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Dreams that occurred on the 1st lunar day may turn out to be prophetic and predict what awaits you in the near future.

Sleep on the 1st lunar day

On the first day of the moon, there is a mood for the entire coming month. And how you treat your thoughts plays no small role. If you dreamed of something negative, bad, and you cling to this mood, then it will not be slow to manifest itself in your life. But the same goes for pleasant dreams. You can treat them as a pleasant sign that promises only good things. You should not frantically search in the dream book for all the objects that you dreamed about that day. Approach this issue selectively. It is better to focus on those bright, pleasant images that you saw in your dream. They will formulate the right mindset and a positive attitude for the new cycle.

Dreams on the first lunar day are prophetic, but require the right approach to interpretation

If you had a dream that day, then higher powers want to show you the way, hint what to do in order to get the most out of life. Pay close attention to what you saw in a dream. Try to correctly analyze and interpret the dream - this can be of great benefit to you, it will allow you to see the solution to current difficulties. Most often, dreams of the 1st lunar day predict something good, but if you suddenly had a painful dream on the 1st lunar day that promises something unkind, you should not tell it to anyone, otherwise it may make the fulfillment of the unkind more likely.

New moon- the beginning of a new lunar month, and it is better to start things after the new moon.
The first lunar day is favorable for the practice of creating mental images - a plan of what you want to receive.
A clear picture imprinted in your mind will shape thoughts, feelings, intentions and, finally, promote correct decisions and actions on the physical plane. (The way to create a mental model - see "30 Lunar Days" by T.N. Zyurnyaeva).
Progress towards the intended goal will be easier and simpler, because your feelings and actions will be consistent with the programs in the subconscious.
As for physical health, or rather its strengthening, the healing process will go faster if the astral body is properly cleansed (healing it, we heal the physical body as well).
The liberation of the psyche from negative emotions, resentment, as well as the restoration of the integrity of the astral body, will affect the process of recovery.
One of the cleansing methods is meditation or prayer in front of a candle, cleansing the entire biofield with a candle and breathing exercises.
Cleansing with candle fire (if the Moon is not in fire signs at that time - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius) of the whole house will contribute to the formation of a more harmonious intra-family atmosphere and protect your house in the first phase of the Moon from negative energy influences from outside.
If the Moon is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, cleansing is best done by fumigating with incense: juniper, sandalwood, heather, pine, wild rosemary, lavender or myrtle.

Lunar day: 1st

Lamp symbol. A very clean day. The process that takes place on these days is cleansing. In the first rays of the Sun, illuminating the Moon, the dirt of the soul must burn. The lunar cycle is just beginning, so this day is perfect for creative ideas and plans for the month ahead. The plans and dreams of this day come true if the thoughts are pure and if you think them over in detail and imagine them as vividly as possible. It is very important if they correspond to your true desires and needs and are really important to you. In this case, they are successfully implemented without your intervention.

On this day, many contacts are not recommended, it is not favorable for group work. It is necessary to return to the roots, remember childhood, read books on the history of your people, consider your own actions, and analyze the path traveled. On this day, it is good to forgive insults to relatives and friends, as well as enemies. It is favorable to mentally repent before your conscience - by doing this you will contribute to the ordering of world chaos. If the length of the day allows, it is useful to sit by the fire, fireplace, or just by the flame of a lit candle. We strongly advise you not to abuse food, alcohol, smoking, drugs on this day. From the beginning of the new moon, spend a day on a strict diet, and if health allows, go hungry. If the 1st lunar day is very short, continue fasting the entire second lunar day.

You should not start new business - limit yourself to plans and dreams. By creating negative mental images, we can create realities that can then bring misfortune.

Dreams. If something good is dreaming - this is to joy, if it is bad - easily let it go from you. The dreams of this day are not heavy.

In medical terms, this day is associated with the brain and the front of the head: you should not overwork, drink alcohol, eat spicy and very hot food. Physiologically difficult day, compacts the internal organs.

