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Many drivers find it very difficult to drive a car with a manual transmission. The opposite is the opinion of professional drivers who will never sit down for an automatic transmission. We will give you some tips to learn how to drive a car with a manual transmission.

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    How do I change gears?

    You need to understand the principle of the transmission. Movement with crankshaft the engine is transmitted through a number of devices, which include the gearbox. With the help of the gears located in it, the engine can work optimally. When you depress the clutch, you are rearranging the gears for a different ride mode. For training such a switch, an un-started car is best suited. You should hone your shifting to automaticity. Remember to release the clutch smoothly, otherwise the car will jerk or even stall.

    How to drive?

    Once behind the wheel, you will want to drive away. First, you should check if the speed is in neutral, start the car, depress the clutch and shift into first gear. If you want to go back, then turn on reverse gear... In order to give the engine revs, release the clutch slowly and start pressing on the gas. When you start driving, the engine speed will drop and the car may stop. Whatever happens, hold the gas pedal, and when the engine speed increases, release the clutch. At the same time, try to do everything clearly and quickly, otherwise you may impair the operation of the clutch mechanism.

    Switching on the go

    Shift gears according to vehicle speed and engine rpm. So, the 1st speed works up to 20 km per hour, the 2nd from 20 to 40, the 3rd from 40 to 60, the 4th from 60, and the 5th from 90 and more. In order to shift gear on the move, you must simultaneously release the accelerator pedal and press the clutch. While the car is coasting, you switch gears, then smoothly release the clutch and add revs. Depending on the characteristics of the transmission and engine, the optimum shift point is different for each vehicle. You can also make braking easier. To do this, release the gas, and after the revs drop, squeeze the clutch and shift to a lower gear.


    Until you get used to the mechanics, it is best to park at the slowest speed while holding the clutch. If something happens, you can squeeze out the clutch and apply the brake, preventing the impact. If you need to stop quickly, you can even apply the brake without the clutch, in which case the car will simply stall.

    Hand brake

    If you drive down a hill, the car with the "mechanics" may roll back. In such cases, you should use a "handbrake", or handbrake. If you stop on an uphill, you should squeeze the handbrake and go into neutral. When you need to start moving, squeeze the clutch, shift into first gear, then smoothly release the clutch and slowly step on the gas, when you feel that the clutch discs will connect, remove the handbrake.

    Have a nice trip! We hope we helped you.

    Video lessons

Choosing a car for themselves, future drivers are faced with a choice: which car brand, color, body type to choose, as well as with a manual transmission, or with an automatic transmission.

Everything will depend on personal preferences and material capabilities. After all, cars with manual transmission will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than an automatic one. But not everyone knows how to properly drive a mechanic.

What is the skill of driving a car with a manual transmission for?

Some driving schools provide services such as learning to drive exclusively on automatic cars. This means that the corresponding rights will be issued. That is, then it will not be possible to get behind the wheel of a manual transmission without obtaining a new certificate.

There are different situations in life, and sometimes there is an urgent need to drive a car with a manual transmission. Having received a license that allows you to do this, you can always change to a machine. On the contrary, it will not work.

Buying a car on a mechanic is a more profitable purchase. In addition to the lower price of cars, their operation will also be more economical. As a rule, their fuel consumption is lower, and the repair of some parts will also be less expensive.

In a situation where the battery is discharged, you can get out of the situation. For example, transfer wires from another car to recharge. Or the car can start from the so-called pusher. These options are not suitable if vehicle with automatic transmission.

Only by using a manual transmission, you can feel complete control over the car. When many manipulations are performed automatically, this does not happen.

Basics of Riding Mechanics

Before you learn how to learn how to drive mechanics, it is advisable to understand what you generally have to deal with:

  1. Pedals. When driving a vehicle, three pedals are used: gas (extreme right), brake (in the center), clutch (located on the left). Unlike automatic transmission, both legs are used here. If the driver behind the wheel of a mechanic is a beginner, at first, it will be unusual to do so.
  2. Checkpoint. By shifting the gears in the transmission, gears are shifted. On many vehicles, this selector is equipped with prompts that make it easier to figure out which gear is selected.
  3. Tachometer. Located on the instrument panel, and allows you to determine how many revolutions per minute the engine crankshaft makes. With it, beginners control when to switch to the next gear.

