emergency training and extreme driving.
Conventional driving school grounds, supermarket parking lots and public roads are not suitable for this!

Time of the classes:
On weekdays, from 8 a.m., renting a site for classes will cost less than at popular times on weekends.

We recommend taking classes in the car you plan to drive.
Exceptions are children's programs, the desire to try another car in control, the author's program on the legendary Mitsubishi Lancer evo IX, track arrivals - in all of the above cases, the car can be rented for an additional fee.

Extreme driving is a fashionable combination of words today, and related driving courses are very popular. But our experience in driver training shows that not all drivers need extreme driving and that people have a substitution of concepts. It often happens that a person wants to learn counter-emergency driving techniques in extreme situations and calls it extreme driving, which is not entirely true. And it happens that drivers are interested in extreme driving, in the literal sense, but in the process of discussing the curriculum, it turns out that this is not what is needed. So I decided mettre les points sur les i (to dot the i), write about different types courses and driving skills and explain the difference between extreme driving courses, emergency training, safe driving courses and accident-free driving.

Extreme driving courses

What's the point?

A popular topic both among drivers and among my colleagues who train experienced drivers. What it is? I would call it "quasi-sport". These are courses where drivers learn the techniques of rally racers or those close to them. They are united by the following:

  • rally driving techniques
  • driving with disabled electronic safety systems
  • regular use hand brake in move
  • unconventional driving and stunts:

Controlled skid

Police turn

Reversal "with a handbrake"

Pivots and turns with rhythmic skidding

Lack of practical benefit

Of course, these are interesting courses, they give adrenaline, drive, open up new possibilities for the car and the driver. But the main pitfall of these courses is that learned extreme driving techniques are not applicable on public roads.

Well, imagine you are driving along the Garden Ring, home from the office, or taking your child to school. Will you turn off the stabilization system? I doubt it very much. You need to turn around - will you pull the handbrake? You need to turn right at a traffic light - will you pass the turn in a controlled drift? And most importantly, how will all this help you in the event of an emergency? Let's say a pedestrian runs into the road - will you make a police U-turn? Or do you immediately turn off the stabilization system on your BMW and add gas to bypass a person in a skid? If you answered yes to at least one question, write me about it by e-mail, I would really like to see it live :)))

Increased accident rate

That is, the driver took extreme driving courses, learned super-driving techniques, but in fact remained unarmed in front of real critical situations on the road. It turns out extreme driving courses have no practical applicability and value... But the driver learned something! He felt the car better! He has risen to a new level of driving skills! Yes, but the question is: what does this lead to? And this leads to an increase in the driver's self-esteem, the appearance of self-confidence and a change in driving style towards greater risk and an increase in the number of accidents. Which, by the way, has long been confirmed by special studies in Europe.

So let's make intermediate conclusions. Extreme driving courses increase the level of driving skills, but have no practical application on public roads and often lead to an increase in driver self-esteem and level its accident rate.

Why do you need extreme driving courses?

Are such courses needed at all? Yes, we do - why not? - people like it! All of these unconventional driving techniques are fun and really enhance the feeling of the car and the level of driving skill. In our school there are such courses: "The Art of Drift" (for the rear and all-wheel drive) and "Secrets of a controlled drift" (for front wheel drive). There is also a course "Driving on a race track", where the racing technique of piloting and the movement of the car at the limit of adhesion of tires to the road is practiced. Isn't it extreme driving? Only, in our opinion, driver training should not begin with these courses, but end with them. And certainly these programs should not be the only ones in the training cycle. What else should be in the program? Read on!

Emergency preparation

What's the point?

Before proceeding to courses of extreme driving or to the so-called courses of higher driving skills, you need to get a base and take courses of emergency training. On which you can just learn the techniques of preventing critical situations and getting out of them, if you still got into them. That is, counter-emergency driving is driving in critical situations that are often encountered on public roads.

