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Buying a coach from leading international car manufacturers is the best choice for business

Currently, the vast majority of the leading world-famous auto concerns have models in their assortment line that are designed to meet the needs of various categories of commercial activities. For one of these categories, a type of functional and highly demanded vehicle has been developed as a tourist class bus. This type of vehicle appeared with the most important goal of providing the sphere of passenger transportation over medium and long distances with maximum comfort and safety.

Each auto unit has the following characteristics:

  • Integration of modern technical systems allowing not only to secure all participants road traffic, but also to make the very process of operation and ownership convenient and pleasant;
  • Thoughtful ergonomics of the interior, for the greatest comfort of users at every stage of the trip. Before choosing tourist buses, each consumer can preliminarily evaluate the convenience of being in the interior in order to be convinced of the convenience;
  • Stylish exterior design, plenty of comfortable soft seating equipped with seat belts;

To the automotive technology involved in the area regular maintenance tour groups, strict requirements are imposed, which fully comply with all models on sale. The new tourist buses are distinguished by the highest quality performance, innovative design, expanded functional and technical parameters, as well as the economy of ownership. Factory assembly and original components keep the need for frequent service inspections to a reasonable minimum.

Our company offers to familiarize yourself with the list of auto products presented on the pages of the site, as well as purchase tourist buses in Moscow at an affordable and competitive price, which we declare due to the implementation of only direct deliveries directly from the warehouses of manufacturing concerns, bypassing the participation of any intermediaries in the process auto deliveries. The absence of unnecessary costs and the offer of a lower cost is the key direction of the company's activity, along with constant quality control and the high level of the offered car products.

Sale of tourist buses on favorable terms from an authorized dealer

Our organization represents a specialized class of automotive equipment from leading car brands as a confirmed supplier in the territory of the Russian Federation. Among the presented brands you will find such car brands as MAN, Yutong, Golden Dragon, LIAZ and other automakers that have earned the unconditional trust of Russian consumers. On the website of our company there is a wide selection of products, among which any client can find a suitable option based on the following model differences:

  • Car dealership capacity, the maximum number of seats allowed for a trip;
  • The type and power of the integrated modern engine;
  • Body dimensions, luggage compartment volume;
  • Tourist buses price - depending on the selected manufacturer, as well as the model;
  • A list of additional options for configuring a car product that meets the needs of a particular business;

For detailed advice on the presented car models, please contact directly the professional specialists of our sales department, who will help you determine the most suitable option that will meet the needs of your particular industry category.

The sale of tourist buses is carried out on terms convenient for buyers; there are options for purchasing vehicles on the terms of a loan agreement or an installment plan.

If tourist buses are airliners, then the newest Setra TopClass 500 is akin to the giant Boeing 777, and even only with business class seats in the cabin. I had a chance to drive such cars twice - first on French Nice and its environs, and then on the German autobahns. I confess honestly: best bus I have not met! And the international title Coach of the Year "2014" ("The best tourist bus of 2014"), which Setra TopClass 500 received at the bus salon in Kortrijk (it is described in the same issue), is honestly deserved.

Who thought of arranging a test drive of hefty liners on the streets of Nice, where two passenger cars barely drive away? By the way, it was in Nice in 1977 that the Setra brand won a mountain of prizes at the then international automobile exhibition Semaine Internationale du Car. It is curious that at the same exhibition, but ten years earlier, the Soviet minibus ZIL-118 Yunost received no less prizes (and even the main cup of the organizing committee). True, Yunost did not become widespread, but Setra received worldwide recognition as the first serial bus with a monocoque body. The name Setra stands for “selbsttragend”, “self-supporting”.

In France I had to go along such streets

Since 1995, the brand belongs to the Daimler concern, and the reason for the appearance of the current, five hundredth series is the same as that of all European manufacturers of trucks and buses - the transition to environmental standards Euro 6. In addition, in 2017, bus manufacturers of the European Union will face stricter safety requirements for rollover.

So absolutely new body 20% stronger than the previous, four hundredth series (in any case, the manufacturers say so). And the drag coefficient of 0.33 is 20% less!

We already wrote about this in AR # 2, 2013, when we talked about the Setra ComfortClass 500 model (it appeared earlier than the TopClass 500).