Dealing with manual transmission gears

Mechanics differ from an automatic machine in that it requires constant driver control, that is, independent gear shifting. Basically, vehicles have 4 or 5 speeds, and in addition to them the rear one. To understand the location of each, you need to know their purpose.

Gearbox: instruction for beginners

  • Each time the movement begins with depressing the clutch pedal, so it becomes possible to change to a different speed. It is permissible to enter the required gear when the clutch is fully depressed.
  • When neutral is selected, when squeezing the gas, the car will not move. When the selector is in this position, it is possible to select the desired speed, including reverse.
  • The second gear is considered to be the working gear. It is convenient to move on it on slopes, as well as to drive in traffic jams. The first one is usually used to start the track, then, accelerating, they switch to the second. After gaining even greater speed and revs, you can go to the third.
  • It is more difficult for inexperienced drivers to learn how to drive mechanics in reverse gear. Using it, acceleration is faster than the first one, but still, it is very dangerous to drive a car in this way.

Before leaving the city by car, you need to be well aware of where which gear is located. Theory is good, but in this case, practical skills are required. Indeed, while driving, it is impossible to be distracted and look at the selector, choosing the desired gear, since it is unsafe. At first, you can train on a car, in an idle state, bring the gears to automaticity.

Start of movement


  1. Before turning the key in the ignition lock, you must fully depress the clutch pedal with your left foot, and press the brake with your right foot, and only then start the engine. The engine is running, the clutch is depressed, the first gear can be engaged (before that, the selector is in neutral). To prevent the car from stalling, you must not let go of your left foot from the pedal. When the machine is working, with the brake, the foot moves to the gas pedal and at the same time it is necessary to begin to remove the foot from the clutch, only smoothly.
  2. To perform the transition to the next speed, it is necessary that the tachometer needle equates to 3000 rpm. Switching too early can cause the car to stall.

How the transition is done:

  • The right foot is removed from the gas, and the clutch is fully squeezed out with the left, and at this time the selector is transferred to the required position,
  • The clutch must be released, and the gas pedal must be pressed,
  • Further, only the right leg is involved in the control, until the transition to the next speed or stop.

More experienced drivers usually ignore the tachometer readings, but rather rely on the sound of the engine.

If the car does not accelerate and the revs are too low, then it is necessary to switch to a lower speed. And if the rpm is too high, then the next speed must be turned on so as not to overload the engine.

Stopping and parking

To drown out vehicles, you can use two options:

  1. Switching to lower gears, after which it is necessary to depress the brake pedal.
  2. Apply the clutch and move the selector to neutral, then remove your foot from the clutch and apply the brake, if necessary.

To make the gearbox wear less, it is better to use the second method, and do not forget, in addition to the brake, to squeeze the clutch.

When parking your car, you should always use the handbrake, especially if the surface is sloping. It is also always worth remembering the position of the wheels while stationary. They need to be turned in such a way that in the event of a sudden movement, the car does not end up on the roadway.

The car is the most popular means of transportation in modern life. However, driving modern cars requires certain skills that are acquired during driving courses (how to get under way on a "mechanic", for example). Experienced expert teachers will guide you in the wisdom of taming the steel horse.

Automatic transmission - it's simple

Given the current trends in the global automotive industry, all more cars that come to our market are equipped with an automatic transmission. Such technical device greatly simplifies the entire process - from learning to driving.

The driver does not need to master complex combinations of shifting levers and pedals, as is the case with a manual transmission. He can fully focus on more important aspects of learning: the situation on the road, reading traffic signs, etc. Therefore, a fairly large percentage of modern consumers buy a car with an automatic transmission, so as not to learn how to drive "mechanics".

Automatic box is not cheap

But here you need to take into account several financially unpleasant nuances. Firstly, the initial cost of such a car is significantly higher compared to the exact same, but equipped with a manual transmission. Moreover, the level of comfort of such a car can differ only in this moment. Secondly, the fact that your car has automatic box will significantly affect the fuel consumption figures. And no matter how convinced you are in the dealership in the opposite, referring to modern fuel systems, all the same, you will visit gas stations much more often than owners of similar cars on "mechanics".

