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There are several situations when accounting actions are carried out over a car without its presence:

What documents are required?

In all of the above cases the mandatory ones required for include:

  • for the traffic police of the proper sample.
  • The identity document of the owner of the car.
  • Registration certificate and technical certificate on the car.
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the state fee, the amount of which varies depending on the specific case.
  • Sale and purchase agreement, if accounting actions are performed for the car after the monetary policy transaction.
  • with the signature of a notary, if his representative acts on behalf of the owner of the car.

Is it possible to apply to the traffic police for removal without a car and documents?

Without TCP

Often, car owners need to remove an old vehicle, access to which has been lost. In particular, a passport for a vehicle was lost. In such circumstances the owner of the car has the right to ask the traffic police to dispose of the car... In this case, only a civil passport and an application are required.

At the legislative level, it is allowed to restore lost documents for a car, but then you will need to have transport to verify state numbers. But in our case, in the absence of documents, you need to apply for the disposal of the vehicle.

Without a vehicle or if it is no longer there

As mentioned earlier, deregistering a car without having a car is available in 3 situations:

  • when a car is stolen by fraudsters;
  • when it is sold in accordance with the DCT;
  • with full or partial disposal of a car in favor of the state.

No numbers

Carrying out registration actions in relation to the car remains available without state number plates. To carry out this procedure with a vehicle, the license plates of which are absent, an explanatory note is attached to the application of the established form, indicating the reason for the loss of the numbers. In the note, it is important to state in the most detail and reasonably the circumstances of the loss of state signs, since if they are not convincing enough, the representatives of the state traffic inspectorate will ask the owner for the originals of the State Tax Inspection.

What can you do in other situations?

Where to go?

The production of accounting actions in relation to the car takes place in the traffic police department, in which the vehicle was registered. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 399 dated 06/26/2018 registration and re-registration vehicle can be carried out in any department of the traffic police throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. How to remove a car from the register in another city and region is described.

What to write in the application?

The procedure for removing a car from the register without a car is available in several variations: in case of theft, sale and disposal. To carry out all the activities, you need to draw up an application to the traffic police, collect a package of documentation for a specific case, pay tax, and then wait for the result and not worry about tax deductions for an unexploited car.

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Earlier, when a car sale and purchase agreement was drawn up, a prerequisite for the transaction was the removal of the car from registration. However, relatively recently, this practice has been abolished for the sake of convenience for the buyer and seller of the vehicle, i.e. the direct transfer of ownership of the car from one person to another began to take place. However, many are still wondering how to remove a car from registration, and in what cases is this procedure mandatory? Let's try to figure out all the questions in this article.

When you need to remove a car from the traffic police register

As mentioned earlier, the purchase and sale of a car is carried out without first removing the car from the register. But there is special cases when this procedure should be performed:

  • Utilization of the vehicle under the state program. This procedure can be of two types: full and partial. In the first case, recycling occurs when the car can no longer function, and absolutely all of its components and parts are recycled. Partial recycling consists in the scrapping of individual machine parts. At the same time, the owner of the car is exempt from vehicle tax.
  • The vehicle was hijacked. If these illegal actions have been committed with your car, then you need to contact the nearest traffic police department with a corresponding statement to remove the car from registration. For obvious reasons, deregistration is carried out without the presence of the vehicle itself. If the car is found in the future, it can be registered again.
  • In the event of the vehicle being taken out of Russia. If you are going to leave the country in your car for a long period of time, then it is imperative to unregister the car. Then, having arrived at your new location, you need to register the car with the local inspection office.
  • If new owner did not register the vehicle to myself. According to the current legislation, the buyer is obliged to register the purchased car within ten days. If this did not happen, then this procedure must be performed by the seller, otherwise the vehicle will continue to be listed with him. This means that all fines and taxes will still be paid by the old owner, which, of course, is unacceptable and not beneficial to the former owner of the car.

What documents are required to deregister a car

Many are interested in how to deregister a car without a car? First you need to collect all the necessary documents that will allow you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Here is a complete list:

  • Application written by the vehicle owner in a special form.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation presented by the owner.
  • Vehicle registration certificate, as well as vehicle registration certificate.
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee (the cost of this procedure will depend on the type of registration procedure).
  • If the car is sold, the original must be provided.
  • If, for some reason, the owner is not able to independently submit an application to remove the car from the register, then this can be done by his representative. Accordingly, he must have a power of attorney certified by a notary.