Lunar day: 2nd

The symbol is a cornucopia. On this day, the appetite awakens, so the diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended to do prokshalana in the morning (washing the gastrointestinal tract according to the yoga system). The process of cleansing is helped by a bath and great physical exertion. You can also use dry fasting or a mono-diet (eat only one food all day). Good results gives cereals cooked without salt and oil. On this day, your instincts will not deceive you - you can very accurately determine by your feelings which food is good for you and which is harmful. What you want is useful. What you don't like is bad. This applies not only to products, but also to people. On this day, you will feel very keenly with whom you need to communicate, and with whom you should not.

Do not let greed appear on this day, but on the contrary, show generosity. Give someone a gift, give away things you don't need - everything will pay off and return in full. You can lend money. Avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions.

There is still no need to start new serious business, continue to think over your plans, accumulate strength for their implementation. It is good to start a cycle of physical exercises on this day or to start mastering new knowledge.

Dreams. Dreams on these lunar days, as a rule, are not serious, you do not need to believe them. If in a dream you cannot overcome some obstacle, then in reality you can easily overcome it.

In medical terms, attention should be paid to the mouth, teeth, upper palate.

Lunar day: 3rd

The symbol is a leopard or leopard. From that day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, action and aggression. The tasks of the day are to free oneself from one's negative emotions, from disrespect for oneself and other people, but this is also a time of confrontation with one's pride and jealousy. Passivity on this day is contraindicated and even dangerous. All passive people are vulnerable on this day, they can be defeated and even injured - both physical and mental. The internal energy of the body on this day is especially strong, so you have enough strength for self-defense and for starting new things.

It is advisable to give yourself a lot of intense physical activity on this day, go to the sauna, otherwise your energy, being unused, will harm you, internal organs may suffer, illnesses begin. On this day, they work with metals, sharpen knives. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries). It is bad to pour oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).

Dreams. Dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength. If you suddenly gave up in a dream, you can wake up and play the dream again in your imagination, so that it has the end you want.

In medical terms, attention should be paid to the neck and ears.

Lunar day: 4th

The symbol is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This day is good for solitude and passivity. It is good to do quiet household chores and relax quietly with your family. This day is the first of the unfavorable - it is considered the day of the fall of man. All sorts of temptations are possible, you may be asked to choose between good and evil, you may be drawn to do something bad. Therefore, you need to think ten times before making a decision. Prayer will help you make the right decision. Group work is contraindicated, you can not pick flowers, cut down trees.

It is good to be in nature on this day, to loosen the threads. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries).

Dreams. In the dreams of these lunar days, your parents may somehow appear. This is an indication: you need to analyze what problems you have inherited from them, and begin to solve them. If you dream of some kind of danger, this is a warning that you need to be especially careful. If on the night preceding this day, threads are seen, hair gets tangled, you should abandon your plan.

In medical terms, the 4th lunar day is associated with the larynx, and the discharge of negative energy leads to osteochondrosis.

Lunar day: 5th

The symbol is a unicorn. It symbolizes the choice of purpose, fidelity to principles, duty, transformation and assimilation of food. You can and should actively express your emotions and feelings - this will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Only on this day, food is completely absorbed and transformed in the tissues. On this day, you need to get enough, but do not overeat. As the basis of nutrition, milk and cottage cheese are preferable; animal food is contraindicated. It is good on the fifth day to make a trip somewhere, to cry, to part with unnecessary things, to work with herbs - to collect, dry them and insist. This is a creative day in which knowledge is perfectly absorbed. You can defend your ideals, principles, beliefs.

Dreams. Well, if you cry in your sleep, this is a cleansing. The body is thus put in order. If dreams are connected with the road, with movement, everything is fine with you. If you dream of something unpleasant, this is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

In medical terms, attention should be paid to the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting mean misuse of this day. You can't starve.

