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Culture and religion

Ladova Alevtina Alexandrovna MOBU "Physics and Mathematics Lyceum" of Orenburg

  • Religion(from lat. religio - piety, shrine; lit.- I bind , connect) - part of spiritual traditions, beliefs and behavior of people in everyday life, participation in religious activities (rituals, prayers).

1. Primitive(beliefs of ancient people)

Religious beliefs and rituals reflected the helplessness of primitive man in the face of the overwhelming forces of nature. Religious beliefs of primitive man reflected in the works rock and cave art, which were discovered in the XIX-XX centuries. in southern France and northern Italy.

The primary form of religion was nature worship .

People knew the life-giving power of the Sun, revered and worshiped him like a god.

Fetishism -

the belief that a certain object has supernatural powers.

Animism- Belief in the existence of the soul and spirits.

  • Initially in Religions of Ancient Egypt The Egyptians imagined the gods in the form of birds and beasts. Later, when hunting lost its paramount importance, the Egyptians still depicted gods with the head of an animal or bird, but with a human body.


  • Religion has always considered the deity not as a punishing or merciful force, but as a role model, a kind of "beacon" of self-development.

Three main deities - Brahma , Vishnu And Shiva .

Ancient Greece

The Greeks believed that Mount Olympus was the seat of the gods. The ancient Greeks believed in the omnipotence of the gods. They cost them temples, created sculptures, depicted them on vases, sang in poetry.

PANTHEON - temple or place dedicated to all gods

Roman religion did not have a single organization and doctrine, but consisted of cults of various deities.

  • JUDAISM religion, originated among the Jews at the turn of I-II millennium BC

4. World religions

Christianity world religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • Has several meanings. Literally translated as "peace". Another meaning of this word is “giving oneself to God” (“submission to God”).

  • Buddhism is the world's first religion in time, which originated in India in the 6th-5th centuries BC. The founder of Buddhism is the Indian prince Siddhartha Gautama, who later received the name of Buddha.

Religions in Russia


Religion - a form of culture in which beauty, goodness, truth and justice find their expression, to which a person should strive in his work, in his culture.

Presentation for the lesson of the GPC No. 2 (Grade 4) "Religion is an integral part of the culture and life of people" according to the textbook by A.V. Borodina (3.8 Mv, pptx).

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All works by Zakutskaya Natalya Dmitrievna can be downloaded or transferred to your accounts (both individually and as an archive) on Yandex.Disk and [email protected]

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Many phenomena belong to culture: religion, language, literature, philosophy, architecture, painting, urban planning, etc.

We named religion and language as the first among them, because they are of particular value for the culture of the people, the preservation of its unity and well-being.

Each nation has its own religious culture, which affects the whole culture as a whole: literature, painting, architecture, everyday life, relations with others, legislation.

Even when religion is no longer officially supported by the state, people still retain it and are guided by it. For example, in the 20th century, almost all church books were destroyed in Russia, religious culture was not studied at school, almost no one read the Bible, but the Russians continued to be guided by the main principle in education: treat people the way you would like to be treated. .

Most often, this principle was considered folk wisdom, although it was taken from the Gospel. And when a person died, relatives remembered Orthodox rites, went to church in order to fulfill their duty to him, according to Orthodox tradition.

In everyday difficulties and illnesses, they still prayed to the Holy Trinity, the Savior,
The Most Holy Theotokos, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov.

were kept Orthodox holidays and attitude towards people, brought up on the Orthodox ideals of love for each other.

The fate of Russia is inextricably linked with Orthodoxy, which has become the culture-forming (forming culture) religion of Russia. Already by the beginning of the creation of statehood, there were many Christians on Russian soil, and in 988 Orthodoxy became the state religion in Rus'.

Since then, for more than a thousand years, the Russian people have very zealously guarded their faith from many attempts to replace or change it. Not sparing their lives, the Russian people cherished their faith as the main shrine.

Even with the plunder of the countless riches of the Russian land, they often put up with it, but they kept the Orthodox faith, because it was received from the Savior of the world Himself, the apostles and the Ecumenical Councils.

When enemies attacked, with the words "for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland" they went to battle, with these words they won or died - with a clear conscience. When there was no strength to resist, the elderly, women and children locked themselves in churches and prayed, entrusting their fate to the Lord.

It often happened that this is how, in the temples of God, in a cathedral prayer, they accepted death from enemies. And in battle, Russian soldiers fought to the last drop of blood for the Orthodox faith, for the Holy Fatherland and for the tsar-father, because the tsar was God's anointed, that is, he was married to the kingdom according to the Orthodox rite.

And, as a rule, not a single business, either state or personal, began without prayers, God's blessing was always asked for everything.

After the October Revolution of 1917, Orthodoxy ceased to be the state religion in Russia. But the Orthodox faith continues to have a deep, living influence on culture, especially literature, art, and relations between people.

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Culture And Religion Lesson 2

What is culture?

Culture - upbringing, education, development of morality, ethics, morality; a set of material and spiritual values ​​created and being created by mankind and constituting its spiritual and social existence. absolutely everything man-made. Any object created by man is part of the culture.

What is religion? Religion is a special form of awareness of the world, due to belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, religious actions and the unification of people in organizations (church, religious community).

On the territory of Russia, 4 religions are considered the main ones: Orthodoxy Judaism Islam Buddhism What are the main religions do you know?

Christianity The world's largest religion in terms of the number of followers.


