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In modern fuel injection control systems, the oxygen sensor in the exhaust gases (Oxygen Sensor) plays almost the main role. It is often referred to as a lambda sensor or O2 sensor, sometimes an exhaust sensor. The task of the lambda probe is to convert information about the oxygen content in the exhaust gases into an electronic signal, which, in turn, is read by the electronic injection control unit (ECU).

V modern engines the optimal mixture is considered to be a ratio of 14.7 parts of air to 1 part of fuel. The air / fuel ratio in the fuel mixture is determined by the electronic unit according to the received signals from the sensors installed on the engine, while the quality of the prepared mixture is checked by the ECU according to the signals entered in the feedback from the O2 sensor. If the fuel mixture is too rich or lean, the electronic unit adjusts its preparation, taking into account the readings of the lambda probe.

Because The O2 sensor performs one of the main functions in the fuel injection system, the operation of the engine largely depends on its good condition. The most important conditions for the performance of an exhaust oxygen sensor are:

1. Ensuring the tightness of the exhaust tract and directly the sensor installation site. When replacing a failed O2 sensor, lubricate its threads with a special conductive grease to prevent jamming. threaded connection... Do not use standard lubricants for this, because they are not conductive, and the threaded part of the sensor is an electrical contact for it. Poor contact (or contact with high resistance to electrical current) will lead to malfunction

Lambda probe. Some designs provide for the installation of a sealing washer. Most often, these washers are disposable and must be replaced when the sensor is removed.

2. It is considered unacceptable for the sensor housing to come into contact with brake or coolant and other reagents. Do not use any solvents or active detergents to clean its surface.

3. Due to low operating currents, proper contacts must be ensured in the connectors of the electrical connections and the wiring of the O2 sensor.

4. The service life of the lambda probe can be significantly reduced by the use of fuel, which contains a high content of lead (such as gasoline).

5. Overheating of its body can lead to failure of the sensor. Overheating can occur due to an incorrectly set ignition timing or a highly over-enriched fuel mixture. In turn, the fuel mixture can be re-enriched due to clogged air filter, a faulty fuel pressure regulator in the system, an inoperative coolant temperature sensor, etc.

Functionally, the lambda probe works like a switch and outputs a voltage above the threshold (0.45V) at a low oxygen content in the exhaust gases.

At high oxygen levels, the O2 sensor lowers this ECU threshold voltage. At the same time, an important parameter is the sensor switching speed. In most fuel injection systems, the O2 sensor has an output voltage of 40-100mV. up to 0.7-1V. The duration of the front should be no more than 120 mS. It should be noted that many malfunctions of the lambda probe are not recorded by the controllers and it is possible to judge its correct operation only after an appropriate check.

The O2 sensor is best tested using an oscilloscope.

The most common "disease" of sensors for oxygen content in exhaust gases, which is expressed in a slow response. The rise time of the signal (t) is significantly greater than 120 mS. This sensor malfunction inevitably causes increased fuel consumption and a noticeable decrease in vehicle dynamics, and the self-diagnosis system will not fix it, because this parameter is not monitored by the controller.

Malfunctions of the "frozen" O2 sensors are not recorded by the controller, since the amplitude values ​​of the signals do not go out of the range specified for them. In most fuel injection systems, sensor malfunctions can only be recorded when their signal goes out of this predetermined range. Most often it is 0-1V.

Thus, only the complete absence of a signal and its minus value are uniquely recorded, in these cases the error is indicated by the "CHECK ENGINE" lamp. However, it should be noted that some ECUs provide the ability to diagnose and detect malfunctions by indirect signs(the ratio of the readings of the vehicle speed sensor or crankshaft position sensor, position sensor throttle, air flow meter, etc.). In these cases, the "CE" indication may be turned on.

When a malfunction of the O2 sensor is detected, the controller switches to the injection control mode according to the averaged parameters and overestimates the enrichment of the fuel mixture in comparison with its usual composition (~ 1: 14.7).

