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The impound lot is a specialized parking lot, which is under the jurisdiction of the traffic police and is intended for detained vehicles. In this parking lot, which is under 24-hour security, cars are located until they are returned to their owners. All cars that end up in the impound lot are delivered by tow truck.

For what violations can a car be towed to an impound lot?

In 2020, there are several cases when a person who has violated the rules traffic, apply not only penalties, but also resort to additional measures to prevent violations.

The violator’s vehicle will be detained and then evacuated to the impound area if the parking is committed:

  • a four-wheel (or more) vehicle in the second, third and subsequent rows;
  • on the road, if the distance between the car and the dividing strip is 3 m or less;
  • at a pedestrian crossing or in close proximity to it (more than 5 m);
  • in the tunnel;
  • under prohibitory signs, if there is a sign containing information about the operation of the tow truck;
  • at a distance of 15 m or less from the designated trolleybus, bus, taxi stop, provided that there are no parking spaces in this interval;
  • on a site that is intended for people with disabilities;
  • on the pedestrian sidewalk;
  • the vehicle blocked the entry or exit of other vehicles;
  • on tram tracks or next to them, provided that the vehicle interferes with the movement of the tram.

Also, the car can be towed if traffic police officers identify the following violations:

  • the person driving the vehicle does not have documents;
  • the car has a faulty brake system;
  • the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • the driver refused to undergo the examination procedure;
  • the rules for transporting oversized and/or dangerous goods are not followed.

In addition, evacuation of the car is possible in case of a serious accident, when there is a need for an examination vehicle.

If the evacuation of the ball was carried out with violations, the car owner has the right to challenge the actions of the traffic police officers.

Where and how can I find out about car towing in 2020?

If a vehicle is seized for subsequent evacuation to an impound lot in the presence of the car owner, the owner of the car is given a protocol indicating the place where he can pick up his car back.

However, in most cases the car is towed without the driver being present. In this regard, the question arises of how to find out whether the car was towed to an impound lot or the vehicle was stolen. When faced with a situation where the car is not at the place where it was left by the driver, to clarify the situation, you need to call the traffic police, reporting the loss of the vehicle. During a conversation with representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate, you should inform the place and time of the incident, as well as indicate the make and license plate number of the car. So, ? Subscribers of mobile operators can contact representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate by phone:

  • Tele2, MTS, Megafon - 020;
  • "Beeline" - 002;
  • Skylink and "Motive" - ​​902.

In addition, subscribers of mobile operators can call the single emergency number 112.

If the vehicle has been towed, the operator will dictate the service number, by calling which the driver will learn about the location of the vehicle.

It is worth noting that in large cities of Russia special help centers have been created - unified dispatch services designed to help people whose cars ended up in the impound lot.

In small towns where there are one or two impound lots, you don’t have to waste time figuring out where the car was towed to, but go to the nearest impound lot.

A motorist whose car ends up in an impound lot is advised not to delay, but to take measures to return the vehicle. Otherwise, he will not be able to avoid significant financial costs, since storing the car is free only for the first 24 hours.

The situation when a vehicle is towed in the presence of the car owner causes a lot of controversy. Forcible transportation of a car to a parking lot can be carried out in a situation where the driver is not able to eliminate the offense, for example, move the car to another place that complies with traffic rules. In addition, the vehicle will be confiscated if the driver does not have documents, car driver the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and also refuses a medical examination.

What should you do if, after leaving your car for a while, upon returning you see a traffic police inspector and a tow truck near your car? Remaining calm, approach the State Traffic Inspectorate employee, introduce yourself and find out the reason for the evacuation. If the evacuation occurs due to violations of parking rules, ask the inspector to issue you a fine and repark the car. If you do not have a driver's license and other required documents, urgently contact your relatives and ask them to bring them to you as soon as possible.

The driver must take an active part in drawing up the protocol, which is the basis for the seizure and evacuation of the vehicle. It is necessary to ensure that all sections of the document are completed, including the nature of the offense, the date and time of the car’s detention, and the presence or absence of physical damage to the car.