Lunar day: 6th

Symbol - clouds, crane. The day is associated with the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of Grace, love, forgiveness, prophecies, mental and verbal work. Day of solitude and humility. It is necessary to calmly go about your usual affairs, but at the same time, in no case should you grumble about life, circumstances, and loved ones. Any dissatisfaction - with yourself or others - is not the time now. Accept everything as it is, and do not want another. On the 6th lunar day, intuition is greatly aggravated: you may discover something that you previously underestimated or did not understand.

Pranayama classes, work with smells are recommended, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana takes place. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds, it means that the world is devoid of harmony.

Dreams. If a familiar person dreamed, this is no accident: you owe him something. Dreams may hint at some business that needs to be completed.

In medical terms, attention should be paid to the bronchi, plasma, upper respiratory tract. It is good to treat respiratory diseases. The day is good for rejuvenation.

Lunar day: 7th

The symbol is a wand, a rooster, a wind rose. provocative day. You can be provoked to increased talkativeness, to utter rash words. And on this day you can’t talk in vain, and in general it’s better to talk less. All the surrounding nature, the whole world very sensitively responds to every word, even accidentally dropped

Dreams. Dreams are prophetic, very quickly come true. It is very bad to see a fighting cock in a dream - this is a sign of a quick disaster for a person or his loved ones.

In medical terms, you need to pay attention to the lungs, since on this day you can easily catch a cold. It is also the least favorable for tooth extraction.

Lunar day: 8th

Symbol - Phoenix, fire. Day of purification of the soul and body. It is good today to honestly admit to yourself your sins. The day is good for liberation from them - it will be easy to repent, it will be easy to forgive the sins of other people. So don't miss the opportunity: it's a day of repentance. Think about your life, remember the past. Cleansing the soul with Fire is one of the effective practices of this day. The food for the purifying Fire can be not only a tree in a fire in nature or in a home fireplace, but also the wick of an ordinary candle. With the help of psychological methods of rehabilitation, they can be transferred from negative to positive. It is impossible on this day to be dissolute and selfish. Good cook medications from any disease.

Dreams. Sleep on this day can be prophetic. In a dream, you can see hints of your true purpose in life, of what you need to do.

In medical terms, complete fasting is allowed and it is mandatory to follow a diet, cleanse the stomach and intestines. Attention should also be paid to the peripheral nervous system.

Lunar day: 9th

The symbol is a bat. Critical day. The energy of these lunar days will negatively affect a person. Anxieties, fears, gloomy thoughts are possible. One should beware of deceit and all sorts of temptations. On this day, it is very easy to succumb to illusions and seductions. For example, increased conceit may appear - try to avoid this, otherwise you will be punished for pride.

A righteous person, or even one who has learned to restrain his baser instincts, need not fear the satanic days. The bad does not stick to such, but, on the contrary, returns to the sender. For a person who has already chosen evil from the very beginning (i.e. for a servant dark forces) these days are support in life. Such a person is active during this period, he is lucky in business, he can easily seduce his acquaintances into sinful actions. Passive person can make any day of the lunar calendar critical for itself, but it is especially vulnerable on these days.

This day is best spent in a calm, everyday work. It is better not to take on new cases - there is a risk of making a mistake in assessing your capabilities and failing the case. Emotions are better not to show. Perhaps bad luck, receiving bad news. The day on which we receive signs that must be taken carefully. It is necessary to cleanse oneself of physical and astral slags, actively defend oneself from negativity, and forgive offenders. You can not look in the mirror, especially bad - to break it. Bad signs - spill milk, a pressing feeling in the chest (many problems have accumulated and you need to return to the assimilation of spiritual food).

Dreams. Dreams on this day do not need to believe. They can be painful, heavy, scary - but don't be afraid of anything.

In medical terms, attention should be paid to the chest, if the principles of love for one's neighbor are constantly violated, attacks of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris, and gout appear. Salt foot baths are recommended.

Lunar day: 10th

The symbol is a source of water, a fountain. Day of active rest. The flow of life energy human body intensifies, forces can begin to beat like a fountain. These forces should be directed to strengthening relations in the family, to the improvement of the home.

