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A car is not a luxury, we tell ourselves, but we still want to decorate iron horse leather interior. Start with the steering wheel! The braid of the steering wheel, carried out with your own hands so that the skin lies like a native, is a completely doable task, even for those who have never done it.

Steering wheel braid - genuine leather for comfort and beauty

Steering wheels, covered in leather, are placed mainly on more expensive cars... Down with stereotypes - what's the difference how old the car is, what brand is it and from which country? Leather steering wheel not only looks beautiful, but also much more comfortable in the hand. You will feel it especially well when you go on a long journey. Unlike plastic parts, leather is breathable and moisture permeable so that it does not accumulate on the surface of the steering wheel. To enhance the effect, the steering wheel can be covered with perforated leather.

The disadvantages include the difficulty in washing away contaminants, and the service life of the cladding is not so great. But you can put up with all this. But you should not put up with the cost of steering wheel upholstery with leather in the cabin! After all, the work is for several hours, and not the most difficult, but the cost of the service will be several hundred, and far from rubles. Why not try to do everything yourself, and start doing it yourself with this particular part.

One of the most simple options- purchase a ready-made leather braid in specialized stores or on the Internet. Ready-made solutions are offered for many models, there are also universal braids. All you need to do is work a little with the needle and thread that come with the kit. Usually 1-2 hours are enough to bring everything to mind. If you have selected the skin specifically for your model, then in a few days the braid will lie like a mother!

Do-it-yourself steering wheel braid - when there are no ready-made solutions

But ready-made solutions may not always suit your particular vehicle. For example, you changed the steering wheel after buying a car, and now it is simply impossible to find the right sheath. Or you are a fan of doing everything yourself. In these cases, stock up on a piece of good leather, thread, needles, scissors and, of course, patience - if you have never sewed, you will need a lot of the latter.

First, remove the steering wheel from the car if possible. This is a rather laborious process, so you can limit yourself to dismantling parts that will interfere, for example, an airbag or adjustment buttons. Be sure to turn off the battery.

As with any sewing, a stencil is indispensable. And it is done very simply: we wrap the steering wheel with cling film, wrap paper tape (masking tape) on top, draw the seam with a marker on the "paint brushes" and cut this structure along the markings with a clerical knife. As a result, you can end up with at least three pieces of stencil. We cut out patterns from thick paper or cardboard using a stencil, providing 5 mm indents for the seams.

At the points of joining of the pieces of leather themselves, we reduce the indentation to 3 mm so that it is possible to tightly pull the material.

Next, you should thread the thread, like a lace in a shoe, over the loops of the seams on different sides of the leather braid. Both lacing options and options with firmware are possible, the main thing is that the skin is thick enough and your braid on the steering wheel does not break into pieces. You should not try to tighten the thread the first time, it will still fail.

Choose a certain step and, following it, do several loops, and then go back and tighten the first loop properly. At this pace and move on. If the leather is very tough, you can slightly dampen it to increase elasticity. In this case, it will shrink even more when dry. Pulling off the braid, install the buttons and other elements. That's all! Your steering wheel is now leather.

The main detail that the driver touches the most is the steering wheel. Wheel should be comfortable not only on the mechanical part (easy to twist), but also should be comfortable in girth: not hard, not too soft and not slip. There are several ways to improve your steering wheel, such as making your own steering wheel braid.

The steering wheel upholstery is classified according to the method of attachment, material, and durability. That is, convenience, design, and control efficiency depend on what the steering wheel trim will be. It may be that the braiding will be too thick and this will create inconvenience in the girth of the steering wheel for people with short fingers.

Leather steering wheel

The most expensive and reputable steering wheel upholstery is leather. Compared to other materials, the leather braid lasts longer and is easy to clean. Can be made from perforated (perforated) leather. Leather products with holes give a three-dimensional look, hide irregularities, the steering wheel rim is ventilated.

Leather steering wheel upholstery in the first place in terms of performance.

The ability to wash the steering wheel or treat it with, for example, alcohol is a very useful feature. Especially if you are not the only one driving.

