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Classroom outline

Theme: The benefits and harms of the car.

Target: creating conditions for the formation among students of an adequate attitude to the use of cars in Everyday life.


1. To acquaint students with the holiday "Day without a car".

2. Make it clear to students that it is possible to live without the help of a car.

3. Determine the benefits and harms of the car.

4. To foster the desire for a respectful attitude to nature, active participation in the protection of the environment.

Form of carrying out: informative conversation with elements of discussion.

Preparatory work: The poems included in the script must be offered to the children to memorize in advance.Students prepare evidence of the benefits and harms of the car themselves.

Event progress:

    The song "Cars" is played (author of the text (words): Shabrov M., composer (music): Matetsky V.)

    Probably soon we will forget how to walk,

Already the habit of driving in us lives on.

We are tormented to walk just two steps,

One hundred kilometers by car does not count.


Cars, cars literally flooded everything.

Where the age-old dust lay,2 times

The car left its mark.

    Motor roar sounds like music to us

We breathe in gasoline like a scent.

What we need is a narrow highway

Yes, the coveted shop of spare parts.


    Cars were created for us,

But other times have come:

And day and night we crawl under the car,

We serve her so that she can ride.


Teacher: According to statistics, every minute one rolls off the assembly line in the world. new car... The number of cars in Belarus is on average 2 times the number of residents of the country. In a few years, perhaps, the streets of the capital will become impassable even for firefighters and ambulances.

1 presenter: September 22 is World Car Free Day, which encourages motorists (and motorcyclists) to stop using fuel-consuming vehicles for at least a day.

1 student reads a poem:

What kind of holiday is this?
A day without traffic jams and cars!

Get on the bus and go home

Go or walk?

Yes! And this is just a joy!
The air is as fresh as ever!

I don't swear in traffic jams anymore!

That would be so always!

2 presenter: Holiday " "Is celebrated in many countries of the world... The main purpose of its establishment can be called drawing the attention of the general public to the problem of the negative impact that cars have on the environment. Today, the number of cars around the world is constantly increasing. The same applies to our country. Now almost every family already has a car, and many even have two.

1 presenter: Do you guys think cars are harmful or beneficial?

    Discussion: "The benefits and harms of the car":

1st group: Of course, there is no denying the fact that cars make our lives so much more convenient. They allow you to move around the city and outside the city with great comfort... We can freely go to the forest, to the river or to the lake. Even to the sea by car! No need for a train, an airplane ...

Today we simply could not imagine our modern life without cars ...

2nd group: However, progress also has the opposite, negative side... Smog hangs over large cities, the air in them is heavily polluted with exhaust gases. One more important issue major cities in the world can be called constant traffic jams that take a lot of time from people and annoy everyone terribly. But so far they cannot do anything about it.

And human health! We get used to the car, and we can't even go to the store 100 meters away with pitch. This is scoliosis, and laziness, and muscles atrophy ...

2 presenter: This holiday is intended to remind us of the existence of alternative means of transportation that we have already lost the habit of - public transport, bicycles, and we also need to walk more.

As you know, regular walking is one of the essential components of a healthy lifestyle.

1 presenter: Guys, how many of you know: how did this “Car-Free Day” holiday come about?

2 student tells the story of the creation of the holiday:

This began with the 1973 oil crisis. But in October 1994, at a conference in Toledo (), a call was first made for such events to be held annually as part of a special holiday.

In the first two years, Car-Free Days were held in Reykjavik (Iceland), Bath (Somerset, UK) and La Rochelle (); in 1995, the informal World Car Free Days Consortium was created to support such Days. The first national campaign was carried out in 1997 in the UK by the Environmental Transport Association, the second in 1998 during, called In town, and in 2000 the European Commission extended the campaign to the entire territory of the European Union. In the same year, the European Commission extended the event to a full week "European Mobility Week", which is now the main event held within the framework of the "new mobility" ideology.

And in 2000, similar days began to be held all over the world.

3 student reads poem:

We can't imagine a day without a car,
But before, people still somehow lived.

And they carried very heavy loads,

At the same time, they did not harm nature.

Let's spend a day without a car,
And we will all come to school healthy.

And it will immediately become easier for us to breathe,

After all, no one will pollute the air with gases.

2 presenter: The situation is becoming critical, but by no means hopeless. Every year on September 22, many cities around the world hold World Car Free Day. For example, inFrance on this day, the center of Paris is closed for cars, and residents are offered bicycles for movement, and completely free of charge - it is enough to leave an identity card as a deposit.