The peculiarities of these courses are that ... in general, read again the features of extreme driving courses - everything is exactly the opposite :) And it includes:

  • emergency braking in front of a sudden obstacle
  • emergency detour of an obstacle - "rearrangement", "moose test"
  • techniques to prevent the car from slipping: skidding, drifting, rotation
  • how to fit into a turn in case of overspeeding?
  • setting the correct management skills with the electronic systems ah safety: ABS, ESP, etc.
  • the absence of unconventional and inapplicable techniques in life:

Disconnection of electronic systems

Using the hand brake

Driving in a controlled skid

Police turn

Pivot 180 and 360 degrees with handbrake or rhythmic skid

Practical benefits

As you can see the content of the correct counter-emergency training is maximally tied to real city driving... Accordingly, all emergency response techniques are applicable on public roads, and emergency response training courses themselves provide drivers with tangible benefits and increase driving safety.

As for the self-esteem of drivers after undergoing emergency training, in our experience, it does not increase and becomes more adequate. Drivers have a deeper understanding of the degree of danger of the car and the need for the highest level of driving skills for complete control of the car and the road situation. As a result, they begin to drive quieter, slower, more careful and do not abuse their capabilities.

Separate flies from cutlets

Why did I use the expression "correct counter-emergency preparation"? Because sometimes it is not quite correct. Often my esteemed colleagues from other schools give out extreme driving courses for emergency training. I do not want to criticize anyone and persuade you to study at our school, I will only say that you yourself can determine which courses you are offered. Read the features of extreme driving and emergency training courses again and find out what exactly is included in the program of the course you are planning to take. Is there a police U-turn? Are stabilization systems disabled? Do drivers pull the handbrake in class? If at least one answer is "yes", then it smacks of extreme. And if all the answers are positive, then this is definitely not counter-emergency training, but extreme driving courses, whatever the sales managers or instructors of these schools may tell you.

And then it's up to you to decide whether you need to take this course and what you generally want to get from training. If you want to learn how to make a police turn, go and learn, let these courses be presented to you as counter-emergency. But if the task is to improve your driving safety and be armed in the face of real traffic situations, then you are definitely in the wrong place.

In general, I will say that in Europe, in the courses of emergency training, no one pulls the "handbrake" for a long time and does not deal with all the other extreme cartoons. People there do not have fun, but increase safety. road traffic... And if someone needs to master rally driving techniques, then there are special courses for this, but this has nothing to do with road driving.

Remember that when taking any such courses on your own car, neither the OSAGO insurance policy, nor the DSAGO policy, nor the CASCO policy is valid at the autodrome. Therefore, all the risks of a possible accident fall on you, so be especially careful and attentive! Or take courses in the school car.

What's the bottom line?

Extreme driving courses will give you the unconventional driving skills used in rallying. Techniques are not used on public roads, they often increase the self-esteem of drivers, which leads to an increase in accidents.

Emergency training will give you the skills to prevent accidents that can occur on a public road in real traffic. In addition, as a result, drivers become more aware of the dangers of driving a car and become more adequate in self-esteem and more responsible and careful driving.

In the next article I will write about safe driving and accident-free driving.

Why do you need emergency driving courses?

Car roads are known to be an area of ​​increased risk. Almost every driver has a chance to get into one or another extreme situation. Nobody is immune from this in our time. It is almost impossible to predict the reaction and behavior of a person who has got into an extreme situation in a car. However, the negative consequences of an extreme situation on the road can be avoided. It all depends on the level of training and experience of the driver. Special driving courses in extreme situations will help you gain confidence and calmness on the road.

The school of emergency training at the AMK FSO offers its services in improving the level of training of drivers. At the end of our emergency driving courses, the student will be prepared for any emergency on the road. At the same time, I would like to separately note the fact that we do not teach extreme driving as recklessness, which in itself is a threat to the life of the driver and other road users around him. In our center for emergency training, the main emphasis is on safety, on how to avoid emergencies! Here you need to clearly understand that counter-emergency driving is a set of certain measures aimed at reducing the risks of road users.

The program of the course "Counter-emergency training"

Classes in our center of driving skills are conducted by highly qualified instructors trained by the best specialists, both in Russia and abroad, who in fact have managed to repeatedly confirm their highest professional level.
During the counter-emergency training classes, all aspects of driving skills will be explained to the listeners in the most accessible form, the listeners will learn a lot about reflex control of a car.

