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Of the 100 wanted cars in the country, the police find only 7-10 - the rest are resold by scammers. To check a car for the wanted list before buying, use the Autocode online service!

What does checking a car give for a wanted list?

With Autocode, you will receive first brief description auto, and then a detailed report on the car by vin or state number. It will contain the following:

  • Wanted car or not
  • Theft data
  • Mileage information
  • Restrictions and arrest data
  • Is the car pledged, etc.

The state number of a car is added to the database of traffic police violators in the event of theft of a vehicle, damage to other people, hiding from the scene of an accident, non-payment of fines, debts, etc. Depending on the situation, police officers can collect the car from the new owner.

Why is it important to check a wanted car before buying

Denis Lukin, auto expert, "Remontista" company

“The purchase of the wanted car threatens to be taken away by the traffic police upon registration, and while the investigation is underway, and this may drag on for a long time, the car will be parked on the penalty site. It's even worse if the new owner is attracted in some way too. You have to prove that you bought it recently and that you have nothing to do with the dark past of this car. Therefore, when concluding a deal, I recommend that you immediately check the car for the wanted list and find out its ins and outs. "

What will happen if you do not check the car for the wanted list

A novel, a deceived buyer

“I bought a car under a sales contract from a private person. On TCP, I became the fourth owner of the vehicle. Two weeks later, they stopped me at the checkpoint and said that the car was on the wanted list. I decided to break through the database online. It turned out that the first owner gave the car to the salon for sale. He, in turn, took the transport, but did not return the money for the sale of the car to the owner, after which it ceased to exist. Former owner filed a statement with the police, and the car was put on the wanted list.

At the moment I am working with a lawyer, I went to court. They say there is every chance that the car will remain with me. The former owner agreed to a round sum to have the case closed. While the problem is being solved, I have already spent all my nerves. "

How to find out if a car is wanted

To punch a car on the wanted list, follow the steps:

  • Enter state number or vin in the search box
  • Check the brief description of your vehicle
  • Use the "Buy" button to pay for the full service
  • Open a report with expanded information

A copy of the full report will be sent by email to your email address. Verification will take a few minutes!

Why is it better to punch the car through Autocode

Autocode performs a search online quickly and efficiently. The service sends more than 500 detailed reports every day and continuously works with customers by phone support.

Why choose Autocode:

  • The information is up-to-date and verified against the traffic police database
  • Possibility to check the car for wanted list by state number
  • It takes 5 minutes to check!
  • Autocode app available

By using the service, you get a clear history of the car. You don't need to look for vin and other data for verification. The site allows you to find out if a car is on the wanted list at any time of the day. The Autocode app is available for all models and works from anywhere in the country. Keeping yourself safe from unwanted cars is easy and convenient!

More than 1000 cars are stolen in Russia every day... How to find a stolen car if such a situation happened to you and are there any nuances in the search process?

If your car is stolen - accept it, you will have to pay anyway... If not a criminal, then law enforcement.

The police, unlike the hijacker, rarely demand money directly, but without "gratitude" they probably won't look for a car. They often provide cover for bandits, and the car is parked in their parking lot.

So, you have come to the usual parking space, but there is no transport. What to do and how to find a car if it is stolen?

Why did your car hit the gun and how realistic is it to find it? To understand these points, consider several categories of theft:

  1. Hijacking by guest performers... When a car is stolen and taken away from the place of the so-called "registration". This is done in order to then resell the car. Finding her in this case is very difficult.
  2. Delivery for spare parts... According to statistics, there are few such situations, because an unassembled car is sold faster and at a higher price. But police officers strongly disagree with this. They often report theft in order to disassemble the car, because they do not want to search.
  3. "To order"... Here you need to immediately pay attention to one important point: in this way only expensive cars, which most often belong to special categories of citizens. Naturally, no one will order a car of the VAZ-21093 type, because the service costs more than the car itself. Most often, the car is not saved by any protection (from having a guard in the parking lot to Cliffords, booking garage doors, etc.). The chances of finding a stolen car are almost zero, because the business is handled by professionals.
  4. To receive a ransom from the owner... This type of theft will be the most common. Often the car is not driven anywhere, and the driver is told the amount to be paid on the same day. Such machines are found very often.

If yes - then immediately open the program for remote monitoring of the car... It is necessary to determine where she is and where she is going.

After that, you need to try to catch up with your car, at the same time transmit the description of the car and its direction of movement to the police. They will carry out emergency interception only if no more than half an hour has passed since the hijacking.

Important! You must have transport documents and keys with you.

You need to keep in touch with police officers until they catch up with you and the hijacked vehicle... After that, they stop the car and draw up a protocol on the spot.

But there are situations when the police do not have time to catch up with the car and the intruders leave it in some place to defend (mostly cars are parked in the yards of quiet residential areas).

