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The Lada Granta car has a braking system (pipelines, brake cylinders, vacuum amplifier, brake adjuster, brake pads, etc.) similar to the car Lada Kalina.
For effective and safe braking in Lada Granta, a diagonal, two-circuit piping system is used, which means that the first circuit blocks the wheels - right front and left rear, and the second circuit - left front and right rear. Disc brakes are installed on the front wheels, drum brakes are installed on the rear wheels.
The brake master cylinder is controlled by a vacuum brake booster, which increases the efficiency of the braking system by pressing the brake pedal.
Depending on the configuration of the Lada Granta car, the braking system can be equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS).
The Lada Granta car has hand brake, which blocks the rear wheels (spreads the brake pads in the drums). The pads are spread through a system of levers by moving a steel cable fixed to the lever located in the passenger compartment.
The vacuum amplifier on the Lada Granta car (shown in Fig. 1) is of the diaphragm type. The diaphragm is a dividing wall between the rarefied atmosphere created in the vacuum amplifier and the external atmospheric pressure. The differential pressure reduces the effort on the brake pedal. When the brake pedal is released, the vacuum and atmospheric chambers communicate with each other through a special valve.

Rice. 1. Scheme hydraulic system brakes Lada Granta (without ABS): 1, 25 - brakes of the right front and left front wheel; 2, 24 - brake hose for supplying brake fluid to the right and left front wheels; 3,4, 15, 18, 21, 5,10,13,22,27 - hydraulic pipelines brake system; 6 - plastic reservoir of the main brake cylinder; 7 - master cylinder hydraulic brakes; 8 - vacuum amplifier; 9, 30 - pipe holders; 11 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the right rear wheel; 12, 17 - brake mechanism of the right rear wheel; 14, 31 - brackets for fastening flexible hoses; 16- flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the left rear wheel; 19 - elastic lever of the pressure regulator drive; 20 - pressure regulator; 23 - brake pedal; 24 - flexible brake mechanism of the left front wheel; 26 - tee of the contour right front - left rear brakes; 28 - tee of the contour left front - right rear brakes; 29 - tees fastening bolts

Features of the Lada Granta braking system with ABS are shown in Figure 2.

2. Diagram of the hydraulic drive of the Lada Granta brakes (with anti-lock braking system): 1, 14, 22 - brackets for fastening flexible hoses; 2 - brake mechanism of the right front wheel; 3 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the right front wheel; 4, 5, 15, 18, 26 - right front - left rear brake circuit pipelines; 6, 10, 13, 27, 28 - left front - right rear brake circuits; 7 - plastic reservoir of the main brake cylinder; 8-vacuum amplifier; 9, 24 - pipe holders; 11 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the right rear wheel; 12 - rear wheel brake; 16 - brake mechanism of the rear left wheel; 17 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the left rear wheel: 19 - brake pedal; 20-brake mechanism of the left front wheel; 21 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the left front wheel; 23 - the main cylinder of the hydraulic drive of the brakes; 25 - ABS hydroelectronic module

Rice. 3. Vacuum amplifier of the Lada Granta car: 1 - tip fastening flange; 2 - stock; 3 - a returnable spring of the diaphragm; 4 - O-ring of the master cylinder flange; 5 - the main njhvjpyjq cylinder; 6 - amplifier hairpin; 7 - amplifier case; 8 - diaphragm; 9 - amplifier housing cover; 10 - piston; 11 - protective cover of the valve body; 12-pusher; 13- return spring of the pusher; 14-valve spring; 15 - valve; 16- stock buffer; 17- valve body; A - vacuum chamber; B - atmospheric chamber; С, D - channels
Information on the principles of operation of the Lada Granta brake system units, in particular the brake master cylinder and the pressure regulator (the pressure regulator is installed only on cars without ABS), can be found in the article "Features of the brake system of the Lada Priora car", the design of the units is similar.