Attention! Checking the operation of the oxygen content sensor in the exhaust gases should be carried out on a warm engine and the crankshaft speed at a normal speed of Х.Х. + 1200. The oscilloscope probe must be connected to the O2 signal wire without disconnecting the sensor from the controller.

The service life of the oxygen content sensor in the exhaust gases is usually from 30 to 70 thousand km. and largely depends on the operating conditions. As a rule, heated sensors serve longer. The operating temperature for them is usually 315-320 ° C. The design of these sensors includes a heating element that has its contacts on the connector. The operation of the heating element of such sensors can be checked with a conventional ohmmeter. Their resistance is usually between 3 and 15 ohms.

Dismantling a faulty lambda probe should be carried out at an engine temperature of about 50 ° C, otherwise, due to seizure, there is a high risk of stripping the thread. Before proceeding with the dismantling, it is necessary to disconnect the sensor connector with the ignition off. On some vehicles, in order to remove the O2 sensor, it is necessary to remove the protective cover of the exhaust tract. An indication of a faulty lambda probe can be an increase in fuel consumption and a deterioration in vehicle dynamics, while an unstable idling of the engine is possible.

For the most part, sensors of similar design are interchangeable. It is also possible to replace unheated ones with heated O2 (I do not recommend the reverse replacement). However, the problem often arises of incompatibility of connectors and the absence of additional power wires for the heating element. With these replacements, you can independently lay additional wires and connect the heater to the ignition relay or the relay of the electric fuel pump. It should be borne in mind that the current consumption of the heater can be up to 8-12A. If possible, it is better to connect this circuit through an additional relay and fuse.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the oxygen content sensor in the exhaust gases is installed, as a rule, in tandem with a catalyst. Many car owners believe that they are functionally interconnected and can only work in pairs. However, this is not quite true. In most vehicles, the lambda probe is installed in the exhaust system upstream of the catalytic converter. In this case, the catalyst cannot affect the operation of the sensor, although there is an inverse relationship and is that the fuel injection system regulates the fuel mixture not over-enriching it, thus extending the life of the catalyst.

Some car owners independently replace a failed catalyst with a resonator and turn off the lambda probe. In this case, the ECU operates on average values ​​and cannot provide optimal preparation of the fuel mixture. In addition, to achieve low level the content of CO in the exhaust gases on such vehicles can be very problematic. Often in these cases, after disconnecting

In the battery, engine performance becomes unstable and is not always optimized even after significant vehicle mileage. not all ECUs have a system for correcting modes stored in RAM and, when the power is turned off, the ECU loses these values. Restoring these values ​​can sometimes be more expensive than the cost of a new catalyst together with O2.

Lack of control of the O2 sensor can lead to its complete destruction, and in fact its basis is made up of ceramic plates. The most serious consequence of a disconnected lambda probe can be a failed engine, because on many cars, due to the growing timing belt (and not only), the exhaust valves at the beginning may not be tightly closed reverse piston. At this moment, the risk of ceramics getting into the combustion chamber is very high, and what this threatens is not difficult to guess.

If you decide to replace the catalyst with a resonator or simply remove it, you should not turn off the lambda probe, and if it is out of order, then install a new sensor. In cars where the lambda probe is installed on the catalyst, the situation is even more complicated, because O2 controls the already cleaned exhaust. In this case, if the catalyst is removed (even if the O2 is retained), it can be quite difficult to achieve optimal engine performance, because the ECU program may not be designed for "dirtier" exhaust and often perceives

it's like a lambda probe malfunction.

We strongly recommend checking the operation of the oxygen content sensor in the exhaust gases at least once every 5,000-10,000 km. mileage of the car. The solution to this problem of control can be set on dashboard lambda probe operation indicator.

Based on materials

Lambda probe, what to choose - original or non-original?