Therefore, if you want to save on the initial price that you have to pay at a car dealership and not incur additional fuel costs during operation, it is better to opt for a car with a manual transmission. Moreover, it is not so difficult to understand how to quickly get under way on the "mechanics".

"Mechanics" to be afraid - do not drive

Many are frightened by the possible difficulty of driving such a car. Let's try to consider and dispel the main fears associated with "mechanics".

The most difficult process associated with mastering mechanical box, lies in the moment of the beginning of the movement. "How to learn to get under way on mechanics?" - future drivers think in a panic, and choose a car with an "automatic".

It is really quite difficult for beginners to learn how to control their arms and legs at the same time. Namely, these movements are needed to start moving. Do not forget about the road situation, it also needs to be monitored by simultaneously pressing the pedals and switching the gear selector.

Step one: remember the grip

So how do you learn to get under way on the "mechanics"? Let's start by starting the engine. It is imperative to ensure that the shift knob is in neutral before turning on the ignition. To do this, depress the leftmost pedal, which is called the clutch, until it stops. After that, with your right hand, move the wings to a neutral state.

Never try to "neutralize" with an unpressed clutch. This can seriously damage the transmission. Your left foot should almost always be ready to step on that pedal. This is the essence of manual transmission control.

Step two: put the gear on

You have started the engine and are now ready to start driving. The combination you do next is pretty simple. The left foot squeezes the clutch pedal all the way, while with your right hand you engage first gear.

It is advisable that at this moment your left hand controls the steering wheel of your car. So, you've put in first gear. Recall that the switching circuit, as a rule, is located on the shift lever. To learn how to get under way on the "mechanics", it is good to practice engaging gears without the engine running, bringing this action to automatism.

Step three: release the clutch, start accelerating

The gear is engaged, the left foot has released the clutch. The next step is to gradually depress the clutch pedal. With a slow and smooth stroke of the depressed pedal, the car starts to move slowly. At this moment you get the answer to the question of how to move smoothly on the "mechanics".

It all depends on the setting of the clutch mechanism of a particular car. Typically, the clutch "picks up" at the very beginning or in the middle of the pedal travel.

When the car starts moving, you must start pressing the gas pedal with your right foot. It is precisely to start - this is not an accidental slip of the tongue. Unlike the clutch and brake pedals, the accelerator pedal is quite sensitive, and pressing it hard can cause the engine to stall. Therefore, with the right foot, it is necessary to gradually increase the engine speed, and with the left foot, depress the clutch pedal more and more.

Under no circumstances should the clutch pedal be abruptly dropped when starting to move. This can also lead to unplanned engine shutdown or unpleasant jerks. It is these jerks that, as a rule, cause concern among beginners who do not know how to properly get under way on the "mechanics".

The coordinated work of both feet when pressing the accelerator and clutch pedals is the key to smooth movement from a standstill. Hands after switching the gearbox selector should be on the steering wheel, and attention should be focused on the frontal view or mirrors.

How to stop?

When you master how to properly get under way on the "mechanics", remember braking. In this case, the clutch and brake pedals are engaged. In order to stop the car, it must be removed from the current gear. This is achieved by depressing the clutch pedal and moving the gearbox selector to neutral with the right hand. Then you should press the brake pedal. If there is a need for emergency braking, it can be done by simultaneously pressing the clutch and brake pedals.

Before getting behind the wheel of any car, you need to study the rules road traffic as well as technical and functional characteristics vehicle, general device car, etc.

At the same time, although the car can be equipped or, in practice, the novice motorist does not always choose the gearbox with which the training car will be equipped. In this article, we will talk about how to learn how to properly drive a car mechanically from scratch.

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Learning to drive a car with a manual transmission

After the driver's seat has been prepared (the driver's seat is set, side mirrors and a rear-view mirror), you can begin to familiarize yourself with the pedal assembly.