If the vehicle being towed has low ground clearance and automatic transmission gears, it is necessary that the tow truck matches technical requirements to evacuation of vehicles of this type. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage to vulnerable elements of the machine. Having discovered a discrepancy in the tow truck, you should immediately draw the attention of traffic police officers to this circumstance. If this fact will not stop the evacuation process, all that remains is to complain about the actions of the inspectors to higher authorities or go to court. If damage is caused to the vehicle during delivery to the impound lot, the car owner will have to document the damage in accordance with the established procedure, and then go to court to compensate for the damage.

Evacuation if there are people inside the car

It is prohibited to evacuate a vehicle with one or more people inside. The regulations do not allow such a vehicle to be loaded onto towing equipment and transported to an impound lot.

Current legislation allows the car owner to pick up the vehicle from the impound lot without prior payment. administrative fine for the committed offense and car evacuation services.

In order to avoid unnecessary hassle, the car owner is recommended to contact the impound lot representatives in advance to clarify all the details of returning the car.

If the driver has documents

In order to return your car, you need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • official permission from the traffic police to pick up the vehicle from the impound lot;
  • driver's license;
  • MTPL policy;
  • a notarized power of attorney for the right to pick up the car (required only if the car is picked up not by the car owner, but by another person);
  • receipt for payment for impound parking services.

In this case, a receipt for payment for car evacuation services, as well as a receipt for payment of an administrative fine, is not required.

The collected package of documents is presented to the impound lot employee. Next, the vehicle is inspected for damage caused during evacuation and storage at the impound lot, and then a vehicle acceptance certificate is signed. After this, the car owner or his representative has the right to pick up the car.

It should be noted that if damage to the vehicle is detected, this fact must be recorded in the vehicle acceptance certificate. In the future, the document will become the basis for proceedings to compensate the car owner for material damage.

Many motorists prefer to store car documents in the vehicle interior. Therefore, towing a car with documents is a fairly common practice.

If all the documentation necessary to return the car is inside the towed vehicle, the motorist must visit the impound lot and write a statement about opening the car. In his presence, the car will be opened by the impound lot employees, who, after issuing documents, will reseal the vehicle. The procedure for opening a car must be recorded in the protocol.

Having received the documents, you can begin to act according to the standard procedure.

How to obtain permission to return a car

Before picking up a car from the impound lot, you should visit the traffic police and obtain permission to return the vehicle. The certificate will be issued to the owner of the car or any other person who has the right to drive this car and a notarized power of attorney from the car owner to pick up the vehicle.

To obtain a certificate, a citizen must have documents proving his identity and confirming his right to drive a car, as well as documents for the vehicle and a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Payment of impound parking in 2020

A fee is charged for keeping a vehicle in the impound lot, the amount of which depends on the type of vehicle. How much you will have to pay for storing a car depends on the specific impound lot, since tariffs for storage services are determined by each impound lot individually and can range from several hundred to several thousand rubles per day.

Until 2018, only a full day was taken into account, starting from the second day the car was in the impound lot. Now, unfortunately, you will have to pay from the first day, per day, regardless of whether your car has been parked for an hour or a day.

Having paid for the services of the impound lot, the motorist must receive a check or receipt in hand, which confirms the fact of depositing funds.

Do I need to pay fines?

Payment of an administrative fine is currently not a prerequisite for obtaining a traffic police certificate, which allows you to pick up a vehicle from the impound lot. The violator may pay the penalties imposed on him within 60 days from the date of the decision to detain the car.

How to pick up a car without paying?

A motorist will be able to reimburse the costs associated with paying an administrative fine, as well as the services of a parking lot and a tow truck, if the towing of a vehicle is declared illegal.


Given the fact that the road infrastructure of many Russian cities, inherited from the Soviet era, is not designed for the modern volume of car traffic, car evacuation is a common phenomenon. To avoid the risk of having their car seized, motorists are advised to strictly follow traffic rules. However, if the vehicle is towed away, the motorist needs to know how to pick up the car from the impound lot and return the vehicle as quickly as possible. A quick return of the car will allow you to avoid the costs associated with storing the car at the impound lot.

