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As many people know, an internal combustion engine is a rather complex mechanism that must be regularly serviced and repaired from time to time. Otherwise, some problems may appear during the work. Drivers often feel that the engine starts more difficult to start, its power decreases, gas mileage increases, unusual sounds and vibrations occur, and the engine starts to work unstable.

It must be remembered that if a motor is troit on a VAZ 2107, this is a serious breakdown that needs to be urgently corrected so as not to bring it to more difficult problems... In this article, we will discuss how the breakdown manifests itself, what may be the reasons and how to eliminate them.

Five signs of triplet

It is very important that the malfunction is diagnosed in a timely manner. Then it is necessary to localize the problem as soon as possible in order to make repairs.

So, if the engine of a VAZ 2107 troit a carburetor, the reasons for this may be the malfunctioning of one of the cylinders. Sometimes several cylinders fail at once. In fact, this is due to the fact that for some reason the working mixture does not ignite in the combustion chamber of an inoperative cylinder, or it does not completely burn out.

We list five signs of triplet engine on a VAZ:

  1. On Idling the engine starts to twitch and shake. Sometimes the shaking becomes so powerful that vibrations are felt throughout the body, transmitted to wheel and even on the gear lever. With such strong vibration we are most likely talking about a complete failure of one of the cylinders.
  2. Engine power is noticeably lost, the driver feels the gas pedal fail, jerks appear during acceleration, and fuel consumption increases. The "check" of the motor may light up. Of course, these problems also show up with other malfunctions. But this is exactly how the triad manifests itself.
  3. The engine speed starts to float or jump. Fluctuations in rpm can be both minor and quite large.
  4. If you look at the electrodes of the candles, you will notice black carbon deposits. Of course, this may indicate a malfunction and the candle itself. But if after changing the plug set, carbon deposits appear again in the near future, then there is another reason for the breakdown.
  5. The exhaust system begins to operate with sonic "jerks" that transmit vibration to the body.

Even if you notice only one of these symptoms, you need to urgently understand what became the source of the breakdown. The point is, equipment malfunctions cannot be ignored. After all, delay can lead to more serious problems that will require expensive repairs.

Causes of the malfunction

Why does the engine troit on the VAZ 2107 injector?

If the driver observes signs of a malfunction in the operation of the cylinders, it is necessary to diagnose the operation of the power unit. There are five most common reasons:

  • problems in the operation of the ignition system;
  • violation of the formation of a working mixture;
  • malfunction of the gas distribution mechanism;
  • malfunction in the ES system;
  • breakdown of the engine itself.

I would like to say right away that there can be many more reasons. And without high-quality diagnostics, it is not always possible to determine exactly what the problem is. But in this article we will discuss the most typical malfunctions for most cases, which in 90 percent of cases can be detected and eliminated by drivers on their own.

Reason 1: problems in the operation of the ignition system

One of the main reasons for the engine triple construction is a failure in the ignition system setting. If you listen carefully to how the motor works, you can hear pops accompanied by slight twitching of the motor, which indicates that one of the bars is missing.

If these signs appear at idle, but after the crankshaft is spun, the engine becomes stable, this indicates early ignition... This means that you need to adjust the ignition setting.

If everything is set up well, you can check the candles. In most cases, it is faulty spark plugs that cause the engine to triple on all VAZ models. Most the best way- completely replace the kit with a serviceable one.

It is important to consider that for different engines fit different candles ignition. For example, you need to pay attention to the incandescence number and other important design features... In rare situations, when it is not possible to urgently change the candles, but you need to go, you can temporarily clean what is there and make sure that the gap is set correctly.

Often, at the same time as the candles, the candle wires also deteriorate. Therefore, they also need to be checked and, if necessary, replaced.

It happens that the motor starts to triple after rain. This may indicate a problem with the BB. For diagnostics, you need to start the engine in the dark and inspect high voltage wires.

If a spark appears, this indicates that the insulation is broken. You can temporarily solve the problem by wrapping the sparkling section with electrical tape. But this decision is temporary until the nearest auto shop!

Sometimes the car starts to twitch only after warming up. It starts up and warms up stably. This could mean that there is a problem with the ignition coils.