The original one costs 8,000 rubles in a box. Not original from Bosch 2000 rubles (also in a box, but from Bosch) Both produced in Germany, catalog numbers are identical. The question is, what do you think to take?

alex-940 shares information collected on the Internet:

Lambda probes are different -

1. According to the working element - there are threshold and proportional ones. Everything that we see around is threshold (proportional is extremely rare).

2. By mechanical connection dimensions

3. and plug.

4. By the presence of a heater.

5. By the number of wires (1-2-3-4 wires).

6. By the presence of a blue box with the inscription Volvo :-)))

For the normal operation of the computer, only point 1 is important - everything else is a blizzard.

For location - also point 4. - everything that is located more than 10 cm from the exhaust valve must have a heater. And then everyone decides everything for himself.

If you only need a little blue box, then there are no questions.

If you need to look - then you can from Bosch.

And if - to travel - then you can from a Muscovite / dozens.

Now I have it from AZLK Svyatogor, bought for $ 15 (350 rubles) more than 1.5 years ago. Self-diagnosis 1-1-1, CO 0.5 - 0.7% (classic threshold lambda = 1), consumption
And where are proportional LZs used? Can you tell us more about them?

This information settled on the subcortex after wandering around and-no. The general meaning is a slightly different chemical. composition, and stretched characteristic with respect to oxygen. It seems to be put on some Japanese. The signal levels from the classic probe are different.

Gregory T5 on lambda probe interchangeability (2001):

Long-term research of the Lambda probe on 850 T5 with the help of many well-known personalities (special thanks to individuals :) led to the following conclusion:

On my В5234Т Volvo changed the lambda number 2 times. 1271939 -> 9125580 -> 9202719.

Meanwhile, Bosch also did not doze and changed his number once 0-258-003-593 -> 0-258-005-097.

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Replace lambda probe

If the oxygen sensor is defective, there are several solutions to the problem. One of them is to change the lambda probe sensor. You can do it yourself by purchasing new part in a specialized store or car service. Pay attention to the markings on the old probe. With exactly the same should be a new probe.

If you are not sure if you can handle it, contact a specialist. Where can a lambda probe be replaced? In any car service for little money. Experts will do the job efficiently. For the next 50,000-100,000 km, the original oxygen sensor will work perfectly.

  • Improves engine performance;

A significant disadvantage of such a solution is the price. The cost of a new lambda probe reaches 25,000 rubles. If the catalyst is disconnected or knocked out of the car, replacing the lambda probe will not help. Software shutdown will help - chip tuning.

Clear lambda probe

Often soot accumulates on the oxygen sensor, and combustion products settle inside. This prevents him from working at full strength. The car loses traction, decreases maximum speed and fuel consumption is increasing. One of the solutions to the problem is to clean the lambda probe.

  1. Phosphoric acid cleans the lambda probe in 15-25 minutes. Then rinse the device with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Types of trickery for a lambda probe

  • Low traction will improve;

You cannot drive with a faulty oxygen sensor. The car loses its dynamics, the fuel consumption increases. Therefore, car owners change, clean, install tricks or programmatically turn off the lambda probe. Which is the best way? Sorted out the pros and cons of each.

Replace lambda probe

If the oxygen sensor is defective, there are several solutions to the problem. One of them is to change the lambda probe sensor. You can do this yourself by purchasing a new part in a specialized store or car service. Pay attention to the markings on the old probe. With exactly the same should be a new probe.

Replacement takes place necessarily on a cooled engine and the ignition off. To begin with, the wires are disconnected from the old device. Then the old probe is disconnected with a wrench, and a new one is put in its place. Work must be done carefully, without ripping off the thread.

If you are not sure if you can handle it, contact a specialist. Where can a lambda probe be replaced? In any car service for little money. Experts will do the job efficiently. The next 50,000-100,000 km, the original oxygen sensor will work perfectly.

