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The car battery is charged using special chargers. To carry out this process correctly, you need to know the type of car battery, its characteristics, as well as choose the right type of charger.

Car battery device

Most vehicles have a lead acid battery. The design consists of six jars, which are placed in an insulating housing made of material. For the case, a special plastic is selected that is resistant to sulfuric acid.

The jars are connected in series. They contain positive and negative electrodes, which are lead grids covered with active mass by construction. The electrodes are placed in an electrolyte. Over time, during operation, the plates fail, which leads to a decrease in the capacity of the battery. The smaller the capacity, the faster the battery discharges.

Battery types

There are two types of batteries.

  1. Serviced.
  2. Unattended.

Serviced batteries have covers on the cans that you can unscrew yourself. In such batteries it is possible to check the electrolyte level, its quality and, if necessary, it is possible to top up it. But it is not recommended to do this on your own, without experience of this procedure. All operations to check the quality of the electrolyte, its level and topping up should be entrusted to a specialist. This work is not expensive for the price, but in some cases it can revive the battery.

Maintenance-free batteries have no caps and are completely one-piece. Its repair and resuscitation are not possible.

Also, motorists often add distilled water to the battery, thereby diluting the electrolyte. This can be done, but only if necessary. If you unscrew the caps on the jars, the electrolyte level will be visible, if it is below the electrodes, then you need to top up. The level should be the same in all six jars.

Do not add water or electrolyte to the battery yourself. Before doing this, you should measure the quality of the electrolyte with a special device. But if you still decide to add water, then add only distilled water and in small portions.

Charger types

By the type of charge, the devices are divided into:

  1. Constant voltage charger... In these chargers, the charge voltage is constant, and the amperage can be adjusted with a regulator.
  2. Charger with constant current. In such devices, the current strength is constant, and the voltage is changed by the regulator. With this charging, you can fully charge the battery, but you need to carefully monitor the process. With prolonged use, the electrolyte can boil, and this can cause the battery to short-circuit and even fire.
  3. Automatic (combined). These modern chargers first charge the battery unchanged direct current with varying voltage, but then, with gradual charging of the battery, the voltage is fixed, and the current gradually decreases. When the battery is fully charged, the device automatically turns off.

There are several ways to check the condition of the battery.

  1. Using a conventional tester. The tester is put into the voltmeter mode and the voltage is measured when the car is off. If this procedure is done with the engine running, you will find out if the charge is coming from the generator. The voltage with the vehicle off should be close to 12 V.
  2. Load coil. By design, it is a resistance of 0.018 - 0.020 ohms with a voltmeter connected in parallel. This unit is connected for 5 to 7 seconds and then readings are taken from the voltmeter.
  3. By the indicator on the battery. Some types of batteries are equipped with a hydrometric indicator, which is a small peephole. In this peephole, the indicator colors change. If the color is green, the battery is charged. If it is white, the battery needs to be charged, and if it is dark, the charge is at a minimum and it may be necessary to top up the electrolyte.

You can find out how the car is going in the detailed material of our specialist.

When you need to charge the battery

Since the car generator is not able to fully charge the battery, but only by 60%, it is recommended to charge the battery at least once a season, before cold weather. You should also follow the readings of the hydrometric indicator, if any.

The first sign that the battery needs charging is when the vehicle is started. If the starter spins quickly, then everything is fine. If, however, slowly and the rotation speed goes, as it were, to damping, this indicates a small charge.

What to look for and precautions

Since the battery uses sulfuric acid, you need to be careful and follow safety precautions. Charge in a ventilated non-residential premises at an ambient temperature of +10 degrees Celsius.

The question is often asked, is it possible to charge the battery without removing it? Yes, you can. But at positive temperatures. If charged in minus, the charging efficiency decreases. In addition, when the battery is in frost for a long time, the electrolyte may freeze. That is why the battery should be brought into a warm room, where it will “defrost” and only then start charging.

Preparing the battery for charging, removing it from the car

Before charging, it is advisable to wipe the battery with a soda solution, this will make it possible to remove acid residues from the surface. The solution is simple: one tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. If, when wiping, the solution starts to sizzle, then acid residues are present.

