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Snow and swamp-going vehicle "Uncor" TTS-33106 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for the transportation of people and goods in off-road conditions, including on virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - cargo (based on UAZ-3303).
Snow and swamp-going vehicle "Unkor" is designed for operation and garage-free storage at ambient temperatures from -45 to +45 degrees Celsius. All Terrain Vehicle Tires - low pressure, (1300 x 700 mm), rubber - two-layer with cord, lug - 2 cm. The snow and swamp-going vehicle can tow a trailer weighing 750 kg.

All-terrain vehicle (snow and swamp vehicle) "Uncor" TTS-39105 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for the transportation of people and goods in off-road conditions, including virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - cargo (based on UAZ-3909).
TTS 3910 "Uncor" belongs to the category of vehicles "C" or "D" (depending on the model power plant) and can travel on public roads. Snow and swamp-going vehicle on low-pressure tires 1300 x 700. Tire - two-layer rubber with cord, lug 2 cm. Allows to install a rubber tube. Clearance 750 mm.

All-terrain vehicle (snow and swamp vehicle) "Uncor" TTS-39102 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for the transportation of people and goods in off-road conditions, including virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - passenger (based on UAZ-2206).

Snow and swamp-going vehicle "Uncor" TTS-39101 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for the transportation of people and goods in off-road conditions, including on virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - passenger (based on UAZ-3151).

Photo from the site

Many car enthusiasts who are fond of fishing or hunting, as well as those who live in the countryside, often think about how to increase the cross-country ability of their car. Many are interested in whether it is possible to turn an ordinary car into an all-terrain vehicle with their own hands. off-road.

UAZ vehicles are very famous model domestic production, which was produced specifically for conditions requiring increased cross-country ability.

Patriot on low pressure tires

This is the UAZ-452, the so-called loaf - one of the first models with increased cross-country ability. The Loaf has been used for over 50 years in heavy traffic conditions, especially in villages. These are the newer models "Hunter" and "Patriot", released after 2000.

As you know, one of the factors that significantly increases the cross-country ability of a car are.

Many skilled car enthusiasts manage to make an UAZ on low-pressure tires with their own hands, turning it into an excellent all-terrain vehicle that is not afraid of either muddy roads or snow blockages.

Hunter on low pressure tires

Advantages of installing low pressure tires on UAZ

Let's look at what advantages we get by installing low-pressure tires on the UAZ:

  • the passability of the machine is significantly improved;
  • tires of this type increase the traction patch;
  • in such cases, special lugs can be installed, which make the car more squat;
  • the use of this type of rubber reduces the negative impact on the soil, which is very important in terms of environmental performance;
  • an increase in ground clearance is observed, which inevitably occurs when tires with low pressure are installed.

Advantages of installing low pressure tires on UAZ

Disadvantages of installing low pressure tires on UAZ

However, this kind of tuning has its drawbacks. These could be the following factors:

  • to install such wheels, you will need to make a number of serious transformations in the design of the car. This is quite labor intensive and entails significant financial costs;
  • higher center of gravity vehicle negatively affects its stability;
  • when it comes to driving on an asphalt surface, you must take into account that it wears out low pressure tires a lot. Therefore, frequent and long-term movement on asphalt surfaces is not recommended for all-terrain vehicles of this kind;

Disadvantages of low pressure tires for UAZ
  • with speed, you also have to be careful. Low-pressure tires are not designed for high-speed movement - here the main task is to drive on off-road surfaces and overcome obstacles;
  • the increase in the load on the transmission units should be taken into account. When driving on terrain that requires high profile treads, critical load values ​​can occur.

