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It is by no means easy to operate a veteran car that rolled off the assembly line 30 years ago or more. And yet there are still a lot of these cars or a slightly later release on the roads, and in the coming years there will be a lot. The design of individual nodes, and even the systems of these "oldies" is often just as outdated. Ross TVEG talks about how to improve the cooling system of an old car.

Rice. 1. Installation expansion tank from Zhiguli:
1 - tank; 2 - hose; 3 - steam pipe; 4 -
radiator cap; 5 - radiator; a - insert from
a suitable piece of hose; b - metal adapter.

The cooling systems of older cars were often designed to use ordinary water. But in the cold season, its use is an extremely troublesome business: before the trip, you need to pour hot water into the system, and drain it immediately after it ends. It is impossible to fill in insufficiently heated water, otherwise, when it comes into contact with the “frozen” radiator tubes, it can immediately freeze, which, firstly, destroys the radiator, and secondly, prevents the entire system from being “drained” successfully. Drain the water, also hot, so that it is not "grabbed" by frost. Another problem is the careful removal of residual water from some places in the system. There are cases when water, for example, froze in the drain tap (if it is on the car) and ... tore it apart. Dangerous from this point of view, water residues can be in a heater radiator lying horizontally, as, for example, on a Zhiguli (especially in its tubes).

Rice. 2. Homemade tank from a plastic can:
1 - bank; 2 - jar stopper; 3 - hose; 4 - steam outlet
a tube; a - a variant of a pipe made of metal.

Is it necessary to prove how much more convenient it is to use antifreezes - at least the well-known "Tosol"? But there are problems here. One of them is connected with the large coefficient of volumetric expansion of "Tosol" in comparison with water. If on a car that does not have an expansion tank (Moskvich-412, 2140, Volga GAZ-21, some "older" foreign cars), use "Tosol", the system cannot be filled more than 93-95%, otherwise when exiting it to the operating mode, excess liquid will be thrown out. But reinsurance is no better here either: with a lack of fluid, an air-vapour plug appears in the upper hose of the cooling system. Because of it, the circulation of fluid through the radiator is disrupted, the engine quickly overheats, especially under heavy load. For example, an engine that appears to be only slightly above normal Idling, literally overheats before our eyes, as soon as you start to accelerate the car. The hope that blowing with an oncoming air flow will help is completely in vain: as long as the liquid in the radiator is motionless, blowing will not save.
So, in the cooling system - even once designed for water - it is better to have an expansion tank. First, water also expands when heated; secondly, thanks to its reserve in the tank, the system can not be replenished for quite a long time (in the summer). When water boils in the radiator, its excess is thrown into the tank, where it cools, and the vapors condense (part of it evaporates). When the car cools down after a trip, it is not air that is sucked into the system, but liquid from the tank. To equip your "old man" with an expansion tank, you can buy a VAZ-2101 ... 2107 ready from cars (Fig. 1). The outer diameter of the pipe at the tank is often larger than that of the steam pipe 3 radiator 5 . The hose is usually picked up by the tank - then onto the tube 3 a suitable piece of hose of a smaller diameter can be put on so that the main hose (a) fits snugly on it. Another option is with a metal adapter between two sections of different hoses (b). Finally, if you use a plastic hose, then by heating it, you can (up to certain limits) increase or decrease the diameter of one of the ends - depending on what is more convenient for you. (When reducing the diameter, be sure to install a tightening collar!)

If the "Zhiguli" tank does not suit you, you can make your own, using, for example, a plastic jar from under engine oil(Fig. 2). A hole is cut out in the cork of the can so that the hose fits snugly in it - then you can adjust the distance from its end to the bottom of the can (5–10 mm). And in order for the tank to be ventilated, it is enough to pierce a hole in the cork with a diameter of about 1 mm. Some craftsmen instead insert a branch pipe into the bottom of the can, consisting of a body, nuts, washers and gaskets (a), or even “weld” a polyethylene pipe with a soldering iron (here the desired part can often be found among old children's toys).
Try to position the tank as high as possible, fixing it on the mudguard or on the radiator itself. In this case, a large vacuum is not required to suck water when the engine cools down, which reduces the possibility of air entering the system, and most importantly, the risk of “flattening” the thin-walled radiator tubes by external pressure.