When writing an application, there are certain nuances that affect its preparation.

State Traffic Safety Inspectorate statement on the removal of the vehicle registration

Depending on why the car is removed from the register, the application will be written in different ways:

  • If the vehicle will be exported outside the Russian Federation, then in the application you need to make an appropriate note - "in connection with the export of the vehicle outside the borders of the Russian Federation."
  • If full disposal is applied to the machine, then you need to write the following - "a certificate for the released units is not required and the numbers are attached in the kit."
  • If partial disposal is applied, then a note is made in the application about the need for a certificate for a certain part (body, engine, etc.).
  • In case the new owner did not register the car within the allotted time, you can submit an application for recycling, indicating that the license plates and documents have been lost.

Now about each case more specifically.

How to deregister a car for recycling

If a complete disposal procedure is performed, then a car without a car can be deregistered. To do this, we need a specific list of documents:

  • RF passport of the owner.
  • Technical passport and car registration certificate.
  • A form-based statement and numbers.
  • A receipt stating that you have paid the state fee.

In the event that partial disposal takes place, then the car must be provided. The specialist will inspect the vehicle, check the license plates, and then give you an extract. If it is not possible to deliver the car yourself, you can call a specialist to the location of the vehicle.

Removal of registration in case of car theft

Naturally, the first step will be to contact the police, where you need to record this fact. The staff will accept your application, after which a criminal case will be initiated.

To remove a car from the register, you must have the following documents:

  • A statement that you want to remove the vehicle from registration.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Technical passport for the car.
  • Police statement.

Removal of the car from the register upon sale

Previously, the seller was always responsible for unregistering a car. However, now this procedure has been simplified, after which this procedure for deregistering a car upon sale was entrusted to the buyer. However, if for some reason he did not do this within ten days, then the seller must personally carry out this procedure. To do this, he must have the following package of documents:

  • A deregistration statement drawn up on the basis of the sample.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • The original sales contract.
  • Receipt.

State Service website - car deregistration

Currently, it is possible to deregister a vehicle via the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the State Services website - Deregistering a car online is very convenient, because it significantly saves time, and there are no queues.

We find the corresponding column among the categories, i.e. "Registration of vehicles". Further, we see on the right in the menu the column about deregistration. Here you need to select the reason you have - removal during disposal, during sale, etc. Then, the procedure will be as follows:

  • You need to choose the nearest branch of the institution, which provides this kind of service. You also need to decide on the date and time.
  • By filling in all the data, the system processes the request in automatic mode, after which it sends a statement to the appropriate authorities.
  • Employees of the institution providing these services will receive an application and, in case of a positive answer, will contact you by the contact phone number specified when writing an application through the website. If, for some reason, a refusal is made, then information about this will also be communicated to you.

This method of contact is preferable because you avoid the long queues that inevitably await you at the institutions. This practice is widely introduced to relieve the departments, making the procedure itself more perfect and civilized. Of course, you still have to visit the department, but you will do it at certain hours, which will significantly save your time and you will not have to stand in line for half a day and run around the offices.

State duty for deregistering a car

  • 350 rubles - amendments and clarifications to the TCP;
  • 500 rubles - registration of a STS for another person;
  • 350 rubles - change of place of registration, entered in the TCP:
  • 200 rubles - state duty for deregistering a car when disposed of at the traffic police,

For the Transit sign:

  • 1 600 rubles - metal;
  • 200 rubles - paper.

The amount of the state fee for removing a car from the register depends on many factors and is individual for each car. On average, the cost of removing a car from the register ranges from 850 - 1050 rubles. The maximum cost of the state duty reaches up to 2500 rubles. After payment, you need to provide a receipt to the traffic police department. Payment details must be found in your traffic police department.


Having considered all the methods of removing a car from registration, it can be concluded that without the presence of the vehicle itself, this will be possible in almost all cases described. The only exceptions are deregistration for partial disposal, as well as for the export of a vehicle outside the Russian Federation, to any other country, due to the fact that another country has its own laws and procedures.

