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Autotourism among Russians is becoming more and more popular every year. Traveling with your own car has many benefits.

It is not surprising that many tourists prefer to get to the Baltic countries, which are close enough to Russia, by car.

On such a trip, travelers do not depend on other people's schedules and prices - they can stop at any time and enjoy the place they like.

To Riga by car

Travel to Riga with your own transport has obvious advantages:

  • autotourists do not depend on the timetable for the movement of planes, trains and buses;
  • a trip by your own car, especially if 4-5 people are traveling in it, is much cheaper than air travel and even travel by train and bus;
  • the ability to travel around the country on your own route, regardless of other tourists.

For a trip from Moscow to Riga by car to go well, without any incidents, you need prepare a route in advance travel, familiarize yourself with the rules for crossing the border with Latvia and collect all Required documents.

Documents for travel to Latvia by car

To enter Latvia by car, tourists need the following documents:

  • foreign passports for each of the tourists. Children under 14 years old can be entered in a foreign passport one (or both) of the parents traveling with the child;
  • if a child is traveling without parents, he must have his own passport, regardless of age. In addition, in this case, you need power of attorney from parents certified by a notary;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • valid Schengen visa pasted into a foreign passport;
  • medical insurance valid for the duration of the trip, issued in accordance with the requirements of the EU countries, with the amount of coverage not less than 30 000 EUR;
  • for the driver of the car - driver's license, which meet international standards(that is, the driver's data must be written in Latin letters);
  • machine registration certificate;
  • Green card (motorist liability insurance) valid in the territory of Latvia.

A green card is issued by an insurance company not earlier than 30 days before the trip. The minimum validity period for a Green Card is 15 days.

It is useful to read about what it is, because in Latvia they strictly enforce its rules.

What you need to apply for a visa to Latvia, read this and get all the necessary information if you are going to apply for a visa to this country on your own.

Travel routes

You can enter Latvia by car both through Russia and through Belarus. When traveling from Moscow, the difference in mileage between routes is about 90 km... On Russian territory (along the M9 highway) the path is shorter.

Despite this, most of the autotourists prefer to go through Belarus (along the M1 highway). This is due to the fact that usually the checkpoints on the Latvian-Russian border are heavily loaded, and motorists have to spend several hours queue at customs.

In addition, many drivers were not satisfied with the quality of the road on the M9 highway. Until recently, the road in the Tver region and in the Rzhev area was badly broken, but last year it was the road was repaired.

Route on the M9 highway on the map

The distance from Moscow to Riga along the federal highway M9 ("Baltic") is about 950 kilometers. Travel time without stops is 11-12 hours.

The route goes through Volokolamsk, Rzhev, Velikiye Luki to the automobile border points Burachki (on the Russian border) and Terehovo (on the Latvian border). Further on the territory of Latvia the route passes through Ludza, Vilany and Ogre.

The road after repair, according to the latest reviews of motorists, is really good. The exception is small areas near Rzhev. In the Tver region, where the worst part of the road was, new asphalt was laid and fresh markings were applied.

The road is slightly worse on Latvian territory from Ludza to Viljana(all in patches), but there are practically no holes. In general, Latvian roads (A6, A12) are of fairly good quality.

Of the advantages of this route, one can name a small number of settlements where the driver has to slow down a lot... Therefore, you can get to Riga quickly enough.

Of the disadvantages of this route, tourists note a small number of cafes and gas stations.

There are often queues at the Russian-Lithuanian border, in which you can stand from 2 to 6 hours. Point Burachki-Terekhovo considered the busiest from 4 automobile checkpoints located on the border of Russia and Latvia.

Cars with small children skip the line. The customs inspection itself is fast. The main thing is to have all the necessary documents.

Latvian border guards are just going to introduce electronic reservation of places in queues at the border, following the example of their Estonian colleagues, so queues are rarely avoided.

Burachki-Terekhovo point works around the clock.

Checkpoint technological breaks: 08:45 - 09:00 in the morning and 20:45 - 21:00 in the evening.

Route on the M1 highway on the map

Two options are possible here.

  • Option one: leave Moscow along the Minsk highway (M1 highway), and then, just before reaching Smolensk, turn onto the road towards Velizh-Nevel, and in the Pustoshka area, take the Baltiya highway (M9). Then you can continue moving towards the Russian-Latvian border;
  • Option two (via Belarus): from Moscow, move along the M1 highway, after the Smolensk bypass, you need to turn onto the road to Vitebsk. Go further in Belarus along the P21 and P20 highways... The border crossing is carried out at the checkpoints Urbany-Silene and Grigorovshchina-Paternieki.