Rice. 4. Radiator plug system with expansion
tank: 1 - outlet valve; 2 - ventilation
valve; 3 - radiator neck; 4 – cover body;
5 - sealant; 6 - branch pipe for draining liquid to the tank.
Rice. 5. Plug car expansion tank
VAZ-2108, 2109: 1 - sealing gasket; 2-
screw plug with a groove; 3 - the neck of the tank; 4 -
brass valve block; 5 - exhaust valve;
6 - intake valve spring; 7 - inlet valve;
8 - exhaust valve spring.
Rice. 6. Converted radiator plug "Volga" GAZ-21:
1 - radiator neck; 2 - cork body; 3-
disc spring; 4 - place of soldering; 5 - rubber
pad ( new part); 6 - inlet valve
(spring removed).

Now let's pay attention to the radiator cap - a very important node. On veteran cars, for example GAZ-21, the plug is arranged as shown in fig. 3. There are two safety (drain) valves. One of them is "steam" or graduation 5 opens when the pressure in the system rises by 0.45 - 0.6 kgf / cm2 (for example, at high power developed by the engine). Other valve - air or inlet 8 . It opens when the system cools down (after a trip) and the pressure in it becomes 0.01–0.1 kgf/cm2 below atmospheric pressure. The valve spring forces are specially selected. The valves prevent the destruction of the radiator.
If the system works on "Tosol" and includes an expansion tank, like "Zhiguli" for example, then the plug is arranged differently: take a look at fig. 4. First, there is a rubber seal here 5 neck of the radiator, providing tightness. Secondly, the valve, which we recently called the exhaust valve, does not have a spring here, but hangs freely on its stem, forming a gap of about 1 mm between the gasket and the seat. This valve is ventilating: during moderate engine operation, "Tosol" flows freely from the radiator to the expansion tank or vice versa.
With a sharp "forcing" of the engine, which means a rapid increase in temperature, the volume of liquid and pressure in the system additionally increase - the valve plate with the gasket rises and lies on the seat. Now the radiator is separated from the expansion tank, the pressure in the system increases, eliminating the boiling of the coolant at a higher temperature. This improves the heat dissipation of the radiator. If the temperature becomes even higher, then upon reaching a pressure of 0.5 kgf / cm2, the exhaust valve will open 1 and will release some of the boiling "Tosol" into the expansion tank, preventing damage to the radiator.

Rice. 7. Installing a thermostat (VAZ-2101 ... 2107) on GAZ-21:
1 - the lower tank of the radiator; 2 – the top tank of a radiator;
3 - pump; 4 - thermostat.

By the way, it is not harmful to recall here: if the engine is overheated, you should not, having stopped, hastily turn it off. At idle, it emits much less heat than in power mode, while the circulation of "Tosol" in the cooling system continues. In a number of cases, it is even useful for cooling to increase the idle speed in order to speed up the circulation of the liquid. A sudden stop of an overheated engine can turn into a disaster - for example, warping of parts.
In the cooling systems of VAZ-2108, 2109, 1111, ZAZ-1102, 1105 cars, the system plug migrated from the radiator to the expansion tank. She again had two valves - inlet and outlet with springs (Fig. 5), but the parameters of the valves are more stringent: the outlet opens at a pressure of 1.2 kgf / cm2, and the inlet - 0.03–0.13 kgf / cm2.
For those who are trying to improve the cooling systems of Moskvich-412, 2140, the plug problem does not exist - just buy a Zhiguli plug that fits exactly. But it is desirable to remake the plug of the Volga GAZ-21, as shown in fig. 6. Under the disc spring 3 install rubber gasket 5 and the intake valve spring 6 remove, turning it into a vent. Please note: often the flaring of the central rod in the plug is not hermetic, which is why it is possible for air to leak instead of fluid from the expansion tank. In this case, the simplest thing is to seal this place with soldering. 4 , better - brass (more durable).
On veteran cars, as experience has shown, the Zhiguli thermostat works well. Thanks to its large cross-sections, it provides fast warm-up engine after starting and prevents excessive cooling in cold weather, which is very useful for you if you turn on the heater. Therefore, it is better to replace the old bellows thermostat with a VAZ (or similar) one with a solid filler. The installation of such a thermostat in the Volga GAZ-21 cooling system is shown in fig. 7.

The cooling system is an indispensable attribute of any car. Too much energy during the movement of the machine is forced to be converted into heat. The engine and transmission require mandatory active cooling, as well as brake system, powerful electrical components and air conditioning system. And how do they differ from the "ordinary" supercar cooling systems? After all, these cars are powerful, compact and extremely lightweight at the same time. What interesting technical solutions are found in their designs?