After removing the battery from the car, you need to unscrew the caps from the jars and put them on top. This will allow the electrolyte to evaporate when heated and not spill out of the jars. You should also check the electrolyte level.

It can be determined by eye. If all the plates are completely immersed in the electrolyte by 0.5 cm, then the level is normal. It is also worth paying attention to the levels in neighboring jars, they should be the same everywhere. If the level is less than required, you can top up with distilled water.

If the battery is maintenance-free (that is, there are no covers), we ignore this procedure.

Connecting the charger

Observe the polarity when connecting the charger. The positive terminal of the charger must be connected to the positive terminal ("+") on the battery. To the minus ("-") we connect exactly the minus of the charger. Reversing the polarity will result in a short circuit and damage to the charger and battery. Therefore, you should be careful. The terminals are marked on both the battery and the charger.

On most chargers, the positive terminal is colored red and the negative terminal black.

Charging time, process control

It is recommended to charge the battery with low currents, this will enable all plates to evenly distribute the charge, and the electrolyte does not overheat. Use a current strength of no more than 1/10 of the battery capacity. It is indicated on the case and is designated "A / hour".

If the charger is automatic and does not have control levers, then it is impossible to make your settings. Typically, such devices are equipped with indicator lamps that indicate at what stage the battery is charging. And when fully charged, the green light comes on.

If an ammeter is built into the charger, then charging will be considered complete when the arrow of the device is set to zero.

The time directly depends on the strength of the charging current. If the battery needs to be charged urgently, the process can be carried out using high currents, but this reduces the battery life. If there is no rush, then charge with low currents. With such a charge, usually, the process does not take more than 8 hours.

Watch the electrolyte, if it starts to boil, reduce the current.

End of charging, installing the battery on the car

At the end of charging, disconnect the charging wires, screw the caps on the cans and wipe the battery with a soda solution again. When charging, electrolyte droplets evaporate from the jars and settle on the body. If the electrolyte is not removed from the surface, current leakage through the case may occur and the battery will discharge quickly. This problem is very common, as 80% of motorists simply do not know this. The electrolyte on the body is not particularly visible, it lies in a thin film, but this is enough for the current to pass through the body of the device.

When connecting, pay attention to the condition of the terminals and their tightness to the battery terminals. They should not be oxidized and should fit snugly.

How to charge a car battery without charging

If the charger is missing, and you need to charge it urgently, you can use the following methods:

  1. Using a portable starting and charging device. It resembles a small battery that has enough charge to start the engine.
  2. Assemble a homemade charger if you have the necessary items at hand. This requires a diode bridge, a resistor, a multimeter and a light bulb, as well as some knowledge of electrical engineering and the skill of working with a soldering iron.
  3. If the battery does not show signs of life in the cold, it should be removed and brought into a warm room for 30 minutes. The electrolyte will heat up and you can start the car.
  4. Use a laptop charger. At the output, it gives out 18 V. In the circuit, you need to sequentially insert a light bulb from the headlight, it will play the role of a resistor. Then the current will not exceed 2 A, but it will take about 20 hours to fully charge the battery in this way.


When charging the battery, use all the tips that were given above and do not forget about safety precautions. Protect your eyes from getting acid from the battery, wash your hands thoroughly after touching the battery caps and cans. Charge in warm room with good ventilation, in the absence of children. Choose a charger of only trusted brands based on the characteristics of your battery, and then it will serve you faithfully for a long time.

(24 estimates, average: 4,08 out of 5)

The battery can be for a number of reasons. It is possible that a leak has occurred at some point in the electrical circuit. But it is more likely that you simply forgot to turn off the headlights or radio tape recorder at night. This option is also widespread: the car has not been used for a long time and did not start, it was standing in an unheated room, so the battery lost its charge. There are many ways to "revive" a car, and the most common is to ask for a "light".

Not all motorists know how to determine what is the reason for the car's refusal to start. To confidently say that the problem is in the battery, you need to pay attention to the following details. First, when ignition, check the indicators dashboard... If they burn dimly, this indicates a low charge. Second, listen to the sound of the engine. It should be fast, not stringy and slow. very shrunken, characteristic clicks will be heard from under the hood. Some cars are equipped with a voltmeter. When ignited, the arrow of the device must not be in the red zone. Also carefully inspect the battery itself. "Heaped up" models, as a rule, are equipped with their own charge indicator, so the battery itself will let you know about a low charge.