The procedure for removing a car from the register is carried out through the traffic police department and today does not cause any difficulties. For the buyer, according to the new legislation, this action is not required, since it occurs after the registration of the vehicle in his own name. Such a duty is removed from the former owner altogether, unless new owner ignores its obligations to re-register a car on itself within the prescribed time limit. In this case, in order to eliminate the likelihood of conflict situations in the future, the seller is advised to deregister the car on his own.

In this case, it is enough just to provide an application and an established package of documents to the State Traffic Inspectorate. But it happens that, for various reasons, the sales contract is not in the hands of the person wishing to cancel the registration. This significantly complicates the process, but nevertheless, it is possible to achieve what you want.

According to the new rules that came into force regarding the deregistration of a sold car, the seller of the vehicle no longer needs to perform this procedure before the sale and purchase transaction. With the proviso that the buyer is obliged to independently register the car within 10 calendar days. This greatly simplifies the process of selling transport, but also generates a number of difficulties, because not all buyers in fact can turn out to be respectable citizens.

When the new owner of the car does not register it for himself within the prescribed period, then the previous owner actually bears responsibility for possible accidents or written fines. Naturally arising problems are unlikely to please the former owner.

Sometimes it may turn out that the seller does not have a deal on hand, nor a photocopy of it, nor of course the car itself. A legitimate question arises - is it possible to stop registering a car without a purchase agreement.

The legislation allows this possibility in the following cases:

  • when the buyer did not register the car within 10 days from the date of sale;
  • when the vehicle will be exported abroad;
  • upon liquidation of a car to stop paying transport tax;
  • when the car was illegally stolen by unknown persons.

In any case, it will be rather difficult, but possible, to terminate the registration without having a contract. In the archives of the traffic police there are copies of the contract and all data about the seller and the buyer.

If the owner lost a vehicle as a result of his theft, and not sale, then naturally he does not have any agreement on the sale and purchase in his hands. This is one example of how to deregister a car if there is no purchase agreement. In this case, it may take some time to complete the necessary actions.

First, the owner of the stolen car is forced to contact the police station. The time from the moment of theft to the moment of treatment should be as minimal as possible. A criminal case is drawn up in the department, and operational-search measures begin. When the actions of the police do not give any results, you need to issue a car deregistration.

To deregister a wanted vehicle, you must provide the following documents:

  • passport and photocopy of the owner;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • a letter from the investigating authorities;
  • PTS and;
  • owner's statement with a request to deregister.

If a car is stolen, you must immediately contact the police, and in the absence of any results for a long time, remove it from the register. After all, it is not known what illegal actions with the participation of a stolen car can be carried out by criminals.

Nothing lasts forever, including vehicles. There are cases when it is much more profitable to disassemble a car for parts than to sell it. To remove a car from registration for the purpose of its subsequent disposal, a vehicle sales agreement is also not required.

Distinguish between full and partial vehicle scrappage:

  1. With the complete elimination of the vehicle, it is not required to provide the car to the traffic police department. After submitting the documents, the car is deregistered and the owner is given an appropriate certificate.
  2. In case of partial disposal of certain car parts, it must still be submitted to the State Traffic Inspectorate. If the technical device is faulty and cannot be delivered to the traffic police, then the expert is called at its location, inspects and issues an opinion. An extract from the register is made on the basis of a conclusion drawn up by a specialist.

To deregister a car for disposal, you will need a package of the following documents:

  • a statement from the owner of the car;
  • his passport and a photocopy of his passport;
  • vehicle registration plates;
  • a document confirming the payment by the owner of the state duty for the vacated rooms;
  • technical passport of the machine;

There is also a third option for removing vehicles from the register for disposal without the owner required documents... This is what sellers often do if it turns out that the buyer of the car is in no hurry to re-register it for himself.

it good way how to deregister a sold car without a sales contract.

Continuing the conversation about whether it is possible to remove a car from the register without a purchase and sale agreement, we will consider another option in which this document is not needed. When a vehicle is removed from registration in connection with its subsequent export abroad, an agreement for its sale does not need to be provided.

The list of documents required to complete the procedure in this case will be as follows:

  • owner's statement;
  • owner's passport;
  • power of attorney, if the deregistration process is performed by a representative on behalf of the owner;
  • technical passport of the car;
  • receipt of payment of the duty.