Buddhist stupa

(Arabic for "submission") Religion, one of the world's religions, its followers are Muslims.

synagogue Judaism

Symbols of Judaism Star of David Menor

Ritual is a religious ceremony. Ritual - the traditional order of any ceremony. Rituals in the religions of the world

Christianity Prayer Divine service Wedding Blessing Baptism burial

Buddhism Prayer Purification Ritual Burial Wealth Attraction Ritual Beauty Rituals

islam prayer alms pilgrimage fasting

Judaism Prayer Ablution Sacrifice Judaism is imbued with ritual to the smallest detail, full of written and unwritten rules that regulate human activities: what you can and cannot eat, drink, whom to marry, when to work, with whom to be friends and whom to hate.


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Culture And Religion Lesson 3

The world of cultures is a world of differences Explain the expression

What is culture?

Religion is a belief in the supersensible, the existence of the non-material world. What major religions do you know? What is religion?

Fetishism is a thing for sorcery. Remnants of fetishism exist today: belief in amulets, talismans, amulets. Amulet - according to superstition, it represents a way to protect the owner from misfortunes. Talisman (Greek - charms) - an object that brings happiness and good luck. Magic - magic, rituals, which are based on the belief in the possibility of influencing supernatural forces and the belief in the direct connection of rituals, rituals with the desired result. The impotence of primitive man with nature and the elemental forces of the earth. How are culture and religion related?

Protect Islam Charms containing sayings from the Koran and prophetic prayers. Amulets that do not contain the Koran and prophetic prayers. (necklaces, bracelets, chains, rings, stuffed wolf or deer heads, black rags, anything

Charms Christianity icons amulets symbols amulets amulets amulets dolls amulets

Protect Buddhism Figurines, figurines of Buddha, icons (thangka), pendants, mammoth tusk pendants and more.

Protect Judaism Amulet (hamsa) Stones and crystals, teeth, claws, bones, skins and other parts.

A man of culture is...

A cultured person remains cultured (educated) everywhere. IN explanatory dictionary edited by S.I. Ozhegov says that a well-mannered person is a person who knows how to behave well. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” How should a cultured person behave?

Screaming loudly Interrupting in a conversation with another person Copying from someone else's notebook during a test Asking inappropriate questions Whistling swearing Greedy Gossip Telling lies Imposing friends Doesn't pay attention if someone is offended, silent, if someone has done a bad deed sticks to people with questions jealous of someone complaining about anyone indifferent to someone else's misfortune Do you consider yourself a cultured person? A man of culture, if ...

1. A good person is one who... 2. An evil person is one who... 3. An honest person is one who... 4. A truthful person is one who... 5. A cruel person is one who ... 6. A rude person is one who ... Continue the sentences:

Smart, stupid, evil, kind, handsome, friendly, cunning, greedy, arrogant, truthful, liar, sympathetic, rude, affectionate, sneak, mocker, complainer, fidget. From the adjectives below, write in a separate column those words that, in your opinion, do not apply to you in any way.

- civilization and education, - intelligence and responsibility, - the ability to appreciate high achievements, - love for Nature and the Motherland, - appreciation and the ability to be grateful, - admiration for the Beautiful and refinement of taste, - veneration of Knowledge, creative work and striving for high quality, - a true understanding of cooperation and goodwill, - hearty devotion to everything new, - refinement and culture of the heart ... Without these qualities there is no culture, but what distinguishes a person of high Culture most of all is that: - he will never lie, - he will retain self-control and dignity in all circumstances and will help another - and every day he learns something. So what makes a cultured person?

“With every manifestation of undesirable qualities in oneself, one should immediately stop the possibility of their free manifestation and curb them. A good gardener watches every plant in the garden every day” (B.N. Abramov). Important


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Lesson 4 The emergence of religions. ancient beliefs

“Why should we hate each other? We are all one, carried away by the same planet, we are the crew of the same ship.” A. Saint-Exupery

Religions I - faith in the supersensible, the existence of the non-material world.

Polytheism is a religion based on the belief in several gods.

Pantheon - a temple or holy building dedicated to all the gods of any religion. "TEMPLE OF ALL GODS". One of the features of the Pantheon is a hole in the roof. You can see the sky through a hole in the dome. This creates an atmosphere of solemnity. Famous people are buried in the Pantheon. There are in different countries: in Italy (Rome), in France (Paris). It was planned in Russia (Moscow), but ...

In ancient times, people decided to build a high tower in order to reach the sky themselves. This tower has been under construction for many years. And gradually the city of Babylon was built around it and grew. When the tower was almost completely ready, God did not like that people wanted to know their secrets close to heaven. And he sent a great storm to the earth. Guess how the story ends. When it calmed down, people suddenly discovered that they were speaking different languages ​​and did not understand each other. Everyone abandoned their work and dispersed to different ends of the earth. And the tower began to gradually collapse.

How did religions originate? Some philosophers saw the reason for the emergence of religion in fear of the forces of nature and uncertainty about the future. Others - in the ignorance of people. Still others wrote about religion as an invention of smart people, priests and rulers.

what is Holy Scripture? Sacred Scripture - religious Jewish and Christian books that make up the Bible, according to the dogma, written "by the inspiration of God." In Judaism, only the Old Testament (Tanakh) is referred to as Holy Scripture, in Christianity, both the Old and New Testaments. A role similar to the Holy Scriptures is played in Islam by the Quran, in Buddhism by the Kanon.

