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The assignment of the right to lease, including for money, allows you to get real estate for rent on the same terms as the contract was concluded with the previous tenant. In the event that the lease was concluded for a long term and for a special favorable terms, when it was registered in accordance with all the rules in the bodies of Rosreestr, the counterparty, even having bought out the lease right, does not go to waste. The assignment of lease rights is also used in cases where the lease was originally issued to one of the enterprises included in the holding, and then another enterprise of the same holding becomes its tenant.

What you need to pay attention to when drawing up a contract

It should be borne in mind that the sale of a lease is not at all the same as a sublease. In the first case, all rights and obligations stipulated in the previously concluded lease agreement are transferred to the counterparty and the original lessee is completely excluded from the contractual relationship between the lessor and the counterparty. In case of sublease, only the right to use the leased property is transferred to the counterparty, and even then for a finite period.

Sale of lease rights is the only possible solution with this right. The contract concluded between the first tenant and the counterparty must necessarily be compensated in order to exclude the risk of recognizing such a contract as a gift, since this form of transfer of rights to real estate is prohibited between legal entities. That is why only the lease agreement, which specifies the amount and procedure for payment by the new tenant, will be difficult to challenge and invalidate. This agreement should stipulate not only the transfer of the lease right, but also those obligations that are assigned to the new tenant: the procedure and conditions for the use of the leased property, its maintenance, as well as issues of paying rent and repairs.

In the text of the lease agreement, it is also necessary to provide for the transfer of the package of documents to the new tenant by the previous ones. It must include the original of the primary lease agreement, the original certificate of state registration of the lease right, the technical and cadastral passport for the building or premises, the cadastral passport or plan of the land plot, as well as documents confirming the timely payment of the rent by the previous tenant. The lease agreement is drawn up in the form of a lease agreement, since in this case it is the main agreement. In the event that the primary lease agreement was registered with the Rosreestr authorities, the re-lease agreement is also subject to mandatory registration.

Currently, a transaction of this type, such as the assignment of lease rights, is gaining more and more popularity. In accordance with the specified procedure, it is permissible to rent such non-residential premises such as a shopping pavilion.

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For many individual entrepreneurs, this is almost the only chance to rent space in a large shopping complex. The assignment of the lease is very beneficial in terms of saving time.

In this case, there is no need to terminate the contract with the previous tenant, and the subsequent conclusion of a new document in accordance with the new conditions.

In the event of an assignment, all the conditions of the originally concluded agreement remain the same.

Transfer Features

The main features when concluding a lease assignment agreement are as follows:

  • no need to notify the direct owner of the premises or a plot of land about the transfer of tenant rights to a third party, but this is quite acceptable if the parties wish;
  • the possibility of leaving the original lease unchanged, that is, the absence of the need to make changes to it such a plan as the amount of rent, terms and dates of its payment, and so on.

Why is this necessary?

Why is the assignment of lease rights necessary? A transaction of this kind is necessary in cases where the original tenant expresses a desire to transfer the rights to land, or to any premises to a third party, avoiding unnecessary delays.

Due to the fact that the transfer of rights is a rather simple procedure than termination of the contract and its subsequent re-conclusion, it is practically necessary when the third tenant in the system assumes not only the rights of the previous owner, but also his obligations. Such, for example, as payment of taxes, as well as payments directly for rent.

Assignment of lease rights

The assignment of the lease right implies the transfer of the rights and obligations of the previous tenant to the next in full.

A transaction for the conclusion of an agreement of this kind can be concluded for:

  • non-residential premises;
  • land plot;
  • other objects of immovable property.

Land plot

The agreement on includes some features.

Such, for example, as:

  • tenants, both the next and the previous one, are obliged to notify the direct owner of the land about the transaction, however, his consent, both in writing and orally, is not required for the transaction;
  • as it says, the owner, that is, the lessor directly, subject to the existence of an appropriate agreement signed by the parties, is obliged to provide the tenant with both the right to lease and the right to use the land;
  • It also says that an agreement of this kind requires the presence of additional clauses, such as, for example, the mandatory specifics of the boundaries of lands, as well as their location.

Non-residential premises

As in the case of land plots, the agreement on the assignment of the right to lease real estate property is also endowed with the following features:

  • when concluding a lease agreement between the owner of the premises, as well as the tenant, the former has the right to indicate such a clause as the inadmissibility of the assignment of rights, this is due to the fact that the consent of the tenant is not required to conclude an assignment agreement;
  • accepting non-residential premises, the third person in the lease system also accepts all the conditions of the previous agreement and debts for taxes and fees, if any, it is also permissible to include such debts in the total cost of the transaction;
  • the transfer of the lease right to a non-residential premises is often a very profitable deal for the original tenant, this is due to the fact that upon completion of this procedure, he receives a certain amount of money for concluding the contract.

