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One of the most important parts gasoline engine- this is a distributor, the official name is an ignition interrupter-distributor.

Thanks to the distributor, electrical impulses are supplied to each candle separately. As a result, the discharge and the corresponding ignition of the fuel mixture are produced in each piston chamber. The nature of the work until now is not much different from the first prototypes.

The type of device, its dimensions, dimensions, "fit" in the engine compartment may change, but the task will not change, to distribute the discharges among the cylinders. Keep in mind that there is much more than one cylinder in a car, which is why a distribution mechanism is required that evenly divides the charge into "compartments".

Remember the main thing, the functioning of some internal combustion engines of a gasoline or gas cycle is impossible without a distributor. V modern cars try to get rid of them, they don't seem to be reliable. Change to individual (ignition modules), attached to the candle separately or in pairs. As already understood, they are designed in modules, where there are from two to four coils. Having got rid of the distributor, the current began to be supplied directly from the ECU through transistor keys, which alternately transmitted 12 V to the coils. From the last moment the impulses “went away” to the candlestick. In this case, the controllers control the coils. The ECU, thanks to various sensors, receives and analyzes information on the engine, and already on the basis of this sends the required signal to the module. Equipped with such ignition modules, modern models from manufacturers Mercedes, BMW, Skoda, Citroen, Peugeot, Honda, Subaru and others.

Ignition system. At number 2 - just the same distributor

The exception is diesel units As you know, a spark is not required for ignition. Ignited, occurs due to the compression of air and diesel. Such a principle of operation for "gasoline" is not appropriate, because in the case of compression of the latter, a banal explosion will occur.


There are two variants of the valve, contact and non-contact. The device of both is basically identical, with the exception of a couple of nuances. Initially, we will analyze contact system... It is important to understand the configuration of only the main components:

1. The housing where the shaft is inserted, it is also the drive of the device.

2. The drive, often called a rotor, is due to the existing gear, which is in engagement with the camshaft (aka the intermediate shaft, which corrects the speed) or directly with the camshaft. Everything depends on the design and modification of the motor.

3. Coil with winding.


4. Breaker, with a group of terminals and a pair of couplings or Hall sensor, depending on the specification.

5. The slider is a dielectric that is attached to the shaft and rotates with it. A discharge is transmitted to it, which, through the contact (bunny) on the lid, "goes" to the high-voltage wires.

6. In old cars (VAZ, Moskvich, Volga, some foreign cars), there is an octane corrector, which allows you to adjust the speed of the shaft revolutions, depending on which octane number is used.

In addition, in addition to the listed elements, there is also a voltage regulator. It protects the contacts from excess current, since a part of this charge is taken by the capacitor.

How this system works, probably, many will want to know. So, at that moment when the driver turns the key, the circuit is closed and the voltage is sent to the starter. That, in turn, thanks to the bendix (a kind of gear), engages with the flywheel crown, which is why the crankshaft rotations are transmitted to the distributor. Further, a short circuit occurs in the windings and a low-voltage current is formed, after which the terminals are opened, and a high-voltage current arises on the secondary circuit, which flows to the cover, through the contact, and then, accordingly, the voltage is transmitted to the "armor". Such work and type of device are inherent in models from VAZ, Moskvich, some old foreign cars BMW, Fiat.

But, do not forget about the more modern versions of the distributor, with a contactless ignition system, paired with a pulse regulator, instead of a breaker. Not infrequently, the owners of domestic cars VAZ 2110, 2107, Gazelles installed contactless distributors. There are three types in total, but only the Hall sensor is widely used in the automotive industry.

It includes a magnet, semiconductor wafers with chips, as well as special gate systems that allow the magnetic field to pass through.

Hall sensor, completely replaces the breaker, which was used in the first versions of the unit. In a pair to the regulator, such a device as a commutator necessarily goes, that is, it performs the tasks of breaking the circuits in the coil.

In general, the principle of operation is completely similar. The rotating crankshaft acts on the distributor with a regulator, the latter generates pulses and transmits them to the commutator. And the switch already creates a voltage in the coil itself. Further, the voltage is received by the distributor, which directs it along the armor wires. Such devices are typical for models from Skoda, BMW (previous years), Toyota and others, and modern models from VAZ are also equipped with this type of ignition.