05.12.16 125 460 0

And how to reduce costs in such a situation?

Every motorist can run into a tow truck. You don't have to be a persistent offender to do this.

It is enough to inadvertently stand under a “No Stopping” sign, run your wheel onto a curb, or park in a space for disabled people.

Evgeniy Popkov


In this article we will figure out where to call, how to fill out documents and when and how much to pay if the car is taken away.

Someone else's car is being towed away

Let’s say someone’s car is being towed in front of you. The owner parked a meter from pedestrian crossing and went about his business. For such parking there is a fine of 1000 rubles and moving to a special parking lot. In Moscow and St. Petersburg the fine is higher - 3,000 rubles.

Don't remain indifferent and help the owner. Approach the car and try to find the owner's phone number. It may be on a note under glass.

Found the number? Call the owner and warn him that his car is being towed. He will have time to return to the parking spot and pick up the car before it is taken to a specialized parking lot. This will save him several thousand rubles for evacuation.

The evacuation service employees themselves will not call the owner. They are interested in taking the car to the impound lot as quickly as possible, because the law obliges the violator to pay the costs of moving the car.

Business card

Write your phone number on the back of any white business card and place it on the inside in the right corner windshield. This way, witnesses to your car being towed can call and warn you.

Your car is towed away

You returned to the car parked on the side of the road and saw that the car had been sealed with “Special Parking” stickers and was being lifted onto a tow truck. It turned out that you ran into rear wheel onto the curb and violated traffic rules.

3000 R fine for wrong parking

Go to the traffic police inspector and present documents for the car confirming that you are the owner. Tell them that you will now move the car correctly - parallel to the road without hitting the curb.

The traffic police inspector will check the documents and instruct the tow truck driver to put the vehicle back on the road.

By law, towing services are required to remove the vehicle from the tow truck and return it when the owner appears. Provided that he moves the car to the permitted location.

For illegal parking, you will be issued a traffic ticket. administrative offense and a fine of 3,000 rubles. The fine will have to be paid within 60 days. If you meet 20, they will give you a 50% discount.

Since you returned to your car before the tow truck started moving, you will not have to pay the costs of towing and storage in the impound lot. In Moscow, for a category B car you will save from three to seven thousand rubles on evacuation costs and 1000 rubles for every day of storage.

Your car has already been towed

You returned to the parking lot and did not find your car where you left it. Find out urgently if your car has been stolen or towed away. To do this, call the traffic police duty station at 112.

After you are convinced that the car was moved to the impound lot for illegal parking, be sure to find out from the inspector on duty who issued the detention and where the car was taken.

Let's say you were informed that the detention was issued by the traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, and the car was taken to a specialized parking lot at Moscow, Podolskikh Kursantov Street, property 7A. Write down the information so you don't forget.

The further procedure depends on where the documents for the car are - in your hands or left in the glove compartment.

After evacuation

If the documents are left in the car

If the documents remain locked in the towed car, then you must first go to the impound lot.

In the parking lot, you write an application to open the car and access to the salon. The impound lot employee will issue an opening certificate and remove the seal. As a rule, they are removed only from the driver's door. You pick up documents from the salon. After which the employee draws up a re-sealing certificate and seals the door again.

Now that you have all the documents in your hands again, you can go to the traffic police department that issued the arrest.

After evacuation

If the documents are in hand

To pick up a car from an impound lot, first go to the traffic police department for a decision on return. You need to go to the department whose inspector issued the arrest.

The inspector on duty will require your driver's license, vehicle registration certificate and compulsory motor liability insurance policy. There is no need to go home to pick up your vehicle title; a registration certificate is sufficient.

Based on your documents, the inspector on duty will issue a resolution on an administrative violation. The resolution is a key document during evacuation. It is the same decision on return, which confirms that the official allows the owner to pick up the detained car.

A receipt for payment of a fine for illegal parking is attached to the resolution.

