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The analysis of inventions shows that the development of all systems goes in the direction idealization, that is, an element or system decreases or disappears, but its function is preserved.

Bulky and heavy cathode-ray computer monitors are being replaced by light and flat liquid crystal monitors. The speed of the processor increases hundreds of times, but its size and power consumption do not increase. Cell phones are getting more complex, but their size is shrinking.

$ Think about idealizing money.

ARIZ elements

Consider the basic steps of the Algorithm for Solving Inventive Problems (ARIZ).

1. The beginning of the analysis is the compilation structural model TS (as described above).

2. Then the main thing is highlighted technical contradiction(TP).

technical contradictions(TP) are such interactions in the system when a positive action simultaneously causes a negative action; or if the introduction/strengthening of a positive effect, or the elimination/weakening of a negative effect, causes deterioration (in particular, unacceptable complication) of one of the parts of the system or the entire system as a whole.

To increase the speed of a propeller-driven aircraft, you need to increase the engine power, but increasing the engine power will reduce the speed.

Often, to identify the main TP, it is required to analyze causal chain(PSC) connections and contradictions.

Let's continue the PSC for the contradiction "an increase in engine power will reduce the speed." To increase engine power, it is necessary to increase the engine size, for which it is necessary to increase the mass of the engine, which will lead to additional fuel consumption, which will increase the mass of the aircraft, which will negate the gain in power and reduce speed.

3. Produced mental department of functions(properties) from objects.

In the analysis of any element of the system, we are not interested in it itself, but in its function, that is, the ability to perform or perceive certain influences. Functions also have a causal chain.

The main function of the engine is not to turn the screw, but to push the plane. We do not need the engine itself, but only its ability to push the plane. In the same way, we are not interested in a TV, but in its ability to reproduce an image.

4. Produced amplification of the contradiction.

The contradiction should be mentally strengthened, brought to the limit. A lot is everything, a little is nothing.

The mass of the engine does not increase at all, but the speed of the aircraft increases.

5. Are determined operational zone(OZ) and operational time(OV).

It is necessary to single out the exact moment in time and space at which the contradiction arises.

The contradiction between the mass of the engine and the aircraft occurs always and everywhere. The contradiction between people who want to get on a plane arises only at certain times (holidays) and at certain points in space (some flights).

6. Formulated perfect solution.

Ideal Solution(or ideal final result) sounds like this: the x-element, without complicating the system at all and without causing harmful phenomena, eliminates harmful effect during the operational time (OS) and within the operational zone (OZ), while maintaining a useful effect.

X-element replaces the gas stove. The function of the stove to heat food at home for several minutes remains, but there is no danger of gas explosion or gas poisoning. The X-element is smaller than the gas stove. X-element - microwave oven

7. Available resources.

To resolve the contradiction, resources are needed, that is, the ability of other already existing elements of the system to perform the function (impact) that interests us.

Resources can be found:

a) within the system

b) outside the system, in the external environment,

c) in the supersystem.

For transporting passengers on peak days, you can find the following resources:

a) inside the system - tighten the seating arrangement in the aircraft,

b) outside the system - put additional aircraft on flights,

c) in the supersystem (for aviation - transport) - to use the railway.

8. Applied methods separation of contradictions.

You can separate conflicting properties in the following ways:

- in space,

- in time,

- at the levels of the system, subsystem and supersystem,

– merging or dividing with other systems.

Prevention of collision of cars and pedestrians. In time - a traffic light, in space - an underpass.

Summing up the steps of ARIZ:

Structural model - Search for contradiction - Separation of properties from objects - Amplification of contradiction - Determination of a point in time and space - Ideal solution - Search for resources - Separation of contradictions

Modeling method "little men"

The "little men" modeling method (MMP method) is designed to remove psychological inertia. The work of the elements of the system involved in the contradiction is schematically represented in the form of a figure. A large number of "little men" act in the figure (a group, several groups, a "crowd"). Each of the groups performs one of the conflicting actions of the element.

