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Photo 1.

TARPAN - front left view. Single-speed single-operation motor-cultivator of the middle class. Engine B & S-6.0 HP, cutter grip 3570100 cm, worm gear, automatic dry centrifugal clutch, without reverse gear, without power take-off, weight 45 kg.

Photo 2.

TARPAN (right view) has two wheels for rolling the walk-behind tractor and an opener for adjusting the depth of the cutter.

Photo 3.

The worm gear of the TARPANA gearbox is housed in a fairly robust housing. That's just for motoblocks of this class, the worm is the worst option (read more below).

Photo 4.

The TARPAN can be easily separated into two parts, the handles and wheels can also be separated. In this form, it fits compactly in the trunk of a car. A very tempting solution. But it would be better if he didn’t come apart. Why? Read about it below.

Photo 5.

This is it - the TARPAN clutch - the most weakness(read more below).

Photo 6.

Of the controls, TARPAN has only one throttle lever and a "Stop" button. A very dangerous thing! (read more below).

Photo 7.

For comparison, we present the controls of an Italian walk-behind tractor with an automatic centrifugal clutch. As you can see, on the left handle there is additionally a lever for engaging the drive on the cutter and a Stop lever. Triple security!

Photo 8.

Please note: a modern walk-behind tractor does not have a Stop button, but a Stop switch. It seems like a trifle, but safety is much higher!

Photo 9.

Close-up of the left handle of the Italian walk-behind tractor with a lever for engaging the drive on the cutter and a Stop lever. It is enough to remove your palm from the grip for the engine to stop instantly. Is it really so difficult to do, gentlemen machine builders?

TARPAN is made in Tula (Russia). And if the Kovrovsky plant, without hesitation, undertook to copy the already well-known imported model Gart-350, giving its copy the name LEADER, then the Tulkans decided to go their own way. Let's see what came of it. The main feature of the TARPANA is a relatively powerful engine for this class of cultivators (you can immediately feel the military vein of the designers). This is very popular with buyers. Thanks to the powerful engine and low revs cutters (100-120 per minute) TARPAN digs the soil well on the "shovel bayonet".
However, a motor cultivator does not need to work in extreme combat conditions, and the engine power of 3.5-5.0 hp, as shown by many years of foreign experience, is quite enough for middle class motor cultivators. It would be much better for the same money to install a semi-professional 5-horsepower engine with an increased service life (it is known that engine-building companies produce engines of 3 types: cheap amateur, more expensive semi-professional and expensive professional).
But the fact that the designers "forgot" to install reverse gear on such a rather powerful motor cultivator with a worm gear is already a serious mistake. Here we can repeat what we said about the LEADER, namely: the worm gear, due to the large gear ratio, does not have reverse... To verify this, pull the cultivator with a worm gear towards you with the clutch disengaged. The milling cutter will not turn back, it will skid and turn what you just loosened (pulling the cultivator in reverse is quite often necessary when processing heavily planted areas, i.e. where it is not always possible to turn around with the cultivator). That is why in modern cultivators there are mainly gearboxes with a chain drive (amateur series) or with cogwheels(professional equipment). Well, and if they put a worm, then necessarily with a reverse gear.
Thus, we can say that TARPAN will be convenient for those who have open gardens (no bushes, trees, fences) and want to prepare the soil for further cultivation and sowing. In this case, the absence of reverse gear will not affect the convenience of controlling the walk-behind tractor.
The next ideas of the Tula designers are the detachable "leg" of the TARPAN motor cultivator and an automatic centrifugal clutch, which allows the cultivator to be disassembled into two parts and compactly stored in the trunk of the car.
Very bold decisions for the pioneer of agricultural affairs. mechanical engineering. Abroad, they learned the consequences of such seductive decisions a long time ago and passed this stage. Before mastering the mass production of these design solutions, you should get to know this issue more deeply. As a result, the owners of TARPANs have to "get acquainted": when working with a plow, hiller, digger or when aggregating a trailer, the clutch "flies out". Russian dealers are well aware of this feature of TARPANS, but we do not know if they warn future TARPAN buyers about this?
As for the automatic clutch in TARPAN, it is unsafe, since it has a large response inertia. Let us explain this with an example. To turn on the speed (bring the cutter into rotation), you must turn the throttle lever. The revolutions will increase, and only then the cutter will begin to rotate. In the event of an emergency stop of the cutter (the chicken reached for the worm, which was thrown to the surface by the cutter, the wife decided to pick up last year's potatoes, which the cutter also dug up, a child ran up, but you never know what can happen while working with the walk-behind tractor), the operator needs to remove the gas. But the cutter will not turn off immediately, but will work for some time. What will happen during this time - only God knows. Of course, you can turn off the walk-behind tractor using the "Stop" button, but not everything is smooth here either: the operator needs to feel this button, press and hold it drowned. And in no case let go, otherwise the engine will start working again. In modern walk-behind tractors, no one installs buttons. Install switches. Turned and that's it - the engine stalled. Fast and secure.
Considering the above technical features TARPANA, we would advise to acquire it only for those, "who themselves can scythe scythe".
In conclusion, we would like to say that we have deep respect for the Tula machine builders. This city with its glorious traditions and high culture of production has excellent prerequisites for the creation of modern technology. And we are glad that the first pancake has already been baked. This means that serious novelties will follow, worthy of both the plant itself and the attention of gardeners. We have already heard that the plant has launched new models. In case these novelties "arrive" in Ukraine, we will gladly tell you about them on the pages of our website.
We wish you creative success, Tulchans, and do not be offended for critical remarks. Your technique will get better if you see them too. This is the basis of technical progress.

Note to Ukrainian buyers:

In the characteristics of the walk-behind tractor, they write the grip of a 35/70/100 cm cutter.For some reason, they are on sale with a 70 cm cutter.Thus, you cannot set the cutter width of 35 or 100 cm.

The invention relates to the field of mechanical engineering, more specifically to small-sized agricultural machinery, but can be used in other fields of technology, where a connection of rotating shafts is required. The automatic centrifugal clutch of the cultivator includes two brake pads fixed through bearings on the motor shaft, contacting with the transmission during shaft rotation and tightened together by springs fixed in holes that are located symmetrically relative to the engine shaft. The novelty is that each brake shoe is equipped with at least one additional hole with the ability to fix the springs in any of the holes, and the additional holes are located in such a way that one position of the spring is perpendicular to the line connecting the bearing and the most distant point of contact of the brake shoe. The technical result is to increase the efficiency of the clutch and the possibility of using it with different types motors and actuators. 6 ill.

