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The meaning of the word manitou


(in the language of the Algonquin Indians of North America - spirit, god), the designation of the mysterious witchcraft, as well as personal patron spirits. According to the beliefs and customs of the North American Indians, every man — a warrior and hunter — had to acquire M. by means of special tests and "visions." Christian missionaries tried, on the basis of ideas about M., to develop among the Indians a belief in a heavenly god ("Great Manitou"), which was reflected in the poem by G. Longfellow, "The Song of Hiawatha."


Manitou (film)

"Manitou" is a 1978 American horror film. Screen adaptation of Graham Masterton's book "Manitou" (1975). This is the last film directed by William Girdler.


Manitou- a term analogous to "soul", "spirit" or "strength", in a number of similar phonetic variants adopted in the traditional animistic views of the Indians of most of the Algonquian peoples. Manitou are endowed with every plant, stone, and even machinery.

Manitou can be represented both as a person and as a concept. In the form of a person, manitou is perceived in order to be able to contact, first of all, with the forces of nature. Manitou can be embodied in medicines and amulets: "herbal manitou" for the treatment of a disease, "bison manitou" using bison skins, used for successful hunting.

Unlike the deities of classical mythology, manitou do not constitute hierarchical structures.

In mythology, montagnier and nascapi manitou are underwater creatures, masters of the area, to whom tobacco offerings are made while traveling.

Today, work related to the loading and unloading of goods is an important part of the activity of any enterprise, be it a shipbuilding plant or an agricultural farm. Every year there are more and more special machines capable of performing this function, and many companies are fighting in every possible way for a monopoly over the automotive market. In this article, you will learn about the activities of a popular French company and how Manitou forklifts work.

Manitou's core business lies precisely in the production of forklifts of various sizes and models. For the past ten years, the corporation has been considered one of the leaders in supply Vehicle to European countries and to the world market. The modern line of cars is universal and is used in many industries: industrial, construction, agricultural and many others.

Manitou is one of the largest forklift companies

The history of the company begins in 1958, when the famous engineer Marcel Brod released his first forklift. Unfortunately, the car did not gain much popularity among consumers and it was not possible to achieve high sales growth. But the French designers were not going to stop there, having spent eleven years developing a new model of the 4 RM loader. After the presentation of the car, the business of the company went uphill, and in 2004 they managed to produce more than two hundred different units.

Manitou has gained wide world popularity relatively recently, but has already managed to prove itself well in many countries, including the CIS. It should be noted that today the company has representative offices and factories not only in Europe, Africa and America, but also in Russia. Best on automotive market telescopic, forklift and mast type loaders are on sale, but soon the French are planning to introduce a series of cars of a new generation.

Popular models

The most popular is forklift series "M", which is among the top five vehicles sold in the field of loading equipment. The stacker has received worldwide recognition due to its high endurance and operational reliability. Most often, the machines of this series are used in the open space of large logging or construction sites.

The prototype MNT 7-10, designed for the transportation and lifting of large volumes of cargo, is also considered a good machine. The carrying capacity of this series starts from six and ends with eighteen tons. The model is ideal for mining and other industries where a powerful unit with good technical endurance is required. The engine power on such a car is 175 hp, but it may be less depending on the production series.

Manitou MLT 6 series loaders have been specially developed for the agricultural sector.... This model is distinguished by its small dimensions and low carrying capacity, which is only two and a half tons. The engine power is 75 hp, and the possible outreach is 3.3. It is widely used on small agricultural farms and flower fields due to its compact form and high-quality equipment. “Small, but daring” - this is the phrase used by most consumers to describe this model.

Additionally, in this series, it is worth highlighting the MLT 6-7 and MLT 8-10 stackers, which can be used for both medium and large production due to their versatile design and the ability to install additional attachments, for example, forks or other equipment.

Most of the trucks are equipped with powerful Perkins engines.

MT series

Some models of the company are represented by a large number of different modifications, while others are only one or several versions. For example, the MT 6 series has one prototype MT-625, which is intended mainly for construction production. The total carrying capacity of such a machine is two and a half tons, and the engine power is 75 hp. It is worth noting that thanks to the high-quality power plant of the Perkins brand, the unit is distinguished by its special performance and endurance.

As for the MT 7-10 series, these Manitou loaders are designed for operation in poor terrain conditions. With the help of a special clearance, whose size is 45 centimeters, the machine moves comfortably in any area and can be used for all types of industrial construction. The lifting capacity of such a stacker is about 3.2 tons, and the engine power of the updated version of Perkins is 101 hp.

Models MT 12-17 perfectly maneuver on any surface and balance in bad weather conditions. Depending on the modification variant, the lifting capacity of the stackers is 3.5 and 4 tons, and the power power plant 101 h.p. Visually speaking, this series of Manitou loaders has a longer height compared to similar models and some updated parts.