If we imagine the engine of an aircraft in the form of two groups of men, then one of them will pull the aircraft forward and up (thrust), and the second - down (mass).

If we imagine a gas stove according to MMP, then one group of men will heat the kettle, and the second will burn the oxygen that the person needs.

$ Try to imagine money in the system of a market economy in the form of little men.

Techniques for resolving contradictions

Let's do a little exercise of the imagination. In the capitalist countries of the 19th century, there were internal class contradictions, the main of which was between the wealth of some groups of people (classes) and the poverty of others. Deep economic crises and depressions were also a problem. The development of the market system in the 20th century made it possible to overcome or smooth out these contradictions in the countries of the West.

TRIZ summarizes forty techniques for resolving contradictions. Let's see how some of them were applied to the system of "19th century capitalism".

Reception Reception

Separate the "interfering" part from the object (the "interfering" property) or, conversely, select the only necessary part (the desired property).

The interfering property is poverty, the necessary property is wealth. Poverty has been moved beyond the borders of the countries of the golden billion, wealth is concentrated within their borders.

Taking Preliminary Action

Perform the required change to the object in advance (in whole or at least in part).

The object is the consciousness of the poor and the exploited. If consciousness is processed in advance, then the poor will not consider themselves poor and exploited.

Reception "Pre-Planted Pillow"

Compensate for the relatively low reliability of the object with pre-prepared emergency means.

Creation of a system of social insurance and unemployment benefits, that is, emergency funds during crises.

Copy Reception

a) Instead of an inaccessible, complex, expensive, inconvenient or fragile object, use its simplified and cheap copies.

b) Replace an object or system of objects with their optical copies (images).

Instead of quality goods, you can sell cheap Chinese goods at the same prices. Instead of physical goods, sell television and advertising images.

Replacing Expensive Longevity with Cheap Fragility

Replace an expensive object with a set of cheap objects, while sacrificing some qualities (for example, durability).

According to economic theory, the cause of depressions and falling profits is a drop in demand. By making goods cheap and short-lived, the selling price can even be reduced. At the same time, profits will remain, and demand will be constantly maintained.

Hero of our time

Finishing with the technique and moving on to the next chapter, let's rejoice with the nameless hero our time, the author of the following work, found on the Internet. Compare what odes were devoted to in previous centuries.

Ode to Joy. From money.

I wake up smiling

And when I fall asleep, I smile

And when I dress, I smile

And undressing, smiling.

Everything in this life is good for me:

Sadness is light, effort is light,

Fine wines, delicious dishes,

Friends are honest, gentle friends.

Maybe someone won't believe

That they live like this in the white world.

What do you all want to check?

So be it, I'll tell you what's the matter.

Discovered a source of inspiration

Calling strongly, adamantly.

Its wonderful name is money,

Sounds fresh and sophisticated.

I love banknotes

Their sight, and smell, and rustle,

Get them without any fight

And give them attention.

How stupid I've been all these years

Having no cherished goal,

Suffered the wreckage and adversity,

Until the banknote is near!

I honestly pray to Mammon,

And I don't see any sin in that.

And I advise everyone reasonably

Forget Soviet slurry!

All are born for inspiration,

Everyone has the right to live in love,

Let's love brothers, our money.

Not our money - also glory!

How pure and clear is the meaning of money,

And is equivalent to itself

It will be the same on Monday

And the same will be on Sunday.

Now I love spending money.

And turn into any good,

And if suddenly I don’t have enough of them -

I will not load under the white flag!

Everything is just as happy and loud

I will call them, I will find them again

With the carefree ease of a child...

We have mutual love!

Chapter 2. Science and Religion.

Laws of development technical systems, on which all the main mechanisms for solving inventive problems in TRIZ are based, were first formulated by G. S. Altshuller in the book "Creativity as an exact science" (M .: "Soviet radio", 1979, pp. 122-127), and further supplemented followers.