What is a covenant? Instruction, advice to followers, descendants A custom inherited from the past. Synonyms: contract, order; predestination, instruction, order, commandment, advice, mandate.

The term "Judaism", "Judaism" comes from other Greek. yudaismos, and appears in Jewish-Hellenic literature at the turn of the 1st century. BC. denotes the Jewish religion. "Jewish religion" (from the name of the tribe of Judah, which gave the name to the Kingdom of Judah, then became the common name of the Jewish people - the religious, national and ethical worldview of the Jewish people, the oldest of the three main monotheistic religions of mankind.

Torah is the main book of Judaism

ISLAM "Islam" - (Arabic) obedience, surrender to God. One of the world's religions, which is practiced by 23% of people around the world. Islam originated in the 7th century AD. in Arabia. The founder of Islam is the Prophet Muhammad.

Holy Book of Muslims Approximately in 650, these revelations were recorded and collected together in the holy book of Muslims - the Koran ("Kuran" - reading aloud, by heart) The existing text of the Koran consists of 114 suras - sections of different sizes. The suras consist of verses - rhythmically completed phrases, the smallest units of the Qur'anic text.

The basis of Islam is the assertion that God is not only One, but also One. In this regard, the Islamic creed denies the idea of ​​the incarnation. Jesus, according to the faith of Muslims, is not a Divine person, but only the chosen prophet and messenger of God (like Abraham, Moses and Muhammad).

MUHAMMED Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 in Mecca (Saudi Arabia). He lost his parents early and came under the care of his uncle Abu Talib. In 595, he independently began to manage the affairs of the wealthy widow Khadija and married her. After the death of his wife, Muhammad often retired to the mountains for reflection.

MUHAMMED Once a year he lived for a month in a cave on the slope of Mount Hira in Mecca. According to legend, the 40-year-old Muhammad began to have dreams-revelations through which the one God Allah asked to turn to people and convey his word to them. This was the first revelation of the Quran. The revelations continued until the death of Muhammad in 632.

It's interesting in the culture of Muslim countries great importance calligraphy is the art of beautiful and graceful writing. Arabic manuscripts were very elegant: patterns, colorful miniatures, an endless string of words. The writing tool was kalam - a reed pen, and the material - papyrus, parchment, silk, paper.

This is interesting Islam considers the pig an unclean animal, a symbol of dirty inclinations, ignorance, greed, luxury and forbids the faithful to eat its meat. These ideas are also shared by the Jews. Because of her love of garbage, in medieval symbolism, she became the personification of the devil, lust and obscene pleasure. However, in the paintings of the Middle Ages, a pig depicted at the feet of a saint (for example, St. Anthony) means the victory of the spirit over the animal nature. the boar (zhu), the last of the twelve animals of the zodiac, symbolizes male power and abundance (hence the custom of making piggy banks).


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Lesson 5. The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders

The world religion - Buddhism - arose earlier than the rest in distant India.

About the life of Buddha In the VI century. BC in the family of the ruler of a small principality in northern India, a boy was born, whose name was Siddhartha Gautama. The sages predicted that he would become a great sovereign, ruler of the world, or a saint who knew the truth.

The prince lived in the palace in luxury and without worries ... But one day the prince met a funeral procession and realized that all people on earth and he himself are mortal. On another occasion, he met a seriously ill person and realized that any mortal was in danger of illness. For the third time, the prince saw a beggar and realized that wealth is fleeting ... And, finally, he saw a sage. He realized that the path of self-knowledge is the only way to comprehend the causes of suffering and get rid of them.

At the age of 29, Siddhartha realized that he would not be happy if he continued to live as before. The prince left his home and began to wander in search of the truth of life.

Once he sat down under a banyan tree and swore an oath that he would not leave this place until he reached his goal and knew the truth. And “enlightenment” came to him, he realized the “four noble truths”: 1) There is suffering in the world - birth, old age, illness, inability to achieve the desired, death ... 2) There is a cause of suffering - the desire to live in this world, to enjoy. 3) There is liberation from suffering (NIRVANA) - you need to learn to limit your desires. 4) There is a path leading to liberation from suffering. So Prince Siddharta Gautama became the Buddha (Enlightened One)

Having become enlightened, the prince began to wander and preach his teaching, which was later called Buddhism. The eight precepts of the Buddhist way of life are described in Buddhist scriptures called the Tipitaka. - freedom from superstitions and prejudices, striving for peacefulness, - rejection of hatred and anger. - speech should always be smart. truthful, aimed at reconciliation, lies and gossip should not howl, - murder, theft are considered difficult, and generosity, good manners are considered good, - the way to earn a living should not harm other people, - a person should suppress evil impulses, and encourage good - you must always weigh your thoughts and actions, - reflect on the essence of life.

Buddha preached until the age of 80, and at that age he left the world, went into the great nirvana. Commanding the disciples: - Be your own lamps. The students cremated his body, and the ashes were taken by them to different parts of the world and enclosed in special stupas.

Christianity in the 1st century in Palestine The time when this event took place. It is quite simple to determine and remember: mankind considers the year of His birth to be the beginning of the reckoning of our era. Nearly 2000 years ago, a boy appeared on the land of Palestine, whose parents named Jesus. And people later added the word Christ to his name. So in Greek sounds "Messiah" and "Savior." Together with this man, his earthly feat of preaching the word of God, his sufferings, death on the cross and resurrection, Christianity was born.

Jesus was born in the small town of Bethlehem. His parents did not have enough room in the hotel, so the Mother of Jesus, Mary, gave birth to the Baby in a cave, which was used for the night of livestock.