We will teach both beginners and professionals

Our safe driving training center is attended by students with completely different levels of training. In this connection, there are several training programs for counter-accident driving, which are focused on certain target driving groups. We work not only with novice drivers, but also with professionals who want to improve their driving skills. Our emergency training courses in this regard will be useful to everyone. A one-day program has been developed for novice drivers, the goals of which are: increasing the level of technical skill of trainees; familiarization of trainees with the basic techniques of driving a car in various road situations; providing trainees with an opportunity to independently assess their ability to drive a car in various driving situations. The program consists of both theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the program includes: the concept of professional skills, its components and opportunities for improvement; correct landing, its advantages, choice and control; consideration of the most common mistakes made by drivers with little driving experience. The practical part consists of exercises of varying difficulty.

For experienced drivers, we have provided both a winter program of emergency training courses (from November to April) for front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive vehicles, and a summer program (from May to October).

Winter period training (from November to April):

  • Program for front wheel drive vehicles - training duration 2 days (8 hours).
    - the peculiarities of driving a front-wheel drive vehicle on a slippery road;
    - effective techniques for increasing the controllability and stabilization of a front-wheel drive vehicle;
    - feel as early as possible, cause and stop the rear axle skid and the front axle drift of a front-wheel drive vehicle;
    - techniques of emergency maneuvering on a front-wheel drive vehicle.
  • Program for rear-wheel drive vehicles - training duration 4 days (16 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - feel as early as possible, cause and stop the car's skid;
    - brake confidently without losing control, incl. urgently, on a slippery road;
    - techniques of emergency maneuvering on slippery road.

    Summer training period (from May to October):
  • Basic program for front and rear wheel drive vehicles - training duration 2 days (8 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - basic techniques for safe driving;
    - techniques for emergency braking and maneuvering;
    - maneuvering technique, to form a "sense of size" of the car.
  • Advanced program for front and rear wheel drive vehicles - training duration 4 days (16 hours).
    The goals of the program are to teach the driver:
    - improve the driver's skills of safe driving;
    - to teach the driver the techniques of emergency braking and maneuvering;
    - to train the driver in technical techniques of driving a car that create conditions of comfort;
    - to study the features of driving a car equipped with modern active safety systems.


    Introductory part - up to 30 minutes.
    Briefing on safety measures, a brief overview of the entire course, explanation of the exercises for the first part of the lesson, distribution of trainees to training groups and training places.

    The main part is 3 hours 15 minutes.
    Practical part (first half) - 1 hour 30 minutes.
    Performing exercises at a specialized circuit at the autodrome.

    Break - 15 minutes.
    Coffee break, explanation of the exercises for the second part of the lesson.

    Practical part (second half) - 1 hour 30 minutes.
    Exercise at the circuit.

    The final part is 15 minutes.
    Summing up, answering questions, setting tasks for the next day / handing over certificates (on the last day of class).

    Present a course of emergency driving to your loved ones

    Today, many people worry about their relatives, friends, colleagues - constant road users. This is not surprising: lately, complex traffic situations meet at every turn. But, as practice shows, many people refuse to take additional courses to improve driving skills, citing lack of time, money and constant employment. These are just excuses. It always makes sense to help someone close to you improve their counter-emergency driving skills. You can present him as a gift emergency training courses at the Safe Driving Training Center of the Automotive Club of the FSO of Russia.

    At your request, you can issue both a classic gift certificate and a certificate for a specific event:

  • Gift certificate "Family", issued for two persons, an excellent gift for both a young family and for a family celebrating the "Ruby" wedding.
  • A gift certificate in honor of March 8 is a great reason to worry about the safety of your loved one.
  • A gift certificate in honor of February 23 is the best gift for a real man.
  • Gift certificate "New Year" - how New Year if you meet him, you will lead him. The emergency training course at the beginning of the year is a good help for trouble-free operation of the car throughout the year.
  • A birthday gift certificate is a gift that you cannot put on a shelf. A gift thanks to which a person close to you on the road will be able to feel safe.