In terms of cost, leather steering wheel cover will cost more than, for example, from rag materials or wire, but not every month to change it. Therefore, such upholstery will pay off with a lifetime.

Do you know what the black plastic strip on the hood is called and what is it for? It is installed not as an element of tuning, but to protect against insects crashing in at high speed. It is called or a deflector.

Fur braid on the steering wheel

At first it may seem that the steering wheel braid made of fur is chic. But, after a couple of days of using such upholstery, you will be disappointed, because this material gets dirty quickly and cannot be wiped off like leather. Especially light-colored pile and furs will quickly lose their beautiful appearance.
In addition to the fact that such a sheath is too easily soiled, in summer the steering wheel can slip if the palms sweat. Accordingly, such material for such a critical part of the machine does not favorably affect the safety of vehicle control.

Wire steering wheel cover

Since Soviet times, drivers of VAZ 2101-2107 cars willingly made a braid on the steering wheel on their own. It was fashionable at the time. Multi-colored wire was chosen for weaving.

By design and hygiene, the wire does not look as good on the handlebars and is also not hygienic. A lot of dirt collects between the wires. Even if washed with cleaning solutions, dirt will not completely come out of hard-to-reach places.

The advantage of wire braiding is that it is durable and easy to manufacture.
But there are also disadvantages:

  • it is stiffness for the hands;
  • also slipping of wet palms and fingers;
  • the insulation of the wire blows out quickly in the cold and does not heat up for a long time, which is why you have to use gloves.

Other options

Thrill seekers install special braided inserts that massage the fingers as they grip and are believed to increase blood flow to the fingers. If the circulation is poor, the fingers begin to go numb.

Some people, on the contrary, do not like it when sharp rubber spikes or other attachments press on their fingers. Plus, some people also do a steering wheel heating with a power button on the dashboard. It is very convenient for residents of the Far North, where the temperature reaches -50 C.

Braid thickness and color

Unless you own a super expensive car and have no servants, you shouldn't go for glamorous steering wheel colors. Get tired of washing those fur upholstery. In addition, the bright color quickly becomes boring.
As for the thickness of the braid, it should not be too thick, otherwise your fingers will get tired of holding the steering wheel. This is especially noticeable when you have to travel long distances.

Volume inserts

There is simple ways what material to make the braid insert to increase the diameter of the steering rim. For example, you can use foam rubber. It will give softness, increase the diameter (if the handlebars are thin). But the foam insert will quickly lose its shape, it will sell out somewhere.

There is good way to make the steering wheel braid volumetric with your own hands - this is a gasket with helium inside. Such an insert will not allow you to lose shape, even with prolonged use.

Steering wheel trim options

To calculate the length and diameter of the steering wheel (by the way, who does not know, according to the geometry, the figure in the form of a steering wheel is called a torus), you do not need to remove it. Buy a flexible tailor's meter and measure the outer circle of the steering wheel and the diameter.

To the obtained data, it is necessary to add another 3 to 5 mm for the overlap seam. The diameter of the steering wheel is generally 35-40 cm. Large steering wheels are installed from the factory on executive cars, and small ones on sports cars.

There is a State standard that regulates what diameter the steering wheel should be passenger car... According to GOST RF, the diameter of the steering wheel should not be more than 40 cm.

Do-it-yourself steering wheel trim

There is a tuning studio for cars that specialize in covering the steering wheel with leather and other materials, covering car seats, etc. But if there is required material and tools, you can easily do it yourself.

Materials and tools for the steering wheel cover:

  • leather strip, with an approximate size of 10x120 centimeters;
  • high strength nylon cord, about 3 meters long;
  • awl or special breakdown;
  • two needles from 5 cm long;
  • a hook with a small head for pulling a nylon thread;
  • a thimble so as not to perforate the pads of the fingers;
  • roll of scotch tape;
  • cling film;
  • white sheet (Whatman) A1 format for sewing.

The steering wheel can be sheathed completely, that is, with the steering wheel spokes or, only the steering rim. Let's consider both options.