Malfunction of wheel, brake cylinders can manifest itself as follows:
- in the passage of brake fluid through the seals on the piston, while you can notice drips around the perimeter of the mud guard. Leakage of brake fluid from a plastic reservoir located in the engine compartment;
- jamming of pistons in the cylinder is also possible. Usually seizure occurs in the extended position of the pistons. In this case, the pads wear out, the wheel slows down, the car rolls poorly by inertia, without turning on any gear.
In both cases brake cylinder on a Lada Granta car to be replaced.

This article describes the operations for removing the brake cylinder, removing the brake assembly together with the brake cylinder, and the algorithm for removing the brake disc, for its revision, grooving or replacement.
To carry out the operation, you will need: a 12, 13, 17 mm wrench, a flat-blade screwdriver, a hex wrench.

Front and rear brake pads can be operated up to a lining thickness of at least 1.5 mm, this is their smallest value (at least 1.5 mm is the same for the front and rear pads). With a smaller value of the linings on the Lada Granta brake pads, it is possible for the rubber sealing rings installed on the piston to leave the seal field located on the cylinder cavity in the brake mechanism. Depressurization of the seal will entail the passage of brake fluid into the external environment and lead to breakdown and ineffective operation of the vehicle's brakes.
In order to be guaranteed to replace old pads with new ones, change them without waiting for 1.5 mm wear. Enough to replace 5 - 7 mm. The fact is that during long-term operation in the limiting position of the piston, the previously working sealing surfaces can become clogged with deposits, which will not allow the piston to return to its original working position in the brake cylinder, to a position corresponding to the thickness of the new brake pads.
When replacing the pads, replace them only complete on both sides. This will allow you to avoid a difference in seizure when braking and, accordingly, the vehicle to be pulled to the side.

Brake system- this is such a car system, thanks to which you can control the deceleration or reduction of speed, up to a complete stop, as well as avoid movement or rolling when the car is parked.

The braking system of a Lada Granta car includes such elements as brake pads, brake cylinders, brake hoses and pipelines, a vacuum brake booster, a brake force distributor, a master brake cylinder, etc.

Braking system Grants in many respects repeats such a car Lada Kalina. The system is dual-circuit. This means that the 2 circuits work independently of each other. That is, with the loss of tightness of one circuit, the second one remains working. That is why the left and right sides of the car are included in one circuit. For safer braking, in the event of failure of one of the braking circuits, the right and left sides must brake equally. This is achieved due to the connection in one contour of pairs of wheels: left front - right rear; right front - left back.

For more effective and comfortable braking on the Lada Grant car, a vacuum brake booster (VUT) is used. It increases the force applied to the brake pedal several times. It should be noted that VUT is operational only when the engine is running. Therefore, you should not turn off the ignition of a car when coasting down a hill - you will get the feeling that the brakes are gone.

The hydraulic circuit of the Lada Granta brakes (version without ABS)

  • 1, 25 - brakes of the right front and left front wheels;
  • 2, 24 - brake hose for supplying brake fluid to the right and left front wheels;
  • 3, 4, 15, 18, 21, 5, 10, 13, 22, 27 - pipelines of the hydraulic brake system;
  • 6 - plastic reservoir of the main brake cylinder;
  • 7 - the main cylinder of the hydraulic drive of the brakes;
  • 8 - vacuum amplifier;
  • 9, 30 - pipe holders;
  • 12, 17 - brake mechanism of the right rear wheel;
  • 14, 31 - brackets for fastening flexible hoses;
  • 16- flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the left rear wheel;
  • 19 - elastic lever of the pressure regulator drive;
  • 20 - pressure regulator;
  • 23 - brake pedal;
  • 24 - flexible brake mechanism of the left front wheel;
  • 26 - tee of the contour right front - left rear brakes;
  • 28 - tee of the contour left front - right rear brakes;
  • 29 - tees fastening bolts
  • Depending on the configuration, an anti-lock braking system can be installed on the Lada Granta, which prevents the wheels from skidding, thereby increasing stability and leaving the vehicle's controllability during emergency braking.