Reason 2: violations of the formation of the working mixture

If the ignition system works like a clock, and the problem still remains, it is time to pay attention to the system for generating the working mixture. Perhaps it does not enter the cylinder. Or, for some reason, the fuel mixture does not want to ignite. The fact is that only with certain proportions of air and fuel does a spark lead to ignition. A lean or rich mixture will not burn. The engine starts to work unstable in a cold and hot state, on idle or under load.

The problem can be quite simple: a dirty air filter. Often it is enough just to replace it with a new one, as the car starts to please its owner again.

Fuel sometimes begins to flow in excess. This may indicate that the injector nozzles are starting to "overflow". So it's time to check the operation of the entire injector.

When a depressurization occurs, excess air can enter the system, which leads to a lean mixture. Airing is also caused by the fact that the operation of the vacuum brake booster is disrupted.

Reason 3: breakdown of the engine itself

In order for the engine to run stably and the working mixture to burn as efficiently as possible, the cylinders must be well sealed during the stroke. If the work of the cylinder is damaged inside the motor, piston group or the gas distribution mechanism, this can lead to problems in the operation of the gas distribution system, which leads to partial depressurization.

If piston rings lay down or completely collapsed if the piston itself is damaged, if there are scuffs or cracks on the cylinder walls or the valves of the gas distribution mechanism are burnt out, all this can lead to the fact that the piston simply will not be able to compress the combustible mixture normally.

To diagnose a malfunction, the compression in all cylinders is measured. If the compression ratio has fallen in only one of them, it will be enough to fill in a little oil there and measure again. When the compression is raised, it is possible to judge the piston malfunctions. If there are no changes in the compression level, then the valve is burnt out.

Sometimes the cause of low compression is a wrong valve adjustment. It would be nice to check the condition of the rocker or hydraulic compensator. A malfunction can lead to the fact that the valve simply does not fit snugly against the seat.

Sometimes, to fix the problem, it is enough to correct the general adjustments of the gas distribution mechanism. For example, it is important to monitor the timing of the valve timing.

Short summary

Whatever the possible reason, if the VAZ 2107 does not pull the motor, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the malfunction as soon as possible. After all, ignoring the problem can lead to much more severe damage and costly repairs.

Many motorists and 2107 owners asked themselves - why does the engine troit? The effect arises from the irreversible processes of wear of the parts of the power unit. But, not everyone knows where to look directly for the causes of the malfunction themselves, and even more so for ways to eliminate the problem.

Reasons for triple engine

Why does the VAZ 2107 engine troit the carburetor and what are the reasons for this effect? In this article, we will try to deal with this issue as much as possible. Unlike an injector, the causes will be different, but interrelated and similar.

So, let's figure out where to look for engine triple problems in a carburetor VAZ 2107:

  • Piston group.
  • Valves and their derivatives.
  • Carburetor.
  • Ignition system.
  • Air filter.

Now that all the places of origin of the malfunction have been sorted out, it is worth going directly to the methods of elimination.

Solution methods

To eliminate the triple effect of the engine, the motorist will need some constructive knowledge of the power unit, as well as hands growing from the right place. To eliminate most of the causes, you will also need a minimum set of tools.

Piston group

The piston group is a nightmare for any motorist. The reason for the engine triple structure can be worn out pistons and oil scraper rings which, in addition, can damage the cylinder walls, forming scratches and cavities on them. In this case, the only way out is overhaul... Of course, this procedure is neither pleasant nor cheap.

The motorist will have to dismantle the cylinder head and oil pan. Further, it is necessary to remove the pistons and inspect the walls of the cylinders, if there is a working out on it, then the engine must be completely dismantled, and, depending on the degree of damage and wear, bore it until the necessary repair. On the other hand, if there is no point in boring, you can replace power unit on a contract basis, which may be cheaper than a major overhaul.

Block head

The cylinder head, or rather its components, can be the second reason why triplet will occur. First of all, this concerns valves that are already worn out and do not fit tightly to the seat. As a result, the exhaust gas returns to the combustion stone, and the engine begins to choke.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to replace the exhaust and intake valves. For the procedure, you will have to disassemble the head completely. As practice shows, the valve guides are also broken and need to be replaced, and therefore it comes out that the cylinder head requires a complete overhaul.

Thus, during the work, it will be necessary to replace not only the valves, but also the seats and valve guides. In order to remove the gap between the valve and the seat, the latter go through a roller cutter process.