In this article, we will tell you not only how to start up with a dead battery, but also how to charge the battery without a charger.

How to properly light a car

If you are worried about charging and do not want to be immobilized at the most inopportune moment, get special wires in advance to start the engine. When buying, you should pay attention to the packaging, or rather, to the characteristics that are described on it:

  • a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 10 sq. mm (a thinner wire can simply burn out);
  • the minimum current strength is not less than 200 amperes (more is better, this will increase the efficiency of current transfer);
  • the length of the wire is 1.5-2.5 meters (the shorter wire is inconveniently attached, the longer one has too high resistance);

It is also important to inspect the wire. The braid should be rubber, because plastic does not tolerate frost well and becomes too hard in the cold. The fasteners of the wires to the terminals must be soldered, otherwise the electric current will not reach the terminals. The clamps should be wide and open well, this will facilitate fastening and increase the contact area.

It is also important to choose the right car - "donor"... Its battery must be in good condition, the electrolyte must not leak, otherwise we will have not one, but two "dead" cars. Under no circumstances is a 12-volt battery from a 24-volt one. The voltage of a dead battery and a “donor” battery must match. True, a 24-volt battery can be powered by two 12-volt batteries connected in series.

After you find someone willing to help you, ask to put the car in a suitable position. The length of the wire should be sufficient without too much tension. When connecting, it is very important to observe the polarity, otherwise you will not only damage the battery, but also the electrical system of the entire car. The positive wire is usually red and the negative wire is black. Experienced drivers advise the following connection scheme: first, you need to turn off the donor car. Next, we connect the plus to your car, and then to the donor. Then we connect the minus to the donor, the last - the minus to your car. When connecting the fourth terminal, it often knocks out a spark, which is quite normal. It is advisable to connect the last terminal to ground - an unpainted metal part that has good contact with the body.

V modern cars access to the battery can be difficult, as a rule, there are special places for "lighting". When all terminals are connected, you need to start the "donor" car for 3-5 minutes to recharge the "dead" car. After this period, we start the second car and let it run for another 5 minutes. After this procedure, we disconnect the terminals from the "donor" and your car. Let your car run for 20 minutes, because charging is faster when the car is running. It is advisable not to turn on the headlights and radio tape recorder, otherwise the whole procedure will probably have to be repeated again.

In the video - charging the car battery:

Features of different models

In addition to the "lighting" procedure itself, there are other options for ignition of a car with. Car with mechanical box you can start "from the pusher". Get behind the wheel and shift into neutral. Switch on the ignition by turning the key. After that, people helping you should accelerate the car to 15-20 m / h. On the move, engage third gear and release the clutch. As soon as the car starts, the transmission should be turned off. The main thing is not to turn off the engine immediately after ignition, because the accumulated charge may not be enough to restart the engine. In addition, instead of physical strength, you can use a towing cable, but this option, unfortunately, is absolutely not suitable for an automatic transmission.

There is also another method of how to start the car if the battery runs out. With its help, it may be possible to accumulate a little charge for ignition. Try to enable high beam headlights for a few seconds. This will provoke "warming up" chemical reactions and will collect a certain amount of charge in the battery. Most importantly, do not crank the starter for more than 5 seconds at a time, this will cause a final charge drop.

Alternative charging methods

If you find yourself in a remote area and there is no one to ask for help, do not despair. An ordinary battery with a capacity of a couple of volts will help you. Any device will do: flashlight, mobile phone, laptop, but, of course, the battery must be charged. It is necessary to open the hood and find the wire connecting the battery and the generator, so that when the key is turned, send a signal to the latter. The approximate location of this wire is a light indicating a battery problem. You will have to break the wire, and attach a battery in its place. After that, the car must be pushed, preferably downhill. On the go, jump into it and turn the key in the ignition lock. When the car starts, the battery can be removed without turning off the car.