When Jesus grew up, He began to preach, taught that people should love their God and their neighbors. Jesus called every person to change, to become better.

People followed Him. They considered Him not only a man, but also the Son of God, who came to open the way to a righteous life for people. He not only preached, but also healed the sick and helped those. Who needed it.

However. Many among the people expected something different from the Messiah. They believed that he should deliver the Jews from their enemies and oppressors, that he should be a brave military leader, and not a preacher. Therefore, they seized Jesus near Jerusalem and decided to execute him with a terrible death: they crucified him on the cross, as they did with the most evil criminals. At that moment, most of the disciples got scared and left Him.

Only a few people came to remove His lifeless body from the cross and give it to a worthy burial. Among these most faithful followers of Jesus were several women who again came to his tomb on the third day after the execution. But here a startling discovery awaited them: the tomb was empty. As Christians believe, Jesus, as the Son of God, was not subject to death, and He rose from the dead.

Inspired by this message, the disciples of Jesus Christ began to preach His teaching in Judea and beyond, and soon this teaching spread to many countries. It became known as Christianity.

Fill in the table Religions of the world Founder When and where did it originate

check World Religions Judaism Buddhism Islam Christianity Founder Moses Siddhartha Gautama Buddha Enlightened Prophet Muhammad Messiah (anointed one) Jesus Christ When and where originated 6th century BC Palestine 2000 BC India 6th century AD Arabia W 1st century AD In Palestine


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Lesson No. 6 Theme of the lesson: Holy books of the religions of the world: Vedas, Avesta, Tripitaka.

You will learn: What are the Holy Books. What sacred books are there in the religions of the world. What are the Vedas, Avesta, Tripitaka.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A branch of Christianity headed by a patriarch. A prophet through whom Allah conveyed his commandments. Teachings of Muhammad. The faith of the Jewish people. "Meeting House" where Jews pray. The oldest world religion. Mother of Jesus Christ. Keyword: - these are the thoughts and actions of a person who is convinced that the human mind in our world is not alone.

R A V O S L A V I E M U X A M M E D I S L A M I ​​U D A I Z M S I N A G O G A B U D D I Z M M A R I I

Holy books are the main, main texts of all religions. The sacred books of the peoples of the world for thousands of years encourage people to be active, to search for their own life paths. It is customary to write the names of the Holy Books with a capital letter, as a sign of respect for traditions.

VEDAS - one of the oldest books in the world, a reminder of ancient Indian literature. The Vedas help to understand the spiritual culture of India and many peoples of Asia, because they became the basis for the creation of various religious and philosophical teachings. The very word "veda" means "sacred knowledge".

AVESTA is the sacred book of Zoroastrianism. The main idea of ​​this religion is the dependence of the world on the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. The man in this fight is not a toy in his hands higher powers but a person who has freedom of choice and is able to influence the development of the world. The Avesta was written in one of the ancient Iranian languages. It consists of several parts. The most ancient of them - "Gati" - a collection of prayers. In all teachings we are talking about life, everyday life, norms of behavior.

Who is this? What do you know about him?

TRIPITAKA The Tripitaka ("Three Baskets") is a collection of Buddhist sacred texts compiled shortly after the death of the Buddha. For a long time, the Tripitaka was transmitted orally, in accordance with the Indian tradition of memorizing sacred texts. Around 80 B.C. Due to the threat of loss of the texts, the Tripitaka was first recorded on palm leaves by monks in Sri Lanka.

What books are called sacred? What sacred books of the religions of the world did you get acquainted with? Name the oldest book in the world. What is the name of the oldest part of the Avesta? How is the Tripitaka different from other holy books?


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Lesson 7 Holy books of world religions: Torah, Bible, Koran.

Vedas Vedas - a collection of the most ancient sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit There are four Vedas: Rig Veda - "Veda of hymns" Sama Veda - "Veda of chants" Yajur Veda - "Veda of sacrificial formulas" Sama Veda - "Veda of chants"

Avesta AVESTA is a collection of sacred books of Zoroastrianism, the very first of the world religions of revelations, whose followers lived in Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, and a number of countries of the Near and Middle East. Zoroastrianism is still practiced by the Parsis in India and the Hebrs in Iran.

Tripitaka Tripitaka is a collection of Buddhist texts containing the revelations of the Buddha as presented by his disciples. For centuries, these revelations were transmitted orally, for the first time, according to legend, they received literary form in the 1st century BC. BC

Torah In the broadest sense, the Torah refers to the entire body of Jewish traditional law - from the Bible to the latest innovations.

TORAH Torah (Hebrew “teaching, law”. As a rule, the Torah is called the Pentateuch of Moses or the Books of Moses. The word “Torah” is also found in the sense of teaching or parental instruction. Sometimes the entire Tanakh is called the Torah.