The advantage of installing a new oxygen sensor

  • Saves fuel from 5 to 15%. The deterioration of the sensor affects the fuel consumption, so installing a new one will return it to normal;
  • Improves engine performance;
  • With 100% certainty, notifies of the failure of the catalyst;
  • Reduces the emission of harmful substances.

A significant disadvantage of such a solution is the price. The cost of a new lambda probe reaches 25,000 rubles. If the catalyst is disconnected or knocked out of the car, replacing the lambda probe will not help. Software shutdown will help - chip tuning.

Clear lambda probe

Often soot accumulates on the oxygen sensor, and combustion products settle inside. This prevents him from working at full strength. The car loses traction, the maximum speed decreases and the fuel consumption increases. One of the solutions to the problem is to clean the lambda probe.

How is the oxygen sensor cleaned:

  1. Inspect the probe carefully before cleaning it. If there is damage or the structure is deformed, then the malfunction is unlikely to be due to contamination. If there is no damage, the lambda probe can be cleaned.
  2. You will need phosphoric acid, which is good at eroding scale and removing soot. Do not use mechanical cleaning tools: iron brush, sandpaper, file, etc. You will damage the precious metal layer and the sensor will become unusable.
    Remove the oxygen sensor from the car and place in acid. To speed up the process, take a soft brush and apply the liquid evenly over the entire surface.
  3. Phosphoric acid cleans the lambda probe in 15-25 minutes. Then rinse the device with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Unfortunately, cleaning doesn't always help.

If the orthophosphoric baths did not work, the sensor should be replaced or turned off by software.

Install lambda probe snag

A broken or malfunctioning oxygen sensor cannot be repaired, but it can be replaced with an expensive new one, or a blende can be installed. Many car owners choose this simple way to trick the electronic control unit. In this case, the blende sends an average (similar to a working) signal to the ECU and the computer thinks that everything is fine. The whole point of the motor's adaptability is then lost. The computer does not understand how well the mixture is prepared and how environmentally friendly the exhaust is. Without a normal sensor, the ECU goes crazy, which leads to increased fuel consumption and other troubles.

Types of trickery for a lambda probe

  • Mechanical snag for a lambda probe. This universal spare part is installed on almost all vehicles. Inside it is a mini-catalyst through which the exhaust gases pass. There they are slightly cleaned and the electronic control unit receives lower emission values.
  • Electronic snag for a lambda probe. It is specially programmed for a certain make, volume and year of production of the car, which makes it more expensive than mechanical. Connect the device to the wires, through which the values ​​are corrected to permissible.

In both cases, the signals from the first and second oxygen sensors will be different. The ECU will accept this reading as normal catalyst operation.

Pros and cons of installing a blende lambda probe

Lambda probe spoof will extinguish "Check Engine". The cost, compared to other solutions, is small, so this is the most popular procedure.

Deception for a lambda probe, in contrast to replacing a sensor or chip tuning, does not take into account different parameters and operating conditions of the engine. For example, fuel injection adjustment. Therefore, with automatic correction, the readings after some time will go beyond the conditionally normal limits again, error P0140 will come out and the check will light up.

Disable lambda probe programmatically

After the physical removal of the catalyst, the software shutdown of the lambda probes that stand after it is a mandatory step. Without adaptation, the second sensor located after the catalyst transmits incorrect exhaust values, the check lights up and the engine goes into emergency mode... This is fraught with increased fuel consumption and poor dynamics.

Disabling lambda probes programmatically using chip tuning will bring pleasant bonuses:

  • The indicators of power and torque will increase;
  • Reduced fuel consumption (compared to emergency mode);
  • Low traction will improve;
  • The gas pedal will become more responsive;
  • The overall dynamics of the car will improve, acceleration will become more frisky;
  • Gearbox shifts will be smoother;
  • The operation of the engine is optimized with the air conditioner on, the car will stop "dull".

Programmed shutdown of lambda probes is carried out by ADACT partners in Russia and the CIS countries.