What you need to consider when converting a car

If you decide to convert your UAZ into an all-terrain vehicle by installing wheels with low-pressure tires, you will have to take into account some factors:

  • be prepared for the fact that you have to make a number of major changes to the transmission, axles and body elements of your car. This is especially important when it comes to redesigning vehicles such as the "loaf". UAZ "Patriot" on low-pressure tires will require much fewer design changes than a "loaf". This is due to the fact that at the time when the old models were produced, modern technologies and materials were not yet used;

The choice of tires for UAZ
  • when choosing a rubber, it is very important to take into account the temperatures in which they are planned to be used. For summer and winter use vehicle, you will need at least two sets of rubber;
  • rubber for low pressure does not have a clear division into summer and winter options. For winter, such species are used that do not become tough at negative temperatures. This can negatively affect the passability of the vehicle;
  • When choosing a tread pattern, remember that deeper does not always mean better. Increasing the depth of the pattern puts more stress on the drivetrain - consider the ground you plan to navigate and choose the best option the depth of the picture.

All work on the manufacture of an all-terrain vehicle based on a UAZ vehicle can be divided into several conventional stages. Let's analyze them one by one:

  1. Choosing a base. If the garage does not have a UAZ suitable for turning into an all-terrain vehicle, we will have to find the right base. Remember that the older the model, the more changes will need to be made.
  2. We manufacture the rear axle and suspension. It is better to use an independent construct here. Its production will entail an increase in labor costs, but this will increase the vehicle's cross-country ability. The suspension connects with rear axle special rack and steering sleeve.
  3. We attach the wheels to the suspension. Metal hubs are needed here. We can use cameras from trucks like "Ural".
  4. We select an engine, carry out installation and design a cooling system.
  5. After installing the engine, we mount the exhaust and brake system and grip. We install the headlights and connect all the commutation.
  6. We carry out all the necessary tests of the received all-terrain vehicle, eliminate shortcomings and defects. After making all the corrections and positive test results, we can consider the work completed - our all-terrain vehicle is ready to overcome difficulties.

Works on the manufacture of an all-terrain vehicle based on a UAZ vehicle


Alteration of a UAZ car for low-pressure tires- this is a whole range of works to improve the design.

Modification domestic cars does not stand still. You can improve the car both from the inside and from the outside. A striking example of this is UAZ on low-pressure tires. They can be ordered from specialized workshops or made by hand. A similar design is successfully used on heavy soils, where standard wheels difficult to drive.

What is a low pressure tire?

The element in question is an enlarged wheel that resembles a pillow, inside of which there is low pressure. This design creates excellent grip on any type of ground and allows you to drive on almost any off-road.

Has the following features:

  1. A significant area of ​​contact with the ground makes it possible to overcome obstacles that a conventional wheel cannot do.
  2. Low tire pressure avoids significant stress on the soil, which is actively used in agricultural work and geology.
  3. A lot of experience is required to drive vehicles with such a modification. Wheels are not designed for high speed, especially on asphalt and other stone surfaces where they wear out quickly.

UAZ on low pressure tires: modification features

Before using the vehicle on low pressure tires, make sure that they are suitable for the climate in the region. Although there is no definite division into winter and summer types for this type of tires, it should be borne in mind that greater rigidity reduces the contact of the wheel with the road stain.

It will not be possible to simply simulate the structure in question. Substantial revision of the body, transmission and axles will be required. Although the increase in ground clearance when using such tires provides better vehicle stability and provides a number of other advantages that were discussed above, there are certain disadvantages. First, tires are subject to heavy wear on hard surfaces. Secondly, the load on the transmission unit increases and undercarriage auto. Finally, low-pressure tires for UAZ, the price of which is incomparably higher than standard ones, require special storage and operation conditions.

Tire pressure

It is necessary to remember about correct balancing when This moment is one of the most important factors that affects the correct operation of the machine. Special designs should be installed to help increase performance and reduce vehicle wear.

What to do after the updated bus is installed? Low pressure discs on UAZ must be protected with beadlocks, which are mechanical rings. They ensure the stability of the wheel in the event of additional lateral loads. In fact, it is a rigid fixation of the tires to the rim board.

Pros of bedlocks:

  • protect the wheel from disassembling:
  • elementary installed and maintained.

The disadvantages of this element include the impossibility of perfectly accurate balancing and a slight increase in the mass of the car. In addition, UAZ on low-pressure tires will feel more confident if equipped with a tyrlock, which ensures reliable fixation of the tire along the edges of the rim.

