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If the installation / dismantling of the equipment has not yet been performed- you get from us Conclusion of technical expertise, go to the traffic police (technical supervision department), write there an Application for the possibility of making changes to the vehicle design (obtaining permission from the traffic police takes, as a rule, up to 1 week). After you have signed an application with a positive decision, send us photos (installed equipment, general view Vehicle from 4 sides, manufacturer's plates and VIN numbers), we will make the remaining documents for you - Declaration statement from the service, Diagnostic card and Technical Expertise Protocol... With a full package of documents, you go to the same traffic police (technical supervision department), hand over a full package of documents and expect a response from the Main / Regional Directorate in the form of a certificate of conformity of the vehicle design with safety requirements (SKTS) (obtaining SKTS can take from 1 week to 1 month, depending on the region). Having received the SKTS, you need to contact the traffic police (registration department (REO / MREO), usually they are located in the same building with the technical supervision department), where you will be marked on the SKTS in the TCP and a new STS will be issued with marks (on the day of contact).

If the equipment has already been installed / dismantled, the procedure is exactly the same!

Price for a full package of documents: 12,000 rubles *

Turnkey price: 35,000 rubles *

Additional equipment documents: DCT, certificates for components

* - When registering several types of re-equipment at the same time, the cost of the package of documents may increase

Inspection frequency- buses of category "D" must be inspected twice a year. Having changed the category "D" to "B", the inspection should be carried out less often - once every two years for cars aged 3-7 years and once a year for cars over 7 years old ...

Travel- in some places trucks, category "C", no entry to the city center, passage over bridges in daytime and other restrictions ... In this case, changing the category expands the boundaries of the car's movement ...

Saving- when changing the category, the cost of insurance and the rates of transport tax in a particular region may differ. This difference is especially felt with a high power of the car ... By the way, at the expense of insurance, issue it immediately to a new category, it does not matter if it is more expensive or cheaper. If an accident happens and it turns out that the insurance was not issued correctly, the insurance company will refuse to pay and you will have to pay all costs ...

How to change the design and category of a car

Car modifications can be performed by certified organizations or the vehicle owner. Companies without certificates and other craftsmen, such as Uncle Vasya from a nearby garage, are excluded. In other words, only a certified organization or yourself can be indicated in the declaration statement ...

Of course, you can do work with a neighbor in the garage, and indicate yourself in the application, but everything is not so simple ... Traffic police are reluctant to work with private traders, because they do not at least take responsibility for the safety of changes. For example, if the owner screwed the seat to the floor not as it should be, but with self-tapping screws, then the inspector will be to blame for not looking. And when the re-equipment is done by a certified company, then she is already responsible for safety. Therefore, the paperwork is much faster and easier ...

Our recommendation here is that if you have the skills to work with a car and a desire to save money, then you can carry out the work on dismantling the seats and other elements yourself, and give the installation work to a certified organization. And if, during the time that you are fiddling with the car, you can earn more money with your main activity, then it is obvious that it is easier to turn to professionals and in the end get finished car and a package of documents ...

Many were faced with the question of how to change the category of their car. The reasons for this may be different, the main ones are:

  • less often to undergo technical inspection;
  • fewer restrictions on movement;
  • lower cost of insurance and diagnostic card.

Where can I go to change the category of my car?

  1. Contact our Ural testing and technical laboratory for the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination.
  2. Get an application for refurbishment from us.
  3. Submit an application to the traffic police, where the employee will inspect the car.
  4. After a while, receive an application with permission or refusal for the conversion.

If you have received permission to change the vehicle category, you can start making structural changes. After work, specialized companies are required to issue copies of certificates and a declaration statement on the volume and quality of the services provided for making changes to the transport.

After the conversion, it is necessary to undergo a technical inspection. Then our Ural testing and technical laboratory issues a technical examination protocol after making design changes to the vehicle and pays the state duty.

All collected papers are checked by technical supervision to issue a certificate of compliance with the safety requirements of the converted vehicle. Further, in the MREO, the car is again inspected and registered. At this stage, one more state duty is paid. After that, it remains only to pick up the updated vehicle passport and registration certificate.

