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Children are united taking into account their interests both in school and outside it. Educational work aimed at solving the problems of the child's socialization in the conditions of a children's association, while maintaining the relationship with other factors of personality formation, differs in many respects from them in its goals, content, structure and constitutes a special education. Social relationships are dynamic. This is especially evident during the period of intensive communication of children in temporary associations. The process of socialization is more effectively carried out in those of them, whose members are united by a common activity to change and improve the world around them and life, both for adolescents themselves and for other people. This activity should be based on the principles of self-government and self-organization, respect and protection of children's rights.

The purpose of the activity of any association can be considered in two aspects: on the one hand, as a goal set by children, on the other hand, as a purely educational goal set by adults participating in the work of children's associations.

Speaking about the first aspect, it should be noted that the voluntary association of children is possible only when they see in it the prospect of an interesting life, the opportunity to satisfy their needs. It is important that the association raises the social significance of their activities, makes them more “adult”. This aspect, which does not contradict the "children's" goal, involves the creation in the organization of such conditions under which the socialization of the child's personality is more successfully carried out, resulting in the desire and readiness of children to perform social functions in society.

The children's association is an important factor influencing the child, influencing in two ways: on the one hand, it creates conditions for meeting the needs, interests, goals of the child, contributing to their mutual enrichment, the formation of new aspirations; on the other hand, there is a selection of the internal capabilities of the individual through self-restraint and collective choice, adjustments with social norms, values, social programs.

The children's association also performs protective functions, defending and protecting the interests, rights, dignity, and uniqueness of the child.

The process of socialization in a children's association is effective when there is a common interest, joint activities of children and adults. At the same time, children should have the right to choose the forms of life of the association, to freely move from one group, one micro-collective to others, the opportunity to create associations for the implementation of their own programs.

We believe that the main purpose of the activities of the school children's organization is to assist the younger generation of young Russians in the knowledge and improvement of the surrounding reality, in the development of their civic position.

This formulation combines three most important components of civic education: knowledge of the surrounding world, its transformation (improvement) and the formation of the civic position of young residents of Russia.

Their linkage in the mission of the children's organization is justified and has a purely dialectical meaning.

It is impossible to improve the World without its knowledge, in the course of which a true citizen and patriot (and the organization sets the task of contributing to the formation of just such personalities, “loving the Motherland, respecting all peoples living on the planet”) cannot pass by the problems and troubles of people, their country , all Humanity, nature. The creative social practice itself stimulates his desire for further discovery of the World and self-improvement. And this, in turn, forms true patriotism, real citizenship, not verbal, but active, i.e. based on activity, restlessness, interest in people, in making life better.

Thus, we see that “pedagogical triangle” with peaks - upbringing, socialization, self-development of the individual, which B.Z. Vulfov connects with the content of the process of “the formation of human sociality”.

The goals and objectives of our school public organization are determined on the basis of the main purpose (mission) of the SDO and the purpose of the educational activities of the school.

The main goal of the educational activity of the MOU secondary school No. 7 No. 7 of the city of Surgut is the formation of a socially competent personality of a young person, characterized by a general culture and moral orientation in behavior, conscious professional self-determination based on stable cognitive motivation and developed cognitive abilities; and also capable of active positive self-realization in the interests of his personality, the interests of society and the state.

It should be emphasized that this goal is realized in a holistic educational process, part of which is the educational process as a sphere of value and moral development of the individual and the sphere of implementation of such activities as social, labor, artistic and aesthetic, communication. Therefore, we define the target of the educational process as a sub-goal of the educational activities of the school.

The purpose of the educational process of MOU secondary school No. 7 is to educate the personality of a young person who has a general culture and moral orientation of behavior, capable of active positive self-realization in the interests of his personality, the interests of society and the state.

Therefore, the main principles of building the educational process are: the principle of humanistic orientation, the principle of natural conformity, the principle of cultural conformity, the principle of social effectiveness, the principle of concentration of education.

Based on all of the above, purpose of the school children's organization determined - the formation of social qualities of the personality of schoolchildren on the basis of their study of the history of the school, city, region, country; participation of children and adolescents in the work of school self-government bodies and collective socially significant activities.

To date, the most justified in pedagogical practice are long-term games, the plot of which is as close as possible to life or age-related features of the perception of reality. At our school, we chose the game, which we called the “City of Happiness”, as the basis for the life of our school children's organization. In this regard, we considered it expedient to form and develop the activities of the same-age and different-age specialized associations, both for children and adults, the content of whose activities corresponds to the main directions of the educational process and the life of the school as a whole:

  • MARY HOUSE as the main body of self-government of SDO;
  • QUARTERS and STREETS of the city (school class groups);
  • Department of Education (educational process of educational institution);
  • Department of Culture and Sports;
  • Social associations (temporary children's groups);
  • Institute of curators (permanent team of teachers);
  • Health Committee;
  • University of additional education (the system of pre-school education for teachers, students and their parents);
  • Museum of the history of the city (school museum);
  • Institute of Public Relations (permanent and temporary groups of children and adults, cooperating with other educational institutions and public organizations of the city, etc.);
  • Association of public catering;
  • Communal service (economic associations of the school).

Conditions for admission to the organization: desire, dedication.

Number of members of the organization: 708 (56 adults).

Availability of fundamental documents:

  • Regulations on SDO “City of Happiness”;
  • Articles of association;
  • SDO program.

The main areas of social activity of the SDO:

  1. Health-improving and preventive
  2. Artistic and aesthetic
  3. Sports
  4. Military-patriotic (Zhukovskoye movement, Salang club)
  5. Ecological
  6. Shefskaya

Forms of work: competitions, competitions, reviews, rallies, festivals, games, collective creative activities.

The motto of the ShDO: “Away with anxiety and bad weather! Our school is the“ city of Happiness ”.

The SDO has its own attributes: an anthem, a coat of arms, a flag of a children's organization, three passing flags, passing pennants, ties (blue, yellow, green).

The SDO has its own laws, customs, in the discussion of which all the “inhabitants of the city of Happiness” took part; its own print organ - the newspaper "City of happiness".

QUARTERS of the city are large children's groups that unite students of the same level of education. The STREETS of any city allow you to move around it, get acquainted and visit different city associations, participate in your favorite city events. Class teams of school students put things in order and beauty on their streets, attract the attention of residents and guests of the city with their deeds, take part in citywide affairs. The children's group chooses its own name. And in the course of its development, it tries to prove the correspondence of this name to the affairs of the inhabitants of this street. For example, now in the “City of Happiness” there are three blocks and more than thirty streets:

  • Green Quarter elementary school students live here, the color of ties matches the color of this quarter junior group DShO. In this quarter we can meet such streets: Igrovaya, Veselchakov, Sportivnaya, Solnechnaya, Enthusiasts, Dreamers, etc.;
  • yellow quarter high school students study here, the color of the ties also matches the color of this quarter middle group DShO. In this quarter, we can meet such streets: Mathematical, Historical, Biological, Youth, Detectives of Fives, Sorvantsov, Star, Siberian, Connoisseurs, Parkovaya, etc .;
  • blue quarter this is the quarter of high school students, the color of the ties of the senior group of the children's school corresponds to the color of this quarter. In this quarter, we can meet such streets: Lucky, Museum, Curious, Island of Happiness, Peace, Graduation, Tourist, University, Youth, Flower, Enthusiasts, etc.