Distributor malfunctions

There are more than enough problem areas for such a part, given its complex work in the car system. Any detail can fail. So:

Cover problems. Malfunctions can be associated with damage to the cover, such as mechanical, for example, a crack or the formation of oxide on the contacts.

It is not uncommon for a "bunny" to break, the only solution for this is to buy a new cover.

Oxidized parts will have to be cleaned with an alcohol solution and dried. Often times, the problem is due to excess moisture in that area, so make sure there is no moisture in there.

Most frequent problem distributors, the slider is considered. The fuse resistor may blow.

Capacitor. If it is faulty, an increased current is supplied to the candles.

Another malfunction that rarely occurs, more often after serious mechanical damage. It consists in changing the plane of rotation of the shaft, its deflection or jamming. The solution is only to replace the whole part.

The wear of the case itself, a malfunction, as such, is rare, because, as in the previous case, the cause is mechanical damage to the unit. The solution is a complete replacement.

How to check if it works?

You need to check the performance of a node in several ways, some of them directly indicate problems with one or another part. For example, if you have doubts about the correct operation of a capacitor, it is quite simple to check it.

We disconnect it and touch the mass, if a crack is heard, then the part is in good order. If no crackling or other noises are observed, a replacement is required.

It is more difficult to check the condition of the internal parts, especially the old modification. Some signs may indicate malfunctions or complete wear of some parts. For example, power loss, loss of XX ( idling), the appearance of jerks, may indicate problems with couplings, bushings, contacts on the breaker.

Check the contact group, the gaps between them, the condition of the insulation of the wires, the condition of the terminals. Do not forget about checking the slider, because in fact, it is he who transfers current to the wires. The verification is rather complicated. You need:

Remove the slider, a small wire and strip it from both sides.

Wrap the slider plate with one of the ends, fasten the other to the mass.

If a spark appears, then the unit is operational, if not, replacement will be required, because the resistor, which serves to connect the two plates of the slider, has failed.

In other cases, the check may consist in a visual inspection, for example, burnout of the cover, damage to the case, and the like, are perfectly diagnosed externally, without the need for a detailed disassembly of the assembly.

Installation of ignition with two circuits, which is supplied with one or two hall sensors, for example for any modern car with a new type of tumblr. The main thing is to have at hand and use two switches to solve this issue. Although, let's say the option when the driver has only one switch operating on a two-channel basis. In this case, dual-circuit ignition is installed on the classics without problems.

There are several ways to put dual-circuit ignition. Photo:

The advantages of dual-circuit ignition

This ignition option has several components:

  1. Trambler.
  2. Coil.
  3. Switch.

There are additional parts, without which the correct system cannot be created:

  • Good wiring to match the new ignition.
  • Various types of mounts.
  • Spark plugs with appropriate specifications.

Such a system has its sides, both negative and positive.


  1. Increase in the maximum frequency of the HF ICE.
  2. Lack of a resonant circuit.
  3. Increasing the voltage across the spark plugs up to 22 kV.
  4. Improved sparking.
  5. No centrifugal voltage distributor.
  6. Increasing the speed.

    Such advantages will be received by everyone who decides to install dual-circuit ignition on a VAZ.

Installing dual-circuit ignition

This image will help you set the TDC. Photo:

  • The first step is to set the TDC. This figure must be at least 4 cylinders. It can be easily seen by the position of the special slider. When this is done, the crankshaft ratchet rotates to the mark on the pulley.
  • Old candles and tumblr coils are completely dismantled. The main thing is to remember the color of the wires that connect to the devices, as well as the order of work.
  • After that, proceed to laying new wiring.
  • The new high voltage coil is installed first.
  • Then comes the tumblr. It should stand exactly the same as the old one. Between different models slight differences in this indicator. Only the height of the cylinder block can be different in certain systems. Depending on this, a suitable length is selected, which the drive shaft must have.
  • The next step is to mount the switch. The engine compartment shield is the ideal place to mount this attachment.
  • Candles are screwed in separately. Put on wires that support high voltage.
  • Wiring is connected.

On the features of dual-circuit ignition

Typically this type is installed on engines that are operated and sold with carburetors. Thanks to this, it is possible to minimize the disadvantages that the corresponding types of motor have.

It is considered that the transition from 1-circuit ignition to 2-circuit ignition is considered a serious progress. In modern conditions, the first version of the archaic system has long been outdated.

The changes can be felt immediately after the system has been installed. But does it make sense to install a new option? To answer this question, you need to understand everything a little deeper.