To a third party

The peculiarity of the transaction for the transfer of property rights is that this is concluded exclusively between the third and second links in the chain of lease of premises or land.

That is, the personal presence of the direct owner of an object of any kind, or his legal representative is not required.

Also, when completing the transaction procedure, the parties have the right to introduce into the contract certain clauses agreed upon between them earlier, however, they should not in any way change and make adjustments to the original lease agreement concluded directly with the owner.

Registration procedure

The procedure for registering a transaction for the assignment of property rights includes several main stages:

  • collection of documentation, preparation of a contract form, as well as an oral agreement between the parties on the items, the inclusion of which in the document is mandatory, as well as the introduction of a number of any additional conditions;
  • contacting the appropriate registration authority;
  • obtaining certified and sealed documents that have entered into legal force, in accordance with which the rights to any object are transferred from one person to another.

The documents

In order to conclude a deal on the assignment of lease rights, the parties must have a package of the following mandatory documents:

  • application according to the accepted model;
  • if the parties are individuals - their documents that can confirm their identity;
  • tax service certificate;
  • the original lease that was entered into directly with the owner;
  • three copies of the contract.

Sample contract

The lease assignment agreement mainly contains the following information and is drawn up according to the model:

  • full legal name of the document, as well as the place where it was drawn up and the date;
  • complete data of all participants in the transaction;
  • property that is directly leased and, accordingly, is the subject of the transaction;
  • additional clauses and conditions that both parties consider mandatory to be included;
  • date, as well as the signature of the participants.


After the transaction, that is, after the conclusion of the assignment agreement, all the rights that were previously assigned to the first tenant are transferred to the second.

The term "rights" in this case means the possibility of owning a piece of land or any real estate.

In addition to the rights, the tenant also receives the responsibilities of the first person, namely:

  • obligation to pay taxes and fees in accordance with regulatory legal acts;
  • obligation to pay rent;
  • payment of debts in the event that they were previously available and the specified item was stipulated in the terms of the contract.

Differences from sublease

Quite often, ordinary people, far from jurisprudence, put such concepts as sublease and assignment in one row. However, this is not quite true.

What is sublease? In this case, the owner, or the lessee, transfers any part, or the property as a whole, to a third party for a certain period of time.

Many different transactions are carried out with real estate. Often carried out. As a result, the transaction is similar to a purchase and sale agreement, but the subject of the document is considered to be lease rights. This procedure may be invalidated if there are certain grounds for this. To do everything correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the procedure, which will be discussed in the article.

What it is?

The assignment of lease rights is a lease that is carried out by changing the persons of the transaction, or more precisely, the tenant. They will be another person who will have the same rights and obligations. And the former tenant's powers expire.

Norms of the law

In Art. 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation specifies the nuances that must be observed by the tenant when using the property. But he also has rights. Clause 2 of this article states that the tenant can:

  1. Sub-lease property.
  2. Transfer responsibilities and rights to third parties.
  3. Transfer the premises for use.
  4. Transfer rental rights under obligations.
  5. Transfer lease rights to the authorized capital of commercial organizations.

Rights and restrictions

When the assignment of rights is completed, it receives the rights of ownership and use. Since that time, these rights are an independent object with which it will be possible to carry out transactions. The tenant's rights apply only to the object specified in the contract.

But this person does not have the authority to dispose of the property, since he is not considered the owner. This serves as a limitation to some transactions, since only the owner has the right to dispose. With the change of persons in the contract, the permission of the lessor must be obtained. Consent is given in writing.


Often, the registration of the assignment of lease rights is considered a favorable solution in a difficult situation. Thanks to this transaction, the new tenant receives the object for paid possession and use on identical conditions and at the same price at which he rented the object from the previous owner.

An agreement for the assignment of lease rights is usually concluded for non-residential premises located in prestigious areas of the capital and other cities. These objects provide a stable income in business. Usually, the agreement is valid for more than 5 years, so it is beneficial for a new tenant to receive an object in demand from clients. The previous user also has its advantages - he acquires income.

Landlords are often municipal and other executive bodies. The demand for rental properties is always high due to low prices compared to commercial establishments. If a rental of non-residential premises is required, an entrepreneur or a company can act as follows:

  1. Take part in the auction.
  2. Execute the assignment of the rights to lease the premises by paying a commission.

The second option is more beneficial. But with it, difficulties may arise. For example, if a new tenant wants to reconstruct an object, it will not be easy, and often impossible.