Department of Education - this is how the whole educational process can be designated in the “City of Happiness”. And since the department is the management of the educational process, here we will single out several departments: the department of primary general education, the department of basic general education, the department of secondary general education. The specifics of the work of these departments is determined by the curriculum of the school.

The Department of Culture and Sports organizes and conducts all school cultural and sports events. There are two departments: the department of culture and the department of physical culture and sports.

Social associations are temporary children's groups, which unite schoolchildren of different classes and different ages. These associations can be defined as interest clubs, their activities are of a pronounced public nature and are related to the general tasks of the SDO. The names of these associations also reflect the content of their activities: "Drummer", "Symbolics", "Horn", "Song", "Tourism", "Yunkor", "Game". For the children of each group of the children's organization (junior, middle and senior), their own level (stage) of participation in these associations, a kind of mastering the program of this specialty, is expected. The program of children's temporary collectives of SDO consists of three stages: stage 1 - "Likbez" (grades 1-4), stage 2 - "Expert" (grades 5-8), stage 3 - "Master" (grades 9-11).

The health committee is represented by the committee's cooperation with the medical, psychological and pedagogical service of the school. Of great importance in this activity are a medical worker, a social pedagogue and school psychologists. With their help, the members of SDO carry out a health-improving and preventive direction in the work of the organization.

The university of additional education, first of all, is represented by a scientific society of students with its subject areas - scientific “faculties”. At the University today there are several “faculties” - areas of research activities of students under the guidance of teachers - subject teachers and teachers of Surgut universities:

  • “Medic” (medicine) for 9th graders;
  • “Young biologist” (natural science) for grades 3;
  • "Ethnos" (geography) for 9th grade;
  • “Slovesnik” (Russian language) for 9th graders;
  • “Voices that sound in the era..” (literature) for grades 10-11;
  • “Literature bright pages” (literature) for 7th grade;
  • “Journey to the Origins” (history) for 6th and 11th grades;
  • Spinoza (mathematics) for 6th graders, etc.

The military-patriotic club "SALANG" also belongs to the social associations of the "City of Happiness". Any youth can become a member of the club senior group Children's school (grades 9-11). The activity of the club is related to the military-patriotic training of future servicemen under the guidance of adults. In addition, the members of “Salang” actively cooperate with the television of Surgut, annually participate in regional competitions (School of Survival), participated in the military-sports television game “Polygon”. The school developed the Zhukovsky movement. 12 Zhukovsky detachments were created, which included about 300 children. They are engaged in patriotic education of schoolchildren. They also collected a huge amount of material about G.K. Zhukov, about generals, heroes of the Great Patriotic War and properly arranged in the school museum.

In the course of the life of the organization, other club associations in other substantive specialties can be created.

The Museum of the City History is a museum of our educational institution, where the history of our children's public organization is formed in a separate plan. Every year on the birthday of the SDO (the Day of the “City of Happiness”), the museum receives gifts from the inhabitants of the streets of the city as exhibits of the museum exposition.

We represent the Institute of Public Relations as permanent and temporary groups of children and adults cooperating with other educational institutions and public organizations of the city, etc. Cooperation between children and teaching staff of the school, including through SDO:

  • Universities of the city and region: Tyumen State University(branch in Surgut), Surgut State University - they help not only in the training of high school students, but also in the activities of the scientific society of students, in organizing their research work.
  • Institutions of additional education: Station of young naturalists, Station of young technicians, SDUSHOR "Yugoriya", DYuSSh No. 1, swimming pool "Vodoley", Center for culture and leisure "Builder" - with the help of teachers of distance education, circles and sections are conducted, many collective activities of school children are organized and carried out .
  • The Council of Veterans of the city takes part in the organization of the Zhukovsky movement.
  • The yard club helps in carrying out common affairs in the microdistrict.

Association of public catering (canteen of the school). Members of the school children's organization "City of Happiness" keep the canteen clean and tidy.

Communal service (economic associations of the school). Members of SDO actively participate in the work to observe and maintain the cleanliness of classrooms and general school premises, to plant greenery in the school and its territory.

Undoubtedly, school student self-government is one of the most pressing problems of modern domestic education. Our state shows an obvious interest in the development of school student self-government, which is reflected in the current legal documents. In particular, among the principles of state policy in the field of education, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” contains the principle of a public-state nature of the management of educational institutions. At the same time, state-public management can be understood as such management, in which, along with state structures, public management structures will operate - the bodies of school student management.

The creation of student self-government bodies in our school was preceded by a survey among students about whether such bodies are needed at the school and what issues they can solve.

The majority of students answered the question in the affirmative (two-thirds of the respondents).

Schoolchildren of MOU secondary school No. 7 also believe that the guys themselves can solve such issues as:

  • organization of leisure and extracurricular activities, issues of study and discipline, assistance to lagging students;
  • protecting the rights of students, expressing the opinions of schoolchildren, participating in conflict resolution, assistance in managing educational institutions;
  • solving everyday and financial problems, to replace teachers on the Days of an understudy, etc.

School self-government in school No. 7 is a complex system in which the City Hall of the “City of Happiness” takes its specific place.

The activities of student self-government bodies are built in accordance with the Regulations on self-government bodies of the MOU secondary school No. 7.

The management of the school children's organization and the Mayor's Office of the "City of Happiness" have their own structure.

To become one of the administrators of the City Hall, each member of the SDO - "a resident of the city of Happiness" can go through the school of participation in the life of the organization, growth steps:

  • Resident of the "City of Happiness";
  • Honorary resident of the “City of Happiness”;
  • Administrator of the "City of Happiness";
  • Curator of the City of Happiness.

The title of “Honorary Citizen” is awarded to a pupil who has fulfilled all the requirements for him in the memo of the residents of the “City of Happiness”, an active participant in all school affairs and who has gratitude and awards from his team.

The title of “Administrator” is awarded to the “Honorary Resident of the “City of Happiness” among students in grades 8-11.

The MAYOR of the "City of Happiness" is chosen by one of the administrators who won the election campaign.

CURATORS are elected or appointed by adults who wish to participate in the activities of SDO and share its goals and objectives. They help in the work of the departments. Their activities are determined by the relevant Regulations.


1.3. The school carries out its activities in accordance with the goals and objectives defined by the laws of the Russian Federation, the Kaliningrad region, the regulations of the local authorities of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad" and this Charter, by performing work, providing services in the field of education.

1.4. The subject of the School's activity is the implementation of the main general educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education.

