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Development laws technical systems, on which all the basic mechanisms for solving inventive problems in TRIZ are based, were first formulated by G. S. Altshuller in the book "Creativity as an Exact Science" (Moscow: "Soviet Radio", 1979, p. 122-127), and were further supplemented by followers.

Studying the (evolution) of technical systems in time, Heinrich Altshuller formulated the laws of development of technical systems, the knowledge of which helps engineers predict the ways of possible further product improvements:

  1. The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system.
  2. The law of S-shaped development of technical systems.
  3. Dynamization law.
  4. The law of completeness of parts of the system.
  5. The law of energy through passage.
  6. The law of advancing development of the working body.
  7. The law of transition "mono - bi - poly".
  8. The law of transition from macro to micro level.

The most important law considers the ideality of the system - one of the basic concepts in TRIZ.

The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system:

The technical system in its development is approaching ideality. Having reached the ideal, the system should disappear, and its function should continue to be performed.

The main ways to approach the ideal:

  • increasing the number of functions performed,
  • "Rolling" into a working body,
  • transition to the supersystem.

When approaching the ideal, the technical system first fights with the forces of nature, then adapts to them and, finally, uses them for its own purposes.

The law of increasing ideality is most effectively applied to the element that is directly located in the conflict zone or itself generates undesirable phenomena. In this case, an increase in the degree of ideality, as a rule, is carried out by using previously unused resources (substances, fields) available in the zone of occurrence of the task. The farther from the conflict zone the resources are taken, the less it will be possible to move towards the ideal.

The law of S-shaped development of technical systems:

The evolution of many systems can be depicted by a logistic curve showing how the rate of its development changes over time. There are three characteristic stages:

  1. "childhood". It usually takes a long time. At this moment, the design of the system, its refinement, the manufacture of a prototype, and preparation for serial production are underway.
  2. "Flowering". It is rapidly improving, becoming more powerful and productive. The car is mass-produced, its quality is improving and the demand for it is growing.
  3. "old age". At some point, it becomes more difficult to improve the system. Even large increases in appropriations help little. Despite the efforts of the designers, the development of the system does not keep pace with the ever-increasing human needs. It slips, treads on the spot, changes its outward shape, but remains as it is, with all its shortcomings. All resources are finally selected. If you try at this moment to artificially increase the quantitative indicators of the system or to develop its dimensions, leaving the previous principle, then the system itself comes into conflict with the environment and man. It begins to do more harm than good.

Let's take a steam locomotive as an example. In the beginning, there was a rather long experimental stage with single imperfect specimens, the introduction of which, in addition, was accompanied by public resistance. This was followed by the rapid development of thermodynamics, improvement steam engines, railways, service - and the steam locomotive receives public recognition and investment in further development. Then, despite active funding, there was a way out of natural limitations: the limiting thermal efficiency, the conflict with the environment, the inability to increase power without increasing the mass - and, as a result, technological stagnation began in the region. And, finally, steam locomotives were replaced by more economical and powerful diesel locomotives and electric locomotives. Steam engine reached his ideal - and disappeared. Its functions were taken over by internal combustion engines and electric motors - also at first imperfect, then rapidly developing and, finally, resting against their natural limits in development. Then another new system will appear - and so on forever.

Dynamization law:

The reliability, stability and constancy of a system in a dynamic environment depend on its ability to change. The development, and hence the viability of the system, is determined by the main indicator: the degree of dynamization, that is, the ability to be mobile, flexible, adaptable to the external environment, changing not only its geometric shape, but also the form of movement of its parts, primarily the working body. The higher the degree of dynamization, the, in general, the wider the range of conditions under which the system retains its function. For example, in order to make an aircraft wing work effectively in significantly different flight modes (takeoff, cruise flight, flight at top speed, landing), it is dynamized by adding flaps, slats, spoilers, sweep change systems, etc.