Our Ural laboratory performs both part of the stages for registration of a change in the category of a car in Yekaterinburg, and the entire volume of work. We save you time, effort and nerves with the guarantee of receiving correctly executed documents.

Also, our laboratory prepares a full package of documents for non-standard car tuning.

Fill out the form and we will call you back shortly

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Absolutely all vehicles are subject to a certain category (C, A, B or D). It helps to find out whether vehicles belong to one or another type of classification. specifications, carrying capacity, number of seats, actual vehicle weight.

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Therefore, in order to convert a car from one category to another, it is first of all necessary to put its characteristics in line with the selected classification.

Changes in the number of seats will only entail big problems during re-registration, technical inspection, registration of the car.

The main goal after dismantling and all the work done is that the vehicles correspond to the category that is recorded in the data sheet. The process of making changes must be carried out in the prescribed manner.

What do categories "C" and "B" mean?

All vehicles are classified into categories depending on many components and technical characteristics of the vehicle, engine displacement, weight, number of seats and many other features.

Category "C"

In other words, if you have a mark with a "C" category in your driver's license, then you need to drive trucks that are heavier from 3.5 tons and attach a trailer not heavier than 750 kg.

Drivers in this category are prohibited from driving other vehicles (motorcycles, trucks or by passenger cars) which is lighter from 3.5 tons.

If you want to drive vehicles with a trailer weighing more than 0.75 tons, you need to open the mixed category "CE".

Category "B"

Category B includes all vehicles (except for motorcycles "A" -category), the maximum allowed weight of which is not more than 3500 kg, and the number passenger seats, not counting the driver's seat, no more than eight.

If a motor vehicle of category "B" is connected to a trailer, then its mass should not exceed 0.75 tons, if it is more, then the actual weight of the car together with the trailer should not exceed 3500 kg.

If you have a mark on your driver's license opposite "B", then you are allowed to drive all of the above vehicles that meet the specified requirements.

Subcategory "B" is the category "BE", which allows car owners to drive machines connected to a trailer, which is heavier than 750 kg, but provided that the total weight of the car plus the trailer is not more than 3500 kg.

In what cases is it made

To retrain a car from one category to another, you need to change its characteristics, but why do that?

Why do car owners despair at this step and bother, collect documents, spend up to a week in the traffic police, for what profitable purpose?

The first and significant plus is the frequency of technical inspection. Drivers of the "C" -category undergo vehicle checks for serviceability and damage twice as often as drivers of light vehicles.

The second positive point is the ability to travel through prohibited areas for trucks. Very often there are signs around the city that prohibit entry to vehicles weighing more than 3500 kg.

Also travel over bridges and other places, zones of the city. After changing the vehicle category, you have more possibilities for driving and the boundaries are expanding

The price of an insurance policy directly depends on the category of the car, and the indicated prices on the websites of insurers clearly confirm this.

You will also have to pay more for a diagnostic card, because there are more nodes in vehicles than in cars, it will take longer to check, and the cost is correspondingly higher.

As far as insurance is concerned, it must be registered in a new, changed category.

Indeed, if the policy is filled out incorrectly in the event of a traffic accident, the legal institution will refuse compensation.

How much will it cost

Re-issuing a category is not a cheap procedure. Not only will you have to pay for the procedure itself and the documents, but also turning to accredited companies for help, you will have to pay for their services and work.

The average cost of reissuing from "C" to "B" in Russia is as follows:

A package of required documents

In order to re-register the category of the vehicle, it is necessary to change the technical characteristics of the car and submit the following documents to the traffic police:

  • technical passport;
  • registration certificate;
  • OSAGO insurance policy;
  • application for renewal;
  • conclusion from the institute;
  • declaration statement;
  • passport;
  • paid receipts for the issuance of a registration certificate, amending the registration certificate or its replacement.

Vehicle requirements

If your vehicle meets the above requirements, you can safely apply for the renewal of the vehicle.

Separately, you should pay attention to the carrying capacity, installation and removal of seats, cutting out windows, removing partitions and other details that you or the organizations that will need to deal with will need to deal with.

Where to go for renewal

Understanding and understanding the procedure for re-registering a vehicle is still half the battle. But how to change the design of the car, where to go, where to start? Similar questions are asked on Internet forums every day.

