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A charger is a special device that is designed to charge the battery with electricity from external sources. In most cases, they use energy from the grid. alternating current... Such devices can be used to recharge tablets, phones, laptops, toothbrushes, cars and other units where battery recharging is required.

Battery chargers are often included with purchased equipment, for example, a charger for a cell phone. But in some cases, such a device must be purchased independently. There are a large number of devices on sale today that allow you to recharge the battery. But for the right choice you need to know how to correctly evaluate the selected product, which, first of all, you should pay attention to.


The charger, according to the method of its application, can be:
  • External.
  • Built-in.

Devices can be classified according to the method of battery charging, type of indication, performance, presence of a discharge function, and others. For example, in devices for cell phones, the indicator is the mobile screen, where the battery charge level is displayed.

Charges can also be:
  • Rechargeable- the work is carried out according to the charge accumulation scheme and its further return to the battery device.
  • Networked- power is supplied from the electrical network, after which the voltage is converted to the voltage required for a particular unit.

  • Automotive- they operate from the cigarette lighter located in the car. The power source here is the on-board network.

  • Universal Is a wire that has a connector to connect a smartphone, as well as a USB connector for charging from a personal computer.

  • Wireless- the phone does not interact directly with the current. The device represents a special platform. This accessory is based on the principle of an induction coil.

For different types batteries, various charging devices are produced, for example, for NiCd, NiMH, Li-Ion or even combined batteries.

According to the method of charging, the devices can be charging with constant or impulse current. Depending on the required functions, the devices can be professional or domestic. Charging times can be slow or fast.

The charger in most cases includes the following items:
  • Voltage transformer. It could be pulse unit power supply or transformer.
  • Voltage regulator. It maintains a constant voltage, regardless of its fluctuations occurring in the input circuit.
  • Rectifier. This element converts electric current of alternating value into direct current, that is, the one that is required to charge the battery of a particular device. Each type of battery requires a certain amount of input voltage.
  • A device that controls the charging process or the strength of the electric current.
  • Led indicator.

The charger may have other elements, for example, a battery in external units and other devices. Industrial devices additionally have blocks with electronic equipment that control the charging process. Such devices are used to simultaneously charge 3-5 rechargeable batteries... Certain models can simultaneously charge with pulsed currents and perform continuous charging.

Complex devices are equipped with microcontrollers that allow you to accurately track a number of parameters: temperature, battery voltage, charge and other indicators. In more advanced devices, there is even an outside temperature sensor, because it significantly affects the charging process.

Operating principle

All devices that are used to recharge batteries almost always operate according to the same principle. When connected to an electrical network, a voltage of 220 V is supplied to the charger. The elements of the device adjust the strength and voltage of the current to those indicators that are necessary for charging a specific battery. In addition, each type of battery requires its own method and order of recharging.

For automotive lead-acid batteries, it is recommended to recharge until they are completely discharged. Alkaline batteries should be fully discharged as they have a memory effect. But at the same time, both types of batteries should be recharged to their maximum value. Therefore, recently only automatic devices for machines that do not require human intervention. They only need to be connected to the mains and clamped to the battery terminals.

An automatic charger controls everything:

Monitors the charge level, cycle, as well as the procedure itself. After charging one hundred percent, the unit turns itself off. If the device is not disconnected, it will continuously monitor the battery status. When the charge drops, the sensors see this, as a result of which the battery begins to recharge. As a result, the charge level will be at 100 percent.

There are wireless charging systems that use the principle of electromagnetic induction. This means that charging occurs at a certain distance due to the appearance of an electric current in the closing circuit when the magnetic voltage that permeates this circuit changes. The system includes the first and second coil. The result is an inductively coupled system.
The alternating current that flows in the winding of the primary coil forms a magnetic field, forming an induction voltage in the second coil. It is this voltage that is used to charge the battery. But this principle is valid only at a certain short distance. When the phone or other device is removed, most of the magnetic field is dissipated, as a result of which the secondary coil does not receive it.

There is also a manual charger, which is often used to charge a cell phone somewhere in the wilderness, where there is no electrical network, for example, in the taiga. However, the principle of their operation is completely different, they operate on the principle of wind turbines. The main element of such devices is the handle for rotation. The function of this handle is comparable to that of a wind turbine propeller.