However, for subsystems, the law of dynamization can be violated - sometimes it is more profitable to artificially reduce the degree of dynamization of a subsystem, thereby simplifying it, and compensate for the lower stability / adaptability by creating a stable artificial environment around it, protected from external factors. But in the end, the aggregate system (over-system) still receives a large degree of dynamization. For example, instead of adapting the transmission to contamination by dynamizing it (self-cleaning, self-lubrication, rebalancing), you can place it in a sealed casing, inside which an environment is created that is most favorable for moving parts (precision bearings, oil mist, heating, etc.)

Other examples:

  • The resistance to the movement of the plow is reduced by 10-20 times if its share vibrates at a certain frequency, depending on the properties of the soil.
  • The excavator bucket, turned into a rotor wheel, gave birth to a new highly efficient mining system.
  • A car wheel made of a hard wooden disc with a metal rim has become mobile, soft and elastic.

The law of completeness of parts of the system:

Any technical system that independently performs any function has four main parts - an engine, a transmission, a working body and a control device. If any of these parts is absent in the system, then its function is performed by a person or the environment.

An engine is an element of a technical system that is a converter of energy required to perform a required function. The energy source can either be in the system (for example, gasoline in the engine tank internal combustion car), or in the supersystem (electricity from the external network for the electric motor of the machine).

Transmission is an element that transfers energy from the engine to the working body with the transformation of its quality characteristics (parameters).

Working body - an element that transfers energy to the object being processed, and completes the performance of the required function.

A control means is an element that regulates the flow of energy to parts of a technical system and coordinates their work in time and space.

Analyzing any autonomously working system, be it a refrigerator, clock, TV or fountain pen, you can see these four elements everywhere.

  • Milling machine. Working body: cutter. Engine: machine electric motor. Anything between the electric motor and the cutter can be considered a transmission. Control means - human operator, handles and buttons, or programmed control (programmed machine). In the latter case, programmed control "pushed" the human operator out of the system.

Energy through passage law:

So, any working system consists of four main parts, and any of these parts is a consumer and energy converter. But it is not enough to convert, it is still necessary to transfer this energy without losses from the engine to the working body, and from it to the object being processed. This is the law of energy through passage. Violation of this law leads to the emergence of contradictions within the technical system, which in turn gives rise to inventive problems.

The main condition for the efficiency of a technical system from the point of view of energy conductivity is the equality of the capabilities of the parts of the system to receive and transmit energy.

  • The impedances of the transmitter, the feeder and the antenna must be matched - in this case, the traveling wave mode is established in the system, which is the most efficient for energy transfer. Mismatch leads to the appearance of standing waves and energy dissipation.

The first rule of energy conductivity of the system:

If the elements interact with each other form a system of conducting energy with a useful function, then in order to increase its efficiency in the places of contact there should be substances with close or identical levels of development.

The second rule of energy conductivity of the system:

If the elements of the system, when interacting, form an energy-conducting system with a harmful function, then for its destruction in the places of contact of the elements there must be substances with different or opposite levels of development.

  • When solidified, the concrete adheres to the formwork, and it is difficult to separate it later. The two parts are in good agreement with each other in terms of the levels of development of matter - both are solid, rough, immobile, etc. A normal energy-conducting system was formed. To prevent its formation, you need the maximum mismatch of substances, for example: solid - liquid, rough - slippery, motionless - mobile. There can be several design solutions - the formation of a layer of water, the application of special slippery coatings, vibration of the formwork, etc.

The third rule of energy conductivity of the system:

If the elements interact with each other form an energy-conducting system with a harmful and useful function, then in the places of contact of the elements there should be substances, the level of development of which and physicochemical properties change under the influence of some controlled substance or field.

  • According to this rule, most devices in technology have been implemented, where it is required to connect and disconnect power flows in the system. These are various switching clutches in mechanics, valves in hydraulics, diodes in electronics, and much more.

The law of advancing development of the working body:

In a technical system, the main element is a working body. And in order for its function to be performed normally, its ability to absorb and transmit energy must be no less than the engine and transmission. Otherwise, it will either break or become ineffective, converting a significant part of the energy into useless heat. Therefore, it is desirable that the working body is ahead of the rest of the system in its development, that is, it has a greater degree of dynamization in terms of matter, energy or organization.

