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Soundproofing UAZ rightfully belongs to the so-called elements of car tuning. It is carried out not only to improve overall comfort, but also to improve the acoustic properties of the cabin (so that instead of bass and midbass, the ears of passengers are not tormented by the rumbling of the muffler and the engine). On the UAZ, a loaf of soundproofing will help to effectively deal with the problem.

Noise and its features

To better understand the process of noise insulation (see), you need to know enough about the source. In this case, we are talking about the noise of a particular machine.

As you know, each of the cars is distinguished by its own, inherent only to him, individual manifestation of unpleasant and unnecessary noise.

Note. The creation and implementation of a full-scale soundproofing of a car interior is akin to scientific research. It is necessary not only to study everything thoroughly and thoroughly, but also to come up with new designs, to carry out decent tuning.

In other words, it is necessary to highlight those special areas of the car that make the most noise and creak. They can start to rattle disgustingly from the oncoming air flow on them or light shaking on uneven roads.

Of course, functioning mechanisms are no exception. So, on the Oise, the rumbling of the exhaust pipe and the work of the engine stand out. No less noisy is the trunk (see), which plays the role of a drum on wheels in the orchestra of a noise group.

Note. It is interesting that the noise level and the range of sounds are so pronounced that even the most powerful and expensive acoustic system unable to cover it. The range is from 20 to 20 thousand Hz for noise in the UAZ, an easily passable level.

It is clear as day that this must be fought against. UAZ is not a German car, where the level of sound insulation is made with high quality (although amateurs still carry out improvement work on foreign cars).

Note also that the noise performance of a car is influenced not so much by the body as by the various tests that come with the car. In the process of driving, the car encounters irregularities in the roadway and vibrations of its own motor, which over time loses its former fixing strength.

So, it is necessary to deal with such consequences, and this can be done in different ways. You can buy ready-made kits (you can also make it domestically) and insulate the car with your own hands, or try to eliminate the noise with improvised means.

Negative effects of noise

The harm of poor sound insulation is understandable. The driver gets tired quickly, his condition worsens. All of this ultimately affects safe driving.

Note. It's no secret that most domestic cars, including the UAZ, are significantly inferior in terms of sound insulation to foreign counterparts. Experts argue that this is what prompted a whole line of excellent quality materials to appear on the market. They make it possible to improve the acoustic and noise insulation properties with minimal effort.

Materials and kits of domestic production

As mentioned above, the range of products for Shumka is widely represented different models... The kits, for example, contain all the required shaped elements designed to carry out a full-scale coating on the interior of the body.

Below are the well-known materials produced in our country.


Differs in the following features:

  • A well-known vibration isolator with a special composition. It is a self-adhesive polymer composition. The thickness of the material, as a rule, does not exceed one and a half millimeters. The material is finished with aluminum foil;
  • The vibration isolator is highly durable;
  • Vibroplast is an excellent tool for quickly carrying out soundproofing of the inner zone of the UAZ car. This is facilitated by the unique properties of the material: it does not require heating, it can be easily placed on surfaces with a non-standard design, and has the adhesive properties of a sealant;
  • Most of the interior surfaces of the car are processed with this material. Some advise to lay Vibroplast on the UAZ bulkhead, both from the side of the passenger compartment and from the side of the engine compartment.


Material with the following properties:

  • Component similar to Vibroplast. It is a special sheet that perfectly absorbs vibrations;
  • Visomat is a polymer composition with a thickness of 2 or more millimeters;
  • Visomat sheets are covered with a sticky layer, which is protected by a film with anti-adhesive properties;
  • Visomat perfectly eliminates small vibrations that are inherent in the body of the UAZ. It also provides excellent noise in the interior areas of the body;
  • Wismomat is not able to absorb water and has a long exposure time.


It is no longer a vibration absorber, but a noise isolator.