    The hydraulic circuit of the Lada Granta brakes with the ABS system

  • 1, 14, 22 - brackets for fastening flexible hoses;
  • 2 - brake mechanism of the right front wheel;
  • 3 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the right front wheel;
  • 4, 5, 15, 18, 26 - right front - left rear brake circuit pipelines;
  • 6, 10, 13, 27, 28 - left front - right rear brake circuits;
  • 7 - plastic reservoir of the main brake cylinder;
  • 8-vacuum amplifier;
  • 9, 24 - pipe holders;
  • 11 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the right rear wheel;
  • 12 - rear wheel brake;
  • 16 - brake mechanism of the rear left wheel;
  • 17 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the left rear wheel;
  • 19 - brake pedal; 20-brake mechanism of the left front wheel;
  • 21 - flexible hose of the brake mechanism of the left front wheel;
  • 23 - the main cylinder of the hydraulic drive of the brakes;
  • 25 - hydro-electronic module ABS
  • In this section you can find a description of how to replace brake pads, hoses, vacuum brake cylinder operation.

    The ABS of the vehicle brake system is designed to automatically regulate the degree of wheel slip in the direction of their rotation during braking by changing the loss of control and stability of the vehicle and increasing the braking efficiency.

    The principle of the system is simple: receiving data from the speed sensors of all wheels and from the vehicle speed sensor, the control unit controls the rotation of each wheel and, in the event of a wheel blocking during braking, reduces the pressure in the corresponding brake circuit.

    The ABS system provides full controllability emergency braking, but does not lead to a decrease in the braking distance.

    Therefore, you need to maintain the correct distance.

    On vehicles with installed ABS system a four-channel system is used.

    The channels are connected diagonally.

    Executive element anti-lock braking system- hydromodulator. It is a complex assembly with a built-in hydraulic pump and solenoid valves.

    It is installed in the engine compartment.

    The operation of the hydromodulator is controlled by an electronic unit installed on the hydromodulator.

    The control unit also monitors the health of all elements of the ABS system.

    Wheel speed sensors are installed in the front and rear brakes.

    Pulse signals from the sensors are sent to the control unit.

    When one of the wheels is blocked, the hydromodulator, at the command of the control unit, limits the pressure in the corresponding channel.

    If a malfunction is detected, the control unit informs the driver using a warning lamp on the instrument panel.

    The problem can be identified by the fault codes.

    A malfunction of the ABS can be caused by a failure of the wheel rotation sensors or a malfunction of the hydraulic valve block itself.

    If the ABS fails, the braking system remains operational, but the braking efficiency decreases.

    Removing the ABS hydraulic unit

    We install the car on a lift or a viewing ditch.

    We remove the battery.

    Disconnect the wiring connector from the hydraulic unit.

    Disconnect brake pipes going to the brakes from the anti-lock braking system hydraulic unit.

    We install plugs on pipes and holes in the hydraulic unit.

    Disconnect the tubes of the primary and secondary circuit of the master cylinder from the ABS hydraulic unit.

    With a 13 head, unscrew the two bolts securing the bracket of the hydraulic unit to the front spar.

    We remove the hydraulic unit with the bracket assembly.

    Using a 10 key, unscrew the hydraulic unit from the bracket.

    Installation of the hydraulic unit

    We install the hydraulic unit on the bracket and fasten it with nuts. Tightening torque for nuts 7 - 10 Nm.

    We install the hydraulic unit with the bracket assembly on the car body and tighten two bolts with washers fastening the hydraulic unit to the left side member.

    We remove the plugs and attach the tubes to the ABS hydraulic unit. Tightening torque for pipe fittings 15 - 18 Nm.

    We attach the plug-in block. Installing the battery. We pump over the brake system.


    Notation system.

    This diagram shows the address notation system. Each device is assigned a number. And on each connection line on the diagram, the device number is indicated where it goes, and through the oblique line (/) the designation of the contact of this device. If the connection is branched, more than 2 devices are galvanically connected, then addressing from the devices goes to a common bus for them, indicated by the letter S and a number. This is done so that the communication line has one device address. After the connector, the circuit device numbers are independent of the device numbers before the connector.