On the 10th lunar day, it is unacceptable to show negative emotions at home. Avoid any conflict with relatives. It is recommended to meditate on one's own karma and the karma of the family, in order to clarify the line of life, strengthen the home, family. It's good to start building a new house. The tenth day is a rest time, the best day for a Russian steam bath. You can not be selfish and superficial. And in general, to create in every sense is the main motto of this day.

Dreams are fulfilled very rarely, although they are colorful and pleasant.

In medical terms, chest bones are associated with the 10 lunar day. Improper use of the energy of the day subsequently leads to a violation of the immune system and, as a result, to diseases of the genital organs, i.e. there is a restriction on procreation.

Lunar day: 11th

The symbol is a fiery sword. The most energetically powerful day. With this energy you need to be careful. Powerful forces wake up in the human body, and if you do not know how to manage them, you can inadvertently cause trouble.

Everything you do on this day must be done consciously. It is necessary to take action only if you are aware of the whole process to the end. A prerequisite is to bring the started business to a logical result. You can pray, take care of loved ones, give them gifts - and in general, pour out your love on other people as much as possible. And, most importantly, do not plan very large intellectual or physical activities for this day. Danger sign - falling knives and forks.

Dreams. On these lunar days dreams of great importance if they don't, you can ignore them.

In medical terms, the spine and the Kundalini chakra (in the coccyx region) are associated with the 11th day. Ill-considered use of the energies of the day causes pain in the spine. On this day it is good to start fasting.

Lunar day: 12th

Symbol - cup, heart. The day of inclusion of the cosmic energy of love, divine revelations, purification of thoughts, fulfillment of prayers, calm, victory of wisdom over the mind and feelings. On this day it is necessary to show mercy and compassion. The energy of the day disposes to do good to others. It is good to give gifts, give alms, do charity work, fulfill requests, show compassion to those who need it, you can also make a request yourself. It is favorable to enter into a marriage that will be based on higher love.

This is a day of prayers, solitude, indulgence, altruism. This is one of the days when people's prayers reach their goal almost without hindrance. Showing negativity is contraindicated. You can’t quarrel - it will be extremely difficult to make peace later. You can’t complain, cry, and feel sorry for yourself: you can get stuck in this state for a long time. A bad sign on this day is broken dishes, spilled liquid: this is a sign of suffering and loneliness.

Dreams. On these lunar days, prophetic dreams are dreamed. They can and should be trusted. The forces of evil cannot penetrate your dream, therefore everything that you see in a dream is dictated by the forces of light and benevolence towards you.

In medical terms, the day of cleansing the upper respiratory tract, heart and lungs, it is useful to take an expectorant. We must try to eat less coarse food, water - a lot. Juices are recommended, except for apple juice - a symbol of enrichment. Loads on the heart are absolutely contraindicated.

Lunar day: 13th

Symbol - wheel, ring. Magic day. On these lunar days, the processes of rejuvenation of the body are going on. Therefore, it is very good to take care of yourself: visit the sauna, use all kinds of cosmetics, consume more useful products- they'll do great. Energy, blood, useful substances - everything circulates perfectly in the body.

On this day, it is good to receive new information - to read books that allow us to better understand ourselves and the world. It's good to start a new learning cycle. The period is good for contacts in a group, teachings. Old problems may appear - take it easy, try not to be nervous, but somehow smooth them out, or, if possible, calmly resolve them. By solving problems, you will receive fresh strength for a new life. The day will help you easily get rid of the burden of the past, if it puts pressure on you and prevents you from living. This is the day of accumulation of information, making round talismans, spinning threads, organizing contacts, correcting the past, working with karma. For the successful transformation of lunar energy, physical energy is also needed. You can not lead a passive lifestyle even on a day off. On this day, bread should be baked.

Dreams. Dreams, as a rule, are not simple - in them you can see the difficulties and problems that really haunt you in life, but they can appear in symbolic form. In any case, try to understand: dreams are true, they reflect problems that need to be solved.