Difference with sublease

The person who subleases the object will be a party to the agreement signed with the lessor. It will also fulfill the duties, therefore, it takes responsibility for any violations of the contract. Compared to a sublease with an assignment, the rights and obligations cease and are acquired by a new tenant.

Conclusion of a contract

The assignment of car rent and non-residential premises is carried out only after the signing of the contract. Lease rights cannot be donated, otherwise such a transaction will be invalidated (the article says that donating to commercial organizations is prohibited).

Correct registration of the assignment of lease rights is required. A sample of this document will help you compose it correctly. It should contain the following information:

  1. Details of the parties.
  2. Date of registration.
  3. Information about the subject.
  4. Timing.
  5. Rent.
  6. Terms of termination.

The agreement is drawn up in writing, if desired, it is certified by a notary. Signatures of the parties, seals are indicated on it. It is important that the content of the agreement does not contradict the clauses of the lease agreement. Additional papers are attached to the document, which are signed and endorsed.

Conditions and requirements

As with any transaction, an assignment has some requirements that must be met for it to be recognized as legal. In addition, it will exclude future disputes. The conditions that must be met with the registration of the document are as follows:

  1. The transaction is documented.
  2. The parties must agree to the terms.
  3. In case of rent arrears from the first tenant, the parties must resolve the issue of payment.
  4. The transaction is recognized as legal, for which you need a notarized permission of the participants.

Requirements include:

  1. Permission of the parties to the transaction.
  2. Encumbrances must be specified.
  3. The text should indicate the purpose of the transfer of rights.

If the listed conditions and requirements are met, then the transaction will be legal. It can be registered with Rosreestr. After that, the procedure is considered completely completed.

Differences between contracts

Since the contract can be concluded with individuals and legal entities, you need to take into account the difference in design. The difference is due to the list of documents that must be provided as accompanying papers. The difference lies in the timing of signing and verification of the legality of the conclusion of this agreement. In other respects, the procedure is exactly the same for everyone.


With the execution of an agreement on the assignment of a lease of a plot or non-residential object, an act of acceptance and transfer of documentation is drawn up. The new tenant must receive a lease agreement and payment papers. The former tenant must provide a certificate of registration of the lease with a government agency and identification papers.

Registration is carried out subject to availability:

  1. Statements.
  2. Payment document.
  3. Constituent documents.
  4. Protocols.
  5. Representative documentation.
  6. OGRN certificates.
  7. Lease agreements.
  8. Assignment agreement.
  9. Technical passport.


There are not many pitfalls, but their appearance complicates the deal. This often makes it impossible to conclude it. These nuances include:

  1. Absence of assignment rules in the original agreement.
  2. If construction is underway on agricultural land plots, the assignment cannot be made until the purpose of the change is made.
  3. If there are buildings and structures on the land that do not meet the norms of urban planning legislation.
  4. When an injunction is imposed on the object due to the action of a civil or criminal case.
  5. If there is a lease debt to the owner.

These nuances are related to those that are fixed in a generalized form in modern legislation. But with the drafting of the contract, others may appear that affect the result of the transaction. These procedures are not common in Russia, but they will perfectly help those who refuse the right to use land in their personal interests.


By the parties to the transaction must follow the rules established by law... The terms of the contract remain in effect for the entire period of its validity. It should be borne in mind that the tenant receives some obligations:

  1. Payment of taxes and fees.
  2. Payment of rent.
  3. Payment of debts, if there is such a condition.

Such a transaction is considered beneficial for the previous tenant, who gets rid of the unnecessary object. And the subsequent user receives the property at a reasonable price. There is also a benefit for the landlord who receives the income.

The transfer of rights and obligations is carried out after registration with Rosreestr. It can be omitted if contracts are concluded between individuals for a period of less than 1 year. You must pay a state fee for the service. For individuals it is 2 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - 22. The norms are established by part 2 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The transaction can be made by power of attorney - through a representative. In this case, generally accepted legal regulations apply. This person acts under a power of attorney, in which the scope of authority should be indicated. For example, this can be the implementation of actions with the leased object on behalf of the principal, including representing the interests of the tenant in government agencies and the right to sign. It is advisable to write down the powers in detail.

Thus, a deal on the assignment of rights to lease cars or premises will be of interest to business representatives. But before signing a contract, you need to consult with a specialist in this area.