In many cities abroad, travel by public transport this day is free.

4 student:

I want to call you all today,
To deny yourself transport services.

Let's go on foot

We'll all get to work quickly.

And the day will pass without the noise from the engine
We will get a big charge of enthusiasm.

And on this day there will be no gas emission,

Which, of course, we always need.

I congratulate everyone on the day without a car,
And I wish you to live long.

Teacher: So guys, our event has come to an end. Once again, I want to remind you that in the modern world, undoubtedly, a car is very convenient for a person's everyday life, and this, if I may say so, is its benefit. But, as you have seen again today, a car is harmful both to the environment and to human health.

We can always find an alternative to the car: cycling and walking, public transport ... I hope that in later life you will definitely learn to use the car adequately so as not to harm yourself and others.

Tatiana Goryacheva

Dear Colleagues! Today all over the world celebrate the Day without a car. This environmental action calls on the inhabitants of the planet to stop traveling by car on this day.

A day without a car

And may the air be cleaner

Will be all over the world.

Let the breeze be fresh

Flies by the planet.

And he will say "Thank you"

She is for it.

In our kindergarten there was a thematic day dedicated to this action. Together with the children, we made a poster - a collage "On September 22, give up the car for one day! Make way for the children!"

Today I present to your attention children's master class for making a poster.

The purpose of this master class: to consolidate the ability to use various visual materials in work, to use scissors, to foster the desire to protect the environment.

Materials: 1/2 sheet of Whatman paper, gouache paints of gray and blue, sponges, car contours of different colors, black squares, daisies and yellow centers, contours for clouds, a circle outline for the sun and yellow stripes, glue-carnadash, scissors, wax crayons, printed lettering, cut-out butterflies.

At the first stage, half of the sheet of the girl was painted over with a sponge in blue, and half in gray.

A group of boys cut out the outlines of cars, wheels. Then the wheels were glued to car blanks.

Another group of boys glued the strips together - the rays of the sun, cut out the circles.

Thus, 2 suns were made - one cheerful, smiling, and the other sad.

The girls glued the yellow centers to the daisies, and the flowers themselves to the poster.

Cutting butterflies "sat" on daisies!

The next stage: the boys glue the cars and paint the smoke from the exhaust pipes with wax pencils.

We glue the suns: on the blue background - smiling, and on the gray - sad.

We glue the clouds and the inscription.

With the help of a brush, I applied gray strokes to the sun and clouds on a gray background.

Our poster is ready!

Related publications:

Scenario of the holiday on September 1 in kindergarten "September 1 - Knowledge Day" Scenario of the holiday on September 1 in kindergarten. Holiday at the DOW A cheerful clown appears on the stage. Clown: We begin, we begin, We are our holiday.

Human life is very fragile. It can break off at any moment because every day each of us is in danger on the roads.

Now on the Internet, on television, you can find out what a significant date a particular day has. It's very cool and interesting. You can usefully.

Both boys and girls Wake and in good dreams All dream about space, About distant heavens! N. Samoniy. Purpose: the creation of a teamwork co.

We were born under a peaceful sky, We do not know the war. It is heard only as an echo Amid the peaceful silence. To you, dear veterans, Our bow to the ground.

I would like to bring to your attention a children's master - class of making a "Chamomile" postcard for the action held within the framework of the thematic day "Day.

Yuri Gagarin. In a space rocket Called "Vostok" He was the first on the planet to Ascend to the stars. Sings about this song Spring drops :.

Speech of the propaganda team of 5th grade.

Ved .: September 22, the world celebrates the Day without a car. This tradition originated in France back in 1998. Now thousands of cities have joined this action, Nizhny Novgorod is no exception! We encourage drivers to use bicycles or public transport for at least a few hours. What if you like it!

Six reasons to stop using your personal car:

1 account: 1. Give a chance to nature... The automotive industry has a negative impact on the environment both at the production stage and at the consumption stage. How fewer cars will emit exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the cleaner the air will be and the less negative impact on nature.

2nd account: How I would like to be in silent silence,

So that in the century, this way, in the first ... with the beautiful moon ...

How I would like to confess my love to her in private!

I just need to breathe ... and I should clear my throat ...

In chorus : If we leave our cars in the garage for a day! Then everything would be different: green, fresh, blue!

3 account: 2. Hole in the budget... Any horse, even an iron one, must be fed and treated. Calculate how much money is spent on maintaining your car - fuel, parts, parking.