The steering wheel upholstery without spoke (only the steering wheel rim is upholstered)

We calculate the length of the leather strip using the formula: multiply the outer diameter of the steering wheel by the number P (3.14). We get the length of the circle. Can be checked with a tailor's flexible meter. When you get close to the joint, the leather strip must be pulled, since the leather will stretch itself and it must be done so that the upholstery does not sag.

It is not necessary to make the skin one color. Some people sew pieces of leather in different colors to create a custom design.

There are such options for seam joints:
Special glue for leather can be used to coat the seams. This will prevent the threads from being pulled apart.

Punch holes are made for nylon thread. A breakdown is a hollow metal tube with one sharp edge around its entire diameter.

With one side it is placed on the skin, and on the other side it is hit with a hammer and a hole is made.

If you make holes for lacing with an awl, then the rope should be wound immediately after the awl.

Complete steering wheel upholstery (spoked)

This option is much more complicated. It is necessary to make a pattern for sewing upholstery. The pattern is made using cling film. To do this, you need to wrap all the steering wheel parts with foil and fix it with tape so that it does not unwind.
Next, you need to draw all the seams and number them. On paper, you need to draw diagrams of numbered pieces of future upholstery.
Now you can cut the film at the seams, put these pieces on a Whatman paper and trace with a pencil. Add 5 mm to the drawn contours at the joints of the seams and cut them out.

Now we cut out the patterns from the leather. We sew parts along the length of the steering wheel on a typewriter or by hand. We put it on the steering wheel and tighten it. Then we make holes and lace up. If the plastic decor of the steering wheel interferes, then we first remove it.


This video shows in detail how to make a pattern for the steering wheel with your own hands.

5 mistakes when replacing the steering wheel cover.

Video instruction on the steering wheel cover.

The steering wheel cover is a useful accessory that not only serves as a design element in the vehicle interior, but also serves other purposes. The steering wheel cover prevents your hands from slipping when you turn the steering wheel, which is especially important in hot weather. In addition, if you own large brushes, the braid will significantly increase the size of the steering wheel, which will allow you to drive the car more confidently.

In order to determine which braid on the steering wheel is better, first of all, it is worth saying that it is worth choosing leather products, we will figure out why.

Benefits of leather steering wheel covers

Today on the market there are covers made from a variety of materials:

  • Foam rubber. The sponge covers are very soft and fix the hand well on the steering wheel, "remembering" its shape. However, this is also the main disadvantage of the product. Foam rubber quickly collapses and abrades, so such covers have to be changed quite often.
  • Models with massage pads. "Bumps" on the steering wheel allow you to relax your palms during prolonged driving, but such massagers over time can start to bring inconvenience, so it is difficult to select models of this type "by eye".
  • Bulky braids on a gel basis are quite comfortable, but they become tough in the cold season.
  • The lace-up Alcantara steering wheel braid looks beautiful, and the first months of driving you will feel a pleasant velvet material under your hands. However, like any suede, this fabric tears quickly, and scuffs appear on it.

Also on sale there are "female" steering wheel covers, which are made of plush, fur and other materials.

Despite this variety, most experienced drivers claim that a steering wheel cover made of genuine leather or a good leather substitute, despite its cost, is the best solution. Such products have many advantages:

  • High reliability (leather steering wheel covers last the longest, do not deform or rub).
  • Unpretentious care (unlike foam rubber, the skin will not absorb moisture and grease, any dirt can be easily removed with a cloth soaked in soapy water).
  • Elasticity.
  • Resistant to mechanical damage.

In addition, if you choose a stylish steering wheel cover, leather will always look expensive and will suit any brand of car. Of course, such a natural material is more expensive, but if you consider that you do not have to change the case for many years, then the purchase will quickly pay off.

Important! If you decide to carry out a hauling by making a cover yourself, then it is very important to take into account what kind of leather is used to tighten the steering wheel. Materials for finishing furniture or clothes are not suitable for such "covering". You only need to choose 100% leather.

If we talk about how to choose the size of the braid on the steering wheel, then everything is like with clothes.