How a two-circuit system with one hall sensor works - find out in this video:

Some switches have built-in devices and systems that track peak times. And watch the device when the energy is no longer effective. The transition mode appears in the switch automatically so that the coils do not get too hot. For example, in normal operation, about 10 amps are output. When the work is limited, the result is reduced by about half.

The device is in this position until a special signal is given. There are other rules that are no less important.

  1. The energy storage time is determined by the amount of current flowing through the coil.
  2. Voltage itself has no time value of its own. It depends on the voltage at which the on-board system operates.

For example, when the engine is running, onboard network produces an average voltage of 14 volts.

In an average coil, the maximum voltage builds up in about three milliseconds. Photo:

Everything happens at the moment when the circuit is closed and the coil is fully charged. The time has come to send the signal for sparking. We get the following results after calculations from standard mathematics:

  • With an internal combustion engine speed of 1000 units, there are 33 spark leaps per second.
  • 30 milliseconds in this situation is the time interval from the formation of one spark to another.
  • It takes three milliseconds for the coil to charge. And there is only one spark for the combustion process.
  • We get a total cycle of 4 milliseconds. That makes it possible to quickly supply additional charges to the coil.

Coils feel best when the RPM level is maintained up to 6 thousand units. In this case, the device is triggered approximately 200 times per second. This means the cycle is up to 5 milliseconds. There is enough time for the device to quickly ignite and continue to operate as efficiently as possible.

But difficulties can be encountered when operating at 7500 rpm and more.

Proven ignition circuits

The main thing during work is to check with standard diagrams. Or with the option that the user himself chose in one case or another. Only after completing a full check can you proceed to starting the engine. It is necessary to make sure that the position and operation of the parts are fully consistent with the diagram.

For greater clarity, you can use this diagram. Photo:

Most of the work in this direction is related to the components of the electrical network. This means that without a minimum of information in this area, it is generally better not to start the process.

And another version of the 2-circuit ignition scheme.


Someone supports dual-circuit systems, and someone evaluates them very critically. This system can work as a middle ground between other devices on the market. For the most part, it is used to improve an existing motor. And as an alternative to engines that run on injectors. Over time, it is the double-circuit devices that become more and more reliable and of high quality. With an increased compression ratio, they will also be a good option, capable of providing high efficiency in all conditions.


Without going into detailed reasoning "why is this necessary?" I want to note a number of negative aspects of the distributor's operation, as the main element of an ignition system of this type. This is primarily:
- instability of work;
- general unreliability associated with the presence of moving parts, the presence of a spark distributor with contacts (subject to electrical erosion and burning);
- the fundamental (inherent in the design) inability to correctly regulate the UOZ depending on the engine speed (this regulation is carried out by means of a centrifugal regulator, which is not able to change the UOZ according to the ideal characteristic). As well as a number of other disadvantages.
The microprocessor system, in addition to eliminating these shortcomings, is able to perceive and regulate the UOZ additionally based on two additional parameters that the distributor cannot perceive, namely: measuring the temperature and accounting for the UOZ depending on it and the presence of a knock sensor capable of preventing this harmful phenomenon.

So, what do we need to implement this system on the motor. And we need the following:

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

From left to right: (Fig. 1) crankshaft damper (pulley) UMZ 4213, 2 ignition coils ZMZ 406, coolant temperature sensor (DTOZH), knock sensor (DD), absolute pressure sensor (MAP), synchronization sensor (DS), harness wires ZMZ 4063 (for the carburetor version), (Fig. 2) Mikas brand controller 7.1 243.3763 ​​000-01

Everything is assembled according to the following scheme:

Rice. 3

1 - Mikas 7.1 (5.4); 2 - absolute pressure sensor (MAP); 3 - coolant temperature sensor (DTOZH); 4 - knock sensor (DD); 5 - synchronization sensor (DS) or DPKV (position KV); 6 - EPHH valve (optional); 7 - diagnostics block; 8 - terminal to the cab (not used); 9 - ignition coils (left - for 1, 4 cylinders, right - for 2, 3); 10 - spark plugs.