It has the following features:

  • Isoton is a special sound absorber, which consists of a combined layer of lavsan, polyurethane foam, glue and metallized film. The thickness of the material is usually 10-20 mm;
  • It is used more for soundproofing various areas of the car, including the engine compartment (the front coating of the material has ideal oil and gas resistance properties).

Izolon PPE

This silencer has the following properties:

  • Has the properties of an ideal heat and sound insulator;
  • The thickness of the material is usually 8 mm;
  • Another material called Splen often acts as an analogue of Izolon PPE. It differs from its "brother" in the presence of an adhesive layer, which greatly facilitates the process of surface treatment;
  • Both Izolon and Splen are used mainly for processing the floor, shield, etc. It is recommended to apply them on top of Vibroplast, which will noticeably increase noise insulation and improve the quality of the interior tuning.

There are many other materials. We will not dwell on them in detail.

We only note that such models as Proline and Bitoplast-5 are used for processing plastic elements of a car. They perfectly eliminate the characteristic squeakiness of plastic parts.

Regarding the complete elimination of noise on this car, I would like to note the following. On old, well-worn UAZs, it is difficult, problematic, ineffective, and, simply put, useless to carry out noise isolation.

If the car is relatively new, then there will be no need to fight with rattling pieces of iron and whistling through the cracks. It will be enough to eliminate the noise emitted by exhaust pipe and the engine.

main sources

Let's highlight the main sources of noise on the UAZ:

  • Exhaust system (muffler and other elements of the exhaust system). Rather, the source of the noise is the most important. It is with him that we must fight in the first place.

Note. Some experts believe that the increased noise from the exhaust on the UAZ is due to an incorrectly selected muffler. As a rule, it stands either without a resonator, or the resonator is located after the muffler, and not before it.

  • The second source of noise is the engine, which is also incorrect, poorly adjusted. It is recommended that you first tackle the tuning and adjustment, and only then proceed with the soundproofing of the engine compartment;
  • The rigid suspension of the UAZ engine / gearbox system is also considered to be the cause of noise. Most likely, if you put on a soft, but rather thick rubber, the problem can be solved;
  • The heater fan in the passenger compartment is also considered a source of noise.

Note. On the UAZ 469, the stove motor was under the hood. Consequently, the noise from it did not reach the passengers and the driver sitting in the cabin. In the UAZ 3151, there is only one heater air intake. So the designers had to put a motor under the stove itself.

Noise elimination works

So, you can reduce the noise level of the UAZ in several ways or by combining all the systems described below:

  • Carry out thorough sound and vibration isolation of the hood (see) and other areas of the car, which reduces the noise level by as much as 20 percent;
  • Upgrade the heater motor by installing a fan from the Gazelle;
  • Wrap the muffler with a sheet of refractory material (asbestos), and put a sheet of galvanized iron on top.
  • You can move the main muffler under the "belly" of the car. Thus, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the temperature of the muffler, which will have a positive effect on the galvanizing and its service life;
  • Interior treatment with a high-quality vibration isolator. It will help to cope with low-frequency noise that occurs on UAZ cars at a speed of 80-90 km / h;
  • Put a double seal on the door;
  • Cover the floor with foam rubber crumbs mixed with bitumen mastic. Such a porous mass will create both sound insulation and excellent anticorrosive;
  • Use a foam mat. Sold in a sports store. The price is ridiculous - 150 rubles, but the effect is excellent. It will be necessary to remove the covers in the Oise floor, covering the box-dispensing mechanism, rinse in the bathroom with powder, dry and wrap with pieces of foam (cut out of the rug), treated with glue. Then put in place;
  • It is recommended to put a large piece of the same mat between the heater and the panel of the engine compartment, but without any glue. It is necessary to push the material into the slot (6-10 mm);
  • Use a noise-absorbing cape. Place it on the area of ​​the lever, covered with leatherette with a foam rubber layer. This activity will help to eliminate the noise of the transfer case and the engine.