The mechanic car is equipped with three pedals:, brake and accelerator (gas). The clutch pedal is on the left, the brake pedal is in the middle, and the accelerator pedal is on the right.

  • The clutch pedal is designed to transmit torque and smooth gear changes. Moreover, it is possible to change gears only when the clutch pedal is depressed.

    The driver presses the clutch pedal with a quick press, releases it smoothly, taking into account the free travel of the clutch until the clutch disc contacts the engine flywheel and the vehicle begins to move. After the car has started, it is necessary to meteredly press the accelerator pedal and remove your foot from the clutch pedal.

  • The brake pedal is depressed with the right foot and serves to brake the vehicle. The force of pressing the brake pedal, first of all, depends on the speed of movement and road conditions... The lower the speed, the less effort.
  • Accelerator pedal. By means of the accelerator pedal, the driver changes the amount of fuel mixture entering, thereby increasing or decreasing the speed of rotation of the crankshaft.

Accordingly, the vehicle speed changes. The more the driver presses on the accelerator pedal, the more the fuel mixture enters the engine cylinders, and the power indicators of the internal combustion engine increase.

A novice driver should remember that when driving a car equipped with a manual transmission, the right foot is transferred from the gas pedal to the brake pedal and vice versa, and the left foot works only with the clutch pedal. An exception is the use of sports handling techniques where braking can be performed by a professional with the left foot.

  • The gear shift lever is designed to change the gears of the manual transmission when the car is moving. Each step of the manual transmission corresponds to a certain speed limit. When increasing speed mode the driver needs to include an overdrive, and when the speed decreases, accordingly, engage a downshift.

How to drive a car mechanic: step by step instructions

  • We take the correct position behind the wheel of the car, check the position of the lever (must be transferred to neutral).
  • We turn the key in the ignition and start the car engine.
  • Next, we press the brake with our right foot, squeeze the clutch pedal with our left foot and engage the first gear.
  • Then release the brake, move your right foot to the accelerator, and at the same time smoothly release the clutch pedal.
  • After the car starts to move slightly, we dose the traction with the accelerator pedal until the moment the car starts moving confidently.
  • After the car starts moving, we completely remove our foot from the clutch pedal and continue to press the accelerator pedal for the next acceleration of the car.
  • When the required speed limit, recommended for the car's movement in first gear, is reached, release the gas, squeeze the clutch again and engage the second gear. In this case, the clutch can already be released a little more sharply than when starting at the first.
  • At the right choice the required gear, the box will switch without jerks and jerks.
  • first gear 0-20 kilometers per hour;
  • second gear 20-40 kilometers per hour ;
  • third gear 40-60 kilometers per hour;
  • fourth gear 60-90 kilometers per hour;
  • fifth gear 90-110 kilometers per hour;
  • sixth gear over 110 kilometers per hour.

Driving a car with a manual transmission: braking

When braking or braking smoothly, the driver must move his right foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal, seeking to reduce the vehicle speed to the required level.

After that, if there is no need for a complete stop of the car, the driver must depress the clutch, engage the gear corresponding to the given speed limit and continue driving.

In the event of emergency braking, the driver must remove his foot from the accelerator pedal, transfer it to the brake pedal and apply the brake until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. If the situation allows, simultaneously with the brake, the clutch pedal is depressed, and the gear lever is shifted to neutral.

How to drive a car mechanically while reversing

First of all, you need to make sure on the rear-view mirrors that there are no obstacles behind the car. Turning our head, we make sure that there are no obstacles to the movement of the car reverse in the "blind spots" (these are the "blind" areas behind and to the side of the car, which are not visible in the rear-view mirrors.)

Next, we squeeze the clutch pedal, turn on the reverse speed and podgazovaya, smoothly release the clutch pedal (similar to the first gear). It is important to remember that the reverse gear is the most "high-torque", and you can only turn on the reverse gear after the car has come to a complete stop.

When the car starts moving in reverse, the clutch pedal should not be completely released immediately, and it is also necessary to very carefully and smoothly dose the thrust with the accelerator pedal in order to prevent a sharp jerk of the car and loss of vehicle control.