1.5. The main goals of the School are the formation of a common culture of the personality of students based on the assimilation of the mandatory minimum content of general education programs, their adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for a conscious choice and subsequent development of professional educational programs, education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love to the environment, Motherland, family, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

1.6. The main tasks of the School are:

creation of conditions for the formation of an educated and developed personality, adapted to life in society, capable of a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs;

Ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization;

· Ensuring an adequate world level of the general and professional culture of the society;

formation of a student's picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of education);

Formation of a spiritual and moral personality;

· the formation of a person and a citizen integrated into contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;

meeting the needs of students in intellectual, cultural and moral development in accordance with their inclinations, abilities, interests;

provision High Quality education that meets federal state educational standards, as well as additional specialized pre-professional education;

protection of life and health promotion of students;

· creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the creative potential of students, mastering the skills of self-education, research activities.

1.7. The school provides training and education in the interests of the individual, society, state, provides health protection and the creation of favorable conditions for the versatile development of the individual, including the possibility of meeting the student's need for self-education and additional education.

1.8. The activities of the School are based on the principles of democracy, humanism, accessibility, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, citizenship, free development of the individual, autonomy of the secular nature of education.

1.9. The school carries out the educational process in accordance with the levels of the main general educational programs of the three levels of education:

Stage I - primary general education (normative period of development is 4 years);

Stage II - basic general education (normative period of development is 5 years);

Stage III - secondary (complete) general education (normative period of development is 2 years).

1.10. The content of education at the School is determined by educational programs approved and implemented by the School independently.

1.11. The main general educational programs at the School are developed on the basis of the relevant exemplary basic educational programs and must ensure that students achieve the results of mastering the main educational programs established by the relevant federal state educational standards.

1.12. Taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual, the main general educational programs at the School are mastered in full-time form.

The school, at the request of the student and his parents (legal representatives), promotes the development of educational programs in the form of family education, self-education or external study, training in these forms is regulated by the relevant Regulations.

1.13. Education according to individual curricula at home is carried out at the conclusion of the medical qualification commission or on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. A combination of these forms of mastering general educational programs is allowed.

1.14. The School provides free of charge to children studying individually at home, for the period of study, textbooks, educational, reference and other literature available in the School's library; provides children studying individually at home with specialists from among pedagogical workers, provides methodological and advisory assistance necessary for the development of ongoing general education programs; carries out intermediate and state (final) certification of children studying individually at home; issues to children studying individually at home and who have passed the state (final) certification, a state document on the appropriate education.

The organization of individual education of a student at home is formalized by the order of the Director of the School on the organization of individual education at home. The detailed procedure for organizing individual learning at home is regulated by the relevant regulation of the School “On the organization of individual learning”.

1.15. Taking into account the interests of the parents (legal representatives) of students, in agreement with the Founder and with the appropriate license (if necessary), profile, experimental classes can be opened at the School, programs of additional and preschool education can be implemented.

1.16. For all forms of education within the framework of a specific basic general education program, the federal state educational standard applies.

1.17. The tasks of primary general education are the upbringing and development of students, their mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic self-control skills, a culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Primary general education is the basis for obtaining basic general education. At the first stage of education, additional general education programs are introduced, which are aimed at the development of students and allow preparing students for the successful development of educational programs at subsequent levels.

In addition to compulsory subjects, additional educational subjects may be introduced at the choice of parents and students.

1.18. The task of basic general education is to create conditions for the upbringing, formation and formation of the personality of the student, for the development of his inclinations, interests and ability for social self-determination.

Basic general education is the basis for obtaining secondary (complete) general education, primary and secondary vocational education.

In addition to compulsory subjects, new academic subjects, optional courses and various forms of extracurricular activities, as well as elective subjects are introduced, aimed at the fuller development of the student's abilities, taking into account continuity in the education system. In agreement with the students, their parents (legal representatives), training is organized according to different levels of programs.

1.19. The tasks of secondary (complete) general education are the development of interest in learning and the creative abilities of the student, the formation of skills for independent learning activities based on the differentiation of learning. In addition to compulsory subjects, subjects are introduced at the choice of the students themselves, elective courses in order to realize the interests, abilities and capabilities of the individual.

1.20. The school implements the main general education programs of primary general education, basic general education, secondary (complete) general education.

1.21. The main general educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard and include the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that provide spiritual and moral development, education and the quality of student training.

1.22. The school implements additional educational programs in the following areas:

Preparing children for school; Adaptive groups to prepare children for the conditions of school life; Preparatory courses for the Unified State Examination with a standard development period of 1 year;

Computer graphics. Programming in VisualBasic and Delphi; Web design; Video processing with a standard development period of up to 5 years;

Sports section (basketball, volleyball, tourism, martial arts) with a standard development period of up to 5 years;

Mugs: cutting and sewing; tour guides; local historians with a standard term of development up to 5 years;

Studios: vocal; choreographic; theatrical; visual arts; phytodesign with a standard development period of up to 5 years;

Workshops on folk crafts (soft toys; straws; woodcarving) with a standard development period of up to 5 years.

1.23. Additional educational programs include working programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules).

1.24. In the presence of an appropriate license (if necessary), the School may provide the population, enterprises, institutions and organizations with paid additional educational services that are not provided for by the main educational programs and federal state educational standards:

· carry out training in additional educational programs specified in clause 2.22. of this Charter;

organize the study of special disciplines over hours and over the program for this discipline, provided for by the curriculum;

conduct tutoring with students of another educational institution;

· create studios, groups, sections working on programs of additional education for children, specified in clause 2.22. of this Charter;

create groups for the adaptation of children to the conditions of school life.

1.25. The school can also carry out the following activities:

· foreign economic activity;

income-generating activities (renting property, paid services).

1.26. The procedure for the provision of paid additional educational and (or) other services:

· paid additional educational and (or) other services cannot be provided instead of educational activities financed from the budget;

The need for paid additional educational and (or) other services is determined by questioning the parents (legal representatives) of students;

· The school draws up and approves an estimate of income and expenses for non-budgetary funds;

· The school develops Regulations on paid additional educational and (or) other services;

· The School concludes agreements with parents (legal representatives) on the provision of paid additional educational and (or) other services, the form of the agreement is approved by the School;

· The school concludes contracts with pedagogical workers for the performance of paid additional educational and (or) other services;

· the director issues an order on the organization of paid additional educational and (or) other services.

1.27. Income from the provision of paid additional educational and (or) other services of the School is used by it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the statutory purposes.