Studying the (evolution) of technical systems over time, Heinrich Altshuller formulated the laws of development of technical systems, the knowledge of which helps engineers to predict the ways of possible further product improvements:

  1. The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system.
  2. Law of S-shaped development of technical systems.
  3. The law of dynamization.
  4. The law of the completeness of parts of the system.
  5. The law of through passage of energy.
  6. The law of advanced development of the working body.
  7. The law of transition "mono - bi - poly".
  8. The law of transition from macro to micro level.

The most important law considers the ideality of the system - one of the basic concepts in TRIZ.

The Law of Increasing the Degree of Ideality of a System:

The technical system in its development approaches ideality. Having reached the ideal, the system should disappear, and its function should continue to be performed.

The main ways to approach the ideal:

  • increasing the number of functions performed,
  • "collapse" into the working body,
  • transition to the supersystem.

When approaching the ideal, the technical system first struggles with the forces of nature, then adapts to them and, finally, uses them for its own purposes.

The law of increasing ideality is most effectively applied to the element that is directly located in the zone of conflict or itself generates undesirable phenomena. In this case, an increase in the degree of ideality, as a rule, is carried out by using previously unused resources (substances, fields) available in the zone of the problem. The farther from the zone of conflict the resources are taken, the less it will be possible to move towards the ideal.

Law of S-shaped development of technical systems:

The evolution of many systems can be represented by a logistic curve showing how the pace of its development changes over time. There are three characteristic stages:

  1. "childhood". It usually goes on for a long time. At this moment, the system is being designed, it is being finalized, a prototype is being made, and preparations are being made for serial production.
  2. "bloom". It is rapidly improving, becoming more powerful and productive. The machine is mass-produced, its quality is improving and the demand for it is growing.
  3. "old age". At some point, it becomes more and more difficult to improve the system. Even large increases in appropriations are of little help. Despite the efforts of designers, the development of the system does not keep pace with the ever-increasing needs of man. It slips, treads water, changes its external shape, but remains the same, with all its shortcomings. All resources are finally selected. If you try at this moment to artificially increase the quantitative indicators of the system or develop its dimensions, leaving the previous principle, then the system itself comes into conflict with the environment and man. It starts doing more harm than good.

As an example, consider a steam locomotive. At first, there was a rather long experimental stage with single imperfect copies, the introduction of which, in addition, was accompanied by the resistance of society. Then followed the rapid development of thermodynamics, the improvement steam engines, railways, service - and the locomotive receives public recognition and investment in further development. Then, despite active financing, natural limitations were reached: maximum thermal efficiency, conflict with the environment, inability to increase power without increasing mass - and, as a result, technological stagnation began in the region. And, finally, steam locomotives were replaced by more economical and powerful diesel locomotives and electric locomotives. steam engine reached his ideal - and disappeared. Its functions were taken over by internal combustion engines and electric motors - also imperfect at first, then rapidly developing and, finally, resting in development on their natural limits. Then another new system will appear - and so on endlessly.

The law of dynamization:

The reliability, stability and persistence of a system in a dynamic environment depend on its ability to change. The development, and hence the viability of the system, is determined by the main indicator: the degree of dynamization, that is, the ability to be mobile, flexible, adaptable to the external environment, changing not only its geometric shape, but also the shape of the movement of its parts, primarily the working body. The higher the degree of dynamization, the wider the range of conditions under which the system retains its function, in general. For example, in order to make an aircraft wing work effectively in significantly different flight modes (takeoff, cruising, flying at top speed, landing), it is dynamized by adding flaps, slats, spoilers, a sweep change system, and so on.