In general, they are similar, and the bodies are almost the same. True, the TopClass is 110 mm higher (its overall height is 3880 mm) due to the higher floor and larger luggage compartments, and if the ComfortClass can be either two-axle or three-axle, then the TopClass is only three-axle, with a 6x2 wheel arrangement.

The main visual difference is the absence of an air conditioner "hump" on the roof: it is built into the body. In addition, there is, in principle, no manual transmission: only the Mercedes "robot" PowerShift, familiar from Mercedes trucks. (That's good, otherwise the “comfort class” control of the “mechanics” seemed to me indistinct.) The engines are also exactly the same as those of the new Mercedes tractors and dump trucks: in-line “sixes” with a capacity of 476 or 510 hp.

The cabin has a transparent roof: it was offered before, but now the glazing area overhead has increased. The aforementioned built-in air conditioner can work "on two fronts" - for example, for the driver it is colder, and for the passengers it is hotter. And many planes can only envy such seats!

The steering wheel is almost like a Mercedes Actros tractor! Only more chic, upholstered in leather, with wooden inserts, and on the emblem - the letter "K": by the name of Karl Kessbohrer, founder of Setra

When buying tickets, the regulars of bus tours pay attention to the location of the seats. Why is it important? Let's explain with an example.

Imagine that you have planned a trip for a long time, thought out the route, chose, as it seemed to you, a good place - with an excellent view, in the middle of the bus, not far from the door. And then it turned out that it is almost the only one that does not unfold. Everything would be fine, but only when the passengers in front reclined their seats, you found yourself squeezed on both sides. As a result, what was dreamed of as a wonderful journey turned into torture.

We will tell you about all the nuances that need to be considered when choosing a seat on the bus in order not to get into a similar story in the article.

Long distance buses - good and different

If you think that it is enough to know the seat number to understand how comfortable it is, you are deeply mistaken. Fleet of modern buses long distance(ADS) is so diverse that until you see the layout of the cabin, it is too early to draw conclusions.

For example, you got the seat number 14. In the tourist MAN for 59 seats, this is the beginning of the salon, the 4th row; but in the saloon of the same model with 45 seats, chair number 14 is in front of the door and, most likely, does not recline. In a 20-seater Mercedes, the same number 14 is located on the left by the window at the end of the cabin, and in a 45-seater - on the right by the aisle, row 4. And there are a lot of such examples.

Even the typical layout of a specific model is not always accurate, since the carrier has the right to make design changes - add a bathroom, a kitchen, remove some of the seats (for example, the back row) by equipping a sleeping or cargo compartment.

Site selection criteria

As you know, there is no dispute about tastes, so everyone may have their own criteria for choosing a convenient place. Experienced tourists recommend first of all to take into account such parameters as:

  • security;
  • the location of the seats in relation to the door;
  • salon segment (beginning, middle, end).

Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Dangerous and safe

Traffic incidents involving ADF are reported at alarming frequency, making it the # 1 task of every traveler to reach their destination safe and sound.

What places are potentially dangerous?

  • First row, especially to the right of the aisle. In a head-on collision, they are the first to be hit.
  • The last row can be damaged if hit from behind. In addition, with sudden braking, the passengers in the back row have a higher risk of injury, flying into the aisle.
  • Seats by the window on the left side of the salon. We have right-hand traffic, so this side of the bus is always turned towards the flow of cars.

The safest places on a long-distance bus are as follows.

  • In the middle of the passenger compartment on the right side. But even in this relatively safe area, it is better to sit not by the window, but by the aisle.
  • The seats are right behind the driver. It is believed that the driver, instinctively avoiding danger, removes this zone from the impact, and, on the contrary, substitutes the right side.

"Insidious" - next to the door

The places located in the immediate vicinity of the door are distinguished by a special "deceit".

If they are behind it, in winter and autumn, this is a zone of cold air currents that fall on passengers every time the door is opened. By the way, in the summer the influx of fresh air can rather be attributed to the pluses.

If the seats are on the right-hand side in front of the door in the middle of the passenger compartment, they do not recline. This is designed so as not to interfere with people getting off at bus stops. Usually such seats are cheaper, but passengers do not always fully understand the reason for the bonus.

The area next to the door is not devoid of merit. You will be the first to get off the bus in the parking lot, therefore, you will quickly get to the buffet, toilet, or just have time to smoke.