When reversing, you should not make sharp turns of the steering wheel or turn the steering wheel jerkily, as this can also lead to loss of control over the vehicle and accidents.

After reversing the required section of the road, you need to remove your foot from the accelerator pedal, depress the clutch and press the brake pedal, completely stopping the vehicle. Simultaneously with the brake pedal, after pressing the clutch pedal, the manual transmission lever is shifted to neutral.

  • If it is necessary to park the car, then we make sure that this vehicle does not create obstacles to the movement of other vehicles. Also, parking must be carried out in compliance with traffic rules.

After stopping the vehicle, hold down the brake and clutch pedal, check the position of the manual transmission lever (the lever must be in the neutral position), tighten the handbrake, remove the left foot from the clutch pedal, release the brake and turn off the engine.

Read also

Correct gear shifting on a car with a manual transmission: when to engage a particular gear on a manual transmission, working with the clutch pedal, mistakes.

  • Driving a car with automatic transmission: rules for beginners. Automatic transmission modes, how to set up the driver's seat and start driving on the machine. Councils, recommendations.
  • Rights to the "machine": features and differences. Driving on automatic transmission and manual transmission, receiving driving license with the right to drive a vehicle with an automatic transmission.
  • Currently, more and more vehicles are produced with automatic transmissions, but the manual transmission has its advantages, which include complete merging with the machine and understanding of its operation, improved cross-country ability in difficult conditions. Next, we will take a closer look at all the subtleties of working and driving a car with a manual transmission.

    Features of a manual transmission

    A manual gearbox is a type of transmission in which gear shifting and torque transmission is carried out manually by the driver by choosing a gear, according to the assessment of the current conditions and the characteristics of further actions.

    More simple language the purpose of the manual transmission is to regulate the speed range and select its direction.

    The number of steps in manual transmission ranges from four to seven, in addition to neutral and rear.

    A feature of transport with manual transmission is the presence of a clutch pedal, in addition to brake and gas, which are available in all types of transport. The step change is carried out with the clutch pedal depressed.

    Advantages of transport with manual transmission:

    • inexpensive repairs and easy maintenance;
    • high reliability;
    • a sufficient range of driving options;
    • the ability to tow vehicles to any length of the route;
    • starting the car from the "pusher";
    • improved cross-country ability in difficult conditions;
    • increased dynamics and efficiency.

    The disadvantages of the manual transmission include:

    • the difficulty of changing gears for a novice driver;
    • inconvenience and increased fatigue when driving in traffic jams due to constant gear shifting and clutch release;
    • the risk of breakdowns of the manual transmission and the clutch basket increases with illiterate gear shifting and working with the clutch;
    • reduced engine resource when moving at sufficiently low or high speeds.

    Purpose of gears and pedals in a car with manual transmission

    The most widespread are 5-6 speed manual transmissions. The lever for selecting the steps serves to ensure the interaction of the motor with the manual transmission.

    Purpose of pedals in a car with manual transmission

    To avoid confusion and addiction in all modes of transport with manual transmission, the position of the pedals is identical.

    There are 3 pedals in front of the driver's feet:

    • Clutch pedal- extreme left. Its function is to transfer torque from the motor to the wheels. Always pressed when switching steps. It is necessary to squeeze to the floor, to the end, and release it evenly and smoothly. The pressed clutch pedal is equivalent to the neutral stage - it breaks the connection between the motor and the wheels.
    • The brake pedal is located in the middle, its function is to brake the vehicle when pressed by pressing the pads against the discs and drums of the braking system.
    • Accelerator pedal (gas)- extreme right. Regulates the flow of the fuel mixture by opening (pressing the pedal) or closing (decreasing the pressure) throttle... The pressure on the pedal leads to an increased amount of fuel mixture and, as a consequence, an increase in the speed limit. Releasing the "gas" or reducing the pressure - there is a drop in engine speed and speed.

    Place your feet on the pedals as shown in the illustration below.

    Assigning gears

    Each step must be used for movement with certain parameters. Despite the differences in power between the machines, dynamic characteristics and other parameters - exist general principles the choice of steps and the conditions required for this.