Medically, the day is associated with the stomach and pancreas. It is not recommended to starve and fast on this day (if this is an unplanned cycle).

Lunar day: 14th

The symbol is a pipe. Do not miss this day: it is exceptionally successful for starting any important business. Everything started on this day is brilliantly successful. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month.

Useful work with sacred texts. Secret knowledge is being received and a person's third eye is opened.

Any physical work is useful. You can’t load your eyesight, use perfume, it’s better not to look in the mirror. On this day, grief, longing, sadness, melancholy often pile up. Drive them away and get to work. If the boredom is not overcome, give yourself a good physical activity.

Dreams. This night you can see a prophetic dream, so when you wake up, do not rush to jump out of bed. Remember and analyze it.

Medically, the day is associated with the intestines and the Manipura chakra (slightly above the navel). Colon cleansing is required. It is good to eat more almonds and salty foods, to give up bitter and sweet.

(to be continued)

  • < Медитация на гармонизацию со своей лунной энергией (в картинках)
  • The first lunar day - the ritual of attracting wealth

The main symbol of the 1st lunar day- third eye, candle, lamp, lampada, light, lamp.

Stones of the 1st lunar day- diamond, rock crystal, quartz.

Colors of the 1st lunar day- lilac and all shades of this color.

Organ face and brain.

You can also talk about a candle and those devices that give light as a symbol of the day. The candle symbolizes burning before the Lord, the Mother of God and the Saints. This burning personifies prayer before God. A candle transmits a prayer, is a conductor between a person and Divine power. Also, a candle and everything connected with it brings purification.

Main characteristics of 1 lunar day

The main lesson in 1 lunar day should be planning. You can also succumb to nostalgia, remembering a past life. Try to remember even the smallest little things that happened to you once. Perhaps, thanks to these thorough memories, you will be able to avoid unnecessary actions in the future.

It is better not to engage in group work, try to find a cozy corner and be with your thoughts. Your thoughts on 1 lunar day are precisely what can bring you success.

If you have already thought of a lot of things, you can read the book. On 1 lunar day, historical books will go well. In general, when a person is deep in reading a book, he allows his thoughts to rest and gain new knowledge. The book is the best silent friend.

On 1 lunar day, individual work will succeed. To get the best result, you can work in nature. Fresh air always inspires a new thought and idea. And, besides, in the fresh air you can strengthen your health.

Health in 1-lunar day

Today says that you need to save your head, brain and face. Overwork and strong tension are contraindicated. After all, the brain is what is responsible for the activity of the whole organism as a whole. And the face is our calling card, so pay attention to your face.

To preserve your good features and not damage your health, you do not need to drink alcohol today. Be moderate in food too, you don’t need to turn this day into a holiday with a lot of dishes. The food should not be too bitter and not too hot. Good food will be in the form of salads and small appetizers. Overeating on 1 lunar day is also not worth it.

If in 1 lunar day you were struck by some disease, then it can be long. But do not worry, time will pass, and you will be completely healthy.
On this day, there is an exacerbation of the disease of an enclosed space, claustrophobia. The appearance of cancer and atherosclerosis. But always believe in yourself, in a miracle, in what brings you joy and peace, and believe that everything will turn out very well.

On 1 lunar day, it is not recommended to perform operations on the head and brain. It is better to postpone facial procedures for a more favorable day. Pay attention to the energy of this day. In acupuncture and manual therapy there is no relationship with the energy of the day. So it is better to postpone these procedures for a more suitable day, with better energy.

Love and the 1st lunar day

1 lunar day is endowed with such energy that allows you to reveal even the smallest details of your personal life. Enjoy this day with such favorable energy for love and romantic relationships.

If you have just met your chosen one or chosen one, then choose a meeting place in a small cafe with muffled music. Day and evening in the company of the opposite sex will be very interesting and calm. When you are in an atmosphere of peace with muffled romantic music, then the conversation will develop confidentially. This day is aimed at the convergence of the sexes.