1.28. To achieve the set goals and objectives, the School has the right in the manner prescribed by applicable law:

independently, in accordance with federal state educational standards, develop, adopt and implement educational programs;

· to develop and approve the curriculum, the annual plan of educational work of the School and the schedule of classes;

· to develop and approve the School Development Program, work schedules of employees, timetables for additional education;

· to choose forms, means, methods of education and upbringing, allowances within the limits determined by the legislation;

· independently choose the system of assessments, forms, order and frequency of intermediate certification of students;

· implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services, including paid ones, outside the main educational programs that determine the status of the School;

carry out foreign economic activity;

· conduct income-generating activities insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which the School was created, and corresponds to the specified goals. The implementation of the specified activities by the School is allowed, if it does not contradict federal laws;

· form educational associations (associations and unions), incl. with the participation of institutions, enterprises and public organizations (associations);

attract additional sources of financing and material resources for the implementation of its statutory activities, including the use of a bank loan;

· carry out material and technical support and equipment of the educational process, equipment of premises in accordance with state and local standards and requirements, carried out within the limits of their own financial resources;

· provide the Founder and the public with an annual report on the receipt and expenditure of financial and material resources;

· to carry out the selection, hiring and placement of personnel, be responsible for the level of their qualifications;

use and improve the methods of the educational process and educational technologies, including distance learning technologies;

· develop and approve, in agreement with the Founder, annual calendar study schedules;

· establish wages for employees of the Institution, including allowances and additional payments to official salaries, the procedure and amount of their bonuses in accordance with the current wage system;

develop and adopt internal labor regulations, other local acts;

independently carry out the educational process in accordance with this Charter and the license;

promote the activities of teachers' (pedagogical) organizations (associations) and methodological associations (if any);

· to lease in accordance with the established procedure the property assigned to the School on the right of operational management and objects of property of the School (the lease agreement is preceded by an expert assessment of the consequences of leasing the property assigned to the School);

· carry out paid services on a contractual basis in the presence of an appropriate license (if necessary);

· to carry out material and technical support for the activities and development of social facilities;

· give proposals to the Founder for planning their activities and determining development prospects based on the main economic indicators, the presence of demand for the work performed, the services provided;

· perform work, provide services related to its main activity, for citizens and legal entities for a fee and on the same conditions for the provision of homogeneous services in the manner established by federal laws;

· with the consent of the Committee and the Founder, to be a participant (member) of commercial organizations, as well as non-profit organizations;

· form educational associations (associations and unions), incl. with the participation of institutions, enterprises and public organizations (associations).

1.29. The Founder has the right to suspend the income-generating activities of the School, if it is to the detriment of the educational activities provided for by this Charter, until a court decision on this issue.

1.30. The school is required to:

· carry out municipal tasks and a plan of financial and economic activities for the School in accordance with the main activities provided for by this Charter, established by the Founder;

ensure timely and full payment of salaries and other payments to employees of the School, in accordance with applicable law;

· to provide employees of the School with safe working conditions;

· ensure guaranteed working conditions and measures of social protection for the employees of the School;

provide state and municipal authorities with information about the activities of the School in the manner prescribed by applicable law;

ensure the proper maintenance of movable and immovable property assigned to the School, timely conduct capital and current repairs property;

· carry out activities for civil defense and mobilization training in accordance with applicable law.

1.31. The School ensures the functioning of the system of internal monitoring of the quality of education at the School, and also ensures the creation and maintenance of the official website of the School on the Internet. The School provides the Founder and the public with an annual report on the receipt and expenditure of financial and material resources, as well as a report on the results of self-assessment of the School's activities (self-examination).

1.32. The school (in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation) is responsible for:

Failure to perform functions related to the competence of the School;

implementation of incomplete educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process;

the quality of education of its graduates;

life and health of students and employees of the School during the educational process;

Violation of the rights and freedoms of students and employees of the School;

other actions stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of modern education is to develop those abilities of the child that are needed by him and society. During schooling, all children should learn to be socially active and acquire the skill of self-development. This is logical - even in the psychological and pedagogical literature, the goals of education mean the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger. However, in reality it is much more than that.

Pedagogical aspect

Goals modern education in teaching activities carry out a system-forming function. After all, the choice of content, as well as means and methods of teaching, depends on their definition. The goals set for the teacher provoke the emergence of many professional questions. And the most important one sounds like this: “Why, what and how to teach schoolchildren?” It seemed like a simple question. That's just the correct and complete answer to it can give a person who is aware of all the ethical, subject, aesthetic, life and professional nuances of his profession.

And all good teachers initially determine the goals and objectives of education. They are able to set them so precisely that it will be possible to build a process that guarantees their achievement and implementation as quickly as possible. A professional teacher will never bypass this, rushing immediately to the compilation of manuals and programs.


Allow each person to understand what the purpose of learning is. In the Federal State Educational Standard, everything is spelled out as clearly as possible.

It says that the goal of education is not only to achieve substantive results in the Russian language, geography, physics and other disciplines. The learning process is also aimed at shaping the personality of children and at mastering skills that will be useful to them in the future. This includes communication skills, the ability to show leadership qualities and engage in self-education, the ability to find, process and use information, demonstrate their experience and the results of personal work.

The purpose of education today is to develop several activities of the child at once and to motivate him to perform various research and design work.


So, about the purpose of education has already been told. Now you need to pay attention to tasks.

The main one is the constant, systematic improvement of the educational level of the population of our state. Also, one of the tasks involves preparing new generations for life in a democratic society. Another training is aimed at the formation and development of an integral educational space of the Russian Federation, not only at the federal, but also at the global level.

In addition to the above, education implies the social integration of all groups of society. Regardless of their physical and mental health, ethnicity, political and religious beliefs. Based on this belief, one more goal can be deduced - ensuring the same starting opportunities for children in the field of education.

About principles

There are certain foundations on which the formation of the Russian Federation traditionally relies. These principles should also be mentioned.

The key is the pluralism of the educational environment, freedom and democracy. Also, one should not forget about humanism and the importance that are necessarily manifested in the processes of education and training.

In addition, the level of mobility, the variability of its technologies, individuality and scientific validity are important. And constant adaptability. After all, the needs of society, like the conditions of life, are constantly changing. And along with them, the goals of modern education and the system itself are being transformed.

Functions of education

They are also worth discussing briefly. Each educational institution organizes the learning process, which performs several important functions at once.

The first is motivational. At school, children find an incentive to get an education and study certain subjects. A good teacher knows how to substantiate the significance of this process, as well as arouse interest in a particular discipline in pupils.

Another function is informational. At the lessons, children receive a certain amount of information that affects the formation of their worldview, provides food for spiritual development and specialized skills.

The third function is called integrating. After some time, each pupil begins to apply in real life the knowledge and skills acquired at school. This is one of the most important functions. The child, having understood by his own example that school knowledge is really useful, receives an additional, not imposed incentive to learn. It is also worth noting the attention of the coordinating function. In the course of education, children learn to apply various methods they have previously mastered to perform a given task.

And the last, most important function is called educational. In the process of learning, the child receives spiritual and value development, masters such qualities as diligence, mental activity, purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance.

The result of education

Much has been said above about the goals and objectives of education. There are many of them, but this is not the whole list. But whether the educational institution successfully implemented the program can be easily determined. There is a standard "model" of a high school graduate.

If a pupil actively seeks to expand his or her value horizon, leads a safe and healthy lifestyle, adequately and wisely designs his future, and recognizes himself as a person living in society, the goal of modern general school education has been achieved. Such a person can think creatively and critically, is able to independently choose a profession, and also knows how to make personal choices, take actions and bear responsibility for them.

Learning process

Speaking about the goal of general education, one cannot fail to note the attention and actions of the teaching staff, without which its achievement is not possible.

First of all, this is a didactic processing of educational material. Each teacher must adapt it for understanding by students. And highlight the most important. After all, it is unrealistic to provide pupils with all the knowledge on the subject - the "budget" of time is too small. In addition, this is how the teacher turns science into an academic discipline. One is distinguished from the other by the logic of presentation and the totality of concepts. Teachers specifically select a part of the scientific discipline that corresponds to the conditions of study and the educational program.