Handlebar sleeve dimensions

If you are choosing a cover for your car, you can simply measure the diameter of the steering wheel. But if this is a gift, then it will be useful to know the standard "measurements":

  • S (35-37 cm). The smallest size will suit such small cars as Tavria or Oka and cars with a sports steering wheel. Also, covers of this diameter are installed on the Kia Picanto (the diameter of the steering wheel of this car is exactly 37 cm, so the cover fits with difficulty, but will not dangle).
  • M (37-38 cm). Medium size is the most common, so "medium" covers are suitable for almost all foreign cars. Best of all, such accessories "sit" on the whole the lineup Kia, Nissan, Ford, Toyota, Chevrolet, VAZ and many other models.
  • L (39-40 cm). Such braids are less common, usually they are suitable for VAZ 2101, 2107, 21011, 21013, Niva, Volga and Moskvich.
  • XL (42-43 cm). Extra large steering wheels are on UAZ and Gazelles.
  • XXL (47 cm) for imported trucks.
  • XXXL (49 cm) for KAMAZ.

Knowing how to choose the size of the braid on the steering wheel, it remains to decide with the manufacturer.

Steering wheel braid manufacturers

Exists big choice steering wheel accessories from a variety of manufacturers, consider the most popular of them:

  • Autoprofi. The domestic manufacturer produces braids from different materials, with the exception of genuine leather (except for Luxury models with leather inserts). The company offers drivers an alternative in the form of eco-leather (a more modern analogue of "leatherette") costing from 450 rubles. Among the disadvantages of such products, motorists noted a rather pungent smell emanating from the braid. Also, the "trim" does not always fit perfectly to the steering wheel, which is why it looks "collective farm".
  • Autoluxe. The company also offers a fairly wide range of products from various materials at a fairly low cost (from 450 rubles for a braid made of gray eco-leather in size M). However, among the reviews, there are often negative comments that covers wear out and fade quickly.
  • Sparco. Any car owner knows that this manufacturer is actually a symbol of the "auto world" and, of course, such a big name means quality and durability. Sparco sleeves are truly durable and designed with all hand positions on the handlebars in mind. Such products cost from 750 rubles, however, you will have to be content, at least with high quality, but still not natural leather.
  • Alligator. The company specializes in the production of high quality leather accessories of the highest class. Thanks to this, the products not only look spectacular, but also have increased wear resistance and durability. The manufacturer has thought over all the details, so a strong nylon thread for sewing is included with the braid. Such a kit costs 2990 rubles.

Of all the manufacturers listed, leather-wrapped steering wheel with lacing is only found in the Alligator catalogs, but the less expensive Sparco products are also worth looking at.

How to put on a braid

Braids are available in two types:

  • Finished products that just need to be pulled over the handlebars.
  • Padding of the steering wheel with genuine leather, which you need to sew yourself.

In the first case, the accessory is worn from top to bottom. To do this, first, you need to attach the braid to the steering wheel and check that it does not cover the control levers or buttons. After that, you need to start pulling it over the top of the steering wheel. As soon as the top is in its place, you need to secure it (it is better if someone will help you and just hold it). Then fix the lower part.

Healthy! Before putting the leather braid on the steering wheel, hold it under a hairdryer for a while, so the material will become more elastic and "obedient".

The only drawback of finished products is that if the accessory moves even a little away from the steering wheel, it will look bad. To keep yourself "maneuvers" for adjustments, it is better to give preference to models that you need to sew on your own.

This is done quite simply, since holes for lacing have already been made in the leather fabric, you just have to choose how you will lace up the product.

What to look for when choosing a braid

If you are fond of pressed leather or plain leather steering wheel cover, then before purchasing it, pay attention to the following useful tips:

  • It is better to buy genuine leather products online from official dealers.
  • If you buy an accessory made of genuine leather and you have any doubts, it is very easy to distinguish an artificial material: it emits a sharp chemical smell, when pulled, the color of the material changes, and has pores of the same size. Hold the leather product in your hands - if it is genuine leather, the material will heat up quickly and your hands will not sweat. "Leatherette" accumulates heat more slowly, and drops of moisture are formed on it almost immediately from a warm hand.