V emergency situation also try shaking the battery to distribute the liquids evenly. The main thing is, in no case try to light yourself up with a lighter when you look inside, because the result can be sad.

If you have enough time but do not have a charger, you can assemble the simplest device of this kind from just a few elements:

  • household incandescent light bulb with a power of up to 200 watts. The higher the power, the faster the recharging will be carried out, the main thing is not to overexpose, otherwise the battery will become completely unusable;
  • semiconductor diode - This component is suitable for conducting electricity in one direction only. It will help convert the AC voltage in the network to DC to recharge the battery. The diode must be large enough, otherwise it may not withstand the applied loads;
  • wires with terminals and a plug for plugging into an outlet.

Video on how to charge the battery without a charger:

When setting up the circuit, the light bulb should burn in full, because the diode cuts off half the amplitude alternating current... If the light is off, this is a sure indicator that the circuit is not working. Also, it will not light if the battery is fully charged, which is unlikely, since the voltage in the terminals is high and the current is small. For charging, as a rule, it takes about 10 hours, do not forget to turn off the power supply after the expiration date, it will boil and become unusable.

It is not superfluous for a motorist to have a device with him to check the battery charge. This extremely useful thing costs around 500 rubles and will help you avoid damage or drop in charge at the most inopportune moment.

The law of meanness has not been canceled, therefore, the battery often sits down at the most inopportune time: here you stopped on the side of a busy highway, and there is no way to get under way, the car will not start. It's a shame, isn't it?

How do you know if the battery is dead?

  • After turning the key in the ignition lock, the cheerful "grumbling" of the engine is replaced by slow and stringy sounds;
  • Indicators on the dashboard are dimly lit (or do not light up at all);
  • Crackling and clicking sounds are heard from under the hood.

How to start the car if the battery is dead?

Method 1 "Start-charger" . The easiest and most painless to start the battery is a special device. It is connected to the network, the mode switch is put in the "start" position. The positive wire of the ROM is connected to the + terminal, the negative one - to the engine block closer to the starter. Turn the key in the ignition lock, after the car has started, the starting-charger can be turned off.

This method is suitable for all types of machines (with automatic and mechanical transmission).

Method 2 "Give me a light!". To do this, you will need: a donor car - 1 piece, wires for lighting (cross-section more than 16 sq. Mm), a key for 10. The battery of the donor car must be in good working order, do not try to light a 12-volt unit from 24 volt, the voltage should be the same. The exception is feeding a 24-volt battery from two 12-volt ones, which are connected in series. Cars are parked side by side, but they should not touch. The engine of the "donor" is turned off, the negative terminal of the second car needs to be removed. Observe the polarity, otherwise the electronics will simply fail. Basically, the negative wire is marked in black and the positive wire is marked in red. The positive terminals must be connected to each other, then we connect the minus to the "donor" and only after that the minus to the reanimated machine. After that, you can start the "donor" for 4-5 minutes so that the "dead" battery is recharged, then you can start a second car and let it run for 5-7 minutes. The terminals are disconnected, let the auto run for 15-20 minutes, charging is faster with the engine running.

Method 3 "Increased current" . The battery can be recharged with an increased current, the battery can not be removed from the car, but for vehicles with on-board computer you need to remove the negative terminal, otherwise the electronics will "fly". The current can be increased by no more than 30% of the standard reading. For example, for a 60 Ah battery, a current of up to 8 amperes is allowed. The electrolyte level should be normal, the filler caps should be opened. Charging takes 20-30 minutes, then you can start the car. It is often not recommended to use this method - it shortens the "life" of the battery.

Method 4 "Towing or pusher" . For towing, you will need: a cable, 4-6 meters long, a towing vehicle. The cars are connected with each other by a cable and accelerate to 10-15 km / h, for the towed car, you need to turn on the 3rd gear and gradually release the clutch. If you manage to start the car, you can unhook the “sweet couple”. The main thing in this method is to coordinate the actions of the drivers, otherwise you can inflict on the neighbor's transport serious damage... The method is only suitable for Vehicle with mechanical transmission. You can use human resources instead of a tow car. They accelerate the car downhill or on a flat road. Pushed over rear pillars or roof racks, otherwise you could get serious injuries (for example, slipping and getting run over by wheels).

