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On almost all ad sites, you can filter by seller: company or private trader. By selecting only private ads, you will definitely weed out salons official dealers, but single dealers and unofficial salons, most likely, will pretend to be private traders to the last. So do not relax.

Usually private traders always sign with their real name and write it with a capital letter. Outbids and "gray" car dealerships, as a rule, write "seller", "owner", "private person" and so on.

2. Pay attention to the place of inspection

Another indicator is the place of inspection. Private traders always indicate the exact address, or at least the area in which the inspection will take place, or the metro station. Dealers, however, are limited to just the city.

3. Read the description

Dealers and even more so car dealers write very poorly, without details. This is immediately apparent. Their favorite phrases are: "The car is in excellent condition", "All questions on the phone" and so on. Often resellers write general information about the model: "An excellent family car, economical, practical, never let down." Or they simply list options, separated by commas.

It is quite easy to distinguish a car dealership that pretends to be a private owner from a real private owner from photographs. Car dealerships often take pictures of cars against the background of a white wall, against the background of the wall of a car service or their own car dealership. Sometimes there are even photographs against the background of the brand wall.

Also, the car dealership will issue a key tag, tires treated with ink, removed license plates, crystal-clear interior, protective paper on carpets, a washed engine compartment.

And car dealerships rarely post more than seven photos. Moreover, the posted pictures were taken, as a rule, from traditional angles: front, back, several photographs with a three-quarter view, a photo of the salon. There will never be detailed photos problem areas or some peculiarities. This is easily explained by the fact that the managers of car dealerships simply have no time to understand the little things, and they have put photography on stream.

It is more difficult to distinguish private dealers who have only one or two cars in circulation. Sometimes it is impossible to do this without calling. Nevertheless, I found out for myself the following pattern: if a car is photographed against the background of a gas station, then with a probability of 80% it is a reseller. I don't know why, just experience. And one more thing: dealers cover up the license plates of the cars. And although private traders also often do this, the numbers of dealers are always painted over more accurately.

For example, I made several screenshots of the ads, which immediately show that they are from resellers. I want to draw your attention to the fact that conclusions about whether an advertisement is from a reseller or not should be made only on the basis of a few signs. If nothing embarrassed or embarrassed you in the ad, but you are in doubt, then it's time to call.

There are four signs at once that the ad is from a reseller:

  1. Instead of a name, it is not clear what.
  2. Instead of the address of the inspection, just the city is indicated.
  3. The rooms in the photo are covered with a neat white plate.
  4. The description does not contain any specifics at all, only what can be said about the car at a glance and from the documents is indicated.

There are two obvious signs that a reseller is selling the car:

  1. In the field "Seller" it says "by solaris". This immediately makes it clear that the reseller has several cars in stock at the same time.
  2. In the seller's comments, there are again no specifics, no punctuation marks, almost everything with a small letter. Private traders usually try to accurately arrange ads.

5. Call by phone

Never delay the bell, do it right away. When I call, I usually say something like the following: "Hello, I'm calling about a car."

If they ask you which car you are calling about, you can immediately hang up: this is a reseller.

If the ad contains a female name, for example Natalya, call and deliberately change the name. Start a conversation, for example, like this: “Hello, Olga. I'm calling about the car. " If the girl does not correct you, then, most likely, this is a call center operator of some "gray" car dealership. There are exceptions, though.

And here is another scenario. In the ad, a man's name is indicated as a seller, and a woman answers the call. She says that she is a sister, wife or daughter, that she can tell about the car, but for an inspection, they say, the owner will come. Most often, this is again a call center operator. To check, ask her when it will be possible to call in order to speak with the owner (with the man indicated in the ad). If she doesn't answer you exactly, you can end the conversation.

6. Ask questions

For some reason, many are ashamed to ask questions over the phone. Do not be shy. The more you find out over the phone, the better for both you and the seller (unless, of course, this is a reseller).

Ask specific things. For example, where the inspection was carried out, what was the last time in the car, what problems and jambs there are, what alarm is installed, what additional options are there in the car. It is best, if you call a lot of ads, write down the answers so that you can check them in person (this will give you the basis to believe or not to believe the seller as a whole).

Be sure to ask whether the owner is talking to you or just an assistant for the sale (brother, matchmaker, son, husband, friend, intermediary). About how many owners of the TCP, whether the TCP is original or a duplicate. Feel free to ask what is already written in the ad.