    For the convenience of searching within the page, a fragment of the scheme, links are presented below. Return to the top of the page, Ctrl + Home keys.

    List of elements of the wiring diagram of the front wiring harness

    • 1 - right headlight;
    • 2 - washer motor;
    • 3 - left headlight;
    • 4 - starter;
    • 5 - rechargeable battery;
    • 6 - main fuse box;
    • 7 - generator;
    • 8 - sound signal;
    • 9, 10, 11 - pads of the front wiring harness to the pads of the dashboard wiring harness;
    • 12 - air conditioning fan electric motor;
    • 13 - electric fan of the engine cooling system;
    • 14 - ABS hydraulic unit;
    • 15 - right front speed sensor;
    • 16 - left front speed sensor;
    • 17 - automatic transmission controller;
    • 18 - automatic transmission;
    • 19 - block to automatic box gear shifting;
    • 20 - block to the automatic transmission selector switch;
    • 21 - block to the automatic transmission speed sensor;
    • 22 - air conditioning compressor.

    List of elements of the electrical connection diagram of the wiring harness of the ignition system

    • 1 - sensor of the control lamp of oil pressure;
    • 2 - generator;
    • 3 - electric throttle pipe;
    • 4 - coolant temperature sensor;
    • 5 - block of the wiring harness of the ignition system to the block of the wiring harness of the instrument panel;
    • 6 - adsorber purge solenoid valve;
    • 7 - pressure sensor of the air conditioning system;
    • 8 - mass air flow sensor;
    • 9 - crankshaft position sensor;
    • 10 - oxygen concentration sensor;
    • 11-controller;
    • 12 - diagnostic oxygen concentration sensor;
    • 13 - pads for the wiring harness of the ignition system and the wiring harness of the ignition coils;
    • 14 - noise suppression capacitor;
    • 15 - ignition coils;
    • 16 - spark plugs;
    • 17 - nozzles;
    • 18 - pads for the ignition system wiring harness and the injector wiring harness;
    • 19-phase sensor;
    • 20-knock sensor.

    List of elements of the wiring diagram of the instrument panel wiring harness (Sheet 1.)

    • 1,2 - pads of the instrument panel wiring harness to the front wiring harness pads;
    • 3,4- pads of the instrument panel wiring harness to the rear wiring harness pads;
    • 5 - lighting control module;
    • 6 - ignition switch;
    • 7 - on-board computer mode switch;
    • 8 - wiper switch;
    • 9 - instrument cluster;
    • 10 - light signaling switch;
    • 11 - trunk lock drive switch;
    • 12 - diagnostics block;
    • 13 - block of the dashboard wiring harness to the block of the wiring harness of the air supply box;
    • 14 - rear window heating switch;

    List of elements of the wiring diagram of the instrument panel wiring harness (Sheet 2.)

    • 15 - alarm switch;
    • 16 - brake signal switch;
    • 17, 18 - pads for the instrument panel wiring harness to the radio apparatus;
    • 19 - rotating device;
    • 20 - driver's airbag module;
    • 21 - horn switch;
    • 22 - mounting block: K1 - relay for the electric fan of the engine cooling system;
    • K2 - relay for enabling door lock;
    • KZ - additional starter relay;
    • K4 - additional relay;
    • K5 - relay-interrupter for direction indicators and alarm;
    • KB - wiper relay;
    • K7 - switching relay high beam headlights;
    • K8 - horn relay;
    • K9 - relay for switching on the dipped headlights;
    • K10 - relay for turning on the rear window heating;
    • K11-main relay;
    • K12 - fuel pump relay;
    • 24 - cigarette lighter;
    • 25 - backlight lamp of the heater control panel;
    • 26 - illuminator;
    • 27 - block of the wiring harness of the instrument panel to the block of the wiring harness of the ignition system;
    • 28 - controller;
    • 29 - block of the wiring harness of the instrument panel to the block of the rear wiring harness 27;
    • 30 - electronic accelerator pedal;
    • 31 - additional resistor;

    List of elements of the wiring diagram of the instrument panel wiring harness (Sheet 3.)