8 assessments, the average: 4.75 out of 5


What happens if you turn off the lambda probe? We tell and show in modern car there are a lot of different sensors, the purpose of which many drivers do not know. Therefore, the question of what will happen if you turn off the lambda probe is not rare. This sensor is quite tricky, unlike the device that monitors the position of the crankshaft, as well as other similar sensors. The lambda probe is frightening with an incomprehensible name. That is why, many motorists consider this sensor completely useless, others consider it the source of all troubles. Let's try to figure out who is right in relation to this probe. Indeed, in fact, this is a very important detail, only it must be guaranteed to be in good working order.

How it works?

What happens if you turn off the lambda probe? Before answering this question, you need to understand how it works. The main function is to control the catalyst operation. More precisely, the purpose depends on the location of this sensor. The most common option ...

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You will need

Lambda probe, instruments


Diagnose the problem, make sure that the lambda probe has become unusable. If the lambda probe is broken, the CO content in the exhaust increases from 0.1-0.3% to 3-7%. Other symptoms of an oxygen sensor breakdown are deterioration in acceleration dynamics, variable idle speed, and increased fuel consumption.

In most cases, the lambda probe stops working due to carbon deposits that accumulate on the sensitive element under the protective cap. You can try to remove plaque to restore the sensor to work. The sensor is washed in phosphoric acid for 10-20 minutes. It corrodes dirt, but does not destroy electrodes and metals. After rinsing, the sensor must be rinsed and dried. The threads must be lubricated with assembly paste. If washing does not help, the lambda probe must be replaced.

Remove the battery terminal. Find the lambda probe, cut the connector so that the wire that goes from the connector ...

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Many car owners want to know how to remove the lambda probe. The lambda probe is one of the most important sensors in the power supply system. power unit car. Based on the readings of this sensor, the oxygen content in the exhaust gases is determined.

How to remove a lambda probe

In many cases, almost every car owner is able to replace the oxygen sensor even independently. To remove the lambda probe, you will need a new sensor; WD-40 or "liquid key"; box wrench; scrap; towing cord and rags.

Although the procedure for removing the sensor itself is quite simple and should not be too difficult, in practice, motorists face a number of problems. The main difficulty is associated with the fact that during the operation of the machine, the lambda probe "sticks" really tightly. As a result, its dismantling is not always possible. Some of the "garage craftsmen" offer to solve the problem of how to remove the lambda probe, using rather "tough" methods - to ...

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Final revision of the article dated January 22, 2012.

Actually, the topic has begun, with your permission, I will continue by touching on all 3 methods, and the above one too ..
For, it's time to finally, once and for all, take and close this topic - so that everyone knows exactly how this is done. When the 4th and subsequent methods appear, add them as well. But, so far, science knows only 3 common methods of "jamming" the second lambda probe.

Animality has excellently described the theory at the top - why, and how, therefore, I will not repeat myself, and here too What is a catalyst and should we fight it? is also written, one can only recall one thing that the readings of the two lambda probes must differ from each other, within certain limits and tolerances, so that the brains believe that we have a catalyst and is working (if you just turn off the second lambda probe, from the connector - brains they will not see any readings from him and again, they will enter emergency mode, which is why it is necessary like this ...

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Attention! As practice shows, after doing the manipulations described below, in 50% of cases you will temporarily delay the death of your lambda probe, and in 50% of cases you will kill it immediately! I don’t know why this is happening, but my lambda came to life after cleaning and did not live long, and for many it died right away. If you are not sure, it’s better not to do this procedure!

I'll start from afar. All winter I drove through Moscow in the pensioner's mode, the roads are slippery. All was good. And then, by chance, I got out on the track. What can I say guys? I was just stunned ... The car refused to go. It seems like everything is as before, but I go to overtake a truck - and somehow I go around it for a very long time ... the dynamics are catastrophic! decided to check, started abruptly from a traffic light ... feeling that under the hood the engine from 2109 = (

Compression, I decided. Moreover, he eats a lot of oil. Well, I did the decarbonizing with laurel ... The procedure is simple, there are many instructions on the net. That evening I went to run in Moscow. YES! The car flooded! Easy and ...