Now, in fact, about the very process of sound insulation specifically:

  • It is advisable to cover the floor with polyurethane foam rugs (purchase in a store for fishermen, hunters and tourists). The dimensions of the rugs are, as a rule, 80x200 cm.
    They will perfectly keep warm, and most importantly, they will practically not let in noise. It is advisable to plant rugs on polyurethane foam (only Penoflex, but not Macroflex). Carefully lay the foam in the areas of the cracks at the joints of the rugs.

Note. Before carrying out the treatment of the floor, it is advisable to disassemble everything thoroughly. It will be necessary to remove the seats and the casing that covers the box with the transfer case. Cut the rugs according to the patterns, and only then start gluing.

  • The same material can be used to treat the hood, gearbox tunnel, engine compartment bulkhead;
  • The hood should be given special attention. Here, it is advisable to put the material in the form of foil foam (see details about the materials above). In the places where the gills are located, it is imperative to make cuts in the material or tuck it up so that there is ventilation in the summer and can be closed in the winter.

Note. It is necessary to fix the material on the hood by first removing the cover and unscrewing all the factory elements that interfere with the laying of the foam sheet. We must not forget to adjust the locks so that the hood can be locked without problems. It is also recommended to put on Zhiguli door seals around the entire perimeter of the hood. Thus, it will be possible to cope with the rattling.

UAZ can be soundproofed in another way:

  • Remove and strip off all factory gadgets;
  • Purchase necessary materials for heat and sound insulation (the thermal conductivity of the material should be like that of a 20-centimeter brickwork);
  • Place the material (8 mm) on the metal surface of the floor.
  • According to factory sizes, you can order sewing of insulation from felt and leatherette in black. Put these materials on the floor, and fix them with self-tapping screws on the side vertical surfaces of the doors;
  • Since childhood, Grigory adored cars, and as a teenager, when he independently connected a car radio in his father's nine, he realized that cars would be his work, hobby, vocation.

Our UAZ is insulated with 2.5mm foam on the sides, foamed, a 0.5cm foam floor, a substrate in the form of a heater, plywood, linoleum.

What do you think the rules will be ??

Viktor (Suramuni) The main thing is that there are no gaps. With serviceable heaters in the cabin, it is warm enough and without additional. insulation.

Maxim (Persephone) It is worth stove "potbelly stove" with it for 3 hours without throwing up heat, and at night we freeze (when the UAZ was without insulation)

Alexey (Hadly) I have 4.0 mm styrofoam sides. and zeneny Roof adhesive insulation.

Maxim (Persephone) Alexey, how does the foam of the norms keep warm ???

Alexey (Hadly) Norm keeps warm well and sound insulation is good !!!

Temnila (Farlee) Sheet polystyrene ~ 20 mm between the stiffnesses, regular fiberboard covered with penoizol and the skin of young dermantin, but this is from this year, and before that there was a mined cotton wool laid under the sheathing, everything is fine, but there is a lot of dust

Maxim (Persephone) We also thought cotton wool, but it probably takes moisture and water?

Temnila (Farlee) I traveled with cotton wool for two years, I have not seen anything but dust

Alexey (Hadly) cut polyurethane strips from packaging comp. the monitor, stuffed it into all the cracks, along the perimeter of the floor, stuffed it under the plywood. dust is MUCH less, almost none !!! I drive around the powder constantly.

Edik (Lesio) Even outside, you need to walk along the joints of the body with a liquid transparent nail

Vyacheslav (Miksa) 30mm foam plastic, self-adhesive seamed insulation

Ramil (Carr) is a good thing to insulate with polystyrene, but it creaks somewhere, you have to remove the skin again and foam!

Alexander (Kimiye) shoved mineral wool into dark garbage bags without dust, moisture, and no squeak

Anzor (Tyla) Sasha, how long has such a creation been standing and how about soundproofing? Simply, I myself considered mineral wool as an option, only not in bags, but in a stretch film (but bags are 100% more interesting), but the possible condensation in this very film or in bags, like yours, confuses. I consider polystyrene as the second option.