The invention relates to the field of agricultural machinery, in particular small-sized, designed for processing small-contour areas by milling and other work on the automation of manual labor.

Known motor-cultivator "Tarpan-03", which has an automatic centrifugal clutch, including fixed through bearings on the motor shaft brake pads, tightened together by springs. The pads are in contact with the transmission when the shaft rotates, transmitting torque from the engine. The springs are fixed in holes located symmetrically with respect to the motor shaft. Tillage cutters are installed on the output shaft (000 "Tarpan", Motor-cultivator "Tarpan", model TMZ - MK - 03, Operation manual, 093 300 000 OM. P.4, 15).

The disadvantages of the known device is the lack of adjustment of the transmitted torque depending on the wear of the pads and the stretching of the springs; the inability to replace engines with different numbers of initial revolutions on a motor-cultivator; the impossibility of connecting attachments or implements to the clutch, for the operation of which a torque of a different magnitude is needed; a small spring resource due to the presence of an additional bending moment.

The task of the proposed technical solution is to adapt the cultivator to different types of engines and different actuators.

The task is achieved by the fact that the automatic centrifugal clutch of the motor cultivator, which includes brake pads fixed through bearings on the motor shaft, contacting with the transmission during the rotation of the shaft and tightened together by springs fixed in holes that are located symmetrically relative to the engine shaft, each brake shoe is equipped with at least at least one additional hole with the ability to fix the springs in any of the holes, and the additional holes are located in such a way that one position of the spring is perpendicular to the line connecting the bearing and the most distant point of contact of the brake shoe.

Thus, this will increase the clutch life by adjusting the transmitted torque depending on the wear of the brake pads and the stretching of the springs; apply and replace one with another engines with different numbers of initial revolutions; connect attachments to the engine for performing various agricultural operations by setting the springs of four different clutch actuation points; increase the service life due to the installation of axial loading and the elimination of the additional bending moment of the springs.

The claimed technical solution is illustrated by drawings, where figure 1 shows a motor cultivator complete with cutters; figure 2 shows a cultivator complete with a plow and propellers (arrows show the direction of movement of cutters and propellers); Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 show a section A-A in the area of ​​the centrifugal clutch - these figures show four options for installing the springs.

A motor-cultivator consists of an engine 1 (Fig. 1, 2), a transmission 2 (Fig. 3-6), on the executive shaft 3 of which soil-cultivating cutters 4 (Fig. 1) or propellers 5 (Fig. 2) are installed. Complete with propellers 5, the plow 7 is attached to the body 6 of the transmission 2. The engine 1 and the body 6 of the transmission are interconnected by cap screws 8.

The automatic centrifugal clutch of the cultivator includes brake pads, consisting of friction linings 9 and pads 10. The pads 10 can be rotated on bearings 11 installed through a leash 12 on the motor shaft 13. A gap is made between the transmission 2 and the friction linings 9. The pads 10 are pulled together by springs 14 installed in the holes 15 (Fig. 5) or in additional holes 16 located closer to the engine shaft (Fig. 3), or alternately in the main and additional holes (Figs. 4, 6). The choice of the method of installation of the springs depends on the torque transmitted by the clutch. The moments tightening the brake pads with springs 14 are different. Figures 3, 5 show different arms of application of forces relative to the bearings 11. In the variants shown in Figs. 4 and 6, the pre-tension of the springs is higher than in the variants in Figs. 3 and 5. The axes of the springs 14 shown in Fig. 4 are perpendicular the line connecting the bearing axes 11 and the contact point 17 farthest from the bearing on the friction lining 9. Instead of transmission 2, another actuator can be connected to the engine 1, for the operation of which a torque of a different magnitude is needed: a lawn mower, a trolley, a feed crusher, a water pump, etc. .d.

The device works as follows. When turned on, the engine 1 rotates the shaft 13 through the leash 12 of the brake pads. The friction pads 9 do not come into contact with the transmission, since the moment tightening the pads 10 is higher than the centrifugal force generated by the engine during rotation. If the engine has a high initial number of revolutions, then in order to prevent spontaneous engagement of the transmission, the clutch torque of the pads 10 is increased by setting the springs 14 to the position shown in Fig. 6. If the engine 1 breaks down, it can be replaced with an engine with a different initial speed, while moving the springs 14 to a different position. The operator increases the number of revolutions of the engine 1, while the torque pulling the pads 10 becomes lower than the centrifugal force from the rotation of the engine 1. The pads 10 rotate in the bearings 11 and the friction linings 9 contact the transmission 2, transmitting the torque to the tillage cutters 4 or to the propellers 5 or to another executive body. The greatest moment is transmitted by the springs 14 with the smallest moment of adhesion of the brake pads. The greatest force of the pads 10 is transmitted at the point 17 of contact of the friction lining 9, since this point is farthest from the bearing 11. After the service life is reached, the section in the region of point 17 wears out more, the stroke of the spring 14 increases and the transmitting moment decreases. In this case, the springs 14 are moved to the position shown in Fig. 3, thereby increasing the transmitting moment. If the springs are stretched during operation, the transmitting moment decreases, the springs are rearranged to the position shown in Figs. 4, 6. During operation of the springs fixed as shown in Fig. 6, their service life increases due to the elimination of an additional bending moment (spring located perpendicular to the shoulder). To install another actuator, unscrew and raise the swing bolts 8, remove the transmission 1, install another unit, lower and tighten the swing bolts 8.

Automatic centrifugal clutch of a motor-cultivator, which includes two brake pads fixed through bearings on the motor shaft, contacting with the transmission when the shaft rotates and tightened together by springs fixed in holes that are located symmetrically relative to the engine shaft, characterized in that each brake shoe is equipped with at least one additional hole with the ability to fix the springs in any of the holes, and the additional holes are located in such a way that one position of the spring is perpendicular to the line connecting the bearing and the outermost contact point of the brake shoe.

The clutch of the walk-behind tractor is important element transmission by which crankshaft The motor transmits torque to the gearbox mechanisms. With the help of this part, during gear shifting, the engine and gearbox are disconnected. It is due to the participation of the clutch that the walk-behind tractor smoothly starts from a place, and also stops without completely turning off the motor.

Clutch functions in the design of the walk-behind tractor

The clutch operation is based on the action of the friction clutch. This transmission element performs several important functions, among which it stands out:

  • Uninterrupted transmission of torque;
  • Suppression of torsional vibrations;
  • Smooth gear shifting;
  • Shockless gear connection;
  • Connecting and disconnecting a gearbox with an internal combustion engine;
  • Disconnect the transmission from the flywheel assembly.