Maintain the temperature of the motor with a power of over 300 liters. With. not an easy task at all, especially when it is running at full power and speeds are low. And the dynamic capabilities of modern supercars are very dependent on the outside temperature.

Often, the so-called “thermal package” does not allow increasing engine power - an indicator of the power dissipation of engine and transmission cooling systems, and not the capabilities of power units. It would seem that at high speed the problem of cooling should not be so acute: the radiators are blown through with air. But here, too, design features speed car add their own nuances. The aerodynamic properties of the car largely depend on the possibility of creating a ground effect, and safe movement also depends on the operation of the brake mechanisms. Not in last place is the banal aerodynamic drag, as well as the general streamlining, they also have to be taken into account. How is stable operation of all systems ensured in such conditions?

For a supercar, aerodynamic body work is the basis of everything. Including the quality of the cooling system. And "classic" solutions with the location of radiators under the hood, in front of the car, are not in honor. Even the models front engine the design of the radiators and the aerodynamic design are significantly different from the standard ones.

So, the front of the Mercedes SLR McLaren W199 is standard only at first glance. There is a main radiator, an intercooler liquid cooler with two electric pumps, a large transmission radiator and an engine oil tank - a dry sump system is used, and the oil is first cooled in the main radiator section, and then further reduces the temperature in the tank body, which is made with a large finned surface.

For better work underbody, part of the air from the radiators is diverted upwards through the hood, and the radiator package is arranged in such a way as to “correctly” distribute the flows. The engine is within the wheelbase and the volume occupied by the cooling system is several times larger than typical cars. The design of radiators does not fundamentally differ from the usual one. Aluminum "core" and plastic tanks can be seen on most production supercars. All-aluminum parts are widely offered only as tuning and on machines of almost single assembly. The electric fans of the system are also quite standard, except that they are noticeably more powerful than usual, have better aerodynamics and less weight.

By cars rear and center power unit in most cases, a fairly compact cooling system is used with side and rear engine and charge air cooling radiators. For example, Audi does this with the R8, McLaren with the P12, and almost all mid-engined Ferrari models do this.

But the creators of the Porsche 911 made the cooling system much more extended and placed the engine radiators in the front of the body. It is characteristic that the system usually uses not one large, but several small-sized radiators. The 911 has three of them, the R8 has three, the McLaren has noticeably more radiators, since a hybrid drive is used and there is also a cooling circuit for batteries and inverters in the cooling system.

An interesting technical solution is used by Porsche. On the 911 GT3 model, the radiator fan motor has its own individual monitoring and control unit, which provides smooth control of its performance and more extensive tuning and diagnostic options. And the side radiators with electric fans are made by single quick-detachable models, and care for aerodynamics is manifested even in such a trifle as an electric motor cap.

With long cooling lines and a large number of radiators, engine pumps are an important component. Mercedes and Porsche are content with the standard reinforced design, but with a blade profile optimized to prevent cavitation. At engine speeds of more than 7 thousand, a drop in performance can be fatal.

The Audi R8 with a V10 engine has a very interesting design: an oil pump with a pump and a thermostat are combined into a single module with a reduced speed, which is driven by a chain. And in any case, it cannot do without additional electric pumps - they allow you to ensure stable circulation of fluid in large cylinder blocks and pump coolant through radiators at low crankshaft speeds.

Also, their important function is to prevent the boiling of a large, complex and very heat-intensive motor after shutdown, and in the presence of turbines, the pumps are also involved in their cooling. The charge air liquid cooling systems on the Mercedes SLR and McLaren P12 engines use multi-circuit cooling systems with a dedicated low-temperature circuit. Moreover, the Mercedes cooling system is double-circuit, and there are already three circuits on the McLaren - one more is needed for cooling and heating. electronic systems and hybrid batteries.

Oil coolers engine and transmission are an indispensable attribute of a supercar. These parts are also present on the engines of ordinary cars, but the difference is in scale. The oil cooler of the automatic transmission of the 722.6 Mercedes SLR series is comparable in size to the main radiator of a small car, and in the cooling system Audi oils There are several R8 radiators, including a water-oil heat exchanger and conventional air ones. Cooling requires not only automatic transmissions, but also ordinary “mechanics”, and even gearboxes often have their own oil coolers or built-in liquid heat exchangers.