In the capital, the search for work premises is becoming a serious problem for entrepreneurs who do not own suitable property. Buying one requires high costs, renting commercial real estate from private owners is expensive. And here rent from the city profitable, however, it is difficult to find and arrange the necessary premises.

The distribution of municipal and city real estate is managed by a special executive authority, and transactions of this nature are conducted through a special bidding system. This is a long, complex process that takes a lot of time and requires specific knowledge from the entrepreneur.

Therefore, the city is developing the direction of business "assignment of lease rights". Employees of the companies that manage such projects find interesting real estate objects, create an organization and participate in the auction. The organization is then sold, along with the right to lease.

How to get lease rights for city property?

Our company provides a lease assignment service. The enterprise database contains objects of city or municipal property with different characteristics, and they include not only office rooms... Choose to rent such options:

  • office, office building;
  • restaurant, cafe;
  • car wash, auto repair shop;
  • beauty salon, hairdresser, entertainment center;
  • manufacturing enterprise.

We give our clients the choice to carry out any endeavor. If the requirements for real estate are specific and there is no suitable one among the available objects, then the employee will select such an option for you from third-party organizations.

Assignment of lease rights conducted in accordance with legal requirements and is beneficial for the entrepreneur. And in our company, the service of providing services is well-established and allows customers to get what they want quickly, with minimal costs and without any difficulties.

What are we teaching?

Our company provides this specific service, having practical experience in such operations and relying on the professionalism of our employees. First of all, our clients know that all operations are carried out within the framework of the law, with strict observance of all rules and regulations. And such cooperation gives tenants a number of advantages, which then become an excellent launching pad for their business.

Rent price. The rental rate when using urban real estate, even taking into account the services of our company, is lower than when using commercial properties. We strive to make cooperation even more profitable by offering free support for each transaction. The savings from such interactions turn out to be large numbers.

The availability of suitable facilities. You do not need to participate in a long and difficult bidding on your own. You sign a standard contract and you get a great property at the right price. At the same time, the efforts on your part will be the same as if you were leasing an ordinary commercial space.

Choice of options. Because sale of lease rights this is our business, then the database contains options for different types of buildings, premises. They differ in their level, characteristics, and location. Choosing the right building for you will not be difficult.

Transaction support. The basic difficulty when searching for premises on your own is the execution of any transaction. It requires competent document management, and tenants are forced to resort to expensive services of lawyers. And our company employs professionals, has its own legal service and all contracts and annexes to them are worked out by its employees. Your participation in preparing the deal is minimal.

Therefore, buying lease rights from our company saves time, money and your own efforts. Build a solid foundation for your business, starting with a profitable lease of space.

Assignment of lease rights

Very often, the assignment of lease rights is confused with the term sublease. The main difference between these concepts is that in case of sublease, the lessee, with the consent of the lessor, has the opportunity to rent out the leased property, and in case of the assignment of lease rights, the rights and obligations of the lessee under the lease agreement are transferred to another person. Let's try to present it schematically. Company "A" entered into an agreement, according to which it assigns the lease rights to company "B". As a result, company "B" takes place "A" in the lease agreement, all obligations and rights that belonged to "A" are automatically transferred to "B".

To properly legalize the assignment of lease rights, you need to collect and execute the following documents:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the power of attorney certified by a notary;
  • payment;
  • the protocol of the appointment of the head who signed the contract and issued the power of attorney (a copy and the original, certified by the signature and seal of the head, are submitted);
  • copy and original of the constituent documents of the tenant;
  • OGRN certificate;
  • TIN certificate;
  • charter;
  • if the constituent documents have changes - a certificate of these changes;
  • memorandum of association, if any;
  • originals of the BTI (less than a year ago);
  • plan of each floor;
  • explication;
  • an extract in form 1-a from the technical passport;
  • decisions made by the authorized bodies to start the assignment process;
  • minutes of the meeting of the board of directors, shareholders;
  • copy and original of the registered lease agreement;
  • the original of the protocol of the assignment agreement.

After the assignment of lease rights, the newly made tenant becomes responsible to the lessor. This is confirmed by the new lease. The implementation and legalization of the currently popular transaction brings good dividends. For example, many firms lease premises and later transfer the lease to other companies. Naturally, this is done for a certain fee. 25% of these premises are rented for services and trade. A new tenant is selected only with the consent of the owner of the object. For this, an auction is sometimes held among all comers. The owner of the object chooses the most suitable option for him. So, today the assignment of lease rights has become a stable and popular type of business. And like any type of business, this service has a lot of "underwater reefs and rocks" and various subtleties. Therefore, when registering a PAP, it is better to trust the professionals in this area.


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