    When switching to any stage, the motor speed should be in the range of 2500-3000 rpm. - with a quiet, even ride and 3500-4500 rpm. - when accelerating or driving in a more dynamic manner.

    Gears and their characteristics with a calm manner of movement (for example, a five-speed manual transmission):

    • Reverse gear ®. The rear one is used to carry out some maneuvers when moving backwards - parking and leaving it, maneuvering when avoiding obstacles and other situations. Driving is carried out with the clutch pedal not fully depressed for driving safety.
    • Neutral transmission. The gearbox handle is in a free position in the middle, checked by swinging the handle to the right and left. Unhindered swinging of the handle indicates that a neutral stage has been selected, which breaks the connection between the motor and the wheels - idle.
    • First gear (1). It is used to start the movement (forward). The maximum speed range when traveling is 50-70 km / h, but it is preferable to switch to the next one at 15-25 km / h.
    • Second gear. A suitable speed range is 20-50 km / h, it is advisable to switch to the next one at 40-50 km / h. One of the most important and frequently used steps, especially when traveling in the city and difficult conditions (off-road, steep slopes).
    • Third gear. A suitable range is 40-70 km / h. The transition to the 4th stage takes place at 60-80 km / h.
    • Fourth gear. Designed for movement at a speed interval of 60-90 km / h. It is used when driving on roads with easy traffic (in the city or on the highway).
    • Fifth speed. It is used for uniform movement on a highway or highway with a stable speed over 90 km / h. The transition to the 5th stage is recommended at 90-100 km / h. A suitable engine operating mode and reduced fuel consumption are possible at 90-110 km / h.

    Attention! The more power a vehicle has, the higher the speed the steps should be increased.

    Reference. In cars with diesel engines the rev range is significantly lower than that of gasoline. This is due to the peculiarity of the motor and the achievement of the maximum torque (and therefore more power) for more low revs, therefore diesel engines are more high-torque and powerful.

    Speed ​​arrangements

    1) The back stage is parallel to the first. In the absence of special protection for selecting the rear stage (a button on the handle or pressing on it), a novice driver can confuse the rear with the first one when choosing and start moving in the wrong direction, which can provoke an accident.

    2) Finding the rear step opposite the fifth, which protects against starting in the wrong direction.

    Driving vehicles with manual transmission has many of its own nuances, having mastered which the driver will fully control the car under any conditions and will not be afraid of driving in difficult conditions.

    How to get under way

    For a beginner, the most difficult thing when driving a car equipped with a manual transmission is to start driving.

    In order to start off a flat surface, you should:

    • press the clutch pedal all the way;
    • move the handle to the first speed;
    • start to smoothly reduce the pressure on the clutch pedal, at the moment of a slight drop in revolutions by 100-200 rpm, and push (grasping point) to increase the engine speed to 1300-1800 rpm. by gently pressing the gas pedal;
    • continue to gently release the clutch by adjusting the engine speed with the accelerator pedal.

    When starting from an incline, a novice driver should put the vehicle on the handbrake to avoid rolling away. When pushing the car, the handbrake must be squeezed out and gently increased the pressure on the gas pedal.

    Incorrect clutch release (throwing) is characterized by:

    • jerking the car, jerking;
    • often the vehicle stalls after a few jerks.

    Throwing the clutch is fraught with increased wear on the manual transmission, clutch and engine.

    At intersections and in some situations, this can lead to an accident:

    • the drivers behind them expect that the vehicle in front will go and not stall, and may crash into the rear bumper;
    • a stalled car in the middle of the road at an intersection may be hit on the side when driving through an unregulated intersection with difficult traffic or when entering a ring in heavy traffic.

    Correct gear shifting to high and low

    Correct switching of steps is considered to be one in which the engine speed does not fall below the recommended interval (2000-3000 rpm).

    With the required increase in revolutions (2500-3500) during acceleration, it is necessary to quickly shift the handle to an overdrive, with gentle pressing on the accelerator pedal after the clutch is fully released. When changing the gear slowly, the engine speed will drop, which will lead to difficulty gaining speed or inability to pick it up.