  1. The same tires must be fitted to all wheels.
  2. It is necessary to observe the optimum pressure in them.
  3. Periodically, you need to check the wheels for air passage using a soap solution.
  4. To ensure uniform wear, it is advisable to swap the front tires with the rear ones after every 10-15 thousand kilometers.
  5. After running in new rubber rebalance.
  6. Care must be taken to ensure that the characteristics of the tires are consistent with seasonal variations.

Do-it-yourself low-pressure tires for UAZ

To make the structure in question with your own hands, you need to select the appropriate material. "Shoes" from airplanes or helicopters are ideal. However, this is a rather expensive option. In most cases, rubber from tractors or trucks can be used. From the tool you will need a sharpener, a knife, a hammer, wire cutters, an awl.

Then the following manipulations are done in stages:

  • A new tread pattern is selected and cut at the owner's discretion. The most popular is the “herringbone” style.
  • An incision is made around the circumference of the wheel to be machined so that it is possible to remove the reinforcing wire.
  • On the inner base, holes are made in the form of small rectangles, through which the wire will be removed using a winch device.
  • It is necessary to focus on the conceived pattern of the picture, fishing out an unnecessary layer of reinforcement with the help of a winch and pliers. Taking into account the previously applied pattern, the drawn part is corrected with a knife.

Main process

While mastering how to put low-pressure tires on a UAZ with your own hands, it is necessary to gradually adhere to the following operations:

  1. Rubber is removed from the sidewalls and tread in layers.
  2. The prepared surface is cleaned with sandpaper and straightened with a hammer.
  3. A new frame is assembled using welding, metal disc and plate elements.
  4. Weld seams are ground.

It is quite possible to make wheels for new tires on your own from scrap materials. An aluminum basin is suitable for this. The parts can be secured using the remnants of a conveyor belt or a fire hose. Then the camera is put on the frame, pumped up and checked for air leaks and internal pressure. It remains only to install a new design and go to conquer any tracks that are too tough for standard wheels.

Features of operation

UAZ on self-made low-pressure tires can overcome various obstacles. This is due to the contact with the ground of a large area of ​​the wheels. Such rubber envelops almost any surface, taking the form of an object on the way. Experts say that an SUV on low-pressure tires has an efficiency that is 20% higher than that of cars with standard wheels.

Disproportionately big tires avoid high pressure on land, which is important in agriculture and farmland. Operating a machine equipped with the structure in question requires certain skills. On such wheels, it is necessary to very smoothly enter the turns, maintain a moderate speed and try not to operate the car for a long time on asphalt and concrete roads. This will avoid premature wear of the non-standard rubber.


The UAZ car has a wide range of modifications. This machine has been used, and in some places continues to be used, in the following industries:

  • Medicine.
  • Hunting.
  • Agriculture.
  • Food and light industry.

Affordable price, easy operation and design features made it one of the most popular means of transportation in the countryside. Modernization of the car allows you to expand its capabilities. For example, UAZ "loaf" on low-pressure tires makes it possible to move in swampy areas and on any kind of soil.

It is worth noting that with some modifications to the body and chassis, low-pressure tires can actually be installed on all UAZs, including the classic and Patriot.

Financial side

Low-pressure tires for UAZ, the price of which ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles apiece, is more profitable to do it yourself. Considering the pros and cons, this procedure is no less effective and much more profitable. Judging by the reviews of the owners, this modification is extremely suitable for any off-road. However, the use of such rubber on standard roads is disadvantageous. On hard surfaces, the low pressure structure will wear out quickly. Also, these cars are not designed for high speed.

If we compare the optimal pressure in standard UAZ wheels with a similar indicator that UAZ has on low-pressure tires, we can understand in what conditions they should be used.


Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of low pressure tires, the following can be noted:

  • They are ideal for off-road use.
  • Such wheels should not be used on asphalt and other smooth surfaces, due to their susceptibility to significant wear.
  • The ability to make a product with your own hand will save you a lot of finance.

Before deciding on the installation of high-pressure tires, you should compare all the pros and cons of the modification, taking into account the refinement of the body, chassis and transmission of the car. The modernized "UAZ" will perfectly cope with the assigned duties in the field of agriculture, geology, and the study of areas where there are no standard roads.

