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Choice vehicle with mileage takes a lot of energy from the client, and most importantly nerves. Before buying a car, you need to inspect it for flaws, this can be a car after an accident, a faulty gearbox, a rusty engine, etc. Help in buying a used car is the solution to this problem!

It is important to understand that when buying a used vehicle with such disadvantages it will be very expensive, since then you will have to spend a lot of effort and money on repairing the car.

Therefore, if you are not very versed in cars and do not want to buy a "killed" vehicle, you should contact professionals for help, who will help resolve this issue.

Turnkey selection of a used car from AvtoPodbor MSK

Assistance in buying a car is one of the main services that our company provides. We guarantee professional assistance in choosing a used vehicle.

AvtoPodborMSK specialists will perform a full range of services for the selection and inspection of a vehicle. This means that the client can be completely confident in the purchase, because he will receive absolutely all data about the car, down to the smallest details. The price of our services fully justifies the level of service that we provide.

How is the selection of a used car on a turnkey basis in Moscow?

In order for the specialists of AvtoPodborMSK to start fulfilling the order, you must first leave a request on our website or call us and explain which car and with what parameters you need. Only after completing these steps can you proceed to the next step.

Stages of selecting a quality car:

    Departure of an expert;

    Thorough inspection of the car body using professional equipment and experience;

    Experts determine if the car was involved in an accident;

    Identification of replaced, welded or painted body parts;

    Legal check of identification plates, VIN numbers and documents;

    Full inspection check of the engine and transmission

    Checking compliance with the mileage from auto control units, many neglect this when buying a car in Moscow;

    Experts assess the value of the car;

    Detailed computer diagnostics;

    Checking absolutely all electrical systems of the vehicle.

The contract, which the client signs, will contain information about the type and class of the car that he wants to buy and many other preferences. Next, the company's employees will proceed with the selection of a suitable vehicle.

It should be borne in mind that the signing of the contract does not mean that the customer will not be able to make adjustments in the future. And this is a huge plus for our company and, in general, work with used cars, because when ordering a new car from the salon, you can no longer add or subtract the equipment at will, or you will have to pay a big sum for it. Our employees will be happy to listen to the additional preferences of the client.

On next step a full analysis of all offers from auto sellers is carried out, a thorough research is carried out technical features car, its condition, etc. After that, a full report is drawn up and provided to the customer so that he can personally familiarize himself with it.

When, on the basis of the information provided, the client confirms that this offer is interesting to him, our specialists will go with the client to show the car and once again carry out its comprehensive diagnostics and check so as not to miss the slightest detail!

We guarantee that in the machine all the components that make up the elements will be carefully checked, determined real mileage... As a result of these actions, the customer will receive complete picture for the selected car and will decide whether to buy it or continue the search. Our expert will also answer all questions during the execution of the order.

When the customer has decided on the choice, then the most important stage- conclusion of an agreement with the seller. In the official document of purchase and sale of the vehicle, the condition of the vehicle, its service life and other necessary data will be carefully recorded.

The entire process of the transaction will be accompanied by employees of AvtoPodborMSK, who are experienced specialists and legally knowledgeable in such matters. Plus, we can help you to quickly register a car with the traffic police.

Additional services AutoPodborMSK:

· Registration;

· Any help related to the purchase of a car;

· Assistance in insurance;

· Forensic examination;

· Car delivery;

· Support of the transaction throughout the entire period of cooperation.

You can buy a used car in Moscow with our help. We will help you choose the best car that will work properly and will last a long time.

Benefits of cooperation with AvtoPodborMSK:

· Long-term work experience;

· The company employs only the best employees;

· Affordable cost of services;

· Prompt execution of the order;

· Personal approach to each client.

We care about our customers, therefore we provide a high-quality range of services at an affordable cost. Contact AvtoPodborMSK and you will be able to independently verify the merits of cooperation with our company, and a professional selection of cars will be performed for all our clients.

In this article, we will consider in detail in what cases, how, and most importantly, who should carry out legal (legal) support of the transaction when buying a car.

Legal support of the transaction when buying a car

Buying a car for its lucky owner can be a joyful event or turn into a series of troubles directly related to its purchase. And, in this case, it's not just about used cars bought from a private seller on the market.

Many of us, having decided to purchase a rather expensive pleasure in the form of a car, do not consider it necessary to incur additional costs for a legal examination of the goods before buying it. In most cases, the entire check of the car comes down to visual inspection and checking, again superficial, the technical condition of the body and main units.