Another reason for the triplet engine is the carburetor. Determining the cause begins with the fact that it is worth adjusting the supply of the air-fuel mixture. The adjustment is carried out using screws of quality and quantity, according to the instructions written in the manual for the repair and operation of the VAZ 2107 engine.

If the adjusting actions did not help, then next step become the bulkhead of the carburetor itself. Injection elements were installed on VAZ 2107 engines - Weber and DAAZ (OZON). These two carburettors are of the same design and therefore the repair kits are identical. Carburetor repair kits can be purchased at stores or in the automotive market.

Ignition system

Another reason for the problem with the triplet of the engine is the ignition system, for example, if the spark plugs, coils or high-voltage wires fail. Simply put, there is no spark on one or more of the cylinders. To solve the problem, you will need to carry out diagnostic operations.

The spark plugs must be unscrewed from the block head and research carried out. First, parts are visually inspected for cracks, dirt and other malfunctions. You can call the spark plug contacts using a tester or a special spark plug stand.

If the product is faulty, then it is necessary to replace it with a new one, having previously adjusted the gaps between the contacts. There is also an old folk way to test candles. To do this, the candle is unscrewed from the cylinder and connected to the high-voltage wire, and then, leaning the candle against the body of the car, turn the ignition.

As for high-voltage wires, their diagnostics ends with a ringing for resistance. A working and usable wire has an indicator of 5 ohms. If the indicator is higher or lower, then it must be changed. It is usually recommended to replace the wires with a complete set, having previously checked them for operability.

Checking the ignition coil is done with a multimeter for contact, as well as resistance. If a malfunction is detected, it must be replaced with a new product.

Fuel supply

The group of fuel supply parts should include the fuel filter and fuel supply pipes. So, data contamination structural details can result in insufficient fuel being supplied to the carburetor. To correct the problem, it is necessary to replace the fuel filter and clean the pipes of the fuel supply system.

One more element fuel system, which affects the stable supply of the fuel mixture - the gasoline pump. In case of failure, it is necessary to repair or replace the element. After carrying out repair operations, the fuel supply must be stabilized, which will lead to the disappearance of the triple effect.

Air filter

Another reason for the appearance of the triplet engine VAZ 2107 carburetor is the air filter, which, due to pollution, does not allow enough air to pass through to form an air-fuel mixture. To cure the engine, it is necessary to replace the replaceable filter element.

Element replacement air filter is carried out quite simply. To do this, you need to get into the engine compartment, that is, open the hood. Then unscrew the 3 nuts securing the housing cover and remove the old filter. Install a new replacement element and reassemble everything.


It is quite simple to determine the reasons - why the VAZ 2107 engine of the carburetor type is troit. It is worth starting the diagnosis with the elements that are involved in the formation of the air-fuel mixture. Then, check the ignition and fuel supply system. Well, the last, but the most terrible reason can be a major overhaul of the motor, due to wear of the piston group and the block head.

The sound when the VAZ 2107 engine troit is difficult to confuse with something. The machine begins to emit a characteristic intermittent knock, which indicates that only three of the four cylinders are working. The reasons for this, as well as the consequences, can be very different.

The main symptoms of a malfunction

The number of working cylinders decreases, and a drop in power is immediately felt, the car no longer pulls as before. Vibration appears even at idle, and a characteristic shiver comes from the engine compartment. You may notice that the fuel consumption has increased and the smell of gasoline is clearly felt in the exhaust gases.

If measures are not taken in time, then a major overhaul of the engine may be required. And this is not a carburetor to change, it takes a lot of money and time. A mixture of gasoline and air is combusted in the cylinders. If this does not happen in one of the cylinders, then the fuel accumulates and gradually mixes with the oil, going into the crankcase. Because of this, the viscosity deteriorates significantly, and lubrication ceases to have the desired effect. As a result, the piston and rings wear out to a critical state. In addition, the walls of the cylinder are erased. The VAZ 2107 engine needs repair.

Reasons for cylinder failure

If a VAZ 2107 engine is troit, then there may be several reasons for this, and to find a malfunction, you need to perform several actions:

  • find a faulty cylinder;
  • check the candles;
  • inspect wires, injector, nozzles, valves;
  • check the air leakage into the carburetor;
  • check the work for hot and cold.