Method 5 "Lithium batteries" . Reviews about it are very ambiguous, you can use a laptop, phone, camera and other equipment with lithium batteries for recharging. You need to recharge for 10-20 minutes, you can connect it using the salon cigarette lighter or directly to the battery. The devices are suitable for all types of vehicles.

Method 6 "Curve starter" ... Such a thing for cranking the crankshaft helped out many motorists. To do this, you need a jack, 5-6 meters of dense rope or slings. Using a jack, you need to raise one of the driving wheels, 5-6 meters of rope are wound around it, ignition and direct transmission are turned on. Pull the end of the foot with a sharp movement, you need to properly spin the wheel.

We hope our article will be useful to you, and in emergency you will not be confused and use these tips!

Why the battery is discharging

Any, even the highest quality battery discharges by itself over time, and this happens for various reasons.

5 reasons why your battery drains quickly

  • The battery has worn out (4-5 years);
  • The generator does not charge the battery while driving;
  • Current leakage occurs in on-board network;
  • Forgot to turn off the headlights or radio tape recorder for a long time;
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures (severe frost).

How to avoid frequent discharges and how to extend the life of a car battery - read on, we have collected everything useful tips on this topic into one handy list.

  1. Do not run the engine frequently for short runs.
  2. Do not leave the battery in a discharged state, keep it in a charged state.
  3. Avoid frequent full discharge of the vehicle battery.
  4. Avoid exposing the plates, check and add electrolyte to the correct level.
  5. Check the tension of the alternator belt and replace the belt if it is too loose.
  6. Visually check the wiring in the network to quickly eliminate leakage currents.
  7. Watch out for the contacts of the connection to the battery - they can oxidize, wear out or be damaged.
  8. Make it a rule in any situation to check the car inside and outside when you arrive at your destination. All electrical appliances and lighting must be turned off.
  9. In severe frosts, disconnect and move the battery to a warm room.
  10. In cold weather, charge the battery more often to the maximum, so that frost cannot discharge the battery to the end.
  11. In winter, use special "warming" covers for the car battery.

Probably every car owner is faced with the problem of a dead battery. This nuisance can happen to any driver if you don't pay enough attention to the car's power source.

We will talk about why car batteries are discharged, as well as about the features of charging them at home.

Why does the battery run out

Typically, the life of a modern automobile is 5-6 years, subject to its correct operation and timely maintenance. After this time, the power supply wears out, and it is almost impossible to restore it.

However, it often happens that even relatively new battery stops working. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the car stood motionless for a long time, especially in the cold season;
  • insufficient amount and density of electrolyte in cans;
  • malfunctions in the electrical equipment of the car;
  • destruction of the working plates of the battery, etc.

If the car stands still for a long time, the battery is discharged without being charged. This happens especially quickly in the cold. It is enough for the car to stand like this for two or three weeks, and you will no longer be able to start it.

During battery operation, the electrolyte evaporates little by little. And if you do not control its amount, over time this will lead to the fact that the battery will lose its properties.

Various electrical problems can also be the cause of the discharge. This may be a lack of charging caused by a malfunction of the generator, etc.

In the event of the destruction of the working plates, it is better not to operate the battery - this can cause an internal short circuit, which is fraught with the failure of other electrical equipment and even a fire.

How to prepare the battery for charging

If nevertheless accumulator battery discharged, no need to rush to take her to the service. You can also charge it yourself, of course, if you have a charger, plus you know how to charge the car battery. But first, the battery must be prepared for this.

First, it must be removed from the car by disconnecting the terminals. If the battery has been out in the cold for some time, it must be taken indoors and allowed to warm up for several hours before charging.

You can charge the battery at home without removing it from the car, but this should only be done in a dry, warm place, preferably in the garage.

If the battery is serviceable, before charging, you need to unscrew the cans and check for the presence of electrolyte. Top up if necessary. And only then, without twisting the plugs, start charging.

And further. Before charging the battery, you need to know its capacity. It is usually indicated on the label and is measured in ampere-hours (Ah, A / h). This value will be needed to calculate the optimal charging current.