Tanakh Tanakh (Hebrew תַּנַ"ךְ‎) is the Hebrew name of the Jewish Holy Scripture (in the Christian tradition it almost completely corresponds to the Old Testament). The word "Tanakh" is an acronym (initial letters) names of three sections of the Jewish Holy Scripture: Torah, Heb. תּוֹרָה ‎ [ tōrā ] - Pentateuch Neviim, Heb. נְבִיאִים ‎ [ nəḇīʾīm ] - Prophets of Ketuvim, Heb. כְּתוּבִים ‎ [ kəṯūḇīm ] - Scriptures (Hagiographers)

prophets A prophet, in a general sense, is a person through whom God speaks, that is, a herald of the divine will. Prophets were chosen by God to proclaim to people his holy will. The prophet (nabi) is the messenger of divine revelation, and his speeches should have deserved the exclusive attention of all people. Thus, in the Old Testament times, a prophet was considered a person who, by divine election and authority, conveyed God's words to people, for which he had special revelations and gifts from the Lord. Prophets in Islam (Arab. نبي‎‎) are people chosen by God ( by Allah) for the transmission of revelation (wahy). Moses and Aaron. Royal doors from the monastery of St. Catherine (Sinai).

canon Canon (Greek κανών) is an unchanging (conservative) traditional set of laws, norms and rules in various fields of human activity and life that is not subject to revision. The Biblical canon is the recognized composition of the Bible. Canon (Buddhism) - Buddhist canon.

THE BIBLE The word bible in ancient Greek is a common word and means "books" (hence the word library). But when this word is written with a capital letter, then in modern languages ​​it means one, the holy book of Christians. True, this Book itself consists of 77 books.

The Bible consists of many parts, combined into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible (Greek - “book, composition”) is a collection of sacred texts of Christians, consisting of the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament (Tanakh) is a sacred text for the Jews as well.

Quran The Quran is the holy book of Muslims, the Divine revelation transmitted to the Prophet Muhammad. Collection of sermons, prayers, edifying stories and parables.

The word "Quran" comes from the Arabic "reading aloud", "edification". The Qur'an is the basis of Muslim law, both religious and civil. consists of 114 chapters, called suras. Surahs are arranged in descending order of length, except for the first. Each sura is divided into separate statements - verses. There are 6,616 verses in the Quran, for a total of 77,934 words in Arabic. Each sura has its own name. For example, the first sura of the Qur'an is called al-Fatiha (Opening). The name of the sura, as a rule, does not reflect its content, but is associated with the most vivid, memorable phrase or topic.

What is the name of the collection of the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit What is the name of the collection of Buddhist texts containing the revelations of the Buddha as presented by his disciples? What is the holy book that expresses the totality of Jewish traditional law - from the Bible to the latest innovations? Name the Muslim holy book

Homework Sacred books of world religions Orthodox culture Islamic culture Buddhist culture Jewish culture


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Keepers of Tradition in Religions of the World Orthodox Culture Islamic Culture Buddhist Culture Jewish Culture

Keepers of Tradition in Religions of the World Orthodox Culture Islamic Culture Buddhist Culture Jewish Culture Christian Priests Apostles Bishops Priests Deacons

Keepers of Tradition in Religions of the World Orthodox Culture Islamic Culture Buddhist Culture Jewish Culture Christian Priests Apostles Bishops Priests Deacons Muslim Community - Umma Imam - leader Hafiz - who knows the Koran by heart

Keepers of Tradition in Religions of the World Orthodox Culture Islamic Culture Buddhist Culture Jewish Culture Christian Priests Apostles Bishops Priests Deacons Muslim Community - Umma Imam - Leader Hafiz - Who Knows the Quran by Heart Buddhist Community - Sangha Lama - Religious Teacher

Keepers of Tradition in Religions of the World Orthodox Culture Islamic Culture Buddhist Culture Jewish Culture Christian Priests Apostles Bishops Priests Deacons Muslim Community - Umma Imam - Leader Hafiz - Who Knows the Quran by Heart Buddhist Community - Sangha Lama - Religious Teacher Sages of the Jews Rabbi

Man in the Religious Traditions of the World Lesson #9

Questions What did you hear? What is the name of this piece of music? What images did you see on the screen? What do you think prayer is?

What is prayer? conspiracy appeal to God communication with another world

What piece is this passage from? The stiff boy sat motionless. You might think he was cold. Meanwhile, Gerda entered the huge gate, where fierce winds roamed. But she said the evening prayer, and the winds died down, as if asleep. Gerda entered the boundless deserted ice hall, saw Kai and immediately recognized him. The girl threw herself on his neck, hugged him tightly and exclaimed: - Kai, my dear Kai! Finally I found you! But Kai did not even move: he sat still as unperturbed and cold. And then Gerda burst into tears: hot tears fell on Kai's chest and penetrated into the very heart; they melted the ice and melted the mirror shard. Kai looked at Gerda, and she sang: -Roses are blooming in the valleys... Beauty! Soon we will see the Christ child. Kai suddenly burst into tears and cried so hard that the second shard rolled out of his eye.

Why does a person say a prayer? In Orthodox culture, in order for believers to be able to spiritually touch Christ, to feel his presence, there are actions that are called MYSTERIES. What sacraments of the Christian Church do you know?

Sacrament (lat.) - according to the teachings of the Christian church, there is a sacred action (rite) in which the believers are informed under a visible image of the invisible grace of God. Since the time of the apostles, two have been known: BAPTISM EUCHARIST (Holy Communion) Sacraments in Christianity


Are there prayers in other religions? Namaz or salat is an obligatory five daily prayer in Islam. Salat consists of reciting verses of the Qur'an and glorifying God while assuming various postures. The five periods of time in which worship should be performed correspond to the five parts of the day and the distribution various kinds human activities: dawn, noon, afternoon, late afternoon and night.

Namaz - islam

mantra This "reasoning, saying") is a sacred hymn in Buddhism. Usually a mantra is a combination of several sounds or words. Moreover, each word, syllable, or even a single sound of a mantra can have a deep religious meaning. It serves to "tune" the consciousness of a person, to withdraw him from all the vain (Meditation). Mantras are often compared to prayers and spells.