However, for subsystems, the law of dynamization can be violated - sometimes it is more profitable to artificially reduce the degree of dynamization of a subsystem, thereby simplifying it, and compensate for less stability / adaptability by creating a stable artificial environment around it, protected from external factors. But in the end, the total system (super-system) still receives a greater degree of dynamization. For example, instead of adapting the transmission to contamination by dynamizing it (self-cleaning, self-lubricating, rebalancing), it is possible to place it in a sealed casing, inside which an environment is created that is most favorable for moving parts (precision bearings, oil mist, heating, etc.)

Other examples:

  • The resistance to the movement of the plow is reduced by 10-20 times if its plowshare vibrates at a certain frequency, depending on the properties of the soil.
  • The excavator bucket, turning into a rotary wheel, gave rise to a new highly efficient mining system.
  • An automobile wheel made of a hard wooden disc with a metal rim became movable, soft and elastic.

Law of completeness of system parts:

Any technical system that independently performs any function has four main parts - the engine, transmission, working body and control means. If any of these parts is absent in the system, then its function is performed by a person or the environment.

Engine - an element of a technical system, which is a converter of energy necessary to perform the required function. The energy source can be either in the system (e.g. petrol in the engine tank). internal combustion car), or in a supersystem (electricity from an external network for the electric motor of the machine).

Transmission - an element that transmits energy from the engine to the working body with the transformation of its qualitative characteristics (parameters).

The working body is an element that transfers energy to the processed object and completes the required function.

Control means - an element that regulates the flow of energy to the parts of the technical system and coordinates their work in time and space.

When analyzing any autonomously operating system, whether it is a refrigerator, a watch, a TV or a pen, these four elements can be seen everywhere.

  • Milling machine. Working body: cutter. Engine: machine motor. Everything that is between the electric motor and the cutter can be considered a transmission. Control means - a human operator, handles and buttons, or program control (machine with program control). In the latter case, software control "forced out" the human operator from the system.

The law of through passage of energy:

So, any working system consists of four main parts, and any of these parts is a consumer and an energy converter. But it is not enough to transform, it is also necessary to transfer this energy without loss from the engine to the working body, and from it to the object being processed. This is the law of the through passage of energy. Violation of this law leads to the emergence of contradictions within the technical system, which in turn gives rise to inventive problems.

The main condition for the efficiency of a technical system in terms of energy conductivity is the equality of the abilities of the parts of the system to receive and transmit energy.

  • The impedances of the transmitter, feeder and antenna must be matched - in this case, the system is set to the traveling wave mode, the most efficient for power transmission. The mismatch leads to the appearance of standing waves and energy dissipation.

The first rule of energy conductivity of the system:

If the elements, when interacting with each other, form a system of conducting energy with a useful function, then in order to increase its performance, there must be substances with similar or identical levels of development at the points of contact.

The second rule of energy conductivity of the system:

If the elements of the system, when interacting, form an energy-conducting system with a harmful function, then for its destruction in the places of contact of the elements there must be substances with different or opposite levels of development.

  • When hardening, the concrete adheres to the formwork, and it is difficult to separate it later. The two parts were in good agreement with each other in terms of the levels of development of the substance - both were solid, rough, motionless, etc. A normal energy-conducting system was formed. To prevent its formation, the maximum mismatch of substances is needed, for example: solid - liquid, rough - slippery, motionless - mobile. There may be several design solutions - the formation of a layer of water, the application of special slippery coatings, formwork vibration, etc.

The third rule of energy conductivity of the system:

If the elements, when interacting with each other, form an energy-conducting system with a harmful and useful function, then at the points of contact of the elements there must be substances whose level of development and physico-chemical properties change under the influence of any controlled substance or field.

  • According to this rule, most of the devices in technology are made, where it is required to connect and disconnect energy flows in the system. These are various switching clutches in mechanics, valves in hydraulics, diodes in electronics and much more.