Petr (Yente) I have TechnoNIKOL glued as vibration isolation, Shumka - with mineral wool, all doors along the contour of Zhiguli seals. The stove has been redesigned - radiators and an additional pump are connected in series. And the bukhaner has such a feature - there are a lot of holes and cracks in the body, such an assembly, they are in place: you have foam in your hands, silicone sealant and most importantly own hands and savvy :) good luck :)

Andrey (Allan) A pair of polyurethane foam balloons, a good splen (thicker) and foil-clad thermal insulation, this achieves the effect of a thermos, the main thing is not to glue the factory ventilation of the cabin as condensation will collect in frost. Well, it turns out very warm. On top of everything, in place of factory sheathing, 4mm plywood + vapor barrier or ordinary foam rubber is not very thick, well, in addition, a furniture stapler in order to pull the plywood. It turns out very warm, very beautiful, not expensive and practical. No unnecessary sounds of squeaks and everything else.

Evgenia (Ahuva) Are there photos of works, before and after?

Alexander (Kimiye) and iron did not rust with this fur coat?

Besarion (Mehri) Guys, tell me, won't the foam rust? They say that foam is evil?

Tags: How to insulate a UAZ loaf with your own hands video

Loaf UAZ-452 / UAZ-3741 Upgrade part 1.

The UAZ will be used for hunting and fishing, for trips to ... UAZ 452 Tablet Loaf Interior insulation ... Detailed video instruction - Duration: 34 ...

☆ Cars and Motorcycles ☆ | By Armas

UAZ Loaf
The salon is welded, reinforced with kerchiefs and insulated.
Disc brakes.
Forged wheels 40mm overhang. Elevator 120mm. Strengthened front springs, power steering, power bumper, DVD, MP 3, TV, folding seats reinforced rear bumper, copper radiators for interior heaters, and much more.

Gennadiy (Claxton) When the hands are golden!

Alexander (Bryga) As 105 Cruz

Alexander (Bryga) For whom you don't have to do anything.)))

A (Gregoria) chentr

A (Gregoria) shta l; avna

Oleg (Mr. Wonderful) Is this UAZ for sale or is the vadila show-off pounding?

Olga Stefanovich (Lashkevich) a loaf is a loaf

A (Gregoria) loaf, but with not a bad filling in my opinion

Sergey (Arrigo)

Alexander (Bryga) These are the ones that should be released from the assembly line

Victor (Anugya) Everything is fine, but the UAZ will remain UAZ

Coffee (Lilly) will go to drunken hunters to burp

Melnichenko (Lavina) And it's not a sin to piss on!

Sergey (Arrigo) Dream of hunters and fishermen!

Vyacheslav (Alley) Diesel or Gasoline?


05 (Corie) Bad business ... It's just that someone has money and time and they don't know what to spend ...

I (Hazaia) da full fuck

Peter (Armas) For fishing or hunting trips, no cruzeiro beats.

How to insulate Bukhanka for the winter ?? | **** CLUB UAZ-452 "BUKHANKA ...

12 oct. 2012 - Our UAZ is insulated with 2.5mm foam on the sides, foamed, the floor is made of .... who can throw off a photo - like put a meat grinder on the engine.

How can you insulate a UAZ "loaf"? - Ecotermix - quality ...

Photos of insulated objects ... Those who are still pondering how to insulate a UAZ-"loaf" should pay more attention to this method ...

Russian winter is usually a very cold time and frosts of 25-30 degrees are not uncommon. Therefore, insulating your car for the winter time is becoming a top priority for car owners. This work is not very difficult, but it requires certain skills and patience. Everything is decided by a good organization and materials that are necessary for insulating the cabin.