The clutch device makes it possible to briefly disconnect the engine crankshaft and the power train of the machine. Thanks to the clutch, the vehicle starts and stops moving smoothly and without jerking.

Centrifugal clutch - design and benefits

This kind of element should be distinguished from other structures due to its reliability and durability. It is used in automatic gearboxes. Its design consists of the following elements:

  • Flywheel;
  • Pulley;
  • Hubs with locking groove and key;
  • Flange;
  • Bushings;
  • Casing;
  • Bearing;
  • Retaining ring.

One of the most important roles is played by the differential device associated with the centrifugal clutch. It helps improve vehicle agility and smoother cornering.

Together with the clutch, the differential regulates the rotation of the wheels of the walk-behind tractor at different speeds. Moreover, the power transmission mechanisms work together to act as wheel blockers. In some models of equipment, instead of a differential, a special device is installed that locks one of the wheels of the walk-behind tractor at the command of the driver.

More modern models of equipment are equipped with a friction clutch. It is mounted between the motor and the gearbox. In this design, the driven parts are closely related to primary shaft Checkpoint, and the presenters - with crankshaft motor. In most cases, both the driving and driven elements are made in the form of flat round discs, or in the form of a cone. Just like the centrifugal clutch, the friction clutch is activated by manipulating a separate handle.

How the clutch works

A clutch for a walk-behind tractor consists of several important elements:

  • Control devices;
  • Leading element;
  • Driven parts.

The driving part consists of the end face of the engine flywheel and the pressure plate. The disc rotates with the attached flywheel. At the same time, the disc can also move axially in relation to the flywheel. Between these two elements is the driven disc, which is located on the driven shaft. Spring elements in the form of cylinders are located around the perimeter of the pressure plate.
The function of the springs is based on the compression of the disc they support.

In this case, the other end of the springs contacts the casing. Thus, the springs maintain the clutch for the walk-behind tractor in a constant on state.

The control mechanism is made of release levers, connected to the body of the pressure discs by means of rods with a deflector and a pedal. Disengaging the clutch, the owner of the walk-behind tractor engages the clutch cable, which transmits force to the release levers. When the springs are compressed, the levers move the driven disc away from the pressure plate, which disengages the clutch.

The bearing reduces friction by preventing the stationary leg from touching the rotation levers. Most models of walk-behind tractors are equipped with three levers located at an angle of 120 degrees in relation to each other. Each clutch lever is returned to its original position by a spring. In this case, the layering moves to the distance required to turn off the levers. If this distance is not reached, then the clutch starts to slip.

How to make a clutch mechanism with your own hands?

The clutch on the walk-behind tractor works on the principle of increased friction of the components, so rapid wear cannot be avoided. In this case, you should try to make the mechanism yourself. The homemade clutch design will be composed of:

  • the input shaft of the gearbox and the flywheel of the Moskvich car;
  • hubs and steering knuckle from Tavria;
  • B-profile;
  • Two grooved driven pulley;
  • The crankshaft from the GAZ-69.

Subsequent work on the assembly of the mechanism is as follows:

    1. First you need to grind the crankshaft so that it does not cling to other elements of the walk-behind tractor;
    2. We put the standard hub of the walk-behind tractor on the shaft;
    3. Next, on the shaft, it is necessary to groove a place for the bearing. This operation should be performed as accurately as possible so that the bearing fits perfectly on the shaft. As a result, the hub should fit without any gaps, and the pulley should scroll;
    4. Then turn the crankshaft over and do the same on the back of it;
    5. Next, drill 6 holes in the pulley with a drill with a 5mm drill bit. The distance between them must be the same. Since 10mm bolts will be used, on the back of the wheel driving drive belt, you also need to drill holes;

  1. Next, install the pulley on the flywheel, and tighten both parts with a bolt. Then mark the drill spots on the flywheel so that they line up with the 6 holes in the pulley;
  2. Remove the pulley and drill holes in the flywheel;
  3. After that, put on the pulley again and securely tighten the structure with bolts;
  4. Grind the inner surface of the crankshaft and flywheel so that they do not hit each other.

The finished structure can be installed on a regular place in the walk-behind tractor. Do not forget to connect the cables, leading them as far as possible from the friction elements.

Today, tarpans are called not only wild wild horses that previously existed on our planet. This name was given to domestic motor-cultivators, which are intended for plowing areas up to 15 acres. They are distinguished by a reliable, powerful engine, high quality parts and excellent performance.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tarpan cultivators

The Tarpan cultivator has more than 25 years of history. The first models of the family of aggregates were not very reliable, so they wanted to abandon their production. However, over time, the bulk manufacturer introduced more advanced technologies into production, due to which the design of the models was constantly improved. Modern representatives with a Honda engine are distinguished by their high reliability. They are supplied with a practically perpetual worm-type gearbox.

The powerful motor is also able to delight buyers. In the current configurations, the Tarpan cultivator is produced with 5.5 and 6 hp engines. with.

Among the main advantages of the unit are:

  • The presence of an automatic centrifugal clutch, which allows the cultivator to be folded into 2 parts to make it easier to transport;
  • Great combination imported engine and durable domestic "iron" allows you to handle even heavy soils;
  • Good processing speed - the cultivator is capable of plowing up to 10 acres in 5 hours;
  • The unit requires minimal maintenance and adjustments, it is easy to operate;
  • The cultivator is lightweight, so it can be turned over alone;
  • Perfectly sharpened reliable cutters;
  • The vertical motor can be easily and quickly removed;
  • A wide range of attachments can be used.

In addition to all the advantages, the Tarpan motor-cultivator has some disadvantages. First, the manufacturer did not provide reverse, which is why it is very inconvenient to use the model on small and abundantly planted beds. Secondly, the thumb quickly gets tired of constantly pressing the throttle. Thirdly, the cutters quickly wind up the weeds, as they are located at right angles. Fourth, it is inconvenient to change engine oil- it is required to constantly remove the clutch and unscrew the nuts.

Features of Tarpan cultivators

Russian motor-cultivators of the Tarpan brand are optimal for farmers who own plots of no more than 15 acres. This technique has earned recognition for its reliable motor and quality assembly. Most of the models are equipped with American Briggs & Stratton engines, ranging from 5 to 6 hp. with. The main features of the units include:

  • Almost eternal worm-type gearbox;
  • High-quality transmission, which makes it possible to move at several speeds;
  • The plowing depth ranges from 16 to 25 cm;
  • The width of the band ranges from 25 to 100 cm;
  • Improved grip due to the use of more reliable spark plugs;
  • Ability to use many options attachments.