The law of advanced development of the working body:

In a technical system, the main element is the working body. And in order for its function to be performed normally, its ability to absorb and transmit energy must be no less than the engine and transmission. Otherwise, it will either break down or become inefficient, converting a significant part of the energy into useless heat. Therefore, it is desirable that the working body is ahead of the rest of the system in its development, that is, it has a greater degree of dynamization in terms of substance, energy or organization.

Often inventors make the mistake of stubbornly developing the transmission, control, but not the working body. Such equipment, as a rule, does not provide a significant increase in the economic effect and a significant increase in efficiency.

  • The performance of the lathe and its technical specifications remained almost unchanged over the years, although the drive, transmission and controls were intensively developed, because the cutter itself as a working body remained the same, that is, a fixed monosystem at the macro level. With the advent of rotating cup cutters, the productivity of the machine has risen sharply. It increased even more when the microstructure of the substance of the cutter was involved: under the influence of an electric current, the cutting edge of the cutter began to oscillate up to several times per second. Finally, thanks to gas and laser cutters, which completely changed the look of the machine, metal processing speeds never seen before have been achieved.

The law of transition "mono - bi - poly"

The first step is the transition to bisystems. This improves the reliability of the system. In addition, a new quality appears in the bisystem, which was not inherent in the monosystem. The transition to polysystems marks an evolutionary stage of development, in which the acquisition of new qualities occurs only at the expense of quantitative indicators. Expanded organizational possibilities for the location of similar elements in space and time allow them to make fuller use of their capabilities and environmental resources.

  • A twin-engine aircraft (bisystem) is more reliable than its single-engine counterpart and has greater maneuverability (new quality).
  • The design of the combined bicycle key (polysystem) has led to a significant reduction in metal consumption and a reduction in size in comparison with a group of individual keys.
  • The best inventor - nature - duplicated especially important parts of the human body: a person has two lungs, two kidneys, two eyes, etc.
  • Multilayer plywood is much stronger than boards of the same dimensions.

But at some stage of development, failures begin to appear in the polysystem. A team of more than twelve horses becomes uncontrollable, an aircraft with twenty engines requires a multiple increase in the crew and is difficult to control. The capabilities of the system have been exhausted. What's next? And then the polysystem again becomes a monosystem... But at a qualitatively new level. At the same time, a new level arises only under the condition of increasing the dynamization of parts of the system, primarily the working body.

  • Recall the same bicycle key. When its working body was dynamized, i.e., the sponges became mobile, an adjustable wrench appeared. It has become a mono system, but at the same time able to work with many sizes of bolts and nuts.
  • Numerous wheels of all-terrain vehicles turned into one movable caterpillar.

The law of transition from macro to micro level:

The transition from the macro to the micro level is the main trend in the development of all modern technical systems.

To achieve high results, the possibilities of the structure of matter are used. The crystal lattice is used first, then the associations of molecules, the single molecule, the part of the molecule, the atom, and finally the parts of the atom.

  • In pursuit of carrying capacity at the end of the piston era, aircraft were equipped with six, twelve or more engines. Then the working body - the screw - nevertheless moved to the micro level, becoming a gas jet.

Sourced from

Creativity as an exact science [Theory of inventive problem solving] Altshuller Genrikh Saulovich

4. The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system

The development of all systems goes in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

An ideal technical system is a system whose weight, volume and area tend to zero, although its ability to do work does not decrease. In other words, an ideal system is when there is no system, but its function is preserved and performed.

Despite the obviousness of the concept of "ideal technical system", there is a certain paradox: real systems are becoming larger and heavier. The size and weight of aircraft, tankers, automobiles, etc. are increasing. This paradox is explained by the fact that the reserves released during the improvement of the system are directed to increase its size and, most importantly, increase the operating parameters. The first cars had a speed of 15-20 km / h. If this speed did not increase, cars would gradually appear that are much lighter and more compact with the same strength and comfort. However, every improvement in the car (the use of more durable materials, increasing the efficiency of the engine, etc.) was aimed at increasing the speed of the car and what “serves” this speed (powerful brake system, durable body, reinforced shock absorption). To visually see the increase in the degree of ideality of the car, it is necessary to compare modern car with an old record car that had the same speed (at the same distance).