Also, professional teachers take into account psychologization. The educational process assumes that children need to be taught material taking into account their age characteristics, level of training and personal characteristics. But such processing of information should not be carried out to the detriment of its scientific character and objectivity.

Important Features

It is worth noting that each teacher, realizing the goal of education, must connect theory with practice and training with education. Even if the teacher teaches mathematics, he must not be distracted from reality. Considering how abstract and abstract some theories can be, this presents a certain professional difficulty. However, any position offered by the teacher for study should be combined with the formation of useful skills and abilities, as well as with the acquisition of creative experience and the ability to adequately assess reality.

And, of course, the content of the training must necessarily correspond to the approved program. The education of the Russian Federation is aimed at the development of not only a person, but society and the state as a whole. And all the tasks implemented by schools are dictated by the level of development of science, culture and the nature of our civilization.

The main goal of general education, closely related to the goals of education discussed in the previous paragraph, is to provide all students with the best, taking into account their capabilities - intellectual development.

Of course, this goal does not act on its own, but in unity with the goals of education (especially social, moral and aesthetic education), aimed at shaping the student's personality as a whole, and not just its certain aspects. The existence of various aspects of personality development in no way means that each of them can act as a special area of ​​individual educational influences. In reality, these various aspects are closely connected with each other and only in their unity form an integral personality. It is in connection with this that social and moral education usually includes elements of aesthetic education and upbringing; the latter, in turn, cover educational influences that stimulate the socio-moral and intellectual development of the student's personality. The same is the case with teaching, because, as school practice confirms, it is the more effective, the more it is oriented towards the formation of the student's integral personality, and not only towards the development of his thinking.

The achievement of the main goal of general education - providing conditions for full intellectual development for each student - is subordinated to all the activities of a general education school, and to a certain extent, vocational schools. In his activities, the teacher ensures the implementation of the goals of general education in close connection with its main goal, which implies the following:

  • Acquaintance of students with the basics of systematized knowledge about nature, society, technology and culture in a volume that allows them to understand the main phenomena, events and processes of reality, as well as use them in the course of influencing it.

On how successfully the school solves this problem, the assessment of its work by society mainly depends. To a large extent, the fate of students also depends on this, who, entering higher educational institutions, must be aware of the quality and quantity of knowledge that they have already mastered.

Familiarization of students with achievements in a certain field of knowledge and the formation of appropriate skills in them is closely connected both with general education, the tasks of which include, for example, the formation and development of students' abilities and interests, and with education, because these processes, as has been repeatedly emphasized, appear in their dialectical unity.

  • The teacher also ensures the development of the abilities and cognitive interests of students, namely: critical thinking, attention, imagination, memory and a variety of practical skills.

The solution of this problem, which is correct from a content and methodological point of view, is facilitated by the development of students' skills to independently identify, formulate and solve certain theoretical and practical problems related to nature, social life, technology and culture.

The requirement of connection with practice, the observance of which in the educational process determines the development of the abilities and cognitive interests of students, is to shape their thinking with the help of situations specially created for them that would stimulate the latter; develop their memory through its systematic training on appropriately selected material; to form certain practical skills in them under conditions that allow them to actually perform these actions in practice, etc.

The need to strictly observe this requirement is evidenced not only by the results of psychological and didactic research, but also by the changes taking place in the modern world. The rapid growth of the volume of knowledge, the rapid development of technology, the ever-increasing role of science in modern life, the need to solve new problems that have not been encountered before - these are just some of the factors that necessitate the rational use of social resources of abilities along with the already recognized need for a thoughtful use of raw materials. Under these conditions, the task of developing the abilities and cognitive interests of students rises to the level of one of the main tasks of the modern school.

  • The task of the teacher also includes the formation of a scientific worldview in children and youth, i.e., a system of scientifically based, logically coherent system of views and beliefs that determine their attitude to the world and guide their behavior [see: Okon W. 1970. P. 51].

By "view" we mean an internally consistent system of knowledge on a particular topic, based on scientific premises, which can be accepted in the light of the evidence given by its supporters. In addition to the above features, a belief is characterized by another feature, namely, that the person who shares it considers it unconditionally correct. Views and beliefs become decisive for the behavior of students when they are formed in the process of their own, independent cognitive activity of students, and are not acquired in finished form, as if as a gift, from other persons. To achieve this goal of education, it is also necessary to develop the abilities and cognitive interests of students.

  • The teacher should introduce students to self-education, form in them the need for constant systematic and independent replenishment of existing knowledge and skills in the course of study outside the school.

In an era of rapid growth in the volume of information and the associated rapid "aging" of school programs, including those of higher educational institutions, which proceeds much faster than in the past, this goal is put forward among the main ones. It is in this connection that some didactics believe that the main duty of the modern school is to teach students to learn independently. This skill is of particular importance in the era of the implementation of the idea of ​​lifelong education in many countries and is a logical consequence of scientific and technological progress and acting as a necessary condition for a person to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of his life and work.

  • The purpose of general education is also to familiarize students with the scientific foundations of production and organization of labor in such important sectors as mechanical engineering, electrical and chemical industries, rural economy, etc., and the formation of their skills to use the simplest technical devices and devices.

Such education is called "polytechnic"; it should ensure not so much the preparation of students for any profession, but an understanding of the most important patterns of technical, technological and organizational processes common to many areas of industrial and agricultural production and the service sector.

The considered goals of general education, related to educational work with children and youth in educational institutions at different levels of education, are leading. Their concretization serves as private learning goals, which are defined in curricula and programs for individual academic subjects.

Problem block

According to Kazimir Sosnitsky, the three main goals of socialist education, namely: the formation of a scientific worldview, preparation for participation in the building of a socialist society, and the all-round development of a person, should be understood in unity and as open. The unity lies in the fact that their achievement is the goal of education both in the family and at school and outside of school. Openness means the gradual implementation of them in relation to the achieved level of physical and mental development of a person at various higher and higher levels.

The school is the main link in the system of continuous education.

The school provides citizens with the opportunity to receive free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general and preschool education, within the framework of federal state educational standards and federal state requirements for of this type educational institutions.

The main goals of the School:

Formation of a common culture of the personality of students based on the assimilation of the mandatory minimum of the content of general education programs, their adaptation to life in society;

Creation of the basis for a conscious choice and subsequent development of professional educational programs;

Education of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The main tasks of the School.

The main tasks of a preschool educational institution are:

Protection of life and strengthening of physical and mental health;

Providing cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of children;

Education taking into account age categories in children of citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

Implementation of the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children;

Interaction with families of children to ensure the full development of children;

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

The tasks of primary general education are the upbringing and development of students, their mastery of reading, writing, counting, the basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, the simplest skills of self-control, a culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Primary general education is the basis for obtaining basic general education.

The task of basic general education is to create conditions for the upbringing, formation and formation of the personality of the student, for the development of his inclinations, interests and ability for social self-determination.

Basic general education is the basis for obtaining secondary (complete) general education, primary and secondary vocational education.

The tasks of secondary (complete) general education are the development of interest in learning and the creative abilities of the student, the formation of skills for independent learning activities based on the differentiation of learning.