There are two ways out of the situation. Specialized companies can make changes to the design of the vehicle and start work on re-registering the car - the first way to entrust the work to professionals and masters of their craft.

The second option is to tackle car design changes on your own at home.

If you submit an application for the re-registration of vehicles, in the declaration you will need to indicate how the work was carried out - by you personally or by certified institutions.

You can also ask for help from a neighbor who is engaged in car repairs and has his own station. Maintenance, and in the application indicate yourself.

But the traffic police cannot be fooled in the event that they, without much eagerness, take on the work of private traders or suspicious offices, referring to the fact that they are not sure about the quality of the robots and the safety of changes.

When a neighbor screws up the seats, not as expected, the traffic police officer will be the culprit, which he missed and did not make a remark.

When an accredited company has provided you with conversion services, the organization is already responsible for the quality and safety.

Therefore, traffic police officers, without special checks, proceed to "paperwork"

What to do in this matter is up to you and you should start from your capabilities.

If you are a good master, you have been repairing vehicles for more than one year, you have acquired the skills and a professional look, then you can save a lot and carry out dismantling work yourself, and entrust the installation to accredited firms.

If you are completely unaware of the upcoming work and can only rely on the help of a neighbor, it is better to entrust all the work to specialists and be sure of the result. And to direct the time spent on the car to work in the main activity.

On Russian market there are many companies, centers and firms that specialize in vehicle repair.

Most of them dismantle equipment and further install new parts in vehicle when reissuing from category "C" to "B".


  1. The first thing to do is visit the traffic police where you registered the truck and go through an inspection before conversion. The inspector takes a couple of pictures and gives you the inspection report of the inspector.
  2. Then we write a statement that you want to re-register the truck and indicate what exactly you will change (add the number of seats to 8, reduce the weight due to the suspension, and more). It is signed and left at the MREO.
  3. Then you go home and re-equip the unit yourself or contact accredited organizations that are engaged in this work.
  4. You receive expert conclusions that the converted unit is safe and meets all the requirements. It is issued by a company that has permission to do so.
  5. Then you visit the traffic police and the examination is carried out there, photographs are taken.
  6. Pay the state fee
  7. Then you are given an inspection certificate from the MREO employees.
  8. A list of documents collected in advance, plus just received papers and applications, are submitted to the reception window.
  9. Then you will be given a new TCP where the "B" -category is indicated or with changes, and a new registration certificate.
    The renewal procedure is considered complete

Re-registration of the car category is made for reasons of saving money associated with insurance and technical inspections, as well as the ability to drive through all parts of the city where passage is prohibited for cars of the "C" -category.

The phone number of the person who DOES the renewal can be found BELOW of the page

For the full-fledged operation of the Grand Stareks by a car owner with the usual category "B", you will have to transfer your car from category "D" (to which it is ranked at the time you buy it) to category "B". Otherwise, you simply do not have the right to manage it.

The RF operates Technical Regulations Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (TR CU 018/2011). (from 01.01.2015)

At the moment (03/30/2015) all issues related to the re-equipment of the vehicle are regulated by circular No. 13/5-u-1225 dated February 25, 2015 (below is a link to the circular itself). This is written on the website of the accredited company "PTIA-AUTO", whose specialists are professionally versed in the intricacies of re-equipment of the vehicle.

Recently (from the end of February 2015) the circular GU OBDD dated February 25, 2015 No. 13/5-u-1225 "On control over changes in the design of vehicles registered with the State Traffic Inspectorate."

The main important point of this document is that now: "The control and supervision of the design of vehicles that were (are) in operation is carried out under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and provides for registration actions based " Conclusions of the preliminary technical examination of the vehicle design(hereinafter - conclusions) and Of the Protocol after changes in the design of the vehicle(hereinafter referred to as the protocol) in an accredited organization and "Certificate of conformity of the vehicle design with changes made to its design safety requirements" (hereinafter - the certificate).