Legal assistance when buying a car

Any buyer may have a situation when a purchased car cannot be used for its intended purpose. And it is not at all necessary that this be related to the quality of the car.

So, any buyer can get into one of the following situations:

  • When contacting the traffic police to register the purchased car, new owner gets a refusal, as the car is "hanging" unpaid debts on fines of the previous owner;
  • After buying a car, it turns out that the numbers on the body or power unit have been changed (deleted), which casts doubt on the purity of your transaction in the eyes of law enforcement officers;
  • Over time, it turns out that this car is on the wanted list or is "credit", that is, the subject of a pledge, which, on the basis of a court decision, must be sold at auction.

This is not a definitive list of problem situations that each of us may face. And it does not matter in which city and from which seller to buy a car - dishonest sellers are everywhere.

There is a certain misconception that when buying from authorized dealer in a car dealership, the risk of being deceived is reduced to "zero". Unfortunately, this opinion is erroneous. As the court practice of our company shows, in the case of a purchase, an authorized dealer has a chance to get on a "problem" car. Of course, it will be easier to prove your case, due to the fact that the "officials" do not need any extra hype. But all the same, enough nerves and time will be spent.

Therefore, regardless of where you buy the car:

  • From a private seller;
  • At the car dealership;
  • From an authorized dealer,

Experts help clients determine what they need. Based on the budget, a model is selected, a specific car is selected, checked by technical specialists and made its way through the databases for legal "purity".

In the material, we will tell you who to turn to for help when choosing a used car, and how much money to put in to pay for the services of assistants.

Auto pickers

Professional auto selectors will help you decide on the make and model of the vehicle when buying, based on the buyer's budget. They will find a specific car according to the client's requests and hold an auction with the seller.

As a rule, the client does not pay for help with money and even stays with the benefit. Usually, the procedure for selecting and buying a car consists of the following steps:

    • Pickers determine the criteria: model, equipment, mileage, age, etc .;
    • Suitable cars are selected;
    • Calling up sellers is carried out, obviously bad options are eliminated;
    • Pickers inspect 2-3 cars they like;
    • One car is selected, reasonable bargaining is being conducted with the seller;

Pickers get a discount on the vehicle, part of the amount thrown off when buying is taken as payment for services (as a rule, about 10-20 thousand rubles, depending on the car and discounts).

In each city there is a large number of companies or individual entrepreneurs providing auto-selection services. Typically, this assistance is provided by young men who are well versed in cars and / or who are involved in car resale.

Diagnostics: do it yourself and at the service station

Even if it is predetermined what brand and model you need, you need to worry about the technical condition of the purchase. With the necessary knowledge and equipment, it is possible to carry out technical check car yourself. If this is not possible, or you just do not want to waste your time, you should pay for the service of diagnosticians.

You can get information about the technical side of a car in several ways:

  • Self check;
  • Diagnostics at the service station;
  • Exit examination.

Technical service technicians for a fee, usually not exceeding 3000 rubles, will carry out comprehensive diagnostics of the car. In a few hours, the car will be inspected from top to bottom, checked by a diagnostic computer, rolled onto a lift, etc.

After the master will make a sheet necessary spare parts and work, if any, and will tell you about whether the car has been in accidents. Until recently, diagnostics in the service remained the most reliable way to find out about the technical condition of a car, but now field checks, which are not inferior to it, have become available - the help of specialists who come to the client themselves.

Onsite check

It used to be thought that sophisticated equipment and a full-fledged lift were needed for a full-fledged examination before buying. This technique is usually only available at service stations. Later it became clear that it is realistic to diagnose a car using manual equipment.

An on-call examination is easier and cheaper than a trip to a service. To take a car to a service station, you need to agree with the seller on the date and time of the trip, make an appointment and agree on everything. Experts are ready to help: they will come to the car and carry out an examination promptly and efficiently.

On-site inspection services can be ordered on the Autocode website. Special equipment allows you to establish the state of the individual parts and assemblies of the car, whether the car was in an accident, and what procedures will be required in the near future.

The cost of the service is from 2600 rubles, the inspection includes checking the body using a thickness gauge, defectoscope, engine diagnostics with a video endoscope and other procedures.

To check the legal purity before buying a car, it is best to refer to the data available on the Internet. Sources of the traffic police, EAISTO, FNP and many other bodies will provide information about whether the car is on credit or pledge, as well as about accidents, thefts and much more.