The distance from Moscow to Riga is just over 1000 kilometers. Travel time is approximately 13-14 hours non-stop. And although the route is slightly longer than the M9 highway, you can get to Riga faster.

This is due to the lower congestion of automobile checkpoints on the border of Belarus and Latvia. Therefore, as a rule, there are no such queues as at the Russian-Latvian border.

Works around the clock . The average waiting time in queues at the border with Latvia is approximately 1-2 hours.

The checkpoint Grigorovschina-Paternieki is also located in the Vitebsk region along the road R-20 Novopolotsk-Verhnedvinsk-Riga.

The point works around the clock from technological breaks: from 08:45 to 09:00 and from 20:45 to 21:00.

There are more cafes and gas stations on the M1 than on the M9. However, the last gas station is located in the Polotsk region. Next gas station in Latvia. Autotourists should remember that in Gasoline is much more expensive in Latvia so it's better to refuel full tank before crossing the border.

Duty free to the Republic of Latvia allowed to import:

  • one full tank of gasoline plus one canister with a capacity of 10 liters;
  • 40 cigarettes or 10 cigars;
  • 1 liter of strong alcohol or 2 liters of weak alcohol, or 4 liters of wine.

It is forbidden to import dairy products and meat, including sausages, into the Schengen countries.

Also, motorists should take into account that in Latvia you can not use the anti-radar, so it is better to take it off before the border. Studded tires are allowed only in the autumn-winter period (from October 1 to May 1).

The car must have an emergency stop sign and a reflective vest.

Travel to Latvia by car in 2020 - quite a logical decision. Both in terms of saving money and in order to expand their own opportunities for visiting attractions.

  • You can also go to Lithuania. From Riga only 260 km along the highway to Kaunas. And 290 - before!

Such a trip will not take much time: with proper planning, you can keep within 5-7 days. Depending on when to go and how many days to spend at sea. And there will be impressions ...

Required documents

For a trip to Latvia, you will naturally need a passport with. Are you driving? There is also a driver's license, a vehicle registration certificate and a "Green Card", which is designed to cover your liability in the event of an accident.

  • The Latvians went on and on! At the border, they check the presence of a valid diagnostic card for the car, that is technical inspection

Travel insurance policies are usually not looked at. But is it in principle - they ask. However, with this it is easier: today you can literally on the go. Exactly for as many days as the trip will last. The electronic version of the policy is enough for all cases

Distances and border

From St. Petersburg to the nearest checkpoint in Latvia Ubylinka-Grebneva 400 km. You can overcome them in 5-6 hours with a reasonable approach to the choice of time for the start. To Riga from the border 300 km.

  • You can stand in front of the Grebneva barrier for an hour, even if there is one or no cars in front of you. Locals work at such a speed ...

The distance from Moscow is greater. 650 km to the marked crossing and 620 to the Burachki-Terekhovo checkpoint. The latter is sworn by many for "unrealistic queues." Perhaps it is the slowness of the Latvian border guards. They really work slowly and thoroughly.

Products with meat and chicken, as well as cheeses and yoghurts, as well as sandwiches, cannot be imported into the EU. Because there is an opinion about constant and unceasing cattle epidemics in Russia. At the border of Latvia, they ask about the presence of such a "ban". Then they offer to throw out the products and even show you where.

However, for some reason the execution is not checked. You got to the tank, threw something, stuffed the rest into your pockets - go on, dear comrade!

The customs declaration at the entrance is required to be filled in and submitted to the window. They are especially interested in the volumes of imported cigarettes and alcohol.


The cost of 95th gasoline in Latvia in 2019 starts from 1.25-1.27 € per liter. Diesel fuel prices are more modest: from 1.18 €.

You can have a snack at gas stations on a relatively budgetary basis, even in comparison with Russian realities. A glass of coffee will cost 1.5 €, and a sausage in dough or a pie will cost the same. The latter, however, sometimes sell out for 0.89-0.99.

Where to stay

Obviously, self-travel planning begins with finding the right accommodation. And then those who are going to go to (poor) Latvia will find the first disappointment - the prices in hotels, it turns out, are not wasteful. This mainly concerns Riga - other cities in the country are more flexible in pricing.