Pin assignment on Mikas. Top-down, see figure 3:
30 - common "-" sensors;
47 - power supply of the pressure sensor;
50 - pressure sensor "+";
45 - input, coolant temperature sensor "+";
11 - input signal from the knock sensor "+";
49 - frequency sensor (DPKV) "+";
48 - frequency sensor (DPKV) "-";
19 - general power (ground);
46 - EPHH management (not used in my case);
13 - L - diagnostic line (L-Line);
55 - K - diagnostic line (K-Line);
18 - battery terminal + 12V;
27 - ignition lock (short circuit contact);
3 - to the malfunction lamp;
38 - to the tachometer;
20 - ignition coil 2, 3 (since the DPKV is planned to be located on the other side than in the standard version, this contact will go to the short circuit 1, 4);
1 - ignition coil 1, 4 (for 2, 3);
2, 14, 24 - mass.

Without alterations, only the KV damper is installed at all, it is completely interchangeable with the old one.

Rice. 4

There is nowhere to screw DTOZH into the 417th motor, but it should be located on a small circle of coolant circulation. The standard location of the temperature sensor is most suitable for these purposes. However, the seat of this sensor is larger than the DTOZH of the new system, so an adapter had to be made from some kind of plumbing part, like an adapter, the outer thread of which coincided with the thread in the pump, into which the temperature sensor is screwed. On the inner surface of the adapter, I had to make a thread myself. As a result, the sensor snapped into place quite tightly; there was no leak when the engine was running. For now, the old temperature sensor had to be moved to the place of the emergency temperature sensor on the radiator. Here is the location of the DTOZH:

Rice. 5

The knock sensor also did not get up so easily. Although it was possible to buy a special nut from UMZ 4213, which was located on the cylinder head mounting stud. However, I quite accidentally found a protrusion on the cylinder block with a threaded hole (for which it is not known). However, the bolt that can be screwed there turned out to be about 1 mm thicker than the hole in the DD. This hole had to be drilled out. Now the DD is in a better place than the state intended: on the block of cylinders between the 3rd and 4th cylinders.

Rice. 6

(DD in the center of the photo)

To install DPKV, it is necessary to make a corner of suitable material(I have aluminum) and fix the sensor on it ...

Rice. 7, 8

Then, hang the entire structure on the pin of the PB gear cover fixing:

Rice. 9, 10

The distance from the sensor to the pulley teeth should be within 0.5-1 mm. The sensor must be located on the 20th tooth after the KV that are missing in the direction of rotation in the TDC position of 3, 4 cylinders (in the state of the DPKV it is located, focusing on the TDC 1, 4 cylinders, but since the sensor itself is located 180 ° from the standard place location, it is necessary to take this into account and orient it to TDC of 3, 4 cylinders, i.e. to rotate KV by 180 °). Because in the standard, the compression ratio of UMP 417 is within 7, then for the use of high-octane gasoline, the optimal ignition advance was experimentally determined by 20 ° more than the standard one, so I placed the sensor on the 24th approximately tooth of the KV pulley (for standard fuel it is desirable to set the DPKV on 20th tooth after missing). In any case, it is necessary to check the correct location of the sensor locally by finding the TDC first of the 1st, 4th, and then 2nd, 3rd cylinders. It is possible to install the cover of the RV gears from UMP 4213 (they say it should fit) with a standard mount for DPKV.

To fix the ignition coils, you can find a valve cover from UMZ 4213 (I did not find it) or make the mount yourself. For this, 4 pieces of long M6 bolts with a length of 100 mm, washers-nuts and two plates with holes were purchased.

Rice. 11, 12

To prevent the coil from jumping out from under the plates, the edges were bent.

Rice. 13, 14, 15

The coils can be placed directly on the valve cover. Because the donor is a loaf, then there is little space upward under the hood, so it was decided to place the coils directly on the lid, pressing them with bolts with plates. Holes, just in case, need to be drilled in the places between the rocker arms to prevent the rocker from touching the bolt head on the inside of the cover.

Rice. 16

The coils are pressed by plates with curved edges directly to the valve cover, such a fastening is quite reliable and the coil popping out from under the plate is excluded. For secure fastening, it is better to wrap the lock nut as well so that the bolts do not fall down onto the cylinder head.

Rice. 17, 18, 19, 20

Placement of the short circuit under the hood and fitting of the explosive wires, which, by the way, remained standard. For the 1st, 4th cylinders, it is convenient to use the short circuit located behind, because the wire of the 4th cylinder is short, and the 1st is long enough, the short circuit for the 2nd, 3rd cylinders can be positioned more freely, the length of the wires is sufficient.