  • On packaging with a braid made of genuine leather, the following inscriptions are usually found: genuine leather; vera pelle; cuir; echtleder (in English, Italian, French and German, respectively). This indicates that this is not a fake.

In custody

This steering wheel accessory will allow you to drive with comfort without fear of your hand slipping off the steering wheel at the most inconvenient moment.

In addition to the design element of the car interior, the steering wheel cover made of genuine leather has a number of other useful qualities. Firstly, such a leather cover is always "warmer" than the plastic surface of the steering wheel or covers made of synthetic materials. Second, the handlebars are thicker, which reduces finger fatigue.

The steering wheel braid is not difficult to do with your own hands. You don't have to buy leather at the store, you just need to disassemble an old leather jacket or bag, cut out three pieces measuring 40cm by 9cm and sew them together. Leather lacing can be cut in a spiral, which will significantly reduce the consumption of leather for the manufacture of the cover.

First you need to measure the diameter of the steering wheel and its thickness. The length of the braid can be calculated using the formula from the geometry course for grade 7 (2PR) or measured with a centimeter tape. Average steering wheel casing length passenger car within 120cm, and the girth of the handlebar thickness is approximately 9cm. But since you will be sewing yourself, do not rush to sew all parts of the cover at once in a circle. It is better to try on the steering wheel cover before making the last seam, trim off the extra centimeters, then it will sit tighter on the steering wheel, with a slight tension, which is desirable for such an extensible material as genuine leather.

In addition to the leather, you will need a hole punch and a cord, approximately 2 to 3 meters long. Both can be bought in the store, especially since the punch is inexpensive, but it will come in handy more than once. Instead of a nylon cord, you can make a narrow leather strip and use it not only for lacing the cover, but also for decorating the braid surface. A case with such a lacing will be much softer at the junction, and appearance his will be more solid. We will tell you how to make leather lacing just below.

Since the bar cover must have at least one joint, we recommend that you immediately divide the total length into three equal 40cm sections (approximately). Firstly, a long piece of leather (120cm) can only be cut from a whole hide. And secondly, pieces of leather can be combined, for example, two gray, one black, or otherwise. You can even make 5-7 or more sectors, but this is at your discretion.

You need to connect three or more sections of the cover on a sewing machine. Two layers of thin leather can be easily stitched with any sewing machine... The only thing to look out for is the fit of the top layer. To reduce it, place a narrow strip of newspaper or tracing paper under the foot. After the seam has been made, the paper can be easily removed.
See Recommendations for working with leather.

One more point. The allowances on the seamy side must be coated with rubber (or leather) glue and pressed for a few minutes. To make the seam almost not stand out, you can knock on it from the seamy side with a hammer or the handles of large metal scissors.

The connecting seam on the right side of the braid can be decorated with two decorative stitches, approximately 0.5 cm on each side of the connecting line. But it is better not to do this, since the connection from this will not become stronger, but on the contrary, many punctures of the needle will weaken this area of ​​the skin and, over time, tears may form in this place. The braid connection looks quite good even without finishing stitching (photo).

Punch the holes for the lacing with a punch. Choose the distance between them yourself, but keep in mind that 1cm is too little, and 2cm is a lot. Be sure to mark the holes with chalk (on the seamy side) or with a helium pencil along front side... The holes on both sides must be symmetrical, paired.
See DIY braided belt.

This diagram shows how to make lacing. Pick either one and try it first on a braid without handlebars or cord tightening. Then pull the braid over the handlebar, placing the butt seams symmetrically. For example, one seam at the top, two on the sides. By the way, the wheels must be positioned exactly so that the steering wheel is exactly as in a straight-line motion.

The easiest way to make lacing is shown in this diagram. By the way, think about how you will wind the cord through the holes in the braid. You can make a crochet hook out of a safety pin; you can buy a special needle with a large eye. In a sewing accessories store, you can also buy a special device for threading a thin elastic band, cords into a drawstring, a belt, etc.