Its use on hard surfaces is impractical and can lead to excessive waste of money and frequent replacement rubber. Another important nuance is compliance installed tires climatic conditions of the region.

The TREKOL company produces three tire models ultra low pressure, which are suitable for installation on off-road vehicles based on UAZ bodies. Wheels can be installed both on machines serially produced by TREKOL itself, and on self-made ones.

Tires manufactured by TREKOL can be used for a wide range of vehicles. Tubeless tires turn a familiar car into a cross-country vehicle that easily overcomes virgin snow and swampy plains. Where roads are not yet built, you can become a pioneer.

Tires for all-terrain vehicle UAZ

Designed for off-season weather conditions, so they are suitable for traveling on washed-out country roads and bumpy ruts. The basis is a flexible rubber-cord casing. It is thanks to her that the wheels, without sinking into the ground, slide over the surface and easily adapt to the unevenness of the road. The tight connection to the rim prevents twisting, which ensures a low pressure - from 0.1 to 0.6 kPa. This guarantees efficiency - with a small impact on the ground, energy losses for resistance are prevented.

The tires for the UAZ "Loaf" all-terrain vehicle and other models of the manufacturer have one more feature - they are easy to operate. Since they are tubeless, this reduces their weight and allows you to repair minor damage without dismantling.

For hunting and fishing

Fishing and hunting farms have already appreciated the advantages of UAZ snow and swamp vehicles. V lineup there is a number of swamp and snow and swamp vehicles, for which TREKOL wheels have become a guarantee of high cross-country ability. Low pressure and elasticity allow you to move without problems on virgin snow, wetlands or sandy soil. Even when driving on light-bearing soils, the low-pressure tires do not cut through the track, which saves fuel and preserves vegetation.

On a UAZ off-road

Car enthusiasts who have experimented with low-pressure wheels have already appreciated their capabilities. The technique was tested on virgin snow and swampy forest swamps. For fishing trips, such all-terrain vehicles are simply irreplaceable, since they have no equal in cross-country ability. Cars with low-pressure tires, modified by motorists, pass without problems where heavier vehicles cannot pass. And for traveling on the tundra, motorists consider the UAZ all-terrain vehicle to be an ideal option.

For professionals and amateurs

Low-pressure tires in the configuration for UAZ will allow you to drive off-road. Professionals, lovers of fishing, hunting and travel have already appreciated the benefits of low pressure tires.

The legendary car is again at the peak of popularity

In our time, all-terrain vehicles are gaining special popularity. Such a mode of transport as an all-terrain vehicle based on a UAZ vehicle can be created with my own hands... It is a cheap and convenient form of transport. Most car owners who have such a car in their garage can be proud of it, because they created this miracle with their own hands. At this stage, there are already many exhibitions and forums for craftsmen have already been created, who share their experience with beginners.

Such all-terrain vehicles are most often created on the basis of UAZ, from old models to newer ones, the main thing is that they are in working order. UAZ 469 vehicles are being redesigned to be equipped with low pressure tires. In this case, the car turns into an all-terrain vehicle capable of driving through the most impassable places.

Rubber for UAZ is quite expensive, so many are beginning to think about how to use funds as economically as possible. And everything is quite simple: make your own low-pressure tires. But in order to "re-shoe" the car, equipping it with this type of tires, you will have to redo various suspension elements and body parts, re-equip bridges. All this is due to the fact that enormous loads are created on various systems due to the frequent displacement of the center of gravity in the car.

The bridges installed on the UAZ 469 model can fail due to constant off-road driving, and the clutch system will quickly fail. Therefore, the conversion of a car into an all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure UAZ Patriot tires for driving in difficult-to-pass places must be approached in detail and all issues must be resolved as a whole.

  • the cross-country ability of the car increases;
  • the pressure in the UAZ tires allows you to create better grip on any moving ground by increasing the grip plane;
  • lugs specially provided in the design of the low-pressure tire make the UAZ 469 more responsive;
  • it becomes possible to use a car in agricultural production, since, due to the low pressure in the tires, the UAZ has a lesser effect on the soil and does not crush the plants when driving through the fields, leaving them viable;
  • due to the greater width increases ground clearance, which provides better vehicle stability on the road.