An important component of the cooling system is its working body in other words, antifreeze. On extreme machines, very non-standard compositions are often used. The goal is the same - to make the cooling system work as efficiently as possible with the least amount of power, but there are several other factors besides this. First, the most advanced motors often use complex alloys based on magnesium and other active metals. In this case, corrosion prevention is a very important task and typical antifreeze formulations may not be able to cope. And the “supercar” antifreeze is supposed to be a little more fluid and provide better heat transfer. Improving these parameters by a fraction of a percent already promises a serious gain in performance, but it will cost a lot. However, Mercedes, Audi and Porsche are satisfied with quite standard, albeit not the cheapest, antifreezes. But if you have a Ferrari or McLaren, then the recommendations, as befits exclusive cars, will be exotic.

Among the characteristic features of supercar cooling systems, there is also an extremely low mass, the widespread use of light alloys and plastics, as well as non-standard technologies, and almost piece production. For example, Porsche uses glued cooling pipes on engines to reduce the weight of the cylinder block. And such exotic things as magnesium, titanium and ceramics in constructions are found almost more often than quite traditional cast iron and steel. The high density and small thickness of the radiator tubes is also a characteristic detail; it is not for nothing that the protective grilles of the radiators are installed at the factory on many machines.

Tuning the VAZ 2114 cooling system, like any other elements of various models, is a reconfiguration of the car, more precisely, the refinement of its factory characteristics to increase functionality and comfort. There is an opinion that such improvement of a car is carried out only by motorists who want to stand out in this way in a stream of other cars.

Modernization can be subjected to almost any part, especially domestic cars. It is they who most often seek to improve, make more comfortable, while not spending much. The actual problem of many representatives of the VAZ is precisely the lack of amenities. This applies to both the interior and its impenetrability, as well as temperature conditions, as well as driving impressions.

The main goal of tuning is to provide comfort

How often did the owners of the VAZ 2114 encounter malfunctions in the cooling system? One gets the impression that without them it is difficult to imagine at least one car of domestic production. Even with its proper operation in winter, the proper temperature regime is not provided. This also applies to the summer period, when the air temperature is + 30 ° C, while air conditioning is not provided, and the fan will promote the circulation of hot air.

Cooling System Diagram

The main disadvantage of the VAZ 2114, which most often causes problems, is the unsatisfactory heating of the cabin, especially at the beginning of the movement. The stove begins to perform its functions as the car as a whole warms up. When the cooling system reaches a value of 80 ° C, the air temperature inside the machine drops sharply. As a result, it becomes even colder. It follows that this system starts to work when the radiator is heated to the limit and the fan (or forced cooling system) of the car automatically turns on. How to fix this situation?

The main causes of problems in the cooling system

At first glance, it seems that it is unrealistic to cope with such a problem, even if you turn to a shaman for help. Do not get upset ahead of time: at least the factory settings domestic auto industry change is almost impossible, there is still one option. With it, you can get rid of any flaws in the car for a small amount.

The cooling systems in all our machines are virtually the same. Therefore, the developed troubleshooting techniques are perfect not only for the VAZ-2114, but also for the previous representatives of this model range.

Initially, it is worth finding out what is the reason for the temperature drops. There are several versions of this.

    Many are inclined to believe that the reason for everything is the radiator, which is characterized by unsatisfactory throughput rates.

Reasons for temperature fluctuations: radiator or pump design

It impedes the passage of water, which then must enter the furnace. As a result, instead of a warm air flow, which is so necessary in winter, it turns out to be cool.

    Some sin on the design of the pump and believe that it is precisely because of it that the proper circulation of water in the system is not ensured. As a result, even with a slight cold, at the end of the full cycle, the water has time to cool down.

Thorough diagnostics of the cooling system revealed the most common (in our case, the main) cause of problems - the thermostat. It is he who must ensure uniform heating of the water in the system, and also prevent it from overheating or freezing. In addition, the liquid enters the running engine 10-20% colder than in the heater. This also applies to negative factors that prevent the normal functioning of the motor and cause the vehicle to be uneconomical.

The main cause of problems in the cooling system is the thermostat

Features of the refinement of the cooling system VAZ 2114

Tuning the cooling system is as follows: water must be redirected from the heater to the thermostat, as it is designed to maintain the most optimal temperature regime. Here, too, there were some snags, since there is no way to connect to the existing pipe system. This is due to the fact that they are already responsible for normal circulation. There is only one way out - the desired pipe will have to be done independently.