4th school: 3. Losing time and nerves... If the city has 10-point traffic jams, you are unlikely to be able to quickly and mentally reach your destination. Nervous drivers, throttle cars, horn horns and angry screams are not a very bright, but quite real prospect. Don't forget about another driving routine - finding a parking spot every day.

Academic 5: I'm annoyed, I'm angry, I'm stressed! I hate everyone and everything!

I've been in a traffic jam for an hour! My life has risen with the car!

Ah, if I could just fix everything! And get off iron horse!

In chorus: Then the anger would not be ripped off, and the family would not suffer!

6 study: 4. Harm to health... It's no secret that after work it is more useful to walk home on foot than to spend an extra half hour sitting in the car. Experienced drivers are often not only overweight, but also suffer from sedentary diseases - hypertension, osteochondrosis, etc.

7tch. : One day without cars - and there is no rustle of tires!

One day without an auto - you are one hundred percent healthy!

There are no traffic jams, no dirt, no dust ... Let's get out of our cars!

In chorus: Let your planet breathe! Clean up your mind, your way!

8th school: 5. The need for relaxation... After a busy day at work, a person needs to take a breath of fresh air and let his thoughts go into free flight. Relax and dream. But instead, the owner of the car has to get behind the wheel, monitor the movement and read road signs.

9th school: 6. Risk to life. Thousands of people die on the roads every year. Even if you drive the car carefully and follow all the traffic rules, it is not a fact that the driver in the next lane will cope with this task as well.

About 3.5 thousand people die every day in the world.

The losses amount to more than 1.2 million people per year and 50 million injured.

Most often, people from 25 to 40 years old become victims of road traffic accidents, and this is the most efficient part of the population, the worst thing is that they will never have children and the Earth's population will suffer an additional loss.

10 study: Squeal of brakes
And glass shatters ...
And there is no life
Great bright life!
And there will be nothing ahead:
Love, family, service to the Fatherland!

In chorus: You can save more than one life if you don't start the car today!

Just leave the car at home!

(posters and banners on the topic)

A person loves comfort, and the car provides it, giving the speed of movement and the absence of crush. But most people do not think about the fact that in addition to comfort, it also harms nature and health. This includes air pollution from exhaust gases and fatal accidents. This international holiday is dedicated to the propaganda of the anti-car mode of movement and the use of public transport.

When passes

World Car Free Day is celebrated annually on 22 September. Since 2008, Russia has also joined the festive events.

Who is celebrating

World Car Free Day 2020 is celebrated not only by movement activists, environmental organizations, but also by ordinary citizens concerned about the state of the air in the atmosphere.

History and traditions of the holiday

Opinions about the country in which this action first took place vary. Some attribute this day to England (1997), others to France (1998). However, it should be mentioned that the first such actions were organized back in 1973 as part of the oil crisis. And in December 1994, during a conference in Spain, representatives from many countries called for such events to be held periodically.

If in the first years of the celebration only about 20 cities joined this movement, then by 2001 there were more than 1000 of them out of 35 states.

In France, the center of Paris is closed on this day, and residents are offered to use bicycles. In Belarus, trees and bushes are being planted, and everyone who has left their cars at their homes at public transport stops is awarded incentive prizes. In Minsk, free travel is organized for motorists (with a driver's license).

In Russia, there is a decrease in the price of travel on public transport (special tickets are issued), bike rides are being arranged. But not all cities of the Russian Federation participate in this action. In 2008, it was first held in Moscow, but its result was disastrous. The drivers of the capital did not give up the comfortable movement around the city. This day was also celebrated in Kursk and St. Petersburg. In 2009, Ufa joined the celebration, in 2011 - Krasnodar, Zelenograd, Kaluga, Samara, in 2013 - Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg, in 2015 - Penza.

Spend this day interesting

Challenge for today: Leave your car at home and ride your bike.
It is still unclear where this action took place for the first time, but in 1994, during a conference in Spain, representatives of many countries called for this event to be held periodically.

In Paris, the center is closed and residents are offered to ride bicycles. In Belarus, everyone who left their cars at home is awarded incentive prizes. Free travel is organized in Minsk for motorists. And in Russia, prices for transport are reduced, and bike rides are arranged.

Leave your car at home and ride your bike.

In 1960, the longest traffic jam was recorded on the Paris-London section of the road - 200 kilometers.

Statistics show that 80% of all millionaires prefer to buy used cars.