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It seems to me that there is no catalyst (knocked out), therefore, even if you reset the error, the lamp lights up again after 40-100 km .. if you just remove the lambda connector, then the error lights up after 100 m ... apparently it is still alive. Maybe so you can diagnose as a whole ... I read that there may be an open circuit in the heating circuit of acid. two inside the sensor itself ... this is only caught by a special tester. In general, here is an interesting link

Here's what's in there .. I haven't tried it myself, but I'm thinking of trying it:

Manufacturing "bogus" for the oxygen sensor (lambda probe).
Very often, when using low-quality fuel at gas stations (with impurities, especially at regional gas stations on the periphery), the service life of the catalytic oxidizers of exhaust gases (catalysts), which all Ford cars are equipped with, is sharply reduced.

As a result of the use of low-quality fuel, special platinum-coated ceramics, which are used inside the catalysts, are simply sintered and ...

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The lambda probe (oxygen sensor) is a charging segment for injection-type vehicles. The main purpose of the device is to display the coefficient of excessive consumption of air in the air-fuel mixture. The most common reasons for a device to become unusable, or interruptions in its operation, are: separation of electrical connection circuits, short circuit, clogging, any thermal overloads, as well as various mechanical failures.

It is very good if the installation of the corrector with the replacement of the katov will be done together with the replacement of the lambda probe. But first of all, it is necessary to diagnose the malfunction, and make sure that the lambda umbrella is unusable. It is quite easy to do this: if the probe breaks down, the CO content in the exhaust rises to 3-7%. In addition, you should be on your guard in case of deterioration in the dynamics of acceleration. Also, operation may be interrupted in the event of carbon build-up occurring within the sensing element under the protection cap. In such a situation, the usual way can be ...

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Peculiarities injection engines we have already discussed in our articles, however, of course, not all questions have been disclosed yet. In particular, the most discussed topic on automotive forums is disconnecting the battery on the injector. So we decided to help you deal with this rather difficult question, in which there are a large number of both rules and exceptions. In particular, today we will try to understand in more detail the basic principles of the injector functioning and how it can be affected by a battery disconnection. We will tell you in which cases disconnecting the battery is mandatory, and whether it is possible to remove the terminals from the battery on the injector.

Everything about the injector and its "dependence" on the battery.

Carburetor engine is little by little going down in history, since an injector is a worthy replacement - a modern system for injecting fuel into the combustion chamber. In particular, a large number japanese cars can boast of just such ...

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Is a sensor that evaluates the composition exhaust gases while the car is running at different loads and speed modes.

It transmits a signal to the main engine control unit, after which the air-fuel ratio is optimized. The lambda probe, or oxygen sensor (KD), is located in the exhaust system in front of the catalytic converter.

If the sensor or catalyst is faulty, or if the permissible values ​​are exceeded, the "check engine" light comes on on the instrument panel. It indicates that it is necessary to diagnose the engine. In this case, the diagnostic result will display one of the three above reasons. For checking, special diagnostic scanners are used.

Disable lambda probe.

Some car enthusiasts are interested in whether it is possible to turn off CD. It is theoretically possible to do this, but not desirable. It is not recommended to turn off the lambda probe, because the electronic control unit (ECU) of the engine enables the autonomous mode of supplying the fuel-air mixture. This affects fuel consumption for the worse, leading to an increase in toxic substances in the exhaust gases. If you drive with a disabled or faulty CD for a long time, the following problems may arise:

  • will quickly occur, which will lead to poor engine starting, especially cold, poor flammability of the air-fuel mixture, a decrease;

  • carbon deposits on the valves, which leads to a decrease in the blowing capacity of the intake and exhaust channels in the cylinder head, intake manifold and exhaust manifold, which reduces the power of the car;

  • carbon deposits in the catalyst, which can even lead to its melting, after which the engine will stall immediately after starting;

  • carbon deposits on the pistons, which can eventually cause overhaul as well as the above malfunctions.