Mantra - Buddhism

In Judaism Much attention is paid to: Prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures. Strict observance of religious precepts. Modern Jews pray at the same hours, with their heads covered. Keeping the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, on which the Bible prescribes abstaining from work. Explanation of this prescription: God created the world in six days, and on the seventh he rested, blessing and sanctifying it.

Box on the head of the Jews

Tefillin - "protective amulets" - two small boxes of black-dyed leather of kosher animals containing passages from the Torah written on parchment. With the help of black leather straps threaded through the bases of these boxes, tefillin are applied and strengthened one on the bare left hand (“against the heart” - on the biceps, turning it slightly towards the body), the second - above the hairline, between the eyes.

What is prayer? a) a conspiracy b) an appeal to God c) communication with another world In what religion is prayer called Namaz? a) in Judaism b) in Islam c) in Buddhism Quiz

In which of the religions great attention given to keeping the Sabbath: a) Islam b) Judaism c) Christianity What is a Mantra? a) a sacred hymn in Buddhism b) a prayer in Islam c) an appeal to God in Christianity. test

Homework: Prepare a story on the topic “What does culture say about a person?” - Islamic culture, Orthodox culture, Buddhist culture, Jewish culture" (of your choice).

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Lesson 10-11 Good and evil. The concept of sin, repentance and retribution.

These are special words. What is good? And what is Evil? These questions have been pondered throughout history. Good and evil!

L. N. Tolstoy “The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.”

Good will not die, but evil will perish Kindness without reason is empty. Whoever does good, evil does not harm him. There is no evil without good. Evil is not born from good and vice versa ... To distinguish them, the human eye is given to us! (Omar Khayyam) Good and evil is the eternal choice, the most important choice of a person, Destiny is its root cause and the meaning of his earthly age

The parable of the Indian and the wolves Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson the truth of life: "In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, selfishness, ambition, lies ... .The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty.....". The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked: - And which wolf wins at the end? The old Indian smiled almost imperceptibly and replied: - The wolf you feed always wins.

Good - a concept opposite to the concept of evil, means a deliberate desire for disinterested help to one's neighbor. Good - evil Good is usually associated with light, light, white. Evil - with darkness, dark, black.

What is Good and Evil for you? How often do you encounter these concepts in your life? What literary hero do you associate with the Good? And what about Evil? What kind of people do you think there are more on Earth? Why?

direct or indirect violation of religious commandments (covenants of God, Gods, prescriptions and traditions). In Russian, the word "sin" obviously initially corresponded in meaning to the concept of "mistake" ("error", "fault"). Similarly, the Greeks denoted the concept of sin by the word "miss, error, fault"; and the Jews - with the word "hat" (unintentional sin) - "miss". Sin

Fall into sin Fall is a concept common to all religions, denoting the violation by the first person of the will of the Lord, which led to the fall of a person from a state of supreme innocent bliss into a state of suffering and sinfulness. In modified forms, the concept of the fall is present in many religions.

1 . I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. 2. Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of what is in heaven above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of their fathers up to the third and fourth generations that hate Me, and showing mercy to thousands of generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments. 3. Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; work for six days and do all your work in them, and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: do not do any work on it, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor nor your donkey, nor any of your livestock, nor the stranger that is in your dwellings; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. 5. Honor your father and your mother, that you may be well and that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you. 6. Don't kill. 7. Do not commit adultery. 8 . Don't steal. 9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. Do not covet your neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his cattle, nor anything that is your neighbor's. What commandments of Christians do you know?

Sins in Christianity In the Christian tradition, the concepts of sin and repentance occupy a special place. Sin for Christians is not just an offense or fault, it is something that contradicts human nature (after all, man is created in the image and likeness of God). Sin is the depravity of a human being. Sin is a manifestation of the fallen nature of a human being, which he acquired during the fall. A person is helpless before sin and cannot cope with it on his own, only God can deliver him from this vice, so a person needs salvation.

repentance Repentance can mean: Confession of one's guilt in something, usually with a request for forgiveness Repentance Confession, the sacrament of repentance Penance (punishment)

Sins in Islam In Islam, sin is primarily understood as a weakness of a person, his inability to withstand the temptation of Satan (aka Iblis, the devil). In fact, the Koran contains many definitions of sin, but in general, sin is understood as any action (or inaction) that is contrary to the laws of Allah, the precepts of the Prophet. Also, Muslims perceive as a sin and unbelief, polytheism. The most terrible sin for any Muslim is the attribution to Allah of partners - helpers, who as such are not and never were. Unlike Christianity, where even an incorrect thought is a sin, in Islam such thoughts are considered as words whispered by the devil. In such cases, the Qur'an recommends asking Allah for protection from such thoughts. In Islam, any sin committed knowingly and willingly is unforgivable, and each such sin will be mentioned on the Day of Judgment (Day of Resurrection). However, a person can repent, do good deeds and try not to repeat mistakes. In this case, on the Day of Judgment, the number of his good deeds can "outweigh" the number of sins, and he can be forgiven.