The importance of this stage is that the dealers talk as if reluctantly. They, as a rule, do not know everything about the car, so you rarely hear specifics from them. Often they say: "Come for a checkup, I will tell you everything" or "Everything is written in the ad."

A private trader will almost always patiently answer all your even the most stupid and banal questions.

At the same time, many, answering one question, immediately go into details that you did not ask about: where and what nut did they change, what they said in the car service, what kind of oil they filled in, and so on and so forth. It is with such sellers that you need to make an appointment.

We will not consider the question of why to look for the owner of a car by his number, I just want to warn you right away that this procedure is quite time consuming and time consuming, and the result largely depends only on luck and chance. But still, you can find out who is the owner of a car by the number of his car, and today there are many ways how to do this. Let's start with the most popular ones.

We are looking for the owner of the car by the number in the traffic police

The easiest way that comes to mind first of all, when you need to find out information about a person by number, is to contact the traffic police, since it is there that the most regularly updated and fresh database of cars and their owners is stored. On the very jelly - this is the most effective method of all, but there is one important nuance - this is personal data, and no traffic police officer will give them to an ordinary citizen.

But, if you have already somehow interacted with the owner you are interested in, an administrative case has been initiated against him on your initiative, or you both appear in any of these cases, then you have the opportunity to find out the owner of the car by number. Everything is quite simple: since you, being a person against whom a case has been initiated, a victim or an accused, have the right to familiarize yourself with the materials of such a case, and if the car you are interested in appears there, then the case file most likely contains all its data, including last name, first name and patronymic, residential address and some others. Going for this purpose to the traffic police department (where such a case has been initiated and is being conducted), refer to article 25.1 of the Administrative Code.

Turning to the inspector with the aim of simply "punching" a person by the car number, then most likely you will not succeed, since not all inspectors have access to this database, and besides, this is personal data that the inspector has no right to disclose. However, if you have the gift of persuasion, you can try, arguing that you are buying this car and want to make sure that there are no "tails" behind it in the form of a prohibition registration actions and the like.

Punch the owner of the car by the number in the Internet databases

The second most effective way, and also free of charge, is to search for information about a person - this is a search on special sites. To search, you don't even need to know the full number of the car, you can choose the most similar from the options.

The disadvantage of such sites is a smaller base of numbers compared to the base of the traffic police. Therefore, the probability that in the database you will find information about the number you need is not 100%.

Of all the sites for finding a car owner by number, the most popular is. In addition, there is a large number of traffic police databases on the network that can be downloaded, but in practice, by downloading such archives, you will receive inside the archive, in best case- a clip of a popular artist, and at worst - a bunch of viruses on your computer.

How to find the owner of a car by car number for money?

Hiring a special detective is the best paid way to find a person by his car number, as a rule, he just has good connections with the traffic police. It will of course cost money, and therefore it makes sense for a pretty good reason search for the owner of the car.

Car owners often have situations when it is necessary to find out the owner of another car by his number plate, or, more simply, how to find the owner of a car by number. This is a laborious process that requires significant material and time expenditures, but with some effort, you can achieve the desired result.

Cases when you need information about the owner of the car

Apart from cases of idle curiosity, there are many circumstances when information about the owner of the car is necessary to protect their own interests:

  • when buying a used car, when the specified information helps to check the legal purity of the purchased vehicle;
  • when another car commits an emergency, when the driver leaves the scene of the accident;
  • when the car harms the health of other persons:
  • in case of damage by the machine to buildings, structures, curbs, and other objects;
  • with the participation of a vehicle in the commission of a crime.

How to find out the owner by his car number

There are several ways to find the owner of a car by number. A stakeholder can take several paths:

  • contact the traffic police;
  • search on special Internet portals;
  • purchase discs with databases of vehicle owners;
  • contact specialized organizations.

Each of these methods has its drawbacks. Let's analyze them in detail.

How to find out the owner of a car by the number in the traffic police

The traffic inspectorate has a database containing complete data on car owners, however, such information is closed, it is not subject to disclosure at the request of each citizen.

To find out the owner from the traffic police database, you need good reason. One of them is an official request explaining the reasons for finding out the identity of the car owner, for example, to prosecute for participation in an accident, to search as a witness to an event. When formulating a request, it is worth describing the circumstances as fully as possible (color, brand, distinctive features, car model).