Secondary (complete) general education is the basis for obtaining primary vocational, secondary vocational (according to reduced accelerated programs) and higher vocational education.

The educational process of the School is mainly aimed at expanding the possibilities for a person to make a competent choice of a life path and to prepare him for development.

To achieve its goals and objectives, the School has the right to:

Independently, taking into account federal state educational standards, develop, adopt and implement educational programs;

Choose forms, methods and means of training and education within the limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education;

Develop and approve the curriculum, annual calendar study schedule and class schedule;

Develop and implement new pedagogical technologies for the education of students;

Implement additional programs and provide additional services, including paid ones.

The school interacts with the Municipal Educational Institution of Additional Education "District Information and Methodological Center", develops new methods to improve and improve the effectiveness of teaching and educating students, both in the educational process and in extracurricular activities.

5. Organization of the educational process, types and types of implemented educational programs

5.1. Education and upbringing at the School is conducted in Russian. German is studied as a foreign language.

5.2. The educational process at the School is carried out in accordance with the levels of educational programs of preschool education and three levels of general education, corresponding to the main stages of development of students:

Preschool education provides education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and rehabilitation of children aged from two months to 7 years.

Stage 1 - primary general education - the standard period of development is 4 years.

Ensures the development of students, their mastery of reading, writing, counting skills, basic skills and abilities of educational activities, the simplest skills of self-control, culture of behavior and speech; mastering the skills of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Stage 2 - basic general education - the standard period of development is 5 years.

Ensures the development by students of educational programs of basic general education, the conditions for the formation and formation of the personality of a student capable of social self-determination, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to compulsory subjects, subjects are introduced for organizing training at the choice of the students themselves, aimed at realizing the interests, abilities and capabilities of the individual.

Stage 3 - secondary (complete) general education - the standard period of development is 2 years

It is the final stage of general education, ensuring the development of secondary (full) general education programs by students, focused on the individualization of education and the socialization of students, taking into account the real needs of the labor market, the development of cognitive interests and creative abilities of students, the formation of skills for independent educational activities based on the differentiation of training.

In addition to the required subjects:

Elective courses are introduced in order to realize interests, abilities and opportunities;

Based on the requests of students and their parents (legal representatives), the School provides initial vocational training for students in the profession of a tractor driver of category "B", "C", "E", "F". Initial vocational training is carried out only with the consent of the students and their parents (legal representatives).

The school can conduct vocational training for students as additional (including paid) educational services if they have an appropriate license for the specified type of activity.

Based on the requests of students and their parents (legal representatives), if there are appropriate conditions, training in various profiles and directions can be introduced at the 3rd stage.

5.3. The organization of the educational process at the School is based on the curriculum agreed with the Department of Education of the Administration of the Elovsky Municipal District and is regulated by the schedule of classes approved by the Director of the School.

5.4. The school year at the School begins on September 1, if this date falls on a day off, then in this case the school year begins on the first working day following it.

The duration of the academic year at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd levels of general education is at least 34 weeks, excluding state (final) certification, in the 1st grade - 33 weeks, the duration of holidays during the academic year is at least 30 calendar days, in the summer at least 8 weeks . For students in the 1st grade, additional weekly holidays are set in the middle of the 3rd quarter.

The annual calendar study schedule is developed and approved by the School:

1 quarter - 9 weeks

2 quarter - 7 weeks

3rd quarter - 10 weeks

4th quarter - 8 weeks

Vacation duration throughout the year:

autumn - 8 days

winter - 14 days

spring - 8 days

summer - at least 8 weeks

5.5. The school works according to the schedule of 5-day working week, with two days off - Saturday and Sunday.

For students of grade 9 and students of stage 3, a 6-day work week can be established.

Duration of classes for students:

In grade 1, a “stepped” learning mode is established:

in September, October - 3 lessons per day of 35 minutes each, in November - December - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each, January - May - 4 lessons of 45 minutes each.

In grades 2-11, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 45 minutes.

Duration of change:

10 minutes - after 1.5 lessons;

20 minutes - after 2,3,4 lessons.

The teaching load of pupils and students is provided for by the curriculum and must comply with the current sanitary and epidemiological requirements

5 day work week:

For students of grade 1 - no more than 21 hours;

For students in grades 2-4 - no more than 23 hours;

For students of grade 5 - no more than 29 hours;

For students of grade 6 - no more than 30 hours;

For students of grade 7 - no more than 32 hours;

For students in grades 8-9 - no more than 33 hours;

For students in grades 10-11 - no more than 34 hours.

with a 6 day work week:

For students in grades 8-9 - no more than 36 hours per week;

For students in grades 10-11 - no more than 37 hours per week.

5.6. Admission to school.

Admission of children to grade 1 begins when they reach the age of 6 years 6 months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of 8 years. At the request of the parents (legal representatives), the Founder has the right to allow the admission of children to the School for education at an earlier age.

The following documents are required for admission to the School:

Statement of parents (legal representatives);

Copy of birth certificate;

Medical certificate on the state of health;

Personal file (as a transfer from another educational institution);

Personal statement of the student, a document confirming the receipt of basic general education (when admitted to grade 10);

If there are free places in the School, persons who have reached the age of 18 and do not have a secondary (complete) general education can be admitted:

In the order of transfer from another educational institution that implements an educational program of the appropriate level;

Previously received education in the form of family education, self-education or external study.

Admission to the School is formalized by the order of the Director of the School.

Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, or the absence thereof, cannot serve as a basis for refusing admission to study at the School.

Upon admission to the School, students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) must be familiar with this Charter, a license to conduct educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation, basic educational programs and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

Relations between the School and students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) are regulated by local acts of the School, and can also be formalized by concluding a cooperation agreement.

5.7. The completion of classes is carried out by the Director of the school at the request of the children and their parents (legal representatives).

The number of classes in the School is determined depending on the number of applications submitted by citizens and the conditions created for the implementation of the educational process and taking into account the sanitary standards and control standards specified in the license.

5.8. Class occupancy is set at 25 people, additional education and electives - up to 15 people, individual and group classes - from 1 to 20 people.

5.9. When conducting classes in a foreign language and labor training at the second and third stages of general education, physical culture at the third stage of general education, in informatics and computer technology, physics and chemistry (during practical classes), it is allowed to divide the class into 2 groups if the occupancy of the class is 20 or more people.

5.10. In the School, in agreement with the Founder and taking into account the interests of parents (legal representatives), classes of compensatory education may be opened.

Educational authorities, in agreement with the Founder, may open special (correctional) classes at the School for students with disabilities.

The transfer (direction) of students to special (correctional) classes is carried out by the educational authorities only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of the students upon the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

The school is guided in organizing the work of special (correctional) classes by the Standard Regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities.

5.11. The school provides classes at home with students in accordance with the medical report on the state of health. Based on the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the number of teaching hours per week is allocated, a schedule is drawn up, the personal composition of teachers is determined by order of the Director, and a journal of classes is kept. Parents (legal representatives) of the student are obliged to create conditions for conducting classes at home.