After the car is deregistered when it is exported abroad, an entry is made in the registration certificate about the cancellation of the registration. Instead of license plates, the owner is given numbers with the inscription "transit", and the technical passport is withdrawn by the traffic police department.

If the registration documents contain a mark about the location of the car outside the Russian Federation, then the inspection of the vehicle is not required.

The seller often finds himself in an unpleasant situation after selling his car. Unscrupulous buyers may not register a technical device in order not to pay transport tax or fines for violation of the rules road traffic... Legislation allows in such cases to deregister cars on their own, presenting only a passport and a sales contract. But how to remove a car from the register if you have lost the contract of purchase and sale? After all, it can be lost like any other document.

In the absence of documents for the car, as mentioned above, it can be removed from the registration register for recycling. This measure is rather cruel both in relation to the new owner and to the car itself. After all, after these actions, it will no longer be possible to register it. That can turn into complaints from the buyer, especially with a significant cost of the car.

If there is a possibility, it is better not to immediately resort to such radical measures, but to try to solve the problem with the new owner peacefully.

The procedure is a little easier if the vehicle was sold by general power of attorney... In this case, it is possible not to register the disposal of the car, but simply declare it to be stolen. As a rule, the buyer is in this case quickly and is already more accommodating.

The innovations in the legislation do not oblige the seller or the buyer to deregister the car from the register in the course of the sale and purchase transaction. This happens automatically when the new owner registers the vehicle in his name.

To do this, the buyer needs, as already mentioned, to contact the State Traffic Inspectorate and present the following package of documents:

  • passport and its photocopy;
  • CTP or CASCO insurance policy at the buyer's discretion;
  • technical passport for the car;
  • a car sale and purchase agreement or its duplicate;
  • transit numbers when buying a new car.

But in practice, situations are not excluded when the new owner of the vehicle deliberately ignores the norms of the current legislation regarding the mandatory re-registration of the car for himself within ten days.

There can be several reasons for deliberately delaying the procedure for registering a car:

  • unwillingness to pay car tax;
  • unwillingness to pay their own fines.

After all, the responsibility for these payments before re-registration falls on the previous owner of the car.

For those who ignore the necessary registration actions after the acquisition of movable property, legislation provides for liability in the form administrative fines at the rate of:

  • from 1,500 rubles to 2,000 rubles for individuals;
  • from 5,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles for legal entities;
  • from 2,000 rubles to 3,500 rubles for officials.

After selling the car, make sure that the new owner has registered it to himself. Otherwise, if it becomes necessary to pay fines and tax for the sold car, the losses incurred can be returned only in court.

The contract on the transaction for the purchase of a vehicle can be lost by its parties as well as any other document. Both the seller and the buyer may need to obtain a duplicate agreement to sell the machine.

After all, this document is required to perform several operations:

  • in any case (except for theft) to remove the car from the register;
  • to confirm the fact of transfer of ownership;
  • to resolve conflict situations between the parties;
  • for filing a tax return, paying tax and receiving personal income tax deduction.

So, in order to understand how to deregister a car without a purchase and sale agreement, you need to realize that it is impossible to carry out this procedure without restoring this document.

Let's figure out in what ways you can restore:

  1. The first method is possible in the absence of conflict situations and the availability of an opportunity to turn to the other side of the transaction for help. The agreement is drawn up in duplicate and if one of the parties to the transaction has it, you can issue a duplicate of the document through a notary.
  2. The second method involves contacting the traffic police department in which the car was reissued. The employees of the State Inspectorate for Safe Traffic have their own original copy of the contract, as well as data about the car are entered into a special database. It is sometimes difficult to convince inspection officers to bring up archives to recover a document. In this case, it will be appropriate to apply with such a request in writing: send a request for restoration by mail to the name of the head of the department in a valuable letter with notification. In this case, the public service will be obliged to respond to the appeal.
  3. If the vehicle was not registered within the prescribed period, and the other party to the transaction for some reason cannot or does not want to provide a copy of the contract, then you will have to resort to going to court.

The restoration of the contract of sale or registration of a vehicle by state authorities may be refused in the presence of claims of third parties or encumbrances.