Materials for car insulation

Modern professional heaters are very effective, easy to install, and, if necessary, can be quickly removed. You can insulate the interior of the car with your own hands using the following materials, which are well-known and in great demand:

The sequence of installation of insulation in the car

First of all, choose the material with which you intend to insulate the interior of the car. For the production of work, you will need the following tools:

  • sheet cardboard;
  • Scotch;
  • marker;
  • sealant;
  • rubber seals;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors.

First you need to go to the car wash and perform full cleaning salon. Then, preferably in the garage, dismantle all the seats, remove the door panels and disassemble the torpedo. All items on the rear shelf must be removed.

After inspecting the condition of the body, seal all openings with sealant. Treat the area between the engine compartment and the passenger compartment with particular care. Remove the stove radiator and seal all visible seams. Replace worn out old rubber seals with new ones.

It is necessary to start processing the interior for insulation from the floor of the body. Thoroughly clean the underside of the vehicle and treat with a solvent. Prepare patterns from cardboard sheets.

Buy the calculated amount of material from the store, plus a small stock. Using the cardboard patterns made, cut out the penofol of the required size. If you have material without an adhesive layer, then you will also have to buy Tilit glue to connect the seams of the insulation.

We pass to the doors, they are also carefully washed and treated with a solvent, then we cut out the holes for the handles. We glue pieces of insulation in the same way as on the bottom. In places with a pronounced relief, clips are used, inside we fasten with furniture brackets.

Installation of thermal insulation on UAZ vehicles

In the UAZ-469, another heater is installed in the winter or the standard one is replaced with a device increased power... It all depends on the finances and taste of the car owner, we recommend the heater used on minibuses KITB.3221-8110010.

If your UAZ is equipped with equipment for working on gas, then a gas autonomous heater is perfect, but its power should be at least 2-4 kW. The electronics of this device automatically maintains the temperature regime inside the cabin, but a specialist must connect the device.

Additional heater placed at the back at the very end of the cabin.

Insulate the bottom of the cabin with warm linoleum or a set from a store, designed specifically for the UAZ floor, consisting of foil-coated foam rubber. Glue the ceiling of the cabin, sidewalls, door panels and the place under the torpedo with the same insulation. From UAZ Hunter, seals are suitable for all doorways.

Place a warm polymer top instead of a tarp top, seal all openings and crevices in the interior.

Attention! To really insulate the UAZ-469 interior with your own hands, all of the above must be done only in a comprehensive manner.

Installing thermal protection on the UAZ-3909 or, simply, on the "loaf", you must try not to glue standard system ventilation, making a kind of thermos out of the cabin. If you accidentally plug the factory ventilation, a large mass of condensation will form in the passenger compartment.

Polyurethane foam coupled with foil-covered foam does not allow heat to leave the cabin and lasts for a long time, so such a coating is quite justified. Another option is to sheathe the interior with 4 mm plywood or overlay it with medium-thickness foam rubber.

A warning! The thicker your insulation, the less space in the cabin.

So for little money, you can pretty well insulate the interior of the UAZ loaf with your own hands.

You can see how the UAZ loaf is insulated with polyurethane foam at this link:

Thermal protection equipment on cars of the VAZ family

By insulating the car inside, we create conditions for reducing heat transfer from the body and maintaining a constant temperature regime in the cabin. At the same time it is also excellent sound insulation, which significantly reduces the noise in the cabin. Having insulated it, we see how the car windows stop fogging up, and we feel more comfortable and safe.

Similarly, we insulate the salons of other VAZ cars. When traveling in winter on VAZ 2115, 2110 and Priore, many passengers sitting on back seat, often pay attention to the flow of cold air in this part of the cabin. The point is that in back door at the very bottom there are plastic ventilation pads. At speed, this ventilation significantly lowers the temperature inside the cabin.