If this happens, the driver should never approach the car and try to get inside. This is due to the fact that there may be hijackers in the vicinity, who are often armed.

It is worthwhile to wait calmly for the policemen who will inspect the car and draw up the necessary acts. If you have seen the faces of thieves, be sure to report their signs alongside. After registering the theft, the patrol will give instructions to the owner for further actions.

There are two advantages to this search method - through GPS you can find almost every car, the interception is in hot pursuit. Of the minuses - the bandits can use a special jammer, because of which there will be no signal from the car.

If you act completely on your own, it can also be dangerous.

In 2020, the Era Glonass project began to be actively implemented in the Russian Federation... Special devices are installed on the cars, which, in addition to SOS buttons and two-way communication, have built-in beacons showing the location of the car. This can also help in finding a stolen car.

Before calling the department, you need to make sure that the car was not taken to the penalty area... It happens that it can even be parked under the proper sign, but it was evacuated anyway.

If you are sure of the fact of theft, call the police on the general number 02... In a conversation with the attendant, you will need to describe the car in detail, indicating the following facts:

  • brand;
  • color and presence of special recognizable signs (drawings, stickers, specific tuning, possibly body flaws);
  • state room;
  • interior equipment (additionally confirms the fact of ownership and helps to distinguish similar cars).

Additionally, the time of loss and the address where the car was parked are reported. When an interception is carried out, police officers start looking for the car immediately. This is due not only to a high chance of being caught.

The reason also lies in the fact that the car could be stolen for another more serious crime. Prompt action will help warn him.

If you find the loss after a few hours - check with the duty officer for the presence of car accidents during this time period. Often gangsters in stolen cars get into accidents due to inexperience in terms of driving or due to alcohol intoxication.

After talking with the officer on duty, you need to come to the department yourself, where a statement about the theft will be drawn up. After completing all the papers, many drivers advise you to take the phone number of the person in charge of your case and write down his full name.

Police officers often let the case take its course, postpone it. Because of this, the chances of finding a car become less.

Periodically remind the investigator of yourself, call by phone or visit the department... In such a situation, you need to behave correctly, but persistently.

How do you know if a stolen car has been found? Police officers will contact you and invite you to the department to close the criminal case.

There are two options for the development of events: either the detective will really turn on and help in the search, or it will play for time (they almost always pay by the hour) until the moment when it will be too late to look for the car. Therefore, before contacting a specific organization, read reviews about it from other drivers.

It often happens that detectives find the car suspiciously quickly. This could indicate cooperation between him and the criminals.

Your car, like you, can be included in the list of paying customers. The car will be returned to you, but after a couple of days they will be hijacked again and then they will call with a ransom demand.

They can also cheat in this way: the client is informed about the search, while working in parallel with the hijacker himself. While the detective is playing for time, the car is dismantled, taken abroad or interrupted.

Then the driver is thrown into black lists and simply ignored. Such offices most often require prepayment for their services.

Cooperation with trusted people greatly facilitates the search... They operate completely within the framework of the law, have many informants who give important clues for the search.

Thanks to their experience, detectives know about all the sedimentation tanks for stolen cars, they constantly monitor them for the appearance of new cars.

Important: you can contact a detective only after drawing up a statement to the police.

This type of investigation can only exist in conjunction with a police search. Without this, you will not be able to receive payments from the insurance, legally return the car. An initiative on your part can greatly help the investigation.

What can be done to facilitate search:

In such a situation, the insurance company must pay compensation... But this procedure itself is very tricky due to:

  • about a month, the insured event is confirmed (you may even be recognized as an accomplice to the theft);
  • will return up to 90% of the price of the car, and not the entire cost;
  • payment takes place no less than 3 months later (if the car costs more than 1 million - even longer);
  • with a second call, the service may be denied altogether.

You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • documenting police theft;
  • taking a control card;
  • taking a certificate of appeal for theft;
  • obtaining a copy of documents on the initiation of a criminal case;
  • provision of these documents, policy, documents for the car and a statement of the insured event to the insurance company.

When working with an insurance company, it often comes to scandals, so be patient. You need to constantly bring evidence to your side and monitor the progress of the case.

If the car was found

Where to call if you find a car? To the department where they wrote the statement or directly to the investigator.

It is necessary to inform the police about the location of the car. They almost immediately leave for the detention of criminals.

At this time, you need to collect previously drawn up acts, documents for the car, keys and wait for instructions from the police.

Before leaving on the road, be sure to check whether the car is in good working order..

Criminals could have stolen or damaged important mechanical parts, without which it is unsafe to use the vehicle.

Inspection can be done by yourself or in a car service. It is better to do this from specialists and get an official statement, copies of which you can provide to the insurance and the police.

It is also better to play it safe and change the locks on the doors. If you had a keyless access system, you need to update it, because there is a risk that it was broken or the configuration changed.