A request to establish the owner of a car can be submitted not by an interested person personally, but by his representative, for example, a lawyer. The lawyer's request will clearly justify the need to obtain the specified data for the provision of legal assistance.

If another driver has committed any offense against you, it is possible to file a statement with the traffic police about this. The car inspector is obliged to respond to the application by opening the appropriate production - when familiarizing with the documents, the interested person as a participant in this production will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the documents and, accordingly, establish the identity of the perpetrator of the road accident.

Purchase of disks with databases of vehicle owners

Such discs are quite common on black markets - there is an all-Russian, regional version of them. However, the reliability of the data on such disks is also worth questioning - the information on them is often incomplete and outdated.

How to find the owner of a car by car number for money

Many organizations / individuals offer similar services. Their search capability is based on personal contacts with traffic police officers, from whom the necessary information is obtained promptly, without additional formalities.

Such assistance is provided by organizations involved in the purchase / sale of used cars. They, along with intermediary operations, offer services for checking cars, identifying the owner by license plate. Some of these companies can be found on the Internet by specifying in the search bar the query: "all the ways how to find the owner by car number for free and for a fee." Using the electronic service, it is possible to apply for information of interest and familiarize yourself with the report via the Internet - everything is quite convenient.

You can also use the services of a detective - a specialist who will find the owner of the car, carry out the necessary search activities... The cost of services starts from 5 thousand rubles and depends on the complexity, search time.

In the age of information technology development, finding a person by car number (as well as by phone number) is not a problem. Information is stored in special databases and archives, access to most of which is free today. It remains only to find out three questions: who needs it, where to look for help and how to find out the owner of the car by the car number, without becoming a victim of the scammers who have occupied the World Wide Web.

Relevance of the topic

Who might need to identify the owner by car number? First of all, a person responsible and pleasing for the truth. He can take upon himself the trouble of finding the owner of the car, knowing only its number, in the following cases:

1.Buying a used car... The future owner of a used vehicle has plenty of doubts (what if it is being sold illegally, what if it is stolen or pledged by a bank), his desire to delve into history as much as possible this car quite natural. This can be done in two ways:

  • check the car in the state. number(to help the official website of the traffic police - and the alternative service "Autocode" -, available only to residents of the capital and the surrounding area);
  • find owner by car number(The meaning is the same: to make sure that the car is "clean" if the information about the owner is the same - this is already a big plus, about the ways to find the owners of the vehicle on the Internet just below).

2. Traffic accident. Finding the owner by car by number can also become an urgent task when it comes to a road accident (for example, when hiding a participant in an accident from the scene of the accident, in this case the license plate of the car can become the only clue in a complex matter) or damage to public and personal property (damage to buildings, other structures, curbs, sidewalks)

There are other motives for finding the owner by car number, in particular, blackmail or extortion (attackers may also be interested in the number mobile phone, unfortunately, he finds it with the same success in the Internet space online, which is a pity).

Ways to accomplish the task

Finding out the owner of a car by state number is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Most of the resources allow you to punch a car to reveal its history (you can check fines by car number, find out the number of accidents and owners), but they maintain confidentiality as to who the owner of this vehicle is.

It is for this reason that it is more convenient to choose more rational and practical ways to search for data about the owner of a car by license plate, namely:

  1. Personal communication with traffic police officers... The method is good, the bases are 100% reliable and the information received is beyond doubt, but there is one "but". You will have to clearly argue the reason for your appeal to the state inspection (without an official request indicating a specific specific reason for searching for the owner of the car by the car number, you will not be able to find out anything). The following were recognized as substantial reasons for filing a request: bringing to responsibility for an offense on the road, acting as a witness in court. In these cases, the information becomes available.
  2. Discs with databases of car owners... There are enough sellers who offer to quickly find out the owner by the number of the car using the traffic police database copied to the media. Another question is how reliable the information on this source of information will be. As a rule, they lose their relevance within a couple of months after purchasing a disc (cars are sold, owners are changing), to find the owner of a car by number in this case is a roulette wheel (maybe it will work, maybe not).
  3. Internet resources... There are only a few reliable services (about them below).

Dangers of virtual space

If you ask yourself the question: how to find out the owner of a car without leaving your home, then you need to look for the answer in the vastness of the World Wide Web. It is not a fact that you will find the required service immediately after you enter a query in the search box: find out the owner of the car by numbers. Most likely, many other options will be offered to choose from (for example, to punch a car about vin number or pay traffic fines online). And even finding required resource, allowing you to solve the problem, you can get completely on an outside page (instead of finding out the owner of a car by license plates, you may be offered to play in an online casino or participate in trading on the stock exchange, this option is quite possible).