5.12. The school has the right to open, at the request and requests of parents, an extended day group (GPA). The occupancy of the GPA is set in the number of no more than 25 students. The duration of stay in the GPA is not more than 5 hours.

5.13. Taking into account the needs and abilities of the child, educational programs at the School can be mastered in full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence and external studies. A combination of these forms of mastering general educational programs is allowed.

5.14. The school, under contracts and together with enterprises, institutions, organizations (with the consent of students and their parents (legal representatives)) has the right, as additional (including paid) educational services, with a license for the specified type of activity, if required, conduct:

The work of additional education associations;

Wellness activities;

Tutoring with students of another educational institution;

Additional classes in a computer class;

Additional classes to prepare students for admission to higher and secondary educational institutions;

Open on the basis of the School during the summer and winter holidays health camps for children with a day stay, and if there are additional conditions - with a round-the-clock stay.

Paid additional educational services can be carried out only outside the main educational activities.

Payment for additional educational services is carried out at existing rates and tariffs approved by the Founder, in the absence of such, at contractual prices.

5.15. The current control of progress is assessed by teachers on a five-point system and is reflected in the class journal, the student's diary, and the electronic diary.

In the first grade, knowledge assessment is qualitative.

Intermediate and final grades are given in points from grades 2 to 9 in quarters, grades 10-11 - in semesters. At the end of the academic year, final annual grades are given.

Also, for quarters and for half a year, marks are given for behavior (exemplary, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory).

5.16. Intermediate attestation of students:

During the intermediate certification, a scoring system is established: 5 - "excellent", 4 - "good", 3 - "satisfactory", 2 - "unsatisfactory".

The form, procedure for conducting, the objectives of the intermediate certification and transfer exams are established by the annual academic calendar, in accordance with the decision of the Pedagogical Council, approved by the Director.

By decision of the Pedagogical Council of the School, additional transfer exams may be introduced. The decision of the Pedagogical Council on this issue is brought to the attention of the participants in the educational process by order of the Director.

5.17. Mastering the general education programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education ends with a mandatory final certification of graduates. The state (final) certification of students who have mastered the educational programs of secondary (complete) general education is carried out in the form of the Unified State Examination. The School organizes the state (final) certification of graduates of the School within its competence in accordance with the Regulations on the state (final) certification of graduates of educational institutions, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

5.18. Graduates of the School, after passing the state (final) certification, are issued a state document on the level of education, certified by the seal of the School with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, and persons who have not completed basic general and secondary (complete) general education are issued certificates of the established form.

5.19. Graduates who have achieved particular success in mastering the general education program of secondary (complete) general education are awarded, by decision of the pedagogical council, with a gold or silver medal "For special achievements in learning"

Graduates who have achieved particular success in mastering the general education program of basic general education receive a special certificate (with honors).

Graduates who have achieved special success in studying one or more subjects while mastering the general education program of basic general education are awarded a Certificate of Appreciation "For special achievements in the study of individual subjects."

5.20. Translation of students:

Students who have mastered educational programs in full are transferred to the next grade based on the results of final grades, in grade 8 - transfer exams;

Students at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, who have an academic debt in one subject at the end of the academic year, are transferred to the next class conditionally. Students are required to eliminate academic debt during the next academic year, the School is obliged to create conditions for students to eliminate this debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its elimination;

Students at the levels of primary general, basic general education who have not mastered the educational program of the academic year and have an academic debt in two or more subjects or are conditionally transferred to the next class and have not eliminated academic debt in one subject, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are left for a second education, are transferred to classes of compensatory education with a smaller number of students per one pedagogical worker of an educational institution or continue to receive education in other forms;

Students at the level of secondary (complete) general education who have not mastered the educational program of the academic year in full-time education and have an academic debt in two or more subjects or are conditionally transferred to the next grade and have not eliminated their academic debt in one subject continue to receive education in other forms ;

The transfer of a student to the next class is carried out by decision of the Pedagogical Council of the School;

Students of the 1st stage who have not mastered the program, by the decision of the Pedagogical Council of the School, can be sent to the district psychological - medical - pedagogical commission;

Students who have not mastered the educational program of the previous level are not allowed to study at the next level of general education;

Students of the transfer class who have quarter (trimester) and annual grades “5” in all subjects studied in this class are awarded a commendation sheet “For excellent academic achievement”;

Students who have not completed basic general education are issued certificates of the established form;

In case of disagreement of the student or his parents with the annual examination assessment, he is given the opportunity to take an exam in the relevant subject of the commission created by the School's pedagogical council, or the conflict commission operating under the education department.

5.21. Exclusion of students from the School.

5.21.1. With the consent of the parents (legal representatives), the district commission for minors and the protection of their rights and the education department of the administration of the Elovsky municipal district, a student who has reached the age of 15 may leave the School before receiving a general education.

5.21.2. The Commission for the Affairs of Minors and the Protection of Their Rights, together with the parents (legal representatives) of a minor who left the School before he received a basic general education, and the local government, within a month, takes measures to ensure his employment and (or) the continuation of his development of the educational program of the basic general education in a different form of education.

5.21.3. By decision of the School's Pedagogical Council, for repeated gross violations of the Charter of the School, students who have reached the age of 15 may be expelled from the School.

Gross violations of the Charter of the School include:

Bringing and transfer or use of weapons, alcoholic beverages, toxic and narcotic substances;

The use of any means and substances that can lead to explosions and fires;

The use of physical force to sort things out, intimidation and extortion;

The performance of any action that entails dangerous consequences for others.

5.21.4. The exclusion of a student from the School is applied if educational measures have not yielded results and the student’s continued stay at the School has a negative impact on other students, violates their rights and the rights of the School employees, as well as the normal functioning of the School.

The decision to expel a student who has not received a basic general education is made taking into account the opinion of his parents (legal representatives) and with the consent of the district commission for minors and the protection of their rights. The decision to exclude orphans and children left without parental care is made with the consent of the district commission for minors and the protection of their rights and the guardianship and guardianship authority.

The School is obliged to immediately inform the parents (legal representatives) and the local government about the exclusion of the student from the School.

The Commission for the Affairs of Minors and the Protection of Their Rights, together with the local government and the parents (legal representatives) of a minor expelled from the School, takes measures within a month to ensure the employment of this minor and (or) the continuation of his education in another educational institution.

5.22. Discipline in the School is maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity of children, students, teachers and other employees of the Institution. The use of methods of physical and mental violence against children and students is not allowed.

5.23. Engaging students of the School to work not provided for by the educational program, without the consent of students and their parents (legal representatives), is prohibited.

School Management

6.1. School management is carried out on the basis of the principles of publicity, democracy and social justice, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal and regional laws "On Education".

6.2. School management is built on the principles of unity of command and self-government.

6.3. The direct management of the School is carried out by the director, who is appointed to and dismissed by the head of the education department in agreement with the Founder.