Rice. 21

The wiring was also modernized: firstly, the wire going to the DD was lengthened ...

Rice. 22

The wire has a shielding braid, it must be extended and made to the full length of the extended wire,

secondly, the ECU power supply scheme was changed: in the state, the computer power was turned off along with the short circuit power supply, I made the ECU power supply constant. To do this, you need to disassemble the wiring, remove excess wires, in the diagram in Fig. 3 disconnect the black wire from block 8 from valve 6 and solder both to the wire going to terminal 18 of the ECU, disconnect the ECU power wire from the pigtail and connect it to the permanent positive of the battery (I connected directly to the battery terminal, since it is closest to computer). To do this, you need to disassemble the block connected to the controller and change the circuit:

Rice. 23, 24, 25

I took the short circuit power from the resistor of the standard coil, connecting it to the + terminal (bypassing the resistor), soldering the "eyelet":

Rice. 26

The location of the controller is a matter of taste. In loaves, it seems to me that the location behind the driver's seat, above the battery, will be optimal:

Rice. 27

To route the cable under the hood, a hole was drilled in the plate covering the engine compartment (in loaves):

Rice. 28

The wires, without additional lengthening, could not be neatly positioned, so part turned out to be longer, part shorter, so everything is in sight, neat people can get confused, I don't care ...

Rice. 29

I also fixed the MAP directly on the wiring, the sensor is not heavy, so it will not go anywhere, the same hose is connected to it that goes from the carburetor to the vacuum regulator of the distributor.

In the picture below, you can see a new hood loop, the old ones had to be cut off, because one of them touched the ignition coil.

The distributor is a device responsible for sparking at the moment when needed. This component is an indispensable component of a modern internal combustion engine, because thanks to the distributor, the combustible mixture is ignited when the auto-engine piston occupies the highest point.

Purpose of the device

Note. As you know, in a modern car engine there are more than one cylinder. For this reason, the spark is formed at different times, and the distributor is designed to clearly and competently control everything.

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It is impossible to imagine the functioning of a gasoline internal combustion engine without a distributor. Be it domestic car old model or modern, German foreign car or Japanese SUV, the presence of a distributor distributor in the ignition system is mandatory.

In general, the ignition system of a car is the most important aorta of a gas engine. Good nutrition is out of the question. ICE operation depending on the combustion of the combustible mixture. The engine of a modern type receives energy from this.

The ignition system generates voltage during operation, which is supplied in turn to the spark plugs. On the latter, a spark sufficient to ignite the fuel is formed.

However, without the distributor, the processes presented earlier would be nothing more than theory. Only the distributor makes sparking and ignition a reality.

These are the direct responsibilities assigned to such a detail as a distributor.

  1. Responsible for sparking. The distributor in this case opens the contacts.
  2. It accumulates energy, which at the right time can be released for the operation of the engine. Energy is stored in a bobbin.
  3. Forms tension on a specific candle.
  4. Capable of transforming sparking. This format depends on the driving characteristics. Much depends, of course, on the type and quality of fuel.

Obviously, the distributor has many useful functions. Without high-quality and efficient operation of the distributor, it is impossible to imagine the trouble-free operation of the engine.

It is interesting, however, in different vehicles, the basis of the operation of the device may differ. For example, if we take the domestic VAZ car as an example, then here the distributor is directly connected to the crankshaft. Their relationship is carried out with the help of pistons, which are at the highest point of their trajectory.

At this very moment, the contacts of the distributor are disconnected, and as a result, a high voltage appears. It goes to the spark plug of the required cylinder.

In the engine, the combustible mixture completely burns out, and the resulting explosive energy is transformed into a mechanical one, thus activating the entire system. At the same time, the crankshaft does not stop its rotation.

The relationship between the shaft and the distributor is based on impact. In other words, the crankshaft acts on the distributor cam. But the most important advantage switchgear protrudes a repetition of the explosion and combustion process. In other words, as soon as the motor piston rises to the top position, everything is repeated.

It would be more correct to say that an ignition coil is also added to the tandem of the distributor and the crankshaft, which directly generates current.

However, it is rather difficult to understand the whole principle of operation of the distributor in the above way. If you are interested in the intricacies of the process, you should study such points as lead angles.

UZSK and UOZ: what is it

UZSK is an angle - a parameter indicating the time interval of a contact closure. It means the energy that accumulates in the coil after the formation of a spark.