These Russian cultivators can be operated even on virgin soil. At the same time, the manufacturer promises enough high productivity- about 2 acres per hour of work.

More modern models of the Tarpan brand are equipped with improved Honda, Zongshen and Champion engines. They are less powerful, however high quality their assembly allows you to use the cultivator without worrying that it will stall from overheating.

Design features of the units

The Tarpan motor-cultivator in the old configuration is equipped with a four-stroke gasoline engine brands Briggs & Stratton Quantum, produced in America, although every year the manufacturer produces more and more models with Japanese Honda engines. The power of the American engine is 6 liters. with., and Japanese - 5.5 liters. with. Each of the engines is equipped with an air cooling system, which makes it possible to repair the carburetor much less often than in the case of other brands of cultivators. This is due to the fact that air enters not only the engine for cooling, but also into the carburetor, enriching the fuel mixture. This process has a positive effect on the longevity of the carburetor.

During operation, the worm-type gearbox transfers engine speed to the cutters, which are equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the depth of soil cultivation. In the maximum low position of the regulator, the cutters are lowered to a depth of 20 cm. The width of the covered strip during operation is from 35 to 100 cm. To move around the plot, the cultivator is equipped with two wheels.

The unit controls are located on the steering wheel, which can be adjusted in height. The handlebars are rubber coated and comfortable enough to grip. The tilt of the steering bar can be adjusted to change the tilt of the implement or turn it around.

Popular unit modifications

The most popular configurations are Tarpan TMZ-MK 03 and Tarpan TMZ-MK 04.

Motor-cultivator Tarpan TMZ-MK 03


  • Engine Builder - Gasoline 4 Stroke Briggs
  • Engine power - 6.0 hp;
  • Clutch - dry, automatic, centrifugal;
  • Reducer - single-speed, worm gear in oil bath;
  • Capture width - 350, 700, 1000 mm;
  • Overall dimensions (control handles folded) - 1300x700x1060 mm;
  • Weight - 45 kg;
  • Number of cutters included: 4 pcs.
  • Rotation direction of cutters: straight
  • Cultivation depth: 20 cm
  • Engine power: 4.45 kW / 6.05 HP
  • Engine displacement: 190 cc cm

Cultivator device Tarpan TMZ MK-03

The cultivator Tarpan TMZ MK-03 has a modular design, so it can be easily transported between the house and the summer cottage. This model with a Briggs & Stratton engine, you can almost completely disassemble, dismantle the attachments and the engine itself. The single-cylinder four-stroke engine of the unit develops a power of 6 liters. with., and its resource fluctuates within 1 thousand hours. There are also other modifications on the market equipped with Japanese motors. For example, the TMZ MK-04 model is supplied with Japanese engine Honda, developing a power of 5.5 liters. with.

The transfer of engine speed to the working element is carried out by means of worm gear... In practice, it shows itself to be much more reliable than belt and chain transmission. The design of the gearbox is located in an oil bath. Despite the high degree of reliability, the gearbox has one drawback - it allows you to move only in one forward gear.

The width of the covered strip can be adjusted depending on the type of attachments. If the unit is operating in standard equipment, then the width will be 75 cm.With an additional canopy, the width can be increased to 1 m.Cultivator Tarpan TMZ MK-03 can be used with the following equipment:

  • Lawn mower;
  • Rake;
  • Hiller;
  • Rotary cutter;
  • Plow;
  • Flat cutters;
  • Ice cleaver.

Rotary snow blowers can also be used. The range of snow throwing will be 5 m. The physical mass of the unit without additional equipment is 45 kg. Light weight and height-adjustable handle bars greatly simplify the operation of the model.

It is also worth noting another modification option - Tarpan TMZ-ML 03 Champion. It is powered by Chinese Champion engines, making it much cheaper than the previous two. Another budget option is the Tarpan TMZ-MK 03 unit, which has a Chinese Zongshen XP 200 engine.

Among other variations with a Japanese engine, it is worth noting the Tarpan TMZ-MK 07 model. It costs much more than all previous configurations, since it allows you to use a lot of oversized attachments, including a wide snow blower.

The domestic agricultural machinery market is not too rich in motor cultivators. Therefore, as soon as the Tarpan TMZ MK-03 motor-cultivator appeared on sale, it immediately attracted the attention of farmers. This model is a versatile and powerful enough unit that successfully copes with many tasks.

Fuel consumption by a motor cultivator depending on loads

Despite the not too high power of the unit and its modifications, it consumes a significant amount of fuel. In the process of plowing the soil, the model requires about 1.5 l / h. This figure may vary depending on the task being performed.

So, when processing hard soils with a plow, the cultivator consumes at least 1.8 liters / hour of work. When removing snow, it "eats" at least 2 liters. fuel. However, it is important to take into account that a certain amount of fuel is lost even when the engine is warming up.

When hilling potatoes, the cultivator requires, on average, 1.6 liters. fuel, and when working with a rake - about 1.5 l / h. work.

Attached implements for working with a cultivator

Good power and reliable parts allow the use of a wide range of attachments. According to the instruction manual, together with the cultivator you can use:

  • Weed control between rows. The distance between the rows should not be less than 30 cm;
  • Hiller - helps to make furrows, mark an area for beds, take care of potatoes;
  • Lugs - make the cultivator heavier and improve its grip on the ground;
  • Special wheels with a frame make the movement of the cultivator more convenient;
  • Plow - used for deeper soil cultivation.

By purchasing some accessories from this inventory, the owner of the cultivator will greatly facilitate planting and caring for the beds, and will save a lot of time and effort.

The Tarpan motor-cultivator is a universal small-sized unit designed for mechanization of heavy physical labor for tillage in household plots.

Motor-cultivators Tarpan are manufactured in the city of Tula at the Tulamashzavod plant.

A distinctive feature of a motor-cultivator is the ability to disassemble it into two parts and fit in the trunk of most sedans.

The MK may be transported by disconnecting the power unit 1 (see the figure below) from the executive unit 2. For this, it is necessary to release the swing bolts 3. When transporting the MK, it is necessary to lay it in such a way as to prevent oil from spilling out of the gearbox (through the hole in the filler plug), from the crankcase and residues, fuel from fuel tank.