Do not overtighten the laces immediately. It is better to do this when the entire cord or leather strip is completely braided into the case. Then, gradually pulling each stitch, you can evenly and gently tighten the entire lacing.

Leather lacing strips will look much more interesting on the steering wheel than a nylon cord. But for such a lacing, you will need 2-3 meters of a narrow leather strip. It is not always possible to carve them out of the remnants of the skin, especially if you will be braiding from small pieces of leather. Then take advantage of these tips. Take a skin area 8-10cm in diameter. Tie a helium pen (tape) to a knitting needle. Place the point of the knitting needle in the center of this piece so that the pencil also touches the surface of the skin. Begin drawing the spiral with a pencil, aligning the knitting needle with the spiral line you have already drawn. It will be the guide for the knitting needle. This way you can cut a fairly long piece of lacing from a small piece of leather.

The width of the leather strip for lacing must be at least 3-5mm.

5. Cord for steering wheel

Leather lacing has a number of technological difficulties. Not only is it quite difficult to cut the lacing into perfectly even narrow strips, they still need to be joined together later.
In addition, it is quite difficult to stretch it through the holes, and even so that it does not turn inside out, which will be conspicuous. Indeed, in natural leather, the seamy side often has not only a matte untreated surface, but also a completely different color.
Therefore, it may be much easier and easier for you to sew a braid for the steering wheel from two or three pieces of leather, punch holes, and lacing with a regular nylon cord to match the color of the skin.

We offer you several ways how you can quickly and easily make a case for your phone with your own hands from genuine leather.


The steering wheel of a car is not only one of the main controls, but also an element that you pay attention to when you get into the car and which determines how convenient and pleasant it is to drive. Intensive use of the steering wheel leads to a fairly quick loss of its original appearance. In this article « » I'll tell you how to return the steering wheel to its previous appearance and make it even more attractive.

To get started, you need

  1. Remove the steering wheel from the vehicle (refer to the vehicle repair and maintenance manual).
  2. Building masking tape - 1 large roll (paper tape, regular oilcloth will not work)
  3. Food or packaging film - 1 roll
  4. Stationery knife, preferably with a new blade
  5. Dark marker - 1 piece
  6. Cardboard (preferably medium density)
  7. Strong nylon thread (the one used for shoe repair is suitable)
  8. Sewing needles, preferably hardened (take a few pieces, they may bend or break)
  9. Two thimbles on middle fingers (to protect fingers from puncture)

Well, the most basic material for work is leather. Skin better brother good quality, and if you want to exercise, then it is better to use leather or a leather substitute from old jackets, pants, bags, etc.

Making patterns

It is necessary to wrap the steering wheel with food (packaging) film. The film should fit snugly against the base of the steering wheel.

Then, on top of the film, as tightly as possible we roll masking tape so that in end result the braid did not work bigger size.

We take a marker and divide the steering wheel into four parts, make a mark on the inside of the steering wheel for the inner seam, preferably evenly.IMPORTANT: number or sign each part before cutting. We cut it clearly according to the marks made, you should get four patterns.

Cut out patterns and lay them on a flat surface, press them with something heavy, and leave them overnight so that they are aligned and take the desired shape. Next, transfer the aligned patterns to cardboard (it will be more convenient to make patterns on the skin, NECESSARILY make a margin of 1-1.5 cm for each element), and then transfer to the skin.

We sew the elements cut out of leather in order from numbers 1 to 4, the first and last are sewn together to make a ring.

We try on the finished braid on the steering wheel, the workpiece should not dangle, but should fit snugly against the steering wheel (if it does not fit, you need to sew it in one of the seams). If everything worked out, go to next stage we take the steering wheel braid and sew the edges to perform this procedure better sewing machine, if it is not possible to sew, you can make a winding on the edges of the product (use only strong threads).

Handlebar Pull-Back Stitching Options

Completion robots

In order to prevent the braid from slipping on the steering wheel during operation, the edges can be fixed with glue or epoxy. After all the preparatory robots have been completed, you can proceed to tightening the braid on the steering wheel. Upon completion, the robots install the steering wheel back on the car and enjoy the result.


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