Often, inventors make the mistake of persistently developing the transmission, control, but not the working element. Such a technique, as a rule, does not give a significant increase in the economic effect and a significant increase in efficiency.

  • The productivity of the lathe and its technical specifications remained almost unchanged over the years, although the drive, transmission and controls developed intensively, because the cutter itself as a working body remained the same, that is, a stationary monosystem at the macro level. With the advent of rotating cup cutters, machine productivity has skyrocketed. It increased even more when the microstructure of the material of the cutter was involved: under the action of an electric current, the cutting edge of the cutter began to vibrate up to several times per second. Finally, thanks to gas and laser cutters, which completely changed the face of the machine, the speed of metal processing was achieved unprecedentedly.

The law of transition "mono - bi - poly"

The first step is the transition to bisystems. This increases the reliability of the system. In addition, a new quality appears in the bisystem that was not inherent in the monosystem. The transition to polysystems marks an evolutionary stage of development, in which the acquisition of new qualities occurs only through quantitative indicators. The expanded organizational capabilities of the arrangement of the same type of elements in space and time make it possible to more fully use their capabilities and environmental resources.

  • A twin-engine aircraft (bisystem) is more reliable than its single-engine counterpart and has greater maneuverability (new quality).
  • The design of the combined bicycle key (polysystem) has led to a noticeable reduction in metal consumption and a decrease in size compared to a group of separate keys.
  • The best inventor - nature - duplicated especially important parts of the human body: a person has two lungs, two kidneys, two eyes, etc.
  • Multi-layer plywood is much stronger than planks of the same size.

But at some stage of development, failures begin to appear in the polysystem. A team of more than twelve horses becomes uncontrollable, an airplane with twenty engines requires a manifold increase in the crew and is difficult to control. The system's capabilities have been exhausted. What's next? And then the polysystem again becomes a monosystem ... But at a qualitatively new level. At the same time, a new level arises only if the dynamization of parts of the system, primarily the working body, is increased.

  • Let's remember the same bicycle key. When its working body was dynamized, that is, the jaws became mobile, an adjustable wrench appeared. It has become a mono system, but at the same time, it is able to work with many standard sizes of bolts and nuts.
  • Numerous wheels of all-terrain vehicles turned into one movable caterpillar.

The law of transition from macro to micro level:

The transition from the macro to the micro level is the main trend in the development of all modern technical systems.

To achieve high results, the possibilities of the structure of the substance are used. First, the crystal lattice is used, then the associations of molecules, a single molecule, a part of a molecule, an atom, and finally, a part of an atom.

  • In pursuit of payload at the end of the piston era, aircraft were supplied with six, twelve or more engines. Then the working body - the screw - nevertheless moved to the micro level, becoming a gas jet.

Based on materials from

One of the prerequisites for TRIZ is that there are objective laws of development and functioning of systems, on the basis of which inventive solutions can be built. In other words, many technical, production, economic and social systems develop according to the same rules and principles. GS Altshuller discovered them by studying the patent fund and analyzing the ways of development and improvement of technology over time. The results published in the books "Life Lines" of Technical Systems "and" On the Laws of Development of Technical Systems ", later combined in the work" Creativity as an Exact Science ", became the basis for the Theory of Development of Technical Systems (TRTS).

In this lesson, we invite you to familiarize yourself with these laws, supported by examples. They occupy the main place in the TRIZ curriculum, since they are revealed and detailed in the rules of their application, in standards, principles of conflict resolution, Su-Field analysis and ARIZ.

Terminology and short introduction

The law of development of a technical system (ZPST) is an essential, stable, repetitive relationship between elements within the system and with the external environment in the process of progressive development, the transition of the system from one state to another in order to increase its useful functionality.