Expectedly valid general rule: the closer to the center - the more ruinous. However, if you decide the issue of parking the car yourself or agree to the one offered by the hotel (about 15 € per day), profitable options will inevitably be found.

We recommend the well-located Rixwell Old Riga Palace Hotel with small rooms, but impressive and tasty breakfasts. And one more - Rixwell Hotel Konventa Seta. Occupying restored old building right in the center!

From the point of view of economy, the Renau guest house should be recommended - motorists are unlikely to worry about the fact that it is on the way to Jurmala. Interesting options are Fair-maids apartaments and Airport Hotel Mara near the Riga airport.

What to see in Riga

The Dome Cathedral and St. Peter's Church, Riga Castle are key attractions. We recommend, however, not to dwell only on them. But to pay attention to - the subject of special pride of the townspeople.

Some of them actively acted in films in Soviet times - only in Latvia did directors find such a rare Western European texture in the USSR. In particular, the cult Soviet TV series “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” and “Seventeen Moments of Spring” were created here.

Many beautiful buildings have survived from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The city even has a Museum of Art Nouveau, that is, Art Nouveau in the Russian tradition.

And a lot of other things: a lot of interesting things will open up for you during the time.

What to see in the vicinity

The Munchausen Museum in the Vidzeme region (strictly north on the E67) is dedicated to the famous storyteller of incredible stories Karl Friedrich Jerome Baron von Munchausen. Who was married for the first time to the Riga noblewoman Jacobina von Dunten and for several years (as stated on the museum's website - the most beautiful) lived in the manor house that belonged to his wife. Official website:

Beautiful house, well-tended park, century-old oaks, 300 meters from the sandy seaside ... Are there any better ideas for a weekend?

Biron's Rundale Palace, 75 km south of Riga, has already been mentioned ( If you go in this direction, do not forget to visit the Bauska Castle, a fortress built by the Livonian knights to defend against the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (

The perfectly preserved buildings of the 17th-18th centuries in the town of Kuldiga gave rise to its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Ventas rumba, Venta waterfall - the widest in Europe. Kuldiga and its waterfall are located 150 km on the highway from Riga and can be visited on a one-day tour.


In the resort suburb of the capital, Jurmala, there is a large water park "Livu". A number of attractions are open only in summer, but the entertainment center is open all year round. The pleasure costs 28.9-20 € in the high season, there are discounts for family visits:

During the summer season, Jurmala, a large and surprisingly photogenic city, is definitely worth staying for a few days. Moreover, if you are in Latvia by car and can afford amateur performances.

The Kemeri National Park is located nearby. Several hiking and cycling routes are addressed to the attention of visitors. Trails in the Great Kemeri bog are of particular interest:


The small seaside town of Ventspils is worth visiting to see the oldest castle of the Livonian Order. And also the ethnographic Primorsky Museum, dedicated to all the hypostases of the fishing business. The local old town is small, but very cozy. And in terms of the number of sculptural portraits of cows, the settlement has no equal in the world.

Ventspils Adventure Park will definitely appeal to fans of outdoor activities: Let's pay tribute to the beautiful sandy beach on the seaside, over which the "Blue Flag" has been proudly blowing for 20 years. There is also a small water park near the beach.


At one time, it was supposed to become the main military port of the Russian Empire on the Baltic Sea. Having invested colossal money in the creation of forts and breakwaters, the idea was eventually abandoned. What has survived today intrigues tourists in earnest. The forts and the Karosta prison are an iconic landmark of Latvia:

Liepaja is a city with delightful sandy beaches ...


Gauja National Park is the largest in Latvia, it is located just 50 km north-east of Riga. Forests and rivers, rocks, caves and even castles - all this can be seen if you go to the depths of the reserve on foot, by bike or by boat:

Sigulda is the main ski resort in Latvia, and the local bobsleigh track can be tried out even by a non-professional: You heard right: a cheesecake in your hands and forward to Olympic records!

On the outskirts of the city, the Mezakakis Adventure Park ( is located, offering tree walks, a ride in a cable car over the Gauja River valley ( will fill you with impressions.

Sigulda has its own castle of the Livonian Order, but the main fortification nearby is the Turaida Castle, which stands on a hill in the thick of the forest: Excellent automobiles are delivered directly from Riga.

The city of Cesis is not part of the national park, but in fact it is located in the same huge forest area (90 km from Riga). The romantic old town, where noisy tourist crowds can be found, and the medieval castle, once the residence of the Master of the Livonian Order (ancient Wenden) are the main attractions of Cesis. Castle website:

It doesn't matter if you are an experienced traveler or if you are in Europe for the first time, you are quite capable of organizing your trip to Riga on your own. Without dwelling on the merits of the city, which we have written about many times, here are five stages of planning a trip on our own.