    • 32 - heater electric motor;
    • 33 - heater electric motor switch;
    • 34 - control unit for the door locking system;
    • 35 - relay (K16) of the electric fan of the engine 3;
    • 36 - relay (K15) of the electric fan of the engine 1;
    • 37 - relay (K14) compressor;
    • 38 - additional relay (K13) (reverse light relay);
    • 39 - air conditioner switch;
    • 40 - drive to control the gear change mechanism;
    • 41 - passenger airbag module;
    • 42 - evaporator temperature sensor;
    • 43 - block of the dashboard wiring harness to the rear wiring harness block 3.

    List of elements of the electrical connection diagram of the rear wiring harness

    • 1,2- pads of the rear wiring harness to the pads of the wiring harness of the instrument panel;
    • 3 - right side direction indicator;
    • 4 - left side direction indicator;
    • 5 - hand brake sensor;
    • 6 - rear window heating element;
    • 7 - interior lighting plafond;
    • 8 - switch in the driver's seat belt;
    • 9 - trunk lighting;
    • 10 - electric fuel pump module;
    • 11-right lantern;
    • 12 - trunk lock electric motor;
    • 13 - interior light switch;
    • 14 - additional brake signal;
    • 15 - left lantern;
    • 16 - block of a wiring harness of the rear to the block of a wiring harness of the rear left door;
    • 17 - block of a wiring harness of the rear to the block of a wiring harness of the rear right door;
    • 18 - block of a wiring harness of the rear to the block of a wiring harness of the front right door;
    • 19 - block of a wiring harness of the rear to the block of a wiring harness of the front left door;
    • 20 - airbags control unit;
    • 21 - block of the wiring harness of the rear to the block of the wiring harness of the license plate lamps;
    • 22 - block of the rear wiring harness to the block of the wiring harness of the instrument panel 3;
    • 23 - right rear speed sensor;
    • 24 - left rear speed sensor;
    • 25 - driver's seat belt pretensioner;
    • 26 - passenger seat belt pretensioner;
    • 27 - block of the wiring harness of the rear to the block of the wiring harness of the instrument panel 29.

    Front right door wiring harness diagram

    • 1 - block of the wiring harness of the front right door to the block of the wiring harness of the rear;
    • 3 - right front lock;
    • 4 - power window switch;
    • 5 - pads of a wiring harness of the front right door to the front right loudspeaker.

    Front left door wiring harness diagram

    • 1 - block of a wiring harness of the front left door to a block of a wiring harness of the rear;
    • 2 - power window motor;
    • 3 - left front lock;
    • 4 - block of switches;
    • 5 - pads of a wiring harness of the front left door to the front left loudspeaker.

    Working with the brakes on the Grant is required when the car starts to dangle during braking, there are extraneous noises in the area of ​​the rear wheels. What is worse - if any of the wheels starts to wedge at a stop. In this article - step by step replacement rear brake pads Grant.

    How Grant's rear brake pads are replaced without ABS

    Let's analyze the whole process step by step. For work will be required:

    1. New pads (choose depending on whether the car has ABS or not);
    2. Wrenches for 13: open-end and ratchet with a long head;
    3. Balloon wrench;
    4. Head E-8;
    5. 7 head;
    6. Screwdrivers for removing and installing springs;
    7. Pliers.

    A 13 long head is required if you are going to adjust the handbrake. It is not needed for simple replacement of pads.

    Delamination and severe wear of the rear pads = not working handbrake, noise and car drifting to the sides when braking.

    Preparing to replace the pads

    Getting ready to dismantle the brake pads. For this:

    • We put the car on a flat surface;
    • We remove from the parking brake, put in neutral;
    • We support the wheels wheel chocks(you can use bricks, bars, etc.);
    • We pump out brake fluid to the MIN level - we use a syringe or an enema pear;
    • We remove the wheel bolts;
    • We hang out rear wheel (jack the car) and remove it.

    We support the wheels, remove the handbrake and the wheel.

    There are Frets with disc brakes in a circle. Often they are changed as needed, but sometimes it helps and groove of brake discs. If you do not know what to choose, ask the diagnostician for advice.