When the handle is twisted, the rotation is transferred to the rod. As a result, the kinetic energy, which is created by man, is directed to the generator of the charging device. It is the last element that produces an electric current with a low voltage of about 6 volts. This voltage is quite enough to charge a dead battery, make the necessary call or send a message.

The charger is used to charge the batteries of devices and equipment:
  • Cell phones and smartphones.
  • Tablets.
  • Laptops.
  • Toothbrushes.
  • Portable, and many other battery-powered electric tools.
  • Electric cars.
  • Portable vacuum cleaners, hair dryers.
  • Cars, motorcycles and other equipment.
How to choose

A huge number of types of battery charging are sold. These are domestic and foreign. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice.

  • If you need a device to charge your car from time to time, then take a look at a simple but reliable device without unnecessary functions. For example, such charging can be useful for charging the battery due to its idle time during cold weather or travel to foreign countries on vacation.
  • For beginners, it is best to choose automatic devices where no configuration is required. For experienced car owners, multifunctional or starter-chargers are recommended. The number of options is limited only by financial resources.
  • You only need to purchase a charger that is designed for your specific electrochemical system. You should be aware that most of the devices are used only for a specific type of equipment. For example, the telephone connector may not fit or the device generates a current of a certain voltage. Whereas for a certain device, a completely different voltage is required. Do not charge the battery in case of voltage mismatch.
  • Using a charger with a higher power rating will shorten the charging time, but the battery itself may have limitations. Rapid charging in the absence of such a function in the unit can reduce the battery life or even damage it.
  • You should also pay attention to the shape, design, construction and dimensions of the charger. The choice here in this case depends on the buyer.
  • When choosing a wireless device, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of the equipment. Not every brand makes devices with batteries that are suitable for wireless charging. There are also "PMA" and "Qi" food standards. There may be limitations here as well. Not all technology can support these two standards.
  • When choosing a wireless device, you should also pay attention to power, functionality, operating time and safety.

Easy to use and essential accessory. Used almost every day. Most likely, you have several of them at home. What is it? Charger! For phone, tablet, reader, smart watch ...

Charger types - mains, automotive and induction

Mains charger Is an accessory that allows you to charge devices with electric current directly from the socket. This means that you can use it not only at home or at work, but wherever there is access to electricity. A detachable USB cable from the power supply allows you to charge the device using the USB port in your computer or laptop.

Car charger Is an accessory that charges devices from the cigarette lighter socket in the car. Most often it consists of a power supply that plugs directly into the cigarette lighter with USB output to a cable that has a USB connector on one side, and a micro-USB or USB type C on the other. As a rule, it provides energy only by inserting a key into the ignition lock.

Inductive charger is a modern solution that allows wireless charging of devices. The accessory consists of a power cable and a platform on which you place the phone for charging. The charger plugs into a power outlet and can be placed on the wireless charging platform when the phone is not in use. When you pick up the phone again, charging will stop.

Inductive charging will work with your smartphone if it's adapted to this technology. The metal back panel prevents the use of induction, unlike the glass case. Wireless charging is only possible with certain models that meet this condition. You will find information on this topic in the device data sheet.

Power Delivery Charger Is usually a device with a USB type C connector. Thanks to this, it can be used simultaneously to charge a phone or laptop if they have compatible USB C ports. Some models of chargers also have standard USB 2.0 ports and can be used to charge other mobile devices. devices.

Charger parameters

Once upon a time, every phone manufacturer used solutions that were suitable only for their devices. Later, by general agreement of manufacturers, most switched to the micro-USB standard in order to limit the generation of e-waste. Thanks to a single standard, theoretically, a charger from one smartphone can charge any other. You can also use it to replenish energy in an e-reader or camera.

In practice, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the charger, such as charging voltage expressed in volts (V) and amperage expressed in amperes (A). As a rule, these parameters are selected so as to efficiently and safely charge the device with which the charger came with. The mere fact that the charger has identical micro USB connectors does not guarantee that it will reliably charge a phone or reader of another brand.

Yes, you can charge your smartphone faster with a 2A 5V charger than with a 1A 5V charger. However, remember that high charging rates will reduce battery life.

In most cases, slow charging is more optimal. We are talking, of course, about Li-Ion batteries, which are used in most modern devices. We know, however, that sometimes we do not have enough time to connect the phone to the charger for two hours. Sporadic use of a powerful charger shouldn't hurt.