Time planning for a trip to Riga

Riga is a very popular city among tourists, it is visited by more than a million guests a year, and the city hall plans to bring this figure to 1.5 million tourists a year. And this is with a population of 700 thousand inhabitants, that is, there are 1.5 tourists per one resident of Riga.

But nevertheless, we hasten to reassure you, even during the peak periods, tourists are absorbed in Riga and Jurmala in such a way that for Muscovites the city may seem deserted.

The best period to visit Riga is from May to August, as well as during the Christmas and New Year holidays. If you are planning a trip at this time - take care of hotel reservations and transport tickets 2-3 months in advance.

If you prefer a calm atmosphere, then we advise you to come in the second half of April, or from September to mid-October.

The tourist flow decreases, but the weather often gives warm sunny days. Plus, hotels at this time reduce their prices for accommodation, so you can save up to 30-50% of the summer room rate. Below we will share the secret of how to book a hotel in Riga most profitably.

Registration of an entry visa to Latvia

Latvia is included in the countries of the Schengen zone, which means that if you have a Schengen visa in your passport, you can skip this item - the road to Riga is open to you.

If you don't have a visa, you will have to apply for it.

We have described this process in sufficient detail on our website in the section "", here you can read about the necessary documents, the procedure for filling out the questionnaire, etc.

We book a hotel in Riga

Yes, we start with the hotel.

There are several reasons for this - you can get to Riga different kinds transport, the number of only flights per day reaches five (Aeroflot, Transaero, Utair and Airbaltic). But there is still a train, a bus, Personal car, finally. There are also a lot of hotels in Riga (about 200), however, in the high season, the occupancy reaches 100%. Finally, hotel reservations can be canceled, but plane tickets can be problematic.

With booking, everything is very simple, without further ado, it is enough just to go to one of the on-line services for booking hotels.

The risk at this stage is minimal, because no one forbids it later.

We plan how we will get to Riga

We have already done an overview of the most economical ways to travel, which you can read by following this link ().

In our understanding, the best solution is an airplane. With absolutely reasonable prices, you do not waste a night on the train (with a mandatory rise at three in the morning for customs control), do not waste your nerves crossing the border by car and do not shake on the bus for fifteen hours.

Getting ready and dreaming about the trip

The worries are over, it's time to plan your trip. To begin with, we search the Internet for travel guides around Riga.

You can't, there are sites, and so to download to your phone? And you don't want to buy books - take them with you around the city later?

Well, it is quite a reasonable desire, which we are meeting halfway - on our website you can download (and, free of charge) four parts of the guide to Riga -

No copyright infringement - the guide has been prepared by the site and we give you all the rights to use and distribute it! (just don't change anything in the text) In the near future, the fourth part - "Riga - the pearl of the Jugendstil" will be released. We can promise that it will not be the last.

Finally, we have available advice on where and how to pay for parking .. oh, it's not good to praise yourself, so let's stop here and wish you an unforgettable vacation in the most beautiful city of the Baltic States!

The inhabitants of Latvia often jokingly call it the most western part of Russia and the most eastern part of Europe. Completely European service is combined here with prices comparable to Russian ones. The Russian language is used almost everywhere. Even those who know him poorly try to understand the tourist. Clean (though, as a rule, rather cold) sea and soft sand, interesting architecture of different styles and many museums, finally, the relative proximity to the European part of Russia - all this is she, Latvia.

If we go to Latvia by car, then at least five to seven days. It will definitely not be boring.

What to take?

Standard, in addition to the passport: driving license, registration certificate, car insurance - "green card", power of attorney if you drive a legal entity's car. Recently, at the Latvian border, sometimes they ask for a diagnostic card, which they give us when passing a technical inspection. The legality of this requirement is questioned even by some Latvians, but it is better not to argue with the border guards of any country, but to put the card in the glove compartment.

You can take with you two (!) Packs of cigarettes, one liter of strong alcohol or two liters of other alcohol per adult.In addition to a full tank, you can grab a 10-liter (no more!) Can of fuel.

How to ride and how to stand?

From Moscow, the direct and easiest way is along the M-9 "Baltia" highway until it stops at the Burachki - Terehova border crossing. To the border about 600 km, to Riga - 920. The road is now good.