What the law says

For a person who has sold his car to an unscrupulous buyer who does not want to compromise, the question arises whether to suspend the registration of the car by liquidating it or not. In this case, the legislation is rather contradictory. On the one hand, such actions of the seller directly affect someone else's ownership of the vehicle, on the other hand, the buyer is a violator and his actions do not leave the former owner a choice.

In addition, providing false information (regarding the loss of vehicle documents) is also considered illegal. And therefore, it is necessary to resort to recycling in really extreme cases. In addition, such actions can lead not only to verbal skirmishes, but also to assault.

If the parties fail to agree in any way and the disposal procedure is inevitable, the legislation does not prohibit the subsequent restoration of the vehicle registration.

The only exception would be the sale of a car without a contract under a general power of attorney. Under such circumstances, contradictions in the norms of the law do not occur, since the owner remains himself former owner.

Deregistering a car is an important process, but not as time-consuming as most other registration procedures. In the article, you will learn how to deregister a car, how to do it without a car, whether it is possible to deregister a car in another region, how to write an application, where to go and other nuances of this procedure.

Discontinuation of vehicle registration can be carried out for several reasons, although the most common of them is the sale of a car. Also, the car is removed from the register for disposal, in case of loss, theft, and also in those rare cases when it is required to take the car abroad. This is done in order to stop receiving fines on the old owner (the seller - in the case of the sale of the car), as well as to charge the transport tax.

Please note that it has become even easier to deregister the vehicle from the traffic police database in 2020 - the fact is that the legislation, and specifically, the Re-registration Rules vehicles were updated in 2017, therefore, even if you previously had experience of deregistration at the State Traffic Inspectorate, now new, slightly modified rules have been introduced for this.

Where can a car be removed from registration

Any vehicle is removed from the register only in one state institution - the registration department of the traffic police. You can find a list of registration offices in your region or city on the official website of the traffic police in the contacts section. Here are the registration offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in all large and small cities, as well as regions of our country.

Removing a car from the register upon sale

Many drivers think that it is not necessary to deregister a car when selling a car. After all, the new owner puts it on record for himself, then the car is automatically deregistered from the traffic police and put on the new owner. But this is not the case. The main catch here is if the new owner does not register it. Then fines will come to you as a seller, and transport tax will also be charged. In addition, there is a risk of falling under the Code of Administrative Offenses for transferring control to a person in a state of intoxication if the buyer is caught in this state, although this is rare and, mainly, in cases where you lose the contract of sale and cannot confirm the fact of the transfer of ownership.

You can remove a car from the register in 2020 on the 11th day after the sale specified in the contract, because the seller has another 10 days according to the law to register the car.

To remove a car from the register, you will need to write a statement, pay a state fee and take two documents with you. Although, in the traffic police you will have to appear with 3 documents as a result:

  • a completed application for deregistering a car,
  • passport,
  • sales contract.

If you decide to contact the State Traffic Inspectorate not through the State Services, but directly, then you can fill out the application directly at the traffic police department, there is also a sample to fill out. If you decide to fill it out right away at home, so as not to waste time in the traffic police, then do not worry, the application form is not of an established form and is filled in free form. It is only necessary to indicate all the necessary information about the car and yours. Such data can be viewed in a special form of the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the provision of registration of the vehicle, in its Appendix No. 1.

How to remove a car from the register through State services

And here there are two ways to deregister a car: by contacting the registration department of the traffic police directly or through the website of the State Service. In the first case, the instructions are not required, in the second it is also simple:

  1. You go to the State Services website and log in,
  2. Fill out the application online by entering the details of your passport, vehicle passport, registration certificate, as well as the purchase and sale agreement, submit an application,
  3. Make an appointment with the traffic police at the selected time,
  4. At the chosen time, you arrive at the traffic police with the documents listed in the previous list.

How to remove a car from the register if you have lost the sales contract

If you have managed to lose the monetary policy, then you should not despair - you can still file a car deregistration at the traffic police, although this will have to be done on other grounds. Therefore, if you broke up with a new buyer on good terms, then the easiest way is to fill out a new copy of the sales contract with his signature (and, most importantly, the previous date of sale). And already with this agreement, apply to the traffic police department, having learned the lesson for yourself not to lose important documents.