In addition, most of the resources (if the necessary one was found) do not have the ability to update the data, and therefore it can be considered impractical to search for the owner of the car by the number on them (the databases are outdated, and with them information about the owners of vehicles).
Disappointment and loss of personal time - these are the disadvantages that the search for a decent Internet service promises for those who do not know the required address.

A site worthy of attention

For those who value their time and still hope to find an answer to the question: how to find the owner of a car, knowing only the license plates of his car, there is the best option:

  • reliably;
  • safe;
  • quickly ;
  • comfortable ;
  • is free .

We are talking about a site located under the link This resource defines not only the current owner of the vehicle, it allows you to get extended information. In the so-called registration card, the following are indicated: the passport number of the owner of the car, his address, cell phone number, date of birth. If the vehicle you are looking for belongs to a legal entity, the system will display data on its location, name and contacts. All that is required is to enter the car number in the proposed form and click the "search" button.

Today you can find anything you want. The main thing is to find the right way!

Thanks to the Internet, the sphere of buying and selling is developing at an unprecedented speed. People buy used cell phones, cars and apartments. The more serious the purchase, the greater the risk of falling for the trick of scammers. Checking the seller by phone number will help determine that everything is in order with the goods, otherwise, after the transaction is completed, you will have to deal with it through the courts.

Why do you need to search for an ad by phone number?

In the field of trade, a search by phone number may be needed to check the seller for good faith. This is especially true when buying a car, real estate, or renting an apartment. There may be simpler goals: not to check the seller by phone number, but simply to find a lost ad that they forgot to bookmark, and a set of numbers is the only known information. You can find such information on the Internet very quickly.

How to find an ad by phone number

There are sites on the network with which you can find an ad by phone number. To search for Avito, regardless of whether you buy a mobile phone or rent an apartment, use the Mirror. If you are interested in information about a car, AvtoInfo, Akham and the official website of the traffic police (there is a database of all wanted cars, which can be viewed online), will help to find the fraudster. For any cases, an indispensable assistant is a search engine (Google, Yandex or others).

On Avito

To search for ads by phone number, use the Avita Mirror website. The field with the input of the initial data is located on the main page. Type the numbers into it and click "Search". Mirror of Avita searches not only up-to-date, but also completed and deleted ads. Sometimes users complain that a phone number search didn't return anything when it should have. In most cases, the method works.

Search engines

The two most popular search engines in Russia are Google and Yandex. If one did not find the information, be sure to try another. The search rules are the same:

  • experiment with the format of the number (purely a set of numbers, numbers separated by a hyphen, etc.);
  • enclose the query in quotation marks so that the system searches for an exact match;
  • try searching with and without an international code;
  • pay special attention to sites with blacklists of scammers (you can go to them and search directly there).

Outbid check

The risk is especially great for those who buy a used car from their hands. In addition to scammers who are trying to sell a stolen car, there are many dealers in this area. Cooperation with such persons is fraught with the fact that you will overpay for a car, which will very quickly come out of a satisfactory state. Outbid scheme “take cheaper - sell more expensive”, and very rarely it happens that for low price give away nice car(unless the owner urgently needs money).

In fact, these are practically inoperative machines, which were hastily painted and new glasses inserted into them. It can also be auto-"drowned" (time bomb) or those whose rental was artificially reduced. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to check very well both the product itself and the seller for good faith. One way is to poke your phone on the Internet for other similar ads.

Avinfo website for checking the vehicle and identifying a reseller

The AutoInfo database contains information from the most popular services where cars are put up for sale. The Avinfo resource has its own telegram bot, which simplifies the search procedure. Thanks to this, you can not only check the seller, but also find out more about the condition of the car, the restrictions imposed on it, and track the change in value. Instructions for use:

  1. Go to the Avinfo website.
  2. Please login and login.
  3. From the main page go to "Check the car by owner's number".
  4. Enter your phone.
  5. Click "Search".

Through the service, they search not only for mobile, but also for the license plate of cars. This allows you to learn more about the vehicle. Even resellers do not cover up numbers on product photos, otherwise it will look suspicious. The search is performed, including by uploading an image, the official telegram bot AutoInfo works according to the same principle. The result is provided in the form of a report in the response message of the messenger.



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