How long will it take to cross the border? Non-programmable! At least forty minutes, normally an hour and a half. My record is seven hours, and my acquaintances generally told horrors. At the border crossing, in principle, you can call (81140) 31-384, 22-311) to find out what the queue is. But the phone, of course, is not always answered.

There is another route, where there are usually fewer queues at the border crossing and, by the way, the servicemen are not interested in the diagnostic card. Approximately 540 km from Moscow in Pustoshka we turn right to Pskov. We reach the town of Ostrov (about 130 km) and turn left onto Palkino (a narrow, but empty and decent road), then straight ahead - to Izborsk and at the T-junction to the left to Shumilkino - the border with Estonia. The queues are usually shorter here. The distance to Riga increases by 60 km, but the travel time is sometimes even reduced. By the way, you can book a queue at the Estonian border for 1.5 euros, but only on the way back. You are given an hour during which you have to drive up to the parking lot at the border. As soon as you see your car number on the electronic board, go to the barrier. Everything works clearly, you will leave Estonia without delay. But this does not mean at all that you will not stand for a couple of hours in front of your native border. In general, the border crossing procedure is the only unpleasant episode in the entire trip. We must take this philosophically.

Driving in Latvia is simple and easy - the traffic is low, the drivers are usually neat and polite. But the rules must be respected. Unwritten speed limit is 10 km / h. The whole country was hung with cameras, and there are police ambushes. Nobody will stop you just to “check documents”, but violations, as a rule, will not be forgiven - they will politely write out a rather big fine. By the way, everyone should be fastened in the car, not just those who sit in the front. And one more thing: to disperse with oncoming cars, which, like you, turn left at the intersection, must be left, not starboard.

Gasoline in Latvia costs about 1.2 euros, diesel fuel - 1.05 euros. But the country is small, the roads are free, and the driving mode is very sparing, so you will drive very economically.

When choosing a hotel, consider where you will park your car. The closer you are to the center of Riga, the more difficult it is to find free parking, and parking is more expensive (prices range from 1.5 to 4.5 euros per hour). On some streets, parking is free from 20:00 to 8:00. But when leaving the car for the night, think about when will you pick it up? If it's later than 8:15 am, it's easier to pay for parking in advance. It is not at all difficult to do this with the help of a parking meter: they typed the departure time, paid (in cash or by card), put the coupon on the dashboard in a conspicuous place. Otherwise, you will see a blocker on the wheel. Some hotels have their own parking lots, sometimes even free, but this should be clarified in advance.

Where to live and eat

A double room in a decent three-star hotel within a 15-20 minute walk to the center will cost 40-50 euros per day with breakfast. The closer to the center - the more expensive, of course. A simple room outside the city can be rented for 7-10 euros.

A quite hearty lunch in a self-service restaurant (the most famous chain in Riga with a huge selection of everything and everyone is Lido) will cost 6-7 euros, with beer - about 10 euros (it depends, of course, on appetite).

Dinner in a more pretentious restaurant is, of course, more expensive: from 20-30 euros per person. Again, the standard principle applies: the further from the center, the cheaper. By the way, groceries in supermarkets are no more expensive than in Moscow.

What to watch?

Standard set

Everyone who comes to Latvia, of course, goes to Old Riga (Vecriga). And rightly so! Narrow, crooked medieval streets, old houses, many cozy cafes and restaurants, souvenir shops are worth it. Old Riga is the closest such open-air museum to us. You can walk here for hours. By the way, cinema lovers will find here the house, from the window of which Professor Pleischner threw himself out, and the streets along which Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson walked.

Latvia is a country of palaces and castles. The most famous, of course, is the Rundale Palace in Pilsrundāle outside the town of Bauska - about 80 km from the center of Riga in the direction of Kaunas. The palace was built for the favorite of the Empress Anna Ioannovna Biron by Rastrelli himself. Now, after a large-scale restoration, there is a museum inside, next to it is a luxurious regular park in the style of the 18th century.

In addition to this castle, the standard set usually includes a visit to Sigulda. In a small town 50 km from Riga, there is also a castle, founded in the 13th century, and a museum. All around are stunning picturesque hills ..

And, of course, almost everyone who has ever been to Latvia comes to Jurmala to check in. There are beautiful sandy beaches here. But even if the weather does not allow you to indulge in a beach holiday (and this happens often in Latvia), you should just walk along the coast and, of course, along the pedestrian street Jomas (Jomas), famous since the times of the USSR, with cafes and shops, look at pretty houses. And at the entrance to Jurmala from the Riga side there is an entertainment center with a large water park.