It is quite simple to identify a failed cylinder. With the machine running, the high-voltage wires must be removed one at a time if a carburetor is installed. At this moment, no current will be supplied to the spark plug and the cylinder will stop working. The injector is simpler in that there is no need to risk disconnecting the wires, it will be enough to remove the chips responsible for controlling the fuel supply. If nothing changes, and the engine continues to run unchanged, the faulty cylinder has been found.

The next step is to test the candlestick. Having unscrewed it, it should be carefully examined. If carbon deposits are present on it, then because of this, the spark will not "break through". It is a mistake to think that a replacement or simple cleaning will solve the problem. Without finding and eliminating the cause, a new candle will acquire the same appearance in a short time.

Check for a spark. To do this, put a high voltage wire on it and bring it to the motor housing with the metal end. Next, someone needs to turn the starter several times. If everything is ok, then a spark should appear. If it is absent, then this may indicate:

  • wire breakage or high resistance;
  • failure of the ignition coil;
  • malfunction of the electronic control unit;
  • breakdown of the crankshaft position sensor;
  • belt offset by several teeth.

In the event that the spark is in order, but the car still does not pull, and it is clearly audible that the motor is troit, the reasons may be as follows:

  • compression is broken;
  • defects or rings are worn out;
  • problems with injectors;
  • abnormal valve operation.

The reason for the inoperative cylinder may be an injector or broken injectors. This may be due to driving on low quality gasoline or using handicraft fuel system cleaners. Sometimes a breakdown is indicated by the fact that the injector has failed, but this is very rare.

Also, the VAZ 2107 engine is troit due to the fact that the nozzles are simply clogged and it is enough to clean them. An open circuit of the power supply or control to the injector is possible, sometimes a short circuit occurs. It is advisable to carry out a diagnosis. Even if it does not reveal any error, then this indicates that the reasons are in the mechanics.

It is not uncommon for a VAZ 2107 engine to run cold or hot. The first thing that comes to mind for a specialist is to adjust the valves. It is recommended to perform this procedure every 20,000 km.

The term "cold" means that there are large clearances at the valves, and with prolonged operation, even at idle, the metal heats up and expands, and everything returns to normal. "Hot" means the opposite process. Before heating, all elements are within normal limits, and after that, the valve is jammed.

If the VAZ 2107 engine is troit, and the car does not pull, then you need to immediately find the cause and eliminate it. Otherwise, the consequences can be extremely sad and quite costly.

As soon as the number of working cylinders in the car has decreased, you can feel that vehicle has become less powerful. There is significant vibration even at idle, while tremors can be heard in the engine compartment. Among other things, it is easy to notice that the consumption of gasoline has increased significantly, and when you bring your nose to the exhaust gases, you can hear the smell of fuel.

If you do not pay attention to such a problem in time, as a result, the engine may require a major overhaul. This action will entail a waste of not only time, but also significant funds.

Possible causes of the malfunction

If the engine is trodden on the VAZ-2107, this may be due to several reasons at once. And in order to eliminate the malfunction, you should perform the following actions:

  1. Determine which of the cylinders is faulty.
  2. Check all plugs for functionality.
  3. Inspect all wires, nozzles, and valves.
  4. Check how the air leaks into the carburetor works.
  5. Check the operation of both hot and cold engines.

Finding out which of the cylinders is out of order is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, while the engine is running, remove the high-voltage wires one by one. But this can be done only if the engine is troit on the VAZ-2107 (carburetor). Of course, it will not be possible to find the cause of the breakdown, but it will undoubtedly be possible to determine the inoperative cylinder.

As soon as you remove the high-voltage wire that you need, voltage will cease to be supplied to the candle, and therefore the cylinder will stop working.

The next stage of work is to test the spark plug for performance. To begin with, after removing the candle, you need to carefully examine it. If carbon deposits are clearly visible on the candle, then, most likely, that is why the current does not break through. By the way, many car enthusiasts believe that it is enough to simply replace the candle with a new one. But in fact, in this way, the problem will be eliminated only for a while. It is necessary to find the reason why the candle has acquired such an appearance.

To do this, you need to check for a normal spark. A high-voltage wire is put on the candle, after which it is brought with its metal end to the engine body. After that, the starter is scrolled several times. If the candle is normal, a good spark should appear due to this movement. In the event that the spark did not appear, the following reasons are possible:

  • breakage of a high-voltage wire or its breakdown;
  • the ignition coil does not work;
  • the electronic control unit is defective;
  • the crankshaft position sensor is broken;
  • the belt has shifted a few teeth.