How long does it take to charge different devices

Each charger maintains its own levels current strength and stresses which results in longer or shorter charging times for the devices. Much depends on the type of charger - be it a wall charger, car charger, or a USB cable on your laptop. Another variable is the capacity of the battery in the device being charged. If you add all these elements together, you can even predict the approximate charging time for your device.

Majority network chargers for mobile gadgets has a voltage of 5V. The difference lies in the amperage, and the values ​​range from 1 to 2.1 A. The faster it will charge the device with the highest amperage. Be aware, however, that high intensities can overheat the battery. Typically like mobile devices, so the chargers themselves have protection that cuts off the current after the battery is fully charged, however, it is worth remembering also to turn off the phone after restoring the energy reserve level.

When car chargers the range is certainly wider: voltage from 3.6 to 20 volts and current from 0.7A to 4.8A. Remember, however, that higher values ​​are for chargers designed to charge multiple devices at the same time. Thus, both the voltage and the amperage are "divided" into several ports - from 2 to 5. That, however, allows for fairly fast charging.

Induction chargers allow you to use a voltage of 5-9 Volts and a current of 1-2A. In a word: they also provide relatively fast charging of devices.

USB charging(cable connected directly to your computer) is the slowest option, but also the safest for your device. Of course, a lot depends on the USB standard: 2.0 provides a voltage of 5 volts and a current of 0.5 A. In the case of USB 3.0 and 3.1, this is already 0.9 A. The newest standard USB-C provides current from 0.5A to 3A.

Fast charging technologies

More and more support information can be found in the specifications of smartphones fast charging technology... Most often they concern models that have large-capacity batteries and it would take too long to charge them in a standard way. These technologies allow you to quickly “recharge” the battery within a few or tens of minutes, so that it will last for several more hours of work.

Advantages fast charging technology:

  • the ability to charge the device for a short time
  • adaptation for equipment with large battery capacity

disadvantages fast charging technology:

  • batteries that "don't like" charging with high intensity current wear out faster
  • the possibility of excessive heating of the smartphone and battery

QuickCharge Is a technology developed by Qualcomm. It requires both a charger that supports this standard and a device compatible with it. All versions of QuickCharge technology are backward compatible. Devices compatible with the technology do not need to be equipped with a Qualcomm processor, because the processor is not responsible for supporting this solution, but primarily an external controller.

The solution is based on supplying the device with high voltage and current, which increases the charging power - for example, a charger with a voltage of 5V and a current of 1A provides only 5W (watts) of power during charging. The charger with a voltage of 5V and a current of 2A already provides twice the power - up to 10 watts.

In the process of development of technology, it has come to the point that the voltage can vary from 3.6 to 20 volts, and the maximum power has been increased to 18 watts.

Quick Charge technology also takes into account characteristics lithium batteries. This type of battery works well when it charges quickly at the beginning and then gradually decreases the charging current.

Adaptive fast charging works in a similar way to Quick Charge. The charger supplies the device with a higher voltage and higher current. Thanks to this, the battery is charged in a shorter time.

The main idea behind this technology is to provide as much power as possible to the battery in the shortest possible time. This makes it sufficient to plug in the charger for 10 minutes to replenish energy for the next few hours.

The charger adjusts the parameters to the needs of the device and the charging time and decreases power over time. As a result, charging may take less or longer, but each of these situations is safe.

SuperCharge Is a technology that appeared in some devices of the Huawei brand. It consists in the fact that the charging process is controlled by the charger - thanks to this, the controller in the phone can be much simpler.

The charger provides the smartphone with a standard voltage of 5V and a very high current - up to 4.5A. Because the charger manages the charging, the phone does not generate excessive heat.

When they talk about the use of electrical energy in everyday life, in production or transport, they mean the work of electric current. Electric current is supplied to the consumer from the power plant through wires. Therefore, when electric lamps suddenly go out in houses or the movement of electric trains, trolley buses stops, they say that the current has disappeared in the wires.

What is electric current and what is necessary for its occurrence and existence during the time we need?

The word "current" means movement or flow of something.

What can move in the wires connecting the power plant with consumers of electrical energy?

We already know that there are electrons in bodies, the motion of which explains various electrical phenomena (see § 30). Electrons have a negative electrical charge. Larger particles of matter - ions - can also have electric charges. Consequently, various charged particles can move in conductors.