This type of rubber is intended for off-road use only.

At the same time, low-pressure tires on UAZ have a number of disadvantages:

  • to install them, you will have to make quite a few alterations in the car, requiring large financial investments;
  • the car becomes higher, as a result of which the center of gravity shifts, which can lead to a rollover of the car;
  • due to the greater softness of the tires, they wear out greatly during prolonged driving on asphalt;
  • tires are not suitable for high-speed driving, but only for off-road driving, which is a limitation in the use of the car;
  • due to the greater vibration and displacement of the center of gravity of the UAZ 469 when driving in off-road mode, the load on the transmission and other components increases. But the most critical increase in load is felt when traveling on ground, requiring tires with a large tread height.

The choice of low-pressure tires for the UAZ 469 is influenced by the temperature indicators of the region in which the car will be used. To operate a car on this type of tires both in winter and in summer, you must have two sets of rubber. Although in this case there is no clear division into summer and winter tires... It is important that the rubber does not increase its rigidity at sub-zero temperatures. Excessive rigidity reduces permeability, since the ability of tires to plastic is a guarantee of off-road driving. If it is impossible to deform in a rigid low-pressure tire, the contact spot on the ground or snow will decrease on the UAZ.

There are several UAZ tread patterns on low pressure tires. Each of them is designed for a certain type of soil on which it is planned to move on such wheels. Moreover, a tire with a deeper tread is not always better. The wheels of the UAZ 469 with a large tread interact more efficiently with the ground, providing good traction, but at the same time creating an unnecessary load on the transmission. Therefore, it is very important that the pressure in the tires of the UAZ has a certain indicator.

Soils are different in consistency, which must also be taken into account when choosing a low-pressure tire for UAZ 469, UAZ Patriot.

Instructions for making tires

Homemade low pressure tires

For the manufacture of low-pressure tires at UAZ, it is necessary to find the source material. You can use cameras for helicopters and aircraft: they meet quality requirements and will last a long time. The high cost and scarcity of this product are the impetus for finding other, more affordable options. One of the best solutions in this case may be to use truck tires. Of course, their alteration will require considerable effort, both physical and temporary, but this will reduce the cost of re-equipping vehicles based on the UAZ 469.

Cooking necessary tool(knives, scraper, sharpener, hammer, awl, nippers) and determine the size of the required tire. To remove layers from the tire, we use a scraper - a fixed winch with an electric drive and a start button located at the workplace. Now we need to remove the outer bundle of wire cord. To do this work, we will cut through a window, thanks to which we will bite one of the turns with pliers, wind the wire on the pliers and pull it out. It is advisable to do these manipulations along the entire length of the wires. We cut through the entire sidewall from the cord to the tread with a distance of 7-10 cm and go deeper to the first layers of the cord.

We undermine the canine with nippers, this should be done only along its edges, and strictly clockwise, because the top layer of the cord will appear on the right side.

Graphic markings are the basis for tread formation. The pattern in such tires is determined by the functional purpose. Herringbone is one of the simplest and most common options. Having finished the drawing, we cut through its contours. The tread section must have the shape of a regular trapezoid. Having finished the work, we proceed to the peeling. The longest part in this process is preparation, but it is this that affects the speed and quality of work. It is necessary to avoid undercutting the tread canine, since the slightest mistake threatens us with irreparable consequences. After finishing the last canine, the cord layer on the right will also disappear.

It is necessary to pick up the canine with pliers and slowly, increasing the tension of the winch cable, hook the side edges. It is relatively easy to do this work, but you need to work with concentration and attention, focusing your attention on the smallest details. Otherwise, your low pressure tires will start to flake.

When selecting low-pressure tires for UAZ, one should be guided by many indicators, including environmental factors and vehicle applications. Special care should be taken when choosing an off-road tire tread.

Don't forget about the disks. They can be made using standard analogs, having previously adjusted them to the desired size and proportions. You can attach discs and cameras with belts or a fire hose.


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