The following parallels can be identified between the biblical commandments and the instructions of the Koran: 1. In the Bible: “Thou shalt have no other gods before My face”, in the Koran: “And your Lord decided that you should not worship anyone but Him” 2. In Bible: “Do not make for yourself an idol and no image of what is in heaven above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them…” in the Qur’an: “Get rid of the filth of idols”. 3. In the Bible: “Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain ...”, in the Koran: “Do not make Allah the subject of your oaths that you are pious and God-fearing”. 4. In the Bible: “Honor your father and your mother…”, in the Koran: “And to parents - a good deed. If one of them or both of them reaches old age with you, then don’t tell them - ugh! – and do not shout at them, but speak a noble word to them” 5. In the Bible: “Thou shalt not kill”, in the Koran: “Do not kill the soul that Allah has forbidden”. 6. In the Bible: “Do not commit adultery”, in the Koran: “And do not approach adultery, because it is an abomination and bad road”; “Say to the (men) believers, let them lower their eyes and guard their members; this is purer for them… And tell (women) believers: let them lower their eyes and guard their members…” . 7. In the Bible: “Thou shalt not steal”, in the Quran Allah, describing pious people, says: “And they will not steal”. 8. In the Bible: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”, in the Koran it is said about God-fearing believers: “And those who do not testify crookedly”. 9. In the Bible: “Do not covet thy neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, or anything that is with your neighbor', in the Qur'an:

The concept of sin in Judaism In Hebrew, sin sounds like "avera", which literally means "transition beyond the bounds of what is permitted." Sin is the violation or non-observance of a commandment. There are 613 of them in Judaism. Mitzvah "commandment", "instruction") - a prescription, a commandment in Judaism. In everyday life, a mitzvah is any good deed, a meritorious deed. The Torah mentions 613 mitzvot: 248 prescriptive (mitzvot ase or chiyuvim - duties) and 365 forbidding (mitzvot lo taase or isurim - prohibitions). The execution of mitzvahs is entrusted to all adult Jews: boys from 13 years old (after a bar mitzvah), and girls from 12 years old (after a bat mitzvah). When performing most mitzvahs, a special blessing is pronounced (benidiction, Hebrew brahaʹ).

\ Wheel of Samsara - sins are located around the central image, \ symbolize: 1) gluttony, 2) laziness, 3) lust, 4) pride, 5) anger, 6) greed, 7) envy. Buddhists have 12 of these scenes (nidan), and they indicate the reasons for the eternal rebirth of a person. At the same time, from the point of view of sin, as the cause of death and suffering, the central place among Buddhists is ignorance, indicated by a pig in the center, from which a snake (anger), a chicken (passion) stretches. The Buddhist religion or, as Buddhists say, teaching, initially implies that Buddhism needs to be learned, i.e. in the first place is the development of thought, reason. Hence it is obvious why ignorance is at the center of their cosmodrama. An ignorant (stupid) person, Buddhism obviously will not master and will sin and be reborn until the end of the world.

According to Buddhist teachings, there are five main commandments. First, do not intentionally kill any living being. Second: do not appropriate for yourself what the other person considers his own. Third: be chaste. Fourth: do not tell lies. Fifth: do not intoxicate yourself with drunken drinks or incense. And therefore the Buddhists consider sins: murder, theft, fornication, lying, drunkenness.

repentance and retribution Repentance is a feeling of regret about one's act, misconduct. RECOVERY - something that is given to someone for something, a reward or punishment. Retribution for labors, for help, for betrayal.

Homework Homework: Prepare an essay “What is good and evil”, “What is sin”.


What is an icon? What icons do you know?

How is an icon written? Iconography is a labor-intensive and complex art. The icon is written on a wooden, most often lime board, which must first be carefully processed and dried. A small recess is cut out on its front side - an ark, rather wide, slightly protruding margins are left along the edges. Then a canvas called pavoloka is glued onto the board so that even if the board cracks, the image does not disappear, and a special primer is applied to it - gesso, made of chalk and glue. After drying, the gesso is carefully polished, which resembles a smooth bone. And then a drawing is applied or scratched onto this soil - graphs. Icons are painted with tempera - paints diluted on egg yolk. These paints require special care in work. They are applied many times in thin layers, and each should dry well. From the beginning, the icon is "revealed", that is, the main color spots are outlined. Then follow the inventory and painting - all the details are outlined with thin brushes. Then, layers of spots of lighter shades are gradually applied to each other where the volume needs to be conveyed. Especially difficult was the writing of faces, that is, the faces on the icons. They were painted in melts, diluting the paint very fluidly, so that one color almost imperceptibly flowed into another. The last to be applied were white spaces or highlights, which made the faces more expressive and bright. Almost always, some parts of the icon were gilded, that is, they were covered with the thinnest layer of real gold.

Icons of the Mother of God A special place in the soul and mind of an Orthodox Christian is occupied by the Mother of God - Ever-Virgin Mary. The Mother of God is our Intercessor, Patroness and Comforter. More than 470 names of Icons of the Mother of God have been identified in Russia. The most famous of them are: The Icon of the Kazan Mother of God The Seven Arrow Icon of the Mother of God The Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God The Iberian Icon of the Mother of God Theodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The seven-shot icon of the Mother of God Believers ask before the image for reconciliation of the warring and deliverance from hardness of heart.

Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir Called miraculous

Iberian Icon of the Mother of God

Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Miscellaneous icons

Islam Islam is a religion that prohibits the sculptural image of living beings, which means that there was only one way out of this situation - to find an art form that would compensate for the prohibitions. The ornament in Islam is very diverse in form, color and content. It is meaningful and profound in its essence. For it is based on symbols and signs. In Islamic ornamentation, two styles are distinguished: geometric - girih, and floral - islimi. Girih (Persian) - a knot, is a complex geometric ornament made up of lines stylized into rectangular and polygonal shapes. In most cases, it is used for the external design of mosques and books in a large edition.