Self-checking across multiple databases can be lengthy and tedious. In addition, not all of them contain complete information, some important data are not publicly available.

The Autocode service check will come to the rescue. Within five minutes, the service collects a report from more than 12 databases. To draw up a report, it is enough to know the wine code or license plate of the car.

The cost of the report is 349 rubles, and for this money the client will find out everything about the car he is interested in. Information about road accidents, working in a taxi, pledges, hijackings, mileage, number of owners and much more will allow you not to make a mistake and not fall for the tricks of an unscrupulous seller.

Rather than buying cars “blindly” at your own peril and risk, it is better to trust the professionals. And not to neglect the preliminary check, so as not to be left with a "broken trough" in every sense of the word.

In general, the essence of a car sale and purchase transaction when buying a new car in a car dealership or when buying a used car from hands remains the same: there is a seller, there is a buyer, and between them an agreement is concluded on the transfer of the car and ownership of it in exchange for the agreed amount of money - from one to the other.

But the process of making a deal usually differs significantly.

In a car dealership, as a rule, there are managers around you who will provide many formal procedures accompanying the transaction without your participation (and a loan, if necessary, will be provided to you on the spot, and a technical inspection will be carried out, and a PTS will be issued, and registered with the traffic police) ... You just deposit money in the cashier - and you can leave the salon in a brand new car with a complete set required documents... But when buying a car from hands, both the buyer and the seller should remember about some significant points determined by the current legislation, which will be discussed in this section.

How to buy or sell a car correctly?

We offer you a procedure that will help to secure the future life of the buyer and seller of the car from possible but unnecessary problems in connection with this transaction.

Car history check

We will not touch upon the issue of checking the technical condition of the car - the seller and the buyer may well resolve this issue on their own.

But it is not only desirable to check the history of the car being bought, but necessary.

If the owner has the original passport of the technical device (PTS) in his hands, study it carefully: it contains all the previous owners, as well as all replacements of numbered units and cases when the car was removed from the register in an emergency condition after an accident.

If the owner only has a duplicate title, this may mean that:

  • The car was previously seriously damaged, but the owner is hiding it
  • The car is stolen
  • The car is pledged by the bank - and the TCP is there.

Of course, it is possible that the former TCP simply ran out of free fields to fill out. But still, it's better to ask the owner VIN of the car and make a request to the traffic police or check it on the official free services in the Internet:

  • on the traffic police website - about the previous owners and participation in an accident
  • in the register of pledges of the Federal Notary Chamber - on the availability of loans, pledges and other restrictions.

Registration of a car sale and purchase transaction

Conclusion of a contract

The transaction is carried out through the execution of a purchase and sale agreement confirming the change in the owner of the car. The contract is concluded in any form and does not require certification by a notary. You can fill out the contract by hand, or print out the form, the samples of which are great on the Internet.

The contract must indicate:

  • Date and place of the transaction
  • Passport data of the parties
  • Vehicle data - from PTS
  • The list of property transferred with the car: documents, keys, optional equipment: first aid kit, jack, rubber kit, etc.
  • Lack of collateral and other restrictions on the car
  • The cost of the car, the procedure and time for the transfer of money and the car.

An act of acceptance and transfer of the car can be drawn up to the contract, which indicates:

  • The fact of transfer of the car and the attached property from the seller to the buyer (handed over / accepted)
    his technical condition
  • The fact of transferring money from the buyer to the seller
  • No mutual claims.

Both documents are drawn up in 3 copies: to the seller, to the buyer and to the traffic police.

If the act is not drawn up, notes on the transfer of money and a car with keys and documents are made in the sales contract.

Filling PTS
In the next blank field of the TCP, the following are entered:

  • Full name of the new owner and the address of his registration at the place of residence
  • Date of sale
  • Information about the document for the right of ownership (purchase and sale agreement)
  • Signatures of the parties (if the party is a legal entity, the signature must be accompanied by a seal).

If there are no blank fields in the PTS and there is nowhere to enter a new entry, the traffic police will refuse to register the car. Therefore, the seller must, prior to the sale, issue a duplicate of the Title Deed with blank margins.

Transfer of money, cars and documents

In accordance with the conditions established in the purchase and sale agreement, the buyer transfers money to the seller, and the seller transfers the money to the buyer, the car, keys and the following documents:

  • 2 copies of the sales contract
  • 2 copies of the vehicle acceptance certificate (if issued)
  • Filled out TCP
  • Technical inspection diagnostic card (if it is still valid)

If the sale is carried out not by the owner, but by his authorized representative, you must also attach a notarized power of attorney.