    Discount for regular customers

    From May 1, 2016, a system of discounts is introduced. The discount is provided after the trainee has completed one training course at the Safe Driving Training Center of the Automotive Club of the FSO of Russia in any period of training (winter, summer), is issued in the form of a loyal customer card and is:

  • Second lesson - 5%.
  • The third lesson - 10%.
  • The fourth lesson - 15%.
  • Fifth lesson - 20%.
  • Do you need any specific driving courses for women? It would seem that all the questions regarding the abilities of the fair sex to control complex equipment were removed by the cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova half a century ago. Unfortunately, the fruits of professional and everyday emancipation have been more effectively used by women in Western countries. Indeed, today in the United States, the percentage of both sexes on the road is approximately 50/50.

    In Russia, unfortunately, things are not so optimistic. Male motorists continue to dominate, with a share of around 80%. You can still hear ridiculous statements about "a woman's place in the kitchen." The culprit is the traditional patriarchal nature of Russian society, in which a woman is assigned the role of “keeper of the hearth”. As a result, many Russian women agree from childhood that they are not supposed to "turn the steering wheel" by nature. Hence - fears, suspiciousness and uncertainty.

    Extreme driving courses for women

    Sounds kind of scary, right? However, acquiring extreme driving skills is the most effective tool for overcoming inequities on the roads. Judge for yourself, an ordinary driving school will teach you in best case the rules of behavior in standard situations - to keep a safe speed, perform basic maneuvers, recognize signs, markings and signals of the traffic controller.

    Unfortunately, in the event of an emergency, a woman (all other things being equal) is less likely to avoid an accident than a man because of the physical advantages of the latter. However, this can be compensated by the acquired special skills! And not only compensate, but also come forward! Suffice it to recall the beautiful Danica Patrick, who won the NASCAR race, beating a whole peloton of the world's best race car drivers.

    Today, extreme driving courses for women help the representatives of the weaker half of humanity to feel confident behind the wheel and become not just a “guest” on the road, but a sovereign mistress. Let's see what this means.

    • Emergency preparation. This is the basic discipline of extreme driving courses for women, which, although it goes beyond the traffic rules, is highly demanded on public roads. Emergency preparation will allow you to competently drive a car in the event of a critical situation (skid, sudden obstacle), reducing the risk of it spilling over into a serious accident. Emergency situations are simulated on training sites so that you learn to recognize them in advance and react correctly.
    • Quasi-athletic training. This is an advanced extreme driving course for women, allowing you to explore absolutely all the possibilities of the car. In this case, techniques are used from the arsenal of rally and track races (sliding, drifting ...), which are not applicable on public roads. But if you want to experience a storm of emotions from driving or are planning a sports career, then why not?
    • Psychological preparation. The main rival for a woman driving is not the road, not the car or other traffic participants, but herself. It is necessary to overcome all fears, insecurities and complexes imposed for decades Inferiority". To this end, in extreme driving courses for women, special emphasis is placed on psychology. Ultimately, the student must acquire a strong self-confidence.

    Extreme driving courses for women in Moscow

    The ASport Automotive Academy has been operating in the capital for 30 years (since 1988). During this time, we have developed unique training programs for all categories of our clients, including special courses for women.

    The main advantages of studying at the Academy.

    • Individual approach. For each student, we develop our own training program, taking into account her current level of training and wishes. This allows for maximum efficiency. The training schedule is also drawn up individually.
    • The best instructors. The ASport Academy employs active professional racers, masters of sports, medalists and winners of domestic and international automotive championships in various disciplines (rally, cross, track racing).
    • Attractive prices. The cost of individual driving courses for women is 7400 rubles (in your car) or 9400 rubles in our car. Available cars with rear wheel drive(Mazda MX5) drift training.

    You can sign up for an extreme driving course for women in Moscow directly on the website of the ASport Automotive Academy, or by calling us +7 (495 ) 222-37-57 ... You can also purchase gift certificates for your relative or girlfriend.


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