GS Altshuller divided open laws into three sections "Statics", "Kinematics", "Dynamics". These names are arbitrary and have no direct relation to physics. But it is possible to trace the connection of these groups with the model of "beginning of life-development-death" in accordance with the law of S-shaped development of technical systems, which the author proposed for complete picture evolution of processes in technology. It is depicted as a logistic curve that shows the pace of development that changes over time. There are three stages:

1. "Childhood". Specifically in technology, this is a long process of system design, its refinement, production of a prototype, preparation for serial production. Globally, the stage is associated with the laws of "Static" - a group united by the criteria of the viability of emerging technical systems (TS). Speaking simple language, thanks to these laws, it is possible to give answers to two questions: Will the created system live and function? What needs to be done in order for it to live and function?

2. "Flourishing". The stage of rapid improvement of the system, its formation as a powerful and productive unit. It is associated with the next group of laws - "Kinematics", which describes the directions of development of technical systems, regardless of specific technical and physical mechanisms. In a literal sense, this means those changes that must occur in the system in order for it to meet the increasing requirements for it.

3. "Old age". From some point on, the development of the system slows down, and later stops altogether. This is due to the laws of "Dynamics" that characterize the development of the vehicle under the conditions of the action of specific technical and physical factors. "Dynamics" is opposite to "Kinematics" - the laws of this group determine only possible changes that can be committed under these conditions. When the possibilities for improvement are exhausted, the old system is replaced by a new one, and the whole cycle is repeated.

The laws of the first two groups - "Static" and "Kinematics" - are universal in nature. They operate in any era and are applicable not only to technical systems, but also to biological, social, etc. “Dynamics”, according to Altshuller, speaks of the main trends in the functioning of systems in our time.

As an example of the operation of a complex of these laws in technology, one can recall the development of such a technical system as a rowing fleet. She developed from small boats with a pair of oars to large warships, where hundreds of oars were arranged in several rows, giving way to sailing ships as a result. Social and historical example S-shaped system can serve as the birth, prosperity and decline of Athenian democracy.


The laws of "Static" in TRIZ define the initial stage of a technical system's functioning, the beginning of its "life", defining the conditions necessary for this. The very category "system" tells us about the whole, made up of parts. A technical system, like any other, begins its life as a result of the synthesis of individual components. But not every such combination gives a viable vehicle. The laws of the "Static" group just show what prerequisites must be met for the system to work successfully.

Law 1. The law of completeness of parts of the system. A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the presence and minimum performance of the main parts of the system.

There are four main parts: engine, transmission, working body and control. To ensure the viability of the system, not only these parts are needed, but also their suitability for performing the functions of the vehicle. In other words, these components must be operable not only individually, but also in the system. A classic example is an internal combustion engine that works by itself, functions in a vehicle such as a car but not suitable for submarine use.

The conclusion follows from the law of completeness of parts of a system: for a system to be controllable, it is necessary that at least one of its parts be controllable. Controllability means the ability to change properties depending on the intended tasks. This consequence is well illustrated by an example from Yu. P. Salamatov's book "System of laws of technology development": a balloon, which can be controlled with a valve and ballast.

A similar law was formulated in 1840 by J. von Liebig for biological systems.

Law 2. The law of "energy conductivity" of the system. A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the through passage of energy through all parts of the system.

Any technical system is an energy converter. Hence the obvious need to transfer energy from the engine through the transmission to the working body. If some part of the vehicle does not receive energy, then the entire system will not work. The main condition for the efficiency of a technical system from the point of view of energy conductivity is the equality of the capabilities of the parts of the system to receive and transmit energy.

The conclusion follows from the law of "energy conductivity": for a part of a technical system to be controllable, it is necessary to ensure energy conductivity between this part and the governing bodies. This statics law is also the basis for the definition of 3 rules for the energy conductivity of a system:

  1. If the elements interact with each other form a system that conducts energy with a useful function, then in order to increase its efficiency, there should be substances with close or identical levels of development in the places of contact.
  2. If the elements of the system, when interacting, form an energy-conducting system with a harmful function, then for its destruction in the places of contact of the elements there must be substances with different or opposite levels of development.
  3. If the elements interact with each other form an energy-conducting system with a harmful and useful function, then in the places of contact of the elements there should be substances, the level of development of which and physicochemical properties change under the influence of some controlled substance or field.

Law 3. The law of harmonization of the rhythm of parts of the system. A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the coordination of the rhythm (oscillation frequency, periodicity) of all parts of the system.