Registration (registration) of a car in the traffic police

A car can be registered only with a valid MTPL policy issued for the new owner, therefore, before visiting the traffic police, you should perform the following steps.

Passage of technical inspection
If at the time of purchase the car's diagnostic card is valid for at least one more day, you can have time to issue an OSAGO policy with any insurance company.
If there is no valid diagnostic card, you should go through MOT at any operator accredited by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Operator lists can be found on the Internet in the General Registry Office.

If the car has a valid policy, then by agreement between the seller and the buyer, you can simply
enter the new owner into it by re-issuing the OSAGO policy with the insurance company. The buyer will compensate the previous owner for the remainder of the policy value for the unused insurance period. You can buy a car without a policy - then the buyer independently concludes an OSAGO insurance contract.
The legislation sets aside a period of 10 days for registration of OSAGO (during which you will not be fined for not having a policy), but if at this time you find yourself the culprit of an accident, you will have to pay for the damage yourself. Therefore, we do not recommend delaying the registration process.

Car registration in the traffic police
You can register the purchased car at any traffic police department at your location. The Administrative Regulations also give 10 days for registration. For violation of the terms of registration, you - in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 19.22) - face a fine of 1500-2000 rubles; for driving an unregistered car - 500-800 rubles, and in case of a repeated violation - 5000 rubles. or deprivation of VU.
For registration, you submit a car for inspection to the traffic police, documents received from the seller and an OSAGO policy. In addition, you should pay state fees for: making a mark on registration in the TCP; issuance of a vehicle registration certificate; state registration plates (if the owner decided to keep the previous numbers for himself or you want to get new ones).

After registration you are given:

  1. Vehicle registration certificate
  2. PTS with registration mark
  3. New registration numbers (if changed).

Many clients require legal support of a car sale and purchase transaction so as not to become victims of fraud. Fraudsters on automotive market a lot, and they come up with more and more schemes for deceiving honest citizens. Most of the sellers you deal with are middlemen. Experienced car lawyer find out when and where a legal entity is registered, study the history of its activities. If the company is fictitious, created exclusively for a one-time transaction, he will recommend that you avoid contact with such a seller.

Documents and financial risks when buying or selling a car

By concluding a deal, you sign a contract. In this case auto lawyer assistance will allow you to avoid pitfalls associated with paperwork and also search for possible hidden commissions that gray dealers carefully hide from customers. We are talking not only about the legislative part, but also the financial one. It is required to study the text itself. Perhaps there are hidden nuances in it that are dangerous for the client.

There are different options for deception:

  • Hidden fees that increase the total cost;
  • Absence of stamps on the document;
  • Forgery. The buyer is given the wrong papers for signature that he saw initially;
  • Lack of accurate data on the time of transfer of the car to the new owner.

Particularly difficult is legal support when buying a used car when the contract is concluded not with a salon, but with a private person or a reseller. The specialist will monitor the observance of the client's rights, make sure that the bilateral agreement is drawn up correctly.

It is also important to check the vehicle on the bases. If it is hijacked, repeatedly got into an accident, changed several owners in a short time, the transaction will not take place.

Help of an experienced auto lawyer. What is included in the legal support of the transaction?

  • Departure of the auto lawyer to the place of the transaction in a car dealership or to a private person;
  • Checking the car sale and purchase agreement;
  • Search for hidden fees, payments, inaccuracies, errors, etc .;
  • Checking for the presence of all the necessary documents for registering a vehicle with the traffic police
  • Reconciliation VIN numbers indicated on the car and the number indicated in the documents;
  • Checking car data against the traffic police database, checking registration, restrictions on registration actions and termination of registration;
  • Checking on the base of the BKI for credit, collateral and other restrictions;
  • If necessary, study of the charter and accounting data of the organization (with the provision of relevant documents);
  • Studying reviews about the organization in public sources.

In the event that the transaction takes place between individuals, our auto lawyer can independently fill out the vehicle purchase agreement, thereby avoiding deception or mistakes on the part of the seller. So our lawyer can help with the registration of CTP and a diagnostic card.

When it comes to used, a number of other factors must be taken into account, including expertise. We recommend checking the technical condition of the car and the integrity of the body using the service "Diagnostics of the car before buying" experienced autoexpert will arrive at the parking lot and carry out a comprehensive check on 140 points of the diagnostic sheet .


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