    Advice! Due to the fact that at first the change of gears for acceleration in a beginner will not be fast enough, it is recommended to increase the speed to 3000-3500 rpm before increasing the gear, when moving uphill to 4000 rpm. Otherwise, the vehicle may stop picking up speed.

    To go to a lower level, you need:

    • release the gas pedal;
    • when choosing a lower stage to reduce speed - gently apply the brake and reduce the speed to the interval of the previous, lower gear;
    • squeeze the clutch;
    • choose a lower step;
    • release the clutch smoothly;
    • to maintain or gain speed (with accelerated acceleration), add gas at the very end of the clutch pedal travel;

    How to brake and brake on a manual transmission

    Braking the car with mechanical transmission has its own characteristics. The braking speed must not fall below the idle speed.

    Basic rules when braking a car with a manual transmission on a straight line:

    • the accelerator pedal is released;
    • the brake is squeezed out until the speed is close to the idle speed;
    • the clutch is squeezed out;
    • at high speed, a lower stage is selected for smooth braking and the process is repeated;
    • at low speed, the gearshift lever moves to neutral position and stops by further pressing the brake.

    In emergency braking, only the brake is released, the engine will assist in braking by reducing the speed.

    The braking system is equipped vacuum booster brakes to make it easier to press the pedal. The amplifier works only when the engine is running and with greater efficiency at higher rpm than idling.

    If the car stalls at the neutral stage or when the clutch is depressed, the brake pedal will practically not be squeezed out and the braking distance will grow several times, up to braking on the car in front.

    Braking, i.e. the reduction in speed while continuing to move is carried out by releasing the accelerator pedal and pressing the brake with control over the speed, which must remain above idle speed.

    With a slight decrease in speed, when the rpm remains noticeably above idle, you can continue driving at the same stage or, if necessary, lower it.

    For a significant reduction in speed when applying the brake and reaching revs close to idle, a lower stage is selected and switching to it occurs without the participation of the accelerator pedal.

    A strong drop in revolutions, below the idle speed, can adversely affect the further operation of the machine, bringing repairs closer.

    How to brake with the engine and handbrake

    The principle of engine braking is to lower the stage when the speed is close to idle. You can lower the steps from any higher to any lower, except for the first and the rear. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the speed to the range of the desired stage and switch over.

    The hand brake is designed to hold the vehicle in a standing position.

    Handbrake braking at high speed in most cases leads to locking of the rear wheels, skidding and a complete loss of control over the car. There are many known deaths during braking. hand brake at considerable speed.

    If the brakes fail and in some other situations, it may be necessary to resort to braking with a handbrake.

    To avoid dangerous consequences when using the handbrake on a moving car, you must:

    • carefully, not until the last clicks, slow down with the handbrake, avoiding blocking the rear wheels;
    • emergency braking is possible only when driving on a straight, non-slip road and with the front wheels positioned strictly for straight ahead, avoiding any steering movements.

    If possible, you should avoid braking with a handbrake at high speed, it is preferable to brake by lowering the steps up to the second.

    What not to do with manual transmission

    Mechanical box - reliable view transmission, but its improper operation can significantly reduce the service life and lead to significant damage.

    What not to do at the manual transmission:

    • engage reverse gear until the car comes to a complete stop (manual transmission breakdown);
    • squeeze the clutch with the exception of the moments required to switch gears (increased wear occurs release bearing and clutch);
    • keep your foot on the clutch pedal while driving (leads to increased clutch wear);
    • select a high gear (3,4,5) with insufficient speed and low revs (increased load on the engine and gearbox);
    • squeeze the clutch when stopping for more than 40 seconds, select neutral (increased clutch wear);
    • switch steps without squeezing the clutch (manual transmission breakdown);
    • constantly keep your hand on the gearshift lever (increased wear of various gearbox mechanisms);
    • incomplete clutch release when switching steps;
    • tossing the clutch.

    Subject to certain rules and thoughtful driving, the experience of driving a car with a manual transmission will come quickly, despite the seeming complexity of such a transmission.

    The main advantage of a car with a manual transmission is complete control over it, which is realized only with the kilometers driven.


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