The TRIZ theorist A.V. Trigub is sure that in order to eliminate harmful phenomena or enhance the useful properties of a technical system, it is necessary to coordinate or mismatch the oscillation frequencies of all subsystems in the technical system and external systems. In simple terms, it is important for the viability of the system that the individual parts not only work together, but also do not interfere with each other in performing a useful function.

This law can be traced on the example of the history of the creation of an installation for crushing kidney stones. This device crushes stones with a targeted ultrasound beam so that they are later removed in a natural way. But initially, for the destruction of the stone, a high power of ultrasound was required, which affected not only them, but also the surrounding tissues. The decision came after the frequency of the ultrasound was matched to the frequency of vibration of the stones. This caused a resonance, which destroyed the stones, due to which the power of the beam was reduced.


The TRIZ group of laws "Kinematics" deals with already formed systems that are going through the stage of their formation. The condition, as mentioned above, lies in the fact that these laws determine the development of the TS, regardless of the specific technical and physical factors that determine it.

Law 4. The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system. The development of all systems is in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

In the classical sense, an ideal system is a system, weight, volume, the area of ​​which tends to zero, although its ability to perform work does not decrease. In other words, this is when there is no system, but its function is preserved and executed. All vehicles strive for perfection, but there are very few ideal ones. Rafting of timber can serve as an example, when a ship is not required for transportation, and the delivery function is performed.

In practice, you can find many examples of the confirmation of this law. The limiting case of the idealization of technology consists in its reduction (up to disappearance) with a simultaneous increase in the number of functions it performs. For example, the first trains were larger than now, and less passengers and goods were transported. In the future, the dimensions decreased, the capacity increased, thanks to which it became possible to transport large volumes of cargo and increase passenger traffic, which also led to a decrease in the cost of transportation itself.

Law 5. The law of uneven development of parts of the system. The development of parts of the system is uneven; the more complex the system, the more uneven the development of its parts.

The uneven development of parts of the system is the cause of technical and physical contradictions, and, consequently, inventive problems. The consequence of this law is that sooner or later a change in one component of the vehicle will provoke a chain reaction of technical solutions that will lead to a change in the remaining parts. The law finds its confirmation in thermodynamics. So, in accordance with Onsager's principle: the driving force of any process is the appearance of heterogeneity in the system. Much earlier than in TRIZ, this law was described in biology: "In the course of progressive evolution, mutual adaptation of organs increases, changes in parts of the organism are coordinated, and correlations of general importance are accumulated."

The development of automotive technology is an excellent illustration of the fairness of the law. The first engines provided a relatively low speed of 15-20 km / h by today's standards. Installing more powerful engines increased the speed, which eventually led to the replacement of wheels with wider ones, making the body from more durable materials, etc.

Law 6. The law of advancing development of the working body. It is desirable that the working body is ahead of the rest of the system in its development, that is, it has a greater degree of dynamization in terms of matter, energy or organization.

Some researchers distinguish this law as a separate one, but many works deduce it in conjunction with the law of uneven development of parts of the system. This approach seems to us more organic, and we make an individual block for this law only for greater structure and clarity.

The significance of this law is that it points to a common mistake when, in order to increase the utility of an invention, not a working body is developed, but any other, for example, a managerial (transmission). A specific case - in order to create a multifunctional gaming smartphone, you need to not only make it comfortable to hold in your hand and equip it with a large display, but, first of all, take care of a powerful processor.

Law 7. Law of dynamization. Rigid systems must become dynamic in order to improve efficiency, that is, they must move to a more flexible, rapidly changing structure and to a mode of operation that adapts to changes in the external environment.

This law is universal and is reflected in many areas. The degree of dynamization - the ability of a system to adapt to the external environment - is not only possessed by technical systems. Once upon a time such adaptation was passed by biological species that emerged from the water onto land. Social systems are also changing: more and more companies are practicing remote work instead of office work, and many employees prefer freelancing.