Disadvantages of the rear rows

Few people love the last row in ADS. And there are reasons for this.

  • It shakes harder here, and people with seasickness get seasick.
  • The backs of the chairs do not recline, which means there is no way to relax, take a nap.
  • If the climate control system is not used to cool the air, but a general air conditioner is used, it blows strongly from behind.
  • If there is only one TV, it cannot be seen or heard from the back row. The same is with the guide during the excursion.

Some tour operators usually sell at the last row consisting of 5 seats, two tickets. Then their owners will have the opportunity not only to sit down, but also to lie down fully.

Features of the choice of a seat in a double-decker bus

The travel agency can offer you a ride on a double-decker bus. This one vehicle a different layout of the seats and its own characteristics.

To determine what works best for you, examine the pros and cons of each floor.

Advantages of the first floor:

  • spacious salon;
  • there are fewer people than at the top;
  • comfortable tables;
  • next to a bathroom, a kitchen, a water cooler, a refrigerator.

Of the minuses

The salon is located low in relation to the road, so you won't be able to admire the panoramic landscapes.

Be prepared for the fact that in the evening the drivers will continue to chat, and perhaps listen to music or watch a movie.

Second floor advantages

  • excellent panoramic view;
  • silence in the evening, because the drivers are downstairs.

There are also disadvantages

It is closer here than on the first floor, which will be especially felt by tall and obese passengers.

Be prepared to descend each time to take advantage of the facilities or during parking. The second floor is not for people with disabilities.

And instead of a conclusion. Having chosen a place to your liking, make sure that it is officially indicated in the voucher (everything is clear with the ticket), otherwise it will turn out, as in that joke - whoever got up earlier has slippers.

Go on an excursion around the Moscow region or to another city in Russia with your colleagues? Organize an exciting class trip to interesting places? Offer your clients a memorable adventure while making money? All this requires not only time, creative efforts and careful study of the excursion program - you still need to get to your destination. And it is desirable that the trip itself be no less enjoyable than visiting the sights.

Rent sightseeing bus in Moscow in transport company"TT Transcom" helps to solve the problem of delivering excursionists with maximum convenience. When ordering a sightseeing bus, you can independently choose the route and travel time without being tied to the offers of travel companies.

  • Our sightseeing buses are presentable and equipped with the latest technology. The buses for 41 + 1 and 49 + 1 seats are equipped not only with comfortable seats for passengers, an efficient ventilation and air conditioning system, audio and video systems with two monitors, but also with a toilet. This makes the ride especially easy.
  • All our buses run regularly Maintenance, and before the start of the trip, a strict control of the condition of all units and assemblies is carried out. You can be sure that the transport will be fully functional on the way.
  • The drivers who operate our sightseeing buses are qualified to carry passengers. The civil liability of the carrier and driver is insured.
  • The extensive experience of our drivers in the field of passenger transportation ensures the safety of people while traveling.
  • We work promptly: the presence of several buses in the company's fleet allows us to provide transport in the shortest possible time.
  • The contract is drawn up in accordance with all the rules, all are provided Required documents for reporting.
  • The prices for our services are adequate and are formed only on the basis of real costs.

Sightseeing bus rental price

The cost of services is calculated individually. There is a standard price list: bus rental for 41 + 1, 49 + 1 seats costs from 1300 rubles per hour, while the minimum rental time is 4 + 2 hours.

However, each excursion has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when calculating the price. Bus rental for excursions assumes a certain route of the trip, the number of participants, their age and specifics, and other nuances. All this is taken into account in order to offer our customers the most profitable terms to pay for transport services.

How to book a sightseeing bus in Moscow?

The order is made in writing. To do this, send us an application by e-mail indicated on the TT Transcom website. It needs to be added short description the route of the excursion, the number of people, other points that matter to you. It is also required to indicate on what date and what time period the bus is required.

You must submit an application at least 48 hours before the departure of the excursion. This will allow us to carefully plan everything and find the bus that suits you. Our employee will clarify all the nuances with you, and only after that an agreement will be signed and an invoice will be issued for payment of services. As soon as the money is transferred, the bus is booked. At the agreed time, he will arrive at the place specified in the contract.

If you are interested in renting a sightseeing bus, fill out an application and ask your questions to our specialists by phone or through the callback order form on the website.


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