If, for one reason or another, you cannot make a new copy of the lost DCT - for example, the new owner of the car does not get in touch, has claims against you regarding the purchased car and, thus, does not meet halfway in this matter, then you will have to rent the car on the basis of lose it. In this case, you will not need a sales contract. You just have to point out that the title deed, which will be required to terminate registration on this basis, has also been lost (for example, it was in the glove compartment of a car). But it is worth warning the new owner of the car that he may have problems, since at the same time a note is made in the vehicle database of the traffic police that the car is lost, and the new owner may face problems if he is stopped by traffic police on the road. So the registration by the new owner and / or facilitation of the deregistration by the seller in the interests of the new owner of the car.

What to do with fines that came before the car was deregistered

The fines that the new owner of the car caught before registering and removing the car from the register by you must be appealed. It is quite simple to do this: you need to send a complaint about fines, attaching a copy of the sales contract to the letter. Thus, the State Traffic Inspectorate will see confirmation that the car left your property on a certain date, and the fines were caught after that date. Thus, this is irrefutable proof that these fines are not yours, and they will be canceled and transferred to the new owner of the car.

How to deregister a car without a car

If you want to remove a car from registration without the vehicle itself for one reason or another - for example, if the car is not on the move, then this can be done for all reasons, except for one - the export of the car abroad (clause of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the provision of registration vehicles).

In this only case, you will have to bring the car for a mandatory inspection at the traffic police site. Even if the car is not on the move, then in order to deregister it for subsequent sale abroad, you will need to pay for a tow truck in order to bring it for inspection.

Removing the vehicle from the register for disposal

The process of deregistering a vehicle for disposal is also simple. And this can also be done on the State Services website by selecting the appropriate service. Unlike a simple deregistration in connection with the disposal of a car, 3 additional documents will be required for disposal:

  • registration certificate (registration certificate),
  • recycling certificate (according to the changed rules for deregistration in 2020).

Separately, it is worth noting the document on recycling. Prior to the changed accounting rules in 2017, such was not required. Now it is necessary to officially confirm the very fact of disposal. The innovations were made due to attempts to deregister cars upon sale and loss of the sales contract.

That is, now, in order to deregister a car in connection with scraps, the very fact of scrapping will be required. You can purchase such a document at the place of disposal - in other words, in the iron reception department, which is licensed to issue certificates.

How much does it cost to deregister a car and is there a state duty for it

Removing a car from the register using one of the above grounds is not subject to state duty and is absolutely free. At the same time, all your expenses will be minimal: the cost of the Internet connection when applying through the State Services, as well as fare and pay for a tow truck if you deregister the vehicle in connection with sending it abroad, and your car is not on the move, because, as we mentioned above, for this you need to bring the car for inspection at the traffic police.

Is it possible to remove a car from the register in another region

The 2020 legislation does not provide for any restrictions on the suspension of the registration of the car at the place of registration of the owner (the former owner, when you sell the car). This means that you can stop registering a vehicle at any traffic police department throughout Russia.

If the inspector in the window of the registration department says otherwise, then he should remember that he is the executive part of the law, and demand to refer to the regulatory legal act prohibiting the deregistration of a car at the place of stay and obliging to do this at the place of registration (registration) of the applicant. The traffic police officer will not find such grounds, because they are not in any Russian law.

How to check if a car is removed from the register

Checking the registration history of a vehicle is also carried out on the official website of the traffic police by the VIN code of the car, its body or chassis number.

Go to the page for checking vehicles on the traffic police website and enter one of the listed numbers. Next, go through protection from robots and click "request verification". As a result, the site will show you the entire registration history of your car, including the current state of its registration.

Just remember that the traffic police database on the site is somewhat late with updates - in our experience, by a few days, so please be patient a little.

Despite the fact that the press service of the traffic police actively informs the car owners through various media for any reason, the moment of how to deregister the car in 2019 remains unclear, and the drivers have a lot of questions. Let's try to figure out the most common ones.

But first, let me remind you that since October 15, 2013 It is necessary to deregister a vehicle only in four cases:

  1. Vehicle theft case. In such a situation, the driver applies to the traffic police with an application for deregistration.
  2. In case of disposal. In order to stop calculating taxes on your vehicle, you need to deregister the car.
  3. In case of sale abroad. You remove the car from the register if you are planning to sell it to another country.
  4. If the new owner of the vehicle has not registered it within 10 days, then the former owner has the right to remove the car from the register by contacting the traffic police. But it is undesirable to do this, because a car taken off the register will already be impossible to register (this is cruel). In such cases, you just need to write an application to terminate registration!