Additional options

Unlike Old Riga, Art Nouveau architecture, which Riga residents are proud of, is usually given less attention. But in vain! Richly decorated apartment buildings, in particular the works of Mikhail Eisenstein, the father of the famous director, are worth spending a couple of hours on them.

Riga is full of interesting museums (entrance 4-10 euros): military, ethnographic, art and, of course,. He is known more than others. The museum was the first of its kind in the USSR, and after a major restoration it is not only a very interesting collection of cars and motorcycles, but also a lot of interactive things for the delight of children who can press, touch, twist something. All explanatory inscriptions are in Latvian, English and Russian. And there is also a wonderful zoo in Riga.

Not everyone, even those who have traveled to Rundale Palace, know that on the way, in the town of Bauska, there is a small branch of the Riga Motor Museum, which is also worth visiting. In addition to Rundalski, there are many lesser-known castles and manors in Latvia. For example, in Jelgava, in Jaunmoku near the town of Tukums, not far from the popular Sigulda, the much less famous Birini manor.

What to buy?

The cost of the simplest, but real amber products starts from 20-30 euros, and you should buy them only in specialized shops. Latvia is famous for its excellent woolen products. But in addition to standard souvenirs, first of all, in my opinion, it is necessary to carry fish, beer and bread. It is better to buy fish, of course, at the famous central market in Riga, where one of the four huge pavilions is allocated for it. There are also small bazaars in the villages on the coast, but connoisseurs still advise Riga. Everything is there, and the quality is guaranteed! Of course, smoked meats are the best to carry. Prices range from quite affordable 3-4 euros per kilogram of flounder to 40 euros for smoked eel.

In Latvia there is a great variety of sorts of good beer for every taste - dark (tumsais), light (gaisais), unfiltered. Prices in supermarkets range from 0.8 to 1.6 euros per bottle. Remember only that no more than three liters of any alcohol can be imported into Russia for each adult traveler. You can, of course, buy another bottle of the famous Riga balsam, but it’s just not hard to find it in Russia. Unlike local beer.

There are almost as many varieties of rye bread in Latvia as there are varieties of beer. The choice is huge in any store. But the favorite tourist place is the Lachi bakery and shop (Laci - bears) in Pinki, about 16 km from the center of Riga on the way to Liepaja. There is not only a huge selection of fresh bread of different varieties, but there are also excursions to the bakery ...

As a rule, those who have come to Latvia for the first time plan to repeat the trip. It's worth it.

There are 4 official checkpoints on the Russian-Latvian border. And each of them can be overcome by private vehicle. However, a trip to Latvia by car can have a number of peculiarities. Some of them concern the border crossing procedure, others - the requirements for the vehicle itself.

general characteristics

Entering the republic in your car means convenience and independence of movement, the possibility of saving (on renting a vehicle in the country and even on fuel - if you fill the tank in front of the border). This will require a valid visa, passing the customs control procedure and compliance with the requirements for transport in the Schengen countries.

Travelers should not stock up on food and medicine. Import into the state is strictly limited. But let no one be intimidated by a light trip to Riga - everything you need is easy to get there. At the first stage, the main thing is to freely and legally cross the borders.

Car checkpoints on the Russia-Latvia border

Since the Russian Federation is not part of the European Union, you can get to Latvia through four operating checkpoints:

  1. For those departing from St. Petersburg, the most convenient checkpoint will be Brunishevo-Pededze.
  2. You can quickly go through the checkpoint Ludonka - Vientule. People come here from the direction of Nosovo, and the highway is not overloaded with transport.
  3. The queue is what awaits you at the Terekhovo-Burachki checkpoint at any time of the year. The M9 “Baltia” highway is almost always loaded with cars, including heavy ones.
  4. The Ubylinka - Grebneva point is a little less busy, since it is the most convenient way to enter Latvia from Moscow by car through it: the Moscow highway passes nearby. And tourists from Pskov, located nearby, are quite active. In icy winter and hot summer, staying here ceases to seem comfortable.

Waiting time

In case of success, if fuel trucks and heavy trucks do not reach the entry-exit points, you can bypass the checkpoint within 30-40 minutes. However, be prepared that you will have to stay there longer. It happens that the wait is delayed for a period from 12 hours to a day.