    The ordered (directed) movement of charged particles is called electric current.

To get an electric current in a conductor, you need to create an electric field in it. Under the action of this field, charged particles, which can freely move in the conductor, will come into motion in the direction of action on them electrical forces... An electric current will be generated.

In order for the electric current in a conductor to exist for a long time, it is necessary to maintain an electric field in it all this time. The electric field in the conductors is created and can be maintained for a long time sources of electric current.

Sources of current are different, but in each of them work is done to separate positively and negatively charged particles. Separated particles accumulate on poles current source. This is the name of the places to which conductors are connected using terminals or clamps. One pole of the current source is charged positively, the other negatively. If the poles of the source are connected by a conductor, then under the action of an electric field, free charged particles in the conductor will begin to move in a certain direction, and an electric current will arise.

Rice. 44. Electrophoric machine

Rice. 45. Conversion of internal energy into electrical energy

In current sources, in the process of separating charged particles, mechanical, internal or some other energy is converted into electrical energy. So, for example, in electrophore machine(fig. 44) c electrical energy mechanical energy is converted. It is possible to carry out the transformation of internal energy into electrical energy. If two wires made of different metals are soldered, and then the junction is heated, then an electric current will arise in the wires (Fig. 45). Such a current source is called thermoelement... In it, the internal energy of the heater is converted into electrical energy. When some substances are illuminated, for example, selenium, copper (I) oxide, silicon, a loss of negative electrical charge is observed (Fig. 46). This phenomenon is called photoelectric effect... The device and action are based on it. photocells... Thermocouples and photocells are studied in the high school physics course.

Rice. 46. ​​Conversion of radiation energy into electrical

Let us consider in more detail the structure and operation of two current sources - galvanic cell and battery, which we will use in experiments on electricity.

In a galvanic cell (Fig. 47, a), chemical reactions take place, and the internal energy released during these reactions is converted into electrical energy. The element shown in Figure 47, b consists of a zinc vessel (body) C. A carbon rod U is inserted into the body, which has a metal cover M. The rod is placed in a mixture of manganese (IV) oxide Mn0 2 and crushed carbon C. Space between the zinc body and a mixture of manganese oxide with carbon filled with a jelly-like salt solution (ammonium chloride NH 4 CI) P.

Rice. 47. Galvanic cell (battery)

During the chemical reaction of zinc Zn with ammonium chloride NH4CI, the zinc vessel becomes negatively charged.

Manganese oxide carries a positive charge, and the carbon rod inserted into it is used to transfer the positive charge.

Between a charged carbon rod and a zinc vessel, which are called electrodes, an electric field appears. If a carbon rod and a zinc vessel are connected by a conductor, then free electrons will come into ordered motion along the entire length under the action of an electric field. An electric current will be generated.

Galvanic cells are the most widespread direct current sources in the world. Their advantage is convenience and safety in use.

In everyday life, batteries are often used that can be recharged many times - accumulators(from lat. accumulator - to accumulate). The simplest battery consists of two lead plates (electrodes) placed in a sulfuric acid solution.

In order for the battery to become a source of current, it must be charged. For charging, a direct current is passed through the battery from some source. During the charging process, as a result of chemical reactions, one electrode becomes positively charged and the other negative. When the battery is charged, it can be used as an independent power source. Battery poles are marked with "+" and "-" signs. When charging, the positive pole of the battery is connected to the positive pole of the current source, the negative pole to the negative pole.

In addition to lead, or acid, batteries, iron-nickel, or alkaline, batteries are widely used. They use an alkali solution and plates - one made of compressed iron powder, the other made of nickel peroxide. Figure 48 shows a modern battery.

Rice. 48. Battery

Batteries have a wide and varied application. They serve to power the lighting network of railway cars, cars, to start car engine... The battery packs power the submarine underwater. Radio transmitters and scientific equipment on artificial earth satellites are also powered by batteries installed on the satellite.

a - a mobile phone; b - laptop

In power plants, electric current is obtained using generators(from Lat. generator - creator, manufacturer). This electric current is used in industry, transport, and agriculture.


  1. What is Electric Current?
  2. What needs to be created in a conductor for a current to arise and exist in it?
  3. What transformations of energy take place inside the current source?
  4. How does a dry cell work?
  5. What are the positive and negative poles of a battery?
  6. How does the battery work?
  7. Where are batteries used?