A visible secondary process (growth in speed, capacity, tonnage, etc.) masks the primary process of increasing the degree of ideality of the technical system. But when solving inventive problems, it is necessary to focus on increasing the degree of ideality - this is a reliable criterion for correcting the problem and evaluating the answer.

From the book Creativity as an exact science [Theory of inventive problem solving] author Altshuller Heinrich Saulovich

1. The law of completeness of system parts A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the presence and minimum performance of the main parts of the system. Each technical system must include four main parts: an engine,

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2. The law of "energy conductivity" of the system A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the through passage of energy through all parts of the system. Any technical system is an energy converter. Hence the obvious

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3. The law of harmonization of the rhythm of the parts of the system A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the harmonization of the rhythm (frequency of oscillations, periodicity) of all parts of the system. Examples of this law are given in Chap. 1. To "kinematics"

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5. The law of uneven development of parts of the system The development of parts of the system is uneven; the more complex the system, the more uneven the development of its parts. The uneven development of parts of the system is the cause of technical and physical contradictions and,

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8. The law of increasing the degree of su-field The development of technical systems goes in the direction of increasing the degree of su-field. The meaning of this law is that non-su-field systems tend to become su-field, and in su-field systems, development goes in the direction

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3. The concept of ideality

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4. Practical use of the concept of ideality Kudryavtsev A. V. Ideality is one of the key concepts of the theory of inventive problem solving. The concept of ideality is the essence of one of the laws (the law of increasing ideality), and also underlies other laws.

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22. System with unlimited solubility in liquid and solid states; eutectic, peritectic and monotectic systems. Systems with component polymorphism and eutectoid transformation Complete mutual solubility in the solid state is possible

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6.3. Other Methods for Increasing Productivity In order to increase productivity, you can simply buy more parts that are now not so expensive that you don't have the money to buy them. Basically, who wants to increase the performance of their

The analysis of inventions shows that the development of all systems goes in the direction idealization, that is, an element or system decreases or disappears, but its function is preserved.

Bulky and heavy cathode-ray computer monitors are being replaced by light and flat liquid crystal monitors. The speed of the processor increases hundreds of times, but its size and power consumption do not increase. Cell phones are getting more complex, but their size is shrinking.

 Think about idealizing money.

ARIZ elements

Consider the basic steps of the Algorithm for Solving Inventive Problems (ARIZ).

1. The beginning of the analysis is the compilation structural model TS (as described above).

2. Then the main thing is highlighted technical contradiction(TP).

technical contradictions(TP) are such interactions in the system when a positive action simultaneously causes a negative action; or if the introduction/strengthening of a positive effect, or the elimination/weakening of a negative effect, causes deterioration (in particular, unacceptable complication) of one of the parts of the system or the entire system as a whole.

To increase the speed of a propeller-driven aircraft, you need to increase the engine power, but increasing the engine power will reduce the speed.

Often, to identify the main TP, it is required to analyze causal chain(PSC) connections and contradictions.

Let's continue the PSC for the contradiction "an increase in engine power will reduce the speed." To increase engine power, it is necessary to increase the engine size, for which it is necessary to increase the mass of the engine, which will lead to additional fuel consumption, which will increase the mass of the aircraft, which will negate the gain in power and reduce speed.

3. Produced mental department of functions(properties) from objects.

In the analysis of any element of the system, we are not interested in it itself, but in its function, that is, the ability to perform or perceive certain influences. Functions also have a causal chain.

The main function of the engine is not to turn the screw, but to push the plane. We do not need the engine itself, but only its ability to push the plane. In the same way, we are not interested in a TV, but in its ability to reproduce an image.

4. Produced amplification of the contradiction.

The contradiction should be mentally strengthened, brought to the limit. A lot is everything, a little is nothing.