Calligraphy in Islam

Calligraphy in Islam According to the sayings of the Prophet, the calligrapher who manages to rewrite God's Word (Quran) in beautiful handwriting will become an inhabitant of paradise. Calligraphic congratulations

Arabesque - ornament

arabesque Arabesque (it. arabesco, fr. arabesque - "Arabic") - the European name for a complex oriental medieval ornament, consisting mainly of geometric, calligraphic and plant elements and created on the basis of an accurate mathematical calculation. The very idea of ​​an arabesque is consonant with the ideas of Islamic theologians about the "eternally continuing fabric of the Universe."

Art in the Religions of the World Orthodoxy Islam

Art in world religions Orthodoxy Islam icons calligraphy arabesque

Mandala Mandala ("circle", "disk") - a sacred symbol used in meditation in Buddhism, a ritual object. Mandalas can be either two-dimensional, depicted on a plane, or three-dimensional, embossed. They are embroidered on fabric, painted on sand, made with colored powders and made of metal, stone, and wood. Even it can be carved from oil, which is dyed in the appropriate ritual colors. Mandalas are often depicted on the floors, walls and ceilings of temples. The mandala is so sacred in the East that it is drawn to the accompaniment of special rituals and can itself be considered an object of worship.

Judaism Yad is a traditional pointer in the form of a hand, which is used in order not to lose the line being read in the Torah. For many centuries, Jewish art has been associated with the decoration of synagogues and the creation of ritual objects that were used not only in the synagogue, but also at home on Saturdays and holidays, as well as for performing various rituals. The study of the Torah - like most of the commandments of Judaism, is guarded by special fences erected by the sages. You cannot read the Torah without saying a special blessing, you can touch the scroll only with a pointer “yad”, or “mapot” - a belt that binds the scroll of the Torah, or the edge of the “talit”, etc.

tori crown

seven-candlestick Another ancient symbol of Judaism is the seven-candlestick (it is also a minor). According to legend, the Lord himself ordered Moses to make a golden "lamp" with 7 branches, each of which was supposed to have a lamp with burning incense. Lompads were supposed to shine at night. The menorah symbolizes the presence of God among people. The light given by the lamps is a symbolic garment of the Lord. Nowadays, the sacred meaning of the minor is somewhat underestimated. The menorah is used as a counterweight to the Christian cross in Judaism. 7 is the number of perfection. The 7 branches of the lamp represent God's grace.

1. Not everything in your life a person can choose for himself. I can't choose my parents. I can't choose the language in which my mother sang lullabies to me. I can't choose my homeland. 2. From the first days of my life, I have been surrounded by relatives. Gradually, their circle expands. Relatives, friends, neighbors… And one day the understanding comes to me that in addition to my house, my yard, my street, my district, my city, there is also My Country - Russia. There are millions of people who don't know me personally. But our lives have a lot in common. And we all depend on each other in some way.

Fifty years ago, a young and then unknown pilot took off over the earth. But the news of his flight filled our vast country with joy. And now we say with good pride: we are compatriots of Yuri Gagarin, the world's first cosmonaut. We experience Russia's victories as our own victories. And the troubles of Russia are not foreign to us either. What unites us? United Motherland. This is a common land. General history. General laws. But the most important thing is a single culture.

Culture is a complex concept that includes everything “human” in the world around us. This is all that people do and the new that we bring to the natural world. One of the consequences of such actions is beautiful works of art. But their main consequence is the development of the person himself. And therefore, the most important thing in culture is the reasons why a person decides to commit just such a peculiarly human act. Why does a person act this way and not otherwise? How do people distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong? The answers to these questions are in the world of culture.

People learn from each other not only at school. We learn to be friends, stand up for the truth, love our loved ones not only in the classroom. And that is also part of the culture. How should a state, folk or religious holiday be celebrated? How to meet a guest in the house? How to organize a wedding or survive the loss of a loved one, take care of the graves of ancestors? These are also cultural issues. These rules, norms, customs people absorb from the first day of their lives. A person usually does not choose his culture. He is born in it, breathes it, grows in it.

There are areas of culture that are common to all people or to the whole country. But there are also differences in the cultures of even those peoples who live together. And even the rules that are common to all, people can explain in different ways. For example, all people condemn lies. But one will explain: "Do not lie, because one day you will be lied to." And the other will say: "Do not lie, because God sees every lie." People of different nations and religions live in our country, which means that in some ways they have special cultures and beliefs. Including people who give different answers to the question of whether there is a God and differently imagine the relationship between man and God. This means that they belong to different religions.

Religion is the thoughts and actions of a person who is convinced that the human mind in our world is not alone. Religions say that next to a person and even above him there is an invisible rational and spiritual world: God, angels, spirits ... For many people, this belief becomes so deep that it determines their behavior and their culture. Russia once became such a big country precisely because it allowed people to be different. In our country it has always been considered natural that its inhabitants, citizens, can belong to different nations, religions, to have their own, unique culture. These cultural differences were not only recognized but respected.

RELIGION (from lat. religio - "shrine", piety, piety; Cicero associated it with lat. religere - to collect, revere, observe, rethink; also religare - reconnection, reunion). A special form of understanding the world, due to belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, cult activities and the unification of people in organizations (church, religious community).


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