There are also many examples from technology confirming this law. Have changed their appearance in a couple of decades mobile phones... Moreover, the changes were not only quantitative (decrease in size), but also qualitative (increase in functionality, up to the transition to a supersystem - tablet phones). The first Gilette razors had a fixed head, which later became more comfortable to move. Another example: in the 30s. in the USSR, fast tanks BT-5 were produced, which moved on off-road tracks, and when they drove onto the road, they dropped them and walked on wheels.

Law 8. The law of transition to a supersystem. The development of a system that has reached its limit can be continued at the level of the supersystem.

When the dynamization of the system is impossible, in other words, when the TS has completely exhausted its capabilities and there are no further ways of its development, the system passes into a supersystem (NS). In it, she works as one of the parts; while further development is already taking place at the level of the supersystem. The transition does not always take place and the vehicle may turn out to be dead, as, for example, happened with the stone tools of labor of the first people. The system may not pass into the NN, but remain in a state where it cannot be significantly improved, but remain viable due to the need for people to do so. An example of such a technical system is a bicycle.

A variant of the transition of the system to the supersystem can be the creation of bi- and polysystems. It is also called the "mono - bi - poly" transition law. Such systems are more reliable and functional due to the qualities acquired as a result of synthesis. After passing through the bi- and poly- stages, coagulation occurs - either the elimination of the system (stone ax), since it has already served its purpose, or its transition to the supersystem. A classic example of manifestation: a pencil (monosystem) - a pencil with an eraser at the end (bisystem) - multi-colored pencils (polysystem) - a pencil with a compass or a pen (curling). Or a razor: with one blade - with two - with three or more - a vibration razor.

This law is not only the general law of the development of systems, the scheme according to which everything develops, but also the law of nature, because the symbiosis of living organisms for the purpose of survival has been known since time immemorial. As confirmation: lichens (symbiosis of fungus and algae), arthropods (hermit crab and anemones), humans (bacteria in the stomach).


"Dynamics" unites the laws of development of the TS characteristic of our time and determines the possible changes in them in the scientific and technical conditions of our time.

Law 9. The law of transition from the macrolevel to the microlevel. The development of the working organs of the system goes first at the macro and then at the micro level.

The bottom line is that any TS tends to move from the macro level to the micro level in order to develop its useful functionality. In other words, in systems there is a tendency for the function of the working body to transfer from wheels, gears, shafts, etc. to molecules, atoms, ions, which are easily controlled by fields. This is one of the main trends in the development of all modern technical systems.

The concepts of "macrolevel" and "microlevel" are rather conditional in this respect and are intended to show the levels of human thinking, where the first level is something physically commensurate, and the second is understood. In the life of any vehicle, a moment comes when further extensive development (an increase in the useful function due to changes at the macrolevel) is impossible. Further, the system can be developed only intensively, by increasing the organization of all lower systemic levels of matter.

In technology, the transition between macro and micro levels is well demonstrated by the evolution of the building material - brick. At first, it was just arranging the shape of the clay for convenience. But once a man forgot a brick for a couple of hours in the sun, and when he remembered about it, it hardened, which made it more reliable and practical. But over time, it was noticed that such a material does not hold heat well. A new invention was made - now a large number of air capillaries - microvoids were left in the brick, which significantly reduced its thermal conductivity.

Law 10. The law of increasing the degree of V-field. The development of technical systems is in the direction of increasing the degree of su-field.

GS Altshuller wrote: “The meaning of this law lies in the fact that non-field systems tend to become su-field, and in su-field systems, development proceeds in the direction of transition from mechanical to electromagnetic fields; increasing the degree of dispersion of substances, the number of connections between elements and the responsiveness of the system. "

Supol - (substance + field) - a model of interaction in a minimal technical system. This is an abstract concept used in TRIZ to describe a certain kind of relationship. By supolity we mean controllability. Literally the law describes su-field as a sequence of changes in the structure and elements of su-fields in order to obtain more controllable technical systems, i.e. more ideal systems. At the same time, in the process of change, it is necessary to harmonize substances, fields and structure. Examples include diffusion welding and laser for cutting various materials.