The statistics of the stolen cars found are quite positive and most of them are located... For the successful completion of the case, you need to provide as much specifics as possible to the police officers, to assist in the investigation.

If you somehow found your car - do not try to return it yourself, it is dangerous and not entirely legal.

Video: Hijacked a car, what should I do?

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One comment

    A useful article, but the point about the Era Glonass system is not correct. According to the EG head office, they are unable to provide information about the location of the Auto without activating the button, located directly in the vehicle, that is, it is possible to find out about the location of the car only if the button is pressed. Otherwise, the vehicle search system is not activated (in Sleep mode).

The first place where the owner of a stolen car turns is the police station. But according to statistics, the police find only 20% of stolen cars. This is due to the heavy workload of employees and the lack of special interest, since the search vehicle understandably less important than finding people. But for the owner it is important to find a car, since the car costs decent money, sometimes they save up for it for years. Search for stolen cars a private structure can also organize - a detective agency, which will in good faith look for a car, as it has a material interest in the fee.

How does a detective agency look for a hijacked auto?

To find a stolen car, it will take several agency employees and a lot of time to go around all known car sedimentation tanks. The search for stolen cars in Moscow and other large cities of our country is especially difficult. Therefore, the search for stolen cars, as a rule, requires an advance payment from the owner. The lack of an advance payment should alert you, it is possible that they are not going to look for a car especially, but only create an appearance. The fate of a stolen car can be different. The car can be disassembled and sold in parts for parts, they can interrupt the license plates with the help of illegal connections and put on record, or, again, illegally sell at a lower cost. Also, detective agencies often use the services of informants, they know the schemes of the hijackers. Going to an agency is much more productive than going to the police. The reward for the found car is quite large. It can go up to 30% of the cost. A reasonable question may arise: "Is there any point in looking for a car if it is insured?" If this thought occurred to you, it means that you have never worked with insurers. Insurance companies practically have to knock out payments. Particularly nimble insurance firms even organize their own "investigations", where they expose the owners as hijackers who want to profit from the payment. In any case, insurers try to minimize payments. So the search for stolen cars by the agency is economically justified.

Our agency "Mossysk" conducts search for stolen cars in Moscow and the region for many years. You can almost always find a car. And if it is not possible to find it, we inform the owner about it and do not mislead customers.

Price: from 1500r.

Phys. persons

Car theft is still very common. This is due to the fact that police officers are reluctant to investigate cases related to vehicle theft. But even if the servants of the law take the investigation into their own hands, the process can drag on for several months or even years.

This is unlikely to suit the car owners, because during the investigation they will not even be able to receive proper compensation. It is no secret to anyone that insurance companies are extremely reluctant to pay compensation to customers. If you want to find a stolen vehicle as quickly as possible or receive insurance payments under an insurance against theft, we recommend that you instruct search for stolen cars private detective.

How does a detective agency work?

First of all, after the client's request, the private investigator tries to determine whether the car was stolen by a non-professional or a professional. It is worth noting that unprofessional thieves are much easier to track down. But if professional hijackers are involved in the case, detectives:

  • place on the Internet ads about the loss;
  • interview possible witnesses;
  • will constantly monitor the updates of advertisements for the sale of cars and spare parts;
  • view recordings from cameras installed near the place of theft;
  • will use a special search base.

The complex of the above, as well as many other, operational-search measures will help you quickly find a car and find the intruders who stole it.

After you are faced with what your motor vehicle was stolen, only one question arises - what to do? There is no need to panic, because this will lead to the loss of precious time. If you are faced with a similar situation, immediately contact the Versiya detective agency. Experts help quickly and in hot pursuit we will find a stolen car. With timely contact, we often manage to find a car in a day. An individual approach, a complete analysis of the current situation helps to achieve such a result. We manage to achieve a quick and positive result thanks to the non-standard approach and creative thinking of our employees. Before starting the search for a car, a detailed plan is developed and we act according to the instructions. We are confident that the methods used really work, as evidenced by the feedback from grateful customers and the high percentage of successfully solved cases.

The advantages of applying for a car search to our agency

If your car is stolen, do not panic, it will not lead to anything good. Immediately contact our detective agency, where professionals in their field work. By contacting us, in addition to a positive result, you get the following benefits:

  • individual approach. We will deal in detail with your case and, depending on the situation, we will select the maximum effective ways to search for a stolen car;
  • good result. You can always count on it, because we work only using proven methods;
  • safety of information. All information that is provided to our detectives remains completely safe and is not transferred to third parties.

All measures are carried out promptly, because this is what helps us achieve a positive result.


Initially, specialists study the situation, listen and record the client's indicators so as not to miss a single detail. Then we develop a plan and strictly follow it. We have at our disposal not only a team of qualified detectives with extensive experience, but also modern equipment, technologies that allow us to penetrate the databases, and we always use the help of law enforcement agencies.


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