If you have been married for a long time, then completely devote the day and evening to your soulmate, who will also do something nice for you. Solitude, comfort and closeness can strengthen your bonds. There is no need to advertise that you are fine. Happiness has the peculiarity of being quiet and long-lasting if it is supported by mutual understanding and respect.

1 lunar day is favorable for the conception of a child. This child will live a bright, eventful life and may be a long-liver. In life, various events can happen to him, but he will endure everything and will not be embittered. Conceived on the 1st lunar day, people have guardianship from the Higher powers. Their spiritual strength is very persistent. These people can be priests, spiritual teachers.

On 1 lunar day, show more attention to people who love you. You also need to show your feelings so that the person knows that you treat him with an open and grateful heart.

Work and creativity on the first lunar day

1 lunar day is very favorable for creativity. You can do embroidery, knitting, any kind of needlework. In addition, activities that require perseverance always benefit the whole organism as a whole.

On this day, creative people will be blessed. The energy of the day and your favorite activity will be in such a category when you can relax and unwind while doing what you love.

It is not necessary to do hard work on 1 lunar day. Also in the house you do not need to wash the floors and do general cleaning, wash, wash windows. Save those activities for a more active day.

As for work, on 1 lunar day it is not recommended to conclude contracts, start your own business. In financial matters, do not borrow. If you still take a debt, you will give it back to the entire growing moon. Take some time with this. And also it is not necessary to repay debts on this day, if you have any.

For business and work, the day will pass without any activity. And this can work out well in all cases in general. You should not be active, you just need to work the way you always do it.

Those who were born on the 1st lunar day

People born on the 1st lunar day are distinguished by high intellectual abilities. They easily bring to life everything that they think. They can cope with several things at the same time, and they succeed in this, achieving high results.

They can switch very quickly from one case to another and will not lose the main thread of the content of either case. Talent and intelligence can lead them to good positions and high incomes.

Although these people are endowed with talents and intelligence, they are very indecisive by nature. And this quality can interfere with them in many manifestations of their abilities. Indecision makes them think and analyze more. But by doing so, they can achieve their goals. This already suggests that any thought is determined in reality. The universe always helps to achieve what only a person can think of.

But also the embodiment can occur and negative thoughts. And then it will be difficult for those born on this day to find themselves among the negative. But after a while they gather their thoughts and move on with their lives.

Due to their constant reflection, some people believe that those born on this day can predict events. It creates such an impression.

People of the 1st lunar day can live to a ripe old age. But they also need to pay attention to their health. They do not recover well from injuries, both mental and physical.

Signs of the 1st lunar day

The main sign of 1 lunar day is considered to be putting your thoughts in order. The clearer and more positive the thinking in your head, the calmer you will be. Moreover, you need to take care of the purity of thoughts before going to bed, so that there are good dreams and deep sleep.

Magical rites of the 1st lunar day

On 1 lunar day, rituals can be performed that are done only on the new moon. But do not forget that you need to perform rites of protection from spirits before the ceremony. You can make a talisman or amulet. Basically, all the rituals on this day will be associated with self-improvement. The brighter and cleaner the thoughts are, the faster the cherished desires will come true.

Special care on the 1st lunar day

Since the main organ of 1 lunar day is the face and the brain, you need to pay attention to their work. Protect your face from the cold if you go for a walk. Also, make sure that there is no feeling of pressure in the head or other signs of uncomfortable indicators. The brain must be protected. In addition, be careful in your thoughts, do not jump to conclusions if something shocks you.

Dreams and dreams on the 1st lunar day

On 1 lunar day, dreams are dreamed, which are easy. Dreams during this period will be endowed with a favorable and positive energy for the body. If you still had a bad dream, then try not to concentrate on it. If you easily let go of the events of a dream, then in life this event will not have action and realization. If you had a good dream, then you will remember it and be able to interpret it.

Mantras of the 1st lunar day

I am sure that now and then, I will receive support from any person.

I understand and realize that I can handle any problem situation.

I want and will be a brave and strong person.