The Soviet car GAZ M-20 "Pobeda" was originally supposed to bear the name "Rodina". However, at the time of his demonstration to the leader, I. Stalin asked the question: "At what price will the Motherland be sold?" After that, the name of the car was changed.

The only person in the UK who does not have a passport and can drive a car without a license is Her Majesty.

A middle-class car, while driving, produces 500 grams of harmful gas every 40 kilometers.

On May 30, 1986, the first accident involving an electric car and a cyclist occurred in New York, with a broken leg. And in 1899, the first death from a car hitting a pedestrian was recorded in the same city.

According to statistics, one new car rolls off the assembly line in the world every minute. The number of cars in Moscow already exceeds the critical level of 170-180 cars per thousand inhabitants. In a few years, perhaps, the streets of the capital will become impassable even for firefighters and ambulances.

The situation is becoming critical, but by no means hopeless. Every year on September 22, many cities around the world hold World Car Free Day. For example, in France (the same country was the first to celebrate the Day without a car), the center of Paris is closed for cars on this day, and bicycles are offered to residents for movement, and completely free of charge - it is enough to leave an identity card as a deposit. In many cities abroad, public transport is free on this day.

In Russia, so far only Moscow, Belgorod and Nizhny Novgorod have joined the international movement on September 22. However, this does not have much effect on the situation - in 2009 there were just as many traffic jams in Moscow on September 22 as on any other day. What pleases - officials that day went to work on foot, some - on bicycles.

You slam the car door
And go ahead on foot
And you will see - without gasoline
It is easier to breathe all around!

Let there be more such shares
The world will pass
The air will begin to clear
And he will live more beautifully!

Everything, today everything - on foot,
Well, let's knead the legs!
Along the paths and bumps
Let's not go, but let's go.

We will breathe full breasts
Let's marvel at the landscape
And the cars near the house
They will rest while without us!

Congratulations on World Car Free Day. May there be no traffic jams on the street today, may there never be traffic jams to your goals and dreams. I wish you a fun and wonderful life without an accident, exhaust gases, nerves and bumps, as today without cars.

We will hold today
A day without a car
And may the air be cleaner
Will be all over the world.

Let the breeze be fresh
Will fly by the planet
And he will say "Thank you"
She is for it to us.

City smog
Let the fog melt
Breathes with purity
Let the whole Earth be with us.

Almost everyone is a car driver,
But today we will ask you:
Slow down, don't rush anywhere
And the speed would rather be reduced.

Don't drive at least a day,
Let nature become cleaner
May a day without cars bring good to everyone
It doesn't matter what the weather is!

We offer today
Close all the cars for you.
Generators, motors
Take it and drown it out at once.

I want to feel the charm
Silence and beauty.
No gasoline, oils, greases
Give nature purity.

The husband is in a hurry early in the morning:
“Where is my tie? And the jacket?
Where are the keys to the car? "
And I told him: “What are you, a fool?

World Car Free Day!
Here - keep the bike
And good for health,
And you will get there without traffic jams and troubles! "

All prices go up endlessly for gasoline
Diesel fuel and gas are getting more expensive, but -
The people are already in the store for bread
He drives his own car imposingly.

Cars will be installed everywhere - you can't get through.
And the soot in the air - there is nothing to breathe,
And in the city there are traffic jams on every path.
Nightmare! And it's time to decide something about it.

Look: Europe is already beautiful!
Along the bike paths, there are young and old
The pedals rotate actively throughout the day.
And they are a hundred times healthier than us.

A great promotion - a day without a car!
Let car owners at least once a year
Will crush on buses, flatten on the subway
Active at rush hour, wheelless people!

Let them learn the freshness of the breath of those masses,
Who likes to drink vodka in the evening.
And the trip will give cheerfulness for the day ...
Hmmm ... I still need to buy a car.

Let's ride our bicycles
On horseback or walking
Then our ECO troubles will recede,
And we will live longer on earth!

We will do without exhaust gases,
Without black smog for our cities,
And we will get drunk with clean air to the brim,
And we will not leave any harmful traces!

We'll pass by public transport,
We will free our city from traffic jams,
And there will be fewer disasters, tragedies,
The dream of cleanliness will come true!

Who's the restless
Have you traveled the entire highway?
Steel horses are racing
Hundreds of horsepower.

We wish you awkward
Do not stand in traffic jams today
On a biped on the move
Run briskly with all your might.

Easy and simple on your feet
Without a car we will go
And nature's clean air
Let's save from gasoline.


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