To better insulate the interior, it is necessary to significantly reduce the flow of cold air. To do this, remove the plastic linings and cut the required size from the insulation with a small margin exactly along them. We glue the material with a special glue on front side overlays. We coat the hole for the cover with Movil and install the cover, pasted over with insulation in place. Now the cold no longer penetrates into the interior of the passenger compartment, and ventilation remains and prevents moisture and condensation from accumulating in the lower part of the door.

Thermal insulation equipment for foreign cars

Low-cost foreign cars are popular in Russia, differ only in better tightness and good stoves. In fact, there is no insulation as such in foreign-made machines.

It is imperative to insulate the interior in foreign cars during our frosts. If the thermal insulation of the engine can be solved with the help of a car blanket, then the body must be worked with. Of insulation, penofol with its adhesive base and foil is best suited.

We remove the decorative trim of the doors, cut the insulation to the required size, leave the holes so as not to interfere with the moving parts inside the door and glue the foil part outward. With the trunk, everything is easier, by the way, there are even places for fastening the insulation. Usually this processing is sufficient.

If your region has a more severe climate, then you can cover the floor with insulation and glue it over the ceiling of the cabin.

On foreign cars, you can put a heat shield made of vibroplast - this material not only dampens vibration, but also a good insulation in itself. We lay them on the floor, ceiling, all doors and trunk.

We use an auto blanket to keep the engine warm, although some manufacturers offer a plastic plate to cover the radiator, but this is clearly not enough.

In conclusion, I must say that the more carefully and thoroughly you have processed the interior of your car, the more comfortable and safe you will feel on the road.

The coldness in the Oise Hunter cabin is one of the main problems that you have to deal with in the winter when spending the night in the car. And not always the reason for the cold in the cabin lies in the operation of the stove, even with a normally working heating system, heat can quickly go outside due to poor insulation and sealing of the cabin.

The issues of warming iron body parts are solved by their complex, then the interior will warm up faster, and keep the heat longer. But besides this, attention should be paid to another common problem - drafts that appear after aging and deformation of rubber door seals.

Insulation of the UAZ Hunter salon. Replacement of door seals.

Normally, there are two seals in the doorways of the Oise Hunter. The first in the door itself is the outer door seal, catalog number 469-6107020. Finding something better instead of it is quite difficult, except that you can experiment with large D-shaped rubber window seals.

The second is a door opening seal, catalog number 3153-6107018 or 3153-6107019. In fact, this is a regular seal from VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107, which for VAZ goes under the numbers 2101-6107018, 2101-6207024, 2101-6207025. It is new, not very thickening, and when it loses its shape and elasticity, it generally performs a decorative function.

Here it should be replaced with a wider and more preferable door seal from the VAZ 2108 or ZAZ-1102, catalog number 2108-6107018. Its landing dimensions are the same with the standard one, only it is a little longer and it will have to be cut. The difference will be felt at the first cold weather. In the photo below, on the left is a standard seal, to the right of the VAZ-2108.

For greater sealing, you can additionally glue the doors themselves around the perimeter with simple household rubber seals on a self-adhesive base, which are sold in the construction markets. In appearance, they look quite automobile.

Curtains for the side windows of the UAZ Hunter.

A lot of heat from the heated interior leaves through the glass windows, their tinting helps, but very weakly. In addition, due to the peculiarities of its sliding design, the UAZ Hunter door windows are not able to ensure complete tightness. Above and below, at the junction of the halves near the seal, there are still gaps on the closed windows, almost a finger thick.

The simplest solution to the problem is to close the windows in the parking lot with curtains during an overnight stay in the car. Thus, a kind of air gap is created, which prevents the rapid cooling of the air inside the cabin. What the curtains themselves will be, their size and design, depends entirely on the preferences and imagination of the owner.

With one-piece windshield, tailgate glass and rear side windows, it is still easier, for insulation they can be closed with suitable double-sided sun-reflecting suction curtains on the suction cups, or you can make your own inserts from expanded polyethylene (PPE) and install them on the same suction cups.


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