To prevent these unpleasant moments, the electronic queue through the EVIS system allows. For 1.15 € for passenger car and for 5 € for a cargo one, you can book a place in the queue online. The main thing is to accurately indicate the brand, number, characteristics of the car, not to confuse it with the data. You can do this here: Traffic has already learned how to monitor and warn motorists about traffic congestion. Now, the online display of the queue at the Latvian-Russian border can be traced through the customs service: However, the appearance of offenders or the occurrence of an accident on the road cannot be predicted. If the waiting time is delayed, there are dry closets, but with the organization of food and places for recreation, the situation is worse, such a situation must be foreseen. But do not overdo it so that you do not have to get rid of excess cargo that is prohibited from being carried in such quantities.

Passage of customs control

The main purpose of the screening is to determine if you are carrying dangerous or prohibited goods. This does not always fit into the formula “weapons, currency, drugs”. Crossing the border with Latvia in 2019 will pass without problems, if no perishable food is found in the luggage, the amount of medicines, tobacco and perfumery products, and alcohol allowed for transportation is not exceeded.

To speed up the process of passing the border, the entrants are sorted according to the corridors:

  1. Green - for those traveling without cargo to be declared.
  2. Red - if you are transporting money, goods, souvenirs, valuables that should be registered.

There are also features of passing customs by car, related to the regulations of the procedure itself:

  1. When approaching the checkpoint, prepare all the necessary documents (both personal and for the car and for the cargo), place them so that they can be presented without delay.
    2. During the customs inspection, the vehicle stops and is checked. To do this, stop, turn off the engine and let the service staff work.
  2. If successful, when passing the control, travelers will receive official marks of crossing the border and wishes of a good journey.

Vehicle technical requirements

In order to easily and quickly cross the border with the Republic of Latvia, you will have to prepare your car in accordance with European standards:

  1. Glass tinting by more than 20% is considered unacceptable.
  2. Studded tires in summer can become an obstacle - you will be asked to "change shoes" of the car.
  3. Required availability child seat, if you are traveling with a child, as well as a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and an emergency stop kit (sign, vest with reflectors, tools).
  4. Good overall technical condition vehicle, documented.

And, of course, the car must be "clean" in terms of design.

Required documentation package

A complete set of papers should be collected in advance and without haste. Here are the documents you will need to enter Latvia by car:

  1. For passengers:
  • correctly issued passports;
  • children under 14 years old fit into the passports of their parents, a birth certificate is presented at customs;
  • for a minor traveling in a group with an accompanying person, a power of attorney from guardians or parents is required; permission from the second, if one is lucky;
  • medical insurance policies.
  1. For vehicles:
  • car registration certificate;
  • technical inspection coupon;
  • green-card.

What determines the cost of a green card:

  1. From the validity period of the document: from 15 days to 1 year.
  2. From type Vehicle: automobile, passenger, cargo, agricultural, motorcycle, etc.
  3. Territory of the insurance agreement:
  • for all states of the treaty;
  • for a limited list of countries.

Do not be frightened if instead of the usual "Inspection coupon" you suddenly hear "Diagnostic card". In fact, they are one and the same, the main thing is that she is in order. Previously, for a car with a mileage of less than three years they made a concession, now the requirements have become tougher.

If all the documents are in order - your visa to Latvia was not in vain, entry is allowed.

What can be carried

Once again, let us draw your attention in more detail to what can be imported into Latvia from Russia and in what quantities:

  1. Money - no more than 300 € in cash (420 € is allowed to be imported by air or by "river-sea" transport).
  2. Tobacco products - up to 40 pcs. cigarettes and 50 g of tobacco (you can import more by plane - up to 200 pieces of cigarettes or 250 g of tobacco).
  3. Alcoholic - 4 liters of wine; 16 liters of beer, 4 liters of alcohol up to 22% by volume; 1 liter of strong alcohol over 22%.
  4. Medicines - within the limits of personal needs for the period of stay (with prescriptions).

Import rate of goods

Comprehensive information on this matter is available on the website of the Latvian Embassy:

How much does gasoline cost in Riga? This worries many, and the answer is not comforting. As of this spring, the cost of 95-grade gasoline was € 1.272 per liter, and the price diesel fuel- 1,182 € per liter. Naturally, most make a reserve in order to save.

So, you can bring with you for free:

Full standard capacity (tank) for the fuel of the existing vehicle;
no more than 10 liters per unit of transport in cans or other portable containers.