6.3.1. Head teacher:

Represents the School in all instances;

Manages the financial resources and property of the School;

Ensures the safety and efficiency of the use of property assigned to the School, the rational use of financial resources and is responsible for it to the Founder;

Plans and organizes the educational process;

Monitors its progress and results, including by attending lessons, all other types of training sessions and educational activities;

Responsible for the quality and efficiency of the School;

Creates the necessary conditions for the organization of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work;

Responsible for creating conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of students and staff in the framework of the educational process;

Conducts the selection of deputies and determines the range of their functional duties;

Carries out the placement of teaching staff of the school;

Appoints class teachers, distributes teaching loads;

Approves the work schedule and schedule of the School and structural divisions;

Enrolls, transfers and dismisses students, taking into account the decision of the Pedagogical Council;

Employs and dismisses pedagogical, administrative, educational and service personnel;

Establishes in accordance with labor legislation, internal labor regulations by this Charter the scope of duties of employees of the School, structural unit;

Organizes the rational use of allocated state budgetary appropriations, as well as extrabudgetary funds;

Approves the staffing table within the limits of the funds available to him for remuneration;

Establishes the amount of official salaries of the School's specialists, depending on their qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments (surcharges and allowances of a compensatory nature);

Assigns additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, bonuses and other incentive payments;

Concludes on behalf of the School Agreements with state and other enterprises, institutions, organizations, individuals;

Suspends the decisions of the Governing Council if they contradict the current legislation and the Charter of the school;

Approves the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund to employees in agreement with the trade union committee of the School;

Participates in the licensing and accreditation of the School.

6.3.2. The director of the school is responsible for his activities in accordance with applicable law.

6.4. The forms of self-government are: General meeting of the labor collective, All-school conference, Governing Council, Pedagogical Council, Business Council.

6.5. The labor collective consists of all employees of the School and the branch. The powers of the labor collective are exercised by the General Meeting of the labor collective. The meeting is considered eligible if at least 2/3 of the list of employees of the School and the branch are present at it.

6.6. The competence of the General Meeting of the labor collective includes:

Develop and adopt the Charter, amendments to it, to submit it for approval to the Founder;

Accept a collective agreement, internal labor regulations, Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund for employees of the School;

Resolve issues related to the life of the school. 6.7. The School's highest self-governing body is the All-School Conference. It includes delegates of all participants in the educational process, elected by groups: students of the 3rd stage, employees of the School, branch, parents of pupils and students, in equal numbers.

6.7.1. A school-wide conference is held at least once a year by decision of the Governing Council.

The competence of the All-School Conference includes:

Adoption of the Regulations on the branch, making changes and additions to it.

Determining the prospects for the development of the School;

Hearing reports, information from the School administration, evaluation of performance, consideration of the issue of early termination of the powers of the Governing Council and its chairman.

6.7.2. Decisions of the Conference are valid if more than half of the delegates take part in its work, and are adopted by a majority vote of its participants, with the exception of the adoption of the Charter, amendments and additions to it, it requires 2/3 votes of the delegates.

6.8. In the period between conferences, the supreme body of self-government is the Governing Council. The total number of the Governing Council is determined by the Conference and is not less than 6 members.

6.8.1. The Governing Council is formed using electoral procedures: election, appointment and co-optation.

The elected members of the Council are representatives from the parents (legal representatives) of students, representatives from employees of the School, representatives of students of the 3rd stage who have reached the age of 14 and have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation by the time of the elections.

Representatives from the parents (legal representatives) of students are elected at the general parent meeting by open voting.

Representatives from the employees of the School are elected at the General Meeting of the labor collective by open voting.

Representatives from students are elected in the order of holding school-wide student elections.

The Governing Council includes ex officio the director of the School and an appointed representative of the Founder. The representative of the Founder may be an employee of the education department of the district administration or another person authorized to represent the interests of the Founder at the School.

The Governing Council is co-opted, by decision of the latter, a representative of the local community or a figure in the economy, science, culture from among those interested in the successful functioning and development of the School, and who can provide real assistance to it in this.

The total number of members of the Governing Council must be at least 5 people. Members of the Governing Council work on a voluntary basis.

6.8.2. The competence of the Governing Council includes:

Election of the Chairman of the Governing Council;

Organization of the implementation of the decision of the conference, proposals of its delegates;

Organization of the work of commissions and other working bodies;

Approval of the Regulations, Instructions, Rules and other normative acts regulating the activities of the educational institution;

Formation of the School Development Fund;

Hearing information about the work of the director, his deputies, teachers, student self-government bodies;

Taking measures for the social protection of students in accordance with applicable law;

Taking the initiative to terminate employment contracts with school employees who do not correspond to their position, or who have compromised themselves by unworthy behavior;

Participation in the rational use of extrabudgetary funds;

Deciding on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund to the employees of the School.

6.8.3. Decisions by the Governing Council are taken by open vote and are considered valid if more than half of its members voted for them, provided that the majority of the members of the Council are present and representatives from all categories of its composition participate.

6.8.4. The Governing Council directs its activities towards meeting the needs and interests of students, employees and parents of students of the School.

6.9. The management of the pedagogical activity of the School is carried out by the Pedagogical Council.

6.9.2. The composition of the Pedagogical Council includes: director - chairman ex officio, his deputies and teachers.

6.9.3. The competence of the Board of Directors includes:

Approval of the pedagogical concept of the development of the School;

Summing up the results of the joint activities of the School, the family and the public in the education and upbringing of children;

Discussion and selection of various options for the content of the educational process (curricula, programs, textbooks, etc.) and ways to implement them;

Approval of the procedure for conducting intermediate certification;

Deciding on the transfer to the next class, on the re-education of students who did not cope with the program of the current year (in agreement with the parents), etc.;

Delegation of representatives to the Governing Council;

Organization of work to improve the skills of teaching staff, develop their creative initiatives, disseminate advanced pedagogical experience;

Discussion of the characteristics for professional certification and rewarding of teachers, as well as making proposals to the certification commission of the School and the district certification commission on the assignment of qualification categories to teachers.

6.9.4. Decisions of the teachers' council, adopted by a majority of votes, are valid if 2/3 of the members were present.

6.10. Student self-government bodies may be created at the school.

6.10.1. The highest body of student self-government is the Council of Affairs, elected by the student assembly for 1 year and convened as needed, but at least once a month.

6.10.2. The competence of the Council of Affairs includes:

Preparation and holding of meetings and conferences of students;

Nomination of candidates to the Governing Board of the School;

Planning and organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities


Approval of the plan for conducting the most important student events;

Coordination of all student bodies and associations;

Organization of self-service for students, their duty, maintaining order and discipline at school;

Petition to the Director for the encouragement and punishment of students in accordance with the Charter.

6.11. There are class parent committees in the School , who are entitled:

Prepare and conduct parent meetings, conferences and other events for parents;

Create and direct the activities of their commissions;

With the help of teachers, organize pedagogical general education of parents (legal representatives);

Work with families in need of material and pedagogical assistance.

6.12. Decisions of the School's self-governing bodies can be appealed if they infringe the rights of the subjects of the School or violate the current legislation and the Charter of the School. The disputing parties may establish a general conciliation commission, the results of which are considered by the body that made the appealed decision.

6.13. If the dispute is not resolved in the conditions of the School, the self-government body of the affected party has the right to apply to the judicial authorities in accordance with applicable law.


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