With the decree in hand, go to the impound lot. There you need to present it to the employees and confirm that you are the owner of the car or have the right to drive it. To do this, show the vehicle registration certificate.

5000 R car evacuation payment

The parking lot staff will issue a receipt for payment for towing and storage and lead you to the car.

1000 R a day in the impound lot

It is not necessary to pay the cost of towing and storage before receiving the car. By law, the owner can pick up the car without prepayment.

Example of evacuation costs

Let's imagine that you pick up a car three days after evacuation. In Moscow for passenger car Category B with power over 80 and up to 250 hp. evacuation costs 5,000 rubles, and storage costs 1,000 rubles per day. On the receipt they will write you 5000 + 3 × 1000 = 8000 RUR. If you pay before receiving the car, you will be able to save 25% - 2000 RUR.

At the end, you check whether the car was damaged during loading/unloading onto a tow truck, sign the acceptance certificate and pick up the car.


  1. If you see someone else's car being towed, call the owner and help him pick up the car.
  2. Towing services are required to return your car if you managed to get there before the tow truck started moving.
  3. If the car was towed, but the documents for the car remained in the glove compartment, then your route is as follows: Impound lot → Traffic police department → Impound lot.
  4. If the car has been towed, and you have the documents for the car in your hands, then your route is as follows: Traffic police department → Impound lot.
  5. You must return your car from the impound lot without prepayment of a fine and the costs of towing and storage. But if you decide to pay in advance, you will receive a discount.

Pick up a car from the impound lot free is not possible. The owner will need to at least pay a fine, as well as reimburse the costs associated with the forced evacuation of the car. It is also important to know that staying a car in the parking lot itself is free only for the first two days. Step-by-step instruction information on how to pick up the car, the amount of total costs, as well as a list of documents for return - all this can be found in the material presented below.

In practice, 2 situations are possible - either the car is taken directly from the owner, or he returns and does not find it there. In the first case, all the necessary explanations can be obtained from the traffic police inspector, who is obliged to draw up a protocol of detention with a clear justification of the reasons (for more details, see the relevant section). In the second case, you need to clarify where the car is located, obtain permission to issue it, and then pick it up from the impound lot.

Step 1. Find out where the car is located

If the car was taken away from the owner, then the protocol must also contain information about the parking address. If the car is not found on the spot, you should take all the documents and go to the traffic police department - preferably the one that could presumably issue a fine. The owner has the right to obtain information about the address before payment of compensation. You can also clarify with the inspector the grounds for detention ( wrong parking, technical issues, the car caused an accident and disappeared, etc.).

Step 2. Pay fines and compensate for other costs: cost

If this unpleasant situation arises, it is advisable to act as quickly as possible, since in the first 2 days of staying in the parking lot there is no fee; in the next few days the fee is moderate. Then the cost increases to the maximum possible (depending on the category of car).

Using the example of Moscow, the cost of a daily stay of a car in a penalty parking lot (regardless of the season) is:

Other costs are associated with towing services, which can also be quite expensive. Using the example of Moscow, evacuation will cost from 4 to 20-30 and even 50 thousand rubles (depending on the type of car, complexity and distance of transportation, pricing policy companies, etc.).

Finally, another cost is the fine itself, which can be about 500-2000 rubles depending on the type of violation, its repetition, etc. Thus, in total the cost of returning a car can be about 10-50 thousand rubles and even more.

Step 3. Prepare the necessary documents

The main document that gives the owner the right to pick up his car is the appropriate permit, which is obtained from the traffic police department. Along with it, you must take the originals of the following documents:

  • your passport;
  • car registration certificate;
  • driver's license.

Of course, you need to have your car keys and a system to disable the alarm with you.

Expert opinion

Sobolev Dmitry

Administrative offenses lawyer, site expert


In this case, the owner must first find out exactly the address of the impound lot and go directly there. Take your passport and all remaining documents with you. However, even if all the papers are left in the car, which is also possible, you should still go to the parking lot. In this case, the employee draws up a report on the opening of the car, a copy of which is given to the applicant. The citizen takes all the documents, after which the car is sealed. Next, you need to pay all fines and follow the standard procedure.