In conclusion, we note that only laws described in the literature are collected here, while TRIZ theorists talk about the existence of others, which have yet to be discovered and formulated.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge of the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you have selected one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to the next question. The points you receive are influenced by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are mixed.

The development of all systems is in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

An ideal technical system is a system whose weight, volume and area tend to zero, although its ability to perform work is not reduced. In other words, an ideal system is when there is no system, but its function is preserved and fulfilled.

Despite the obviousness of the concept of "ideal technical system", there is a certain paradox: real systems are becoming larger and heavier. The size and weight of aircraft, tankers, automobiles, etc. are increasing. This paradox is explained by the fact that the reserves released during the improvement of the system are used to increase its size and, most importantly, to increase the operating parameters. The first cars had a speed of 15-20 km / h. If this speed did not increase, cars would gradually appear that are much lighter and more compact with the same strength and comfort. However, every improvement in the car (using stronger materials, increasing the efficiency of the engine, etc.) was aimed at increasing the speed of the car and what "serves" that speed (powerful brake system, durable body, reinforced shock absorption). To clearly see the increase in the degree of ideality of the car, it is necessary to compare modern car with an old record car that had the same speed (at the same distance).

A visible secondary process (an increase in speed, capacity, tonnage, etc.) masks the primary process of an increase in the degree of ideality of a technical system. But when solving inventive problems, it is necessary to focus specifically on increasing the degree of ideality - this is a reliable criterion for correcting the problem and evaluating the answer received.

"Only those tendencies that bring a real machine closer to an ideal one turn out to be progressive and effective over time."

"The development of all systems is in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

An ideal technical system is a system whose weight, volume and area tend to zero, although its ability to perform work is not reduced. In other words, an ideal system is when there is no system, but its function is preserved and fulfilled.

Despite the obviousness of the concept of "ideal technical system", there is a certain paradox: real systems are becoming larger and heavier. The size and weight of aircraft, tankers, automobiles, etc. are increasing. This paradox is explained by the fact that the reserves released during the improvement of the system are used to increase its size and, most importantly, to increase the operating parameters. The first cars had a speed of 15-20 km / h. If this speed did not increase, cars would gradually appear that are much lighter and more compact with the same strength and comfort. However, every improvement in the car (use of stronger materials, increase in engine efficiency, etc.) was aimed at increasing the speed of the car and what "serves" this speed (powerful braking system, durable body, increased shock absorption) ... To clearly see the increase in the degree of ideality of a car, it is necessary to compare a modern car with an old record car that had the same speed (at the same distance).

A visible secondary process (an increase in speed, capacity, tonnage, etc.) masks the primary process of an increase in the degree of ideality of a technical system; when solving inventive problems, it is necessary to focus specifically on increasing the degree of ideality - this is a reliable criterion for correcting the problem and evaluating the answer. "

"The existence of a technical system is not an end in itself. The system is only needed to perform some function (or several functions). The system is ideal if it does not exist, but the function is carried out. The designer approaches the problem like this:" , therefore, such and such mechanisms and devices will be needed. "The correct inventive approach looks completely different:" It is necessary to implement this and that without introducing new mechanisms and devices into the system. "

The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system is universal... Knowing this law, you can transform any problem and formulate the ideal solution. Of course, this ideal option is not always completely feasible. Sometimes you have to deviate somewhat from the ideal. However, another thing is important: the idea of ideal option, developed according to clear rules, and conscious mental operations "according to the laws" give what previously required a painfully long enumeration of options, a fluke, guesses and insights. "

Formulation of the law and basic concepts.

The development of all systems is in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

An ideal vehicle is a system whose weight, dimensions and energy consumption tend to zero, and its ability to perform work does not decrease.

In the limit: an ideal system is one that does not exist, but its function is preserved and fulfilled.

Since only a material object is required to perform the function, then for the disappeared (idealized) system this function must be performed by other systems (neighboring TS, supra- or subsystems). Those. some of the systems are being transformed in such a way as to perform additional functions - the functions of disappeared systems. The "foreign" function accepted for execution can be similar to its own, then there is simply an increase in the GPF of this system; if the functions do not coincide, the number of system functions increases.