Technical characteristics of the cultivator Tarpan MK-03 with the engine honda, briggs stratton

main parameters Meaning
Overall dimensions, mm, no more (control handles folded) length 1300 (760) width 700 height 1060 (760)
Weight, kg 45
Tillage width, mm 560
Cultivator cutter diameter, mm 320
Productivity, ha / h (with normal soil and a loosening depth of 180 mm) 0,06
Ripping depth max., Mm 200
Limiting angles of inclination during operation, degrees, longitudinal and transverse, no more 15
Engine briggs stratton honda
Model 12j802 GCV-160
Type of 4-stroke, carburetor
Working volume, cubic meters cm. 190 160
Max. power, hp, not less 5,5 5.5
Fuel tank capacity, l 1,1
Filled oil volume, l 0,6 0,55
Fuel and oil in accordance with the "Engine manual"
Fuel consumption per hour, l / h, not more 1,1
Clutch Dry automatic centrifugal
Start Manual action
Shutdown Remote Throttle Lever
Reducer Single stage worm gear
Oil for lubrication of worm gear - TAD-17I GOST 23652-79. Allowable replacement - transmission oils class SAE 90, SAE 75W / 90, categories API GL-4, GL-5
Oil volume in the gearbox, l 0,35
Sound level at the operator's workplace, no more dBA 81
Correction level of vibration velocity on the control handle, no more than dB 118
Number of speeds 1 forward

MK "Tarpan" is equipped with a Briggs & Stratton engine, model 12j802, or a Honda engine, model GCV-160.

- 4-stroke, carburetor:

- working volume: Briggs & Stratton - 190 cm3; Honda - 160 cm3

- maximum power not less than 5.5 hp.

What fuel and oil to pour into the Tarpan cultivator can be found in the user manual for the engine or from the table given in the instructions.

Honda GCV-160 engine user manual download

Briggs stratton 12j802 engine- user manual + download parts catalog (useful when ordering spare parts).

Producer of Tarpan cultivators - LLC "Tarpan", Tula, official website -

Motor-cultivator Tarpan - instruction manual download

Tillage operations are carried out using the MK working body - a rotary cultivator. When rotating, the cultivator's cutters cut off the layers of soil, crush and mix them, while simultaneously causing the forward movement of the MK forward.

The advantage of a rotary cultivator in comparison with a plow is the better loosening of the soil, crushing and incorporation of weeds, as well as uniform mixing of organic and mineral fertilizers with the soil throughout the entire working depth.

MK "Tarpan" consists of the following main parts (Fig. 1);

  • power unit including an engine, a docking device, a centrifugal clutch, steering
  • an executive unit that includes a worm gear, a left rotary cultivator, a right rotary cultivator, a depth adjuster, a bracket, a protective cover.

To expand the functional capabilities of the cultivator, additional attachments and accessories have been developed and supplied separately, with the help of which the MK can perform hilling, cutting furrows, weeding row spacings and other types of work.

Cultivator Tarpan - attachments

Lawn mower Designed for cutting lawns and lawns to a predetermined height. It is installed instead of the executive unit and is connected to the power unit.
The Struna mower with a working width of 0.6 m is designed for mowing grass and weeds both in open areas and in hard-to-reach places near trees, curbs, fences. With a cutting head rotation frequency of 3800 to 4600 rpm. the grass is easily trimmed and thrown to the side. Instead of knives, the mower uses a polypropylene bristle string. Easily disassembled into a power unit and a working body, the mower is freely transported in the trunk of a car. Mower "String"
The hiller is used with MK "Tarpan-03, 04" and with MB "Tarpan-07" consists of a frame and dumps adjustable by means of a strip with holes. It is used for hilling vegetable crops, cutting ridges and furrows, filling furrows. The hiller must be used in combination with weeders that create the required pulling force.
Weeders are used with MK "Tarpan-03, 04" and with MB "Tarpan-07"; they consist of lugs and knives fixed on the hub, designed for weeding row spacings and loosening the soil. The minimum width of the weeded strip is 350 mm. Weeders are installed on the output shaft of the MK gearbox instead of rotary cultivators.
When rotating, the cultivator's cutters cut off the layers of soil, crush and mix them, while simultaneously causing the forward movement of the MK forward.
Grousers 260x80 used with MK "Tarpan-03, 04"
Transport frame with wheels is used with MK "Tarpan-03, 04"
The protective disk is used with MK "Tarpan-03, 04" and with MB "Tarpan-07"
The "Crow's Feet" cutter is used with MK "Tarpan-03, 04"
Connecting sleeves

Design and operation

The principle of operation of the MK: from the engine through the gearbox, the MK shaft is driven into rotation, on which the tillage cutters of the rotary cultivator are installed. Rotary cutters loosen the top layer of the soil and at the same time move the MK forward. The design of the MK makes it possible to quickly separate the power unit 1 from the executive unit 2. For this, it is necessary to release the swing bolts 3.

The power unit (Fig. 2) includes a unit with a 4-stroke engine 1, a docking device 2, a clutch 3 and a steering 4

ENGINE. Engine design - see "Engine manual".

STEERING CONTROL allows you to adjust the position of the handles in the vertical and horizontal planes, which makes it possible, with the steering wheel turned horizontally, to process the beds without trampling the soil. For ease of transportation (size reduction), the steering wheel must be turned towards the engine.

Knot remote control engine (Fig. 7) allows you to change the engine speed using the control lever 2 and stop the engine by pressing the lever down to the stop.

The centrifugal clutch (Fig. 4) transfers the engine torque to the gearbox when the engine reaches the required speed.
The clutch provides the MK with a shock-free start.

ATTENTION! To avoid damage to clutch parts, do not start the engine while the power unit is not connected to a gearbox or other working unit.

The reducer (Fig. 5) is a single-stage worm gear with an oil bath. There are lugs with holes on the gearbox housing, which serve for the installation of a transport device and other attachments.

Rotary cultivator (fig. 6)

Cultivators 1, 2 - left and right - are installed on the gearbox shaft and fastened with axles with clamps.


- Get behind the wheel and grasp the handles firmly;

- Slowly press the engine speed governor control lever, smoothly increase the engine speed;

- after the engine has reached the required speed, the centrifugal clutch is automatically triggered, the gearbox shaft starts to rotate, and the MK starts to move. The depth of tillage with the rotary cultivator cutters is determined by the position of the depth regulator, which can be changed by rearranging it in the bracket along the holes in the regulator.

The cutters are buried in the ground by pressing the steering. In this case, the depth adjuster is deepened into the ground, and the forward speed is reduced. The deeper the regulator goes into the ground, the less speed displacement MK and more depth of processing. If the MK does not move forward, and the cutters are buried in the ground, lift it behind the steering wheel.

If the MK leads to the side of the treated area, the working MK should be shifted in the opposite direction. MK turns must be done by tilting it to the right or left. ATTENTION! Observe the distance between the machine provided by the length of the handlebar.