A few words about security measures

Before charging the battery at home, it is useful to learn a few simple rules that will keep you and your loved ones safe during this process.

  • Firstly, the room in which charging will take place must be well ventilated. Vapors released during the process (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen, etc.) are unsafe for health.
  • Secondly, it is forbidden to charge the battery near open flames and heating appliances.
  • And thirdly, any charger works from the mains, so it is not recommended to leave it unattended for a long time.

Charging methods

There are three main ways to charge a battery:

  • constant voltage (voltage 14.5-16.5 V with current decreasing from 45 to 20 A);
  • constant current (charging current is equal to 10% of the battery capacity);
  • combined method (first with direct current, then with constant voltage).

After selection the best option You will have to wait 24 to 48 hours for constant voltage. In the first case, the charging voltage is set to 16.5 V, and in the second - to 1.4 V. The battery, while charging, gradually "gains strength", equalizing the difference between the battery and the charger.

The method allows you to charge the battery at home in 10 hours. It is important here to accurately determine the charging current. As already mentioned, it should be equal to a tenth of the battery capacity. In other words, if the capacity of your battery is 55 A / h, you need to set the charging current to 5.5 A. At the same time, when the battery voltage reaches 14.4 V, it must be reduced to 3 A, and at 15 V - to 1.5 A.

The combined method combines the first two and is considered to be the best today. For this method, there are special ones that can be used without constant supervision.

If you have no desire to figure out how to charge the battery charger using the methods described, follow the tips below for a quick and full charge. They do not require special knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, and therefore are suitable even for a beginner.

Fast way to recharge

Car? There is no definite answer to this question. Each case will take a different time. It usually takes 12 to 24 hours to fully charge the battery. However, charging the battery at home can be faster. This, of course, is not entirely correct, but if you do not have time to wait, use the fast method.

To do this, you do not have to remove the battery from the car, it is enough to disconnect it by removing the terminals. We unscrew the lids of the cans (if it is a serviced battery), check the amount of electrolyte. If there is a need and opportunity, add it.

After 30 minutes, charging is stopped. This time is quite enough for a serviceable battery to recharge and be able to start the engine. Further charging it is the generator's business, unless, of course, we are dealing with electrical equipment malfunctions.

Full charge

If you have time, it is best to fully charge the battery using low current. This method will allow you to charge the battery at home in a gentle mode to the maximum.

We remove the battery from the car, having previously disconnected the terminals. We install it on a flat surface. We unscrew the plugs, check the electrolyte. We connect the terminals of the charger, not forgetting to observe and check the polarity. We connect to the 220 V network and set the charging current at 10% of the battery capacity. We leave for 10-12 hours, not forgetting to check the progress of the process.

How do you know when the battery is charged? We often hear that you can check with a voltmeter. There is, they say, 12 V - so everything is charged. In fact, this is a false way. The battery charge can only be determined by the capacity indicator, and this requires a hydrometer.

If you do not have one, you will have to be content with approximate figures. Most modern batteries have indicators on the case by which you can determine whether it is charged or not.

But if there is no indicator, just look at the ammeter of the device. The more the battery is discharged, the more current it consumes during the procedure, and as it charges, its value will gradually decrease. The battery can be considered charged when the ammeter needle points to zero. That is why, in fact, the question of how much a charged battery should show can be answered with confidence - not at all!

Can I charge the battery without a charger?

But what if there is no charger? The easiest way in this case is to ask someone to "smoke" from his car. For this, a high voltage cable with special clamps is used. They are thrown over the terminals of the battery of a running car and on the terminals of a discharged battery connected to the electrical equipment of another car, observing the polarity. After that, you need to wait some time (5-10 minutes) for the discharged battery to recharge a little, and start the engine. When the car starts, the cable is disconnected. The battery will start charging from the generator.

But how to charge the battery without a charger, if there is no way to "light"? In such a situation, you can try to charge using a laptop adapter, but there are several nuances here. Firstly, most of these devices do not deliver more than 2.5 A, so it will take a very long time to charge. And secondly, there is a high probability that the adapter will not withstand the counter current load and will burn out.

Be that as it may, it is still worth a try, especially if there is no other way out.


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