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The question is interesting and worries many - is the valve bending on the Lada Grant car when the timing belt breaks ...

Process physics

Let's explain what a timing belt is. The timing belt is a rubber closed belt, with notches on the inside, designed to synchronize the crankshaft and camshaft engine. It is used when using a belt drive.

When the timing belt breaks, the camshafts stop in the position in which the breakage occurred, and the crankshaft continues to spin by inertia and the pistons strike with powerful force on the valves, on those that were open at that moment. As a result, the valves bend (see figure). It doesn't matter at all whether this happened in gear or not, and the number of revolutions does not matter.

On the front two, the curvature of the valves is especially visible

Reasons for the breakage

  • most often the cause of a timing belt break is a jammed pump
  • breakage due to belt wear, incl. due to poor quality
  • jamming of rollers, camshafts, crankshaft
  • etc.

As a result of all these events, the following can be observed:

There are traces of dents on the piston

Is the valve bending on the Grant?

Since different configurations are installed on the Lada Grant different engines(about engines in detail), then the answer to the question above will be different.

On the "standard" trim levels, 1.6-liter 8-valve engines are installed, which are still used on the Lada Kalina. Such engines have already passed the test of time and have shown themselves well in operation - if the timing belt breaks, the valves remain in good condition.

The "norm" configuration has a modernized 8-valve with a lightweight piston group(these are also installed on Kalina). Here the problem of the meeting of pistons and valves when the timing belt breaks has not been solved. This happens because special recesses are made in the pistons of such engines, and when the ShPG is lightened, the pistons become thinner and there is no room left for the recesses.

Owners of the "luxury" will not be able to please either - their valves, when the belt breaks, also encounters a valve and a piston. True, there are fewer cases of such engines, but there is a risk. The main reason for the breakage on such engines is a jammed pump, tension and support rollers.

The risk is especially great if ...

It is worth not looking at the car, as it itself will make you look at it with a large and costly repair. AvtoVAZ advises to change the timing belt more often, to monitor the condition of the rollers, tensioners, etc. periodically hold Maintenance... Although the plant gives a guarantee of 120,000 km for the belt, it is a big risk to experience this. It is better to follow it more often, and change it in advance, until you have to spend money on overhaul engine.

The problem of breaking the timing belt and subsequent damage to the valves was familiar to many owners of Lada Kalina. Improved Grant, according to many buyers, has lost this problem.

But all the same, fears on this score do not pass in any way. Therefore, it is preliminarily recommended to find out whether the valve bends on the Grant 8 valve and 16 valve, and the models with which engine is the most reliable operation.

On what Grant engines does the valve bend when the timing is broken?

The current owners of Grants argue that not all 8-valve engines are problematic. In particular, the "Standard" equipment is equipped with a really high-quality power unit and will not bring serious damage to its future owner.

Breakdowns will not occur with timely inspection and diagnostics of the car. But for unit 11186 (previously 21114), even periodic checks will not always be a preventive measure.

The 11186 engine features reduced operating noise, low consumption fuel and power growth. But besides the advantages, the modified power unit received some problem areas: a new connecting rod-piston system. Its main difference is the lighter weight achieved by shortening the pistons. As a result, the reduced space did not allow for practical and safe placement of mechanisms.

Why Grant 8 valve bends valve?

The breakdown procedure itself is also equally important to study. Having understood which areas are most susceptible to damage, the owner will be able to pay more attention to them or turn to specialists for help.

After carrying out diagnostics, the wizards will perform a full service and help to avoid numerous reasons for a timing break: jamming of the pump, rollers, camshaft or crankshaft. The process of valve damage itself occurs according to the following scheme:

1. Timing belt breaks.

2. Stops the camshaft.

3. The crankshaft continues to rotate (the flywheel transmits the rotation).

4. Pistons hit the open valves at the moment of breakage.

Thus, the valves are bent, and in the future they will need to be fully replaced. You can also find out whether the Lada Grant 8 valve is bending the valve from the specialists working at the service station.

After all, a breakdown does not necessarily affect every owner of a domestic car. Damage occurs in exceptional cases when the motorist does not devote enough time to service the car. Therefore, the root cause is lack of conscientious exploitation.

In some cases, changing the belt to a more durable one helps: the factory component may not meet the required loading and operating conditions. The tension force must fully comply with the manufacturer's stated recommendations. That's why self-adjustment can only worsen the situation.

You should also contact a specialist when primary signs appear that may indicate a subsequent belt rupture. There may be slight timing noise. It is he who will indicate possible wear or a partial wedge or pump.

All these factors are decisive and can lead to the need for expensive repairs, and in extreme cases, to call a tow truck if the driver was outside the city at the time of the break. The owner of the Grants needs to take into account all the considered nuances and solve the slightest problems immediately after they appear.

Before buying or after, but the owners of the new AvtoVAZ will sooner or later start to worry about the question: "Does the valve on the Lada Granta bend when the belt breaks?" And motorists are puzzled by this problem for a reason, because previous models often sinned with this extremely unpleasant defect. When the timing belt broke, the valves bent, especially on 16-valve Dvenashek and Prior engines.