Visitors under 18 years of age are not provided with relief in the payment of taxes and duties, or exemption from them when importing tobacco or alcoholic products. So the import of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited, adults can be imported in the following volumes:

  • from 0.3 to 1 liter of strong alcohol (over 22%),
  • from 1 to 2 liters of sparkling wine (champagne, brut, cider); ;
    4 liters of wine;
  • 16 liters of beer.

The combinations are different, but the most popular looks like this: 0.3 liters of strong alcohol, 1.4 liters of aperitif, 4 liters of wine, 16 liters of beer.

What is prohibited

As in the rest of the EU, some products cannot be imported into Latvia. Even if you are going to consume or use them yourself. The ban applies:
for all kinds of meat products, lard, fish, culinary products containing these products, baked goods, canned food;

  • for raw, condensed and processed milk, dairy products, desserts;
  • for animal feed containing meat or milk.

How to declare cash

Each guest of the country must have financial security from 900 € for a month. When traveling throughout big family, avoid the other extreme: it is important not to exceed the allowable amount of imported cash and to arrange it correctly.

In this respect, Latvian rules are identical to those of the EU. So, an amount of € 10,000 or more is obligatory to declare... Cash forms are available at border crossings. You can also download them from the website of the State Revenue Service. You need to fill in in Latvian, Russian and English... The declaration in 2019 is filed along with the rest of the papers.

The procedure for crossing the Latvian border by car

We have already examined how the rules for entering Latvia by car look like, what package of documents is needed and what are the requirements for a car.

Let us remind you that it will be required of you:

  • calm, even, polite behavior at the border;
  • timely presentation of all passports and policies of travel participants;
  • provision of a full package of documents for a car during inspection.

According to the State Road Traffic Law, the absence of the mentioned documents entails a denial of the right to cross the border and enter the republic. An attempt to circumvent the conditions and requirements of customs control may result in a fine, refusal to enter its territory, and even arrest.


For travel to Latvia the average budget per month is from 1000 € per person. This amount will include the costs:

  • for visas and documents,
  • to pay fees;
  • for fuel;
  • for food and drink;
  • for accommodation;
  • for entertainment and souvenirs.

For everything, you need to provide a certain amount and soberly assess your tourist appetites.

Popular routes

The most frequent direction of movement when it comes to traveling to Latvia is a trip to Jurmala. This resort with a mild climate attracts many. But from April until mid-autumn, you can get here only if you pay for a pass. Entry to Jurmala by car in 2019 costs approximately 2 € per day. With a discount, this right is available for 31 € per month, and 107 € will cost the entire season.

For those who decided to go to Riga on their own and get acquainted with the architecture of the capital, visit its museums, theaters, parks and cafes, we recommend extending the car trip to Jurmala. You will see old fortresses, ethnographic settlements, Jelgava and Rundale palaces designed by Rastrelli, and of course the forest and the sea.

Traffic regulations in Latvia

Do not forget about the differences between local traffic rules. Firstly, you can only drive with the dipped headlights on. Secondly, speed mode in the city - up to 50 km / h, and outside - 80 km / h. Violation up to plus 10 km / h is considered forgivable - patrolmen will manage with a verbal warning.

All parking lots in Latvia are paid. In the country, you cannot park closer than:

  • 25 m from the bus stop public transport, transition,
  • 100 m from the intersection,
  • 50 m - from the railway crossing.

The permitted level of alcohol in the driver's blood is 0.5 ppm. If it is even one hundredth higher, a fine of 300 lats (almost 300 €) cannot be avoided, as well as deprivation of the right to drive a car in the country for a period of a year. Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, and indecent behavior in public may result in a large penalty.

Punishment for violation of the rules for passing customs

In accordance with the Latvian Code of Administrative Offenses, an attempt to smuggle something prohibited, to hide the excess of the carriage limit, the presence of undeclared values ​​and excisable goods entails administrative liability. Individuals may be subject to sanctions from 70 to 700 €, and legal entities - from 700 to 7 100 € with confiscation of everything mentioned above. V special cases the car can also be arrested.


Going on a trip to such a calm and measured country like Latvia, you need to remember two things:

  • Preserving someone else's dignity, you protect your own: do not argue or argue with the employee, be patient and goodwill.
  • They don't go to someone else's monastery with their own charter: learn to follow the rules of the country in which you are visiting, and only then will you feel its spirit.

Everything else depends on your responsible preparation for the rest. If you have not lost sight of the paperwork and clearly planned your actions, then everything will work out for you.


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