When cornering, do not pull the MK towards you, but, on the contrary, push it away. When working on loose (loose) soil, make sure that the cutters do not go all the way into the soil, overloading the engine.

On heavy sites, cultivate in several stages, in layers, each time increasing the depth of cultivation, thereby ensuring good crushing of lumps of soil and its uniform structure. Before treating areas with high vegetation, vegetation must be mowed and removed.

When processing areas with plant residues, they are wound onto the cutters of the MK rotary cultivator.

Clean the cutters periodically. To reduce the winding of plant residues on cutters, you can use saber-shaped knives used on MK "Krot", "Salyut". In the process of MK operation, the knives of rotary cultivators become dull, which worsens their penetration into the soil, reduces the depth of processing per pass, and reduces productivity. Sharpen the knives as needed.

Maintenance of the Tarpan cultivator

Hourly and calendar services must be respected, whichever occurs first. In case of severe operating conditions of the MK, it is necessary to carry out maintenance more often.

Perform engine maintenance in accordance with the “Engine Operation Manual”.

Types and frequency of maintenance

After the first 5 hours of operation - change the oil in the gearbox.

Every 5 hours or daily - cleaning and wiping the MK.

Checking the tightness of the joints of engine parts for oil and fuel leaks. Fastening control. Checking the oil level in the gearbox.

Every 25 hours. or every season - checking and cleaning the clutch.

Every 100 hours or every year - change the oil in the gearbox, lubricate the control rod and control unit.

Cultivator Tarpan


Power block - bottom view

View assembled with handles folded

Type of cultivator without engine


Motor-cultivators Tarpan - models, their characteristics, video

Tula Machine-Building Plant produced Tarpan cultivators in 1991. The first models were equipped with domestic low-power engines, so they did not arouse much interest among farmers. In 1997, cars with American four-stroke engines appeared on the market. The demand for equipment began to increase, the owners were able to appreciate it.

Tarpan cultivators are operated on an area of ​​up to 15 acres. A well thought-out design and good technical performance have made them competitive.

Advantages of the Tarpan technique

Tarpan machines have been on the market for about 25 years. Positive reviews the owners confirm that the units have numerous positive characteristics:

  • It can be disassembled into two parts. This makes transportation much easier;
  • A high-quality engine and robust elements combine well, ensuring the ability to work even on heavy soils;
  • High speed of plowing a land plot - about 2 acres per hour;
  • Motor in vertical position can be easily removed;
  • The ability to use various attachments;
  • The minimum number of settings. The unit is easy to operate. No need for regular maintenance;
  • Light weight and compactness. The motor-cultivator easily turns in any direction. The assembled unit takes up a minimum of space. Disassembled fits even in the trunk of a passenger car.

There are certain design flaws:

  • The cutters are located at right angles, therefore they quickly clog;
  • Lack of reverse speed;
  • Before changing the engine oil, the clutch is removed and the fasteners are unscrewed.

Specificity of Tarpan motor cultivators

All systems and assemblies of motor-cultivators are well thought-out, therefore reliable and durable. The manufacturer sought to create a universal technique for solving various agricultural tasks.

Features of Tarpan technique:

  • Almost all units with a Briggs & Stratton engine, the power of which is 5 - 6 liters. with.;
  • One or two speed transmission;
  • Air cooling protects the power plant from overheating and reduces the number of breakdowns;
  • Improved grip with reliable spark plugs;
  • Worm gear. It is more reliable than a belt or chain drive. The mechanism works with it for a long time without replacing this element;
  • Plowing is carried out at a depth of 16 - 25 centimeters;
  • Surface coverage 25 - 100 centimeters;
  • Two pneumatic wheels for easy transportation;
  • The handles are height adjustable to suit the operator's height;
  • Handles with rubber pads are comfortable, the angle of inclination of the steering rod is adjustable;
  • Replacement of spare parts in case of malfunction. They can be purchased from a specialist store at an affordable price.

Engines for motor-cultivators Tarpan, four-stroke, single-cylinder:

  • Champion... American motor with a capacity of 5.5 liters. with. The efficiency of 0.06 hectares / hour is ensured;
  • Briggs & Stratton. Power in the range of 5.5-6 liters. with., productivity reaches 0.06 hectares / hour;
  • Honda... The engine is considered the most reliable. Power up to 5.5 liters. with.

Excellent parameters make the equipment durable and maintainable.

The TMZ-MK 03 model is in great demand. Thanks to the modular design, the equipment can be stored in a summer cottage and transported in the trunk of a car. Not only canopies are removed, but also the power plant.

Feature overview:

  • Engine displacement - 190 cm3;
  • Number of cutters - four pieces;
  • Capture width - 35, 70, 100 centimeters;
  • Unit weight - 45 kilograms.

Tarpan TMZ-MK 03 is supplemented with various attachments:

  • Plow;
  • Rake
  • Hiller;
  • Lawn mower;
  • Rotary cutter.

Working with attachments is easier due to the compact size and handles that are adjustable to the operator.

The proposed video will allow you to get acquainted with the structural characteristics and the specifics of the operation of the unit.

Motor-cultivator Tarpan TMZ-MK 04

The gasoline cultivator Tarpan loosens normal and heavy clay soils, introduces fertilizers, removes weeds. The machine has a high traction force and good cross-country ability thanks to the installed power plant from an American manufacturer.

A worm gearbox and an automatic centrifugal clutch allow the unit to be operated regardless of conditions.

Technical specifications:

  • Four-stroke gasoline engine with a capacity of 6 liters. with.;
  • Engine displacement - 190 cm3;
  • Gearbox - 1 forward speed;
  • The number of cutters (crow's feet) - four pieces;
  • Plowing width - 56 centimeters;
  • Cultivation depth - 20 centimeters;
  • Weight - 43 kilograms.

Tarpan electric cultivators are also worth attention. They are powered by a 220W electric power plant. Email the Tarpan cultivator has a slightly lower power than the gasoline model. But the parameters of soil processing and design features are no different.

When operating the equipment, it is important to study the operating instructions. Relying on it, service and maintenance of the unit is carried out.


Cultivator Tarpan - model range and technical parameters

Cultivator Tarpan

LLC "Tarpan" - a subsidiary of the production association "Tulamashzavod", designs, produces and sells mini agricultural machinery for various purposes.

Cultivators "Tarpan" are affordable, well-assembled, equipped with reliable power plants supplied by companies from the USA, Japan and China.

The principle of operation and description of the Tarpan motor-cultivator

The torque from the gas engine through the clutch mechanism and the worm gear is transmitted to the shaft of the working cutters, which rotate, loosen the soil layer and move the unit along the strip.