  1. Use the Internet to find what types of chargers exist and highlight their features.
  2. Prepare a presentation on battery applications.

The charger is designed to charge nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries of AA and AAA size and does not claim to be originality or novelty. The charger circuit is simple and reliable. Over the period of operation for more than 10 years, there were no failures in work. There are no regulating elements in the circuit, the charging current is set automatically. The charger allows you to charge a single battery or a battery of multiple batteries. In this case, the charging current changes slightly.

A feature of the circuit is a galvanic connection with a 220 V electrical network, which requires compliance with electrical safety measures. As diodes D1 - D7, diodes KD 105 or the like are used. LED D8 - AL307 or similar, desired glow color. Diodes D1 - D4 can be replaced with a diode assembly KTs405A. Resistor R3 can be used to select the required brightness of the LED.

Capacitor C1 sets the required charging current. The capacitance of a capacitor is calculated using the following empirical formula:

B = (220 - Ueds) / J

where: C1 in μF; Uedc - voltage across the storage battery in V; J is the required charging current in A.

Example - it is necessary to calculate the capacity of a capacitor for charging a battery of 8 nickel-cadmium batteries with a capacity of 700 mAh. The charging current (J) will be 0.1 of the battery capacity - 0.07 A. Uedc 1.2 x 8 = 9.6 V. Therefore, B = (220 - 9.6) / 0.07 = 3005.7. Further, A = 3005.7 - 200 = 2805.7. The capacitance of the capacitor will be C1 = 3128 / 2805.7 = 1.115 μF. The closest one at face value is accepted - 1mkF. The operating voltage of the capacitor must be at least 400 V. The capacitor must only be made of paper, the use of electrolytic capacitors is not allowed. The power dissipation of resistor R2 is determined by the value of the charging current. For a charging current of 0.07 A, it will be 0.98 W (P = JxJxR). Select a resistor with a power dissipation of 2 W. A capacitor can be composed of several capacitors in parallel, series or mixed circuits. The charger is not afraid of short circuits. After assembling the charger, you can check the charging current by connecting an ammeter instead of batteries. Before connecting the charger to the electrical network, it will be necessary to connect the battery to the battery. If the battery is connected in reverse polarity, the D8 LED will light up (until the charger is connected to the mains). If the battery is connected correctly and the charger is connected to the mains, the LED signals that the charging current is passing through the battery.

There are a great many chargers in the world, but it is not always possible to find what you need in our country.

For rare models, there are none at all, even the most simple ones, and for common models there are only chargers, similar to those included in the delivery of mobile phones, and automobile ones. This is due primarily to the low demand for accessories of this kind. In most cases, consumers think they can get by with the charger that came with the phone, and I must say they are almost 100% right. Of course, "if the stars are lit, then somebody needs it." And if chargers are available (I must say - for every taste and income), it means that someone also needs it. Our task is to tell you about what storage devices are and what functions they perform, as well as what you should pay attention to when buying a storage device. Chargers differ from each other in the way the battery is charged, in the presence of the discharge function and in all kinds of indications. In the charger, which are included in the delivery set of a mobile phone, as a rule, the charge indicator is the phone itself, more precisely, its screen, on which the battery charge level is displayed. Such chargers do not have a discharge function (unlike, say, desktop chargers). What other types of storage devices exist in nature?
1.Different chargers are available for different types of batteries. So, there are chargers for nickel-based batteries (nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH)), for lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries and combined.
2.Depending on the design, chargers can be built into the phone or into an external power supply (designed to charge batteries directly in the phone); they can be desktop (provide both charge and discharge) or manual (Motorola released a charger called Motorola FreeCharge, which works on manual charging).
3.RAM, as mentioned above, may differ in the way of charging: there are devices that charge direct current, and devices with a pulse charging method.
4. According to the charge time, there are “fast” and “slow” chargers.
5.According to the type of input supply voltage, there are different chargers connected to the AC voltage mains, and chargers connected to on-board network vehicle (provide power to the phone from a 12 or 24 V network from a car cigarette lighter and charge a spare battery).
6.Depending on the functions performed, household and professional chargers also differ.