In connection with the above, the question of whether it is possible to drive with a disabled CD has a negative answer, because no motorist wants serious problems with his transport.

Disconnection of the oxygen sensor is possible during repair exhaust system... But first, it is necessary to disconnect the battery terminals, since any disconnection of the part chips is recorded in the RAM of the control unit, and on some car models the information is immediately sent to the ROM.

Should I turn off the lambda probe?

Experienced motorists turn off the CD only in cases where it has become unusable or there has been a mechanical damage to the wires of the lambda probe. Due to these problems, unpredictable parameters will be transmitted to the control unit, which will lead to inappropriate vehicle behavior. For example, a car may begin to lose traction or its power may decrease. The air-fuel mixture may also increase or decrease. If the sensor is disconnected by opening, then the average value of the exhaust gas parameters will be supplied, which will allow you to get to the car service for further diagnostics and troubleshooting. It is not recommended to drive for a long time with the CD disabled, as mentioned above. A defective sensor must be replaced.

Car owners stories.

Since the lambda probe is a rather "insidious" sensor, many problems can be associated with it. Often with increased consumption fuel, car owners believe that the reason lies precisely in the CD. Below are three stories of light vehicle owners that illustrate the challenges and solutions.

Story # 1.

Alexey, a user of an automobile forum from Rostov, owns a Mazda 3 with a 2.0 liter engine. He has a problem with increased fuel consumption. Even in a quiet mode of movement, the car wasted 15 liters per hundred kilometers. Also on the dashboard there was a "check" error, indicating a malfunction of the lambda probe, as the driver believed. A new sensor for his car costs from 10 thousand rubles, and Alexey was not ready to spend that kind of money. There was an option to purchase an analogue of a part of the BOSCH brand worth 3 thousand rubles, but it might not fit the car due to resistance. Therefore, the car owner began to look for other methods to solve the problem. He remembered that a month and a half ago he started refueling a car at a Lukoil gas station, after which the check came on. A friend advised me to add an additive to the tank, which increases the octane number of gasoline. But the car owner's store was dissuaded from this, because there is a high risk of burning the valves. But Alexei was advised to purchase a cleaning additive, which is also poured into the tank. He also checked the oil level and topped it up to the proper level. Aleksey poured gasoline at another gas station, after which he added an additive. Fuel consumption dropped to 9.5 liters, and the check went out. It can be concluded that an error can also occur due to low-quality gasoline, and not only due to malfunctions of the exhaust system.

Story number 2.

The second story was told by Sergey, who acquired from his hands Opel car Vectra A 1989 release. Fuel consumption was too high and reached 12 liters per 100 km. Since the light was on Check engine, then it was decided to carry out diagnostics. She showed a malfunction of the lambda probe. Sergei replaced the oxygen sensor, which helped, but only for two weeks. After that, the sensor fell into disrepair again, and the "check" came on. The car owner has already installed a "used" one so as not to spend a lot of money. This also fixed the problem for a short time. Sergey began to look for more detailed information and found out that earlier engines of a different type were installed on the Vectra A, and just starting in 1989, new engines were introduced. Structurally, they were no different, but in old engines the lambda probe was not provided, and a different firmware was used. By flashing, the problem was eliminated, because the control unit now considered the CD non-existent.

Story number 3.

A user of the automobile forum Taylor from Krasnodar complained about high consumption fuel of the car VAZ. He decided to change the lambda probe, thinking it would help. But in the end, he was unable to disconnect it, and the car enthusiast continued to drive with the sensor disabled. Naturally, the problem was not solved, although the flow rate decreased slightly. The situation was successfully resolved when the man went to a car service, where a new part was installed for him.



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