Step 4. Pick up the car

Both the owner and any other adult person acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney can pick up the car. The owner or his representative arrives at the specified place with the necessary documents and hand them over for inspection to an official working at a specialized parking lot. At the same time, you should not rush to leave - it is important to carry out visual inspection cars.

If there is damage (their origin is mainly related to the incorrect loading procedure or transporting the car on a tow truck) or valuable items are missing from the interior, you should definitely record them using photos and videos. You can also ask the parking lot employee to draw up an appropriate report, and in case of refusal, call the police and insist on drawing up a report.

If the car is towed directly in front of the owner

In this case, transportation may not be necessary if the owner promptly eliminates the reason that led to the detention.

However, in some cases it is impossible to quickly eliminate the cause, so the car will be towed, about which the traffic police inspector draws up a report, a copy of which is given to the owner. The protocol must contain correct data:

  • date, time and place of compilation;
  • Full name and position of the inspector;
  • grounds for detention;
  • description of the car model and number;
  • the presence of external defects (if any) at the time of detention - for example, a dent on the door or a crack on the windshield;
  • Full name, position of tow truck driver;
  • the name of the company that provided the tow truck;
  • address of the specialized parking lot;
  • a note indicating that a copy of the protocol was delivered directly to the driver.

As a result, the citizen will immediately learn about the reasons for the evacuation and the address of the parking lot. Then he can immediately pay the fine, as well as transportation costs, after which he can obtain permission and pick it up. If you disagree with the actions of the inspector, you can appeal them by direct appeal to the city or district court.

The applicant draws up a complaint, which is not subject to state duty. A real example of this document looks like this.

If the court finds the plaintiff to be right, all costs associated with the incident, as well as legal expenses, will be compensated in full.

Theoretically, it is also possible for the car owner to physically prevent the forced transportation of the car. For example, he may prevent you from loading it onto a tow truck or even getting into the car: transporting the car in this case is strictly prohibited.

Hi all!
Today I didn’t notice the sign and parked the car. I walked away for 2 minutes, came up, and they started loading it onto a tow truck. There is no inspector. I asked to stop the evacuation because I could remove the car myself. The second tow truck operator went to CALL the inspector, and the one who loaded it continued the evacuation and left.
I arrived at the traffic police and received permission to issue a car. According to the NSO law “On the procedure for moving detained vehicles to a specialized parking lot, their storage, payment of the cost of movement and storage, as well as the return of vehicles (as amended on December 28, 2016) dated June 14, 2012 N 227-OZ:
1. The return to the owner, the owner’s representative or a person who has the documents necessary to drive a detained vehicle stored in a specialized parking lot for a detained vehicle is made on the basis of an official’s decision to return the detained vehicle immediately after the reason for the detention of the vehicle has been eliminated.

Article 5. Payment of the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot
and storage of detained vehicles in a specialized parking lot
(Article as amended by the NSO Law dated November 3, 2016 N 97-OZ - see previous edition)
1. Payment for the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot and storing a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot is carried out within the time limits and at the rates that are established in accordance with federal legislation by the executive authority of the Novosibirsk Region authorized by the Government of the Novosibirsk Region.
2. Payment for the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot and storing a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot is made on the basis of an invoice issued by a specialized parking lot to the person who, in the resolution imposing an administrative penalty for an administrative offense that resulted in the detention of a vehicle, is charged with paying the cost of moving to a specialized parking lot and storage of a detained vehicle in a specialized parking lot.

I don’t agree with the illegal evacuation, so I want to pay for the evacuation after the court’s decision. By law, the car must be released immediately. They refused to give me a car, called the police, he accepted the statement, said that this was a civil law relationship and left. They won't give the car back.
They are not allowed out of the parking lot. They even took me for a ride in the car on a tow truck 8)

It turns out that we have a law, but no one will enforce it and nothing will happen to them for it?


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