Now I am ready to be sure that I will always have enough money.

I understand the value of every thing that concerns me.

Interpretation of dreams for today

A good omen during this period will be a dream on the 1st Lunar day. It means that the higher powers have decided to demonstrate the best path to follow. It must be taken as a hint. And if it is solved correctly, then the person will eventually get the maximum benefit.

To solve a dream, you should first of all pay attention to the location of the moon. More precisely, to determine in which sign of the zodiac it is located. Based on this information, it is already possible to determine the areas of life, as well as the circumstances that were discussed.

We can say that any dream will bring prosperity and good luck this month.. But there is one caveat. We are talking about well-being only in a certain area of ​​life. The one for which the zodiac sign is responsible, and in which, in fact, the Moon resides.

In the people, a dream on the 1st Lunar day is considered prophetic. However, the correct interpretation of dreams on this day is impossible without the right approach. It is noteworthy that even negative dreams should not be taken too seriously. On the contrary, they are recommended to simply let go and show well-deserved attention to good dreams.

It should be noted that any dream that a person had, in fact, is an image, so you can listen to it. But at the same time, it is quite possible to let it pass by.

On the 1st Lunar day, a person literally tunes in to the coming month. Therefore, the thoughts that arise should not be considered insignificant. Moreover, the attitude towards them in the end will play a significant role.

Negative dreams and bad thoughts that a person could not brush off, will certainly show themselves in the future. True, the same can be said about positive dreams. They should be taken as pleasant signs. Signs of future good events.

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The influence of the Moon and its cycles on human life is much more significant than we imagine. Lunar days can directly affect the well-being and mood of people. Knowing what a lunar day is today, you can easily manage your emotions and intentions. Knowing how to correctly interpret dreams on a particular lunar day, you can comprehend the secrets of your own subconscious, which gives rise to images in dreams.

Characteristics of the first lunar day

Symbol of the first lunar day- lamp, lampada, "third eye".

Stones of the first lunar day- diamond, rock crystal.
Body parts- head (facial part), brain.

The first lunar day opens the cycle, which means a new chapter in the book of your life. What you think about today, you will have to implement throughout the month. This day is very important in order to properly plan current affairs for the next 30 (31) days. Leave this day empty - the whole month will be useless.

The first lunar day is always bright and clean, so your thoughts should become like it. Try to think only about the good, so as not to let the negative into your life. If bad, black thoughts creep into your head, you need to immediately get rid of them in order to avoid their quick implementation. You can’t wish evil on anyone on this day: it will turn against you.

The symbol of this day is the lamp, which marks the spiritual cleansing of all one's sinful thoughts and the beginning of a new life - a new lunar cycle. Throw off the unnecessary burden of past mistakes and shortcomings so that you never return to them again. Remembering the pain and grievances of the past, it's time to forgive everything and leave. By freeing yourself from an unnecessary past, you thereby clear your way forward.

Meditation will be a great pastime on this day. It's nice to sit by the fireplace and look at the fire, which will calm you down, set you in the right mood, and pacify. If there is no fireplace, light candles. Fire is a symbol of inner purification, peace and love.

Interpretation of dreams on the first lunar day

The dreams that you see on the first day are considered prophetic, but only with the right interpretation and the right approach to them. You should not frantically search in the dream book for all the objects that you dreamed about that day. Approach this issue selectively.

It is better to immediately forget about bad dreams and not cling to them, as they tend to affect both your mood and your well-being for the whole month. Without controlling your mind, you will constantly return in your thoughts to a bad dream that does not bode well. This will reduce your performance, spoil your mood and have a bad effect on communication with others. So don't get hung up on them.

It is better to focus on those bright, pleasant images that you saw in your dream. They will formulate the right mindset and a positive attitude for the new cycle.

On the first lunar day, you must lay the foundation that you will build to its logical conclusion throughout the month. Surrender to the flow of negative feelings and thoughts - not a single thing in the current month will be successful. And tune in to the right wave - and everything will be argued in your capable hands.


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