From UZSK envy the amount of energy supplied to form a spark in the distributor.

If the parameter is insufficient, the residual energy will not be enough for the normal functioning of the internal combustion engine. The latter will start to fail and lose dynamics. A distributor with an insignificant distance between the contacts will only aggravate the situation every minute - the coil will not be fully charged.

To configure UZSK, you need to adjust Switchgear... It is noteworthy that for separate model ignition systems, the format can have its own, individual character. In other words, no optimal data exists.

UOZ is responsible for the moment of ignition. It is mistakenly believed that a combustible mixture is instantly burnt. But in order for the entire system to function like a clock, the combustion moment is set before the piston rises to TDC.

This value, of course, changes regularly and in most cases depends on the functioning power plant, parameters and loads. The quality of the fuel is also of great importance, because so that the mixture does not burn out instantly, there is a TsNTR regulator.

See also the video about the distributor

What the device consists of

Trambler components are a whole world. Each of the elements plays an important role in the functioning of not only the distributor, but also the entire ignition system. Let's consider the main details that affect the operation of the device.

1. RotorThis component functions in tandem with the camshaft gear.
2. BreakerThe part contains a cam clutch that functions in conjunction with a centrifugal clutch.
3. RunnerMandatory element fixed to the shaft. It rotates simultaneously with the shaft.
4. CoilThe part has a double winding, an essential electrical element.
5. VKThe regulator is vacuum, clearly providing ignition timing. The main component of the VC, in turn, is a capacitor that absorbs parts of the charge and protects the contacts from possible melting.

The VK-controller is a regulator capable of influencing the UOZ. This is especially important when the load of an automobile power plant changes. Separately, adjustments are made to the operation of the switchgear components.

In fact, the VC controller is a closed cavity. There is a diaphragm inside the structure for the best performance. One of the cavities is directed towards the carburetor.

In the process of discharging, the diaphragm rushes forward and this compresses the movable-type disk, as well as the breaker cam. By current situation, the response time is adjusted.

The distributor is capable of modifying the sparking moment, thus influencing the operating characteristics of the power plant.

In distributors of certain types, an octane corrector is often installed. The component is responsible for the rotation speed of the roller.

It is noteworthy that on the very first models of the distributor, the octane corrector was manually adjusted. This added extra trouble to the drivers. Modern components are fully automatic.

The distributor octane corrector is the most important element, otherwise it would not have been installed. A certain type of distributor cannot function normally without it. It is this regulator that changes the UOZ if the owner pours fuel with a different OCH.

As for the very design of the regulator, outwardly the octane corrector resembles two plates, also endowed with an arrow. In the latter, there are special risks through which the POP is regulated. By the way, the same arrow is mounted on the power plant.

Note. It is impossible to do without an octane corrector if the owner is used to pouring into fuel tank fuel with different RH.

Whatever the ideal car distributor, time, technological progress and the desire of a person to increase operational comfort do not stand still. The contactless ignition system is definitely a step forward.

It is a constructive continuation of the contact transistor ignition system. The difference is instead of interrupting and disconnecting contact group a non-contact type sensor is installed.

The new system is now routinely installed on all well-known foreign cars, some models of domestic cars. The advantages of this system over the old one are obvious: the fuel consumption is reduced several times, the amount of emissions is reduced, and the power of the power plant is increased. Thanks to new system ignition better and better quality also burns the fuel-air mixture.

The contactless ignition system includes a number of elements, among which the most important is, of course, the distributor. It connects to the spark plugs and integrates with the ignition coil. For this, special armored wires are used.

The classical principle of BSZ functioning is presented in the table below.

1 When rotating crankshaft the motor, the distributor sensor generates voltage pulses and transmits them to the transistor switch.
2 The switch generates current pulses in the primary circuit of the ignition coil.
3 When the current is interrupted, a high voltage current is induced in the secondary winding of the ignition coil.
4 High voltage current is applied to the central contact of the valve.
5 In accordance with the order of operation of the engine cylinders, high voltage is supplied through the high voltage wires to the spark plugs.
6 The spark plugs ignite the fuel-air mixture.

As for the adjustment of the UOZ, then for this in the contactless system, there is an OOZ in response. In the course of changing the load on the motor, the VOZ regulation is already carried out by the VC-regulator.

Thus, knowing the contents of the distributor, the principle of its functioning, purpose and advantages, you can understand a lot for yourself.


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