As you know, Lada Grant is based on Lada Kalina in conjunction with its reliable engines and non-flexing valves. But, unfortunately, only the owners of the Lada Grant in the "Standard" package can breathe calmly. But the Lada Granta "Norm" is equipped with an eight-valve engine with a lightweight connecting rod-piston mechanism, and in such an engine, if the timing belt breaks, the valve will certainly have a fatal meeting with the pistons. After such collisions, repairs, of course, cannot be avoided. It seems to be strange - engines almost identical in characteristics have different designs. But everything is explained by the fact that on standard 8-valve engines, the pistons have recesses for the valves and when the belt breaks, they do not occur. But the same engines, but with a lightweight connecting rod-piston group, are equipped with shortened pistons, in which there is simply no room for recesses. Therefore, a break in the timing belt will inevitably lead to a bending of the valves.

The Lada Priora engines have the same problem, although their belt is wide enough and the probability of rupture is minimized. Extensive operating experience this car showed that a timing belt break occurs extremely rarely, and then when starting to move in tow or from a pusher, which in principle is strictly forbidden to do, because when starting the engine, in this case, the load on camshaft turns out to be too high and the belt jumps over several incisors, which leads to unfortunate results.

Be that as it may, the motorist is obliged to monitor the condition of the timing belt, even if the pistons have valve recesses. Prevention has not harmed anyone yet, but repairing this whole thing somewhere on the highway is not a pleasant occupation.

Sergio Marchionne said, "You have to shoot me first," when asked about the possibility of entering the SUV segment. Times are changing, markets are evolving, and the Italian supercar manufacturer has confirmed that it is actively developing its first high-speed SUV model. It will be very different from any SUV on the market.

Ferrari's idea of ​​developing SUVs is controversial, even deep within the company's headquarters, but perhaps the most guaranteed way to increase profits and attract new customers. Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce are already in the arena, and Aston Martin joined by the end of 2019. The Ferrari model will not be released until 2022, so the company will be late in the trend. There are pros and cons to this approach. Ferarri takes a lot of effort to make her model stand out, but she is ideally positioned to learn valuable lessons from her competitors.

Ferrari SUV there is no name yet, but inside the company it is called Purosangue, which means "purebred" in Italian. This speaks volumes. It will have some off-road features, but it is not being developed for the most part off-road. And as you know, it will be a Ferrari from scratch, and not a converted version of an existing car. British magazine Autocar has learned that Purosangue will be published on a modular platform designed to support front and mid-engined vehicles, which is unusual in the SUV segment. This layout is most often associated with low sports cars. A complete set of electronics and other add-ons is also expected. Ferrari CTO Michael Laiters stressed that the model will not be like anything else on the market. Specifications are also not yet available and most likely they are not yet complete. Ferrari has impressive stability in its choice of 8- and 12-cylinder engines. Unverified rumors also point to a plug-in hybrid version built around a yet-to-be-revealed V6 engine. Four-wheel drive will be standard, as will the automatic transmission.

Purosangue won't be the first four-seater Ferrari but will be one of the most family-friendly models the company has ever produced. Owners will be able to ride it every day all year round. Consequently, it will be comfortable for both the driver and the passenger. Engineers rely on electronic magic (like electronically controlled suspension). The SUV will get all the features that buyers expect in a modern luxury vehicle, such as a head-up screen and a state-of-the-art infotainment system.

When deciding to buy a new product from AvtoVAZ, many are wondering whether the valve on the 8-valve Lada Granta engine bends? The potential car owner has every reason to worry about this, since a similar defect was typical for previous models of this manufacturer. For example, if the integrity of the timing belt was violated, deformation was observed on the 16-valve Lada Priora, after which it was necessary to make complex and expensive repairs, and sometimes not only the valves, but also the pistons changed (the piston pierced, in some cases even the connecting rod was destroyed), or the entire head of the control mechanism as a whole.

Breakdown cause

It's no secret that the prototype of the 8-valve Lada Granta became Lada Kalina with its robust motor and a different design, where neither the pistons nor the valve in any position reached each other. Concerning Lada granta, currently inherited only the standard model.

The owners of "Norma" with its 8-valve engine and simplified connecting rod-piston design were much less fortunate.

When the belt breaks on the gas distribution mechanism, the bend on the valves is observed due to contact with the pistons, while requiring immediate renovation works with the opening of the engine, since the usual replacement of the belt will no longer help.

It is hard to believe that almost identical engines, engines can be so strikingly different during operation. However, there is a simple explanation for this - the 8-valve engines of the "Standard" presuppose the presence of special recesses on the pistons, therefore, when the timing belt breaks on the Lada Granta, the valves do not meet with them. Models with a simplified piston-rod mechanism, in turn, are equipped with short pistons without indentations. Therefore, a broken timing belt on such an 8-valve Grant is fraught with deformation.

Possible Solution

As the history of operation of this kind of engines shows, the main reason for a belt break is attempts to start the car from the "pusher", which is strictly prohibited. And this is because the energy transmitted from the wheels through the transmission to the engine exceeds that given by the starter. Therefore, at the moment of starting the engine from the tug, the belt from a great effort can simply jump a few teeth and the car will not be able to start. Be careful.

If possible, then it is better to "light" the car from another car to avoid possible breakdown.

It is also necessary to monitor and change the timing belt on time. When and how to do this, we will tell you in the next article.


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