The disappearance of systems and an increase in the GEF or the number of functions performed are two sides of the general idealization process.

Therefore, there are two types of idealization of systems:

Rice. 1. Types of systems idealization.
- of the 1st type, when the mass (M), dimensions (G), energy intensity (E) tend to zero, and the GPF or the number of functions performed (Ф n) remains unchanged:

Of the second type, when the GPF or the number of functions (Ф n) increases, and the mass, dimensions, energy consumption remain unchanged,

Here Ф n is a function of the system (GPF) or the "sum" of several functions.

The general view of the idealization of systems reflects both processes (a decrease in M, G, E and an increase in the GPF or the number of functions):

That is, the limiting case of the idealization of technology consists in its reduction (and, ultimately, disappearance) with a simultaneous increase in the number of functions it performs; ideally, there should be no technology, and the functions needed by a person and society should be performed.

The idealization of real TS can follow a path that differs from the above dependencies. Most often, a mixed type of idealization is observed, when the gain in M, G, E, obtained in the process of idealization, is immediately spent on an additional increase in the GPF or the number of functions. These processes can be conventionally depicted by the curves shown in Fig. 29.

Rice. 2. One of the mixed types of idealization of real systems.
1 - the process of idealization general view, 2 - the process of increasing useful-functional subsystems (deploying TS - increasing (M, G, E), 3 - the resultant line of development I (S).

Such dependences are typical, for example, for aviation, water transport, military equipment, etc.

The idealization process is outwardly similar to the 2nd type I (S 2), when an increase in the GPF occurs with unchanged values ​​M, G, E... In fact case M, G, E subsystems decrease, but these subsystems themselves double, triple, new ones appear, etc. Thus, at the level of subsystems, the process of idealization of the 1st type is underway, and at the level of the entire TS, the idealization of the 2nd type.

If we space out processes 1, 2 in time (Fig. 29), that is, divide the mixed process into two separate ones, then we get a certain generalized (normal) process of development of the TS, including the phase of deployment and the phase of collapse of the system (Fig. 30).

Rice. 3. A normal kind of idealization of real systems.
1 - TS deployment, 2 - TS collapse, 3 - envelope curve.

A technical system, having arisen, begins to "conquer" space (it increases its M, G, E), and having reached a certain limit, it decreases (collapses).

The process of development of the TS proceeds in time, therefore the horizontal axis (Ф n - GPF) is at the same time the axis of time - each invention increases the main useful function of the system (Fig. 31).

Rice. 4. The development of the vehicle over time.

You can transform these graphs into the final form - a wavy curve of the vehicle development in space and time (Fig. 32). This development model is valid for all levels of the hierarchy of supra- and subsystems, matter.

Rice. 5. Spatio-temporal model of TS development.

Thus, the process of development (idealization) of technical systems can be described by the expression:

One of the mechanisms of deployment (transition to the NS), the mono-bi-poly transition fits well into the "wave" of TS development (Fig. 33). At any stage of development (deployment), the system can be folded into an ideal substance - into a new mono-system, which can become the beginning of a new wave of development.

Rice. 6. Development model of technical systems.

How are the steps taken along the line of development of the TS? What drives the system from one invention to another? What is the mechanism of this process?

Analysis of the history of the development of many vehicles shows that they all develop through a series of successive events:

1. The emergence of a need.

2. Formulation of the main useful function - social order for a new vehicle.

3. Synthesis of a new TS, the beginning of its functioning (minimum GPF).

4. Increasing the GPF is an attempt to "squeeze" more out of the system than it can give.

5. With an increase in the GPF, some part (or property) of the TS deteriorates - a technical contradiction arises, that is, it becomes possible to formulate an inventive problem.

6. Formulation of the required changes in the TS (the answer to the questions: what needs to be done to increase the PFG? And what prevents us from doing this?), That is, the transition to an inventive problem.

7. Solution of an inventive problem using knowledge from the field of science and technology (and even more broadly - from culture in general).

8. Modification of the vehicle in accordance with the invention.

9. Increasing the GPF (see step 4).


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