    How to remove a brake drum on a Lada Grant

    The drum on the Grant is removed as on any other VAZ model. For this with a 7 key, unscrew guide pins and remove the drum.

    If the drum is soured and cannot be removed, the same pins can be screwed into the adjacent holes as shown in the photo - they are made for mechanical removal of the drum.

    We unscrew the pins and remove the drum.

    It is not recommended to knock down the drum with a mallet or hammer - there is a risk of damaging it.

    Self-replacement of pads

    Attention- from this moment on, the brake pedal must not be depressed. Otherwise, the brake pistons will extend and disassembly / assembly will be difficult.

    Step 1: To loosen the springs, squeeze the pads inward. We squeeze them out with a pry bar with an emphasis on the brake shield.

    We move the brake pads.

    Step 2(based on the figure below) - remove:

    • upper spring No. 5;
    • expanding bar No. 6;
    • lower spring No. 13;
    • guide springs # 7 (available on both pads).

    At this stage, we need springs 5, 13, 7 and bar 6.

    Step 3: Freely remove the left shoe. The parking brake lever is fixed on the right - so we push the block itself and use the pliers to dismantle the cotter pin attaching his finger to the block.

    We remove the parking brake lever from the cable, remove the cotter pin and disconnect the parking brake lever from the shoe.

    Step 4: Assembly with new pads is carried out in reverse order.

    For ease of assembly: the retaining springs 7 can be put on using a thin wire or wire.

    If new pads make it difficult to slide on the drum, can also be tightened inside with pry bars.

    Replacing the back of the pads on the Grant with ABS

    Lada Grant with ABS has minor design features:

    • equipped with ABS sensors (they are also wheel rotation sensors);
    • rear pads have holes for sensors;
    • under the drum is the master disc for the ABS sensor.

    The differences between brakes with ABS and conventional brakes are insignificant and do not make it difficult to replace the pads.

    The first stage when replacing brakes, Granta with ABS will have the sensors dismantled (see figure below):

    The ABS sensor is removed from the back of the wheel. You can try to remove the pads without removing the sensor.

    Second step: remove the drum (as described above) and the driver disc under it. The rest of the procedure is the same as above.

    When reassembling the brakes, be sure to replace the drive disc. Otherwise, the ABS will not work.

    Upon completion of work you can pump the brake pedal and add brake fluid if necessary. If after pumping the liquid leaves, there is a leak somewhere.

    Check the operation of the parking brake: normal position - parking brake engages after 3-4 clicks of the lever.

    General issues

    Let's figure out when you need to change the pads and what to choose from the accessories.

    When to change rear pads

    Rear pads on Grant change with the following indicators:

    1. wheels make noise - rattle - vibrate when braking;
    2. 1.5 mm (or less) remained on the pads;
    3. the pads are delaminated, due to which the wheels periodically jam;
    4. stopped holding the handbrake;
    5. you recently changed the front pads and have not touched the rear pads yet.

    As always, the obvious point: change the pads with a set along the axes! It cannot be replaced only on the right or left wheel, and the other one can be left with the old brakes.

    Even with heavy wear of the pads, the car can brake, but this is dangerous and unacceptable.

    Selection of accessories for grants

    We have collected table of articles for spare parts to replace the brakes. Here it is (you can use it to search and order online):

    List of part numbers for all spare parts that may be required for work.

    For example:

    Search results for pads in a well-known online store.

    - the same in another well-known online store.

    There are never many options.

    ABS allows for shorter braking distances and maintains agility when braking.


    Let's summarize key points:

    • Granta with ABS has special pads, an ABS master disc and sensors that must be disconnected before disassembling the brake drum;
    • When the drum slips badly, you can remove it differently: screw the pins 7 into the holes next to which they were screwed in (for more details, see How to remove the brake drum);
    • Do not press the brake pedal after removing the drum;
    • If you do not pump out excess brake fluid before starting work, it can be squeezed out after replacing the pads.

    For lovers of repair, we have prepared an article:.

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