Now, in order to transfer the Grand Stareks from category "D" to category "B", you will need to go through the following algorithm:

  1. Application of an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by power of attorney) to an accredited test laboratory with the provision of documents:

a) A simple application with a description of the planned refurbishment (download the application form);

b) A copy of the vehicle passport (PTS) or vehicle registration certificate (COP);

  1. Conducting a preliminary technical examination of the vehicle design in an accredited organization for the fact that the design does not deteriorate during re-equipment in comparison with the requirements in force at the time of release into circulation. In case of positive results, the accredited organization issues the applicant « Conclusion of the preliminary technical examination of the vehicle "( "Conclusions").
  2. Appeal of an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by power of attorney) to the territorial subdivision of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate performing the functions of technical supervision regardless of the place of registration (in the traffic police) with the provision of documents:

a) Filling "Statements"(download Appendix No. 1 of the GU OBDD circular dated February 25, 2015 No. 13/5-u-1225);

b) An identity document of the owner, or, for legal entities - a certificate of state registration and a certificate of registration with a tax authority, as well as a power of attorney, agreement or other document certifying the applicant's authority;

c) Registration documents of the vehicle (TCP and COP);

d) Conclusion of the preliminary technical examination of the vehicle design;

e) Providing a vehicle for inspection.

  1. Obtaining a resolution of the traffic police.
  2. Conversion work in accordance with "Conclusion"... In this case, if it is envisaged to make changes in the design of the vehicle in the conditions of a certified enterprise, the applicant receives from the manufacturer of the work a "Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of work performed" -1225) (hereinafter - declaration-declaration) and duly certified certificates for the services rendered. If the "Conclusion" allows the independent production of work, the registration of the "Application-Declaration" is carried out by the owner. It is also necessary to collect duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for the components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with the conformity mark). Technical condition and the structure of the vehicle after the changes made are checked for compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of safety road traffic at SSTO or VET. Based on the results of the check, a diagnostic card is issued for the vehicle, which is issued to the owner of the vehicle.
  3. The next stage is checking the safety of the structure and drawing up a protocol of technical expertise after making changes to the structure in an accredited organization ( "Protocol") with the provision of documents:

1) Statement from the traffic police;

2) Vehicle passport (PTS) on both sides;

3) Passport of the owner (pages with photograph and registration), if the owner is a legal entity - details;

4) Documents certifying the ownership of spare parts; interior layout (before / after conversion); etc. depending on the type of conversion;

5) Copies of certificates of conformity certified in accordance with the established procedure for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with the conformity mark;

6) Diagnostic card;

7) Statement-declaration on the volume and quality of the work performed;

8) A copy of the service certificate with the decryption of service codes;

9) Photos of the vehicle after making changes to the design. (Engine compartment before and after, all plates and general view)

10) Contact information (postal address of dispatch, telephone ...)

  1. To receive "Testimonies" the owner of the vehicle submits the vehicle and the following documents to the traffic police department, which is the basis for registering a change in the design of the vehicle:

Declaration statement;

Copies of certificates of conformity certified in accordance with the established procedure for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a conformity mark);


Diagnostic card;

Proof of payment of the state fee.

  1. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents and inspection of the vehicle, the traffic police department draws up, registers and issues a certificate to the applicant and makes a note in the TCP about the changes made and, if necessary, issue a new certificate of registration of the vehicle.

Below you can see how the samples of the documents you need should look like:

Company site ready to help my clients in the process of transferring from category to category.

We cooperate with the company PTIA-AUTO, which is an organization accredited for technical competence and independence in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009

This company will help you arrange all Required documents and go through the entire algorithm described above to transfer Grand Stareks from category to category. You can find more detailed information about the services provided on the company's website

Separately, I would like to note the following point: if you submit documents to the PTIA-NAMI company from 9 to 11 am, then you can get the conclusion you need on the same day!

The company issues to its clients a set of documents necessary for the traffic police, which includes: Certificates of conformity for the work carried out; Certificate for seat belts (for native Korean and non-native Chinese); Statement-Declaration on the volume and quality of work on making changes to the vehicle design.

Elsheep-Team can help you with obtaining a Diagnostic Card, which is also required for the transfer from category to category.

Additional Information:

Algorithm of translation on the website of the Riviera-Auto company (all of the above, but in slightly different words)


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