The mass of the engine does not increase at all, but the speed of the aircraft increases.

5. Are determined operational zone(OZ) and operational time(OV).

It is necessary to single out the exact moment in time and space at which the contradiction arises.

The contradiction between the mass of the engine and the aircraft occurs always and everywhere. The contradiction between people who want to get on a plane arises only at certain times (holidays) and at certain points in space (some flights).

6. Formulated perfect solution.

The ideal solution (or ideal end result) sounds like this: the X-element, without complicating the system at all and without causing harmful phenomena, eliminates the harmful effect during the operational time (OT) and within the operational zone (OZ), while maintaining a beneficial effect.

X-element replaces the gas stove. The function of the stove to heat food at home for several minutes remains, but there is no danger of gas explosion or gas poisoning. The X-element is smaller than the gas stove. X-element - microwave oven

7. Available resources.

To resolve the contradiction, resources are needed, that is, the ability of other already existing elements of the system to perform the function (impact) that interests us.

Resources can be found:

a) within the system

b) outside the system, in the external environment,

c) in the supersystem.

For transporting passengers on peak days, you can find the following resources:

a) inside the system - tighten the seating arrangement in the aircraft,

b) outside the system - put additional aircraft on flights,

c) in the supersystem (for aviation - transport) - to use the railway.

8. Applied methods separation of contradictions.

You can separate conflicting properties in the following ways:

- in space,

- in time,

- at the levels of the system, subsystem and supersystem,

– merging or dividing with other systems.

Prevention of collision of cars and pedestrians. In time - a traffic light, in space - an underpass.

Summing up the steps of ARIZ:

Structural model - Search for contradiction - Separation of properties from objects - Amplification of contradiction - Determination of a point in time and space - Ideal solution - Search for resources - Separation of contradictions

"Progressive and effective for a long time are only those trends that bring the real car closer to the ideal."

"The development of all systems goes in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

An ideal technical system is a system whose weight, volume and area tend to zero, although its ability to do work does not decrease. In other words, an ideal system is when there is no system, but its function is preserved and performed.

Despite the obviousness of the concept of "ideal technical system", there is a certain paradox: real systems are becoming larger and heavier. The size and weight of aircraft, tankers, automobiles, etc. are increasing. This paradox is explained by the fact that the reserves released during the improvement of the system are directed to increase its size and, most importantly, increase the operating parameters. The first cars had a speed of 15-20 km/h. If this speed did not increase, cars would gradually appear that are much lighter and more compact with the same strength and comfort. However, every improvement in the car (the use of more durable materials, increasing the efficiency of the engine, etc.) was aimed at increasing the speed of the car and what “serves” this speed (powerful braking system, strong body, enhanced depreciation) . To visually see the increase in the degree of ideality of the car, you need to compare a modern car with an old record car that had the same speed (at the same distance).

A visible secondary process (an increase in speed, capacity, tonnage, etc.) masks the primary process of increasing the degree of ideality of a technical system; when solving inventive problems, it is necessary to focus on increasing the degree of ideality - this is a reliable criterion for correcting the problem and evaluating the answer received.

"The existence of a technical system is not an end in itself. The system is needed only to perform some function (or several functions). The system is ideal if it does not exist, but the function is carried out. The designer approaches the task as follows: "It is necessary to implement this and that Therefore, such and such mechanisms and devices will be needed." The correct inventive approach looks completely different: "It is necessary to carry out this and that without introducing new mechanisms and devices into the system."

The law of increasing the degree of ideality of a system is universal. Knowing this law, you can transform any problem and formulate the ideal solution. Of course, this ideal option is not always fully feasible. Sometimes you have to deviate somewhat from the ideal. However, something else is important: the idea of ideal, developed according to clear rules, and conscious mental operations "according to the laws" give what previously required a painfully long enumeration of options, a happy accident, guesses and insights.


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