The main condition for creating this part is to choose its location correctly (it must be located together with the thermal force element). The fidelity of temperature control of the internal combustion engine, and hence the interior heaters, depends on this. To perform such an upgrade, you should solder a new nozzle, placing it opposite the standard one, and then plug the pump hole. In principle, this should not cause any difficulties.

The main distinguishing feature of the improved VAZ 2114 cooling system from the previous one is that the water temperature corresponds to the readings of the sensors. In addition, at low air temperatures in the cabin, the optimum temperature regime will be maintained. This is due to an increase in temperature in the furnace by almost 20%.

The result of tuning the VAZ 2114 is able to both surprise and amaze with its simplicity. Who would have imagined that just one extra hole and one plug can provide you with the comfort you've been waiting for! Based on all of the above, the following advantages of tuning can be distinguished:

    hot air entering at the maximum air supply will make you feel like in a steam room during the cold season;

    the cooling of the car will improve in the summer, since the circulation of the liquid will almost double;

    the operation of the engine will become smoother and quieter, since the failures of its work, characteristic of domestic cars, will disappear, and fuel combustion will be much better.

Don't forget that the car Russian production- this is a limitless field for creativity and fantasy, and in no case a factory marriage.

Video instruction for the revision of the cooling system VAZ 2114

An important element of the design of each car is the cooling system. Many associate its work with the removal of heat from the engine, but these are not all the tasks that this system performs.

Recently, more and more often carried out. Such work is quite difficult, since it is required to dismantle many elements of the system. However, it is aimed at increasing the comfort of staying in the car and improving its driving performance. That is why we will consider all the features of such tuning.

Increasing comfort in the car

The cooling system is responsible for supplying hot air to the passenger compartment when the stove is turned on. Given the harsh winters in Russia and the CIS countries, the ability to use a car depends on the efficiency of this element of the system. Also, do not forget about the poor-quality thermal insulation of domestic cars, in which, oddly enough, it is constantly cold. Even in good condition, a regular stove cannot cope with the tasks.

An example is the following phenomena:

1. When it is about 30 degrees Celsius outside and you get into a traffic jam on the VAZ, you should constantly monitor the temperature sensor reading. This is due to the fact that the movement low gears leads to a significant load on the engine, which means its temperature rises. In order to eliminate overheating, you have to turn on the fan in the cabin, which makes driving in a traffic jam even more unbearable. You can also try to move in second or third gear, depending on the flow rate - this also adversely affects traction.

2. With the onset of a harsh winter, difficulties also come. Despite the fact that the engine heats up to high temperatures in a matter of minutes, hot air will begin to enter the passenger compartment only after a few tens of minutes. Driving a car in sub-zero temperatures is quite difficult. It is necessary to install heat guns that are powered by a cigarette lighter or other device, with the help of which comfort is significantly increased.

Conducted allows you to solve quite a lot of problems. When considering the cooling system of this car, it can be noted that the stove begins to perform its functions only when the temperature reaches 800 degrees Celsius. However, even in winter, after reaching this temperature point, it becomes cold in the cabin, as the fan turns on and the radiator cools down, as a result of which the temperature in the system drops and the stove stops working again.

Sidebar: Important: The diagnostics carried out indicate that the interior heating system works only when the radiator is very hot: if the system works correctly, then the heating time is insignificant, if it is incorrect, the radiator boils. Tuning the VAZ 2114 cooling system will solve many problems.

Excessive heat in summer

If in uncomfortable conditions in winter, drive vehicle it is possible, then in summer severe overheating will damage the internal combustion engine and other elements of the system. That is why some modernization of the cooling system should be carried out in order to reduce the likelihood of bringing the coolant to the boiling point.

To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that it is quite difficult to change the displacement of the cooling system. To do this, you need to select and install a new radiator that fits under the hood. As a rule, increasing the capacity reduces its heating, since more coolant circulates through the system.

The next upgrade step is the installation of additional fans. When the radiator becomes very hot, the factory-installed fan starts blowing the radiator. Artificial airflow can significantly increase the cooling efficiency. The factory radiator, as a rule, has insignificant dimensions, its power is not enough to cool the system. Evidence of the effectiveness of turning on the additional blower fan can be called the fact that in a car in which it is not turned on, the coolant boils, but in the one where this element works properly, no. You can pick up a larger fan in terms of power from other cars and connect it to the system.