But if the spark turned out to be in perfect order, but the motor still troit, the reasons may be as follows:

  • defects or wear of the rings;
  • violation of compression;
  • malfunctions of injectors;
  • improper valve operation.

The cylinder may not work because the injectors are out of order. Most often this happens due to a long drive on fuel that is not the most High Quality or if used "handicraft" devices for cleaning the fuel system.

In addition, the VAZ-2107 engine can also triple due to the fact that the nozzles were simply clogged. In order to eliminate this malfunction, they just need to be thoroughly cleaned.

Troit injection engine VAZ 2107: causes and methods of treatment

The VAZ family of cars, especially injection engines the old generation are famous for the fact that such a malfunction occurs as triplet. Why such an effect occurs and how to deal with it, we will consider in this article.

Causes of the malfunction

Motorists are asking themselves: why is the VAZ 2107 engine troit injector? Many owners of injection VAZ 2107 were faced with the fact that engine started triple... This malfunction is typical for the entire family of Lada motors. What are the reasons for this effect and where to look for a malfunction:

  • Fuel pump and filter.
  • Injectors.
  • Spark plugs and high voltage wires.
  • Air filter.
  • Throttle.
  • Valve.
  • ECU and sensors.

Solution methods

When the reasons for the triple formation of the VAZ 2107 injection-type engine are determined, you can go directly to the analysis of options for eliminating the problem. Before proceeding, you need to understand that you need to know the design features of the motor.

But, the 2107 engine is so simple that even the most inexperienced motorist will figure out what's the matter. So, let's look at how to remove the triplet engine VAZ 2107 injector.

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Fuel pump and filter

The first place in the search for the cause begins with the fuel supply. To begin with, it is worth checking the fuel pump for operability and whether there are any malfunctions. If this element does not show visible signs of damage, then it is recommended to disassemble and check it.

Many experienced car enthusiasts advise after fuel pump start replacing the fuel filter element, since this is where the fuel can poorly pass to the injectors. Fuel filter, according to the service documentation, it is necessary to change every 30-35 thousand km of run.


The next place for troubleshooting is the injectors themselves. They can be clogged due to the use of low-quality fuel or they are faulty in terms of service life, in other words, they are worn out.

The elements are checked using a special stand, which not only makes diagnostics of the condition, but also cleans the elements. If a damaged or worn part is found, it is better to replace it with a new one.

Vaz 2107 injector - treatment of triplet and misfire

Diagnostics revealed that the fourth petrol injector is clogged, triplets and multiple gaps in all.

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Spark plugs and high voltage wires

Loss of spark can also cause engine malfunction. The next knot that needs to be investigated is ignition. First of all, it is recommended to diagnose spark plugs. To do this, pull them out of the block head and visually inspect for cracks. Further, it is recommended to clean the candles from the accumulated dirt.

It should be noted that it is necessary to pay attention to the state of the contacts of the candles. If they are in oil or have a glow, then the problem is not only in the motor tripping.

The next stage of diagnostics is ringing the contacts with a multimeter and measuring the gap. In most cases, such diagnostics show that the candles are not suitable for further use and should be replaced.

Another element of the ignition system that directly affects ignition air-fuel mixture, are high voltage wires. How well and economically the motor will work will depend on their condition. Therefore, it is recommended to inspect them for damage, as well as ring out with a multimeter.

Air filter


Burned-out valves can cause the engine to triple, since a gap forms between the seat and the exhaust valve, through which the exhaust gases flow back into the combustion chamber, thereby upsetting the balance in the air-fuel mixture.

To diagnose the unit, it is necessary to dismantle the block head. Often, burnt-out valves are the first sign of wear in the piston group, and accordingly, everything leads to a major overhaul.

ECU and sensors

The last place to look for a malfunction is sensors. Thus, the failure of one or more measuring elements can cause a triple effect. Therefore, the motorist will have to check them manually, since the electronic control unit cannot always recognize that the sensor is out of order.

The electronic engine control unit can also cause tripping. Accumulated errors or damage in the software will disrupt the operation of the entire system. For diagnostics and troubleshooting, it is recommended to contact a specialist.


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