The product belongs to the middle class of cultivators, it processes any soil density, including heavy ones, on plots up to 20 acres.

Sufficient power power plant, the possibility of processing a working strip up to 1 m wide, a set of additional attachments make the device a productive and multifunctional assistant to the owner of the land plot.

For convenient transportation, the machine can be quickly divided into blocks:

  1. Energy, which includes:
    • engine;
    • clutch mechanism;
    • docking station;
    • steering.
  2. Executive, consisting of:
    • worm gear;
    • right and left rotary cultivators (working cutters);
    • loosening depth regulator;
    • mounting bracket;
    • protective casing.

Most models use four-stroke vertical crankshaft petrol engines from B&S or Honda. Units with the Chinese Champion engine are offered for a lower cost.

The clutch device is assembled according to the friction scheme, automatic type. The mechanism smoothly engages to transmit torque with an increase in the number of revolutions of the engine shaft.

The lineup

Four modifications of Tarpan cultivators enter the market of garden machinery:

  • TMZ-MK-03 and TMZ-MK-04 are middle class devices, differ in the gear ratio of the worm gear;
  • TMZ-MK-031 - light class cultivator for working on developed areas;
  • TMZ-KE-07-2,2 is a machine with an electric asynchronous motor powered from a stationary network.

Depending on the manufacturer of the power plant, the product names after the digital index include the designation: B&S, Honda, Champion.

Electric cultivator Tarpan TMZ-KE-07-2,2

Technical specifications

Parameter Unit rev. Index
Cultivator TMZ-MK
03 031 04 CE 07-2.2 electric
Loosening depth m 0,2 0,14 0,2 -/-
Cultivating band width: m 0,70,351 0,5 0,70,351 0,35-0,7
- cutters
- pololniki
- cutters and weeders
Production ha / hour 0,06 0,01 0,08 0,05
Milling cutters installed on diameter PCS. mm 2 × 2320 -/-240 -/-320 -/—/-
Weight of the machine prepared for work kg. 45 28 47 45
Power lc. 6,0 3,5 6,5 2.2 kW
Fuel Gasoline A-92 electrical network 220V, 50Hz
Clutch unit dry design, automatic centrifugal mechanism
Reduction gear one step, worm type

Operating instructions - / - * - the value corresponds to the parameter of the previous cell on the left

During the first 12 hours of operation, the cultivator runs in. Avoid excessive loads on the actuators and the power unit.

  1. Starting and stopping the motor:
    • set the fuel supply regulator to the “Idle” position;
    • press the cold start button 3 times;
    • take out the slack on the kick starter cord and pull it out to its full length with a sharp movement;
    • continue the actions until the engine starts;
    • to stop the engine, the fuel control lever is moved to the extreme left position.
  2. Tillage:
    • hold the cultivator by the steering handles;
    • add engine speed, the automatic clutch mechanism will work, the cutters begin to rotate loosening the soil and moving the unit.
  3. Crop depth and width:
    • determined by rearranging the opener on a multi-hole bracket;
    • the deepening of the working cutters is done by pressing the steering handles, the deeper the executive body is, the slower the cultivator moves;
    • turns are carried out by tilting the unit to the left or right, the reverse of the movement is not provided for by the design;
    • the width of the working band is regulated by shifting and adding the number of working cutters.


To expand the number of operations in which the Tarpan cultivator can be used, the manufacturer offers to additionally purchase attachments:

  1. Hiller for processing vegetable crops, cutting, filling furrows and ridges. Installed instead of the depth regulator (opener).
  2. A set of pololniks used with a hiller. The device consists of lugs and knives fixed on an axle. Loosens and plows the soil between rows. Installed instead of working cutters.
  3. Protective discs to avoid damage to plants when processing row spacings. Installed on the hubs of cutters or weeders.
  4. The lawn mower is installed in place of the executive unit.

Accessories sold separately include: a transport device for moving the unit around the site; universal connecting bracket, shaft extension sleeves for installing a third pair of cutters.

Attachments of the Tarpan cultivator

Possible malfunctions and repairs on your own

Malfunctions, damages and failures Cause of occurrence Your actions
1 Engine won't start the speed controller is not tuned; no fuel is supplied; the operation of the ignition system is disrupted check the position of the carburetor flap; no fuel, press the suction button 3 times, clean the filter and carburetor; check the gap and clean the plug, replace the plug
2 Overheating of the engine air filter clogged; cylinder jacket dirty clean or replace the filter element; clean the cylinder jacket
3 The engine does not develop revs clogged air filter clean or replace the filter element
4 The output shaft of the cutters does not rotate low speed; faulty clutch increase the number of revolutions; wipe dry the drum and friction pads of the clutch
5 The shaft of the working cutters rotates when idle engine faulty clutch replace stretched or broken friction pad springs
6 Oil leaks along the gearbox shaft damaged shaft seals replace the cuffs.

Find the right one spare part, 70 representative offices of Tarpan LLC operating in all federal districts of Russia will help the owner of the cultivator to perform service maintenance and repair of equipment.



Motor-cultivator Tarpan - pros and cons, model overview

Today, tarpans are called not only wild wild horses that previously existed on our planet. This name was given to domestic motor-cultivators, which are intended for plowing areas up to 15 acres. They are distinguished by a reliable, powerful engine, high quality parts and excellent performance.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tarpan cultivators

The Tarpan cultivator has more than 25 years of history. The first models of the family of aggregates were not very reliable, so they wanted to abandon their production.

However, over time, the bulk manufacturer introduced more advanced technologies into production, due to which the design of the models was constantly improved.

Modern representatives with a Honda engine are distinguished by their high reliability. They are supplied with a practically perpetual worm-type gearbox.

The powerful motor is also able to delight buyers. In the current configurations, the Tarpan cultivator is produced with 5.5 and 6 hp engines. with.

Among the main advantages of the unit are:

  • The presence of an automatic centrifugal clutch, which allows the cultivator to be folded into 2 parts to make it easier to transport;
  • An excellent combination of an imported engine and durable domestic "iron" allows you to handle even heavy soils;
  • Good processing speed - the cultivator is capable of plowing up to 10 acres in 5 hours;
  • The unit requires minimal maintenance and adjustments, it is easy to operate;
  • The cultivator is lightweight, so it can be turned over alone;
  • Perfectly sharpened reliable cutters;
  • The vertical motor can be easily and quickly removed;
  • A wide range of attachments can be used.