Other important point let's say that in some cases the fan does not work on time. In order to control the situation with the cooling of the car in the cabin, you can install a special switch that will force the fan to turn on. At the same time, a sensor may also be present in the system, which will turn on the fan in case of fixing an increase in temperature to a critical point.

If you have difficulty installing the switch, you can connect the fan directly, that is, bypassing the temperature sensor. In this case, the fan will run constantly, which will not allow the temperature to rise above the critical point. However, in this case, the operating time of the fan is significantly reduced.

Another problem that can cause inefficient operation of the cooling system is the poor design of the pump. This element in the system is responsible for the circulation of water. In summer, slow circulation leads to severe overheating, in winter - the liquid cools quickly, which does not allow heat to be transferred to the car interior. We also note the fact that to improve the efficiency of the cooling system, antifreeze should be used, and not water. Water has a lower boiling point and freezes at a slight frost. Therefore, in order to save your car, you should buy and fill in antifreeze.

Ways to solve the problem with interior heating

Having considered to solve the problem of overheating in the summer, consider how you can increase the efficiency of heating the cabin. The solution to the problem under consideration is the redirection of water from the heater to the thermostat to maintain the most optimal temperature regime. Of course, such a modification is much more complicated than all previously considered, since there is no suitable pipe for draining water. That is why the work in question involves the creation of a new branch pipe.

It is quite important to choose the right location when making such a change. The fidelity of temperature control of the internal combustion engine will depend on this, and hence the efficiency of the system. The principle of change is as follows:

  • A new pipe is soldered.
  • A new branch pipe is placed opposite the standard one.
  • The pump port should be plugged in order to redirect the fluid.

Such a scheme for changing the cooling system of a car should not cause great difficulties. It is important to pay attention to the sealing of all elements, since when heated, the liquid in the system circulates under pressure. If the new pipe does not hold securely in place, then there is a possibility of a leak, due to which the antifreeze will go away and the engine will overheat.

Video tuning of the cooling system VAZ 2114

In this article, we will try to improve engine cooling " little blood", that is, without changing the design. To do this, it is enough to replace the individual elements of the system, let's start with the radiator - the main cooling element of the motor. Aluminum non-assembled radiators are characterized by increased heat transfer, both when the engine is idling and when driving at low speed.

At the same time, the reserve is more than 25 percent, compared with the standards. Often on domestic cars It is the radiators that “leak”, the culprit in this is precisely corrosion. Many motorists consider coolant to be eternal, so they don’t change it on time. But when hot coolant circulates in the aluminum tubes of the radiator, the corrosion process begins.

We figured out the radiator, it's time to take the next step to improve the temperature balance - to pick up a new electric fan for the car. No matter how good the radiator is, it cannot cope with its task without a fan, especially in difficult conditions. We select a fan whose impeller has the highest air flow rates. We also note the presence of balancing, this eliminates unbalance during rotation, which in turn significantly reduces the noise level and prolongs the life of the motor bearings.

In passing, we note that no less important than the fan itself, and the sensor for turning it on. It would seem that it is difficult to come up with something new here, the design is extremely simple. And yet there are manufacturers who have increased the reliability and life of the sensor. This is achieved by eliminating sparking, and a spring-loaded lever, which completely removes operation defects.

And what else will help us improve the temperature balance of the engine? Well, the pump, of course. Once again, we are looking for a solution that leads to both increased reliability and increased productivity. The pump must have a double-row ball-roller bearing, a ceramic seal, additional sealing of the seal-case and seal-shaft interface - all this to prevent coolant leaks. The new pump will drive fluid more efficiently through the stove radiator.

Here is the time to remember about the stove faucet. The classic VAZ design is still alive and, by the way, works well, but every Zhiguli owner probably experienced the lack of this tap - hot antifreeze suddenly starts to leak into the car interior. Choosing a ceramic faucet

Next up is the thermostat. One cannot but agree that it is important element cooling systems. We are looking for a thermostat with a modified bypass valve, due to this, the engine temperature remains unchanged under any operating conditions.

We emphasize that it is best to apply a set of measures, that is, not only change the thermostat, but also the radiator, and the pump, and the fan. Finally, consider such a seemingly insignificant detail as the cover, in our case, of the radiator and expansion tank. In fact, this is a very important element.


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