It is also worth highlighting the prototype Manitou MC 30, which runs on a powerful diesel engine Perkins. The total weight of the vehicle is five tons, and the carrying capacity is about three. Due to the power plant, the car can accelerate to 24 km / h on any road. Maximum fuel tank this model holds 85 liters of hot.

Privilege and Easy series

The main difference between the MT 14-18 Privilege models is the ability to transport not only goods, but also people. A special built-in basket allows you to lift a person to a great height and regulate the process of loading goods. Regardless of the model, all machines in this series have a payload of four tons and a power of 101 hp. Additionally, the stacker can be equipped with mounted forks or a special lifting bucket.

The modified version of the telescopic units MRT 21-30 Privilege has an increased payload of five tons and an engine power of 150 hp. It should be noted that for the Manitou equipment, these are really very high rates, which are fully justified by the technical characteristics. For example, if other Privilege models are equipped with a Perkins engine, the 21-30 series has new motor from Mercedes OM 904LA.

Model MLT 8-10 allows for the installation of many additional devices

Most often, Manitou MT 14-18 loaders are bought for work in closed warehouses or in confined spaces, where compact and stable units are needed. The MRT-2150 is 2.43 m wide and almost 2.5 m high.

The MRT 14-18 Easy variation is almost universal and can be used as a crane, main platform or loader. The reach by car is eleven and a half meters, the lifting height is almost fourteen, and the carrying capacity is four tons. As in other Manitou models, the engine power is 101 hp, and the height of the device is 3 m.

Operating rules and possible malfunctions

Before starting to use, you need to make sure that this type of loader is suitable for the specific terrain and can perform the assigned tasks. Important! Do not try to save money and buy the most primitive version of the unit for heavy work, because the manufacturer has not in vain divided the cars into clear categories and developed different technical indicators. Therefore, if you put a weak unit on a difficult area, there is a high probability of a quick breakdown.

If you work in an area where there is not enough light, you must additionally equip the stacker with special lights. The forks should always be pointed towards the upward direction, especially in heavy load conditions! The main loader platform must be firmly secured and not walked. When entering a bridge or other overhead structures, it is necessary to take into account their carrying capacity and the degree of loading of your device.

If there are pits or other surface damage in the area, special precautions must be taken to stay away from hazardous areas. Operators should be especially careful in such situations and in no case neglect safety rules, including the use of seat belts.

Despite all the technical superiorities and high-quality equipment, Manitou loaders have a number of certain disadvantages. For example, if you plan to operate your vehicle on uneven terrain, be prepared for additional control, as the speed of the unit under these conditions must be proportional to the degree of unevenness of the surface. The second "enemy" of forklifts is bad weather, since many of the company's models are intended only for indoor use. But many consumers, including Russian ones, neglect this point and take their cars out into the open during rain or snow.

Electric motors have the weakest power.

Remember that the repair of French equipment will cost you very dearly, and it is better to foresee everything in advance possible options related to the breakdown of the forklift.


By Russian standards, Manitou products are quite expensive, and new model M-6 will cost about 30 thousand euros. The price of the MT-7 is 25-28 thousand euros, and the M 30-2 is more than forty thousand. As you can see, the cost of equipment can vary significantly, and it all depends on the year of manufacture and technical characteristics... For a small closed-type enterprise, the simplest model is quite suitable, the price of which is on average 23-24 thousand euros. As for large industries, here you will have to look for more expensive models, depending on the operating conditions. On secondary market Manitou's products are also widely represented, and here the price of a forklift is 20-30 percent less.

So, in the end, it is worth noting that French technology in most cases is not universal, and when buying a loader, you will have to take into account the peculiarities of your production. But on the other hand, Manitou products are distinguished by their particular efficiency and ease of use, and thanks to the official guarantee from the company, there is an opportunity to significantly save on repairs in the future. But, as a rule, with proper care, the car will not require additional costs for a very long time and will work at the expense of the basic configuration.

Most of the Algonquian peoples. Manitou are endowed with every plant, stone, and even machinery.

Manitou can be represented both as a person and as a concept. In the form of a person, manitou is perceived in order to be able to contact, first of all, with the forces of nature. Manitou can be embodied in medicines and amulets: "herbal manitou" for the treatment of a disease, "bison manitou" using bison skins, used for successful hunting.

Unlike the deities of classical mythology, manitou do not constitute hierarchical structures.

Manitou in titles

Word manitou served as the basis for a number of geographical names: the province of Manitoba, the island of Manitoulin and Lake Manitou on the island of Manitoulin in Canada, the city of Manitou Springs in Colorado, Manitou Beach in Michigan in the USA, etc.

New readings of the term

In the terminology associated with religious studies, similar natural forces are called mana (a term from the ethnography of Polynesia). Some researchers find similarities between the concept of manitou and the Chinese concept of qi, which is widely used in popular New Age culture.

As a result of the activities of Christian missionaries, the word manitou acquired the meaning of "creator god", by analogy with God in Christianity. In translations of the Bible into the Anishinabe language, the combination “Geeche Manitou” (Great Spirit) was used.

Notes (edit)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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