In addition to all the advantages, the Tarpan motor-cultivator has some disadvantages. Firstly, the manufacturer did not provide for a reverse gear, which is why it is very inconvenient to use the model on small and abundantly planted beds.

Secondly, the thumb quickly gets tired of constantly pressing the throttle. Thirdly, the cutters quickly wind up the weeds, as they are located at right angles.

Fourthly, it is inconvenient to change the engine oil - you need to constantly remove the clutch and unscrew the nuts.

Features of Tarpan cultivators

Russian motor-cultivators of the Tarpan brand are optimal for farmers who own plots of no more than 15 acres. This technique has earned recognition for its reliable motor and quality assembly. Most of the models are equipped with American Briggs & Stratton engines, ranging from 5 to 6 hp. with. The main features of the units include:

  • Almost eternal worm-type gearbox;
  • High-quality transmission, which makes it possible to move at several speeds;
  • The plowing depth ranges from 16 to 25 cm;
  • The width of the band ranges from 25 to 100 cm;
  • Improved grip due to the use of more reliable spark plugs;
  • The ability to use many options for attachments.

These Russian cultivators can be operated even on virgin soil. At the same time, the manufacturer promises a fairly high performance - about 2 acres per hour of work.

More modern models of the Tarpan brand are equipped with improved Honda, Zongshen and Champion engines. They are less powerful, but their high build quality allows you to use the cultivator without worrying that it will stall from overheating.

Design features of the units

The Tarpan motor cultivator in the old configuration is equipped with a four-stroke gasoline engine of the Briggs & Stratton Quantum brand, produced in America, although every year the manufacturer produces more and more models with Japanese Honda engines. The power of the American engine is 6 liters. with., and Japanese - 5.5 liters. with.

Each of the engines is equipped with an air cooling system, which makes it possible to repair the carburetor much less often than in the case of other brands of cultivators. This is due to the fact that air enters not only the engine for cooling, but also into the carburetor, enriching the fuel mixture.

This process has a positive effect on the longevity of the carburetor.

During operation, the worm-type gearbox transfers engine speed to the cutters, which are equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the depth of soil cultivation. In the maximum low position of the regulator, the cutters are lowered to a depth of 20 cm. The width of the covered strip during operation is from 35 to 100 cm. To move around the plot, the cultivator is equipped with two wheels.

The unit controls are located on the steering wheel, which can be adjusted in height. The handlebars are rubber coated and comfortable enough to grip. The tilt of the steering bar can be adjusted to change the tilt of the implement or turn it around.

Popular unit modifications

The most popular configurations are Tarpan TMZ-MK 03 and Tarpan TMZ-MK 04.

Motor-cultivator Tarpan TMZ-MK 03


  • Engine Builder - Gasoline 4 Stroke Briggs
  • Engine power - 6.0 hp;
  • Clutch - dry, automatic, centrifugal;
  • Reducer - single-speed, worm gear in oil bath;
  • Capture width - 350, 700, 1000 mm;
  • Overall dimensions (control handles folded) - 1300x700x1060 mm;
  • Weight - 45 kg;
  • Number of cutters included: 4 pcs.
  • Rotation direction of cutters: straight
  • Cultivation depth: 20 cm
  • Engine power: 4.45 kW / 6.05 HP
  • Engine displacement: 190 cc cm

Cultivator device Tarpan TMZ MK-03

The cultivator Tarpan TMZ MK-03 has a modular design, so it can be easily transported between the house and the summer cottage. This model with a Briggs & Stratton engine can be almost completely disassembled, the attachments and the motor itself can be dismantled.

The single-cylinder four-stroke engine of the unit develops a power of 6 liters. with., and its resource fluctuates within 1 thousand hours. There are also other modifications on the market equipped with Japanese motors.

For example, the TMZ MK-04 model is supplied with a Japanese Honda engine, which develops a power of 5.5 liters. with.

The transmission of engine speed to the working element is carried out by means of a worm gear. In practice, it shows itself to be much more reliable than belt and chain transmission. The design of the gearbox is located in an oil bath. Despite the high degree of reliability, the gearbox has one drawback - it allows you to move only in one forward gear.

The width of the covered strip can be adjusted depending on the type of attachments. If the unit works as standard, the width will be 75 cm.With an additional canopy, the width can be increased up to 1 m.Cultivator Tarpan TMZ MK-03 can be used with the following inventory:

  • Lawn mower;
  • Rake;
  • Hiller;
  • Rotary cutter;
  • Plow;
  • Flat cutters;
  • Ice cleaver.

Rotary snow blowers can also be used. The range of snow throwing will be 5 m. The physical mass of the unit without additional equipment is 45 kg. Light weight and height-adjustable handle bars greatly simplify the operation of the model.

It is also worth noting another modification option - Tarpan TMZ-ML 03 Champion. It is powered by Chinese Champion engines, making it much cheaper than the previous two. Another budget option is the Tarpan TMZ-MK 03 unit, which has a Chinese Zongshen XP 200 engine.

Among other variations with a Japanese engine, it is worth noting the Tarpan TMZ-MK 07 model. It costs much more than all previous configurations, since it allows you to use a lot of oversized attachments, including a wide snow blower.

The domestic agricultural machinery market is not too rich in motor cultivators. Therefore, as soon as the Tarpan TMZ MK-03 motor-cultivator appeared on sale, it immediately attracted the attention of farmers. This model is a versatile and powerful enough unit that successfully copes with many tasks.

Fuel consumption by a motor cultivator depending on loads

Despite the not too high power of the unit and its modifications, it consumes a significant amount of fuel. In the process of plowing the soil, the model requires about 1.5 l / h. This figure may vary depending on the task being performed.

So, when processing hard soils with a plow, the cultivator consumes at least 1.8 liters / hour of work. When removing snow, it "eats" at least 2 liters. fuel. However, it is important to take into account that a certain amount of fuel is lost even when the engine is warming up.

When hilling potatoes, the cultivator requires, on average, 1.6 liters. fuel, and when working with a rake - about 1.5 l / h. work.

Attached implements for working with a cultivator

Good power and reliable parts allow the use of a wide range of attachments. According to the instruction manual, together with the cultivator you can use:

  • Weed control between rows. The distance between the rows should not be less than 30 cm;
  • Hiller - helps to make furrows, mark an area for beds, take care of potatoes;
  • Lugs - make the cultivator heavier and improve its grip on the ground;
  • Special wheels with a frame make the movement of the cultivator more convenient;
  • Plow - used for deeper soil cultivation.

By purchasing some accessories from this inventory, the owner of the cultivator will greatly facilitate planting and caring for the beds, and will save a lot of time and effort.


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