The most widespread are the chargers included in the delivery of a mobile phone. These devices offer users a minimum of hassle and are designed to work with NiCd, NiMH and Li-Ion batteries. Such chargers will equally effectively charge all the indicated types of batteries, but, as we mentioned above, they have one drawback: the fact is that nickel-based batteries must be discharged periodically in order to reduce the "memory effect" (arises from the fact that that the voltage at which the phone turns off exceeds the voltage to which it is necessary to discharge the battery in order to prevent a decrease in capacity that occurs during operation). For such batteries, it is recommended to use a desktop charger with a discharge function. (Attention: after the end of charging, nickel batteries should not be left in the charger for a long time, since the charger continues to charge them, but only with a much lower current. Long-term presence of such batteries in the charger leads to overcharging and deterioration of their parameters.)

Car chargers are designed for those who spend most of their life behind the wheel. The simplest of these is made in the form of a cord that connects a cell phone to a car cigarette lighter socket. It is very simple and very convenient, but you should not overuse this charging method, especially when driving around the city, since frequent stops and, accordingly, repeated starting of the engine can significantly shorten the battery life.

When using the charger, it is important to correctly determine the end time of the charge. "Slow" chargers (used for NiCd and NiMH batteries; the charge current is 10% of the nominal capacity of the battery (nominal electric capacity is the amount of energy that the battery should theoretically (ideally) have in a charged state), charging time - 10 - 12 hours) are usually not particularly sensitive to small violations of the charging time: if the battery with a low charging current stays in the charger, say, 1 - 2 hours longer than the prescribed time, this will not lead to critical consequences.

"Accelerated" memory devices are a different matter. The fact is that it is dangerous for a storage battery to receive an excessive charge at a high current and, accordingly, overheat. "Accelerated" chargers charge the battery with a current equal to 33 - 100% of its nominal capacity. The charging time is 1 - 3 hours.

You can find out about the completion of the charging process in some cheap chargers by focusing on reaching a specific voltage value on the battery. Difficulties in assessing the correct state of charge of the battery are due to the fact that the voltage can vary depending on the ambient temperature and the rate of charge.

There are chargers in which the charging time is counted using a special timer: after a certain time, the current is no longer supplied to the battery. The problem is that if, after charging, you put the battery back into such a charger (for example, by mistake), it again "in good faith", at the exact time counted by the timer, will give the battery another portion of the charging current, as a result of which the "life" of the battery will be reduced ...

Complex chargers are equipped with a microcontroller, which allows you to more accurately track the end of the battery charge and several more parameters: battery voltage, current, temperature and other variable values. In even more complex chargers there is an external temperature sensor (it has a very strong effect on the charging process).

Pulse charging, which is used in conditioning chargers and battery analyzers, is most suitable for NiCd and NiMH batteries. The essence of this method is that the battery is charged and discharged in short pulses for certain periods of time. Discharge current pulses are designed to minimize the formation of unwanted crystals on the plate of NiCd and NiMH batteries, which in turn minimizes the "memory effect" and increases battery life. However, batteries with a large "memory effect" alone will not save a pulse charge - in order to destroy more resistant crystalline formations, they need a deep discharge (recovery) according to a special algorithm. Conventional chargers, even with a discharge function, are not capable of this.

Research carried out in the laboratory service center"Kvazar-Micro-Radio" showed that periodic (at least once a quarter) restoration of batteries in an analyzer using a pulsed charge increases the life of NiCd batteries by an average of 20%, and NiMH batteries in operation no more than a year.

So, if you want your battery to last long, buy desktop chargers. But keep in mind that not all devices of this type are capable of effectively charging Li-Ion batteries. For example, Motorola clearly states in its instructions that only charger with the “EP” (Expert Performance) logo should be used to charge Li-Ion batteries. In addition, each charger is designed to charge batteries of a certain capacity. Thus, a “slow” charger designed to charge small batteries may not fully charge a large battery, even if the charging time is increased. And vice versa: a "fast" charger (with a high charge current) can overcharge a battery with a small capacity.

And one more thing: when buying a charger, be sure to pay attention to the rules of its operation (purpose, functions, features and restrictions of use), and then your mobile phone will not demand to recharge the battery at the most inopportune moment.

Well, as a postscript - information for thought (is the game worth the candle?):

1. Any telephone "morally" becomes obsolete in 1 - 3 years.
2. Even with the worst treatment, the battery can work for a year and a half.
3. The cost of a new battery in most cases is comparable or even lower than the cost of a fancy charging.
4. The new cell phone may not work with the charger you purchased earlier.


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