In all other cases, this operation will be referred to as a change in registration data.

Well, now let's move on to the answers to the questions that still worry car owners.

The car is not on the move: how to deregister?

Many car owners, during its sale, think about how to deregister a car if it is not on the move. My answer is that in such a situation, deregistration is impossible! If you are going to sell your car not on the go, for example, for spare parts, then the buyer deals with the problems associated with accounting.

In such cases, you must write in 3 copies, leave your signature in the TCP indicating the date of sale. And that's it! Further, the buyer of the car is engaged in its registration for himself.

After 10 days, you can check the registration of the sold car for the buyer in the traffic police. If the sold car has not been re-registered yet, then with a clear conscience you can apply to terminate the registration. This will keep yourself out of trouble.

How to deregister a car correctly in the absence of a car and documents?

Not every driver knows how to remove a car from the register without a car and without documents. In this case, you can use only one option: write a statement directly to the local head of the traffic police to deregister the car due to its disposal.

This is a fairly simple procedure that will not take you much time. At the same time, do not miss one nuance: your application must be written in two copies.

Option to remove a car from the register in another city

First, let's see if it is possible to remove a car from the register in another city? Can. And in 2019, the actions that need to be taken in this matter are reduced to a minimum by law.

Deregistration does not in any way depend on the region of registration of the vehicle, it also does not depend on the location of the car within the Russian Federation, and certainly has nothing to do with the place of registration of the car owner.

Principles of car deregistration during disposal

Each machine has its own service life and operation. After the end of this period, you may be visited by an idea, but how to remove the car from the register for disposal?

Here is a list of situations in which she may undergo this process:

  • further operation of the car is impossible, since it cannot be repaired;
  • in case of complete disrepair of your vehicle, and you do not want to sell it for units and separate numbered units.

If the car has become unusable, you need to come to the traffic police, you do not need to provide the vehicle. You should have the following list of documents with you:

  • passport;
  • TCP (if any);
  • registration certificate (if any);
  • registration plates (numbers, if any);
  • if necessary - a power of attorney.

As you can see, it is possible to write off a car for scrap without documents for it, it is enough to show your passport and write a statement.

You can download:

  • car recycling application form -;
  • form of the act (certificate) on the disposal of the machine -.

In case of loss of the recycling certificate (it also happens), you can get a duplicate in the traffic police.

If you are interested in the question of how to deregister an emergency vehicle, then the procedure for paperwork is identical.

The owner is not exempt from removing the car from the register, even if his damaged car cannot be restored. In any case, a recycling process is ahead.

For reference. The scrappage fee is valid only for cars imported or rolled off the assembly line after August 1, 2012.

Removing a car from the register after sale

It happens that the question arises of how to remove a car from the register after the sale. Since October 2013, this procedure has been simplified to primitive actions. The seller does not have to worry about anything else - he sells his own vehicle without removing it from the register. And the buyer goes to any traffic police and there in his own name.

But if he (the buyer) does not do it within 10 days (if such cunning), then you have the right to write a statement to the MREO traffic police to terminate the registration.

Deregistration rules in another region

According to the legislation, you can remove a car from the register from October 15, 2013 in any traffic police without worrying about the location of the car.

Also, I hasten to note that, according to the laws in force in 2019, the state number of the vehicle now belongs exclusively to one car and when the owner changes, it is assigned to the car. True, if desired, it is possible to save the old numbers for the vehicle seller, more about this:.


I can remind you that earlier in the process of buying and selling a vehicle, the seller had to remove the car from the register and hand over the state number plates to the inspection. After completing the transaction, the buyer had to at the place of his registration and wait for the receipt of new registration marks. Fortunately, this is already in the past!


Another nice feature of the new laws is the ability to make duplicate numbers. This applies in case of loss or theft of state signs. This procedure will greatly simplify the life of ordinary car owners. And for some it can become a business, because next to the traffic police departments, there are more and more companies ready to help in changing the number every day.


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